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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 225 KB, 1280x720, vn jp 2613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31376102 No.31376102 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>31350215

>> No.31376168
File: 228 KB, 1196x618, 1581781983898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31376189

add me

>> No.31376204

add him

>> No.31376210

do rtk

>> No.31376286
File: 45 KB, 213x123, 1600605849272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31376324

added you

add me too

>> No.31376329

why aren't you learning chinese instead?

>> No.31376407

fuck off to /int/

>> No.31376424

just executed a chunk of code that takes two hours to run
after that its the 8 hour big boy while i sleep

>> No.31376440

can't hear you over the sound of based and elite chinese

>> No.31376462


>> No.31376465

read that as executed a chink

>> No.31376477

Based me having the last post in the last thread and dedicating it to the based Chinese.

>> No.31376579

KEK classic

>> No.31376596

add him

>> No.31376616

well there are some chinks across the street from me i could execute but i kinda like them so i wont

>> No.31376631

>Dropped Hunter x Hunter
holy.... BASED

>> No.31376686

fuck them

>> No.31376742
File: 10 KB, 473x200, VGLwz29P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can read all of this except wtf is in between the 何 and the か

>> No.31376759

nah theyre old and i dont really fuck grandparents

>> No.31376788


>> No.31376882


>> No.31376885


>> No.31376914


>> No.31376933

who writes like that

>> No.31377012

that's と you blind fuck

>> No.31377053

single stroke

>> No.31377088

gonna need to hear what the elders have to say about this one

>> No.31377101

ん doesnt make any sense

>> No.31377118

now that’s some well-written hentai

>> No.31377193
File: 21 KB, 1155x239, vYcwySLsB9tRNkch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh hunterchads???

>> No.31377303

he asked what was written not what should have been written

>> No.31377367


>> No.31377369

does it not

>> No.31377401

holy based

>> No.31377403


>> No.31377497

wow u suck

>> No.31377526
File: 378 KB, 545x853, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31377538

dont be mean

>> No.31377540


>> No.31377559

don't forget to ask your doctor about that qds

>> No.31377587

i hate giantess stuff

>> No.31377631

me too desu senpai

>> No.31377653

it is 食事は3人で何とか you lazy fuck n6 level conversion skills

>> No.31377687

another win for quizlord

>> No.31377695

imma go ahead and declare that is an ん

>> No.31377741


>> No.31377760
File: 92 KB, 648x800, xvgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31377824

stop humiliating yourself itt and go back to writing your guide so you can provide us with humiliation fuel for the next jew man years

>> No.31377826


>> No.31377875

sure but where did i humiliate myself

>> No.31377907

single stroke と with those proportions looks real out of place with how clear and normal the rest is

>> No.31377949

i mean if you want to make fun of jizz make fun of his radical deck or how his kanken deck isn't even n+1 sorted

>> No.31377951

now explain why ん would make any sense in this japanese sentence

>> No.31378031

what the fuck is n+1 sorted and why should anyone care

>> No.31378032

thats low grade shit the guide will be his magnum opus

>> No.31378033

which part needs explanation

>> No.31378037

>how his kanken deck isn't even n+1
lmfao it's funny how stupid you are you literally don't understand the deck, you are a major force turning this place into festering ground for real unironic idiocy

>> No.31378077

can you guys just settle this by saying its a と that looks like ん or is that too easy?

>> No.31378086

every time you lowercase you are just accepting jamals bbc just so you know

>> No.31378100

why there would ever be ん after 何 in the japanese language

>> No.31378154

google 何んか

>> No.31378168

if you want to talk about jamal's penis at least be accurate and say little asian pecker

>> No.31378202

not a word

>> No.31378312

i obviously meant for kanji retard why are compound words before words with component kanji
takes 2 seconds to fix but was annoying just like the layout that broke on android

>> No.31378317

sure shows up a lot for something that your ime wont suggest

>> No.31378331

should you mine a word after seeing it multiple times or the first time
if you adhere to the principles it doesnt make sense to mine a word that you dont fully understand
but you cant understand a word in japanese without seeing it multiple times either
its a very catch 22 situation since anki should only be for remembering and memorizing not learning

>> No.31378361
File: 327 KB, 800x1200, Karma_Tatsurou_Ootsuma_03_ENG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think you might be a fag desu.

>> No.31378388

yea but i know japanese so i know its not a word so anyone who typed it ever made a typo and you're damage controlling

>> No.31378422

ur outing yourself as an expert on the size and shape of his chinchin

>> No.31378453


>> No.31378464

the levels are arranged by kanken/school grade order and the order is randomized inside the levels purposefully
and i don't use anki on android it's not hard to fix anyway though

>> No.31378493

何んか いい事ないかな?
何んか 楽しい事はないのかな?

何んか 嬉しい事ないかな?
何んか 面白い事はないのかな?

でも 何んかは待ってても 


>> No.31378545

First time is the only chance you'll have to mine it. If you've seen it multiple times you already know it by that stage and you'll never meet your card adding daily quota.

>> No.31378554

とfags btfo

>> No.31378574

the only damage control is calling it a typo lmfao thats a hard mistake to make

>> No.31378596

if you know japanese you know what i'm talking about

>> No.31378651

for what purpose?
anki will spread things out automatically in a few days and optimizing it makes it a whole lot easier to learn quickly

>> No.31378662

how do you pronounce the nonexistent word 何んか

>> No.31378731

try to feel it out

>> No.31378742

imagine being absolutely destroyed over an extra kana to tell you that its not なにか

>> No.31378775


>> No.31378826


>> No.31378878

searching ビキニ on youtube has fucked up my dopamine

>> No.31378963


Gott strafe TSUVID.

>> No.31378965
File: 73 KB, 1059x565, 1535987672803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont give me ideas

>> No.31378983


>> No.31379018

anki doesn't spread information out on it's own, if you learn all the words with the same kanji on the same day you will review them in similar time periods on the future, it's better to learn them on different days and yeah i tried both so i'm speaking from experience and i arranged the deck the way it is AFTER making that experience, if you find it hard to learn writing from the deck you may simply not be advanced enough to use it
you are supposed to know most of the words already and have no problem understand japanese, you are not supposed to learn words from it but learn writing words you already know

>> No.31379043

wait till you find ジュニアアイドル

>> No.31379076

someone ask jamal in a couple hours whats between the 何 and the か

>> No.31379114

wish i was sleepin with 邪魔l

>> No.31379137

wish jamal never psoted again

>> No.31379165

wish jamal still posted all day long

>> No.31379203

u dont mean that

>> No.31379308


>> No.31379310

is it a ga?

>> No.31379322

so it's your opinion that it's easier to learn to write multiple new kanji concurrently on the same card rather than in isolation then combining them afterwards

that's retarded, also not sure where you got it in your head that it's a vocab issue

>> No.31379334


>> No.31379356
File: 71 KB, 945x438, 1464635143798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most premade decks are retarded. the only one worth trying is ankidrone starter pack.
i'm currently working on undoing the damage caused by qms shit advice.
gonna make articles on card templates and learning jap in general as well, because his are garbage.
anki randomizes due dates out of the box. waiting a few days to learn similar information won't do much in the long term.
no one likes namefags

>> No.31379367

speak for yourself

it's likely a vocab issue because even if you learn writing two kanji at the same time it's not hard because they are not new kanji for you

>> No.31379381

cmon now its xmas time gotta give qm some slack

>> No.31379463

he speaks for me too
qm has to fuck off regardless of time of the year

>> No.31379510

they are new in production, which is a very different skill, otherwise why make the deck in the first place?

>> No.31379605 [DELETED] 
File: 2.14 MB, 1242x931, 1598763608958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh my gains!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.31379623

kill your fuckin self

>> No.31379663

mined 痙攣 heres the context in text if anyone else also wants to mine it but doesnt feel like typing it all out:

>> No.31379674

holy shit my dopamine

>> No.31379728

>mined 痙攣
oof dude u gotta step up ur erogame

>> No.31379878

it's december 28 and quiz still hasn't bit the bullet? what the actual fuck.

>> No.31379893


>> No.31379896

>babbys first eroge

>> No.31380014

yeah i just looked at its vn frequency lol ill start playing vns soon got a few other things going on right now just waiting to free up a little each game is a big time commitment after all

>> No.31380026

what do you mean

>> No.31380060


>> No.31380075

Christmas is a time where people feel extremely lonely and end themselves.

>> No.31380087

after he got shot down by church girl people thought he'd kill himself

>> No.31380144

didn't exactly get shot down considering we are meeting up again

>> No.31380212

lol k
jamal already slept with her

>> No.31380247

what happened

>> No.31380292



>> No.31380345

>QM is proud of getting to have a second meet up with jamal's sloppy seconds
cant make that shit up...

>> No.31380359

nothing, had a christmas date and we talked a lot, made some food and had a good time, got physically close but nothing romantic (which is prob normal considering it was our first time meeting outside school) and we are meeting up again

>> No.31380411

hope qm turns into a norm and stops coming here

>> No.31380423

nobody cares faggot

>> No.31380441

if nobody cared they wouldn't keep bringing it up now would they

>> No.31380480

they're bringing it up to make fun of you retard

>> No.31380489

>(which is prob normal considering it was our first time meeting outside school)
So young, so naive.
If she was into you, you would've been into her.

>> No.31380551

nothing wrong with that

>> No.31380637

it's not funny

>> No.31380678

once she finally turns quiz down and tells him he's creepy, annoying and weird he's going to go on an autistic rampage and shoot up everyone in his school just you watch. please livestream it.

>> No.31380732

ok quiz, you can stop samefagging. we know it's you.

>> No.31380761

god i hate women

>> No.31380778

shame that shes a "christian"
you should have smoked weed and just fuck

>> No.31380808

soulless bug

>> No.31380816

watching the news papers for "autistic faggot rapes church girl, claims he doesn't speak English and only talks to police in Japanese. Japanese interpreter can't understand what the fuck he says."

>> No.31380849

nah my souls power triples when im high

>> No.31380855

god i hate quiz

>> No.31380888


>> No.31380891
File: 15 KB, 1219x316, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because my writing deck has a noticeably lower average ease than my vocab deck even though the vocab deck has a significantly higher fail rate, I've assumed that Anki shows you kanji more often the longer that you spend answering the card. Can anyone corroborate that?

>> No.31380916

wow you're all mentally ill. i hope quiz doesn't take it too personally.

>> No.31380918







>> No.31380970


>> No.31381010

i like how you "people" have turned to simple namecalling when you can't find anything wrong with something but you've been told it's evil

>> No.31381043


Then I just don't understand.

>> No.31381079

told what is evil? every mentally ill peasant is brainwashed to think casual sex and marijuana are good nowadays

>> No.31381109

so you're the smart one who knows they are evil, just because they are

>> No.31381111





>> No.31381123


>> No.31381168

I hope he does

>> No.31381175

casual sex is lame
but nothing wrong with some 大麻

>> No.31381182


>> No.31381223

well bros looks like that code will actually take closer to 10 hours to finish running
wish i had a better computer to run this shit on

>> No.31381252

this is a no non namefag bully zone fren

>> No.31381282

seething faggot

>> No.31381330

ez win for quick

>> No.31381447 [DELETED] 

fuck sex with no love, finna fall in love with a girl and fuck her on the same day, then develop into a loving relationship

>> No.31381484







>> No.31381574

yeah sex with no love sucks

>> No.31381594

don't remember the last time i showered. balls smell terrible

>> No.31381620


>> No.31381664

based thanks for posting
i will need to study a lot of these videos in order to write realistic female dialogue when i start drawing H comics

>> No.31381706

don't need to shower in covid m8

>> No.31381725

>If you've seen it multiple times you already know it by that stage
most of the time not true

>> No.31381790




>> No.31381875


>> No.31381960


>> No.31381964


>> No.31381992


>> No.31382007





>> No.31382019


>> No.31382035

why what

>> No.31382084

gonna go read a children's novel for 30 minutes
will return back with the following stats
pages read: prediction 8 or less
words looked up: prediction 15
level of interest out of 10: prediction 4

>> No.31382101

wanna fuck the sleepy princess

>> No.31382176

there was no wa no ga no no

>> No.31382193



>> No.31382211


ハンディー 風呂持ってる?帰るうちにコロナが...

>> No.31382249



>> No.31382262

having real trouble trying to understand the meaning of について

>> No.31382334

have you tried studying

>> No.31382397
File: 444 KB, 500x666, freemelee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31382440


>per person
>per your request,

>> No.31383008

Sounds like an intense book!! Whatcha reading

>> No.31383429

her tits suck though

>> No.31383855

the fact that this retard thinks doing a different card type is damaging tells u all u need to know about how little japanese he knows lol

>> No.31383893

>the only one worth trying is ankidrone starter pack.
oh yes... your garbage bait to make newfags waste their time when they could be using vncore improved

>> No.31384004

qms internet defense force has arrived

>> No.31384446

both core an vncore are terrible decks.

>> No.31384628
File: 30 KB, 593x204, 1538291465034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by recommending different "core" decks you make people waste their time and effort, which eventually leads to quitting.
read the MIA japanese quickstart guide before posting another core deck. it clearly says that you need tango decks.
and ankidrone starter pack includes tango decks.

>> No.31384674

fuck matt and fuck you
rush a core(preferably the lastest vncore) and start mining
all matt says is common sense that anyone with more than 2 neurons knows

>> No.31384834

more like
left = ankivirgins
right = immersionchads

>> No.31384875


Isn't vncore just core 3k with some cards taken out? If so those have example sentences with audio, unless they took those out for some reason?

>> No.31385101

just check the absolute state of japanese learning and youll realize how easy it is to become a fucking guru
some people never even bother learning kana and think theyre fine with "romanji"

>> No.31385387

wtf? wouldn't it be really easy to grab examples from vns though?

>> No.31385725

just imagine the dopamine

>> No.31386048

Your motivation is haafu's? Have fun with a mentally ill gf who isn't considered Japanese.

>> No.31386162

sounds like sex

>> No.31388010

Any normal in person interaction with a Japanese person then.

>> No.31388242

>a lot of time
5-30 minutes a day for 3 months? dude that is tiny compared to the rest of the grind

>> No.31388354

The people referenced to start all this were based off-site. So I imagine it's from people who want to go to Japan.

>> No.31388359


>> No.31388816


>> No.31388897

queef really lives rent free in mini rapist and cos heads

>> No.31389060

im late but if someone just wants to visit japan for a trip and be able to order a taiyaki or something with basic bitch vocab i think reading shitty romaji textbooks may be viable. dogen also talked about how some languages don't even have a writing system btw. not learning kanji/kana because of laziness is something to look down upon regardless

>> No.31389254


>> No.31389501

Can anyone tell me what の is doing here?


>> No.31389703

apparently 2525 stands for nico nico, i can get that
i read 2727 is niya niya

why the fuck is 7 ya

>> No.31390019

wasn't really able to work on the site today because i had to move around and do some stuff

>> No.31390106
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, boku_mama_bvFD6xaBnl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based op.
is the text supposed to be making fun of nukige dialogue?

>> No.31390217

true, i guess its like when mexicans mix in spanish when arguing in in english

>> No.31390667


>> No.31390717

i never sleep consistently

>> No.31390745

I'm one meter seventy three cm, will I be average or above or below average in Japan?

>> No.31390754

may suggest something about this thread that nobody else noticed the op or 4bcs post even though it got a few replies

>> No.31390758

use google you stupid fuck

>> No.31390946

bet it's a woman

>> No.31390950

i dont even like the anime but the song is a banger and a half

>> No.31390957

he's a mere laughing stock, you're missing out.

>> No.31390967

you're alright

>> No.31391124
File: 654 KB, 1280x720, 1576154453390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moege are eas-
wtf bros.......

>> No.31391187

official jp/djt/ difficulty levels

>> No.31391194
File: 442 KB, 1491x609, 1605800395007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude lets just literally remake mirai nikki and even call the main character mirai haha

fuck anime

>> No.31391212

she's been living in japan since she was 15 so yeah

>> No.31391216


>> No.31391217


>> No.31391254

could anybody explain to me why they use anilist? it looks like absolute trash

>> No.31391259



>> No.31391262

wouldnt read that even if i could if it was in a nukige

>> No.31391660

you know now this makes me curious heres the japanese thread on /int/ (not the int djt), which jp flag posters are not native?

>> No.31391845

idk i just thought id ask since it looks like everyone in djt attained such a strong sense of natural japanese within 4 months that theyd confidently shoot down presumably native material lol

>> No.31391971

i see someone's feeling insecure after their embarrassing mistake

>> No.31392159

old news.

>> No.31392189

the better coping angle would be that nobody else who replied to you mentioned it

>> No.31392206

i wanna chase her around her house kickin her in the ass yellin wtfs wrong with u

>> No.31392236

*clears throat*

dear 紳士s and 淑女s

may i have the honor to cope for second?

>> No.31392341

i already said it seemed very different from all the japanese ive consumed had an english like sentence structure, of course no one wants to believe me because its convenient not to but why would i trust my 4 month instinct over something i thought is straight from a vn

in fact its a much bigger self own to raise fingers because it means if you were in my position you wouldve been deluded enough to act like you know what natural japanese is better than japanese people who wrote that piece of japanese lol

>> No.31392362

he can't stop

>> No.31392396

reminds me of the classic quizler cope posts

>> No.31392551

狂ったビッチなwhitoid女は全員軽蔑している !!

>> No.31392582

does the 4bbc guy know japanese

>> No.31392616

you can't tell?

>> No.31392621

no but he knows core 6k

>> No.31392733
File: 125 KB, 220x238, 1606734700909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>is the text supposed to be making fun of nukige dialogue?
>tfw you come back barely unscathed from that landmine

>> No.31392746

another gorgeous day of being someone who has not and will not watch logh

>> No.31392780

it's really good though, i dont understand why people here are so vehemently against it. is it cause queef likes it?

>> No.31392791

logh is worth watching just for the music and atmosphere alone. mahler is so sick.

>> No.31392795

yes this is my wife

>> No.31392842

Because the only thing that sucks Yang's wang harder than the anime is that faggot Julian. Could've been a lot better if the fujos didn't get to it.

>> No.31392843

hey school rumble is based...
guess i will leave this one for latter for when i feel confident enough to go without subs

>> No.31392874

i know a lot more than whats in core6k, time didnt stop after i finished it and besides anki doesnt equal japanese knowledge its more about native input time spent theres nothing wrong with my learning rate

>> No.31392927

dam just found that that theres a gal named swain who has a dumb "output hypothesis"

>> No.31392985

only bad namefags are quiz and miniquiz imo

>> No.31392993

im memeing i saw a recommended tweet saying that but with ¨hamilton¨ at the end, no idea what that is. logh looks alright, the elitism around the show puts me off a little bit but i'm not one of those idiots that doesn't like something just because of the fanbase, main reason i haven't watched it is because is long af

>> No.31393007

does anybody know of japanese metal? like death metal.

>> No.31393054

4bc is the worst
quiz level autism but no ability or contribution

>> No.31393068


>> No.31393149

anonymous tripfag nuthuggers are the worst tbdesu

>> No.31393152

that's not really death metal but it's more hardcore than most japanese metal i've heard (which is only babymetal)

>> No.31393171

Only good death metal to come out of Japan.

>> No.31393184

not like you are contributing by being a hysteric child whenever someone posts with a name either
just take it easy

>> No.31393187

what do you mean no ability given my time investment im doing well pretty sure i could knock you out when you were 4 month in there are people who spend as much time learning and cant even read what i typed out lol what a dishonest shit you are not worth engaging

>> No.31393281

anything at all

>> No.31393287


>> No.31393392

m8 your progress is average for someone investing in it and you did nothing novel
you haven't even made the JJ switch yet or if so did so in the last week or two
get out your own ass

>> No.31393456

remember your retarded opinions on jj card design despite being je?
i member

>> No.31393459

yea sigh are pretty good their later albums are a lot different though

>> No.31393561

and vomit in the wound

>> No.31393587


>> No.31393667

do you actually have some 脚本 written?

>> No.31393666

so long as there's a cunny route I'll support it

>> No.31393688
File: 528 KB, 755x767, 1590530875617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want them bros..

>> No.31393691

brb sending cheese pizza to bunko and then calling the cops

>> No.31393694


>> No.31393701

get in the cunny waiting room

>> No.31393726


>> No.31393738

wtf they made 3 movies for 1 route?

>> No.31393761

daily reminder to ventilate your room at least 3 times a day for maximum nihongo gains!!!

>> No.31393770

when do the bds come out i dont wanna watch filthy camrips but its starting to get tempting

>> No.31393798

everybody spam quiz's pisscord with lolihentai and then report it to discord admins. his whole pisscord will get removed because they have a zero tolerance policy.

>> No.31393802






>> No.31393812

m8 ur textbook dunning Kruger
by what metric are you even average?
also in jj you pick the appropriate definition not all of them, and exposure to related and descriptive words is an arguably greater plus than getting nuance
yet more garbage opinions from a moron

>> No.31393820


>> No.31393822

im just gonna paste that into as many gay porn mailers as i can i hope u know

sorry dude ull have to show me something really good that resonates w. me for me to want to do anything like that and i dont frankly think someone 20 years yunger than me can really do it

u cunny fucks r disgusting i would certainly put something in to troll all of u

just outline shit thoughts ideas some progression just stuff i wouldnt want to forget

>> No.31393834

both of you are cringe cause everyone can only work at their own pace so stfu

>> No.31393839

hard pass

>> No.31393841

end of march for heavens feel, cant find anything confirmed for kny

>> No.31393875

i always skim this one and read it as kuuki yomenai

>> No.31393876

i've seen 350 shows dont really care much about genres

>> No.31393882

hi djt

>> No.31393883

yet another roasty apologist bound for failure

>> No.31393940

>67 minutes

>> No.31393941

ask your little sister

>> No.31393947

no you aren't, no you didn't, no you don't, no they aren't

>> No.31393953

no one will want to read your garbage vn, you can't be the 'next katawa shoujo' because people only read it because it was the first one

>> No.31393968

>u cunny fucks r disgusting i would certainly put something in to troll all of u
she is actually a 300 year old witch and not just for the trope
she transforms into her true form before the ero scenes, because she's so in love with the protag she doesn't mind showing her true self

>> No.31393976

does it have cunny?

>> No.31394026

what's funny?

>> No.31394040

roasty cope is pretty funny

>> No.31394053

what's cunny?

>> No.31394064


>> No.31394075

i think the word stands for cute pussy but i still don't get why it ends on unny

>> No.31394100
File: 9 KB, 430x242, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31394113

the book is based on a fictional version of my life. I have been told a few times that my life sounds like a movie, so I'm making it into a light novel. the basic story outline follows me when I moved to japan and has fictional elements mixed in to make it more interesting. the story itself is kind of a romantic comedy.

>> No.31394140

oh yes another romcom just what the doctor ordered *tosses it in the pile behind me w.o even looking at it*

>> No.31394163

hope there's a chapter of you struggling with japanese visa

>> No.31394170





>> No.31394180

is the love interest a JS?

>> No.31394181

finna write my djt ln

>> No.31394196

is this bitch imouto? would be disappointed if he had such pleb taste

>> No.31394287

by what metric are you not a retard lol work on your english comprehension first then read my post again you literally didnt understand anything i said

i dont pretend to understand japanese just to get "related words exposure" dictionary mining is fucking braindead, there is no question learning from context works and i need nothing more than clarifying nuance and reading dozens of japanese sentences per word complement a j-e definition works perfectly for that and is building up my knowledge

i will naturally switch when reading the entries feel more natural now stfu or ill tear your j-j fagshit in front of your eyes and stuff your idiot mouth with the pages and shut you up myself because let me tell you no amount of japanese knowledge is going to fix your low iq dont want to hear any more of your dumbshit

>> No.31394306
File: 56 KB, 1024x576, 5c0a252d3057b90cb1954c9dfcd596e2bd687b33_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adult male/JS is the purest form of love

>> No.31394314

huge win for 4bbc

>> No.31394327

hello is this the cope department we have an emergency here

>> No.31394339

can you post an excerpt

>> No.31394341

>reading dozens of japanese sentences per word complement a j-e definition works perfectly for that and is building up my knowledge

>> No.31394373

stfu or else im gonna suck your dick

>> No.31394380

kojikan fags disgust me

>> No.31394386

sad that 4bc has to deal with these low iq haters all the time

>> No.31394394

wow instead of using a jj and reading actual content you'd rather have paragraphs of random content on each card
legitimately retarded

>> No.31394438

because we are transcendent brings and make you feel inferior?
you too can ascend, take the cunny pill

>> No.31394459

Do fiction writers ever invent their own kanji? Like some shakespeare/jabberwocky style stuff?

>> No.31394470

I'm not allowed to post anything online at this point. If it gets greenlit then there will probably be a 試し読み section on the webpage.

>> No.31394488

yup, some go full autismo on it too

>> No.31394494

post something from your other writings that aren't related then

>> No.31394496

you could put caps in all of your posts and you would be indistinguishable from the reddit copy pastes

>> No.31394524


whats ur issue

>> No.31394532

I don't have any other writings. a coworker made a joke about how my life woimake a good anime and that gave me the idea to make it into a manga, but I can't draw so writing a book seemed more realistic. this is my first book. I'll receive an update on whether or not it's greenlit in January, I'll let you know.

>> No.31394538
File: 8 KB, 48x148, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont invent new kanji, but they string them together in new ways

>> No.31394549

and no matter what you put in your posts its not going to make the retard stench coming from your posts go away

>> No.31394558

upload the text file bro

>> No.31394586

if you don't want people to respond to your objectively wrong opinions then don't post them

>> No.31394591

fuck no its all mine ill upload it when im on my deathbed

>> No.31394606

strange that you wouldn't be allowed to post anything when you don't have a contract with any publishing company yet. especially when most lns are written online first anyway and that's completely normal. hope it works out for you tho bro im sure it'll be a best seller.

>> No.31394610

post anything in japanese so we can see if u suck dick

>> No.31394612

don't worry fren you'll still be able to pass Matt even with your garbage method

>> No.31394658

it's not that strange. if they reject it then I'm free to post the whole thing online or take it to another company. Idk if this is standard or just a rule for this company. anyway like I said I'll know in two weeks, I'll keep you guys updated.

>> No.31394694

got any new years resolutions djt?

think imma try to eat healthier and work out a bit more

>> No.31394727

wanna chouchaku his face

>> No.31394745


certified banger. very sonata arctica inspired

>> No.31394756

but when you get accepted in a couple of weeks like im sure you will then we won't be able to read any until it's published months later. just post a few lines bro they're not gonna find out about it or care

>> No.31394795

I'm not taking chances, you can wait dude. If it flops or gets rejected feel free to laugh at me in the meantime.

>> No.31394891
File: 569 KB, 2100x2400, 2uAISvM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31394892

5:23 mined 睾丸

>> No.31394907

who thefuck stfu

>> No.31394935

he's singing in engrish

>> No.31394966

replied to the wrong video should have been >>31394694

>> No.31394997

i giggled

>> No.31395009

updated the website with the new japanese guide so far

it's not entirely finished yet and i'll add things over time and adjust it as i get feedback

>> No.31395011

mined it anyway you cant truly master nihongo without being fluent in engrish

>> No.31395019

note how lns and mangas are the final boss before fluency lol

>> No.31395034

to play through all yakuza games

>> No.31395083

oh and i'm saying it's not finished as in there is shit i still had in mind that i'll write on it but it's kind of unimportant stuff the important stuff is there

>> No.31395088

very exciting finally i can learn japanese

>> No.31395105

nobody cares

>> No.31395177

>kana with mnemonics
is this an out of season April fool's joke

>> No.31395208
File: 70 KB, 345x360, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based

>> No.31395210

>Tae Kim grammar guide.
>The author himself has a questionable Japanese level and sometimes includes slightly unnatural sentences, but it's fine for a mere primer on grammar.

>> No.31395219

you find the idea offensive? it doesn't really matter what beginners do and remembering them with mnemonics is something many people do initially, it doesn't matter
i recommend the drilling machine above the mnemonics anyway

>> No.31395358

does your guide mention the ソン mondai?

>> No.31395382

thanks, i fixed it on my local version (might take time to update)

i don't think that has to be mentioned

>> No.31395430

>i don't think that has to be mentioned
why do you think this is the case? i thought you were a regular here? we used to have post about these a lot

>> No.31395499

fair enough

>> No.31395586

i agree, fuck tae gook.

>> No.31395606
File: 6 KB, 375x172, Screenshot_2020-12-28 Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) Episode 1 - Animelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31395622

i did it all for the nuki

>> No.31395651

gonna start studying to try for the ccna, wish me luck lol

>> No.31395702

it's so you can copy a link to the section, the paragraph symbol is next to all topic lines and creates a link to that exact spot

>> No.31395756

didn't take him post on twitter like this year saying he didn't know the word 星 or some shit

>> No.31395900

nice bro

>> No.31395953

hope this has adequate audiovisual material

>> No.31395966

dont care

>> No.31396096

i shove it up till i reach your 臓器

>> No.31396189

feel less depressed since ai and the whole vtuber scene started 3 years ago


>> No.31396283


>> No.31396351
File: 162 KB, 290x420, saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31396534

written japanese is a huge fucking mess, you can tell that the kanji aren't native to it and the whole thing is just a huge patchwork of mismatched parts forcefully made to work together.

the retards that say that japanese without kanji would not work are either chinks or dumbfucks.

>> No.31396592

>written japanese is a huge fucking mess, you can tell that the kanji aren't native to it and the whole thing is just a huge patchwork of mismatched parts forcefully made to work together.
funny cause i got the same feeling reading up on chinese grammar

>> No.31396627

i was under the impression that hanzi and chinese worked together better.

>> No.31396641

no one cares

>> No.31396647

4bc is the first and only tripfag i filtered in this thread, i can deal with jamal, bunko and quiz retardation, at least they have knowledge to back their shitposting.
4bc is just a retarded begginer that suffers from heavy dunning kruger i really cant deal with that shit.
Dont even bother replying to me you retarded attention seeking little shit, i wont see your post.

>> No.31396658

i dont give a fuck

>> No.31396674

i care

>> No.31396675

>it's another retarded withoid that cant even properly read japanese knows more about japanese than natives episode

>> No.31396684

you shouldn't

>> No.31396692

didnt mention that anywhere
dont try to argue with me when you cant even follow what im saying

>> No.31396712
File: 747 KB, 235x177, 1607636985015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im as white as coffee with milk

>> No.31396745

dude shut da fuck up

>> No.31396749

It "works" but it's cancer with the amount of homophones, kanji help with that.

>> No.31396754

almost all posts here are either low effort or offtopic so why aren't they getting deleted?

>> No.31396755

wish every language used the international phonetic alphabet would make everything so much easier

>> No.31396787

kanji isn't a serious barrier to learning japanese so i'm glad that it's around to filter out the low iq brown masses

>> No.31396800

context is enough.

>> No.31396851

ok but that's a discussion for /int/

>> No.31396863

always funny reading retards that cant even read yotsuba throwing the word dekinai around.

>> No.31396878

yea those homos suck

>> No.31396886


>> No.31396887

It's more easy to infer on meaning when you are actually face to face with someone, also even then you always see how easy it is to misinterpret what someone said.

>> No.31396896


>> No.31396969

>see anki

>> No.31396971

low iq masses are more likely to make it

>> No.31396983


>> No.31397007


Do people find the grammar deck helpful? I felt like in a lot of cases either it was "given away" by the defintion on the front of the card or I just remembered the example sentence. Most of the value was just by reading the dictionary entry on the back which I realized I could just do in another format that isn't anki.

>> No.31397134

so it's impossible to understand a japanese podcast?

>> No.31397167

mfw when niggors say kanji is bad but you find out they cant watch raw anime

>> No.31397173


I just did whatever's out of the box.

>> No.31397196

3D & 2D

>> No.31397255

thankfully this argument doesnt need to be had because kanji is here to stay for the foreseeable decades so if you wanna theorize about crap you can take it to /int/

>> No.31397259

No matter how much you scream shit and fart japanese people wont change how their language works just so a low iq brown retarded finally manages to learn it.

>> No.31397293

his dick is way bigger than mine wtf

>> No.31397294

can we please argue about >>31397047 instead

>> No.31397299

See what percentage of Japanese would sign a legal document or contract entirely written in hiragana and see how quickly your retardation falls apart lmao. Particularly surprised at you bunko, I can't even read kanji and I know how important it is.

>> No.31397310

no fuck off with your ironic retard questions

>> No.31397321

this is the only valid criticism
there wasnt any bitch and moaning retarded uppercaser, bet you cant even read a moege.

>> No.31397325

my questions aren't ironic tho

>> No.31397345

seems people here don't even know about the difference between 書き言葉 and 話し言葉

>> No.31397352

>I can't even read kanji and I know how important it is.
why the fuck you stick your nose into shit you know nothing about then you dumbfuck.

>> No.31397361

>the main issue is MAL stopped supporting access to their api and you can't use taiga with it.
this was fixed recently. download the beta version of taiga which hooks into a beta version of MAL's new api or some shit idk i'm not a programmer

>> No.31397365


>> No.31397382

now write the 書き言葉 version of these two words

>> No.31397412

biggest problem with my favorite website MAL is i can only see the last 3 things i updated

>> No.31397435

I can still read some kanji and all kanji with a texthook (like most of you do even if you dont fucking admit to it). Its much easier on the eyes.

>> No.31397464

I started learning Japanese a year ago by enrolling in a Japanese course focused on passing N5. I learnt all the kana and was using Minna No Nihongo for grammar. Since the course was focused on passing N5 they never taught me Japanese the way it was meant to be taught. They just told us to remember all the Japanese grammar rules from Minna No Nihongo and didn't focus on explaining the intuitive side of Japanese.

And then COVID happened and the classes stopped. So I was forced to take a break for less than a couple of months. Then I decided that I must start learning on my own and visited this sub and was told that I must complete Kanji before even touching native material or doing anything at all.

So I started with the RTK deck in Anki and completed around 100 kanji before feeling I'm not doing something productive. This was because it felt so like a grind to memorize random symbols rather than learning the language itself through vocabulary and grammar.

This is when I started watching Cure Dolly's videos. They provided me with the intuitive learning of Japanese I had always wanted. I learnt so much about the way Japanese feels. I completed over 50 videos in her Japanese from Scratch Videos which mainly covered grammar and explaining what was really being said when a generic Japanese sentence is spoken instead for directly translating it into English.

So now I can understand a reasonable amount of Japanese when I'm listening to native or semi native material. I can still not understand all of what is being said, but I can provide context as to what is happening and can explain the grammar of a Japanese sentence.

Then I knew that I had to immerse in native material sooner or later so I decided to read from Syosetu. I couldn't read anything from the website because almost everything was in Kanji. And even the hiragana contained words which I didn't know because I never focused on vocabulary. I solely focused on grammar and sentence structure. I just stared at the website for a hour trying to read at least a couple of paragraphs. But I couldn't because I don't know any Kanji. This was when I felt so worthless and small. I thought that I was just wasting my time learning Japanese and was too dumb to read it anyway.

Now I don't know what to do. How do I even start on Kanji and Vocab? Kanji has always been a mysterious concept to me since each symbol can be read multiple ways. I am totally confused on what to do to learn Kanji. Please guide me on what to do. I'd prefer to learn Kanji alongside vocab to start immersing in reading as soon as possible.

>> No.31397493

yea not reading all that


>> No.31397496

>yes sure but in basically any other context its fine
its not, its an eyesore

>> No.31397518

leave it to the whore who cant even read 売る to vastly exaggerate the importance of kanji in japanese.

>> No.31397530


>> No.31397534

here this video for little kids might help you understand some of the differences

>> No.31397538

opinion of a native so... stfu retarded whitoids

>> No.31397603

the one who started complaining was a nigger

>> No.31397618

you think little school kids are being taught academic stuff? theyre being taught how to use the language they already know properly the same way you were taught how to write essays and shit as a kid which is unrelated to academic linguistic topics

>> No.31397648

id take djt to rap karaoke have 2 invite the karaoke vets like nuke chan as well

>> No.31397649

i mean i dont care about the made up concepts they teach to little kids because i learned the same shit and it had 0 effect on my english

>> No.31397654

i haven't used the 100+ links i bookmarked to assist in my japanese learning in the past year wtf

>> No.31397661

>Regularly consume Japanese content¶
>Recommended time for this section: 6-12 months
whats the point of this time recommendation lol it should be infinity at this point

>> No.31397664

R e a d i n g J a p a n e s e w i t h o u t k a n j i is p r e t t y m u c h e x a c t l y l i k e r e a d i n g E n g l i s h w r i t t e n l i k e t h i s. I t ' s d o a b l e b u t s l o w a n d i r r i t a t i n g.

>> No.31397672

i whip out this website on occasion

>> No.31397778

>>double college dropout
>>30 years old dried up hag
>>spent 10 years trying to learn japanese and failed miserably
>i-i-m superior to the low iq brown massess!!
cant wait till the retarded whore is killed in the next mass shooting.

>> No.31397796


>> No.31397808

she's annoying but she's definitely superior to the brown masses

>> No.31397814

How would I say: “This is my bicycle. That is my bicycle too.”

I was thinking: これは私のじてんしやです. それは私もじてんしやです.

>> No.31397822

can u stop i havent honestly sensed her presence in a while its retards like u that keep saying this stupid shit that ruins the threads

>> No.31397833

話し言葉 is dialog
書き言葉 is narration

if you only mine from anime you get 99% 話し言葉 and 1% 書き言葉 when they quote some text on the extremely rare occassion.

>> No.31397834

she was vomiting shit just now up in the thread.

>> No.31397851

oh well i didnt read it that prolly explains it u guys should try it lol

>> No.31397853

ya well i watch animne and manga and theyre the same so i dont care

>> No.31397892


>> No.31397907

yosha im so hyped for the new animecards site!

>> No.31397916
File: 50 KB, 629x629, 90431298_2631145340330238_1492771303117507817_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single guide on the internet recommends starting learning japanese with a textbook like genki
>a group of autists on a chinese cartoon subforum of an imageboard for social outcasts got together and decided that using genki is the absolutely worst thing one can do
how did this happen?

>> No.31397933

if u read manga u learn this shit naturally to some extent

>> No.31397934

because i just skipped around the site and wasnt actually reading it lol

>> No.31397935

remember that guy matt vs japan? he used to make videos and waas pretty popular here

>> No.31397951

done talking about and seeing this dumb bitch, hereby revoke her bro status
maybe jamal and i will eiffel tower meisou instead

>> No.31397955

btw i cant take a retard fuckhead who wears a mask underneath his nose seriously all hes missing is a fuckign maga cap honestly what a dipshit lmao

>> No.31397958

every single person who achieved a high level of proficiency in japanese took a dump on genki

>> No.31397970

we have researchers like krashen to back it up and we believe in the scientific method, not what some random internet guide says.

>> No.31398005

>And then COVID happened and the classes stopped. So I was forced to take a break for less than a couple of months.

>> No.31398009

thats unfair it clearly slides down his face 30s in

>> No.31398011

u cant learn japanese without genki, it teaches the fundamentals of japanese you'll miss reading a misinformed guide like taekim or dolly

>> No.31398013

i wouldnt stick in kuuso girls gravel pit under any circumstances sorry

>> No.31398047

why is actually reading japanese not part of this until you get to the very end? you could do all the shit before it for years without getting to the last step

>> No.31398063

goood posts lmao

>> No.31398071

>permanently cripple you for years

>> No.31398082

genki's fine no one here thinks it's "the worst thing" just worse than tae kim and dojg and stuff

>> No.31398084


>> No.31398095

people here are not interested in having conversations in Japanese, just consooming media

>> No.31398143

id love to hear your 啼声 ;)

>> No.31398146

>Your brain is equipped with every it needs
typo spotted

>> No.31398147

how is djt worse than hlg of all places, what happened to this thread?

>> No.31398151

we get excited about new yoga videos every damn week but we barely get shit from matt. now that i think about it, i'm pissed.

>> No.31398163

fuck matt

>> No.31398179

wanna hear ogs ゴリラの喘ぎ声

>> No.31398196

respect yoga more than matt because he doesn't try to cover his balding

>> No.31398214

yoga is as much of a jew as matt

>> No.31398226

>Your brain is equipped with every
thanks, corrected it on my local version

>> No.31398251

dude works his ass off 100 hours a week don't ever disrespect him

>> No.31398430
File: 24 KB, 600x600, avatar-dogen-e9c3d419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-guys listen


guys I c-

guys guys

I can PRONOUNCE stuff

>> No.31398467

dogen claiming it's better to start with phonetics before everything else always seemed weird to me, assuming he doesn't do it for the sole reason of getting more people to his patreon

>> No.31398498

its not even really possible since you cant accurately hear the language

>> No.31398534

its 2 bad ur not old enough to remember those days

listening to hard drives spin listening to disk drives read the degauss sound or w.e when u turn on a crt monitor

dude wtf happened computing used to have soul

now all we got is rgb fuckigb lights

>> No.31398538

>do it for the sole reason of getting more people to his patreon
this is it.

>> No.31398556

i miss slapping my crt monitor to make it work

>> No.31398578

dogens a half hack but idk if a boy like bunko found something in them to focus on i guess its fine as he sounds pretty good

>> No.31398581

i miss mice with a ball in them

>> No.31398699

i dont think he sounds particularly good i think bunko sounds better than him honestly

its prolly bc hes not white

white ppl when they roll have like -50 asian language-ryoku lol

>> No.31398720


>> No.31398777

thats why there are so many amerimutts in nipland

>> No.31398781

bunko is definitely a great speaker, also one of the best ive heard
but if you took away his ocd, dogen would probably be the best. real shame he can barely even speak english without correcting himself a thousand times or stumbling over words

>> No.31398814

you are honestly incapable of judging how anyone sounds because you have no listening ability, this is kind of like og trying to rate japanese speaking ability while not even being able to understand it

>> No.31398876
File: 144 KB, 740x526, 158178198388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31399055
File: 232 KB, 267x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time seeing queef taking the offensive.

>> No.31399098

i guess after his sexless date he was left with a longing for getting his ass pounded and flipped inside out and hes come to the right place

>> No.31399105

inb4 i hate rap and dont want to listen to it

>> No.31399123

jamal getting all worked up lol
you can dump your entire quizmaster folder into the thread if you want it won't make you suck any less at japanese, ur the one running away from a reading stream

>> No.31399144

damn jamal double replied to quiz that's how you know he's desperate and pissed

>> No.31399155

>i still miss common things if i don't have cards for them

>> No.31399182

but jamal has already streamed like 3 times

>> No.31399192

im just in high spirits listening 2 some japanese rap bangers and i wanna lay the smack down on some stupid bitch and then the stars aligned and he made the unfortunate mistake of @ing me

also dont kid urself i dont have a quiz folder of any kind anywhere on anything

>> No.31399204
File: 156 KB, 1270x718, kiza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this smug bastard
hate vns though

>> No.31399212

damn looks like quiz being able to plausibly imagine himself getting laid really did wonders for his self esteem

>> No.31399281

yea you can tell he's had some character development the past month. i don't think jamal can destroy quiz like he could 2 years ago.

>> No.31399290

same but don't love him

>> No.31399343

what do u mean hes already been dispatched of swatted like a fly

>> No.31399356

how tf do they make so many holo threads

>> No.31399395

dude ppl ive known for years who i thought were of good character unironically talk about hololive and clearly watch them and it breaks my heart how did this aids seep into the well

>> No.31399406

one at a time

>> No.31399407

jamal probably opened up a dogen video and didn't understand anything leading him to the conclusion dogen sucks

>> No.31399429

that date was easily quiz's biggest win this year, dont blame him if he feels like he got big dick energy right now

>> No.31399437

When I finish core and start mining, should I just add to the core deck or make a separate one?

>> No.31399465

whatever you like better

>> No.31399488

being an instigator guy is my favorite role on djt

>> No.31399494

lets open up a dogen video together


>> No.31399495


>> No.31399513

it snowed like 20 inches already and instead of stopping its starting to get more intense
if i start shoveling now itll take like 2 hours prolly
dont even know where to put all that snow

>> No.31399521
File: 39 KB, 739x640, 1596803184767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being the guy that dabs all over djt is my favorite role on djt

>> No.31399526
File: 346 KB, 1251x1920, Gordon's favorite treat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31399556

shove it up ur fucking ass

>> No.31399557

toothpaste on a hotdog is ingenious

u can clean ur teeth while u eat

>> No.31399645

simple stuff like this gets me

>> No.31399692


>> No.31399725


>> No.31399831

you should add everything to anki so you can put a number to how many words you know

>> No.31399916

honestly i have this predicament cuz sometimes i feel that i only would've guessed that word in that context, but not others, i kinda base it on that

ive toyed around with just throwing the sentence in a separate deck quick n dirty

>> No.31399926

i guess you are the kind of girl that fucks on your first date, well what we did was we talked a lot, made food and just enjoyed being in each other's presence and spending high quality time with another person hard to imagine huh

>> No.31399967

you might be your way to not being retarded, good luck

>> No.31399973
File: 290 KB, 784x676, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31399988

dont bother giving the whore the time of day quizbro, not worth it

>> No.31399995


>> No.31400013

why do you call her 'whore'

>> No.31400037

Its at least your second date, retard. And she was hoping you'd put the moves on her. Imagine getting invited to a private Christmas for 2 and not at least making out lmao.

No wonder you are a virgin. Lets hope she bothers to call you back.

>> No.31400042

the way you talk is so goddamn cute i dont know where to direct this energy rn

>> No.31400098

idk dude its dangerous to make moves these days and especially since shes supposed to be christian

>> No.31400105

we've talked before in school but it was the first time meeting up in private and yeah we are meeting up again
why are you so bitter

>> No.31400115

ngl u sound a bit more thirsty than necessary here

dont worry id grab u by the pussy and wear u like a glove

>> No.31400137


>> No.31400165

self-awareness 0

>> No.31400175

hows this guy doing lately?

>> No.31400176

Page 10 Pun

>> No.31400187

he offed himself

>> No.31400193

cuz i dont respect her
just clarifying, but im not calling your girl a whore. legitimately hope things work out well with you two

>> No.31400201

thank you god
