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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 449 KB, 640x960, Sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31100802 No.31100802 [Reply] [Original]

Miku Expo 2021 Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cryptonfuturemedia/hatsune-miku-global-concert-hatsune-miku-expo-2021-online

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw

Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Last Thread: >>30900099

>> No.31101246

How could we lose to the vtubers...

>> No.31101247
File: 1.09 MB, 1409x996, 雪傘(260958)-ゆかりあかり誕生祭2020(86466894).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Yukari & Akari!

>> No.31101480
File: 159 KB, 1536x1237, 1607372807718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf how did the last thread get bumped off in like 30 minutes

>> No.31101484
File: 100 KB, 777x976, EiXenvIUwAASKmR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku would never lose to vtubers.

>> No.31101976

how did the other thread archive without hitting the limit then

>> No.31102214
File: 272 KB, 1000x1384, 281226e8d66d51ff6f45633387c66abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame short haired Miku posting and Shiteyan'yo, the thread was too cursed to stay afloat.

>> No.31102704
File: 880 KB, 1222x1222, 86460659_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna marry birthday Yukari!

>> No.31102747
File: 652 KB, 1200x1200, 85651512_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the "shark" I've heard so much about?

>> No.31103142

Shiteyanyo is innocent.

>> No.31103210
File: 87 KB, 1035x740, DgS-qtKUwAEbwVa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're referring to this.

>> No.31104092
File: 2.35 MB, 4409x2480, 77892553_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this was shared here before, but here is the full "The VOCALOID Collection LIVE" concert. Don't expect 3D visuals but the list of artists is pretty good.
Song list part 1: https://vocadb.net/E/3287 , part 2: https://vocadb.net/E/3288/
You can't watch it for free on youtube or nicovideo but someone uploaded it to bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Jp4y1z7aw
6 hours and 40 minutes in total.

>> No.31105535

Shark (True)

>> No.31106922

Don't let this thread die!

>> No.31106924

it's over...

>> No.31108375
File: 187 KB, 640x512, baf72137c2ac499abdf7aa614ca7cda0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happened with vtubber threads? Did something change permanently or it's just a random spam? It will definitely be annoying if /jp/ becomes a board where you have to keep bumping thread with meaningless posts like /vg/.

>> No.31108628

There was some live recently or so I heard.

>> No.31108965

There was a giant live show(number 1 twitter trending in the the US and japan for scale) and apparently we're allowed to create dedicated individual threads for vtubers now. I'd say things will probably calm down in a week or so, since in reality only a handful of holos actually have the posting base to support dedicated threads. Most of the threads right now are just people doing it for the novelty and some bad actors trying to sow discord

>> No.31108985

No need to pretend, we all know

>> No.31109217

Not him but this thread is the only one I visit on /jp/ (and only check a few artists I like on twitter occasionally). I know hololive thread is crazy fast since it's always on top of the catalog, but I didn't know about sudden board policy changes or events.

>> No.31109218
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 1479399640371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we all know
I literally have no idea what a vtuber is and no desire of knowing, the only reason I'm on this board is for the Vocaloid threads

>> No.31109303
File: 481 KB, 1431x1417, Bloom Beats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got this album?

>> No.31109568

Been looking for it for a long time now (over 1 year), if no one here has it i will just give up on it.

>> No.31109774

Well done, you got me.
I only post in the Vocaloid threads and the occasional Nico thread. Recently I started watching Nyanners and Pewdiepie because I'm past 30 and those things feel nostalgic now even though I didn't care about them when I learned of them on 4chan several years ago.

>> No.31109914
File: 502 KB, 800x600, 86076714.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List of songs in order (in case you want to find the name of the song you liked)
Use something to OCR the images if you can't read (like google drive)

Couldn't find it. It was probably never uploaded by anyone like many other smaller albums.

>> No.31109974

Mods are apparently complicit in holos having multiple threads so most hobby boards are getting bumped off.

>> No.31110213

>three replies
Two anons seem to be trying real hard to prove something....

>> No.31110574

I mean, people in this thread dislike human singers, why would they follow human talkers? At least aim for a Kiritan, or Una youtubber.

>> No.31110580

You are probably right, thanks anyway.

>> No.31110686

Vocaloids are human singers with the sounds scrambled up and placed behind an anime avatar. Vtubers are just that but without the voice scrambling

>> No.31110953

Why dont they just make a hololive board if people want to make individual threads ?
Its disruptive otherwise.

>> No.31111027

They're basically just twitch thots with a coat of paint anon.

>> No.31111210

Vocaloid is much more than that. Vtubers are just animated avatars for single streamers used instead of face cam.
Behind Vocaloids there is huge community, tons of content from god know how many artists, events, etc. It's just not a mascot of one guy, but a theme used but all sorts of people to inspire and express themselves.

>> No.31111264
File: 1.04 MB, 1191x1684, f6732d2bfd0189fd85ed05ed47e7f5a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like the end result will sound like anything that the voice provider recorded though, or that anyone could just get the voice provider to sing any song for him. Vocaloid allows for people who can't sing (or get someone who can, or just produce songs that cannot be achieved through normal singing) to create songs, in other world it potentializes people to do things that they wouldn't be able without it. Just having a cute avatar does not give you the potential to do any content that you couldn't without them, it only adds a layer of deceit and manipulation to get viewers that would not care for the same content otherwise.

Well, in my extremely biased view anyway.

>> No.31111399

Offtopic for this thread, but if you want the popular conspiracy theory: Hiroyuki(you know, the guy who bought 4chan?) owns part of niconicodouga, and since vtubers are primarily based on youtube, the theory is that he has financial incentive to veto an official board. He's also shit on hololive on his twitter too

>> No.31111818
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artstyles in megamix, f, and x, all look better than future tone. Does anyone else feel the same way? While future tone might have the highest quality graphics, i think it does not suit an anime aesthetic. All character models look much cuter with the toon filter. I dont want to say im disappointed with the way ft looks, but maybe stick to toon graphics for the next game and leave the doll graphics to the live shows

>> No.31111908

Yeah, but vtubers are shit singers.
Why the FUCK would I listen to them in any situation?
At least utaite sound good.

>> No.31112034

I agree completely, people bitch about the toon filter but looks better every single time

>> No.31112158

Might be because people who play on Playstation aren't necessarily into otaku stuff and thus prefer to have their more """mature high quality graphics""".

>> No.31112502

What about vubers who were originally utaite.

>> No.31112757

Agree, Dreamy theatre and arcade graphics were terrible and FT is only slightly less terrible.

>> No.31113150
File: 58 KB, 425x600, aae8da0dd5a5b380e46296d42eb512e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was leaning hard towards getting a switch for megamix but decided to get a ps4 for FT because of the huge number of songs. I dont regret it, i just think the doll faces in FT dont mesh well with anime.
I think thats partially correct, but the only people playing project diva are otaku. I think they wanted to take advantage of the capabilities of the ps4 and improve overally quality, but they didnt take into account that better graphics dont always mean a better lookkng game.
Then there are people like me who buy a ps4 to use solely as a project diva machine. My love for vocaloid trumps my disdain for sony any day.

>> No.31113283
File: 70 KB, 1024x1011, 1593209764768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally gave in and ordered this. A $20 album ended up coming out to $70.
Worth it for Cho-dari and telo-telo alone.

>> No.31113427

disagree with megamix, too flat of shading than what i'm used to with vocaloids and what i've come to like. i love the way sega used to make their models shine a little because it was emulating KEI's watercolor style in 3d.

>> No.31113576

Megamix with the DLCs now has all the good songs from FT anyway, not missing much

>> No.31113598

Megamix is the best looking by far

>> No.31113707

I don't care what style they use, I just want an official port of the Arcade game to come to PC.

>> No.31113710
File: 733 KB, 1085x699, COOMI and TITO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physical vocaloid merch is always worth the money.
ive only ever watched clips because i hate watching streams and im not a huge fan of vtubers aside from the r34, but coco and towa are pretty good singers. kurone is a terrible singer but shes adorable and hearing her sing ochame kinou was also adorable

flat shading is exactly why i like megamix's graphics the best. but i think it has more to do with the fact that there is no lip shading in megamix. anime lips have always been hit or miss. when they work, they work well. when they dont, it ruins the illustration/model etc. imo of course
i compared song lists before i bought either console, the songs i like in FT that dont appear in megamix, i REALLY like.

>> No.31113852
File: 138 KB, 1055x1415, e2286e1469952cff39ba41e184f4369f7b5e7cf266d04edd8a753e126709b9de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31114306

I love all loids equally, but I love Rin just a little more than the rest

>> No.31114357

>coomi and tito

>> No.31114507
File: 709 KB, 1200x630, 38643672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah pic related might be from a meme of a game but it's sega's best look in recent years

>> No.31114612
File: 104 KB, 574x800, [2020年04月03日] 隠しカメラが捉えた最後の写真 [サワシ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... anon, you again?

>> No.31114658

I am not who you're thinking of. Sorry

>> No.31114969

this was a joke

>> No.31115140
File: 1.95 MB, 1200x1753, Kagamine.Rin.full.1789366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, I do not have lewd Rin pics.

>> No.31115177

Am I the only feeling second-hand embarrassment watching this?

>> No.31115293

I didn't really feel any embarrassment, but it was pretty hard to watch.

>> No.31115360

I'm a joke so thats fine haha

>> No.31115362

It looks about as cringe as idol concerts. I never understood the appeal.

>> No.31115391

>It looks about as cringe as idol concerts
You know I've never actually heard any of them sing.

>> No.31115457

I've never watched real idol shows but I quite like 2D idol anime and can get pretty into it.
The second I learn about what they look like IRL and I start frowning though.

>> No.31115463

the only human covers I've ever enjoyed were male covers of vocaloid songs

>> No.31115529

just leave them to do their own thing, I'd say. Its best not to acknowledge and interact with the vtuber fandom. I'd much rather talk about Kaito

>> No.31115717

The only idol anime I've liked was zombieland saga , and honestly didnt care too much for the singing parts, with the exception of that death metal thing in the beginning.

>> No.31115729

most of them sound pretty good at least. only the one with pink hair sounds like shit, dont know her name, only coco and towa.

but the real question
why is this cringy but live vocaloid shows are not cringy? i love watching vocaloid concert videos, but i have no interest in watching a single full vtuber song. vtubers are for r34, nothing else. coco is pretty based tho.

>> No.31115760

>why is this cringy but live vocaloid shows are not cringy?
Suspension of disbelief

>> No.31115769

Idol shows are just cute girl shows but with girls that sing. I never care about the singing parts either, idol music is all the same.

Because vocaloids are pure.

>> No.31115822

what is the appeal of idol music? ive looked into the idolmaster game on ps4 but the songs arent good, they just sound like overproduced trash. fucking songs about cheeseburgers and shit. vocaloid music sounds like legitimate music.

>> No.31115849

might be because vocaloids arent real people

>> No.31115853

Because vocaloids are the ones with soul ironically.

>> No.31115869

Idols aren't popular because of their music, it's all about the girls and the image. The cutesy bullshit songs are part of the image.

>> No.31115879

Vocaloids need holograms because they do not exist, there isn't really an alternative and it isn't some actress pretending to be an anime girl. And because it's not someone behind a camera that cannot capture perfectly all kinds of movement, their choreography can be made as detailed and complex as possible, including special effects like the nico nico ones or adding the emphasis on the band to made it a more traditional rock band like crypton ones.

>> No.31115888

They're real people in Australia

>> No.31115929

You realize that vocaloid concerts are mocapped too right? No one is going to sit there and input all the movements into MMD manually.

>> No.31116062

I meant the difference as in recording in realtime or not. The vtubbers are literally behind a camera during the concert (with increased limitations due to the tech), while for the vocaloid ones they do mocap but not of the entire concert at once, and they can add visual effects, do retakes and fix issues like clipping way before it starts.

>> No.31116088

This Rin i would fuck.

>> No.31116209


>> No.31116292

I'd never play an idol game but idol anime are comfy.
Some of the music parts can get pretty fun, as like the cherry on the cake.

>> No.31116339
File: 40 KB, 548x437, 4rdg7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if vocaloids were treated as idols. by that i mean the voicebanks are never released, just held by the company that created them. the company is the only entity that can make music with them. what a terrible world to live in. miku would be a literal who.
vtubers dont exist either. the only human aspect of a vtuber is the voice and personality. btw, live vocaloid shows are mocapped, thats why the motions are so smooth. im guessing that you have never used mmd or any similar software, but i have, and i can tell you that you dont get vocaloid concert quality motions without mocap.
wait wait wait. you think that the actual vtubers are dancing and that that is being mapped in real time to the models on the screen? anon... its mocap, professional dancers are brought in months ahead of time. their dance is coreographed and applied to the models. same exact way its done with vocaloid concerts. unless im terribly misinformed, which im not.

>> No.31116356

Most popular utaite are indeed male, but there are some good females as well. I like 96Neko in particular.
Quite simple to explain really. Vocaloids have synchronised movements, sound good with each other etc. None of the singers in those clips sound good, except the girl in blue.

>> No.31116421

ill admit that song is pretty comfy and i like the video. i dont hate idol shit, i just think that most of it is pretty lame. im open to watching idolmaster or love live, but most of the idol music dampens the experience for me

>> No.31116491

you shitting me anon? coco and towa are both great singers

>> No.31116572

Yes, I thought it was realtime (unlike Vocaloid concerts that are clearly mocapped in advance and fine tuned by devs), something they rehearsed previously and used a camera setup slightly more advanced than what they use for their streamming already to translate the movements in realtime while they sing. I guess I overestimated the human part behind it, assuming it would work like an actual idol concert but with a anime layer over it.

>> No.31116606

To be able to prosecute someone for having Simpsons porn an Australian judge ruled that fictional characters count as real people.

>> No.31116662

edit: ok fuck me the more i watch it the more i like it. shes super cute and the its animated well. i really dont want to go down the idol anime rabbit hole, my wallet is struggling as it is with me buying vocaloid merch. that video is making want to listen to more of it

>> No.31116697

it *could* work i suppose. but vtubers are not professional dancers, hololive would not hold a concert with amateurs bumbling around on stage

>> No.31116700

you have to have some really low standards if you think coco and towa are great singers. towa isn't bad, she's just not good. she needs more training.
coco, she's just one of the worst singers in hololive period.
but I've derailed this thread enough at this point.

>> No.31116731

>its mocap, professional dancers are brought in months ahead of time. their dance is coreographed and applied to the models. same exact way its done with vocaloid concerts. unless im terribly misinformed, which im not.

There's arguments about whether it's prerecorded and spliced into with live MCing(with no way to actually know for sure, since they could easily be pretending to be winded), but both hololive and nijisanji don't use professional dancers. You can tell it's the vtubers themselves because they all fucking suck except the ones that actually came from performance backgrounds

>> No.31116764

out of all the things he could have gotten hit for
>simpsons porn

>> No.31116939

maybe i am misinformed, but i really really doubt that hololive does not use professionally choreographed dance motions for a live show. even if its the actual vtubers dancing, i know for sure that something like that is not a live dance. it has to be prerecorded and edited so it looks good. no one is going to take a chance on non-professionals fucking up their show

>> No.31117011

great as in they have great singing voices, yes. low standards, no. their voices sound good. they may not be the most skilled at using their voice, but they sound good

>> No.31117130

They put the girls through dance training about starting about three months in advance, and the real amateurs are given really simple primarily hand-based choreography that's the hardest to fuck up. There's no way to prove if it's prerecorded and spliced in or not, but like I said. It's painfully obvious that these aren't professional dancers. Hell, hololive opened their festival this year with one of the girls tripping coming out on stage and trying to hide it

>> No.31117510
File: 5 KB, 256x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to pay for anything (please don't). Just watch the anime and see for yourself I guess.
I always pick up like 10 anime / season, and it's still airing this is why I shared, but once it's over I'll forget it like I forgot about all the other idol anime I watched before. (I watched all the Love Live seasons in existence and it's now nothing more than a mush in my mind for example.)

To be more on-topic, if you enjoy live stuff, there might be plenty of Vocaloid concerts you've yet to watch right?
Mirai, Chou Party, Kodo, Mikupa, ... you can find lists over wiki.

>> No.31117684
File: 56 KB, 515x874, 8b4203e2f67df7478e634baccbc93164d9912d1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop talking about vtuber bullshit

>> No.31117899

they cant stop breaking out of their containment threads.

>> No.31117992

I made that comment about my wallet because i know im going to want to buy figurines of all the best girls among other physical items lol. I know love live and idolmaster are full of cute girls and there is already too much vocaloid, nekopara, and senran kagura stuff i need to buy. But i may check out idol anime at some point. I dont really watch much anime, but i will watch anything with quality waifus.
We did as of 20 minutes ago, anon

>> No.31118033

Meant to quote

>> No.31118282
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>> No.31118323
File: 1.59 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170906_121145056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I treat figures/plushes as something holy. They are totems after all, and thus an extension of yourself. I wouldn't see myself buying figures from random seasonals I liked on a whim.
I would say 95% of what I got is Vocaloid related.

>> No.31118588

>95% of what I got is Vocaloid related
y-you mean that for just anime stuff right anon haha

>> No.31118750
File: 3.22 MB, 1836x3264, 20201223_000358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon, the idol figure collecting has already started. Im hesitant to start watching idol anime because there are still so many vocaloid figures that i need to buy.

Yes i know shit is all over the place. My detolf is stuffed right now so things go where they will fit.

>> No.31118902
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, DoVPbTqV4AAQkly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

96neko is based and has great taste in Vocaloids

>> No.31118971

No no, clothes included. My house is Miku shaped too. My car is shaped like Len though.

>> No.31119123

>My car is shaped like Len though
A banana?

>> No.31119170

I want a miku shaped house

Real talk if i could find a miku wrap for my car i would buy it in a heartbeat. Blue car, so its perfect for a miku wrap

>> No.31120706
File: 913 KB, 1500x962, Len car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew it.
Don't be too envious please.

>> No.31122018
File: 587 KB, 700x820, 1562BA3F-DD38-48A7-9470-B3635C59528E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31123386

There has to be someone who produces those custom.

>> No.31125435

nice drawing

>> No.31125708

Future Tone seems to have the most detailed models, but the graphics is 2000s-tier and all characters look like palstic dolls so yeah, anything>FT

>> No.31125772

>also forgot to mention, in FT (and M39S since the models are the same) MIku,s hips are too wide while in F, F2nd and X theyer perfectly canon and overall the best a female can have

>> No.31125977

The only thing I don't like about megamix is that some PVs look really bad because they just have bloom out the ass.

>> No.31128408
File: 516 KB, 648x1000, __meiko_vocaloid_drawn_by_d_g__78b3769f62ed93bd08d79b8a491081bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meiko to the rescue!

>> No.31128491

Please share your collection. Are those all videos?

>> No.31128976

thank you, Meiko

>> No.31129930

Why does Yukari get all the best songs?

>> No.31131407

You can't just say that without a few examples

>> No.31131746





>> No.31132353
File: 203 KB, 1477x1458, 47977e48a82ce6cbe8c2fd1da149dc61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we are choosing between non-Miku songs I'd go with GUMI. She was always my second favorite (used to buy all GUMI EXIT Tunes compilations) and she still gets some great songs from time to time (King is overhyped though).

I'd thought I'd choose Luka if she hadn't drop this hard, so many of my favorite songs at the time like no logic, toeto, luka luka night fever. But I just decided to check and she has less songs with 1 million views than Miku already had in 2020, and now I'm sad.

>> No.31132521

Good taste.
Miss the time LIQ kept releasing Yukari song after Yukari song.

>> No.31132522

I'll share what I have sometime soon (as in the titles, not going to upload the files unless it can't be found elsewhere), but I think the smartest thing to do would be list all sorts of Vocaloid concerts there is and have a pastebin for it of some sort.
There aren't that many all things considered so it'd be manageable. If no one wants to help I'll do it myself when/if I have time.

Also I mentioned wikias up there but from my experience they're not complete and not intuitive to navigate through, although they're a good place to start.

>> No.31132547

>she has less songs with 1 million views than Miku
popularity doesn't make quality. even in otaku communities, there are a lot of people with low or average IQ who activate the "pleb effect" and make stupid songs popular.

>> No.31132589

second one is an author with like 10 views. he's good and better than the crap with 1 million viewss.

>> No.31132645

I'm sad because I know that she has more than 20 songs and producers deserving of being this moderately popular. It's the same when I see a great producer struggling to get a few thousand views.

>> No.31132751

Ah, yes. I understand and feel the same way. We are victims of Pleb World. Born in a world for plebs where everyone is a wage slave and a cuck.

>> No.31133138
File: 703 KB, 1200x1680, 1529294445413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just a pleb world, but many times it's the choice of algorithms that can only reinforce popular stuff creating a virtuous cycle for a few and hide unknown stuff unless you already know it creating a vicious cycle for most. In the end the most important stuff is marketing, the second luck and only then superior talent.

>> No.31133555

The most important stuff is marketing, which is vile and expresses that we are in a society dominated by evil merchants, who rule from the support of pleb slaves who enjoy being slaves.

>> No.31133625

I'm getting so angry, I have to listen to an hour of pure Vocaloids to calm down

>> No.31133980

>no stockings

>> No.31134265

English, please.

>> No.31134692

Yeah, in china

>> No.31135885
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This vtuber is becoming a CeVIO, it might start to happen more. Prepare to make friends with vtubers anons

>> No.31136073
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, kafu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31136108

They'll eventually back down or move on to whatever else when they realize it's not profitable enough.

>> No.31137025
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1608365067361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31137071

Are those two the same character?

>> No.31137149
File: 554 KB, 2000x1173, 20201222_043302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the Gigantic vehicle

>> No.31137150

Technically no but their names are pronounced the same and the cevio design is almost a recolor of the vtuber's.

>> No.31137342

I know the white one is named Kafu and it seems the top one is named Kafu as well judging by the kanji it's using, except they're not the same kanji as white kafu.

花譜 flower / musical note
可不 able / not able

>> No.31137894
File: 554 KB, 800x640, 1607824430585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teto is cute

>> No.31138171

What part of it don't you understand you piece of shit

>> No.31138489

Are fourchan memewords a personality type

>> No.31138514

That part that explains why you are posting like a total faggot.

>> No.31138797

memeword is a meme word

>> No.31139902

10/10 you have a gift

>> No.31141289

Is this responsible for the sudden change in post quality?
I hate it less if there's actual software. The magic of vocaloid is that it's crowd sourced.

>> No.31142229

You can just make a cover.

>> No.31142326

She is fuckable i guess.

>> No.31142434

She is a chimera

>> No.31142618

Rin throwback

>> No.31144965

Dateken is cool. One of my favorite Kagamine producers.

>> No.31145277
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, mikeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Project Diva F on a decade-old second-hand memepad with the use of a PS3 emulator feels like a fever dream. The graphical glitches are completely out of control and make the PVs look like some kind of acid trip, but the most absurd thing is, the game is actually playable most of the time since the circles and triangles and what not are actually untouched and the game plays reasonably smoothly. And that's while using OpenGL and a shitty unsupported integrated Intel GPU. What do they feed those laptops?

>> No.31146272
File: 195 KB, 1600x900, 20201223_145140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An account called "overseas_kaito" on twitter just posted this cryptic image. All 3 of its posts are just "12/25 coming soon". CircusP is following it. Any idea of what's going on here? Western Kaito compilation album?

>> No.31147006

Whenever you think western producers (minus KIRA) can't get any more cancerous..

>> No.31147107

>western album
Why is this even being discussed

>> No.31147326

does anyone have this album?

it's titled "Love on Parade" and i really want it but it's unavailable by download or purchase...


>> No.31147480

Not him, but what's wrong with it? Good ARG are fun.

>> No.31147558

Doesnt reddit have a vocaloid thread?
Whang/SOG pls leave

>> No.31147671
File: 369 KB, 676x1087, 543bc2c8f97a1e9baf01f3baf0065f0ead7d37abd9aade0b185b6ce603a505e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea who these are.
No idea what reddit has to do with ARGs either, I usually just follow them up myself or watch channels about them.

>> No.31148072

Args are cringy reddit tier cancer

>> No.31148155

Sometime earlier this year i remember someone posted an album think it was Panopticon in mp3? An anon here said he had the album and would later post it in better quality, did he ever manage to do it?

>> No.31148861

Yeah the madman actually did it!

>> No.31148962

Looks like ill be getting $600 sometime mid january for round 2 of corona relief. What should i spend it on? Should i finally grab that 1/4 scale miku ive been eyeing up or buy like 10 project diva miku figs?

>> No.31149003

*1/4 scale snow miku

>> No.31149130

Really? I was away for some time, could you please tell me where i can find it?

>> No.31149164
File: 207 KB, 540x843, 20201223_163142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy on ebay is also selling a 1/4 snow miku by some company called hiroshi for 325. Never heard of hiroshi before

>> No.31149273


Mitchie M's snow miku is genius


>> No.31149671

What the fuck is an ARG
Maybe one or two of the songs are good. I'm a little desperate for decent kaito content.

>> No.31149725

ARG = autistic retarded game

>> No.31149966

How many FREEing Mikus are there?
I got the bunny one and the V3 will arrive sometime next year.
Although it seems this one looks almost identical to the V3.

>> No.31150100

action role game

>> No.31150311

Alternate reality game. A form of online riddle or interactive story telling that is often scattered around the internet and happens in real time. Like Alan Tutorial or Lasagna Cat.
However ARGs made for marketing are usually very shitty and unoriginal.

>> No.31152117

learn 2 mikudb

>> No.31152171


>> No.31152407

i did. the link is dead.

as an alternative does anyone have a way of downloading videos from niconicodouga? i tried using Chrome's inspect network feature as well as many recommended browser downloaders but every time I try to download, halfway through the download i get a "forbidden" error.

>> No.31152616

Be responsible and save it

>> No.31152816
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 040030492428-1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a download for this album? I'm pretty sure it isn't available for purchase digitally.

>> No.31153133

i can't tell if you're trolling because that's literally the hardest search term. i tried to help but turned up nothing.

>> No.31153370

>i get a "forbidden" error
youtube-dl and resume after every 403 until it's done

looks like it was in the mikudb torrent, the 1440 one, try that

>> No.31153427

U by shr. Kagamines producer. I'm asking because I can't find shit either. Google autocorrects it to "usher"... Thanks for your help though.

>> No.31153581

Oh shit, didn't think the link went down.
You can find it in these torrents written in hiragana https://nyaa.si/view/792620 https://nyaa.si/view/325866
You can use youtube-dl for NND videos

>> No.31153936

>be me
>want snow miku
>could have bought her at any time in the past year and a half
>didnt because its a big purchase and i cant justify dipping into savings for a $600 figure
>didnt even spend first corona check on waifu merch
>never got laid off because of corona, perk of being a machinist
>getting $600
>getting either snow miku or a shitload of other waifu shit

I appreciate the sentiment anon, but this is play money for me

>> No.31154712

YESSSSSSSS! "39" or sankyuu if that's not lame to say. You don't know how valuable this album is to me.

to be fair, the torrents you posted are on mikudb.moe too as posted by other anon so you're right, if I knew how to mikudb i would have searched it and found that 1440 discography torrent.

in any case thanks for your help too because if other anon didn't come to my rescue i would have found it through your nyaa links.

ty for not biting my head off at how easy this might have been to find for you guys though. I guess searching hiragana/japanese characters was what it took.

>> No.31156252
File: 34 KB, 476x393, ReactionPic_73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever seen something you wish you hadn't seen about your favorite loid.

I regret so much see the gallery from the guy who made this cursed parody >>31079539, filled with fucked up futa, varius of Miku and I just realised that i saw one of their work in the past.

>> No.31156991

>have you ever seen something you wish you hadn't seen about your favorite loid
Yeah, this one artist drew a bunch of guro and ryona of them and it was pretty rough. It wasn't even the over-the-top edgy kind that you could easily dismiss either, it was the kind that had a lot of care, attention, and detail put into it. It gave me a stomach ache for the rest of the night.

>> No.31157090

Any time I come across western art on twitter. I wish there was a way to block non jp accounts.

>> No.31157128

Do you have it or have the link to it? I liked that album and higher quality would be better if possible.

>> No.31157763 [DELETED] 
File: 597 KB, 960x776, 154460218487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It gave me a stomach ache for the rest of the night.
I felt something similar with a NTR video and other hardcore mmd stuff i saw for first time like humiliation, gangbang, the only dirty thing i liked was "peeing".

>> No.31158342
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, projectdivaarcadebuttons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replying for lucky 7 dubs.

i've only tried the diva games through android emulators with terrible lag. I'm glad to hear it can work out pleasantly on PC.

although I'll always be envious of those who can play the game true to arcade smashing the huge buttons as hard as you want through fast runs on songs like Sadistic.Music∞Factory from Project Diva F. must be so satisfying.

>> No.31158491
File: 5 KB, 225x225, FACEPALM.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It gave me a stomach ache for the rest of the night.
I felt something similar with a NTR video and other hardcore mmd stuff i saw for first time like humiliation, gangbang, the only dirty thing i liked was "peeing".

it may not affect me so much now, but the cost was that I no longer get so aroused with soft things, it would have been great to discover this creator from the beginning.

>> No.31158725
File: 453 KB, 1920x1080, Besto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to post this pic i made of best girl

>> No.31159022

you really made this? nice.

she's my favorite vocaloid related girl and teto territory is totally not a ripoff of cirno's perfect math class.

>> No.31159213
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, _kasane Teto_utau_glasses_3d_PD_screenshot_89345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31159636
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man, you can do all kinds of fun stuff with mmd

>> No.31160287

Is it cumbersome to use?
Nice Tetos btw.

>> No.31161050
File: 88 KB, 1030x752, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little clunky, maybe. but its user friendly and easy to use.
https://learnmmd.com/ has TONS of tutorials, even a complete beginners walkthrough that gets you used to using the software. also, check out the mmd thread on /e/. anons there are generally good about answering questions. plus, all the models you can handle. you have nothing to lose by checking the software out.

https://www.iwara.tv/ if you want examples of what you can do with mmd. happy fapping

>> No.31161093
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 1486238638391.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31161104

if you go to iwara, dont forget to click the red ecchi button on the top right

>> No.31161433

I’m familiar with iwara.
Oh right the /e/ thread, I had forgotten. Thanks for the link.

>> No.31161704
File: 50 KB, 654x722, COOMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youll have alot of questions at first, but if you stick with it, youll realize how much fun it is.

plus, the ability to make unlimited porn is nice too

>> No.31162066


c'mon guys no lewding my musical instruments

>> No.31162352
File: 452 KB, 1488x2197, 97dad50f27a21541d29ce3057643b0458e31f584499e27da465475710fa58bb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the impression that light yuri between best girls was okay

>> No.31162582

I’m pure I wouldn’t use it for such filthy things.

>> No.31162899

Rin was made to be sexualized.

>> No.31163451

hmm teto x miku is the OTP so i guess light yuri is alright... just makes me cringe at anyone with bad intentions.

i always felt like MEIKO was for sexualizing and Rin was for adoring but okay.

>> No.31163598
File: 476 KB, 1024x768, b877d85b1b034a010c6928c06ba6946981e97085471fef4e5635c07c5bbbc6e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of disgusting arts, videos or doujins can compare with some particular sad songs of Miku I've heard. I can ignore fucked up porn, it's nothing like her anyway, but I just can't deal with seeing her so sad. It's too painful, I wish I never heard them.

>> No.31163805
File: 370 KB, 1098x2986, kvAifNy_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this picture. The moment right before the lips touch. Its nice. I threw it together in a couple minutes and didnt think much of it but the more i look at it, the more i like it.

>didnt care much for miku before a year and a half ago, never understood her appeal.
>she was cute, and i was aware of vocaloid but never listened to it
>discover lewd mmd which in turn led me to vocaloid.
>start listening to vocaloid
>THATS why people love her so much
Now i love her. Im okay with lewding vocaloids for the most part, but nothing super hardcore. I have very little r34 of vocaloids where any male appears. Its funny, any other anime girl is fair game but i generally dislike hardcore involving vocaloids. I actually had to delete a bunch of pics because i just wasnt feeling that level of vocaloid lewd any more.

Teto x Miku is my favorite, they are my favorite girls after all. On youtube i like to pair miku with teto in my mmds. On iwara i wont post any lewd vocaloid videos. I have a nice little collection of miku x teto lewd mmds that ive made, but theyre for me. Pic kind of related

>> No.31163978

Your picture,
Imo lewd vocaloids are just fanart and i can get into it for the most part. But *my* miku is pure and she sings to me and falls asleep with me every night in pillow form. Electric angel is our song.

>> No.31164859
File: 47 KB, 680x713, se que quieres verme desnuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official bikinis in the game weren't enough fanservice that NSFW mods for FT were created.

Im considering get into mmd not just for make funny stuff, I want make good quality vid of miku for iwara(normal things), I already have knowing about 3D animation so it wont be so complicated for me,

>> No.31164887

it worsens my experience of these idols if they're put below a dick. yes maybe vocaloids can be thought of as objects but just the same as an object i wouldn't want someone to go splooging all over my Stradivarius violin because it's precious and not to be placed below a dick.

i think most males use their dicks for destructive pleasure derived from defiling beautiful things and i'd like to keep my autistic intellectual musical rituals pure from dicks. logically, that's the only reason to lewd them since you can't procreate with software.

>> No.31164903

vtubers are literally just idols who are also twitch thots

>> No.31165263

i’ll forever be enraged with how they had a perfectly good voice for this CeVIO but decided to fuck it up because the voice provider was scared or some shit

>> No.31165523

Scared of being replaced by superior machines that work all day without complaining or asking money and have perfect technical singing skills?

She would be the first since none of the voice providers were replaced in any way so far.

>> No.31165584

I dont really know where i stand. On one hand i like lewd, on the other hand some of the lewd sickens me, to think that someone would put miku in THAT situation. I try to look at it objectively because while i do love miku, im very aware that she isnt actually real. But lately i find myself avoiding any lewd miku, rin, teto, and gumi unless its yuri with other vocaloids or solo.

>> No.31165907

I remember imagined her sad and crying, I DROP A DAMN TEAR FOR FIRST TIME

>Im okay with lewding vocaloids for the most part, but nothing super hardcore
Me too anon, dealing with Miku porn was hard to me, you know, seeing your loved one with a male is not you, doesn feel any good, more of them and i scare.

>> No.31166278

Sex is not just for degeneracy and procreation. It can also be an act of love.

>> No.31166817
File: 109 KB, 706x652, illust_70006642_20180803_161204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As anon above just said I do not see sex with Vocaloid as something vulgar.
I feel it as exchanging love, rather than "using" them.

There are some sexual stuff out there I don't like, like that Saika(spelling?) pixiv artist. There's a sick feeling in most of his works, on top of them not being very good.
With that said I wouldn't prevent them to draw even if I could, as I believe artistic expression should be protected.
In the same vein, most stuff over iwara is bad taste to me, and only too few uploaders make videos with their heart.

>> No.31166926

but anons, we'll never get to fuck loids

>> No.31166979
File: 415 KB, 914x1200, 4841231641563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if enjoy miku x miku cuz is just Miku and hot or avoid it cuz im not into vocaloid ships and lesbian miku even if yuri is pure/hoter.

what is the meaning of Miku 2017 x Suna

>> No.31167080

Speak for yourself. I've spent my whole life refining my imagination skills and I can easily summon anything at will.

>> No.31167729
File: 103 KB, 760x760, 8119a51479c9c7d1aac37f6bae730abb2f7ddf58c351919e405c38e8667fdf9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex always been an act of love as god created it at that way. sex just became a product, and when people got bored with vanilla, it got dirtier and more perverted, losing value.

>> No.31167956
File: 15 KB, 340x266, ChainedKongSMRPG.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you all can break your addictions someday, bros

>> No.31168871
File: 1.14 MB, 1196x720, 20170226_124045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advantages of schizophrenia
you lucky

>> No.31169410

i tried to respond to everyone basically saying lewding vocaloids is awesome and say no they should be pure and sacred but came to the realization that the artistic potential and charm possible with sexualization bpth male and female (Seisou Bakuretsu Boy as a male example) is more valuable than keeping them pure.

i still have to cringe everytime i think of 'my' infinitely musically smart Miku being put in sexual situations (even yuri) but i guess everyone should have their way with fanart.

i can't stop cringing about how people may get off to all the fast tonguing Miku does in songs like Secret Police or w/e because I actually like how complicated and smart the rhythm is and don't think complicated and smart things should be sexualized. smart people may have sex but it's not a high-tier part of their persona. it's one of those basic dirty things to be categorized with having to use the bathroom.

>> No.31169574


>> No.31170283

pretty much
she costed us a good vocaloid to save her vtuber career where she’ll be nothing but a memory in people’s minds 3 years from now

>> No.31170413

jesus christ anons at the end of the day they’re just instruments
imagine having a discussion about the sexualization of the singing equivalent to an anthropomorphized trumpet

>> No.31170827
File: 406 KB, 1349x1945, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mena if the trumpet looks liek this....

>> No.31170997

I'm usually a sucker for limited, exclusive stuff but this is too jew for me. I wouldn't do anything past the 5k yen tier and even that is too much for what you're getting.

They blew past all the funding goals so I guess a lot of other people didn't feel the same. I hope whoever did hte 600k tier request some lesser known/played songs.

>> No.31171068
File: 677 KB, 1348x2048, 20201223_213648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play with Lens trumpet tho

>> No.31171136


well in the classical music times i guess there were those who preferred their favorite young female opera singer to either be sexy or cute.

It's not that the latter were prudes, but that they valued art more than sex and preferred to keep them separate.

also in this example im saying the ppl who preferred cute were respecting sexual boundaries rather than also deriving sexual gratification from the cuteness.

>> No.31171431

would you triple tongue it?

>> No.31171502

They were blowing all the money they had saved for travelling to NA Expo.
We know of 2 of the 600k backers. One is a lenfag. The other is a discordfag, briefly asked for public opinion of what to request, will probably ask for something nice.
They're all submitting a list of several songs that Crypton will pick from, so we don't know exactly what will be chosen. I think it's likely that these people will request lesser known songs, but IMO Crypton is gonna prefer a producer they've already worked with. I think we might see one or two less popular songs from popular artists.

>> No.31171925

I will go to Japan next year and try this.

>> No.31172896

if covid cancels your travel plans there's always the DIVALLER controller and a Nintendo Switch for Mega Mix or it's also compatible with other DIVA games. really expensive though for a controller.


not trying to shill, it's just that i've seriously considered this arcade setup myself.

>> No.31173291

Looks nice, I imagine this to be actually quite different than playing the game with a controller.
This makes me wonder how people get good at these arcade games in general. Do they just go to arcade stores and spend a lot of money?

>> No.31173955

well the whole note reading system is similar to controller but you're right - if there are fast repeated notes you have to roll on one huge button rather than thumb two separate buttons.

As for the how people git gud at these arcade specific controls without a similar controller is a mystery to me too. maybe just a lot of touhou games because i feel like DIVA is a mix of touhou and a rhythm game with how it has you read notes.

>> No.31175199
File: 338 KB, 1440x1919, 1579047975433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31177212
File: 160 KB, 688x600, EdrofC8U8AArdJ5.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31177348


>> No.31177526
File: 265 KB, 703x1100, 3acd88752eb7beb74502b05dd23286a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://youtu.be/8xmRTC3chlM why does this have so many views and so many dislikes?

>> No.31178763
File: 322 KB, 1456x1920, Ep_JtiOUUAA6aA_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31180233

did you try listening to it with sound on?

>> No.31180554

I wish I were Len...

>> No.31181125
File: 429 KB, 2048x2048, Em2hqvWXIAAT32C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31182178
File: 289 KB, 600x623, 1606647099693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas eve with Teto

>> No.31182520

yes and I quite liked it

>> No.31184781

I'm so glad Dateken arised again, his new yukari song is catchy too.

>> No.31184933
File: 757 KB, 1280x960, 18266366_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one luka obscene parody of a popular song. I can't remember which one because I don't want to.

>> No.31185017
File: 690 KB, 893x1280, EqAMvhEUUAEl9JF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abmayo right on time. ( ˃ ヮ˂)

>> No.31185086

This makes me want to eat some fried chicken.

>> No.31186169

I honestly like the voice they chose better, but the first voicebank was certainly higher quality and more unique

>> No.31186785

I don't think sexualizing vocaloids is awesome, nor encourage it. I hate it when it's done as main focus or what deadballP is doing. But at the same time I really love Miku like a man loves his girl, so I do get intimate with her. But it's not main part of her persona.

>> No.31187219
File: 719 KB, 773x1200, 61500502_p7_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the anons in these threads are weak

>> No.31187319

At least they know better than to download _master1200 versions off Pixiv.

>> No.31187466
File: 663 KB, 2048x1803, 65155820_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can find the full versions somewhere, undeleted, do post them, friend

>> No.31188047

it sounds like a cevio yunemi nemu nobody’s gonna use her now lol

>> No.31188431

Isn't Yumemi Nemu's voice super harsh? I've barely listened to her but they don't sound similar to me.

>> No.31188505
File: 588 KB, 1226x1438, yatta santa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31188598

I wonder why he deleted them.

>> No.31188666
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1384, [2020年12月21日] クリスマス [kottungyang].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31188802
File: 829 KB, 1200x1128, 62880303_p9_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They gives off the impression of an edgy young female artist, the sort that would frequently delete art in embarrassment.

>> No.31188915

ちいたな ft ARIA

>> No.31189097

Is it autism?

>> No.31189775
File: 275 KB, 2048x1776, 20201224_093653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope some nice anon has their favorite vocaloid in a present this year.

>> No.31189872

thank you for this. im having trouble getting in the holiday spirit or even realizing that it's christmas because im a sadboy so this was nice to hear.

also the fact that it premiered 3 hours ago according to youtube is a treat. never heard of this producer Titana before this.

>> No.31190734

To you as well anon
And twofold to you, anon. This particular christmas is going to be a little rough for me as well.

>> No.31191214
File: 3.51 MB, 1833x2541, On a Christmas date with GUMI!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew my date!

Merry Christmas anons.

>> No.31191515

i bought a leek plushie for my miku daki for christmas

>> No.31192673

nice work anon. i like how you chose her dominant hand by using asymmetry. there are also more frills of her skirt on her left side as well. not sure how you think of dominance but it seems like you made her left hand dominant? just the thought of being musically southpaw is appealing to me so when i see a piece of art related to music that uses southpaw it's cool.

i guess hand dominance is not really important to artistic technique but i always think of these things.

etcetera: cool drawstring detail on the sleeves i would have never thought of that. and personally my ring finger is slightly longer than my index but that doesnt matter since it looks nice the way you drew it. also all the colors contrast with her hair in a cool way since orange and green are sorta secondary colors. even the white twinkle in her eyes confirm an imaginary light source is coming from a particular angle showing that you thought of that detail.

merry christmas: have my fav song featuring GUMI

>> No.31192819
File: 2.80 MB, 2047x1447, 86501547_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's christmas!


>> No.31193260
File: 2.75 MB, 2300x1293, [2016年09月08日] まいすぺしゃるでい [逃亡ゆぅち].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the comments!
Still got a lot to learn but I'm glad if you like it.

A lot of my favorite GUMI songs are pretty heavy so instead here's a fitting one for Christmas:

>> No.31193940

for a second i thought i had YouTube on 0.50x speed playback beause of how slow the song is. i listened to the whole thing like 5 times and just have to say you're a legend if you have the attention span to appreciate slow melodies like this.

although the pacing is nice for like deciphering the actual piano chords and such or for using the melody to dig deep into vibrato subdivisions.
i usually slow my songs to around this pace to figure out how they go and from suggesting such a slow song it seems that you're just as or more musically curious than me about vocaloid which is awesome.

>> No.31194664

I think I'll borrow this idea next year.

>> No.31195834

Im pretty sure its that dismemberment guro fetish thingy not edgy femoid stuff

>> No.31195879

Are you implying there's a meaningful distinction?

>> No.31195998

you seriously think edgy teen girls and batshit insane basement dwellers who jerk off to hardcore bdsm hentai of girls with severed limbs are the same thing? Although, I have to admit that those works do look quite tame compared to what I have seen

>> No.31196117

A lot of the most hardcore guro artists are women anon...

>> No.31196146
File: 163 KB, 1024x870, 20201222_135149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no distinction, trust me. However, that is unrelated to vocaloid. Take an electric angel.

>> No.31196192
File: 1.99 MB, 1865x1051, 61918468_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy girls are definitely into mutilated cute characters, dude. These definitely have a different feeling from a male gurofag's drawings, especially due to the artstyle.
Also the artist ended up deleting all of it now huh. Well here's some weedloids from them

>> No.31196488

Im not an expert on the topic, but I have a feeling that edgy girls draw some light guro that isnt blatantly sexual-I have even seen light guro in tumblr art style. When it comes to real hardcore guro porn (the kind of where a panicking girl with all limbs severed is being fucked by a 2 meter dragon dick while a tentacle monster is cutting off her head), Im pretty sure the creators are far from being edgy teens, regardless of their gender.

>> No.31196537

Fuck off

>> No.31196612

why do westernfags have to taint everything that is good?

>> No.31196659

Post the best piece of fanart that you've ever drawn

>> No.31196667

It's a japanese artist with a slightly western art style.

>> No.31196680

compared to some western shit you see sometimes, these arent as bad desu

>> No.31196717
File: 603 KB, 900x1080, Iroha10th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this Iroha. I'm drawing a very nice Rin at the moment though

>> No.31196719

chibi is always cringe

>> No.31196778

no lol its cute (unless a filthy gaijin draws it)

>> No.31196859

I hate Iroha because he's voiced by a male. Show the Rin artwork.

>> No.31197071

>far from being edgy teens
Are edgy adults that different?

>> No.31197095

>he's voiced by a male
Isn't it a "male" though (as in female born trans) it's hard to get a straight answer about it online but it seems like it might be the case?

>> No.31197163

>edgy adults
more like adults with a few screws loose

>> No.31197192
File: 6 KB, 426x119, Iroha VP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yeah confrimed "trans man". Considering how long ago Iroha was recorded I doubt they were even on HRT yet.

>> No.31197386
File: 61 KB, 451x407, 2020-12-24 19_03_22-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't recall whether Iroha's VP is a FtM or a MtF tranny. I think it was a FtM, so Iroha is a lady indeed.
I don't see the point in showing something not even 1/4 done, but here you go. It's shaping up to be my cleanest piece yet and it's making me slowly comprehend that I'm actually capable of drawing pretty stuff. Feels good man

>> No.31197529
File: 71 KB, 583x807, Irohacute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's officially safe to consider Iroha female again
I fucking knew it, today is a happy day

>> No.31197613

I wish I were Miku...

>> No.31197786

Does anyone know what this Teto dance is and where to find it.

>> No.31198021

P-Please be trolling, it's not that old yet. carameldansen, if you're serious.

>> No.31198435

Thank you for educating me about Iroha. FtM is not the same as a vile male, indeed. It's still a pure flower female. Your piece that's only 1/4 is perfect and beautiful. Can't wait to see when it's finished. Congratulations already.

>> No.31198519

Yes I know the name. Just looking for the Teto one.

>> No.31198814


>> No.31199308

>acquire $100 amazon card for christmas
Which best girl do i spend it on? Kinda want a figurine. Considering nekopara or a nep but leaning more towards a vocaloid

>> No.31199533
File: 3.93 MB, 2382x3368, 86478414_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas anons!

>> No.31199792

>meme cat whores or precious vocaloids
What a tough choice

>> No.31199821
File: 111 KB, 800x720, Ep1bTQdVEAEg91w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not christmas in my timezone just yet but thanks anyway

>> No.31200019

>meme cat whores
>drawn by one of my favorite artists of all times
A pretty tough choice

>> No.31200090

>or a nep
Which one? Also which vocaloid? I'm just curious if there's a correlation between those two.

>> No.31200229

upload it

>> No.31200341

Miku or teto but rin/luka is a possibility too.
As for neps i really like uni, nep, nepgear and noire but ALL the neps are quality waifus.

>> No.31200411

But im a little confused by your question because unless im forgetting someone, none of the neps really have any semblance to vocaloids. Noire has twin tails, but thats about it.

>> No.31200455

Oh, also iffy. Iffy is love, Iffy is life.

>> No.31200754
File: 570 KB, 1500x2492, 1608775087205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's kind of a random question. But my favorites are Rin and Neptune, if you're wondering.

>> No.31200988
File: 228 KB, 1000x1500, __hatsune_miku_noire_nepgear_and_uni_vocaloid_and_2_more_drawn_by_segamark__842ab4da2d3046c6e58e66c7fa438870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noire has twin tails, but thats about it.
She also has an outfit called stone leek which is a pallete swap to match Miku's color scheme

>> No.31201196
File: 279 KB, 800x1143, Hatsune.Miku.full.2230974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is everyones favorite version of miku? I like ribbon girl miku. That half up ponytail is very nice

>> No.31201375
File: 79 KB, 771x1000, 70a (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocaloid rpg when

>> No.31201449
File: 288 KB, 1000x1414, 3813690_bbf84b859c3cfe48fd526629988cb6a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it ain't broke don't fix it.
But if I had to choose, I'd say 2016 Snow Miku.

>> No.31201736

Future synthesis mikunia: 4 vocaloids online
Starring miku, rin, teto, and gumi

>> No.31201787

Only Gumi is a vocaloid now

>> No.31201842
File: 2.10 MB, 1200x3000, 16681f86d26a120065589298175e8daf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of the official Mikus (particularly V2 and NT), I like the ones that are simple, fitting for the context and keep all of Miku's main traits, like deep sea girl, saihate or 1/6 (not the pd module though, I dislike how overdesigned that one was).

>> No.31201955
File: 251 KB, 1000x1415, f2998993305f34fac474e6229d86fad0ca135e6666470ee386437c26b24c072c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's classic Miku.

>> No.31202580

Christmas is a reminder of my loneliness. You are all my friends and the 2D Vocaloids are too. I hope the rest of the world burns.

>> No.31202814
File: 106 KB, 964x1024, a6d3a3e9e4c717880d37ff1ba0a69d22b02436bc_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things get better anon, hang in there.

>> No.31202883
File: 474 KB, 2200x1000, 61941954_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Append miku.

>> No.31202906

It gets better when I see that pic. thx

>> No.31203824
File: 609 KB, 908x1280, 86510678_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Mikurisumasu!

>> No.31204012

So cool!
