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File: 260 KB, 800x920, 1249697823188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3135918 No.3135918 [Reply] [Original]

[C76] Touhou 12 - ` UFO` .rar - /MSG [C76-DOT-exe] XDCC SEND 17

Oh hi.

>> No.3135927


>> No.3135934

I'll wait a few weeks till it hits a tracker other than DCC and Share.

Fuck share

>> No.3135940


Still, seems like that's a .rar'd folder of the game. I want my images.

>> No.3135947


>> No.3135951


>> No.3135957


Somebody actually took the time to download all the images and put them in a fake UFO rar? Haha, oh wow.

>> No.3135971

This looks so fake, downloadan anyway for shit and giggles.

>> No.3135974

..this is fake, welcome to 2 and a half hours ago

>> No.3135983

Welcome to this wasn't even online 2 hours ago.

>> No.3136002

How about a Megaupload link for the Comcast users?

>> No.3136003

Its not a disk image, someone just dumped the game folder. But yes its real.

>> No.3136007
File: 318 KB, 668x1794, brokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3136024

And what's wrong with that? I don't need an image, I just want to play the game.

>> No.3136025
File: 25 KB, 575x539, lambdadeltatea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm it's legit.

Time to sip tea and play the Touhous.

>> No.3136036

This reminds me of the time when I went to /v/ and how we used to wait for Ace Attorney ROMs. Good times.

>> No.3136047
File: 275 KB, 703x496, ಠ_ಠ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3136093

>Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at bigguy.spiegeleixxl.de:9090.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, had 190MB done too. I feel so trolled.

>> No.3136108

It's real?

>> No.3136110

He cut the connection because of too many faggots. Get the torrent or use the bot.

>> No.3136113



I rage'd so hard

>> No.3136147


Why bother putting it up in the first place then. The torrent is fucking slow and I can't be bothered logging into IRC to see a pack of faggots jerking each other off. At least that direct download had a decent speed. Oh well, back to the 30kb/s torrent I go.

>> No.3136162

stream died again guys

>> No.3136174

Oh stop your bawing; we'll put it on /rs/ once we get a legit copy FROM FUCKING SHARE YOU ASSHOLE

>> No.3136179


dling from this one at 800kb/s

>> No.3136190

The torrent has 1000 peers; it's your own fault if it's slow.

>> No.3136198

1.2mb/s from this one, gonna upload it to meguapload after I'm done

>> No.3136201

How many seeds, though.

>> No.3136209

Any torrents for 12.3?

>> No.3136226
File: 26 KB, 1218x261, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't mean much when 1) there's only a single seeder and 2) all of the peers have around the same % completed, myself included.

>> No.3136227

http://miku.kurorei.com/ playing UFO on stream

>> No.3136234

Can you please check if it's just a .rar of the game too?

>> No.3136240


It is and it plays just the same you tremendous faggot.

>> No.3136244

yeah it is, dammit

>> No.3136250

I, for one, surely am hating all the Sanae maining today!

>> No.3136257

Do these torrents work, or is it some rickroll or something stupid?

>> No.3136263


No. It's just a complicated trojan that hijacks your browser and has you auto-post that its a legit file. Enjoy your viruses.

>> No.3136265



>> No.3136267
File: 12 KB, 467x433, ಠ_ಠ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETA: 1h 1m


>> No.3136269

They're probably legit. Only real question is whether they're infected with something.

>> No.3136280
File: 29 KB, 728x415, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3136281

Who fucking cares if it has viruses?

You should have an anti-virus program that'll detect and delete that shit instantly if it does anyways.

>> No.3136294 [DELETED] 

The megaupload is legit.

>> No.3136297

Nipponese viruses are so stealthy that are ignored by your baka gaijin anti-virus programs.

>> No.3136430

rapidshare mirror:

>> No.3136510

>[C76] Touhou 12 - ` UFO` .rar
>Size: 327.34MiB | Date: 2009-08-15 06:12 UTC >Comment: Yep, real version. - #c76@irc.rizon.net

>> No.3136514

So is this a virus or no? It's done, but I'm too scared to open it.

>> No.3136518

Yes, it's a virus.

>> No.3136531


>> No.3136532

Yes, legit.
However, yadda yadda not CD image etc

>> No.3136533


Confirmed safe.

>> No.3136534

This one's the one to go with.

>> No.3136555

All of these C76 downloads are going to disrupt my Monty Python torrents.

>> No.3136556
File: 96 KB, 640x480, SupJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed this torrent functions.
If theres a virus hiding in there somewhere, it doesnt stop me from sucking hard at Touhou, and gameovering on stage5 easy.

>> No.3136562

I want to beat you for being such a faggot.

>> No.3136565
File: 95 KB, 640x480, SupJP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I am a bit before wiping, this game is preeety

>> No.3136566

I just 1cc'd UFO on normal first attempt with 4 lives remaining at the end. That was EXTRAORDINARLY easy, much easier than MoF.

>> No.3136572

Here we go.

>> No.3136573

It is much easier to get more lives in this one.

>> No.3136576


I have no idea where I died. I never bothered with the demo so I had no idea I needed 3 red UFOs to build up my lives and I had no idea what to do for every level but I died at Nazrin firing lasers at me after the captain. Not bad for Lunatic I guess. Sanae is pretty awesome.

>> No.3136578


I'm not trying to brag, I can't even 1cc PCB. It really was strangely easy.

>> No.3136580

Much easier than SA? How disappointing.

>> No.3136582

How easy compared to, say, IN?

>> No.3136585

>much easier than MoF
I didn't know that was possible.

>> No.3136589

It may have to do with me successfully hoarding red UFOs though, I did have 7 or 8 lives by stage 4.

>> No.3136591
File: 104 KB, 640x480, SupJP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poidh, am I the only /jp/ nub that is posting screens here?

>> No.3136595

Don't you have Japanese local or why is there no spellcard text?

>> No.3136597

A little easier I suppose. Opinions vary, I would say IN and MoF are of similar difficulty on normal mode.

>> No.3136600

swr thread gone
posting here cause tohos thread

(C76)(東方)(同人ゲーム) [黄昏フロンティア] 東方非想天則 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え (bin+cue+rr).rar



so yeah, obvious fake is obvious
they should use zips so we can't preview them

>> No.3136603

Just 1cc'd on lunatic and no bomb / no focussed it. Not a big deal.

>> No.3136609

Almost 1CC'd it, on my first try. Died on the very last spellcard, thought it was going to be harder.

New babaa's wings are so ESP Ra.De. wwwww

>> No.3136615

From the stage 3 boss onwards, I never got over 50fps. This is terrible.

>> No.3136624

>(C76)(東方)(同人ゲーム) [黄昏フロンティア] 東方非想天則 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え (bin+cue+rr).rar

hur duuur

>> No.3136631
File: 92 KB, 640x480, SupJP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my Japanese localization settings are... spotty. Work for some things, don't for others. I didnt get text in UFO Demo either.

And I have to say, this game is a lot easier to farm extra lives in, with the way the UFOs work, so if I wasn't most of the way through my beer stash I would probably have done better.

>> No.3136638

who even expands their filename bars that far

>> No.3136684

Back to UFO then, someone get a TouhouVania torrent going.

>> No.3136700

protip: your eyes can't distinguish between 28 fps and 100 fps.

>> No.3136706

I know one works, but is it the full version? I'm not good enough at Touhou to find out.

>> No.3136712

1. yes, the human eye can even tell the difference between 60 and 70
2. touhou games usually slow down at less than 60 fps, such as 30 fps being half speed

>> No.3136741

No you can't, you just suck at Touhou and need an excuse.


>> No.3136747


>> No.3136761

i don't need an excuse to suck at touhou
i'm still on stage 6 in shoot the bullet, and haven't played any others

hey want to make out?

>> No.3136765

Oh man I'm hyped. The nyaa torrent is goin' pretty fast now. Haven't played Touhou since I tried out Subterranean Animism. How is it so far???

>> No.3136792

I'm having a harder time with UFO than SA.

>> No.3136810


I wonder how drunk ZUN got to make it.

Torrent finished in less than 10 minutes, lets do this shit. I can't wait to actually go to Comiket and buy it in person.

>> No.3136812

You're being silly. when the game randomly fluctuates between 20 and 45fps, it's pretty damn obvious.

>> No.3136819

I don't have problems with spellcards. But right now I have to learn again how to catch UFOs without running into a bullet.

>> No.3136820

This is an old urban legend that's been busted about 20 fucking million times. Snopes it.

>> No.3136825

I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. I just assumed Touhou had somehow finally surpassed my laptop, but I went from being able to record SubAni with no problems to having to shut down every single other program just to get stage 3 onward to fluctuate between 45 and 60 FPS.

>> No.3136835

I have this same problem. They're so tempting and delicious, but regular enemies now seem to spam bullets like never before.
Along with the increased item drops, there's just so much shit on the screen at once, even on easy.

>> No.3136856
File: 275 KB, 550x384, touhou-12-undefined-fantastic-object.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO is a step in the right direction regarding difficulty i think.

Even though stage 6 and Boss was pretty easy compared to say IN.

The bullet pattern is pretty cool also. (Like the yellow lazers in stage 5 and the anchors at stage 4 boss.

Overall very good in my opinion.

>> No.3136873

You want more lifes. Get them.
Run into a bullet.
Ohshit you lost a life AND now ruined your triple red ufos by running into a blue too.

Also I don't quite get your FPS problems but my PC isn't equal to a PC-98 machine so yeah.

>> No.3136879


What kind of CPU do you have?

>> No.3136893

>>3136576 here.

Barely cleared it on Lunatic on my second run through, those squiggly line laser things are a fucking bitch to handle, at least they are to me but I'm really tired right now so that might be why. They took off about 4-5 lives in one spellcard during the last boss, shit made me rage. Once I figured out the whole UFO system while trying to dodge/graze I was set since it's relatively easy to just grind lives and/or bombs.

Also really liking the music in UFO. The last boss has a nice theme too which I'm glad since I wasn't exactly fond of Utsuho's theme in SA.

>> No.3136894


>> No.3136896
File: 352 KB, 1489x2278, 5654292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3136904

2.4GHZ single core, 128mb GPU. A friend recently bought me a new graphics card, but in my haste I didn't pay enough attention and ended up getting a PCIE card whereas I only have regular PCI slots.

>> No.3136916
File: 488 KB, 1240x1754, 1247148494117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


moot agreed to let us ROCK.

I'm also taking requests if you want me to play a certain album - I probably have it.

>> No.3136920

Revolver by the Beatles

>> No.3136927

Ok, first playthrough Normal clear.

This game is filled with curvy lasers and wave motions. My natural enemy.

0 lifes left and 0 bombs in the end. It was harder than the others for me because I had to time out many spellcards because I don't know the trick behind them.

I actually thought Captain's last spell was a survival spell because she's invisible (not on the screen) most of the time and follws me around by teleporting.

I like the Space Invaders reference in the last stage and Shinki's last spellcard. However, there are too many UFOs and most of them are blue.

>> No.3136937

Fuck yeah, I LOL'D

>> No.3136946


Single core...Pentium 4? I have an oldass P4 that I use as a music server, and it takes a shit when I try to run TH6-8 at 32-bit, and a bigger shit when I run any MoF engined game at any bit depth. I'll see how it goes on my C2D laptop in a bit.

>> No.3136949

How the hell does Syou's spellcard works? The one where she summons the green cross that spins around like a fucking merry-go-round of hell.

>> No.3136954


Suddenly it's the year 2000 again.

>> No.3136956

Yeah, P4.

>> No.3136962

Your eyes are fucked, bro.

>> No.3136966

I'm very very bad. I can't even beat Syou's stage without continues. On easy.

>> No.3136970

There's definitely something new or wrong with stage 4 onward. I can record MoF and SA just fine with my laptop, but I can't even run UFO at full speed when I hit that stage.

>> No.3136973

I wonder how good ZUN's computer is.

>> No.3136975


The red circle in the background is where it will go and of course the red circle appears where you are at that point in time so you basically have to keep on the move doing laps around her while dodging the laser thing and the bullets too.

>> No.3136978

I'd like to say that you just have to move in circles around the cross, but when suddenly both lasers moved to the corner of the screen with me trapped inside, I bombed my way out of it. It wouldn't have killed me even if I stayed inside, though.

>> No.3136980


Doesn't matter, he's so drunk he thinks nothing of frame drops.

>> No.3136985

I like how Japan is pirating their own shit

>> No.3136994

Are you suggesting that other countries don't do the same?

>> No.3137125

What do I get for collecting UFOs of particular color? Red ones give extra lives, right? What do other colors give?

>> No.3137134

All green is for bombs. All blue or one of each color are for score.

>> No.3137929

Sorry for being such a slowpoke, but
Just downloaded and played this. Seems legit, I checked it with antivirus and still nothing dangerous showed up. Maybe I'm missing new horrible japanese virus which can't be stopped by antivirus?

>> No.3138273

w32.nippon used rootkit, it's SUPER EFFECTIVE!

>> No.3138309

That's because the series mantains the newly-established habit of harder games at the cost of good characters and additional features. Don't worry, I can't beat Easy Modo either, and I'm experienced enough so that a thing like this shouldn't be a problem. Green UFOs don't help for shit.

>> No.3138355

Is it just me, or is easy modo in this game ridiculously so? I'm half-asleep right now, and so after I failed normal for the first time I gave easy a run; I 1CCed it with five or six lives left in stock without trying. It can certainly give IN's Easy a run for it's money.

>> No.3138383
File: 141 KB, 1289x971, MASTER SPAAARK!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I want to know is, why aren't we talking about the glorious return of an old favourite?

>> No.3138393

Because the demo was released months ago.

Also Wily Toad is better.

>> No.3138416
File: 134 KB, 966x749, yeah, i suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, new bullets.

>> No.3138437

thats what i thought too
i call them drops

>> No.3138439

Stage 5 theme is great. SA Stage 5 was awesome too, I hope that trend continues.

>> No.3138454

God this is disappointing, this is the first Touhou game I can't even finish on easy.

>> No.3138486

I'm starting to think I'd be better off just ignoring these damn UFOs in the later stages.

>> No.3138516

It's a good idea until you figure a good way to tackle them. After six or so tries and a bit more ragequitting (I should be on Hard or Lunatic, damn it) I handled Normal, not as bad as I first thought.

I think there are a few trick cards, the area anchor one in particular.

>> No.3138527
File: 167 KB, 536x489, reisenbaaaaaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though i completed the demo in easy modo, my skills sure dropped for die and ragequit in the 2nd stage boss.

>> No.3138562

Hah, that's awesome.

>> No.3138572

Try playing a few hours in lunatic, you will improve a lot.

>> No.3138639

So it seems that thus far, the player community is rather nicely divided into people who think UFO sucks and find it too hard on easy modo (myself included) and people who think it's TOO easy on easy modo and think the game's brilliant.

>> No.3138646

I think it's too hard for my skill level, but I don't think it sucks.

>> No.3138662

I suck at most Touhou games anyways (never 1CC'd on normal, farthest is Remi in EoSD). Maybe it's because I've only played since March, I dunno.

>> No.3138667


>> No.3138709

The game isn't well balanced.
Sometimes, there are 7+ UFO items on the screen or the screen is full or blue and red point and power items and amidst those are invisible blue, red or purple bullets.

The stages themselves are pretty easy. It's just that you will die too much trying to get the UFOs, or you have bad luck and the red UFO you just tried to collect turned blue a frame before.

Basically: if you get the right UFOs at the right time, everything is cake even on Lunatic, but if you don't you're fucked.

>> No.3138734
File: 8 KB, 409x258, FFFFFFFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will die too much trying to get the UFOs, or you have bad luck and the red UFO you just tried to collect turned blue

>> No.3138769

doesnt matter, I could easily 1cc normal within 4 months of starting touhou with no prior danmaku experience
you just suck (or haven't played much)

>> No.3138773

bleh I didn't like the ufo system that much. It basically forces you to bomb like crazy. Dying is incredibly punishing. UFOing is very random and most of the time not worth the effort

Not much about the cast. 2/6 for me so far, haven't seen extra yet.

Spellcards are awesome though. ZUN relied on surprise factor a lot for this which is kinda funny at first but eats shitload of bombs

>> No.3138779
File: 186 KB, 1660x1896, RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or you have bad luck and the red UFO you just tried to collect turned blue a frame before

>> No.3138894

Is it just me, or is it impossible to bomb while holding w?

>> No.3138926
File: 951 KB, 1480x1920, 3455272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is your Mima now?

>> No.3138972

In Touhou 13.

>> No.3139041

in th13 the main antagonist will be a loli that can tinker with time, she will summon various old characters, two at the same time, as spellcards, the nonspellcard attacks will be her normal danmaku
combining two spellcards of other characters at the same time will be the challenge
mima will be drawn too

>> No.3139080

Mima will be the only playable character, with 10 different declinations.

>> No.3140524

I don't know why people are saying UFOs are random. It's completely deterministic, just memorize the stages or something

UFOs that change color stop changing color if you're near them.

>> No.3140776

Is this the .iso version? I'd like to have an .iso version. The one from Megaupload
only contains the files only. (In the end it doesn't matter for playing but still...)

>> No.3140808


In th13 Orin will be playable....


>> No.3141325

Of course, along with Mima

>> No.3141364

Mima will be in the next Touhou game.

I can feel it in my bones!

>> No.3141606

>each color are for score
nope, 1 of each color gives 1 extra mini ufo when fillied up completely so it's probably uselfull to change fixed color mini ufos

>> No.3141663

Wow, it's worse than the fakes!
I feel sad.
