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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3112612 No.3112612 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever stop and think about the circles at comiket that don't sell anything? Doesn't that make you sad?

>> No.3112613

no and no.

>> No.3112615

if aki eda can sell anything im pretty sure everyone else can

>> No.3112616

I'd buy her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3112617

Just as every thread must be replied to, every circle must be bought from.

No exceptions.

>> No.3112620

Yes and yes.
I feel bad for them, but on the other hand.
Didn't Nasu only sell 3 copies of first KnK novel?

>> No.3112622

Kind of. I mean if it was a normal person selling at comiket(lol) I don't think they would take the failure that hard. But a NEET....man that's just soul crushing disappointment.

>> No.3112639

reminds me of genshiken, where he kept passing by that circle that everyone was avoiding

>> No.3112643

If I was there I would be tempted to purchase from all of the neglected tables, and then at the end of the day I'd be stuck with a bunch of awful shit. Maybe one of them would become a mass killer like that one guy though, and his work would be a major collector's item.

>> No.3112651

If i made doujinshi the last thing i would want is someone buying them out of pity.

If none sold i would take it as a sign that i need to improve.

Then when i actually sold it would feel much better.

>> No.3112657

Do you think they would liquidate their doujins for near free when the day is almost at an end?

>> No.3112661

Knowing that someone appreciates your efforts feels good.

>> No.3112670

I'd be practically giving away my shit my first time there. the point is to get your name out there, THEN start charging money later when your better etc.

that's what always pissed me off about nhk, they were charging a ridiculous price for nothing more than a DEMO. of course it wasn't going to sell morons

>> No.3112671
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>> No.3112674

no until now and yes, i always see these people in a shitty place who nobody come in a con, shit was so sad

>> No.3112679

Since none sell, it's probably his or her first time selling them at Comiket and there are only ~20 copies of the book.
Doujin creater (SHOULD) just want people to read/play/look at/listen to their works and don't care about profit (though printing costs... etc.)
What would you do if no one buys them?
If the day was nearly over and none of them sold, I'd give them to people for free.

>> No.3112686

Man, NHK made me fucking depressed.

>> No.3112687


I'd just give it away. Or be a dick viral marketer and scan it and put it on the net.

>> No.3112703

I would do that shit before hand. Post a bunch of art on 2chan and link it on 2ch and shit. I'd know if people were interested in buying from me before I went.

>> No.3113512

Is that supposed to be China or that dumb bitch from Kiminozo?

>> No.3113526

I hate you and your avatar using faggotry, we don't need another Weeabro

>> No.3113528


The name's Haruka, and yes.

>> No.3113529

Kiminozo bitch probably. But then Anonymous is all "hurr meiling durr sakuya"

>> No.3113534

this is the original

>> No.3113537

same person

>> No.3113547

look at that baka

>> No.3113559

If Comic Party has taught me anything, it's that the neglected circles are also the best circles. They write brilliant stories and are made up of the cutest girls. Popular circles just churn out schlock and are run by annoying tsunderes.

>> No.3113564
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Yes, it is a great tragedy.

>> No.3113578

In that case, I don't feel bad for her. I hated that bitch. I hope no one her buys her shitty picture book.

>> No.3113673
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know this weeabro you speak of.

>> No.3113698

What makes me even sadder is that Japanese girl who had a blog that /jp/ liked for a while, but then started to hate whenever someone would post about her.

She's now posted saying she's going to a con and wants to meet some people, but nobody has commented on her blog for several weeks.

Poor girl.

>> No.3113726

This is the saddest thing ever.

>> No.3113821

I know.

I would link her blog, but for a long time everybody got pissed off when I did.

I don't want people getting annoyed at her because of me. :(

>> No.3113852


Link it, bro. I now want to see what's the deal about.

>> No.3113863

Here it is:

Furthermore, I just realised the convention is over. ;_;

>> No.3113870

I like that girl's blog, but I'm not really the type that comments on blogs unless I'm going to be a dick.

>> No.3113891

I don't comment on blogs unless there's an anonymous option.

>> No.3113896

I don't understand blogs at all.

>> No.3113900

Just type in Anonymous in the name field and use a dumb email?

>> No.3113903


Nothing to Nipah about. I was expecting a moe, shy and intellectual girl and got a trendy chick instead.

Well, thanks for the link anyway.

>> No.3113924

Wait, she's trying to become acquainted w/America? Huh.

Also, regardless of /jp/'s chill nature, it's still 4chan. Coming to hate that girl was inevitable--you should know this. Though she seems pretty cool.

>> No.3113928

>shy and intellectual girl
She wouldn't have a blog in first place.

>> No.3113929

At home she was big into anime and such like, and now she's trying to get into what she sees as the American version of that with Batman: TAS, Marvel, DC etc.

She may seem trendy, but that's only 'cause she's try hard.

>> No.3113931

Miku, my love, has been using images nearly since /jp/'s inception.

What has this "Weeabro" done aside from being a moron?

>> No.3113937

>Foods you won't find easily in Japan



>> No.3113949

No because if noone is buying it, it means they are either shit artists or shit storywriters.

>> No.3113961

Yeah. It's funny because there's a billion of blogs featuring weeaboos who are now living in Japan talking about their daily lives and the CRAZY JAPANESE STUFF they have to deal with, only this is the exact reverse.

I find it interesting.

>> No.3113959 [DELETED] 

There's plenty of shit that does get bought. I'd bet there's also good stuff that doesn't get bought.

>> No.3113965

Yes yes it does. I'm sure there are talented non ero original manga out there in comiket that never will see the light of day.

>> No.3113971

Sales are directly proportional to quality? Naruto must be the best manga ever!

>> No.3113988

So anonymous hates popular stuff, but doesn't like obscure things? Sad.

>> No.3113996

I do not go to comikets because I'm a NEET.

>> No.3114019

You should be able to sell a few copies on word of mouth alone, you don't need great marketers, which is the problem with popular stuff.

>> No.3114020

Creative people like artists, painters, etc. have to be prepared for rough times when they're first starting out; and stick with it because they like doing the artsy stuff. Not everybody has good taste - look at how many cheap trashy romance novels are at your local bookstore.

>> No.3114032

For one, they've got YOU vouching for them.

>> No.3114187

Sales =/ proportional designator for quality

By the way how pricey is it to get a stand in Comiket? I'm sure they expect some green numbers so they can continue and distribute their fanwork to their fans, surely not all costs are covered from their own pocket and Nihon Spirit.

>> No.3114211

I have no sympathy for anyone who would actually go to that shit, much less sell their crappy magazines there.

>> No.3114215

Comiket - a convention about magazines

>> No.3114221

why not?

>> No.3114316

>This happens in alot of American superhero comics I guess.
>This happens in alot of American superhero comics
>alot of American superhero comics
>alot of
>a lot

>> No.3114321

u mad?

>> No.3114322

>implying you don't care about tons of doujin related stuff rooted in otaku culture

That's harsh, bro.

>> No.3114340

I feel sorry for those women who release all the non-ero shit that absolutely nobody cares about, but then I remember that they're female, Japanese, and three-dimensional.

>> No.3114344

I thought I was the only one still following her blog.
It's interesting to read, another point of view. Try to help her with her developing american comic interest whenever I can.

Yeah, it is kind of sad.

>> No.3114587

Ameircan comics are fucking terrible why would want to read them?

>> No.3114627

>otaku culture
Haha oh wow.

>> No.3114662

Because it's embarrassing for both parties. How come somebody skim porn right in front of the person that drew it and then BUY it?

>> No.3114709

It's not embarrassing for them.

>> No.3114721

are you a normalfag?

>> No.3114728

You'd be more confident in evaluating it inside a stall or something?

>> No.3114732
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>> No.3114738

I'd buy from her.
Because I actually liked Haruka

>> No.3114758
File: 123 KB, 1024x576, indexsmilelook4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really the same thing, but I went to a site of a guy that draws lolis once and I told him I just fapped to some of his pictures and he seemed pretty excited about it.

>> No.3114766

If I drew fapping pictures I'd pretty happy if they were getting used, I think.

>> No.3114776

that's what I'm talking about

>> No.3114808

you know you are really just having sex with another man

through a proxy

>> No.3114826

what artist?

>> No.3114830

Thread reminds me of when I visited the artists' alley of a con once. There was this one table covered completely of this awfully drawn publication - it was bad, like crayola marker lines bad (think CWC, only not as bad) - for $5 a pop. I felt really bad for whoever that was who was sitting there but not enough to buy or even approach the table.

>> No.3114837

You know I'm raping your face right now

Through a proxy

>> No.3114847

It's more like he's having sex with the man's daughter.

>> No.3114867
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This was a pretty long time ago, I can't recall his name.

>> No.3114883

Should be selling musics instead.
Thoug I'd buy from her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3114884


I didn't know Haruka fans existed.

>> No.3114893

What's wrong with haruka?

>> No.3114914 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 240x180, aya01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I'd totally hit her.

>> No.3114920


Nothing, it's just same fag who likes the other trollop

>> No.3114952

why u do this ;_;?

>> No.3114991


>> No.3115051


Damn you ;_;

>> No.3115067

I lol'd. Well played sir, well played.

>> No.3115269
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Stupid people like her should just disappear.

>> No.3115307

She's a selfish cunt.

>> No.3115313

Muv-Luv Haruka is superior.

>> No.3115331

I remember the shitstorms involving this back in the day. Most fun I ever had discussing drama animu.

>> No.3115732

I don't really like any of the characters.

Except for that guy going after Akane. Dude was badass manly.

>> No.3115802 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 1088x1536, 0422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truth. Too bad in Muv-Luv Alternative almost everyone really does fucking die. Pic related.
In b4 y u do dis ;_;

>> No.3115833

y u do dis ;_;

>> No.3115848
File: 37 KB, 1088x768, 6782b4b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the last person who had contact with her was the gate guard. Did he kill her?

>> No.3116080

lol wtf. Company went from super-thick fluffy shoujo to GORE GORE SCREAMING SHOW

>> No.3116089

It's not too bad in Muv-Luv Extra.

>> No.3116095

Pardon me forgot my obligatory ;_;

>> No.3117745
File: 927 KB, 750x600, altuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, alternate universes, you know...

>> No.3117756

Some are relatively nice, others are an all out war against an alien race.

>> No.3117772

How can that thing even move with that head?

>> No.3117779

I'm sure every circle sells something. There's a shit load of people at comiket. Someone has to take interest.

I'm probably wrong though. I have never been to comiket.

>> No.3117803

What? What did she do?
All she did was get hit by a car and sleep for a few years.

>> No.3117817


>> No.3117822

Ask Marimo.

>> No.3117843

I think the logical step to be succesful in comiket is to spread your name and works online. giving away free samples on your personal site and advertise that you are selling your work at the comming comiket.

>> No.3117858

I'm sure they all get at least one buy, like the protagonist of that manga of Hiroyuki's, forgot the name.
Hell, it might even be a doujin romance.

>> No.3117920

Newfag here, was this, or will this ever be translated?

>> No.3117949

Not yet, we can only hope Ixrec or someone picks it up.

>> No.3117951

The problem is the engine, not the translators.

>> No.3117965

People would probably work on cracking it if there were an ongoing project though, so it's just one endless circle.

>> No.3117966

When they make an animu of it.

>> No.3117986

I guess I'll just go learn some fucking Japanese than. I got to find a way to fill 3 units anyways.

>> No.3118008

From what I've heard the first section of Muv-Luv is written in very simple japanese so, shouldn't take too terribly long to get proficient enough to read Extra.

>> No.3118015

I think this theory has some merit as well. There's a KGNE translation project going on now isn't there?

>> No.3118017

You haven't played Kiminozo right? NTR, yandere and so on.

>> No.3118019

The whole game isn't hard. I only had problems with the coup d'etat part of Alternative.

>> No.3118029


I always used philosophy courses to fill up extra credits. Although I've taken almost all of the philosophy courses offered already.

>> No.3118042


Really? I've been wanting to try that since forever, how's the progress?

>> No.3118047

Muv-Luv and Extra aren't too hard, but the military terminology in Alternative made me want to shoot myself.

>> No.3118065

From what I quickly gathered from their forum, the whole first chapter is done and they're working on the second but progress is slow due to being busy.

>> No.3118067


>> No.3118104

Oh, and apparently they've finished translating Chapter 1 and are editing it as of July. Sadly it took their translator an entire year to do it. Check back in 2012 or so.

>> No.3118110

I remember the first time I went to a con in Amerikkka. After I had done my shopping I decided to chill around in the artist's corner and see what people came up with.

Now I remember this part vividly as fuck. The last booth I visited was one with some Bleach fanart (back when the Bleach mango was nothing more then Rukia x Ichigo killing Hollows). The booth consisted of nothing more then merely one massive black binder with a few pictures in it on a gray table . I fumbled through the pages of art so terrible it would put preschool drawings to shame. On perhaps the second to last page, was a picture of Rukia's naked body in a spread eagle position on what looked like to be a bed. Upon laying eyes on such a crude, repulsive drawing I had to avert my attention somewhere else, perhaps it was disgust, perhaps it was a hidden perversion that my youthful moralfag self was not yet ready to embrace. As I quickly glanced up I was greeted with what was the biggest shit eating grin I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes upon. As I recall, the person bestowing me with such a wonderful visage was a morbidly obese caucasian man, he was bald, and the hair that he did have was dirty, gray, and long. He had tied it to the back of his head with what appeared to be a pink ribbon, he was eating Ramen Cup Noodles, and as he smiled at me, his tawny dentures were cluttered with green herbs and along his neckbeard there seemed to be a small piece of a noodle that lodged itself comfortably in between the prickly hairs.

>> No.3118118

Can we just make copies Ixrec and be done with it?

>> No.3118123

He wore a brown Evangelion t-shirt that had seen better days, his sweat covered poor Asuka's face, and due to repeated use, the borders of the shirt's sleeves were stretched and tattered, Rei Ayanami's face and most of her body were gone, in her place remained but a few pieces of oddly colored shapes and figures, Shinji's face was missing, and in its place was a hole that joyfully displayed part of the man's nipple and overgrown chest hair. His squinting eyes silently advocated his pleasure, which did nothing but imply disgust within me. My body froze, my face turned red, by sheer impulse I darted away from the man and his naked Rukia picture and sprinted straight to the exit.

That day, I think I lost my innocence.

>> No.3118161

How do we convince Ixrec to allow us to clone him just so the clones can be abused for translation labor?

>> No.3118169

Who says we have to convince him, bro?

>> No.3118193

I donno, Ixrec seems like he's running out of steam. Translation progress hasn't been progressed in like a week!

>> No.3118203

Maybe he just hasn't updated it?

>> No.3118207

You kids are spoiled with your expecting fast talented translators all the time!

Why, back in my day, getting the ISO or ROM was good enough for us! And we had to wait 13 hours for it to download! Uphill both ways!

>> No.3118218

Back in my day we didn't have ROM images. You played the same three games everyday and you liked it.

>> No.3118220

I hope he can finish CC before he start college. I have a feeling his tl trate will drop quite a bit when he does.

>> No.3118247

It shouldn't, the first year of college was easy as hell.
For me anyway.

>> No.3118258

Back in my day all we had were books because we were poor. ;_;

>> No.3118754


>> No.3118774
File: 290 KB, 1216x912, first date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would they know when to quit

>> No.3118885

Nah, it aint stalled, just read the forums sometimes, it's explained there. for some copypasta

>Oh right, forgot to mention something.

>Some of the week 6 scripts have utterly absurd lengths. The last one was a full 122 kb long, which took 6 days of work. A number of the others are also well over 50.

>The only reason this matters to you (non staff members) is that the progress stats will appear to have frozen for a few days and then jump by 5% or so at once. So if it looks like I'm doing nothing, please assume that's not the case. Especially since we're at the fabled 80% where this project is cursed to fall inactive.

>> No.3119050

Wow, this thread got way more replies than I thought it would. Is it because Comiket is right around the corner?

Also, who the hell wouldn't buy from Haruka?
I'd buy from here even if I didn't know who she was because her hairstyle is sexy.

>> No.3119064

I just looked around quickly, but that's good to know.

>> No.3119075

Also since, KGNE is coming up in my backlog of anime to watch, should I put it off till this finishes?

>> No.3119187

No, watch it now before someone spoils it for you.
Unless you already know what happens, then it's not a top priority.

Also, wasn't it Haruka's dream to write childrens' novels? Maybe that's why she's not getting any customers.

>> No.3119428

>Because it's embarrassing for both parties. How come somebody skim porn right in front of the person that drew it and then BUY it?

I think your problem is that you just don't want to have contact with human beings in general.

>> No.3119477


I have the reverse problem. I avoid conventions and such because I feel like I have an unspoken obligation to buy something if I'm talking directly to the salesman. I much prefer places with no human contact because there I can buy just the things I actually want.

>> No.3120331

I don't think many children will enjoy it if it's based on the image to her left

>> No.3120379

KGNE threads were the best threads.

strange thing is that we were way less misogynist back then, Haruka always had the bigger fanbase but Mitsukifags were numerous and just as loud.

If this came out today everyone would dismiss her as a slut.

>> No.3120500
File: 121 KB, 620x877, sacchin-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you guys ever stop and think about the circles at comiket that don't sell anything?
>Doesn't that make you sad?

Not really, no.

>> No.3120519

Everyone in KGNE is a slut.
Except Akane

>> No.3120536

Why would she be a slut? She didn't slept with anyone else except for the main char. Mitsuki on the other hand...

>> No.3120587

Haruka is a good girl ;_;

>> No.3120602

Haruka is a slut.

>> No.3120620

Fuck you. Mitsuki is not a slut.
She didnt go after the boy she like because her best friend like him.
And when Haruka went into coma, she HEAL that fucker.
And what did that fucker do? Became indecisive when Haruka wake up.

>> No.3120661

Sometimes I find great arrangements that don't get much attention or are just not known because the circle isn't popular at all. That makes me a sad panda.
On the other hand, there's complete shit like Ufo County that makes me question why some people even bother releasing this stuff.

>> No.3120696
File: 80 KB, 950x593, 2F5EC473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a weak willed slut that have no qualms about stealing her best friend's boyfriend and sleeping with the main character's best friend.

Seriously, stealing her best friend's boyfriend while she's in a coma? That's a low blow, it's only a little bit higher than killing her so she can have him.

Yes the main character is a bastard, in fact I don't think he deserved any of them. Doesn't change the fact that Mitsuki isn't.

>> No.3120702

She's still better than Haruka atleast.

>> No.3120731

Not really, Haruka did nothing, all she did was get hit on.

BTW what happened to the translation project for this? I forgot the address but last time I checked they were active.

>> No.3121070

>Do you guys ever stop and think about the circles at comiket that don't sell anything? Doesn't that make you sad?

Unsuccessful salespeople always get a little bit of sympathy from me, although usually it's because they're peddling something that's simply not worth the price.

Oddly enough, I fucking hate successful salespeople. I want to punch them.

>> No.3121072

I guess Takayuki and Mitsuki should have just completely put their lives on hold because little Miss Haruka was in a coma.

>> No.3121081

Coma =/= Death.
People do come out of comas.

>> No.3121095

Oh yeah it's not like it's their fault she went into coma in the first place.
What was the reason why Takayuki got late again?

>> No.3121097

Mitsuki is a slut.

>> No.3121108

I'm sure Mitsuki knew Haruka would get hit by a car.

This debate is stupid, everyone knows Bakayuki is the real idiot and it should have been yuri end.

>> No.3121138

No one's saying she knew that would happen. But she did took advantage of the situation. That isn't something you usually do to your best friend. I guess her love is stronger than her conscience.

I agree that Takayuki is a shitfuck however. Shinji should have fucked both Haruka and Mitsuki while he's watching and crying in the corner.

>> No.3121150

Replace Takayuki with Makoto Itou and Kiminozo would have been awesome.

>> No.3121160

lol, is this true?

I hope this is pasta and didn't really happen

>> No.3121165

Not really. Replace him with Rance and it would have been awesome.

>> No.3121178

I just realized KGNE is kinda a reverse NTR game.
I found an NTR game with somewhat similar plot: http://vndb.org/v2107

>> No.3121202

never thought about it this way, but yes, if Haruka were the main character it would have been a standard NTR story.

>> No.3121285

there was a NTR part Takayuki's friend fucked Mitsuki

>> No.3122705

But is that a full-blown hscene? I don't think it counts as NTR if it isn't.

>> No.3123256

Stupid question and google didn't solve it--NTR?

>> No.3123265


>> No.3123408

Heroine fucks other people ingame.

>> No.3124928

What does NTR stand for again?

>> No.3124938

Nasty Tramp Romp.

>> No.3124965

Netorare, but basically this >>3124938

>> No.3124976


>> No.3125620

From VNDB:
Netorare (寝取られ) are games where someone steals the heroine away from the protagonist.

These types of games are designed to cause the player to have sexual jealousy.

For a game to be classified as Netorare the following conditions must be met:
1. The heroine must be close (osananajimi, etc.), romantically involved or a close relative (sister, mother, etc.) with the protagonist.

2. If it is an eroge, related sexual events are explicitly shown to the player.

>> No.3125646


what kind of retard whats to feel envy?

>> No.3125658

But then again a game can have the genre netorare and a game can have parts that are of that nature, Kiminozo is more of a utsu game but it has a part of it which are of the netorare nature.

Also rape of a heroine are often considered netorare by many japanese.

>> No.3125661

It's nice when the protagonist busts in and kicks ass, but that doesn't happen in actual NTR games

>> No.3125695
File: 137 KB, 800x600, cg311a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like in this one?

Actually that happens in some NTR games. Like in Triangle Blue, where the protagonist always ends up killing the fuckers.

>> No.3125704

>Like in Triangle Blue, where the protagonist always ends up killing the fuckers.

Seems I need to play this

>> No.3125713


Fuck, what is wrong with me... I'm getting a hard-on by reading these stories.

So that makes me a closet cuckold. Well, I'm glad I don't have a girlfriend.
