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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 550x550, 1239359237580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3118309 No.3118309 [Reply] [Original]

What are you anti-social fagwads doing tonight?

I just finished all 6 seasons of CYE at the recommendation of another /jp/sie and now I'm bored again.

>> No.3118317


>> No.3118319 [DELETED] 

Blogging on /jp/.

>> No.3118318

Pissin', shittin', spewin' diarrhea.

What else is there to do?

>> No.3118320

All over the floor.

>> No.3118322


>> No.3118324

Waiting for Comiket.

>> No.3118328 [DELETED] 


>> No.3118330

I just came back from a date. I'll browse 3-4 hours, then fall sleep.

>> No.3118331

Normalfag spotted.

>> No.3118333

Downloading JIV.

>> No.3118334

Wanted to watch the meteor shower at 3am but it looks like it'll be too cloudy. Oh well.

>> No.3118336

Turning governors and politicians into little girls and then raping them whilst taking over AMERICA. I'm like a magical pedo version of Rance.

>> No.3118341

Not really, I'm a neet.

>> No.3118345

Debating on whether or not to listen to the voices in my head.

>> No.3118349 [DELETED] 

Yet you went out to a date?

You're a normalfag. Get out.

>> No.3118352

Yet you can afford to maintain a girlfriend?

>> No.3118359
File: 794 KB, 1300x2200, 1249630320575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spreading the word about the fresh SWR english translation mod.

>> No.3118360


>> No.3118361

I'm watching No Country for Old Men. There's no real soundtrack, so I feel like a scared little girl watching it. It's embarrassing.

>> No.3118366

I caught a bit of last night's, but there's supposed to be more tonight... Too bad, huh?

>> No.3118369

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Seinfeld v2

>> No.3118387 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3118385

Reading GTO manga 5 hours straight. It's 7:12 AM here and I feel totally wasted.

>> No.3118386

Thanks for reminding me bro!
I was worried that there would be too much light pollution, but I can still see them.

>> No.3118392

I've been the same day /jp/ was created anv I've been a neet way before this "NEET IS LEGION" bullshit.

>> No.3118410 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares, normalfag. Go back to your shitty parties and mall shopping.

>> No.3118405

Lucky. ;_; And you're welcome.

>> No.3118407

Drinking tea and playing a certain Korean mmorpg.

>> No.3118409

Watching kiss-sui's latest kawaii-fest.

>> No.3118414

Who the hell says "NEET IS LEGION"? Nobody but trolls.

Way to be trolled like a newfag. :P

>> No.3118421

Going to sleep in a moment. Too tired to continue contributing to the OC thread.

>> No.3118426
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>> No.3118428

I am a NEET I am studying for a test for a educational class, then after that I will go to my place of employment.

>> No.3118430

You two, back to /b/.

>> No.3118435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3118432

It's fucking raining here. God damn it.

>> No.3118433
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>> No.3118442

But first you require on-job-training, right?

>> No.3118443
File: 22 KB, 240x320, 10123202371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be burning off several 3DPD gravure DVDs in order to make room for more, with a side of vidya.

Here's some Rui in a Japanese bird suit.

>> No.3118449 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3118447

Wait, space rocks at 3AM? Is that 3AM EC time?

>> No.3118472

Are any of you guys just waiting for your life to be over?

>> No.3118481

Oh, Dawson, don't look at me that way! It makes me feel all weird.

>> No.3118488

Here too. Let's hope it clears up.

>> No.3118493


>> No.3118497
File: 30 KB, 300x283, Marisa 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not enjoy life?
I'm enjoying it and I'm just as pathetic as the rest of you.
Even more so because I'm an secure tripfag posting avatars.

>> No.3118505

Enjoying your life is one thing.

>an secure
is another.

>> No.3118507

I'm studying integrals and series for tomorrow's Calculus 2 final.

>> No.3118511 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 317x367, baww5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over
I want to know right now what will it be
I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over
Well in the end oh will it be ... sorry?

>> No.3118513

I was going to say "an avatar".

>> No.3118514
File: 249 KB, 687x747, reiscig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently transferring shit (mostly VNs) onto my new 320gb laptop hard drive that came yesterday. I've been using a VM to play them on my Macbook's original 120gb for quite some time and now that I have enough space, I can finally make a boot camp partition large enough for Windows. No more shitty popping sounds and compatibility errors.

Feels good, man.

>> No.3118516
File: 338 KB, 1500x1325, 4ee13224707cb4fb1161247841c7289b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suppose to be studying kanji but I don't know where to start and I don't have the drive.

So I'm hanging out here with you guys and mai waifu.

Pic related

>> No.3118523


Anyone? I don't even know in which direction the north-northeast is and there's too many lights around, but i might have a look

>> No.3118526


>> No.3118532

I wouldn't mind some armpit action right now.

>> No.3118544 [DELETED] 

Going to get wasted with some friends tonight.

>> No.3118557 [DELETED] 


>> No.3118561

You can use my armpits. I shaved them a week ago.

>> No.3118605
File: 102 KB, 640x917, 4xkv33cve2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this game.
Awesome story.

>> No.3118624

Isn't that the one that's getting ported to PSP?

>> No.3118645
File: 584 KB, 500x640, Reisen Moped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so going to take a picture of a shooting star.

On a film camera.

>> No.3118654

Enjoy accidentally capturing a spirit instead.

>> No.3118661

Please share if you do.

>> No.3118664

Reading manga. Just as yesterday. Only today it's a shitty manga. Rosario+Vampire and Bloody Monday instead of yesterdays Cesare and Historie.

>> No.3118685

I think I'll either reinstall SWR, grind my life away on RO, watch some leftover anime or stay on /jp/.

Wait fuck, there was a meteor shower today? GODDAMN FUCK YOU CLOUDS

>> No.3118702
File: 27 KB, 420x420, 124665522081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I forgot to unload the film from last time!

>> No.3118704

I used to try to block all the variations of bawson pictures but now it's simply impossible. Fuck you /jp/.

>> No.3118715
File: 36 KB, 414x550, 1249369786076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How could you block something this cute

>> No.3118722 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 277x407, 1249124656294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you do? I'll be sure to rename them to random filenames then. Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.3118738

Tomorrow, if I'm not too lazy, I will edit 4chan Thread Filter firefox extension to be able to filter by image's md5 hash, forcing bawson to edit all of his images if he wants to make you see them.

>> No.3118757

You are a true bro. But maybe those faggots will stop spamming by c76.

>> No.3118758

I played some Bubble Bobble NEO, got pissed off and ragequit, so I went and played Mushihimesama, got pissed off and ragequit, so I went and played some MHFU, died to a Red Khezu, got pissed off and ragequit, made myself a drink. Repeat.

This has pretty much been my entire day

>> No.3118759

Like I said I already gave up.

That's a great idea. I use Opera though.

>> No.3118768

>I use Opera though.

That sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.3118771 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then all I have to do is add a block dot everytime I post a Dawson picture.

>> No.3118778

Don't feel bad man. I ragequit at orisinal.com games.

>> No.3118783


You ragequit Bubble Bobble?


>> No.3118795


Bubble Bobble is motherfucking difficult. It wasn't easy when you were a kid and it still isn't easy now. Have fun losing a continue within the first 20 levels.

>> No.3118799

It's not really a problem considering it's better than Firefox.

>> No.3118801
File: 40 KB, 414x550, 1249549866453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3118804

Alright, I went into the bathroom, turned off the light, shoved two towels under the door to block out light, manhandled the film by manually guiding it back into roll, may have ruined it with my watch's glowing hands, loaded the new roll in the dark for the first time in a year, and probably missed many great shots.

Let's do this.

>> No.3118807
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>> No.3118809

Good luck, Anon.

>> No.3118813
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>> No.3118818

Just got done watching the meteors with a couple of friends.

Will you go out with me?

>> No.3118825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3118830 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3118835 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3118841
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>> No.3118845

Where she get all dat paper?

>> No.3118851 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3118930

It cleared up a bit so I went outside and watched some. I saw some really big ones, but there weren't very many, so either I missed the peak or it was too cloudy to see most of them ;_;

>> No.3118956

It's clear here and I didn't see many either. They aren't constant, so you have to watch for a while. We should still be going through the 'peak' of them for another couple of hours.

>> No.3119182

Why are you fags so enthralled over a goddamn meteor shower?

We have the technology to watch much more amazing things than a bunch of rocks flying near our atmosphere.

>> No.3119199

You're no fun at all.

>> No.3119212

Shove it up your ass.

While you're at it, stop pretending to be a girl over the internet.

>> No.3119224

But pretending we're little girls is all that /jp/ is good at.

It's like telling Michael Phelps to quit swimming.

>> No.3119237 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3119238

. . .

>> No.3119250

Do you play on iccup?

>> No.3119257
File: 835 KB, 150x105, careygaggj9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3119326

I'm leaving 4chan tonight for a few months in preparation for the upcoming flood of Umineko episode 5 spoilers once Comiket starts. I'm sure you won't miss me.

>> No.3119330

I'll miss you.

>> No.3119333

I'll miss you too.

>> No.3119363

Because it happens once a year? Because it's an excuse to get out of the chair/house/jp?
Sorry for fagging up the 20th shitty NEET thread of the day with something other than pissing on the floor.

>> No.3119380


You're just butthurt because you can't see it.
Go back to your touhou.

>> No.3119382

It's a shitty excuse to do a normalfag activity like leaving your chair and looking outside.

Just the thought almost makes me vomit.

>> No.3119385

I don't have to leave my chair to see it. I can look out my window. What now?

>> No.3119397

Are you saying your window isn't barricaded to keep any hint of light from escaping into your room?

Goddamn normalfag...

>> No.3119404

If you can't embrace the lifestyle choices of the masters of this board or at least shut your mouths, then you need to get out of /jp/.


>> No.3119405
File: 87 KB, 1024x738, MahPokeymans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until I beat Elite 4.
after this, dunno, play touhou?

>> No.3119407
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>> No.3119413
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>> No.3119419
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>> No.3119424
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>> No.3119430
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>> No.3119435

I'm making a snowman from the shit on my floor.

>> No.3119439

more like a shitman

>> No.3119445 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 80x80, 1223854955932s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3119452
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>> No.3119454

I play on iccup. I'm not the one you asked though.

Haven't played for almost a year though. Highest rank was C- but I was closer to D+ in skill tbh.

>> No.3119457

Thinking about how I will ask my coworker out on a date tomorrow.

Wish me luck, /jp/.

>> No.3119466

Fuck, did I miss the meteor shower completely, or is there still hope for next night?

>> No.3119471

Goddamn normalfags.

>> No.3119475
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, komoesad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all starts with one date, but eventually you'll forget about us on /jp/, go to clubs, and start playing football.

Do you really want that?

>> No.3119504

I just woke up. Meteor shower last night was amazing, I saw around 8 or so fly by.
Today, I have no plans.

>> No.3119505


>> No.3119543

Is this really such a bad thing?

Be honest with me, bro.

>> No.3119563

Watching One Outs.

>> No.3119586

Forgetting about /jp/ probably wouldn't be so bad, but the rest would be. Choose between one hell or the other, that's how life is.

>> No.3119596

Is that any good?

>> No.3119605

Gonna take a long 20+ hours flight tonight to go to work oversea.

Stocking up 500GB of stuff to last me for 3months.
Don't know if I am gonna get good internet connection in my new place.

>> No.3119665


Perpetual NEET right here.

>> No.3119689

Nvm I'm high again :D

Watching South Park w/ Jap. subtitles

>> No.3119705

I just woke up..I planned to sleep 8 hours but I ended up sleepind over 12 hours..
Im going to eat something for breakfast and then continue watching legend of the galactic heroes (currently at ep 36)

>> No.3120203

I found it to be enjoyable. Akagi and Kaiji were better though and One Outs seemed sort of silly at points.
