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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 123 KB, 300x300, Soku-portrait-utsuho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3163126 No.3163126 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3163135


>> No.3163139

I really wish I didn't have a shitty connection to play

>> No.3163140

OK. Anyone hosting?

>> No.3163141
US West - all are welcome to join

>> No.3163145

tier: fking noob
Location: N. America

too bad i can't portforward ;_;

>> No.3163155

Where's Utsuho boobs?

>> No.3163170

spectating right now... GP you're quite good

>> No.3163173


Why'd you disconnect?

>> No.3163174

Someone fukken host cause Im going to vent rage.

>> No.3163177


I've seen better. Beating a Cirno player isn't much of an accomplishment.

So many wasted openings...

>> No.3163178

Anyone got any better links?
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3163179

Same, OP.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3163182
File: 25 KB, 700x700, touhou12.3statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sup 3%

>> No.3163191


I was spectating, too. 2P seemed to be lagging a lot.

>> No.3163198


Protip: Anybody who tries to play competitively with Cirno is doing it wrong. You don't go online to win with Cirno.

You go there to be a baka and spam C and C forward.

>> No.3163205

If it looks cool, it's okay.

>> No.3163210

Lol tourneyfag.

>> No.3163220
File: 68 KB, 500x261, orz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not able to get SWR chars to show up.

I changed the th105path to my SWR folder and I still can't see them. Is there a step I'm missing?

>> No.3163224

Please stop that, guys. Thanks.

>> No.3163225


People like you shouldn't be allowed online.

>> No.3163228

I haven't played this yet. Cirno is bad?

>> No.3163234


>> No.3163239

It should be right. It doesn't matter where the 12.3 data is so long as you point that configex123.ini to the right place, but I put it in my SWR folder to save me grief. Your SWR data isn't busted or something, is it?

>> No.3163241

I don't know, but she seems extremely difficult to use well. Her melee range feels lacking.

>> No.3163246

East Coast

>> No.3163266


Cirno's melee is the worst of the cast. The metagame is all about close-ranged melee and combos.

Therefore, Cirno is the worst choice when playing online. I laugh whenever I see one, since I know I'm in for an easy match. All you have to do is trap her in a corner and combo away.

>> No.3163286

You sir, is wrong.

>> No.3163287


You're the worst kind of player.

>> No.3163292

not sure, her 5C is pretty damn good though.

>> No.3163297


If you can't handle the heat, go back to the freezer.

>> No.3163306


>I'm not able to get SWR chars to show up.

>I changed the th105path to my SWR folder and I still can't see them. Is there a step I'm missing?

You have to downgrade to SWR 1.01 since SWR 1.06 glitches up. That's what I did, and it works fine now.

>> No.3163311

What's the quickest and the least painful way to get lots or cards?

>> No.3163313


East coast. Average Marisa/Utsuho.

>> No.3163320

The only reason people say Cirno sucks is because they don't know how to use her. In the metagame environment, sure, she gets obliterated by every player with a pulse, but if you practice with her for months, you're not going to lose to a guy who just started playing yesterday no matter WHAT character they choose.

>> No.3163321

Let's see if it works now.
West Coast US

>> No.3163331


DAzure here, awesome rounds GP
Im still laughing at the last two rounds

>> No.3163332


>> No.3163334


Sorry, too much lag. Find some one else.

>> No.3163335

Am I the only one hesitant to fight people who don't say that they're low tier? I feel like I'd just waste their time. ;_;

>> No.3163344


There's no excuse to be low tier when playing online. You should have at least tried out all the characters once so you know what they're capable of instead of being surprised when they do something.

Get some experience.

>> No.3163349

The metagame is about runaway and zoning, not closed-range melee.

>> No.3163350

Anon, I can't connect to you, check portforwarding

>> No.3163356

make a deck of only skill cards
go to vs player
press f2
hold back and use skill cards, press f2 more and do this more
kill player

the more cards you use, the more cards you get at the end of a match to a point, don't bother using f3 to reset your deck

note if you're missing system cards, set the enemy to whoever's themed card you need

>> No.3163358

Well, just try it out. If the skill difference is way too distinct, then quit after the game is over, and look for someone else to play.

>> No.3163363


Maybe to you.

>> No.3163364

>There's no excuse to be low tier when playing online.
>Get some experience.

but the best way to get better is just copy someone

>> No.3163365

does this game record your wins??

>> No.3163372


If you want to do that, you should be viewing videos online and then practicing against a COM before taking on somebody online. Until you get better, it's pointless.

>> No.3163374

choose the left choice in the option after each match.

>> No.3163378


Cirno is the strongest

>> No.3163384

Not sure if can host, but trying to see if it'll work.
Mediocre Komachi, beginner otherwise.

>> No.3163385
File: 45 KB, 400x500, 1212639826830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should be viewing videos online and then practicing against a COM before taking on somebody online. Until you get better, it's pointless.

>> No.3163393

*10800 , obviously.

>> No.3163409

Ok, this is going too far, too stupid.
All you would need is to practice with someone else, regardless of level.

>> No.3163434

Sorry, Pluto. Good games but I can't stand the loading time. Where are you anyway? It's weird that it takes so long to load but there's no lag.



>> No.3163435
US Midwest

>> No.3163437

Once again, Good Game, lol.
Love to play more but I gotta go now.
Hope to play against you again one day.

>> No.3163462

You just mad cause yo ass is cold.

>> No.3163502
File: 44 KB, 324x254, namazuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier

>> No.3163521

cirno sucks

overrated pile of garbage

>> No.3163536

GGs to everyone that I played.

>> No.3163537

What? You get better by practicing. Practice against Lunatic CPU vs mode until you can stomp them into the floor every time (this shouldn't take long), then practice against real people. If you don't take your lumps against better players, you will never get better.

>> No.3163539

There would have to be people who actually think she's good for her to be overrated. A bunch of people play her just because she's a new character.

>> No.3163546

GGs from the last thread Hlid. I love how you always show up RIGHT AFTER I freeze against someone else and rehost.
I knew you were coming this time though; you're like the rival from Pokémon or something. But this Cirno bullshit is enough to make me cut our matches short for the sake of INTERNET ARGUMENT.

Alright you asswipes. First off, she's not a bad character. Not top tier by any means, but mid at worst. The reason any of you - including tourneyfags - win against her so much is because the Cirno players in question are probably ignorant fagmunches who think they can use her dial-A combo and get somewhere.
PROTIP: You can't.

Chiruno is fairly mediocre in melee compared to other characters, but that's only true if you're using her default deck. What the wiki says about icesword is partially truth, but moreso bullshit. It IS just a cheap knockoff of moves like parasolspin, but that doesn't make it useless. It does damage if you combo into it, plus it has reach that most other moves don't have. And let's not even go into how goddamn awesome the SC version of it is. I've won many a match with that thing, and I plan to continue doing so.

On top of that, her melee really isn't half-bad; j.5A is almost exactly the same as Suika's, and it can combo almost just as well. Hell, you don't need to practice with her for months or even hours to play her right. You just need a good setup and at least a decent grasp of what hits where. Feel free to prove me wrong if you're so inclined.

US East. Also a Suwako player but to tell the truth I'm pretty tired of playing her right about now.

>> No.3163547


I guess that's true. Nobody plays with her seriously.

>> No.3163549 US East Coast

Only decent, I suppose.
Also, I auto crash whenever I enter a game with Utsuho, be it online, story, vs., etc. I'm running 1.01 too, I thought it was supposed to fix it. Anyone know a solution?

>> No.3163552

All the new characters are shit except for Okuu and Hong. And I wouldn't be surprised if Okuu gets nerfed in the near future. Overplayed + easy to use = nerf bat incoming.

>> No.3163554

Yes, just get past trying to 5aaa then pushing away the other guy out of range only to have them 5a combo you and half your rage is gone.

>> No.3163569

Cirno is the strongest

>> No.3163581

I didn't pay attention to the IaMP and SWR bandwagon, really only sticking to the shooters.

I downloaded the new one, and SWR, of course, because I was getting my ass kicked in UFO, and I might as well see the other Touhou games, even though I'm not much for fighting games.

Well, I just downloaded IaMP also, and I really like how movement in IaMP feels in comparison to Hisoutensoku, even though the way the same button is used for close-range attacks and bullets is sort of odd. I also like the music in IaMP a whole lot more. I should have joined you guys when all of you were still playing IaMP.

>> No.3163585

I wish I could combo Meiling's alt 22B/C into alt 214 B/C.

It'd be like I'm really playing Jam!

>> No.3163595

I actually really enjoy playing Hong Meiling.

>> No.3163602

Froze, sorry about that. This game seems to be doing that a lot lately.
Rehosting so you can reconnect if you want.

>> No.3163614

That's because Meiling plays like a real fighting game character, not this projecticle spam nonsense. Take away the flight, and she's fit into SF or KoF.

>> No.3163622

GG. Cirno v. Cirno is certainly interesting. Also,
>Hell, you don't need to practice with her for months or even hours to play her right. You just need a good setup and at least a decent grasp of what hits where. Feel free to prove me wrong if you're so inclined.
I proved you right, since that was my first game with Cirno. She's a pretty standard character other than her floating.
Sorry we couldn't play more, though I suppose it makes sense for the game to freeze after that match-up.

>> No.3163623
File: 230 KB, 511x730, 1229399362524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both, bro. Now I just wish I could get better with her. ;_;

>> No.3163629

But I also really like playing Remilia.

>> No.3163631

Good game, sorry for wasting your time it's my second day =\.

>> No.3163644

Good games.
Stop using 22C so much with Remi. It's predictable and has way too much recovery.


>> No.3163648

Cirno vs Cirno is the only match that Cirno should be in. I haven't lost to a single Cirno player yet.

>> No.3163656

Try out more of her alt-skillcards, as they're generally better than her defaults. Also, use her homing-hadoken to keep your opponent busy to get in closer.

>> No.3163660

There are still flowchart Remila players?

>> No.3163661

ggs to that god-tier yuyuko/komachi player I played

>> No.3163671

GGs. You've got a pretty good mindset for Suika. Only Komachi and Yukari appeal to me in this, so that's all I can really play. You're a pretty patient blocker, too. I thought you'd try to get out much more often than you did. Caught me off guard with that 4-card of Marisa's. What does that do, exactly? I swore I blocked it, but I guess I thought wrong.

>> No.3163677

If 12.3 was the WWE, Cirno is Santino -- Funny, Charismatic, and always with a grin. Hell, they both can even win matches on occasion.

Just don't compare them to John Cena or HHH.



>> No.3163711


(I'm pretty sure you're much beyond beginner level yourself, but whatever)

>> No.3163715

ex potbomb is unblockable but grazable.
I suppose I may seem like a patient blocker, but that's only because I can't find an opening to get out, and can't react fast enough when you use j2b/c in a blockstring.

>> No.3163725

I would say the same about you. Very GGs though, that was a lot of fun.

>> No.3163726

Lag's way too bad to play. GGs again.

>> No.3163736
EC hostan.
High tier Yuyuko.

>> No.3163739

It's my second day playing SWR/SWR2, but those carryover IaMP skills both help and hinder me. Still working on adjusting to the paradigm shift.

>> No.3163742

maybe I shouldnt pick utso.

>> No.3163744

That can change.

Yeah, I'm not sure where it came from since it was fine before that.
GGs though bro, those were some really tough fights. You definitely proved my point that Cirno's a formidable opponent if done right, especially if that seriously WAS your first time using her. Although, I sort of have trouble believing that since you already had her deck configured and everything.
Well, whatever.


>> No.3163754

Same here. Practiced with her for nearly an hour just to get a feel for her moves. Played with some basic combos, toyed with the spell card sets.

Started story mode. Sanae. Temporary ragequit.

>> No.3163757


GGs, you're Reimu is really good. TBH, most of those characters I was screwing around with (only really know Yuyuko and Youmu to a less extent, was surprised about Remilia).

>> No.3163763
US West

>> No.3163765

>Although, I sort of have trouble believing that since you already had her deck configured and everything.
Why would I play online with the garbage standard deck?

>> No.3163788

What kind of idiot wouldn't configure everyone's deck before playing online? The standard decks are terrible.

>> No.3163790 US

>> No.3163792

gg, Icekin. "high tier" really do mean something.

>> No.3163796

Good games PersonMan. Gonna take a break and eat.

Nice seeing a good Reisen

>> No.3163802

Argh, sorry Tree, but that delay is pretty brutal. GGs. I haven't gotten to fight many Cirno yet, either...

>> No.3163804

what do you do in training mode to allow full spell cards to be used instantly?

>> No.3163806

Just to be sure... any latin-americafag to play with? (btw, argentina here)

>> No.3163812

F2 instantly fills your spellgauge, and F3 reshuffles your deck.

>> No.3163816

Thanks for the games, Lim.
Yeah, I'm not the best around, but I can handle myself pretty well.


>> No.3163818


>> No.3163820

Fuck, Colombia, sorry.

>> No.3163839

QUESTION: i'm us central and play with a limey all the time, there is rarely more than a second and a half of lag every 5 or 6 rounds

is this some kind of magically good reception?

>> No.3163840 EC

>> No.3163848

Oh ho, no WONDER you kicked my ass so much.
I'm really not sure how that lag happened if it was you, then, since I know I've played you in VanPri before and everything was just fine. Maybe a match or two in SWR, I forget.

At least I'm just glad you're not one of those anti-Cirno trolls. You're definitely a much better player than I am, though, so I'm gonna need to work my ass off to be able to get shit done.
Still waiting for somebody who thinks they can't ever lose to Chiruno, though. Go ahead and try.


>> No.3163849

Sorry Ethereal, but this delay is unplayable.
Rehosting. again, East Coast.
Like, of the american continent.

>> No.3163863

US Midwest
I might be fucking around with Suwako a lot here.

>> No.3163865

fucking amerikkkans, yours isn't the only continent

>> No.3163887

I played with you in the other thread just a little bit ago. I was the Reisen/Cirno user.

In case you didn't see my reply in the other thread:

GGs. Utusho's a goddamn monster.

I need to stop being so predictable. I kept flying into your damn cape with Reisen in one of the matches. A "HURR" moment if I ever saw one.

>> No.3163888

You lost me.

>> No.3163908

I won't knock a particular character(unless it's Utsuho), but I do think Cirno has her share of problems, like damage and limit ability. If she either slapped a bitch harder or could keep somebody floored, I'd be more scared of her. Okuu...I don't know how you can salvage Okuu without changing the way she plays altogether.

Also, English weather patch for Soku.

>> No.3163911

Okay I'm bored so...

>> No.3163917


East coast. Average Marisa/Utsuho.

>> No.3163920

Whoops forgot my link

>> No.3163929

Shut up, south american.

>> No.3163932

Keep your delusions away, Okuu is still broken.

>> No.3163936

GG. Sorry Giant Tree, lag was crazy. Maybe it is on your end?

>> No.3163956

gg, I know ur just screwing with suwako, u could have killed me many times over. lol.

>> No.3163979

ggs Lim.


>> No.3164002

GGs, fun mirrormatches are fun.
But I'm starting to think so, really, since the last few people I played lagged a lot and one of them I KNOW I've played before with no lag. I'm not torrenting or anything, though, so I really don't know.
Alright, I think I'll host one more time and if that lags I'll just call it a night.

Yeah, you're right. Some of her moves need buffs, like icesword which needs to be useable in the air. I honestly have no idea why it WOULDN'T be, considering that the SC version of it is.
But all I've been saying is that she definitely isn't the worst out of the new roster. Even though she's my main now, I might just go so far as to say that title belongs to Suwako.

Then again you're my hero anyway so I probably wouldn't disagree with something you say even if it's complete bullshit. Except the whole Suika hate I remember from SWR, I know I had this whole thing of wanting to play you so she could wipe the floor with you but it never happened since I couldn't host then. Now there's lag ;_;

Last time hosting for tonight, most likely.
Apologies in advance if there's lag; if that happens though at least I'll know it's me so I can track it down and get that shit fixed.

>> No.3164005

Sorry ethereal, I would keep playing but the lag was pretty bad.

Still hosting.

>> No.3164048

Sorry, I have to go. GGs.

>> No.3164065

>Sanae is supposedly shit
>I fight her and find out she has the best air unblockable I've ever seen
>I rage a little
GGs, heh. Your pressure is really nice.

>> No.3164066

Heh, should've known it was Magister kicking my ass.

>> No.3164070


>> No.3164078

Stage 2 midboss tier.

>> No.3164077 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1261x859, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried moving it to the SWR folder. I still can't get the characters to show up

I also double checked to make sure the line wasn't wrong or anything.

Does SWR need to be installed properly from an ISO/CD?

>> No.3164087

GG Ethereal.
That confirms it; I'm off to go find the source of this bullshit.
Also, I'm proud of you for using 22B/C freeze. I almost thought I was the only Cirno player who actually used it.

Of course, I'm gonna stick around to complain about this game and how broken characters are for a while until I get rid of this lag.

>> No.3164094

More like can't read the first page tier.

>> No.3164098

Sorry bro. This lag is shit. Need to figure out what is wrong on my end.

>> No.3164100

>>3163911 here
GGs. thanks SPARK

>> No.3164108

GGs, lol. I can't believe I won with Meiling, you crushed me with all the others.

>> No.3164117

Good games, Duckator. Thanks for indulging my low-tierness again.

>> No.3164123 low mid tier

>> No.3164129

Good games.
I feel stupid for blowing myself up with Marisa that one match.

>> No.3164148

Hahaha, I lol'd so hard I almost lost the match after you did that.

Our Iku/Sanae match at the end was pretty good, but then I made fucking stupid mistakes when it was drawing to a close. Sorry that I can't really play more than 3 characters. ;_;

>> No.3164153

butthurt tier

>> No.3164159

Stage 2 midboss tier, trying this bullshit again.

>> No.3164173

low-mid tier

>> No.3164230

rehosting, US

>> No.3164271

gg icemilktea

>> No.3164289


>> No.3164293

GG's a bit laggy though

>> No.3164297


GGs. I'm disconnecting too much to continue playing.

>> No.3164321

I'm convinced Cirno is a joke character, not one Tasofro seriously attempted to balance. She has nothing that stays on the screen for long enough to do any sort of oki and her projectiles get outprioritized and outdamaged by pretty much everything. Her melee is slightly better, but she has nothing to cover her approach and her damage is so miserable when she does get in that it doesn't matter.

>> No.3164343

Does anyone here use Comodo? My 10800 is forwarded at the router, and appears open when comodo is disabled, but blocked when it's on. I googled around to try and figure out how to open it through there too, but nothing worked.

>> No.3164351


You're haven't experimented enough? 2C (close) and 214B both work well as okis, and to some well placed extent, 66B. The snowball especially since it stuffs run/jumpouts.

>> No.3164361

Trying out the weather text patch.

>> No.3164364

Maybe you just sucks with her.

>> No.3164366

Disable the firewall if you want to netplay.

>> No.3164383

Alright, should be fine now.

Hostan one last time before I get some sleep:
US East, etc etc etc etc etc.

>> No.3164384

Oh goddammit. Your Sanae is too good for me; thanks for the matches though. I hope I was somewhat fun to play against.

>> No.3164389

Sorry, I was in a hurry to leave. I severely underestimated you the first few rounds and tried to pour it on really thick, and you beat me up for it once.

>> No.3164394

good games, was fun
sanae is awesome! heh

>> No.3164405

I'm not gonna lie, after playing against you, it doesn't really seem like she's as shit tier as people say.

>> No.3164414 Mid Tier-WestCoast

>> No.3164418

Lemme pummel your Sanae, assdoof. I'll make you stick to China.

>> No.3164419

ggs bro. My ghost butterfly touhou used to be so majestic... but now I'm shit with her. ;_;

>> No.3164422
File: 102 KB, 938x628, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell happened here

>> No.3164423


>> No.3164426

yeah shes got really good tools and cards, i wonder why people say shes bad

huh? i only play sanae, i havent touched any of the new chars, i dont like them anyway

>> No.3164436

Hosting for a couple of matches

US midwest. Average Marisa/Utsuho.

>> No.3164449

sanae got really neat tools, her graze with wind effect causes her suwako and fireworks change directions.

>> No.3164454

yeah and she can connect super off almost anything which is awesome

also, rehosting
US sanae

>> No.3164468

Us East host:

Playing around with Cirno and Utsuho, but certainly up for some matches with the older characters.

>> No.3164526


>> No.3164533 WC average

>> No.3164543

Couldn't connect to this.

>> No.3164551

Good games. Haven't played a decent Sanae before

>> No.3164553
us central, aggressive average

random select, mostly untested decks

>> No.3164567 mid tier prob.

>> No.3164603


>> No.3164624 [DELETED] 

still waiting
don't care where you connect from or what skill level

>> No.3164643


Now I'm really surprised. You're the 2nd amazing Sanae's I've seen today, although the other didn't have as painful an airtech trap as you.

>> No.3164644

good games, was fun

>> No.3164655 Trying out Sanae, low-average

>> No.3164661 WC Top Tier Only play if you know what you're doing

>> No.3164662

God damnit.
GGs anon, but I think that's all I can handle before my controller finds itself impaled through this monitor.
At some points it felt like if I were playing some overpowered shit like God Rugal or something and you were playing a rock you'd somehow make a comeback from an empty lifebar and take me down from 100%. I haven't felt this hopeless during fightan since I fought Magister. ;_;

I dunno, maybe I'm just out of it today. That or I just have really bad luck, the latter of which I more or less know to be true. But oh well, like I've said before this game isn't about winning or losing, it's about playing somebody and then complaining that their characters are broken.

By that logic, the whole roster is broken.

>> No.3164670

can't connect

>> No.3164671


Get used to it kid.

>> No.3164679
File: 171 KB, 851x471, 1232175739598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3164681

>Only play if you know what you're doing

Sup, Armando. Welcome back.

>> No.3164686


Nobody has complained about Cirno being broken. Anybody who loses to Cirno in online play either hasn't practiced enough with their character or just plain sucks.

>> No.3164690

Like hell I will.
Goddamn I can't sleep like this.

Rehosting. I plan to kick as much ass as I can until I feel better.

>> No.3164692

Scroll up, brah. Cirno's only bad if the player's bad.

>> No.3164724


Lag's too bad. Play somebody else.

>> No.3164725

Thanks a lot, I don't feel nearly as butthurt anymore.

'Night, /jp/

>> No.3164730


That's true of every character. Cirno can beat anybody if the player is "bad" enough. However, in the competitive environment, there aren't too many "bad" players. Cirno's a scrub character than should be left for 1P mode.

Not being mean, just saying how it is.

>> No.3164736

hosting one more time for the night US sanae

>> No.3164752

because clearly you've managed to learn Cirno completely and utterly in the THREE DAYS this game has been out.

>> No.3164765


>> No.3164777


>> No.3164782

Lag? Weird, I wasn't getting any.
Well that's a first.

I see where you're coming from but I still don't quite agree with you.
The whole complaints about her, tourneyfag or not, are hardly valid unless you're playing a four-year-old or something. She definitely doesn't compete on an even ground with top-tier characters, but this isn't MvC2. There IS balance here.
She has more than enough options to be playable with multiple playstyles, but unfortunately on /jp/ she's become the target of scrubs so a big amount of Cirno players spam default 214B/C or 6C.

Just because she doesn't have stupid priority or broken moves like Remi's 22B/C for example, she can still punish mistakes (easy with default 236B/C) and deal decent damage with the right skillcard setups. I don't know what you faggots are talking about since she seems perfectly playable in any level of play to me. Hell, there's enough balance now that even Reisen's actually playable.

tl;dr any attempts to make a 'tier list' this early are bullshit and anyone who says Cirno isn't playable is a troll.

>> No.3164789

Looks like the tourneyfags have come out in force already.

>> No.3164795 Sanae and Cirno

>> No.3164797

Already happened two days ago, bro.
You're behind the times.

>> No.3164800

Remi 22B/C is complete trash.

>> No.3164801

Damn, this game runs slow as fuck for me. SWR wasn't like this.

>> No.3164805

>Remi 22B/C
Maybe it's just where I had a friend that'd spam that shit so much I just adapted, but that shit is pretty damn easy to dodge unless they combo into it. And even then, just about any move can be combo'd into.

>> No.3164810

Let's battle, west-coast style.

>> No.3164814
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>> No.3164821
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3164821 West Coast US

Unyuu~ Tier

>> No.3164827

You should've seen the SWR threads the first day it came out. EVERYONE was bitching about how cheap Remi was.

>> No.3164833

Good games.
Had a lot of fun.

>> No.3164835

GG, but I need to fix some of my stuff a bit more.

>> No.3164848

yeah those were some goofy ones
just the way i like them

>> No.3164849

hahaha oh wow someone is complaining about remi's 22b/c, it's easily the LEAST used move by any decent remi player, it's fucking horrible and so easy to punish.

>> No.3164855

That's because everyone sucked too much to realize you can just block it and punish for massive damage.

>> No.3164859
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Uh, I want to start this game to play with a few friends (purely for fun. Not going to be too serious). Just curious, which character is closest to a grappler character? I know the game has a lot of projectiles, but is there anyone that suits a slow and strong character user?

>> No.3164862


GGs Saje
We should play again sometime.

>> No.3164866

GGs, bloodyoverdrive. I'd love to continue, but I'm afraid I must get some sleep as I recently lost my NEET status. Oh, the woes of the employed. Your Suika and Sakuya were the most impressive of the lot by far. Your Suika was especially annoying because she plays a hell of a lot like mine does (but better), yet my understanding of how and what you're going to do is of little to no help. Regarding your Sakuya, I was very glad and annoyed to see you start mixing 5AAAA when I started grazing in the gap between your 5AAA and 5B blockstring. Thanks for the games, I had a lot of fun.

>> No.3164868

That double KO with Yuyuko and Remilia.
Made me laugh out loud.

>> No.3164882

Komachi, maybe Utsuho, maybe Iku.

>> No.3164896

typhoon sanae sun thing vs remilia grand cross was rather interesting as well
didn't know who would come out alive through that

>> No.3164899

Meiling and Hong are pretty heavy melee type characters...

But they're both really fucking fast

Utsuho is pretty fucking strong in melee while keeping a slow pace, but she's also a character that focuses on projectiles a lot.

>> No.3164913

>Meiling and Hong

>> No.3164919

I knew Meiling was a melee-heavy character, but Hong is too?


>> No.3164925
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The reason why I asked is because I usually play the strong patient character. I'm usually a grappler. I played Hugo in 3s, Tager in Blaz Blue, and Zangief in Sf4. I obviously haven't played this game, so I want some time to think while trying to understand my opponent mid-combat. Thanks though. I will give those characters a shot.

>> No.3164927

Bah...I meant Meiling and Youmu.

>> No.3164932

Probably should've said "spammable."
My point wasn't that it's a good move or anything, more along the lines that it grazes nearly everything onscreen and is situationally usable to deal damage.
Cirno doesn't have anything like that.

>> No.3164943

Doesn't Cirno have a move where she slides forward with a block of ice that grazes?

>> No.3164952

There's no real melee only character. Even Suika and Meiling rely on their projectiles a lot.

That said, Suika might be your best bet. Her projectiles are mostly used for pressure and punishing, and she has a couple of grapples. Somewhat fast, though.

Komachi is slow and does good damage, but she relies even more on her projectiles than Suika.

Utsuho is slow, but she's basically a projectile character.

Youmu is melee oriented, but she's one of the faster characters.

Remi is sorta melee oriented, but is more a crazy mix up character than a melee one.

>> No.3164954

Same for me, don't know whats up but I chalked it up to my shitty computer.

>> No.3164961

>It grazes most everything
except the followup after it misses.

>> No.3164978

>Probably should've said "spammable."
Except it isn't spammable at all, due to it being incredibly easy to punish.

>> No.3164980

Cirno should only be used for fun. She has no place in tournaments.

>> No.3164984

All I can think of like that is 3A/66C, the latter only grazing because it's used during her dash.

I can't believe nobody's said Suika yet.
If you're going to play a grappler, that drunken oni loli's the way to go. Although most are alt skillcards, she has a few moves that considered grabs, including a new one that was just added.
On top of that her 5-cost SC is a ~60% damage grab. For the whole first month after SWR came out, the bitching about that thing NEVER stopped.
The only thing that doesn't quite fit with what you're describing is that she isn't exactly slow, but that shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.3164992

All right. I will give Suika a try. Going to look for the wiki now to see a few things I can learn while I wait for this thing to download.

>> No.3165007

All beginners and newbies need to quit now in SWRs.

You suck in every possible way.

>> No.3165018

Whenever this gets to the point of having tournaments, I'm going to main Cirno.

I'll make sure to remember you trolls when she wins.

>> No.3165021
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Problem, Anonymous?

>> No.3165032


If you're talking about online fan tournaments, go right ahead, kid. If you're talking about getting outside of your house and tanning your skin to look normal, you might as well go back inside and shut your blinds. People don't win tournaments with Dan.

>> No.3165035


There goes the first noob. Kill yourself please.

>> No.3165051

Yeah, how dare people just getting into this game try to get better?

>> No.3165066
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>> No.3165083

So being a joke character canon story-wise automatically equates to being a joke character gameplay-wise too now, huh?

Anti-Cirno trolls aside, has there been a BGM rip of this yet? I haven't seen anything on /rs/ yet unless it just got buried in the sea of other C76 shit. That ending theme is just too goddamn awesome to not be constantly listening to.

>> No.3165089

Hey, guys. I just heard from a friend that Suika's "throws" are BLOCKABLE. IS THIS TRUE!?

>> No.3165101


I never said she was a "joke" character. Anybody who practices enough and utilizes their spell card efficiently can be a decent player and win matches online 80% of the time. If you want to use Cirno, go right ahead.

Just don't try to say she is tournament material when she clearly is not. If you look at the priority of her moves, the massive lag between them, and the overall moveset, there are many, MANY more superior characters to choose from.

>> No.3165107

some are, some aren't

final atomic buster clone isn't

>> No.3165110

Get the fuck out of /jp/, underage b&.

>> No.3165125

GGs Sanaesadface.

You're far, far better. Sorry about cutting off that one game, I got distracted by someone and tried pausing out of reflex.

>> No.3165126

good games, gonna head off to sleep now

>> No.3165128

Whew. All right. Thanks, anonymous. I was worried for a second there.

>> No.3165133

Damn we've been playing a long time...

>> No.3165135

These threads are the cancer killing /jp/. They should be restricted to /v/ since this is all this basically is. There's a hell of a lot more people there anyway.

>> No.3165137

>Real life tournaments

>> No.3165142

/v/ hates touhou, though.

>> No.3165148

Good games to the Utsuho and Yuyuko players I just played.

>> No.3165157

>If you look at the priority of her moves, the massive lag between them, and the overall moveset, there are many, MANY more superior characters to choose from.

By that logic, none of the new characters are 'tournament material.' You might as well still be playing SWR, if not IaMP.

Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying my Cirno with various Sanae, Suwako, Utsuho, and Meiling players. And nobody will be butthurt.

>> No.3165159


New thread

>> No.3165172

Let's keep these Cirno and tourneyfag arguments in here though.
They don't need to be fagging up an actual netplay thread anymore.

>> No.3165179

Same player actually.
I liked Utsuho much better, but you're too good at grazing...

>> No.3165217

You will never ever land Suika's unblockable super grab against anyone that has a clue(hint: hold up). Her other unblockable is new and really slow.

If you're the guy that was asking about grapplers, then Suika probably isn't who you want. Shes more of a hybrid than anything.

>> No.3165236

/v/ hates everything anyway.

>> No.3165258

Okuu has got to be the worst character I've ever seen in a fighting game. That 5C is just silly. It completely eliminates melee approaches just because it's so spammable and covers so much room. Suddenly the game turns into graze her bullets, shoot some back in the gaps, ad infinitum until one of us dies. I did have fun in the Okuu vs. Okuu matches, but after that was just lame.
And before you say hurr butthurt, you ragequit when I picked my main, so you have no room to talk about skill

>> No.3165425

Don't worry, that bird is broken as fuck.

>> No.3165798


How many people play this with a keyboard? ಠ_ಠ
