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File: 108 KB, 766x573, shuffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3162202 No.3162202 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the best girl never have a route?

>> No.3162213

I felt that way too, until I got through UBW and started Heaven's Feel, shit was so cash.

>> No.3162217

But Primula has a route

>> No.3162222

>Implying Sakura is the best girl.

>> No.3162227

Someone in the picture doesn't have a route? forgive me I haven't jumped on the shuffle bandwagon quite yet

>> No.3162239

All 5 of those girls do have routes

>> No.3162241

He's talking about Asa's mother. Or the teacher. Everyone on the picture has a route.

>> No.3162248

But Sia has a route!

>> No.3162250
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No they all do (I think). Probably talking about Mayumi judging from other comments I've seen about the game, don't know much about it myself.

>> No.3162253

> Implying she isn't

>> No.3162257

Kareha is the best character.

>> No.3162260

Is it true that one of the characters in Shuffle doesn't have a route because the VA doesn't want to do an H-scene?

>> No.3162261

By the way, what's goint to be added in Shuffle Essence+? I heard about extra routes, but nothing specific.

>> No.3162268

>Implying things that differ from the majority's opinion

>> No.3162284
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>> No.3162290

But Kaede already has a route bro

>> No.3162297

Yes, that is true, the voice actor for Ama never will do an H-scene. In one of the sequels where Ama is involved in an H-scene, said scene is unvoiced.

>> No.3162315

I think not having a route gives a character a certain charm that makes people forget their flaws and love them unconditionally, the contrary is also valid.

I have a theory that all these "popular" routeless character wouldn`t have even half of their fanbase if they had a route, and some unpopular character would receive more love if they did not have a route at all.

I believe lots of Typemoon characters fit my description perfectly.

>> No.3162390
File: 160 KB, 810x1207, 1189577687801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots must be talking about Ama. The best girl, and she doesn't even have a route in the spin offs.

>> No.3162411


Damn she is hot, no routes at all in ANY of the games? How lame

>> No.3162430

Als, it gives your studio an excuse to release "expansions" if the original title is successful enough.

>> No.3162433
File: 95 KB, 800x600, perfect waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she has a route

>> No.3162478
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Not to mention she's Asa's mother. Imagine how awesome it would be to see Asa's face as the man she's in love with dates her (hotter)mother.

>> No.3162506


Oh shit I'm slowly remembering that chick now, I recall liking her voice in the anime. Same in VN?

>> No.3162525

Not true, only retards believe this shit. Ever wonder why even the most hated main character of a decent series gets more votes on polls than side characters that are acknowledged by most everyone as likable?

>> No.3162543
File: 408 KB, 589x1089, 1194215129884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most loving caring female, and yet no route.

>> No.3162556

maybe she'll have a route if they make another Shuffle! for the PS2

>> No.3162599
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Very doubtful, even if they did make one.

>> No.3162612



>> No.3162649

she's the only (important)female character that doesn't have a route, so if they decide to make another PS2 one I'm sure they'll do it!
I want to believe.

>> No.3162653

I really don't want Shuffle to become the next Da Capo, so no please.

>> No.3162662

with essence plus it'll be the next Da Capo

>> No.3162670


They even give fan-service pictures of her in game? Seems more like their purposely teasing everyone about her being unobtainable

>> No.3162685

the shota is Rin? need a doujin where Ama rape shota Rin

>> No.3162719
File: 882 KB, 800x600, Ama-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all wrong.
You can have hot awesome sex with Ama Shigure in Really? Really!

Heck even Sage, Nerines mother, is up for grabs.

Name 1 female in that game (Other than Kaedes dead mom) that you don't have sex with

Cause.... I Would LOVE to see THAT one done.

Maybe the new shuffle! game thats coming out in japan this October will have ALL routes for ALL the girls.

>> No.3162746

Yeah, I just discovered Kareha hasn't a route. Feels bad man.

>> No.3162761

I think Kareha has a route in the PS2 game, which ofcourse doesn't have any H

>> No.3162765

I think that's just some kid that always goes around pulling up skirts.

>> No.3162770

This. Very this.

>> No.3162775


Ama Shigures V/A is the Idol singer YURIA and she did the voice in both the V/N and The anime.

She's quite popular especially when she was doing her work with Honey Bee and Yozuca.

She occasionally works with Kotomi and did a duet with Sakai before Sakai turned herself from the premier image of purity into a complete junkie everyone hates.

>> No.3162779

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.3162813

I thought you DID have sex with Kaede's dead mom in Really? Really! I can't remember.

Ama only has sex with her own daughter though so that's not exactly Rin having sex with her himself.

>> No.3162823
File: 88 KB, 800x600, Rin_IS_Phoenix_Wright!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?
In really really Rin (Even if it was Kaedes warped memory ((I swear she is a closet Nympho)) Literally has sex with Damn near everyone except Kareha and her little sister. Sakura got some, Mayumi got some, Kaede envisioned him having a thing for sage and If you remember her referance to tatsuki (SP?) she refered to him (Or her in the warped memory) as koibito in referance to rin instead of best friend (Which.... fails me at the moment).

Furthermore, Even Mayumi and the Nadeshiko Benibara had a sex scene in the game along with Ama. Sage and Ai had their own dedicated routes and sex scenes during tick tock. Kareha has a route during the PS2 shuffle! game and her sister Tsubomi is the only one who does not get a route.

So, I think that covers it unless if you haven't played really? really! which I suggest cause it's.....



>> No.3162833

And she refuses to do H-scenes, which is why Ama will never, ever have a route. Everyone who says she already has one is trolling.

>> No.3162872

Dey see me trollin...
Dey hatin....

I hope to be able to catch her in concert at least once. She does regular performances I THINK.

Her blog hasn't been updated since January...

Why isn't she more popular again?

I love her voice...(as the japanese would say) Wa wa wa

>> No.3162931


No route because of the VA? Why choose a bitch for a VN that refuses to do h-scenes. Unless its a non-ero game

>> No.3162990

She will do suggestive talk but she has an image to uphold as a pop idol.

I don't think you guys have heard of Sakai but she blew her entire career because of choices like that. Pity too since her music was fun to listen to.

>> No.3163012


I guess it's just a matter of selfishness, cause I really don't give a shit about her precious image. I want my Ama route.

>> No.3163077

Likely cause you do not listen to music made by her on a regular basis.

I admit...she's one of the only J-pop/rock singers I listen to. Her, Kotoko, Yozuca, Miyami, and Ayumi Hamasaki on occasion.

I would hate to have her music vanish. There's nothing horribly deep but I like how she can combine the pop elements with the rock elements so one second you would have normal pop beat going on then next thing you know a guitar solo cues up and melts your face with smooth flowing riffs.

But...thats just me...I never hopped onto music bandwagons and discovered my favorites on my own...

Also, since I am officially off topic I will sage myself. (Is admittedly still new to /jp/ and is still making heads and tails of the sage in the board... a lil birdie told me it meant being off main topic)

>> No.3163638

You killed the damn thread.
Anyway, Yuria sounds like she would be great at voicing h-scenes.
Morals, not so good.

>> No.3163826

I usually don't agree with that but with Shuffle I think that's the case. If Mayumi had a route I would have actually finished one playthrough.

>> No.3163858
File: 41 KB, 640x448, 1185302881622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayumi DOES have a route in one of the spin-offs.

>> No.3163913

Well, not really morals, more like it'll kill her career.

With that said, I still want an Ama route ;_;

>> No.3163946

Yeah, I plan on reading it when my Japanese is good enough. I think she's getting a route in Essence too, right?

>> No.3164156

What did she do?

>> No.3164231



>> No.3164253


It would be hilarious if after this she devoted herself completely to voicing hentai games just to make a living.

>> No.3164279


Hardly, her path will be within the music career as a manager like most singers end up as.

She is not a VA.

>> No.3164427

This pure image of idols is so fucking stupid.

>> No.3164448

That's different at all, I thought she got called for voicing hentai or some shit.

The whole scandal seems overblown though.

>> No.3164452

Kaede has a route broseph.

>> No.3164457

Damn now I want to read Tick Tack.
The thought of deflowering Nerine's mom before her dad excites me.

>> No.3164459

Correction: Why does the best guy never have a route?

I was really pushing for a Hirofumi route in YMK.

>> No.3164470

Time paradox incest?
Yes please.

>> No.3164576

how is Rin fucking Nerine's mom incest? they aren't blood related

>> No.3164594

This. Also, I really liked Sia's route.
Hopefully we'll get Really? Really! and Tick? Tack! eventually.
And fuck Yuria.

>> No.3164601

Maybe he meant Rin fucking Nerine's mom and Nerine herself?
Although I don't think that necessarily makes Rin her father...

>> No.3164615

I haven't done sia's route yet (last route for me to finish). I just finished Primula's and it has to be my favorite out of all of them so far.

>> No.3164649

I'd say Primula has the best route, but Sia has the best character.
But then again, I always liked Sia, so I'm probably biased.

>> No.3164682

I can't help but feel bad now whenever I see the version of Primula where she's pretty much lifeless.

>> No.3164716
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>> No.3164729

So has shuffle been translated already by that company?

>> No.3164753

fortunately it is being translated, with a partial patch release scheduled on the 31st

>> No.3164756

By Mangagamer? Yes. Haven't you seen the 50 threads about it?

>> No.3164767

Nope, haven't been to /jp/ in like 5 days.

>> No.3164807

The game has already been translated and released by mangagamer. They beat EVERYONE to the punch and outstripped the other group that was doing the translations.

Also, The reason why sakais scandal is big news is the rough equivalent to Brittney Spears going apeshit and such. Furthermore, this is an Idol who has been big since 1985. So to see someone who has maintained an image of purity for about 24 years suddenly go to how she is now, is like loosing a central pillar of their idol system. Singers like Yuria are thus pushed into a bigger spotlight where they maintain a regal poise for the time being. Every action is scrutinized as they are something of a moral booster in some ways. To see someone like her go down so epically is like watching a building collapse.

Also, Rin having sex with Nerines mother is the rough equivelancy of a father having sex with his daughter (Assuming you create an epic paradox where nerine is your daughter and you fall in love and have sex with her after having gone and messed up the time stream)


(Also, didn't mean to kill the thread)

>> No.3164816

Asa's route is no big deal, but she was my favorite girl. Easygoingness and high-level cooking ftw.

>> No.3164883

I looked in the HCG and it looks like you also deflower DFC Nerine and Lycoris.

>> No.3164891

I knew Rin was a godly pimp, but GODDAMN.

>> No.3164920

but you don't get sage pregnant... the father is still forbesi or how ever you spell that demon king's name. It's still hot taking Sage before he proposes.

>> No.3165039

did He?

-rubs chin in contemplation-

Whether or not you REALLY did is now irrelevent.
Nerines official title for /jp/ will be the daughter of her lover who effectivly becomes her own step grandmother.

>> No.3165061

News to me, link?

>> No.3165072

>the other group that was doing the translations

There was no other group. Gamepatch has been trolling us for years.

>> No.3165076

What about mormon guy

>> No.3165104

I haven't heard of him for long time.

>> No.3165123


He was here just a bit earlier, Anonymous.

>> No.3165134


Game patch was doing it for a while as was otakugamers (At least they had a blog post about it once) but then gave up. Gamepatch released like...the first day and that was it just something of a teaser.

>> No.3165152

>There was no other group. Gamepatch has been trolling us for years.

There is evidence and reasons to believe that they were 30% done. Everything else is bullshit, but some work was actually done at some point. Although none of this work likely occurred in the last year or two.

>> No.3165162

Imagine the reaction afterwards. That would be one pissed of Demon King.
Now we just need Rin to fuck the 3 wives of King of Gods.

>> No.3165183

mormon guy posted translated scripts for the first two days many months ago.

>> No.3165202

Family Project: Everyone expect the best thing ever, and it was average
Shuffle:Everyone expected shit, and it turned out to be a decent game.

>> No.3165219

The mormon guy is Heklin, the "translator" of Gamepatch. And that teaser patch was released years ago, not months.
30% of the common route, or in other words, the first two days. Everything else was a very elaborate trolling attempt.

>> No.3165245
File: 104 KB, 600x600, 135c01a2e06f26606197a0ad4db1a668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming October 2009.....

No seriously! there is another shuffle game due out end of october this year!

>> No.3165248

I-Is that so? Haha, my bad fellow anons. What is he planning on doing now? Will he translate the other games?

>> No.3165252


>> No.3165259

The demon king is delicious, there should be a route for him.

>> No.3165266

I was referring to Tick Tack actually. Check the archives or the gemot thread for details

>> No.3165289

Except Family Project was great. /jp/ just has bad taste as usual.

>The mormon guy is Heklin, the "translator" of Gamepatch.
What? I really don't think so.

>> No.3165295

Gamepatch and /jp/: trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.3165305

/jp/ hates nonvirgin sluts. I do too.

>> No.3165314

how does one become a virgin slut?

>> No.3165321

mormon guy is definitely someone else. He started his own translation but didn't get very far (first 3 or 4 days?).

>> No.3165335


>> No.3165341


Making out with everyone?

>> No.3165350

>how does one become a virgin slut?

You can act like a slut without ever having a penis in you.

Of course this will get you raped eventually.

>> No.3165354
File: 293 KB, 950x1383, c0ffa93ba533732fc4c5c6ac008eea2e40f90265-299539-950-1383-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Or rather was.

>> No.3165361

In some parts of the US recently it is not all that unusual for girls to engage in oral and anal sex to save their virginity.

>> No.3165374


>> No.3165378
File: 365 KB, 800x600, ec75b1a005285c791d151d9d60b693f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage is love. Also Sage.

>> No.3165386

Enjoy your rage.

>> No.3165405


>> No.3165469

anybody have a torrent or mu links to this game? Been looking forward to it for a little bit now.

>> No.3165495


>> No.3165507

Thank you fine anon.

>> No.3165543

Can't get enough of DAT PRFCT ASS

>> No.3165549
File: 79 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itsuki is a true bro.

>> No.3165607

>You can have hot awesome sex with Ama Shigure in Really? Really!

>> No.3165657

Don't be gullible. There will never be an Ama route. Just give up.

>> No.3165703

Because.... You want it so bad...
At least we can listen to her succulent voice whenever we want.

YURIA is doing a live performance on the 27th at shibuya!

Too bad I will be in Aomori....

>> No.3165816
File: 79 KB, 800x600, somethingoutrageous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love heterochromia, and Mayumi has awesome personality. Personally I'll be buying Really? Really! for her.

>> No.3165842
File: 76 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That smile. >_<

>> No.3165849

Why not just buy Shuffle! Essence+ when it comes out, it has Mayumi.

>> No.3165856

>I fucking love heterochromia
Everything about Mayumi is secondary to her eyes.

>> No.3165879
File: 17 KB, 300x218, Higurashi___Rena___Omochikaeri_by_Cahindta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you did nerines route first?

And yes..

>> No.3165892


>> No.3166051

hnnnnnnngh her pantsu look so pure, I wish I could sqeeze my nose between her lips to discover teh quintessence of life

>> No.3166081
File: 334 KB, 1600x1200, primula_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants to omochikaeri teh Primula.

>> No.3166252

Finished Primula's route. That was good.
Itsuki is a true bro, shame he doesn't get to hook up with anyone.

>> No.3166288

BTW, could someone upload the guitar's tab of Yuria - You?

>> No.3166302

I can't read moon. If I did, I'd have already read Shuffle on PS2.

>> No.3166317

If you were the person I was quoting, you said you were going to buy Really? Really!, so I assumed you could.

>> No.3166325
File: 56 KB, 800x600, itsuki-steals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3166364

I got the game back in november of 06 when it came out. It came with a Sakura Yae LYCE card, a notebook with little figures of each of the chars in it,and a special intro manga. The notebook itself was....well lets just say bunny outfits!

If you wanna get that deluxe (IMO Original edition) I would advise to do so since it's just nice to have a few memorabilia but if they release Really? Really! on Manga gamers then you will just have to deal with the dual purchase (Like I just did the other day when I found out there were to be no english patches, prompting 36.95 to be spent even though I spent 60 or 70 k yen on the original game....)

>> No.3166405



Here's the intro riff. Use wah pedal

>> No.3166479

thank you, too bad I don't have a true wah pedal but a multi-effects one with shitty wah

>> No.3166879
File: 78 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. It's not fair that Rin only gets to fuck the demon king's women.
He needs to fuck Sia's moms too.

>> No.3167296

maybe next game

>> No.3167358

And still no Ama route. ;_;

>> No.3167447

Wasn't she dateable in On the Stage, so she should be in Essence+ as well

>> No.3167461

Why only her mother when he can fuck that guys other two wives as well?

>> No.3167636


Anyway Rin is a pimp, I sure hope there's a harem route in Essence+. Also anyone noticed they put Kikyou as in the new character page? Maybe we'll have a Kikyou route or elaborate Sia's endings. Hell they should expand the ends. Everyone's endings is a non-ending, you don't know what happened to anyone. Only Asa and Primula got some closure, well Kaede too but you don't know what happened to the rest of the girls in her end.

>> No.3167840
File: 40 KB, 353x480, asa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only Asa and Primula got some closure

Best girls get the best treatment after all

>> No.3168112

Ahh Primula, now that I've finished her route I can't accept her emotionless version. Good thing I played her route last.

>> No.3168114 [DELETED] 

Lots of weirdos here...
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3168129

I never saw the Shuffle anime, so I can say Kaede is definitely one of my favorite heroines. The whole route was just so sweet. I can see how she would be yandere though.

>> No.3168335


Well they made her a psycho when Rin goes with Asa, also they made her that way in the flashbacks.

It really does not work very well or at all when we look at how Kaede is in the game.

>> No.3168387

I can understand how she would be seen as a psycho in the flashbacks though. Seeing what her reason for living was and all the stuff she did to Rin in the past. I guess I'll just have to watch the anime sometime to see if it really does look weird.

>> No.3168414

It can only piss you off. The anime sucked and the ending was nonsense.

>> No.3168480

You're just pissed because it was Asa right?

>> No.3168494

I'm just pissed because I put up with that shit for an ending that made no logical sense whatsoever. You just ignore the shit ending because Asa was your favorite

>> No.3168498

Oh that scene with Sia and Kaede was priceless too :3

>> No.3168513

Who the hell didn't get pissed of by it.
The problem isn't Asa.
It's just Kaede's story gathered so much sympathy from the viewers, then they threw it away and made Rin suddenly go for Asa for no reason.

They should've went for Primula's route instead.

>> No.3168524

The whole reason she garnered sympathy was because she ended up being an underdog during her arc, she was fucking bland before it.

Her fucking story in the anime couldn't allow her to end up with Rin, it just wouldn't make sense thematically, you are a fucking deluded retard if you can't understand that.

>> No.3168545

>It's just Kaede's story gathered so much sympathy from the viewers, then they threw it away and made Rin suddenly go for Asa for no reason.

Wasn't the part at the beach with Asa a pretty good inclination that they would do parts of her route and they can't do the end part of her route without having a reason for Rin doing his thing. The other route's do work without the love part as far as I figured,
Ok they could've done it a lot better though but I don't really see the point in crying over spilled milk. Typical fag behavour to get worked up over something like that.
I'm quiet glad that not the usual girl got the guy for once.

>> No.3168572

Reading the responses after yours, I can see how it'd make me pissed or depressed, since I'm a bid Kaede fan. Thanks for the warning. I'll be avoiding the anime.

>> No.3168581

>Reading the responses after yours, I can see how it'd make me pissed or depressed, since I'm a bid Kaede fan

Half the fandom alone love her. She IS the underdog if you look at it, taken to it's extreme in the anime.

>> No.3168603

She is only loved thanks to her yandere moments, nobody liked her before that.
Heck even for the game, all the character rankings like the Navel one or the Getchu made for it put Asa as favorite character and Sia second.

Kaede no doubt became a very popular character during her arc in the anime, but you have to understand that her arc only works if she doesn't fucking get Rin.
It wouldn't made sense otherwise.

>> No.3168646


Kaede actually seemed a little out of place anyway what's with Primula's, Asa's and Nerine's Arc being connected.
Only Sia had no real connection there either aisde from being Nerine's cousin.

The only problem the anime has is that they could've done a little bit more work on the Asa/Rin thing, like dropping a few hints before they did the Ribbon thing and well yeah the ending could've needed a bit of work. Otherwise pretty good.

>> No.3168651


This. Kaede was nothing more than a generic doormat before the anime. If we go by what people love most, Other archtypes including moeblobs > generic doormats due to lacking any real personality.

>> No.3168677

Generic doormat yes, but she has a pretty unique backstory that explained her complete subservience to Rin pretty well.

I bet if the anime didn't turn Kaede into yandere and made her sobbingly conceded like in the game she'd gain even more fans.

>> No.3168692

>Sakura is a generic doormat yes, but she has a pretty unique backstory that explained her love and devotion towards Shirou pretty well

See what im getting at? Even if she had all that background, the character itself is shitty.

>> No.3168694

>I bet if the anime didn't turn Kaede into yandere and made her sobbingly conceded like in the game she'd gain even more fans.

Which would still end in rage because Rin did not choose her. Dear god.

>> No.3168695

Her backstory is badly used in the game, the flashback in the anime had far more impact.
Her route wouldn't work in the anime, it has pretty much nothing to do with the overall plot and it's terribly anticlimatic.
They did the best they could with the anime.

>> No.3168702

My words exactly.

>> No.3168714


At least we get the rare sempai ending.

>> No.3168769

Yeah this is the main problem of the game.
Not once did it used flashback. WTF.
Everything was too concise. What a lazy writer.
They didn't even elaborated the epilogue.

To be honest I like the backstory, and how everyone was interconnected with each other. Especially the homonculus bit, which was pretty solid. Hell if they had written it well it might have even achieve the same level of brickshitting as Ever17.

>> No.3168831

I hope in Shuffle Essence+ they do some major expanding on the endings. The endings were what I really had a problem with.

>> No.3168870


I think so, they put Kikyou in the new characters page. I can't really see how they'd put her ingame besides near the end.

>> No.3168887

So I might be slow here but did Tick Tack get released?

>> No.3168949


>> No.3168982

Same here. Primula has to be my favorite route/character out of it. Was looking forward to the sia route after hearing good things, but I was disappointed.

>> No.3169051

Me too. I also hope they make Kaede's route better.

>> No.3169067

Sia's route could have been much better, but I still like her character.

>> No.3169087

God Tier: Asa
Good Tier: Nerine, Primula
Shit Tier: Sia, Kaede


>> No.3169093

Your tier list violates one of the axiomatic truths of the universe: that is, "Kaede is a far better girl than Asa."

>> No.3169120
File: 13 KB, 209x168, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3169130


Yandere Kaede is anime original only, thus rendering Kaede as shit.

>> No.3169526
File: 36 KB, 450x338, 1250446508827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moe Kaede is the only Kaede

>> No.3170771

The anime changed things too much to the point they no longer work.

Kikyou is a good example of that, I end up even liking her and feel sorry about her in the game but the anime is just "this is Sia route episode so here is Kikyou" and throws everything that the route builds away (that Kikyou is not Sia).

>> No.3172820

delicious mayumi diggin in Rin's pants

>> No.3172859

Kikyou and Lycoris are the saddest part of this game.
