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File: 168 KB, 800x640, b2afb0dcf0bdeb5750acaf446c498847ca0a19c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3159456 No.3159456 [Reply] [Original]

fanboy-ism aside, what makes one of the games better than the other, in your oppinion?

Personally I would say that the MB's Magic Circuit and heat system enhanced the gameplay more than GG's quite ordinary power gauge.

Reverse Beat adds to a more fluent gameplay and in my oppinion is MB's Circuit Spark better than GG's Burst. I don't know what I think about the fact that they actually removed Baka Cancel in MBAA.

You might have guessed already but I like MB more than GG but GG is still regarded as one of the best fightan games there is and even /jp/ used to play it when the PC version wasn't outdated.
Anyways, while I do like both games what in GG could be considered "better" than in MB? And what does the people who prefer GG more think is better?

>> No.3159468


I prefer meaty bread if only for the BALANCE!

>> No.3159481

guilty gear:

>> No.3159498

>they actually removed Baka Cancel in MBAA.

>> No.3159503

I like the horrifying variety of options I have in Guilty Gear.

It's the game where I feel that I'm the most free to do things the way I want/need to.

It's also a game where I feel that if I fuck up the other guy is likely to wreck my shit.

>> No.3159514

Oh, cut them some slack with the silly puns, there's no way these /jp/ scrubs know what bara cancels are.

>> No.3159517

I don't like this.

>> No.3159632

I don't really know, but I think that MBAA have fairly good chances of overshadowing GG as the most popular fighting game.

>> No.3159642


Isn't it Tekken 6 in Japan right now? At least, that was what it was last time I checked the Arcadia. MBAA is pretty popular though.

I'm surprised at GGXXAC being up there still despite being a fairly old game.

>> No.3159643
File: 133 KB, 433x599, 433px-Roboky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty Gear! Fuck yeah!

>> No.3159648

Tekken = 3D pig disgusting

>> No.3159650

MB is shit.

Every character is just low poke to launcher to generic jump cancel string of ABAB(Or BCBC if you're special!) that ends into a generic throwdown.

>> No.3159651
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You are a good man.

>> No.3159660
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>> No.3159662

Melty Blood is REALLY low tier among competitive fighting games. GG is high tier. BlazBlue is way too expensive for me atm so can't say much about the new GG

>> No.3159666


Blazblue doesn't even play like GG.

It's heartbreaking, the "almost not not quite there" feeling it has.

>> No.3159672

>>3159662 BlazBlue is way too expensive for me atm so can't say much about the new GG

BB is very different to GG when you get into things. Superficially, it seems like the same game, but that's pretty wrong. They do have similar systems, but the gameplay style is very, very different. I prefer GG, personally, but BB has time to mature and get better.

>> No.3159682

Hokuto no Ken > all

>> No.3159683

doh I guess I'll go for another fighter for my ps3. Any suggestions or shall I just start getting used to BB gameplay ?

>> No.3159696


Isn't it sad, Sacchin? ;_;

>> No.3159710

Both are shit.
Play Minesweeper instead.

>> No.3159712


KOFXII is horrible, SF4 is boring, BB's the best one, it's just... not GG. Well, at least from my point of view.

Actually, I kind of like SF4, but not that much.

Just play Vanguard Princess.

>> No.3159717

>Melty Blood is REALLY low tier among competitive fighting games.
Umm... MB's competitive gaming scene is quite big.
Sure, it used to be a lot bigger when MBACvB was new and the scene was on par with GG's, but I wouldn't call MB's low iter as a competitive fighting game.
MBAA can change this drastically though, since it is gaining popularity again at the japanese arcades and since it hasn't got its console/pc ports yet.

>> No.3159728


I think that the lack of variety for MB playstyles really hurts it. It's really boring like that.

>> No.3159731

personally I prefer melty blood's playstyle and moves more, even if they lack diversity, they're good.

>> No.3159733

The fuck is a bara cancel.
We know baka cancel.

>> No.3159734
File: 47 KB, 274x480, May.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG has May...

>> No.3159739

Sacchin is actually fun to watch in action.

Everyone else is just low poke -> air combo -> air throw, ad infinitum.

>> No.3159740

>I think that the lack of variety for MB playstyles really hurts it. It's really boring like that.
I am not sure because I haven't tried the game myself yet, but isn't it exactly this that MBAA have improved most?

>> No.3159746
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May is pretty hot!

>> No.3159754

Well GG has Johnny. He is one of us

>> No.3159761


If anything, it just made Sacchin and Kouma into lol poke -> comba characters

(not that Sacchin wasn't that already anyway, despite having "throws" in her arsenal)

>> No.3159762
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I prefer Baiken, personally.

She may not have a deliciously flat chest, but look at those scars and dat claw, man!

>> No.3159768

lol 2A -> 2C/5C -> 623B -> 2C -> 623C and so on.

At least, that's how I think it went. It's been awhile.

>> No.3159773


F-Kouma isn't any pokier than AC Kouma, rest aren't worth playing.

>> No.3159774

way to pick my two least favorite characters to fight

You don't even get to play a normal game against Baiken, and May is all like, do shit to hit you for 70% life. I'm more scared of Overhead Kiss than any other grab in the fucking game.

>> No.3159779

She is hard to play and have not really good special moves.

>> No.3159780


Yeah, and then the combo ended with like 214A -> jump airthrow -> superjump 4-way mixup -> combo again

>> No.3159785

Melty Blood is shit, if you want to win, all you have to do is sit there mashing A until you hit confirm.

>> No.3159793

Vanguard Princess > *

>> No.3159798


Didn't they pretty much fuck over 2A spam in AA?

>> No.3159802


All the jabs were slowed down a bit, but it still seems to play like Mashy Blood.

>> No.3159804

I like meruba because there is PC ver. with netplay community which GGXX does not.

>> No.3159810
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May's command throw is pretty good. It leads to great combos, and even if she wiffs it, she still looks fucking cute.

Baiken, at least the last time I played her, was pretty much unlimited tatami mat works into setting up dust/youzansen combos. Still, I never really got tired of her because I liked the thought of beating the shit out of my opponents with the fucking floor.

Also, her counters add something fun to her gameplay, and really make the opponent think about how to pressure her. Is your opponent going to try to just fire projectiles at you? 63214K -> grab -> 6C -> frc'd tatami -> combo.

>> No.3159814
File: 289 KB, 684x600, ecc5fb4e314dcdb3eae5d68963c1893b8b395ea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is this? I thought /jp/ liked their Meltan Fightan game.

>> No.3159817



Unfortunately, it's #R and not AC, but hey, in #R you get to play with #R Eddie. AND SLAYER HAS NO HITBOX

>> No.3159818


Have fun waiting for 2010 broseleph.

>> No.3159823


fucking bacon



>> No.3159824
File: 812 KB, 847x1020, moe 30988 guilty_gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go for moe.

>> No.3159826

Goddammit, people think mashing 2a will win will get raped by anyone who is remotely good or even just uses blockstrings

>> No.3159833

I *really* don't like GG, nor BlazBlue. Their controls just feel completely unnatural, the characters never do what I think I'm making them do. Horrible games. Yes, I like Melty Blood more than them.

Though I do agree that MB isn't really a top tier competitive game either. My favorite is SF3S.

>> No.3159840

GG is a more completely developed series with more reiterations and reworkings, and a higher production budget because Melty started out as a Doujin group's project.

However, Melty is still extremely fun, the flow and feel of each game give them a fit and finish which just doesn't get old.

>> No.3159849

Slowfag in a speedyshit thread

>> No.3159850




>> No.3159851
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Great. #R Eddie and LOLBITELOOP. Good times, man; good times. Personally, I used Chipp the most in #R I'm a masochist.

>> No.3159859

>the characters never do what I think I'm making them do. Horrible games
learn to play a game with faster inputs, faggot

>> No.3159866

The reason is not faster inputs, but GG's and BlazBlue's horrible systems. I have absolutely no problems with Melty Blood's inputs.

>> No.3159867

#R Gold Slayer > anything from any other fighting game.
While the Super versions weren't really made to be balanced, they somewhat feel that they fucked up when they made Gold Slayer.

>> No.3159869

#R has dustloop.
Donna wanna play it.

>> No.3159871

i hate melty blood

>> No.3159872

>I somewhat feel

>> No.3159874


Play #Robo Ky

His command grab steals 50% and doesn't really reduce the guard bar at all... so you can just RC it and do more combo for stupid damage.

>> No.3159877


>> No.3159881
File: 1.31 MB, 2144x3092, moe 45860 axl_low guilty_gear kuradoberi_jam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like those two too.

>> No.3159883

That is what /jp/ wanted you to believe.
There is no such thing as Melty Blood

>> No.3159891


To be honest, I like all three too, I just like GG more than MB.

I like BB more than MB too, I think, but I definitely like GG more than BB.

>> No.3159893

Remember the mission where you have to fight Gold Slayer as Sol? I was like, "I'm pretty good, so even if it's gold, it shouldn't be too hard..."

Then, I select the mission, the stage loads, Pride and Glory starts playing, and I'm suddenly in a fight for my life. Shit was so badass.

>> No.3159912

Also, #R Sol.

"What's that, you got tripped? Enjoy losing half your life to DUST LOOP DUST LOOP DUST LOOP"

>> No.3159925


>> No.3159934


like dust loop was even close to the most broke shit in #R

>> No.3159935

Sidewinder loops does just a much.
Sol is a beast.

>> No.3159949

3S: Guess and win

The parry is such a flawed concept.

>> No.3159951


It would feel too wrong if, when Sol finally managed to get in on you he wasn't able to do beastly damage all over your shit.

>> No.3159954

I gotta admit, I found sidewinder loop awesome looking at first.

But then I realized that it would be Sol's bread and butter until they modified it just like they modified the dust loop, and it started to grate on me.

Personally, I used Bandit Revolver loop more than dust loop.

>> No.3159960

Most of the fun in #R came from just dropping your controller if a halfway decent Eddie caught you in a corner without any burst.

>> No.3159973


Bandit Revolver loop is one of my friend's favorite combos. He said he likes it just because it's what the computer would bust out on your ass when it got the opportunity.

>> No.3159984

>>3159866 The reason is not faster inputs, but GG's and BlazBlue's horrible systems

lol what? GG has one of the most refined and responsive systems in the history of fighting games. GG is the most technical 2D fighter. Hands down. There's a reason why every game copies a lot of its mechanics. It's the new SF, in terms of influence and popularity. It successfully created a rift in the monopoly SF had and split the 2D fighter community.

Don't blame the game for your shitty input.

But my favorite game is still ST

>> No.3159986

My victories against the computer would always feel sort of hollow since they never used the dust loop or anything. The only thing the computer has on a person is this unholy ability to predict exactly what you're going to do, and counter it while you're still just starting up. Sometimes my combos get shut down before they even fucking start.

>> No.3160006


bison jumped over my fireball and 100%ed me. =(

>> No.3160051


>> No.3160276

So if AC would exist on /jp/ no one would play Meltan?
Or would you still play Meltan because of fanboyism?

>> No.3160287

if AC had a pc port I'd play it more than meltan. But still play both
Its not going to happen though.

>> No.3160289

Personally, I'd play AC. The only reason I even touch MB is for Miyako, Sacchin, and Aoko.

>> No.3160295

GGXXAC+ is awesome and has a Soundtrack by Daisuke Ishiwatari.

MB is awesome.

Do you see the difference, OP? Do you?

>> No.3160305

Ah, but you can change melty's soundtrack.
Make it Melty Gear or Melty Touhou or whatnot

>> No.3160327

Blazblue is here
Guilty Gear is the loser.

>> No.3160346

GGXXAC is so stupidly complicated and is all about 'safe' play. Option selecting a million things at once, burst safe combos, being as 'protected' as you can be.

MB is more out there, but old MBAC is still a dumb game. It's not about technicality and playing safe, though. It's more about "My air attack is better than yours, I win, free combo, oki, mixup".

>> No.3160371

I wish I had friends to play MBAA with on the PS2. :(

>> No.3160374

That's every fighting game.
If your air attacks suck, don't jump or clash, go for grabs, shield, anti-air, whatever your char is good at, etc

If there's anything that's technically inferior about melty, its that crossups suck and hi-low variety sucks

>> No.3160392

but AC shiki had none of that

>> No.3160425

? Shiki has high priority air normals.

>> No.3160431

>high priority air normals

>> No.3160434


Kouma is A-tier.

>> No.3160444

but kouma has good air attack

>> No.3160475

Bro, I think you got your characters mixed up

>> No.3160498

i don't think you play shiki.

>> No.3160510

I don't think you live in Bangkok.

>> No.3160641


A shitty stuffer j.b and an excruciatingly slow j.c, neither of which can be spammed, do not a good air moveset make.

>> No.3160682

>implying jb/jc of other characters can be spammed

>> No.3160711
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MB has Sugoi, GG has Faust. I guess it's a tie for me.

On a bit unrelated note, I so want to try out Daemon Bride. Seriously, how can you not love the game with the cast like:
>A student with an angelic pig which transforms into a bow
>Faerie-like little girl riding a baloon-like monster clown
>Grappler character with purple tentacles instead of the right hand
>Blonde girl who fights with giant scissors and her angelic butler
>A badass smoking priest with a cutest angel you've seen as a companion
Pity there's no console port announced so far.

>> No.3160717

I've never been too fond of those fighters with the dial-up button mashing combos. Gameplay-wise both GG and MB are the same, as they're both a slight variation of the Marvel Versus series style of combos and air-dashing.

That said, GG has the superior art and sound direction. That makes it the better game in the end. Character-wise I don't really prefer one game over the other. Sol was cool at first though. Well, his Statue of Liberty stage background was anyways. Too bad they got rid of it in GGX.

>> No.3160727


I'd drop every single game for GGXXAC with solid online.

I'd drop every game twice.

>> No.3160767
File: 116 KB, 526x695, gg11838691733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I need more GG art.

>> No.3160794

Daemon Bride looks damn good, but when is it going to get released out of arcades?

>> No.3160826



>> No.3160830

>>3160717 Gameplay-wise both GG and MB are the same, as they're both a slight variation of the Marvel Versus series style of combos and air-dashing.

Uh, no.

/jp/ really shows its ignorance.

>> No.3160834

No idea, but I do hope that we will get the announcement, like, this autumn.

>> No.3160893
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Nasu has said he wanted MB to be like Marvel Super Heroes; you can check this in the readme for the original MB. Guilty Gear also came out at the time when the MHS series was popular and wanted to capitalize on its style of fighting while combining it with the chaining found in doujin fighters at the time (like Queen of Heart '98).

Sorry /v/, you lose this round. We are experts on this topic.

>> No.3160910
File: 130 KB, 634x852, 1249613732026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jam is pretty hot!
Guilty Gears Hong!

>> No.3160917


why so surnames

>> No.3160921
File: 112 KB, 849x1348, sample-3069c4e3a6d558b3a3647a25bb60f99d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Litchi!
Together we make...Captain China!

>> No.3160931
File: 469 KB, 887x560, abb54d272fe6fb0de04d997a6ffdb7e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love playing as Jam in Guilty Gear, Hong Meiling in Touhou, and Miyako in Melty Blood.

The sad thing is, I never noticed any sort of pattern before.

>> No.3160943
File: 155 KB, 600x550, miyako12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget meeee

>> No.3160950
File: 87 KB, 550x514, kohakuchinadress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara, leave it to the Onee-chans

>> No.3160951
File: 308 KB, 600x800, 3183706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faerie-like little girl riding a baloon-like monster clown
Why hello there.

>> No.3160953
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>> No.3160975
File: 240 KB, 573x678, 6352ccc49a0ddc1567f3c57c39643023fbd4ccfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, Kohaku. You're asking for a kick to the head.

>> No.3160981

Since when did she have green hair...

>> No.3160999

Since alt costumes.

>> No.3161030
File: 64 KB, 676x697, gg1214556664616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post more Jam then.

>> No.3161065

I sort of see what you did there.

>> No.3161110
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Get out of jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.3161455
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>> No.3161595

>with the chaining found in doujin fighters at the time (like Queen of Heart '98).

Sorry, no. Guilty Gear came out before The Queen of Heart.
