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3127700 No.3127700 [Reply] [Original]

So I started playing Cross Channel the other day, only to find out there are no routes in it. What exactly is the point of this sort of VN, when you can't even pursue a girl?

>> No.3127705

Why are you such a braindead faggot?

>> No.3127710

What's wrong with you mate? I just don't understand why a VN like this, where the focus are the girls and you make choices relating to the girls, yet there are no routes.

>> No.3127712

its a linear story, like Umineko

>> No.3127714

Wait, it's out?

>> No.3127715

please be a troll

>> No.3127718

Torrent please

>> No.3127719
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>> No.3127720

Only up to Week 5, but by the time I read up to there, the final patch should be out.
Why would I be a troll? I just don't understand the point of making choices, or being interested in a girl, when you can't even end up with her.

>> No.3127722


Where did you get it? I've been dying to finally play it

>> No.3127727

I got it off hongfire, here are the links.

>> No.3127728
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>I just don't understand [...] being interested in a girl

wait a minute, he might be a real /jp/er

>> No.3127730

Cross Channel has routes but not in the traditional sense.

>> No.3127733
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>> No.3127739
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I love you

>> No.3127738

What's the point in having a story in a VN anyway? I mean, the whole point is to just have sex with random girls, right? Right?

>> No.3127745


I agree 100% with this fine mind of our generation

>> No.3127748

No, I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Why do they put characters who look like potential heroines, have choices related to them, but don't allow you to end up with any of them?

I just feel disappointed because I played through the first week, and was thinking about what girl to go for. I grabbed a walkthrough, only to find, I couldn't.

>> No.3127753

Nobody cares what shitty heroine you wanted. You got Misato, which is the best character in all of Cross Channel.

>> No.3127755

Are we at the part with trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls yet or do we need a few more minutes to get to it?

>> No.3127759

You're joking, he doesn't actually end up with her or anything right?

>> No.3127765
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>Why do they put characters who look like potential heroines, have choices related to them, but don't allow you to end up with any of them?
Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

>> No.3127766


>> No.3127767

There are no separate endings because Taichi ends up with a harem with all of them. Last CG is a huge orgy.

>> No.3127769

No, I understand exactly what you're saying, and you're still wrong.

You think that there's something wrong with a VN simply because it doesn't match your cookie-cutter-like idea of what a VN is supposed to be. Something like Cross Channel, Swan Song, Saihate no IMA, EXTRAVAGANZA etc. which doesn't consist of a trunk followed by a 'route' for each winnable character, presumably culminating in a sex scene and an ending each time is somehow 'incorrect' to you.

Broaden your mind. The visual novel is a medium, like a movie or a book, and it doesn't necessarily have to follow a particular structure. Not all VNs are even romantic.

>> No.3127776

I don't even care about sex scenes. I just like to influence who the character goes out with, I would hate to see any romantic interest between him and someone like Misato.

>> No.3127774

exactly this.

>> No.3127782

Don't worry, Taichi is an individual who is incapable of love or romantic interest.

>> No.3127796

Ah, so you're one of those faggots that picks up a VN, grabs a walkthrough, looks at the heroines and decides which ones are arbitrarily the cutest/prettiest/most 'suitable' for the protagonist, finishes their route, then maybe does a couple of other characters which also met your 'acceptability' guidelines, then uninstalls the game?

As a member of the particular subgroup you represent, please do us all a favor: get the fuck out and never come back. Your attitude may have sort of made sense back when eroges had 12-16 heroines, no plot and all the characters were inanely shallow, but CROSS CHANNEL has a story and the quality of the story has nothing to do with whether you like the heroines or not.

>> No.3127800
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although I always grab a walkthrough for the second run though

>> No.3127806

you are even shit for /jp/ standards. Please go back to /a/ or whatever place you came from.

>> No.3127808

I only take a look at a walkthrough to see which girls are even gettable, like before planning to go for a girl, I make sure that I even can get her. Not sure why you're so angry bro.

>> No.3127834

>As a member of the particular subgroup you represent, please do us all a favor: get the fuck out and never come back.

Why so butthurt?

>> No.3127835

I shouldn't have mentioned 'walkthrough'. I don't care about the use of the walkthrough. Lots of VNs have retarded flag conditions etc. that it's probably a good idea to go for a walkthrough from the start anyway.

I care about you playing a story-oriented title just for the sake of going after one or two of the heroines.

If you play an eroge, play all of it, unless it sucks. Don't just decide which heroines you like and only play their routes.

>> No.3127846

Why can't you experience the same story, while getting a girl? I'm not going to spend hours reading the interactions with some girl I hate, just for the sake of completion.

>> No.3127843

But what if it's an eroge that makes me feel bad for choosing a heroine other than the one I chose first?

>> No.3127857

Again, you're missing the whole point. The story covers ALL of the routes. It's supposed to! I don't see why you find it hard to read a story that is partially involved with a character you don't particularly like; it's not like these are your own personal self-insertion fanfics.

Look, forget it, don't play Cross Channel. Go back to your Nounai Kanojo games or something.

>> No.3127863
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This entire thread is just too funny. Really, OP's wondering WHY the game's giving him choices if it doesnt effect anything at all. He probably feels its pointless and it'd be better to have a more straightforward approuch(Like say Umineko) with no choices if its going to not have any end game effects.

Surely you people remember the shitstorm you made over Lun Lun,right /jp/? You can say you fucked her,but Arata will easily forget her in favor of Chris.

>> No.3127868

I'm saying you should be able to get the entire story experience while pursuing a girl, the only reason you don't in a VN like Cross Channel is because they decided not to make it that way.

>>I don't see why you find it hard to read a story that is partially involved with a character you don't particularly like

I don't have a problem with that, as long as I get to influence the main characters feelings.

>> No.3127878

I guess the game makers just didn't want to write "choose the girl you will fuck while Chris is not back".

>> No.3127887

Wait so it's linear and you fuck multiple girls... harem end?

>> No.3127897

Are you speaking about Nasu? If so; then just stop.

>> No.3127898

Time Loop

>> No.3127899

The point is that Cross Channel couldn't possibly work that way, and if you had the slightest idea what the story was about you'd realize this and you'd quit with the faggory.

>> No.3127904


>> No.3127914

>main characters feelings
I don't think you know Cross Channel's main character at all.

>> No.3127912

Talking about Nasu? As 'VNs with retarded flag conditions'? No- well, maybe the two fandiscs (I haven't played them, but they're supposedly rather difficult) but not the main games. I'm talking about things like France Shoujo, EXTRAVAGANZA and 3days. Those are really hard to finish without a walkthrough.

>> No.3127917

I thought Chris was more of a brother in that moment ;_;

Why did you just tell me otherwise?

>> No.3127925

Look, what I'm saying is, if the game is linear why is it made in such a way that suggests otherwise? What is the point in options that seem to favour a girl? I can help her out or not, talk to her or not, do something inappropriate or not, etc. If it's a linear story driven game, then why do they have these choices? It just seems like a stupid tease to me.

>> No.3127927

Ah, I thought you were talking about all those retarded choices in the games that fuck you up later on.

>> No.3127934

Well, 3days got a lot easier after they included an event chart navigator in an update patch.

>> No.3127942

Cross Channel is Taichi's story from the beginning to the end.
It's not about influencing his feelings and going for some girls, it's about understanding him as a person, all his bad points and good points.

>> No.3127955

>only to find out there are no routes
hahaha owow I didn't know that, so thanks for enlighten me about that aniki, now I don't have tó install C+C and instead I will be waiting for a superior game in case of popularity like Shuffle!. Shit will be so cash

>> No.3127966

Trolls trolling trolls?

>> No.3127975

There's no such thing as a bad heroine.
Only bad writers.

>> No.3127987

I have this theory that everyone on /jp/ is a troll, and the only seemingly legitimate eroge discussion that happens here is just a sequence of sarcastic jabs exchanged between fellow trolls, who are generally making fun of the game in question.

>> No.3128002

I love the blonde girl character design.
Does she get some love in the game or is she just a filler heroin?

>> No.3128003

To me, the only fun part about a VN is the branching plot.
I swear everytime I see a tsundere drillhaired ojousama without a route in a VN, a part of me dies.

>> No.3128006

This is like a linear choose your own adventure. It doesn't really make any sense.

>> No.3128008

I don't understand what the hell your question is?

>> No.3128029

Miki? The one who kind of looks like a puppy? Yeah, she gets some love, she's absolutely adorable, she's also a sociopath.

>> No.3128039

>This whole thread
>Same mother fucking idiot trying to defend the linear plot of a shit vn

>> No.3128043

Downloading it as fast as I ejaculate.

>> No.3128048

>This whole thread
>Same mother fucking idiot trying to attack the linear plot of an awesome vn

>> No.3128050

Flowers>all in this game.
Their arcs were amazing.

>> No.3128072

Thanks for the responses guys, a bit disappointed but I guess this kind of game isn't for me. I just installed Little Busters! though, so hopefully I'll have some fun with that.

>> No.3128091

... do you really want to play an emoge after CC ?

>> No.3128102

I have no idea. But it seems pretty popular, so I figured I'd give it a try.

>> No.3128114


Samefag yet again

>> No.3128130

Well, if you can stand the generic Key drama, fine.

>> No.3128140

Bangkok posting without his trips? Or did he get some retarded followers?

He is playing a fucking EROGE you know, if you can't stand generic drama and the likes no point in playing them.

>> No.3128145

Bangkok would hate CC as well. Bangkok hates anything that isn't generic moe tripe.

>> No.3128148
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Well, I like the atmosphere so far, although I am a bit confused as to what's going on here.

>> No.3128155

Sure thing, bro

>> No.3128158

How do i get into Miki route? I'm stuck on Kiri's no matter what i did. Anyone got a english guide?

>> No.3128161

I've written generic "KEY" drama, the kind with hilariously bad ends that makes you want to punch kittens and magic aids.
Also, what hell are blathering about bankok or something.

>> No.3128164


I agree with you. One thing that appeals to me in VN is that you have the liberty to influence the outcome of the history by your personality.

For example Fate/Stay Night. It's a good game with a good history, but I didn't like because you don't have choices at all. The choices are down to:
1) Continue play
2) Die

What I am, what I think doesn't count anything in that universe.

>> No.3128216

It's really bad in this one VN I played, called Final Fantasy VII.
It gave me so many choices. I don't care how the fuck you kill these random enemies with no story, just fucking kill them!
Also, why the hell did they let me control the movement of the characters if the story is linear? Get on with the story!
And then there's some bullshit character revival system. Why is it bullshit? It only works when the storyline dictates that it can! Why the fuck would you let players revive characters only to deny them that?

>> No.3128258


It's not the same thing. One is a RPG, the other is a VN. You can't compare them.

And I repeat, I didn't say they were bad, I said they wen't my taste for not giving me freedom.
And freedom is what makes me love VNs so much.

>> No.3128264

>And freedom is what makes me love VNs so much.

>> No.3128274


I guess, the illusion of freedom should be a better term.

>> No.3128286

I dunno, linear stories sorta piss me off too. If there's a girl I like I want to pursue her not be forced down a single path. Otherwise it's just a novel with pretty pictures. I can pick up novels at the library.

>> No.3128294

Well I completely agree with the guys who are saying choices make the VN. Although I do enjoy the random linear plot here and there depending on the story

Just ignore the samefag that's trying to trash you because your not obsessed with cross channel like he is

>> No.3131003 [DELETED] 

ITS OVAR 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
http://www.ApeTalk.com/, Ape = Anon

>> No.3131000

First big CC thread I've seen since the translation, and of course it's ends up trolls trolling trolls and butthurt.

>> No.3132355


>> No.3132397

This just in: Romeo Tanaka is a faggot and Cross Channel sucks

>> No.3133371

sure is old news oo

>> No.3133579


Why can't we play the routes that are good and ignore the ones that suck?

>> No.3133824

any ETA for the next for the final patch or maybe just the next patch? There doesnt' seem too much left to translate.

>> No.3134471

> I'm projected to finish CC by the end of August or early September
