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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 599 KB, 640x480, cirnovictory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3166666 No.3166666 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread got deleted by drunk maido, so here's another one.

>> No.3166671
File: 10 KB, 233x215, cirno=O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This was...unexpected...

>> No.3166677


inb4 another 404

>> No.3166678


>> No.3166681
File: 18 KB, 174x231, 1242179892066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is now the strongest thread on /jp/.

>> No.3166683

next time make it end in 123 or something

>> No.3166684

cirno racing is awesome

>> No.3166685


Did Cirno just rape herself?

>> No.3166686

To the Aus person I just played,
need to go grab some food.
Thanks for the couple of games, sorry for the lag.
Didn't think connection from Aus to Korea would be that bad.

>> No.3166690

Why Cirno is such a cold fish in bed?

>> No.3166691
File: 25 KB, 242x210, 1250421250446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File : 1250586999.png

>> No.3166692

>deleted by drunk maido

When people delete their own threads you guys assume this. It wasn't the god damn janitor.

>> No.3166693


Cirno racing is out? Where?

>> No.3166697

so, IP's WHERE?

>> No.3166700

GGs, thanks for the games.

rehosting AU

>> No.3166702

newfags can't cirno

>> No.3166703
File: 138 KB, 512x512, 29cd49c09754883cc2edb61b2bdccd96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do want

>> No.3166704

If you're still here ever, GGs. You're good with pretty much everyone. If it wasn't for the lag you'd probably have kicked my ass.

>> No.3166714
File: 10 KB, 82x103, good_job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually participate at KoG-esque reaction parties, but... wow.

>> No.3166715
File: 215 KB, 842x660, yugilulz3166666GET(jp).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posting screencap to incite Dawson-level rage to bait the tourney fags so they stop arguing in this thread

>> No.3166720
File: 83 KB, 600x500, 1207091056074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Cirno racing is out?


>> No.3166724

To the person I just played in the other thread, GG.

Yes, Im talking about you, Profile1.

>> No.3166725
File: 11 KB, 400x300, dawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3166729; 10800
I'm low-mid, won't be on that much longer but will play a few games

>> No.3166730

post some sexy IP's!

>> No.3166732


Has a Cirno Dawson been made yet?

>> No.3166742

you too good sir

>> No.3166752

Cirno Racing is out on Perfect Dark

>> No.3166753


Silly baka, you can't rape the willing.

>> No.3166761


Perfect Dark? Is it out on torrent or megaupload/sendspace/etc.?

>> No.3166770

>Is it out on torrent or megaupload/sendspace/etc.?
Hopefully it never gets uploaded to these so you have to learn to do shit, newfag.

>> No.3166778


How the hell am I supposed to know about some obscure downloading place named after a horrible N64 game? I don't feel like searching on Google for an hour just to find it.

>> No.3166784


you both need to stop whining and just buy the game

>> No.3166787 eu

>> No.3166791

>Perfect dark is a Japanese peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing application for Microsoft Windows. Its author is known by the pseudonym President (会長, Kaichou). perfect dark was developed to be the successor to both Winny and Share.

If I downloaded every P2P program out there, I'd have an entire folder of P2P programs. A torrent of it will be up eventually, so I'll just wait.

>> No.3166798

I refuse to make Cirno dawson because dawson is not /jp/ related and is only posted by trolls.

>> No.3166804

Go back to /a/.

>> No.3166812


GGs. If my internet didn't suck I would have played more.

>> No.3166893

mez, sorry for the bad lags, you are are really cool guy doesn't afraid of anything.

Necatus EST here, gotta roll now

>> No.3166900

GGs you two, thanks for the games.
Pity about the lag Necatus but I learnt alot from those games, didn't know I could abuse my cards like that when you're trying to punish me for 22b!

>> No.3166920 Au, shit tier

>> No.3166930
File: 6 KB, 191x207, baww-close reverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3166935


>> No.3166942

Thanks for the games, sorry about the long loading times and playing with Suwako only

>> No.3166947
File: 13 KB, 317x367, baww-flip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3166987

Gotta go, GGs Unlimited Lag Works.

>> No.3167003

$ lsnrctl

LSNRCTL for GensokyOS: Version - Production on 18-AUG-2008 01:15:03

(c) Copyright 2008 Touhou Corporation. All rights reserved.

Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.

LSNRCTL> status

Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=10800))

Version TNSLSNR for GensokyOS: Version - Production
Start Date 18-AUG-2008 00:12:42
Trace Level off
Security OFF
Listener Parameter File /var/opt/touhou/listener.tou
Listener Log File /usr/touhou/10.6.0/network/log/local_lsnr.log
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "LOCAL" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "LOCAL", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

The command completed successfully


I've been trying for the last hour or so but can't connect.

>> No.3167015

Those were nice matches, gg.
However, wow, I knew I was going to lag, but not that much. Maybe I underestimated my computer.

>> No.3167029

dat lags, anyway gg

>> No.3167039

restart the instance

>> No.3167054

rehosting AU
decent remi

>> No.3167081


Playing in lkag is oddly soothing.

>> No.3167158

So if this is 12.3, does that suggest a 12.5 soon to come?

>> No.3167162

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>> No.3167165

3 because it's the 3rd Touhou fighter.

>> No.3167361

GGs, thanks for the games, going to take a break.

>> No.3167362


Need to go to bed, good games.

>> No.3167367

The first two were both X.5

>> No.3167371

You're both dumb.

12 - 3 = 9

>> No.3167376


>> No.3167529

Low tier, EU. Feel free to join.

>> No.3167599

gg, too laggy.

>> No.3167608

Where the hell are guys like you connecting from?

Agreed on the lag, but I believe it's because of distance rather then connection speed.

>> No.3167632 10800
I'll go for a few rounds.

>> No.3167668

WC up way too late tier

>> No.3167682

Yes, Australia.

>> No.3167747

Connection failed.

Nice games though.

>> No.3167856
Hosting in EU

>> No.3167857 - EU, Germany

>> No.3167897


ggs Ixil

>> No.3167904

Yo Kyre, didn't think you'd fall for my same tricks lol.

Was a pretty fun match, your patterns are starting to show a lot though.

>> No.3167911


>> No.3167913


yeah, combination of being really tired + being kind of new. I'm learning though, one day I will be good.

>> No.3167915


>> No.3167923

Hey, I admit, you're good, man.

Keep it up. I'd like to fight you again soon!

>> No.3167928


I'm in the irc channel most days, hit me up there sometime

>> No.3167932

any ausfags still around?
rehostin AU
decent remi

>> No.3167944

Damn lag, sorry ;_;

>> No.3167951 - EU

>> No.3167964


>> No.3167982

EU hostan

>> No.3167989
File: 129 KB, 724x476, 1199766977294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3167996 EU

>> No.3168045

Goddamn, that was a massacre :3

>> No.3168057

Good games. You are playing almost without any projectiles unlike other Remis I played.


>> No.3168060
File: 449 KB, 664x825, Kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having issues finding the patch does anyone have a link to share?

>> No.3168065


>> No.3168133

I Think I'll try it again..But damn, you're stopping one of my pattern halfways-

>> No.3168135

Is this really the quality of discussion that we want here?
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3168153

Connection problems?
Anyway, thank you for the good and experiencing fights.

>> No.3168157

Yeah, it's the Router..

>> No.3168158

Yeah sorry. My net dropped. GGs.

>> No.3168167


>> No.3168169

GGs thanks for the games, your suwako is really hard to play vs, if you just learn to combo into your spellcards better you would have won alot of the games.

>> No.3168196 [DELETED] EU

>> No.3168225


>> No.3168228


>> No.3168290

Bloody hell, I could play SWR online but I can't play 12.3 for some reason.

>> No.3168322

Doubleclick on the exe file

>> No.3168522

Bump. Someone host for a shit tier Yuyuko/mid tier Alice.

>> No.3168684

Does someone from the EU wnat to play?

>> No.3168711

Yes, but if you are any better than low tier I won't be an opponent.

>> No.3168716
File: 379 KB, 720x960, 124647102326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, Cirno, you rascal.

>> No.3168717

I'm not him, but I must train my low tier China, so let's host for a couple games.

>> No.3168739 EU
Let's play with my frog... but where is my last two spellcard?

>> No.3168747
US East
Low level Cirno, mediocre Komachi.
Up for a few before lunch.

>> No.3168748 EU
low tier remilia

never hosted before so please let me know if it doesnt work out

>> No.3168766

Had some problems, but I'll host now:

>> No.3168804

No you won't. doesn't work.

>> No.3168812

sry,very laggy...

>> No.3168815

Damn.. Could you host?

>> No.3168818

yes it was very laggy, don't know why

>> No.3168824


>> No.3168835 [DELETED] 

I can't connect.. Maybe the problem is on your side? I did netplay 1/2h ago and everything worked...

>> No.3168868

GGs miwol. A pity about the lag.

>> No.3168921

>> No.3168924

Ketone, I love to play against you, really. I don't know about you, but the game crashed for me at the end of the last match. Rehost, or maybe you're done with fighting China?

>> No.3168937

Sorry Akagi, something came in during in the last match and I wanted to finish it without leaving in the middle of it. I'll rehost in 15 minutes or so

>> No.3168959

Might as well.


>> No.3168965
File: 302 KB, 520x693, 1250516698898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US West Coast Hostan

Beginning Suwako
Intermediate Alice and Yukari

>> No.3169004


You avoided most of my traps and punished me dearly for them. Don't know how I won with that SC at the end, it doesn't chip spirit...

>> No.3169042

Hosting again, let's play warmly whoever my opponent will be

>> No.3169075

Can't join, not even as watcher.

>> No.3169083 EU cirno
power level high

>> No.3169090 [DELETED] EU Meirin
Power level low

>> No.3169098

thats local ip

>> No.3169100


>> No.3169104 [DELETED] 


At least once in every thread. :3

>> No.3169101 US East
Mid tier

Utsuho makes me crash =(

>> No.3169103

Let's try this then: EU Meirin
Power level low

>> No.3169119 [DELETED] 

Well, I guess I'll delete it, if you could do the same that would be kind enough.

>> No.3169128

GGs, sorry I wasn't much of a fight.

>> No.3169136 EU
remi shit tier

>> No.3169145

Fine, fine. But just this once, okay~?

>> No.3169180

GG Laevatein. I guess the game glitched.

>> No.3169182

Spectator here

I hope one of y'all recorded that! LOL

>> No.3169187


GGs, first time it happened to me though, sorry.


>> No.3169200

>>3169083 here

gg, taking a little break

>> No.3169203

GGs. Best use of 8A ever. I never see it coming since no one else seems to use it for some reason.

>> No.3169234

Have to go noiw, GG. Especially with Reimu, these traps totally got my weak spot.

>> No.3169254

How can you tell whether you are shit/mediocre/god/unyuu tier? I just assumed I'm shit tier for safety, but is there any real way to check it?

>> No.3169265

Good games. Yeah Reimu's traps are fierce against opponents who use mostly meele based offense.


>> No.3169287

Play, play, and play some more. If you notice you're getting whupped by those spamming bullets in a un-combo fashion, the lower your rank.

Or you can always call yourself God Tier, and every series loss lowers your rank.

>> No.3169296

press any buttons tier -bad
a only melee combo with no follow ups tier -bad/average
use combos that aren't just pressing a over and over tier -average
i'm trying to guard crush you tier -good/average

>> No.3169301


Had to go, sorry.

>> No.3169302

Here. Thanks for the games Utsuho player. Your spamming is not bad, you beat me with it a few time but it has a certain rotation which I got used to. Try to be a little more rhapsodical

>> No.3169312 EU

>> No.3169324

GGs ever, frozen frog was frozen.
But it wasn't until I got a chance to play her myself in that lag that I saw WHY. Really, Suwako handles as shit as it is; props to you for being able to pull off any aircombos at all in that crap.
Also, I think I actually yelled at the screen when that super icesword whiffed DURING hitstun. Fun times.


>> No.3169337 [DELETED]


>> No.3169340

Tried connecting, but the character select never showed up. Weird.

>> No.3169341

Hosting again, your location doesn't matter

>> No.3169346


>> No.3169358
File: 361 KB, 800x1097, 1250431280654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3169360

Good games. I suggest you take the shitty out of your name.

>> No.3169366

Good games, but I feel an urge to play an STG instead.
Good job on countering loliball with such ease, you get a hang of things quite fast. I've fought against someone better than me, and even he lost a round to it (not a whole match of course).

>> No.3169368

US East
Relatively low level.

>> No.3169370

I shouldn't play people in Europe. That was horribly laggy. GGs.

>> No.3169374

GGs, love your Remilia.
Gonna take a break. :/

>> No.3169377

How about UtsuhoPlayerOfGreatlyUnderdevelopedSkill?
No, seriously, there are people out there who can rape our asses within 3 seconds in this game. The more humility I have, the less shameful my defeat.

>> No.3169379

GGs man. Well as you can see I suck with everything other than Remi though.

>> No.3169384

GGs too.

EU hostan again

>> No.3169387

Netplay threads are the reason why /jp/ is the best board.

>> No.3169390

We seriously have almost everything here

>> No.3169394

Then why are you saging?
Wait, that was sarcasm?
What do you have against netplay threads?

>> No.3169401

hosting again
Trying out some new charactrs, Yuyuko and Youmu this time. Also a little bit of cirno

>> No.3169402

nice loli ,but lagged as hell

>> No.3169403

oh and forgot to mention this is EU EU

>> No.3169405

I merely felt my comment is not worthy bumping the thread.

>> No.3169411

Sage is not a bad thing.

Also, anyone US want to play? I need to grind Cirno.

>> No.3169412


>> No.3169416

Really? Guess I wasn't feeling it.
But GGs loli = justice, best use of snakes I've seen yet. Give yourself a pat on the back.

If that happened then we wouldn't have cool acronyms like SUP.
Seriously, I enjoy being able to say "sup SUP" every time we play.

Sorry 'bout that, my game froze right after I made that post. I tried to boot it back up before someone connected but it looks like I wasn't quick enough.
Shit like this happens fairly often ;_;


>> No.3169418

Yeah, we need more CP and japanese bird cooking spaghetti.

>> No.3169421 [DELETED] 


>> No.3169427

No, I hate that bird.

>> No.3169430

Guy here. Great Meiling vs Alice match.

>> No.3169455

US Midwest

>> No.3169486

Good games. I hope my Meiling was up to snuff enough to be a decent challenge.

>> No.3169497

I wouldn't worry, as that was more than a decent challenge. Most intense matches I've had today so far. GGs.

>> No.3169501

BGM otenba koimusume remix is very very good

>> No.3169510

GGs giant tree, your suwako is awesome, sorry for the lag at the start, I have to go now.

>> No.3169514

Thanks a bunch, I've only been playing her for about a day, so I feel like I'm not using her very well at all.

Your Yukari was beastly against her, though. For some reason, I just can't seem to put up a good fight against characters that are good at zoning.

>> No.3169521

GGs Kurosawa, your Sakuya definitely isn't bad either.
I still remember you as my opponent in the first ever netplay match of /jp/, keep it up bro.

Rehosting. Again.

>> No.3169547

>>3169368 here.
GGs anon.

>> No.3169558

Magister, tell me, how the fuck do you catch people and hit them on wakeup when they tech? It seems like techs go half the damn screen and I have to choose to either put shit down where they are or at midscreen. Tell me there's something I'm missing, please.

>> No.3169571
File: 5 KB, 183x148, th123.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty,your loli is good.
Suwako is sneaking,to your mind keroXD

>> No.3169573
east coast
average tier china

>> No.3169594
There is nothing my sword can not cut.
East Coast.

>> No.3169599

It depends on you, really. If your corner game is gross and they know it, they'll probably tech midscreen. Even knocked down, you have to threaten them. Cirno 6A is slow, but ridiculously huge; I can stand back three character lengths and still catch them getting up. They assume my stubby limbs won't reach and there's no fear of being hit, so they high jump and get tagged. If they do tech in some direction, I still have enough time to hit them anyway. But really, Cirno is so pokey that I don't think it's prudent to stay on them all the time, so I'd let them go occasionally if it's not worth the risk and just get your little hits in here and there.

>> No.3169600

Taking another break.

>> No.3169608

oh u

GGs Pluto, I think you're one of my favorite opponents already. Kept me on my toes the whole time.
And oh god, I CACKLED when I got that sleep SC out during our mirrormatch. Shit was fun.

Rehosting, but I'll go ahead and repost my IP since that's a long way to scroll:

I could host 7500 too since I have that forwarded because of VanPri, but there's really not any difference, is there?

>> No.3169626

>Cirno 6A is slow, but ridiculously huge; I can stand back three character lengths and still catch them getting up. They assume my stubby limbs won't reach and there's no fear of being hit, so they high jump and get tagged.
This made me giggle, but I meant from the perspective of Patchy/Alice. Especially Patchy. She seems too slow and her melee has almost no reach. f5[A] is the only thing I could think of that would have decent reach, but I doubt its long enough to do the same trick as Cirno's 6A.
Oh, and by the way, is there a window of vulnerability where you can tech punish in this game? I've been experimenting with dash attacking them right at the end of their tech, but it always gets blocked.

>> No.3169629

Great games, didn't know Sanae could be so good. That was quite humbling.

>> No.3169638

good games, yeah i think people are underestimating sanae, shes got a great dash attack and good spellcards/pressure

>> No.3169641

You've practised right Akagi? Some of the matches were really close and you've even managed to beat me. You're improving and I can feel some pressure during the matches what I not felt before, but you're still a little too reckless, just as I am

>> No.3169644

Great games ketone, as always, even though I still can't bring you down 20% life very often, I enjoy playing against your suwako a lot.

>> No.3169659

Can't punish teching. You can predict it and get them blocking again, but you won't land a hit unless they're mashing buttons.

>> No.3169678

Yeah, I did some netplay, but as you say, I'm still too reckless. I hope you got one of your missing spellcards. I'm still missing China's last spellcard.

>> No.3169694
shit / low tier remilia

>> No.3169697


>> No.3169703

Let's go umehara daigo

>> No.3169727


GGs.Lag was a bit too much though.

>> No.3169735

Indeed extremely laggy. I bet you had the same problems to pull off the simplest things like me.

>> No.3169743

I'll play you if you're still up for it brah

>> No.3169778 EU random tier

>> No.3169789

sure. hosting now.

>> No.3169869


>> No.3169871

GGs Giant Tree. I think you use too much 6B, and I use too much 5B. 3A is pretty useful melee mixup.

Cirno mirrors and snowball fights are fun!

>> No.3169911


But yeah, definitely. 6B seems useful to me in mirrors like ours because it goes through a lot of her bullets, ie. 5C and 5B among others.
And by 3A you mean j.3A, right? 3A is pretty shit because if you want that you can just do 66C/6DC, which would be happening more often anyway since you're likely going to be out of melee range more often than you're in it.
But seriously, if you want a good melee move with Cirno go ICESWORD; I really can't stress enough how underrated that awesomeass thing is. It's a perfect followup for melee combos, and on top of that the C version can situationally get you out of tough shit if you can do your timing right. And the SC version of it is the most awesome thing ever, plus its use is pretty much the same situation as her 5-cost icehammer, except for less.

Anyway, GGs a.a., I haven't had a break since I started hosting today though. Think I'll go ahead and take one before either my thumb or my controller just decide to stop working. Or both at the same time, even.

>> No.3169912

GGs. I love your Suwako.
I PRAISE your Suwako.
And your Tenshi.

>> No.3169923


>> No.3169927

well thank you sir. GGs.

rehosting on EU

>> No.3169977
decent teir

>> No.3169979

any of these new patchy skill cards good?

The alt 236 is a melee(?) attack, but I don't think she can combo after it.

>> No.3169985

Nah, I did mean 3A on the ground, after 5A or 5AA. Low mixup for blockstrings. I only considered it because I was trying to figure out how to bait a person to block low so as to land a hit with the overhead glacier slam SC.

I did think about adding the sword SC, but I'd have to do some deck reshuffling.

>> No.3170003

Thanks for playing with me, but that's no use... I'll be back with some years of training.

>> No.3170024

Oh yeah, I wasn't thinking of that when I typed what I did. I realized what you meant after I finished but it really didn't seem big enough to delete my post over or anything.

I won't deny that it's melee mixup, but I do have my doubts about it being good. Even without icesword she has plenty of mixup options in melee besides 3A, like 5C or default 623B/C. Default 236B/C can work too if you can time it right, I think. But I do get where you're coming from since it is melee-specific and it does hit pretty hard. I just really don't like it that much myself when I can bust out TWO hits instead of one with my superior icesword.

>> No.3170033

You are not bad. But you try to mash out of my stuff and use punishable attacks like chinas 236 way too often. GGs.

>> No.3170064 EU

>> No.3170075
average (average-low?) tier

>> No.3170097

>> No.3170113

Nice game, sadly I really can't play at all with that much lag, I don't know if it was the same for you though. Maybe another time? It looks like it could have been fun.

>> No.3170118 US west
low mid tier

>> No.3170134

Didn't feel much lag there myself. GG anyway
Anybody else?
average (average-low?) tier

>> No.3170143

>>3170064 here


>> No.3170144

GGs, sorry if I bored you. >:

>> No.3170149

to the china i just quit on sorry my router went and restarted for some reason.

>> No.3170153


>> No.3170164

my router crapped out on me

>> No.3170160 [DELETED] 

GGs, China

Don't know what happened, but that was getting fun! Hope to bump China's again with you!

>> No.3170186

>>3170143 here
gg rehosted EU

>> No.3170189
US east.

>> No.3170206


Mid-range Tier, Can Central, (No Okuu because of crashing computers)

>> No.3170218

GGs, brah.
Mild lag, but I didn't mind it.

>> No.3170221

gg :)

>> No.3170250


rehosted EU

>> No.3170252

Good games Satsu, but I don't really get why did you quit in the middle of the first match

>> No.3170254



gotta go, sorry

By the way, your name is familiar, did you play TF2 on teek or HSR?

>> No.3170259


>> No.3170271

No, I'm one of the few people that don't even own TF2.

>> No.3170287


>> No.3170291

GGs Truth, quality matches.
There are surprisingly few who actually make me save replays; gonna watch these over later.


>> No.3170308

Still newbie tier.

>> No.3170314
File: 12 KB, 666x472, ಠ_ಠ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3170329

ggs, i was clearly worse

>> No.3170367

Hosting Eastern Central CA.

>> No.3170404

>>3170075 here

>> No.3170450

Still flailing like an idiot with Cirno...GGs, Fox Hunter.

>> No.3170456

Heh, yeah yeah, for sure.

Also, [insert obligatory strongest Cirno joke here]

>> No.3170525

good games

>> No.3170526


Sorry to start goofing off at the end there, didn't want to use my mains again. Once again, hope to play your China again soon.

>> No.3170528

herp? Actually I didn't. Must have desynced

Playing again, hosting at EU

>> No.3170565

GGs. The lag drives me crazy.

>> No.3170581

ggs, i wasnt on par

>> No.3170594
West Coast US
Low Tier...Course, I don't really care what tier you are.

If you're my level and want an even game, go for it.
If you're god tier and feel like using me as a punching bag, go for it.

>> No.3170596


Rehosting, still very newbie.

>> No.3170598


GGs. What was with that lag? Kept going on and off.

>> No.3170602

Sigh...good games. Nice job taking advantage of how impatient I am.

>> No.3170603

ggs. Pulled so many bs wins out of my ass there.

>> No.3170615 EU hostan

I only play with Patchi, and perhaps some Aya or Sanae if I feel like it.

>> No.3170625

I dunno, I've kind of given up on Sanae at this point. What's her strength supposed to be? She doesn't seem to do ANYTHING well. Bad default moves, bad supers, terrible melee, loses projectile wars...I don't get it.

>> No.3170637
File: 135 KB, 800x800, 2757190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3170637 West Coast US

Unyuu~ tier


Giver her some time, someone will eventually figure her out. Everyone thought Reisen was a joke before, but she certainly is not now in knowledgable and skilled hands.

>> No.3170643

and several patches and buffs later

>> No.3170647

Except Reisen got the green potion of OPness to 'fix' her. There was no 'miracle strategy' developed for her, she just got straight up buffed.

>> No.3170698

>>3170075 here
rehosting (EU)

>> No.3170700

Guy here. Good games, you're quite good for a self-professed "newbie"

>> No.3170704

Play Marvel. Scary Sanae is scary.

>> No.3170708


You beat me everytime, I am still a newbie. GG.


>> No.3170717 hosted EU

>> No.3170727

I've always been bad at fighters, but I can take on most of the cast on lunatic with Reisen. Am I ready for netplay?

>> No.3170734

Skill vs computers doesn't fully translate to skill online. If you want to get better, I'd suggest you just start playing against people online.

Besides, it's more fun with more people.

>> No.3170737

Good games man, your Patchy and Tenshi are tough...my Cirno needs more training.

>> No.3170738

One way to find out. Join us, brother!

>> No.3170740

Give it a shot. The CPU is horrible and will teach you some really bad habits. Its better to just jump into netplay.

>> No.3170755

Thanks, good games. I certainly have a weakness for Okuu, though.


>> No.3170776

Actually, the CPU is useful for something. With all it's bullet spamming, it teaches you to graze better, especially in Story Mode. That is, if you don't beat story mode with your own bullet spam. Get online without knowing how to graze, and your ass is grass to even the newest of noobs!

Blocking, grazing, and when to distinguish between to two in any giving situation is only possible in online play.

>> No.3170788

I usually just block with my face.

Stupid hyper-aggressive playing style...

>> No.3170795

Alright then. midwest

>> No.3170801

AAAAAND FROZE. Probably my fault for playing Cirno so much.

But GGs Pluto, you silly person you.
Question though, were you actually playing Reisen/Suika with default decks?
Oh god, that makes me feel like I beat up a kid in a wheelchair or something. ;_;

By the way, not sure if you noticed this or not, but I noticed that when applying corner pressure, you have a habit of leaving a perfect-sized gap in the middle of it. It's different for every character, but still pretty predictable.
For instance, it was always after 3 hits for Suika, 4 for Cirno, 5 for Youmu, etc.
Might need to pay attention to that, bro.
Of course, I still had hella fun playing against you; you really know how to keep shit going.

Really, >>3170734 speaks truth.
There's no shame in losing in netplay, this isn't IRC or any similar elitist shithole. Aside from a small few tourneyfags, /jp/ is where casual players come to play just to be playing. And besides, even if you DO get your ass handed to you at least you learned something.
Lastly, the AI plays nothing like players do. They take hits and can't predict patterns, so if you get used to that bullshit you'll be even worse than the average player when you start netplaying. Get used to playing humans, that's how you learn.

Taking another break from netplay for a while, I think I'll change around my decks again.

>> No.3170809

Either you're using the wrong characters as a rushdown, or you're not covering your pursuit with the right bullets.

>> No.3170834
File: 648 KB, 656x516, waht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, once again.
I think it froze because of me. ;-;
And yeah, I was using the default decks; I thought that since I don't use them often, there would be no need to edit the decks, so. :/

And yes, I need to practice much more. ._.
Had fun playing against you though, brah. I gotta go now, but let's play again another day. :D

PS: This is a screenshot from out Reisen/Reisen battle. I don't know what happened.

>> No.3170855

ggs, shame about the lag (and the mid match disconnect)

>> No.3170857

Good games. You've got to be a little more careful when you're spamming bullets, though.

>> No.3170865

I don't know how to fight close combat apparently! Also, I always forget to even try blocking...

>> No.3170873


Sorry, somehow my router reseted itself.

Rehosting. Still newbie tier.

>> No.3170874

I rushdown with Hong Meiling. And the problem lies in my ability to know when to graze/block/shoot, rather than any problem with the character. I acknowledge this completely.

>> No.3170884

Hahaha, I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep playing online; it's fun! As long as you're consciously trying to improve, you'll do fine!

I mean, look at me: my Meiling is still terrible at grazing and blocking, and I'm at least good enough to make low tier. :3

>> No.3170894
File: 435 KB, 1200x945, 3330973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3170894 West Coast US

Unyuuu~ tier

>> No.3170897

Whoa, what the crap, did we desync that bad?
I know I won both of those, and apparently you also won both of those. What a terrifying thought ;_;

But yeah, I edited a bunch of decks for characters I don't even use (except for Alice) because I know how often this crap happens. And freezing is something that's been happening all the time lately, I don't think you can really intentionally cause it.

Sorry for sounding overly critical though, I know I have a problem of never shutting the hell up and I annoy the shit out of myself too. I'm probably the whole reason those Cirno trolls got so bad.

I'm gonna check out those replays from earlier and see if they're the same as I remember them, though. We supposedly had a lot of desync so it may have fucked those up too, ugh.

>> No.3170917

>I know I won both of those
That's weird. I don't really know much about netplay since this is my first time doing it, but wao. A terrifying thought indeed, ._.

>I know I have a problem of never shutting the hell up and I annoy the shit out of myself too.

Don't worry brah, I have the SAME exact problem D:

>> No.3170945

Yeah, desync has always been a problem in netplay fightan. In VanPri it was especially bad.
But now that I think of it, you were moving pretty weird during that matchup and didn't block much. Fortunately the desync apparently stopped later.
Just to make sure though, did we have a Suwako mirrormatch where a 2-3 times you just got on your lily in the corner and sat there, followed by me doing the same thing? That's really the only other thing that struck me as being suspicious, so if you weren't doing that then we apparently had desync the ENTIRE time. Eek.

Rehosting but I don't feel like linking to any of my other posts:, US East
Cirno/Reisen/others who I'm not in the mood to play right now
Play for hours and write multiple paragraphs criticizing your style tier

>> No.3170990

GGS, Donryu
I gotta go now

>> No.3171014

Holy fuck, that wasn't just a freeze. The whole thing CRASHED.
Well, GGs anyway. Rehosting so you can reconnect if you'd like.

I know you're coming Hlid, don't think I don't know you're there

>> No.3171022

GGs, but the lag was pretty bad :/, in the last rounds I was trying to do 412c but all that came out was c, shame on me for constantly trying it though
And I hate Cirno's katamari attack...

>> No.3171023

Whoops my bad, didn't see the new thread.

Disregard, cocks, etc.

>> No.3171033

Yeah, I know how you feel, I always get dropped inputs.

Bullshit bullshit is bullshit.

>> No.3171087

Bah, good games, Aya. Your Okuu is as beast as I was afraid she would be.

>> No.3171094

Atai tier.

>> No.3171286

Good games, though the fact that you kept picking my last character kinda confused me a bit.
