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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31300953 No.31300953 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>31226354

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.31301073
File: 1004 KB, 1920x1080, コイノハ -恋のシェアハウス-_-_Ver1.00_2020-12-26_19-36-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First game I see with permanent romanization I think

>> No.31301341

>yuzutard humor

>> No.31301353

What are you looking forward to the most in 2021?
For me it's amayui 2 and news for qruppo's new work

>> No.31301367

Senkou no Clarias, trial was god tier.

>> No.31301434

9 nine new episode.

>> No.31301445

>not playing it in 1080p like it was meant to be played

>> No.31301570

Only chumps play in fullscreen mode

>> No.31301651

I don't care about whether something is fullscreen or not but rather whether or not it's downscaled from the best resolution they have provided in the base game.

>> No.31301773

I only play in 1080p fullscreen when the downscaling is bad like in 金色ラブリッチェ. I'm just so used to windowed that reading in fullscreen feels really weird.

>> No.31301819

Or people who don't need to switch away.

>> No.31302056
File: 2.13 MB, 1366x768, SiglusEngine_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, of course I play 1080p VNs in fullscreen mode

>> No.31302251
File: 567 KB, 1280x1440, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI 体験版_2020-11-21_07-37-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and Lupercalia, maybe Amayui as well.

>> No.31302396
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, 我が姫君に栄冠を_体験版_1.00我が姫君に栄冠を (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagahime seems fun.

>> No.31302721

Why are you looking forward to some SOL after story episode with no porn?

>> No.31302769

Yeah looking forward to this as well

>> No.31302823

I liked the gameplay but the story in the trial didn't really develop enough to really grab my interest. The trial was really short compared to some of the other trials I have tried this year. I'll still be checking it out when it releases regardless though.

>> No.31302926

these two and maybe the VenusBlood Hypno rerelease for the extra content

>> No.31303028

looking forward to the rerelease as well but I want to know about their new game

>> No.31303085


>> No.31303255

It was longer than Baldr Sky trial iirc but yeah, the whole plot wont start until all the heroines are introduced. There are a lot of other characters that didnt appear in the trial so the complete game wil be massive, 2GB trial vs 8GB full game.

>> No.31303261

I want to see a happy ending for Yoichi.

>> No.31304080

>Baldr Sky trial
Huh? The entire first route is the trial. That's like 30% of unique text of sky1+2 combined. Arguably 50%+ of the actual story, given how similar a lot is even without being copy and paste.

>> No.31304433
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>> No.31304771
File: 289 KB, 1906x1269, windowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, only chumps can't display a 1080p window.

>> No.31306866

Does the new Koichoco rerelease contain the Non-chan-senpai PSP route? That would somewhat make up for the cropping.

That's pretty cool. Already liking the menu music. How is the game? I'm mostly interested in blonde and gamer girl.

>> No.31306917

you aren't a true chad until you play 480p VNs in fullscreen

>> No.31308467

Mikocon posted Aokana HR. Though again, I'd avoid it, it's all ages.

>Does the new Koichoco rerelease contain the Non-chan-senpai PSP route?

>> No.31308580

aokana looks great at 720p so why bother in the first place

>> No.31308641

free money

>> No.31308726

Yeah I feel no need for Aokana HR but it's a real shame that they fucked up the Koichoco port so hard, at least let me play it in 4:3 with the art intact.

>> No.31310660

I would be looking forward to Gikei but the more info releases the worse I feel about its quality. It's looking like another Miburo.

>> No.31311639

What a fail of a remaster. The only perk is that you can skip Shitsato's route now. Fuck Sprite.

>> No.31312192

I'm being cautiously optimistic about the new Suzukuri Karin-chan game. I won't play Amayui 2 until it gets all its appends too.

>> No.31313544

Finally finished Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (latest edition). I get that it was influential and important, but it's actually really not good that outside of a couple of routes. Way too padded with pointless characters/routes and Takayuki is possibly the biggest piece of shit I've ever sat through as a main character. The weird thing is that there are parts that are actually really good so maybe everyone just remembers those and forgot about everything else. Also all the content they added later (the third chapter + extra first chapter endings) are all way better than the original game. So I guess it averages out in the end? All the girls outside of Haruka, Mitsuki, and Akane feel useless and like a waste space though.

>> No.31313582

I've never actually pirated a jp VN before, is girlcelly or 2dgf preferred?

>> No.31313639

Just choose whichever has more seeds

>> No.31314200

What are the big KnS3 spoilers?

>> No.31316052

>How is the game
I don't know yet. I turned on the game and went to sleep. I will let you know in 2-3 hours.

>> No.31316137

Toko is not dead and the new art is shit. There I said it.

>> No.31317223

The Steam version of Aokana is actually 2K though, they had to port it to a new engine for it. So if you have a decent monitor the Steam version is the best, just have to pirate it if you live in Japan since sprite took it down there so they could sell their scam rerelease more

>> No.31318478
File: 791 KB, 1920x1080, コイノハ -恋のシェアハウス-_-_Ver1.00_2020-12-27_03-11-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty monitor setup. What a shitty sofa placement. Sasuga gamer girl.

>> No.31319626

I agree but for some reason the room still looks really comfy.

>> No.31319648

lmao at the sofa

>> No.31319656

That's a really nice desk.

>> No.31319809

Is the sharehouse game similar to Tomefure?

>> No.31319837

how was the first suzukuru karin game?

>> No.31319984

I hope not. Don't ruin this game by comparing it to kusoge.

>> No.31320210

Short and it didn't play well. Characters were fun, story was non-existent. Wasn't impressed.

>> No.31320396
File: 1.45 MB, 1282x747, 天ノ少女-nodrm_2020-12-26_23-08-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new female doctor character... she's so smart... and confident... and pretty... I hope she doesn't turn out to be the killer's accomplice or anything... hahah

>> No.31320679

Not at all

>> No.31320811

Is it low on comedy? Does it have different routes?

>> No.31320885

Yes. Yes.

>> No.31320906

Alright thanks

>> No.31320985

so it's a boring tomefure with flatter chests

>> No.31321222

>flatter chests
Sounds great.
And it also has animated h-scenes.

>> No.31321336

It's a dorm dude. The guy is not letting them stay over. There is no power balance. There are no barriers to be broken.

>> No.31321386

>There are no barriers to be broken.
Except the heroine's 処女膜s haha

>> No.31321444

Fair point

>> No.31321465

girlcelly if you can

>> No.31321487

Has anyone here finished KnS3? If so, are you satisfied with how it ends?

>> No.31321917

How would you describe the gameplay?

>> No.31322682

No. Yes.

You could just download the trial and see for yourself? If you don't want to be spoiled I can give you my save and you can play arena mode.

>> No.31323178

>What are you looking forward to the most in 2021?

>> No.31323280

Perhaps I will do that myself yes

>> No.31324085

Suicide Fence

>> No.31324181

Sakutoki and Aokana Zwei

>> No.31324348

Anyone read tsui no sore remake yet?
Is it actually good like subahibi or shit trash like sakuuta?

>> No.31326869
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, EqDh1jXVQAAUzVn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this new Favorite is just a moege, I really like these designs.

>> No.31327104

>purple ruined by that white strand
I guess cyan is the only decent one

>> No.31328594

Do you know where i can see kara no shoujo 3 full cg?

>> No.31329376
File: 208 KB, 1280x715, arena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arena mode is really hard with level 1 characters, they are not upgraded either I think.

>> No.31329925

Because I'm a shameless deviant, Chikan Tokuiten 2.

Also, maybe the Doukyusei remake.

>> No.31330746
File: 434 KB, 1024x576, clarias arena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. Each character has their own ups and downs, but I vastly prefer axe. The damage is great, wide swing gives good range, regular attacks inflict easy Break. Only movement sucks. Sword is all-rounder and a good match for axe. MC as a brawler needs to get in the enemies' faces and that's less ideal for switching to axe. He's better matched with sword.

First run in arena I died to flame spam. Second run I finished all enemies or ran out of time, don't know.

I really want to play the katana and ranged girls to see who complements axe best. Katana seems the fastest character so a polar opposite team could be interesting. I'm also curious how the upgrade system will be in the full version, I hope for more options. Gameplay is fun and has potential so decent customization is a must.

>> No.31331550

Tomefure is 500 yen on Fanza right now, for those that played it, what's it like? Other than having tits that even the average Clochette heroine would frown at.

>> No.31331915

Huge tits, "moege" prostitute heroines, Japanese humour

>> No.31332392

Never gonna touch this piece of shit for cowtitfags

>> No.31332589

Jesus, you damn newfag.

>> No.31332608

Could've just answered, faggot.

>> No.31332681

Sure, but in this case your lack of basic competency is so egregious, I couldn't help but wonder.

So to answer, at any of the usual sites.

>> No.31332721

What usual site.

>> No.31332810

In this case your lack of basic competency is so egregious, I couldn't help but not want to answer.

But you know, hitomi.la for example.

>> No.31332966

See, wasn't that fucking hard, you fucking retard.
But you're too self-important, all high and mighty to just answer in first post, so you just had to waste your own time to write all this crap.
Fucking incel.

>> No.31332992

Obviously you're not from here, tranny, so just go away.

>> No.31333019 [DELETED] 
File: 618 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tranny
Found you

>> No.31333089

The mistake there is thinking everyone has to be massively obsessive about everything to such toxic levels.

Me? I just go "lol trannies". And your traps are fucking hella gay, dude.

>> No.31333139

Nothing wrong with being gay.

>> No.31333195

As long as you're cute anime girl. Which admit it, you're not.

>> No.31333239

Why would you assume any newfag = tranny tho
I don't understand your logic behind this, unless you're obsessed with trannies yourself

>> No.31333430

Me fucking too.

>> No.31333635

how about you at least thank him you fucking tard

>> No.31333660

That's just Kaede, you know, from kns2.

>> No.31333752

But i wasn't one who actually asked question, different anon lol

>> No.31333838

dont help 情弱

>> No.31334689

It's non canon. Content exclusive to all ages versions tend to only get added back to PC if it's actually done by the dev, and not just non canon stuff by the porting company. Because, really, do you NEED those fics written by who? in your game? May as well look up fanfics, those may not have voice acting, but at least are mad by fans.

>> No.31335138

I have seen some cases where a "complete edition" that has both the 18+ content and the all ages extras are never made. For example Grisaia, they just ported the all ages version to PC, they didn't mix it with the ero version. What a shame...

>> No.31335481

> tard needs his h s c e n e s

>> No.31335531

FUCK I thought she looked familiar
I asked for a refresher of the previous games in the last thread, and what did you guys say?

>> No.31335786

Just read the fucking bios in the website or something, it's not hard.

>> No.31335843

> taking advice on 4chan

>> No.31335988

>Not wanting H-scenes
How can you say its love if they don't even want to take a dick in their vagina?

>> No.31335991
File: 1.46 MB, 1282x747, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know Japanese

>> No.31336529

When I called you a tranny I didn't mean to state you are a tranny. It's a simply a 4chan-style crass form of adress, kinda like faggot or -fag. I notice you use "newfag" yourself, so it seems like you know what I mean.

Think of "tranny" as "faggot+1", just like "faggot" is "idiot+1".

This is base 4chan.

>> No.31336553

And we're supposed to care, tranny?

>> No.31336645


>> No.31336760
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Doing that now, along with the japanese wiki page but holy fuck I must have a hole in my head or something. I don't even remember in the slightest bit half the shit that supposedly happened.

>> No.31336847

any beginner level VNs that aren't porn

>> No.31336864


>> No.31336960


>> No.31337155

Consider a different medium.

>> No.31337535

That's the good old "buy both tehehe".

>> No.31338836


>> No.31339472

Fast paced comedy, lot's of jokes, lots of references. If you're into that it's really fun, I enjoyed the hell out of the first 80% of the game after which it devolves into a string of sex scenes.

>> No.31340908

The other problem is that you don't know how to use google.

>> No.31342813

I don't give a shit who wrote or made it. Writers change all the time anyway and as long as it's an official product it IS canon to me. Anyway I just want to date the girl. The girl's in the original and has a route in the port so let me fucking make her happy.
Fuck off nigger. How dare you compare an all-ages eroge port to fanfics. Do you also tell others to go play ball when they say they're parched? No you give them some damn water.

>> No.31343098

Try https://vndb.org/v3533

>> No.31343350

Yes the first site i tried was hitomi la but couldn't find it. In the end the whole site doesn't work in my shithole for some reason.
But thanks anyways.

>> No.31343541

Wait, who...

>> No.31344489
File: 37 KB, 500x500, artworks-000076817954-xlhkj3-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find the project's spreadsheet with the original and revised translated lines?
I saw it being posted here before.

>> No.31344748

e hentai

>> No.31344838

The fuck you on about, nigger?

>> No.31344916

So what's the finale of KnS3? Is touko alive?

>> No.31345542

Apparently sca-ji is finding ways to shoehorn himari in sakutoki

>> No.31345619

It ends with a cliffhanger tying together with Flowers Hiver so a fifth game will be made and about Touko: maybe. It was pure kino

>> No.31345632


>> No.31345701

Word on the street is that they both already オフパコ'd.

>> No.31345732

God, please no.

>> No.31345917

literally who

>> No.31346197

My wife.

>> No.31346281
File: 914 KB, 1920x1080, コイノハ -恋のシェアハウス-_-_Ver1.00_2020-12-27_16-03-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroine teaching me about excel macros~

>> No.31346334


>> No.31346516

She is VN related.

>> No.31346546

Is that a fucking Xbox (original)? kek

>> No.31346559

She shills VNs on YouTube for money. Sca-ji loves her. He only tweeted about sakutoki's progress recently because she asked him.

>> No.31346569

It's a dorm for gamers

>> No.31346674

92 seconds of bliss until ruined. Also could you retards stop calling some random vtuber Himari when that's the name of a well-known eroge seiyuu? It's misleading. Call that thing Mochizuki Himari or holoHimari or whatever.

>> No.31346678

God, I love seeing girls dressed sloppily at home.

>> No.31346756

Spreadsheet or wiki page
JP lines on one side, EN on the other

>> No.31346759

If you've been following sca-ji's Twitter you'd know his Twitter romance with her.

>> No.31346845

Sure but the original phatbox got completely ignored by Japan. I don't even remember any games made in Japan for it. The 360 was still ignored outside of IM@S and some niche JRPGs and VN ports. There isn't even a reason to get the xbox as a retro console because of backwards compat.

>> No.31346897

I don't use social media at all and IDGAF about sca-ji or others

>> No.31346957

Idk man she's trying to become the idol of VN community.

>> No.31347326


>> No.31347497

>tfw no degenerate gf like himari to play VNs with

>> No.31347547

Hope she drags Uni along with her.

>> No.31347621

Don't care. The only acceptable vtubers are eroge heroines like the Madosoft one. You can hear the clear difference in talent between the two in just a few seconds. Blue knows how to use her voice, that Mochizuki chick just blares in her mic like a streamerpleb. She'll never be on the level of seiyuu. And she isn't even cute.

>complaining about autism on fucking 4chan(nel)
Wow. Like I said I don't use social media unlike you. Go back to plebbit loser.

>> No.31347674

Could be a westaboo who imports foreign games

>> No.31347699
File: 106 KB, 640x895, 1365698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw no cute smart gf like uni to play VNs with

>> No.31347738

All the new games are set in Reiwa so most eroge heroines were born after 9/11

>> No.31347781

She isn't meant to be a cute waifu material desu. She made an NTR video and was upset that none of her fans got upset with her NTR.

>> No.31347867

>The only acceptable vtubers are eroge heroines
Someone's beginning to compromise.

>> No.31347995

Does anyone have the h code of Fantasy Tavern Sextet?

>> No.31348073

God I love the way she talks

>> No.31348227

>Wow. Like I said I don't use social media unlike you. Go back to plebbit loser.

>> No.31348365

Doesn't matter to me as long as they are younger than 24.

>> No.31348523

Parents who name their daughters Haruka Kanata should be slapped.

>> No.31349076

Sorry, that was a typo I meant 14.

>> No.31349280
File: 30 KB, 374x65, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the second time they wrote 可哀そう as 可愛そう. Either I'm retarded or they can't proofread. Probably both

>> No.31349605

there's nothing wrong with either one djt-kun

>> No.31349828

I put in the context of the sentence for you so you can't write stupid shit like that. They clearly mean different things. The synonym for the word in this sentence would be 不憫. Do you think 可愛そう is a synonym of 不憫? Stop replying if you use MTL.

>> No.31349873


>> No.31349899

i'm saying they are both the same retard

>> No.31350002
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>> No.31350135
File: 37 KB, 413x772, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yahoo answers disagrees

>> No.31350160


>> No.31350171

times change

>> No.31350236

Yeah I'm sure 可愛そう started to mean pitiful in those 14 years.

>> No.31350285


>> No.31350482

you'd be surprised at the amount of words that have changed meanings or have changed or added readings just people people started using them frequently in a incorrect manner so much that it becomes accepted

>> No.31350582

>just people people
just because people

>> No.31350594

Feel free to show it in a dictionary. So far the only dictionary link is https://kotobank.jp/word/%E5%8F%AF%E6%84%9B%E3%81%9D%E3%81%86%E3%83%BB%E5%8F%AF%E5%93%80%E6%83%B3-2025290
which says it used to mean the same long ago and then it changed

>> No.31350694

people use 可愛そう, just google or even youtube it

>> No.31350771

Just like people use "they're" instead of "their"

>> No.31350806

it's not because 可愛そう is still correct

>> No.31351438

She got invited to Voice Actress Concerto so at least they consider her to be on the same level as the other seiyuu that have gotten invited there.

>> No.31351616 [DELETED] 

Words change all the time just like how "They" is no longer just a plural word.

>> No.31352658

it had a shmup niche too

>> No.31353058

Those are not people.

>> No.31353243

Do I have to remind you that everyone has a smartphone and is on social media nowadays? Social media is a catalyst for language change. Also 可愛そう can technically still be used to mean cute, but in modern times especially for speech nobody uses it in that way because the 哀れみ meaning is mainstream. Wiki says to use かわゆそう in that case, but I personally have never heard someone use this. 可愛そう in place of 可哀想 is still technically correct since it came before 可哀想 and has now looped back because of phones and kanji conversion so both are fine. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO BACK TO DJT YOU NIGGERS.

>> No.31355123

2020 is almost over bros...

>> No.31355355
File: 8 KB, 425x24, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always next year. At least we got the Kaeru Soft game this year.

>> No.31355420

Are we ever going to get a successor to Tinkle Position?

>> No.31355610

I fully expect this shit to just end up as vaporware, how the fuck are they planning on making making a game with 43 girls? Even with a single scene per each that's still a lot, and they talked about how you can choose to be rapey or not so that's at least 2 per girl.

>> No.31355750

Hi, We are a task force from /vn/

Someone here declared war against us so you can be sure that we won't be resting either.

>> No.31355921

Who even is this ちゃた and what the fuck is the problem over at Tinkle Position and previously Galette?

Wasn't me. I only hate the hapa and discordfags.

>> No.31356013
File: 150 KB, 800x500, game_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NekoNeko Soft showing their new game tomorrow.


>> No.31356194

He's is the director and he worked on the onii-chan games at Galette, the first two good ones, and Tinkle Position.
And I guess he's just unlucky and the brands he worked with ended up making bad decisions, Galette was releasing two games a year and by the end were using really shitty cheap artists, and Tinkle Position were releasing FDs for nukige which almost never sell.
Maybe niche games where all the heroines are imoutos that have small tits but aren't lolis just don't sell in the current state of the industry, which is why he's doing this new game in doujin platform supported by Lose.
Some more info here:
At least it's still game a with small tits imouto.

>> No.31356409

>Galette was releasing two games a year and by the end were using really shitty cheap artists
It's really just the last one that I have a problem with. What the fuck happened to Onikin 2? Different artist, writers, even all the seiyuu were replaced with shitty actors with no other credited roles.

>> No.31356437

Damn, these guys are still around?

>> No.31356502

You thought they died after the last kamige they put out? https://youtu.be/_ch0lgo0CBY

>> No.31356573


>> No.31357638

>just people people started using them frequently in a incorrect manner so much that it becomes accepted
that phenomena is pretty much exclusive to american english

>> No.31358174

Simple Google search.

>> No.31358307

Untrue. In my language German for example "kucken" became an accepted spelling for "gucken" (to see) after so many dumb people had written it wrong throughout the years

>> No.31358358

Languages evolve dude.

>> No.31358609 [DELETED] 


>> No.31358762
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, dasoku_Twdo6BlSHi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, we should have noticed that the girls in the Dasoku Trailer weren't only hanging. They had several limbs cut-off too?

Honestly, so far Dasoku is a bit of a disappointment.

>> No.31362560
File: 593 KB, 1280x720, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31362788
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, dasoku_YyJR1o12nq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reached second ending of Dasoku. It was a bit cheesy and it had way too much sex, but in the end it made sense why they had so much sex. Sadly weblio or any dictionary doesnt find me a japanese definition for "phygephilia"

>> No.31364563

>FDs for nukige
Not nukige

>> No.31365447
File: 106 KB, 1283x719, 1583264538763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her so much, hope she makes through the game.

>> No.31367294

Please tell me protag has a name.
Nowhere says what his name is and I hate when protags are nameless or nameable since they use roundabout ways to avoid naming him which fucks up the flow of the dialogue.

>> No.31367380

He's nameable and I hate it too.

>> No.31367877

He is nameable. I called him Cross (Kurosu) because I expected him to kill people.

>> No.31368713

Anyone here knows how to add line breaks in Yu-ris?

I saw \[r] from their tech manual, but it doesn't seem to work for me. And if I try to add new line characters, it changes into spaces for some reason.

>> No.31370008

What did he mean by this?

>> No.31371015

How many copies of subahibi and sakuuta do you own?

>> No.31371167


>> No.31371217

Wonder why exactly now they decided to do that.
Hope it doesnt become a trend.

>> No.31371284

>All three versions of Subahibi, and two copies of Sakura no Uta for good measure
Holy cringe

>> No.31371696

Eroge are literal garbage, I would never spend money on them.

>> No.31371719

Pay happily

>> No.31371789


>> No.31371816

Looks like Aokana HR was taken down

>> No.31371847


>> No.31371952


>> No.31372384

She looks cute but the black background makes me think it's NTR rape shit.
>China pandering
Well if it keeps them alive that might be okay

>> No.31372508

I'm also German and have never seen anyone using "kucken." Must be a regional thing or you're just retarded.

>> No.31372692

Feed sca-ji more so that he can postpone sakutoki

>> No.31373336
File: 314 KB, 1280x1860, _007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sca-ji, please, I want to hear this girl's voice so much.

>> No.31375491

>those legs

>> No.31376314

Protag's true name (and everyone else's for that matter) is revealed later in the story.

>> No.31376575

btw always been wondering why kei is in sakutoki artbook when in sakuuta kei is fucking died

>> No.31381518

How soon?
Hopefully middle/early game so they start addressing the MC by his name.

>> No.31381634


>> No.31384430
File: 147 KB, 501x700, Dead day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What VNs are people talking about in Japan?
Dead Days seemed to a cool looking one in the shops in Akihabara

>> No.31384483
File: 1.56 MB, 1282x747, BGI_2020-11-06_21-14-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31384559
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 絆きらめく恋いろは.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion route was very nice.

>> No.31384685

He cucked out.

>> No.31384719
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not posting sakuuta peak

>> No.31384882
File: 1.40 MB, 1282x747, BGI_2020-07-09_23-05-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that NTRfag out of my sight.

>> No.31385416
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31385488 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1915x1097, ss (2020-12-28 at 05.07.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this

>> No.31385576

don't think I didn't see you post this here then immediately delete it and repost it on /vn/, smelly EOP.

>> No.31385611
File: 487 KB, 1920x1080, WorldActor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's a shitty translation that loses all the subtlety in what they're talking about. Good thing I read the game in Japanese and not some fanfiction.

>> No.31386043

Didn't you guys say the comedy was bad? This is hilarious

>> No.31386114

if this is how good comedy looks for you, then i feel bad for you

>> No.31387838

What did this tweet say?

>> No.31387893


>> No.31388755

this any good?

>> No.31388901

Because Sca-ji loves flashbacks.

>> No.31389044

flashbacks is the best part of sakuuta, after all
of course he loves them

>> No.31389222

She was a comfy girl

>> No.31389307

He Tweeted two more times after about it with one being "供養#かみまほ" and something else. Both deleted now.

>> No.31389556

I hope so.
No h-scene.

>> No.31393513
File: 392 KB, 2000x1314, EqDI9eKUwAAo9EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Aibeya? I was looking forward to it right up until I played the demo.

>> No.31393677
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, cs2.log_2020-12-28_06-13-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like 1 very much. 2 wasn't all that great either, but it was cute enough for me not to care.

>> No.31393763

was alright, saku was cute.

>> No.31394673

KoiChoco has a fucking Serial Key and no crack. Can someone murder girlcelly already?

>> No.31394804

have you tried to buy it, tranny?

>> No.31394829

Are you retarded? Look at the AS thread

>> No.31394838

Fuck off. I'm not buying a HD brush up for full price, buynigger

>> No.31394952

You're a dumbass. Also the game is cropped garbage that shouldn't be played in the first place.

>> No.31395159


>> No.31395167

then fuck off and don't squeal you fucking pig

>> No.31395446

Why is 罪ノ光ランデヴー 豪華版 10 fucking GB?

>> No.31395797

minori games tend to have high quality assets

>> No.31395891

japanese programming

>> No.31395939

when my classmate with dyslexia did that in 8th grade during a presentation the entire class laughed at him

>> No.31396568

Yes, I'm liking it so far. Recent moege have been all about crazy shit and comedy. This is very very light. It's just comfy SoL. I just wish it was set in winter instead of spring, but I guess it's the japs' fault for having the start of their school year in spring.

>> No.31397573

Is there a name for the moege subgenre that emphasizes brigh colors, 90s anime hair, bubbly pop intros and school uniforms not in use for 20 years?

>> No.31398722


>> No.31398761

How do I even navigate EGS? What a shitty layout.

>> No.31400204
File: 396 KB, 800x600, 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw downloaded all the individual A games before I found out about the plus disc that has them all

>> No.31400815

>Hear news that Jun Maeda might have indeed disappeared after the last of his latest work aired

Kind of worrying

>> No.31400855
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, 1608652721382.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone would run away in shame after that POS.

>> No.31402152 [SPOILER] 
File: 883 KB, 1920x1080, 1609182389013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31402204
File: 562 KB, 1280x720, 1585525740330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31402261

Sloppily, not like whores.

>> No.31402310


>> No.31403298

What a cow.

>> No.31403358

At least he fixed her design:

>> No.31403444

This artist is garbage

>> No.31403485

He's one of the best ones. The only thing holding purplesoft alive.

>> No.31403526

That's not her.
See: >>31402310

>> No.31403543


>> No.31403573

Still not her. Click the link and scroll down, then you're correct.

>> No.31404319

>Sameface syndrome
>One of the best
No wonder the industry is dead

>> No.31404356

At least it isn't exact same design syndrome *cough*Clarias*cough*

>> No.31404380

Pretty sure it is that same designs across all Purple Soft games. Still garbage.

>> No.31404418

Name an eroge artist who doesn't have "sameface syndrome"

>> No.31404536


>> No.31404562
File: 426 KB, 1280x720, the harbinger of death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with KnS3. Ending was a cliche, but it's everything I could have wanted.
Stella being on the title screen made me think she'd play a bigger role but it just didn't end up happening.
Makoto was basically hacking the entire time but ended with a whimper. Somewhat disappointing.
Masaki is still a waste of space and doesn't deserve Yukari.
Other than that, very satisfied.
Back to waiting for SakuToki.

>> No.31404685

It isn't dead but keep repeating the same tired ol' EOP trash.

>> No.31404756

Yuck, I was just about to eat...

>> No.31404773

You don't need to samefag, friend. We understand.

>> No.31404778
File: 1.66 MB, 2048x1200, Kajiri.Kamui.Kagura.full.799276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Shinza Banshou chad

>> No.31404812

Stfu schizo. No need to keep defending vomit-inducing (((art))).

>> No.31404822

How long is it more or less?

>> No.31404889

I don't think that means what you think it does.

>> No.31404963

Around 20 hours I'd say. There's next to no filler and next to no porn, the former I assume is universally appreciated while the latter depends on your personal taste, I suppose. For a game like this I think it's just fine.

>> No.31405179

That sounds pretty good then actually.
The first one I felt was pretty short and the second had those super long flashbacks, which I guess were important but still super drawn out.
And the only girl I wanted to see get fucked was Ayumu and she got that in the second game so no problems there. It's not like that could ever be canon anyway.

>> No.31406256

You weren't kidding about koirowa. It's a certified kusoge.

>> No.31407030

KKK is so much better than Dies, I was actually semi-glad I made it through Dies for it. dropped Paradise lost like halfway through
Of course the series dies right after because they're trying to chase Gacha bucks and the writer still hasn't given up on that, milking his fanbase for every last drop to revive that project from the dead

>> No.31409342

Did yaginuma glasses dude get to fuck too in kns3? Who?

>> No.31410760

Why are eroge so loud? I have my sound globally on 30/100. Every VN I play, I have to quickly turn down in sound mixer to 5/100 or I become deaf on the title screen.

>> No.31411032

There's only one person yaginuma fucked in kns3, himself.

>> No.31411680

Look around her. It's snowing. It's fucking snowing in the living room. IN MAY

>> No.31411818

Have you never seen dust hit by light?

>> No.31411961

That appeared only after the 絶頂 flickering? No, I don't think so. It's most definitely snow.

>> No.31412861

Isn't that just supposed to be a sparkling type of effect? Like an exaggerated description of orgasm?

>> No.31413178

Of course not. The devs confirmed it only appears if you play the game during winter.
Also I might need to reconsider my statement that koinoha is comfy. I was encountering a lot of H-scenes, so I skipped ahead and found out there are 46 (forty-six) H-scenes in this 25hr game.

>> No.31413576

>there are 46 (forty-six) H-scenes in this 25hr game
that can't be true. I think you're full of shit

>> No.31413750
File: 285 KB, 1282x752, gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16*3 - 2. 10 scenes (16 HCG) in one route.

>> No.31414269

Maybe they split up each unique CG into its own H-scene instead of 2-3 CG as 1 scene? Or the scenes are ultra short? Or they count animations as separate scenes? Otherwise that's complete overkill.

>> No.31414522

I just told you that 10 H-scenes corresponded to 16 HCG in the one route, dude. No to separate animations - those are viewable when looking at CG. The scenes were not long, but not short either.

>> No.31420314

Eroge should have 5 H-scenes max.

>> No.31420340

I agree, if you meant "per heroine", not counting 1-3 more in the after story.

>> No.31423461
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, yureaka.log_J9TDPORwSr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yureaka only having 30 minute routes is making me depressed.

I expected proper ones not a 10 hour kinetic novel with hscenes outside the main game.... The scenario itself was fine for a sport friendship seishun story, but i wanted more icha icha with the heroines. Loli Tsubaki was cute.

>> No.31427669

Is there anyone who finds the comedy in Cross Channel actually funny?

>> No.31428062

Romeo's comedy itself doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.31429033

Finished 終ノ空remake including Numinose 2 but still have 2 CGs and 1 scene locked.

What did I miss?

>> No.31429316

Go back and redo chapter 1 with the other choice

>> No.31431137

The 行かせる/慰める choice or something else?

>> No.31431546

Moogy does

>> No.31436288

Will fapping to violent sex scenes, rape and NTR ruin me as a human being?

>> No.31436422

Only NTR will.

>> No.31436437

Most of them I find to be too quiet. The worst thing is when the volume across different seiyuu is wildly different and there's no way to adjust for individual characters.

>> No.31436471
File: 618 KB, 650x787, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many eroge did you read this year?

>> No.31436491

The worst part is having 30 characters and no way to set the volumes at the same level all at the same time, also characters only being unlocked as they appear.

>> No.31436639


>> No.31436682

I think I'll manage to finish one before the year is over.

>> No.31436696

>>31346678 here. Yup, she's gross and a titcow and a whore. This wasn't what I meant.

>> No.31436750


>> No.31436878

.Like 20+ but I only managed to full clear 6.

>> No.31436943

Read the picture idiot. Only finished ones count.

>> No.31436993


>> No.31437008

Neither the post nor the picture said anything about full completion.

>> No.31437107

Right side completed
Left side currently playing/backlog
Right side icons add up to 65, the number he mentions in the tweet.

>> No.31437179

He only said played, not completed.

>> No.31437200

Probably around 30 and then a few more dropped or unfinished. Moege aren't meant to be completed

>> No.31437245
File: 458 KB, 816x639, a'u'ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31437291

Oh yeah let me download 200 eroge and drop them in the first 5 minutes, then claim I "played" all of them.

>> No.31437301


>> No.31437338

Funny how I found these super long flashbacks to be the past part of the game.

>> No.31437386

Maybe, but clearing a route or two is more likely. His post isn't very specific so maybe he is autistic enough to do every single route for every game on the right side or maybe he isn't.

>> No.31437472

I too either read an eroge in its entirety or drop it in the first 5 minutes, no inbetween allowed.

>> No.31437488
File: 16 KB, 576x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is, but he skips voices in most of them.

>> No.31437637

Once again no indication that he full clears, not that I care either way if people feel they are done with a game after one route or every route.

>> No.31437638

only one
maitetsu lr

>> No.31437888

I usually play one route and label the game as finished and make my vote on it on vndb.

>> No.31437977

just wondering do other saga planets games tend to have twists like "that" one in kiniro loveriche or can i read them without wanting to kill myself afterwards?

>> No.31438022

that's the best one this year anyway

>> No.31438158

I got a better question. Out of all those games that you read how many were actually good?

>> No.31438191

i don't read anything i don't enjoy

>> No.31438238

what was the twist? were they all actually 黒髪?

>> No.31438423

it kinda ruins the game but here you go one of the heroines dies from cancer

>> No.31438468

my taste is shit, so more than half actually

>> No.31438486

I think the newest one is supposed to have something similar, just a mini route though.

>> No.31438516

all 34 of them were kamige.

>> No.31438529

All, if I think something is bad I drop it and don't consider it as completed.

>> No.31438617

wow that's kinda weird for a moege, but i don't recall any other saga planets game having anything like that, unless maybe something really old

>> No.31438620

Was Hamidashi the best moege of the year? I see a lot japs praising it.

>> No.31438678

Yep, another kamimoege by Madosoft.

>> No.31438709

nah that was ore no sugata ga toumei ni

>> No.31438786

Yes, id even say it was better than wagahigh

>> No.31438955

Does anyone else enjoy listening to every voice line fully besides me?

>> No.31439041

Is hamikuri actually interesting? It looks extra generic

>> No.31439333

Me, but nobody else, just us two.

>> No.31439419
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, お断る.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do most of the time except in rare situations like if the route isn't too great and there's something up with a character, like pic related talked so god damn slow i ended up just skipping most of her lines since by the time i finished reading them she was like only 1/4 way through her line

>> No.31439682

Voices cutting off ruins my immersion. But I also can't be bothered to listen to every single moan during H-scenes.

>> No.31441271


>> No.31441471

She was the cutest one though.

>> No.31441915

Depends on the saga planets game.
The ones from nijima tend to go full key for the ending.

>> No.31442475

>Tachibana Mao, Fujisaki Usa, Aji Sanma and others with YouTube memberships now
Eroge is so dead seiyuu are just turning into streamers now.

>> No.31442722

if its so dead then why am i reading so many games every month

>> No.31443848

cuz ur tasteless tard

>> No.31444064


>> No.31444597

The Chinese will save bishoujoge.

>> No.31446434
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-12-29 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to solve this error?

>> No.31446997

locale emu even if your actual windows locale is jp will help you
