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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 357 KB, 800x600, 1579565400555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31291269 No.31291269 [Reply] [Original]

guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous: >>31267033

>> No.31291291


>> No.31291294
File: 148 KB, 633x636, sexu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31291305
File: 582 KB, 1800x1200, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31291340

me if i was a girl

>> No.31291401

just mined this word: お蔵入り

>> No.31291420

mini quiz btfo

>> No.31291557

fitting representation of the average japanese when dealing with 外人豚

>> No.31291850

parents want to buy me an apartment #based

>> No.31291868

@ajat tools dude
i get this when using mortician. can you fix?
seems like it gets problems with matts recommended passfail low key anki addon.

Anki 2.1.22 (0ecc189a) Python 3.8.0 Qt 5.14.1 PyQt 5.14.1
Platform: Windows 7
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=1
Add-ons, last update check: 2020-12-25 15:26:41

Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "aqt\reviewer.py", line 298, in <lambda>
File "C:\Users\Erz\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\PassFail (JP)\__init__.py", line 41, in AKR_answerCard
__oldFunc(self, ease)
File "aqt\reviewer.py", line 267, in _answerCard
File "aqt\gui_hooks.py", line 1353, in __call__
File "C:\Users\Erz\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1255924302\mortician.py", line 86, in decide_bury
File "C:\Users\Erz\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1255924302\mortician.py", line 69, in bury_card
mw.col.sched.buryCards([card_id], manual=False)
TypeError: buryCards() got an unexpected keyword argument 'manual'

>> No.31292106

wow i'm mining cool stuff today

>> No.31292108
File: 21 KB, 317x317, 30846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.31292729


>> No.31292769
File: 29 KB, 828x267, 79781D59-2FC7-4D8A-BEA4-CD7D8F69D651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31292782

that you're ゲイ

>> No.31293071

>stop texthooking and switch to manually looking things up
makes no sense

>> No.31293203

dont care about how efficient internalizing words is, the flow of reading and being engrossed in the material is more important and is the ultimate end goal and anything that makes u get out of that zone ie looking shit up manually isn't worth it if there is a better alternative

>> No.31293358

jamal and moe

>> No.31293406

>stop texthooking and switch to manually looking things up

>> No.31293462

except you are

>> No.31293671

desu i can't properly learn a word if i dont open by physical j-j dictionary and manually find the word in the index and then write it out 100 times

>> No.31293695

amen brother

>> No.31294046

i'm a burger and i still come across english words which i know i've encountered 10-20 times before but just haven't been able to remember them. i've considered making an english deck because it pisses me off every time.

>> No.31294048

just study words with it while focusing on writing it properly

>> No.31294085

you don't skip it consciously but if you read a novel and think there is 10 things you need to look up ur prob deluded about what you know even in your native lang unless ur reading some teenage romance novel

>> No.31294193

reminds me of redditors who write down their anki reviews so they can remember them better lol

>> No.31294328

the irony

>> No.31294626

don't think you're replying to who you think it was
i don't use a texthooker these days there's not even to look up to be worth caring and i don't care about the character count stuff either

>> No.31294787

>mnemonics for kana
but... but why?

>> No.31294949

i like doing anime cards and having the sentence on the front but being hidden unless i hover over it

>> No.31294998

"anime card" describes a card format not where the card came from

>> No.31295058
File: 268 KB, 975x961, 1594644571939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31295290

>tfw you will never be this based

>> No.31295408

lol thats not supposed to be bragging, in fact id feel bad if you dated a ugly insectoid thatll eat your salary and cheat on you

>> No.31295457

didn't visit 4chan once when i was living with my gf those were the days

>> No.31295608

>not using everything.exe
i actually dont know how i survived without this shit all those years

>> No.31295642

so who are you going to get it from

>> No.31295675

i just push play and watch on my comfy vlc

>> No.31295740

found the song djt needs to hear the most

>> No.31295741

i don't have many topics to go on in here we all talk about the same shit

>> No.31295779

>bunko still believes in love
poor dude, youll figure it out when you get older

>> No.31296038

seems even more likely that you're projecting

>> No.31296188
File: 1.31 MB, 1343x802, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just mined ドM

>> No.31296342

doesn't make any sense since im just posting about shit people are already talking about. i also post about my kanji grid all the time too but i'm very satisfied with that

>> No.31296347

so who are you going to get it from

>> No.31296499

being a retarded druggie is enough of a personality for the human styrofoam that are japanese people

>> No.31297187

im latino myself.

>> No.31297195

you mean bf. and actually more like just an online friend and ofc im too scared to ask him that

dead link

that does help.

no but maybe i should put up a news channel and have it in the background all the time.

>> No.31297366

you just showed why sentence cards > vocab cards

>> No.31297518

these are my cards >>31295058 and i hovered over it so i saw the sentence. i felt what it meant but i couldnt remember the reading

>> No.31297589

if you only failed the reading and you don't do listening cards then where's the relevance to what you posted

>> No.31297944


>> No.31297977

how the fuck do newfags end in here in the first place.

>> No.31298349

just because I textbook bara vns doesn't make it gay

>> No.31298542

decided to decrease to 20 new cards a day, retention kept dropping while doing 50

>> No.31298624

also *where but i missed that on my first read

>> No.31298799


>> No.31298897

yeah this seems to be good guide since it covers the ease hell problem well
lolled at "you should refold your collection" though

>> No.31298921

there's nothing special about this fuck off

>> No.31298940

kys newfag

>> No.31299148

domestic vegeta for the fucken lose

>> No.31299182

gay and boring

>> No.31299269


>> No.31299270


quiz's slow method btfo

>> No.31299330


>> No.31299360

not watching any of this faggot shit

>> No.31299425

pretty sure i left a comment on a video this dipshit made where i described the texthook page + yomichan and yet he's talking about how he just recently discovered yomichan's functionality which is basically a copy of that setup and how fast and amazing he finds it. dumb fuck probably didn't even understand my comment and dismissed it. stupid german retarded fuck.

>> No.31299439

tired of mattos bullshit

>> No.31299451

wow clench much?

>> No.31299534

i'm fucking pissed.

>> No.31299540

theres no degrees of fluency

ur either fluent or u arent

if u have a small vocab or dont know a thing thats fine u can just ask a question、fluently

>> No.31299553

whos the jew

>> No.31299704


>> No.31299714
File: 455 KB, 1440x2003, miniyoga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mini yoga is fighting back.

>> No.31299795

just like to be realistic and practical something lost on must cringe japanese "learners"

>> No.31299844


>> No.31299849

fuck nips

>> No.31299861


>> No.31299921

cant believe the algorithm withheld this from me until after christmas

>> No.31299934

>everyone here except bunko is non-conversational
what are you basing this on

>> No.31299960


>> No.31299972


>> No.31299986


>> No.31300047

living in america never using japanese

>> No.31300099

stfu you've only been learning for a few months you don't deserve to post in this thread

>> No.31300107

to bilk scrubs

>> No.31300141

that's not the case

>> No.31300146

the nips

>> No.31300176

Better yet never do something as stupid as texthooking in the first place.

>> No.31300180


>> No.31300192

believe or not that would make cards harder not easier

>> No.31300275

*believe it

>> No.31300321

>Better yet never do something as stupid as texthooking in the first place.

>> No.31300323

why would anyone need to hide from bug people

>> No.31300372


>> No.31300386

he's about a foot shorter than the average nip woman

>> No.31300396

is a great show

>> No.31300422


>> No.31300549


>> No.31300653

haha nice

>> No.31300662

grammar check pls trying to make a twitter reply


my reply:

>> No.31300714


>> No.31300779


>> No.31300806

yes yes wat

>> No.31300865

anime is inefficient
there i said it

>> No.31300886

dont care

>> No.31300897


>> No.31300900

get the speed up script

>> No.31300964

Objectively true because you spend a lot of time just looking at pictures with no dialogue, and when there is dialogue it’s often slow. Better options for listening practice are podcasts and jikkyou purei videos.

>> No.31300985


>> No.31301036

only dumb people care about efficiency or listening practice though but protip if its boring its not efficeint

>> No.31301092

I want to convert the girl on the left to Christianity and marry her

>> No.31301094

thanks, i wasn't sure how to use とか correctly. and i wanted to up the politeness with です but i guess it made it look fucked up

>> No.31301103

even i wanna fuck the one on the left

>> No.31301455

get an mri you might have a brain disease

>> No.31301501

found her @

>> No.31301507

he is learning japanese

>> No.31301597

dont wanna fuck karin tho

>> No.31301678

how can you afford to live in a house but not to get an mri

>> No.31301722

you obviously know nothing of the struggles of the lower middle class american

>> No.31301767

Hey anons, early learned here, a friend of fine just sent me a pdf for a book called Japanese : A Comprehensive Grammar (2nd Edition), is it a good book? Just wanna know how much time I should spend on it.

>> No.31301778


>> No.31301802

but people say even the lowest earner in america earns more than the middle class in europe

>> No.31301816


>> No.31301862

and the cost of living makes it so i can barely keep my head above water, cant aford a $3k brain scan dude

>> No.31301927

why not move out of an urban hellscape and to someplace lovable?

>> No.31302085

dno ask /int/ and tell ur friend to fuck off

>> No.31302245
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x900, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nips dont have any mercy even on their ppl

>> No.31302266

based and redpilled

>> No.31302297

wotd: 火炎放射器

>> No.31302321

basic vocab

>> No.31302348

wotd: sdfu

>> No.31302352

who asked?

>> No.31302355

thats 3 words

>> No.31302369

wotd: ゲイ

>> No.31302398

potd: 元の木阿弥

>> No.31302505

obviously dots on the left side
probably making fun of zainichi tho

>> No.31302583
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>> No.31302705

im learning japanese because i like anime tiddies
what about you bro?

>> No.31302837
File: 16 KB, 322x322, shana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im learning japanese because I like anime no tiddies

>> No.31302886

It's 2020, Japan. https://www.omniglot.com/conscripts/nihonnohangul.htm

>> No.31302934
File: 44 KB, 500x500, kiddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31302943

i want to watch anime not study anime

>> No.31302958

i hate reading

so much effort gone into understanding so little

>> No.31302959

idea: living with kirino host family but she has no brother and makes me play eroge to learn japanese then we play it together and explains to me things i dont understand

>> No.31302964
File: 412 KB, 1280x1799, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31303014

wish jap girl would sit on my face and make me mumble nippongo in her stinky manko

>> No.31303029

shut da fuck up

>> No.31303030

why doesn't he just read Koran shit then instead of turning japanese into Koran

>> No.31303031

>has breasts
Ugly hag is kidding herself

>> No.31303049

Because messing with languages is fun.

>> No.31303053

if this song doesnt awaken your yamatodamashii i dont know what will

>> No.31303066

only if u sit on my face

>> No.31303070

no it isn't but that stuff belongs on /int/

>> No.31303162

flat brat fetish is the opposite of ゲイ my friend

>> No.31303173
File: 54 KB, 381x534, crimbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys djt is on page 10 u have to start posting

>> No.31303210

learn how 4chan works

>> No.31303219

that's not how it works newfriend

>> No.31303270
File: 1.88 MB, 1548x834, 1594688040078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow now i really cant get the rona all my gains will go up in smoke

>> No.31303279

the thread hit the bump limit already you retard.

>> No.31303289


>> No.31303314

zoomer newfags need the rope

>> No.31303384

nice bait dude

>> No.31303402

ive been lurking for years i dont post much but how is the thread btfo at only 460 posts are there really that many holotard threads being made

>> No.31303421

every holonigger deserves the rope

>> No.31303424


>> No.31303435

i mean what difference does it really make if the threads die at 500 replies or 1500 tbqh

>> No.31303514

the answer is yes

>> No.31303519

everyone will move on to korean and chink anime

>> No.31303537

or they get the mlp treatment

>> No.31303866

lmfao did people actually watch a camrip of the kny movie the fuck

>> No.31303872

vrs a meme m8 ar is the next big thing

>> No.31303937
File: 16 KB, 519x325, 1586606140969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does he know japanese yet lol
