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3126611 No.3126611 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you never have powerlevel threads anymore /jp/?

I am disappoint

>> No.3126615

Because they're generally really really terrible threads.

>> No.3126614

Because typemoon is shit

>> No.3126623
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Because they're played out, much like "Rin is a slut" and "Shiki can kill Servants. Discuss." threads

>> No.3126630

wow OP, that's a cool wallpaper, saved

>> No.3126639

Because we all know Lancer would've won the war if he wasn't used as a scout.

>> No.3126644

Is that girl in the black and red dress Hanako from Katawa Shoujo?

>> No.3126653


>> No.3126666

sup dev

>> No.3126705

Beatrice could kick all their asses.

>> No.3126718

powerlevels is what attracted me to type-moon. sorry. if I want to talk about sex scenes, this is not the board for it.

>> No.3126739

You want powerlevels? I'll fucking GIVE you powerlevels.

ORT > Type Jupiter = Ado Edem > Type Saturn = Crimson Moon > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Zelretch > Counter Guardian Archer > Dark Sakura = Gilgamesh = Arcueid > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker = Roa Elesia > Dark Berserker > 4th Caster > 5th Lancer > 4th Lancer = 5th Caster > 4th Rider > 5th Rider > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer = 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Kouma = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Souren Araya > Touko = Alba = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Fujino = 18th Roa > SHIKI = = Heaven’s Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Fake Shiki > Shinji = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Gun God (unequipped) = Hisui = Kohaku

>> No.3128312


> Rin > Kiritsugu


>> No.3128472
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>> No.3128922

trailer just dropped

I jizzed in my pants

>> No.3128930


>> No.3128941
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Ara ara.

>> No.3128944

GER Giorno > Everything.

>> No.3128947

Didn't ZUN say Suika > Everyone else?

>> No.3128951

But Tenshi and Yukari kicked her ass, so yeah

>> No.3128956


Zun said Suika is the physically strongest tou-ho. Not necessarily the most dangerous or most capable overall.

>> No.3128955
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Pretty much that.

>> No.3128962

Why are Shikieiki and EX-Alice so high?

>> No.3128984

Yukari admitted being no match against Shikieiki even with Reimu and Yuyuko by her side.
EX-Alice is as strong as Shinki, except she cannot control the Grimoire's power.

>> No.3129009
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I guess she's more than just LEGS then.

>> No.3129015
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Did someone say powerlevels? Becasue i'm sure someone did say powerlevels.

>> No.3129016


Shikieiki decides where you spend eternity, and that isn't even her actual special power.
EX Alice supposedly creates and destroys universes at will (results may vary).

>> No.3129028

In SWR? Is there a story mode considered canon? Otherwise everyone kicked everyone's ass and the powerlevels would be all sorts of fucked up.

>> No.3129037


By anime standards, higher power level actually increases the risk you'll get your ass kicked by the underdog.

>> No.3129046

>In SWR? Is there a story mode considered canon? Otherwise everyone kicked everyone's ass and the powerlevels would be all sorts of fucked up.
All routes are canon, except they happen one after another, it's something like.
Everyone else's, Reimu's, Tenshi's, Yukari's, Reisen's

Tenshi holds back before her route, Reisen fights Yukari and Tenshi right after Yukari beats Tenshi, so we can assume they were weakened.

>> No.3129064


All routes in SWR are canon. There is a complicated timeline in the wiki showing when every fight takes place.

It also means that Reisen canonically beat the shit out of Remilia, Yuyuko and Yukari. Useless bunny, amirite?

>> No.3129078

Everything canon, but at least one fight overlaps (Reimu vs. Aya at Youkai mountain | Reimu must have won or either she couldn't possible have fought Tenshi in heaven.)

Tenshi can beat nearly everyone in a serious fight.
Tenshi lost against serious Yukari.
Patchouli won against serious Suika. (exploit weaknesses)
Tenshi and Suika didn't have a serious fight.

In IaMP, Suika beat everyone.

>> No.3129086

I refuse your reality and substitute my own.
That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever read. I'm just gonna go with "SWR doesn't count", regardless of what ZUN says.

>> No.3129097

SSIB is canon

>> No.3129110

Yeah, just go with "when X's story mode began, everyone else was already out of mana".

>> No.3129113


Mana doesn't exist in Zuniverse.

>> No.3129431

>Dark Sakura = Gilgamesh

That would be "non retarded mode Gil", something very rare.

>> No.3129460

Cause people understood by the very nature of the mechanics, it can never be resolved and they do not reply to trolls.
I think.
I hope.

>> No.3129470

Ado Edem is the top tier, dumbass. ORT is only noted to be strongest in terms of physical strength, which is meaningless against Slash Emperor since it CUTS EVERYTHING.

>> No.3129489

your post has already been disproven by every other post previous to your own.

>> No.3129494

Hey, they talk mostly about Touhou.
Just have faith...
