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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31146969 No.31146969 [Reply] [Original]

resources: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous: >>31118717

>> No.31146982
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>> No.31147031

didnt care about the romance parts just liked the tragedy bit in the second half
if its so shit then whats a good short story

>> No.31147095

what tragedy bit lol they lived until old age

>> No.31147149

stop reading vns.
watch dorama instead.

>> No.31147157

how bout neither

>> No.31147218

is there something like this but for japanese?

>> No.31147219

hope next season has some good ones dropped every drama this season but talio.

>> No.31147357

the loss of the superpower was described in such sorrowful terms they kind of personified it dont you think

>> No.31147388

It's called ctrl + scroll wheel

>> No.31147403

it's tiresome

>> No.31147441

what was sorrowful about it?
doesn't sound very sad to me sounds like sappy romance shit

>> No.31147451

Another option would be to get a device that would allow you to put the screen closer to your face I guess. Not really a solution since you have to buy something but that's all I can think of

>> No.31147469

damn second thread in a row to die before 500 replies lol

>> No.31147489

ease of access section in windows options
turn on magnifier

>> No.31147604

i kind of pictured it as some inner part of her dying under that interpretation stuff like
sounds a bit sorrowful to me as if hes reminiscing and hiding the sadness behind a smile idk maybe im headcannoning this too much

>> No.31147673

the first part is her saying what would happen at the end and it didn't happen because they beat the curse through the power of love so it wasn't sad

>> No.31147769

have u ever had ur guts rearranged by a big dick

>> No.31147918

animecards 10 a day
hentaivocab how ever many i make a day
animalcards 2 a day
dq/isekaivocabcards 2 a day
martialartscards (for baki, etc) 2 a day

do i need anything else

>> No.31147919

lol this is the preceding and following line respectively. did you understand the story? he's asking what she sees as the final move that she's working towards. that's it, her dying while he's in a meeting. so he takes time off to change the future and it works and she doesn't die, lol

>> No.31148022


>> No.31148303

would fuck

>> No.31148454

i did though just because it makes you mad wont change that fact, i just misunderstood that one bit which made me fit the rest of the story to that interpretation

>> No.31148605

you obviously are incapable of assessing whether you understand something or not

>> No.31148780

i hope she sucks the autism out of him

>> No.31148790

i am though i sometimes randomly take sentences from my input and put them in deepl and my interpretation is almost always right but you are obviously incapable of imagining my being able to do that which is why you make up lies to cope

>> No.31148814

pretty good choice if he wants to fuck i guess cause women cant understand blade runner and she'll be bored out of her skull

>> No.31148835

yea i am incapable of imagining having to rely on a translation service to check whether i understand something

>> No.31148858

>pretty good choice
thanks, i recommended it to him.

>> No.31148995

fuckin owned

>> No.31149129

hope quiz gets in a stroke for his djt bros

>> No.31149253

hope you have a stroke

>> No.31149375

i do swim a lot

>> No.31149376

if i had no idea what i was reading i wouldnt have misinterpreted in a way that is consistent with the rest of the story lol fail

>> No.31149422

for any confused newcomers

no one in the history of djt has come here and then learned japanese so congrats on losing right out of the gate

>> No.31149426

well deepl helped you out with that but you completely misinterepted the feeling of it cuz ai translators aren't so great at that

>> No.31149688

who is guy gene

>> No.31149701

yeah okay you already admitted you use it so no need for these backtrack copes

>> No.31149719
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>> No.31149940




>> No.31150071

トゥルー ディっトノットレアンシット

>> No.31150299

there hasnt been a single instance where ive been destroyed no one replies with good arguments its all just shitposts bait and allegations laughably out of touch with reality

>> No.31150351

dont have a problem with him other than him insisting hes some kind of japanese expert for finishing core 6k

>> No.31150591

but im too old for /v/ and /a/ now that theyre zoomer trash, i barely recognize those places and no longer have fun posting there
djt is the last place i have left

>> No.31150878

I have learned all the 常用漢字, studied grammar extensively and have a pretty decent vocabulary knowledge but the one thing that holds me back when in comes to reading is speed.

I must admit I don't read as much as I should and I think it's to do with the fact that my reading speed is quite a lot slower that my English(which I feel like is above average) so I get frustrated.

I recently started playing Pokemon in Japanese (first game in Japanese) and I find the text in battle too fast to read.

>> No.31150907

Lately I've had no motivation to learn Japanese, I just force myself to do my Anki Decks and Wanikani everyday even though I hate every second of it. I want the motivation again to learn Japanese but I just force myself to do vocab and kanji lessons everyday. It sucks since I used to be really excited to learn anything about the language. Now I actively avoid any Japanese like the plague any time I see it. Mainly since I don't recognize 90% of what I'm reading or hearing.

I know this is a big factor but: I don't watch any Japanese media anymore, I don't read anything in Japanese, nor hear any of it (mainly because of my fear response). Whenever I hear Japanese I just tune out and promptly try to find subtitles, since it physically hurts to try to concentrate on what they're saying when I'm trying to decipher the speech. Reading especially does that. I've listened to so much Japanese I think I trained myself to tune it out, so now that I'm learning it I have to snap out of "tune-out" mode and try to concentrate.

I know why I don't retain a lot of things, but I still do my SRS stuff daily (in a vacuum) so that stuff at least sticks. But I just have no drive to learn anymore. I graduate in May of 2021 with my Computer Science major and Japanese minor but feel like I can't move to Japan since I can't pass an N4 practice test. I pressure myself daily to learn Japanese but don't push myself to do so. I can watch and read about Japan all day to try and excite me back into learning but nothing helps because I feel like a child for not understanding any Japanese.

I started studying since Fall of 2019 with 0 Japanese knowledge going through: Genki I in the Fall of 2019 and Spring of 2020; then Irodori Elementary A1 in the summer of 2020; and Irodori 2 Elementary A2 in the Fall of 2020. Which technically should put me in the "Pre-Advanced" category at my University but I feel far far from it, considering my final semester this coming Spring we'll be using Tobira (we skipped Genki 2). Towards the end I've been studying for my tests and it sucked all motivation from me.

At this point I just want to live in Japan because its a new culture and language to learn, not because it's Japan in particular. I initially wanted to live and work there because a lot of things I grew up with came from Japan, but I don't even watch TV shows or play many games from Japan anymore anyways. I've had this drive to move to Japan for so long (since I was 10), now that I'm graduating with not even a basic level of the language, I feel so lost. Considering, 90% of the Job Applications in programming require N2 (understandably) and some N3 so I feel defeated in know I can't get to those levels in only 5 months. At this point I'm just lost and directionless as to what to do, since from all the information online I should of been at least N3 by now. But I'm barely scraping by with an N4 level.

>> No.31151043

the more u read the easier it gets just like anything else what kind of post even is this?

>> No.31151075

finished youjo senki and the movie, was a lot of fun, hope they make a sequel. i'd have gotten absolutely murdered without subs though sheesh.

>> No.31151487

wtf u cant add more than 25 characters to your favorite panel on anilist? absolutely clenching right now..

>> No.31151744

good news i got the poop smell off my finger :)

>> No.31151796

howd you do it

>> No.31151833

were all busy watching toradora

>> No.31151985

better put some on your bumhole to be safe

>> No.31152281

kinda nostalgic about the last few christmases on djt

>> No.31152666

was busy finishing a vinnie route got 10 minutes to post with you guys before i gotta go to the next one

>> No.31153192


>> No.31153365
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>> No.31153821
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lol we're getting 5000 news cases per day in a country of like 7 million people

>> No.31154305

acclimate to these hands *drops you with an overhand right*

>> No.31154309

what if it's moe

>> No.31154365

moe doesn't read

>> No.31154390

finna cytube some code geass in 20 minutes
only 6 episodes tho i cant do another 4 hours two nights in a row

>> No.31154970

fuck knew i shouldve started with ジャマルさん

>> No.31154977


>> No.31154984

how many are you doing now

>> No.31156388

take that back, you filthy shrimp!

>> No.31156541

stream is already over unfortunately. But hey I think this would be a great pass time, to go to random low viewer live streams together and just have a bit of fun. We might even learn something for once that way. I mean I'm not saying we should be raiding them. I guess just by being ourselves, it would be already pretty awkward (and hopefully a bit funny) to them.

>> No.31156596

the tower of god concept is cool but the anime really was garbage, i was thinking of trying out the manwa if it has been translated to japanese but i havent bothered

>> No.31156703

already happened countless times

>> No.31157157

i hope mom ntr guy brings his mom to the meetup

>> No.31157333

whenever i feel like moving to japan i remind myself that i already hate working 40 hr weeks and their work culture would make me fall in a suicide net on a weekly basis

>> No.31157882

central heating isnt an issue, just wear layers dude
no central ac though would kill me

>> No.31158028

This! Also with modern buildings you really don't need any heating. It's currently -7°C outside and I'm only wearing my undies. I have heating, but it's turned off all year. But I will have to buy AC soon, since during summer it can get up to 25°C in my apartment. I can't sleep when it's so fucking hot.

>> No.31158323

mined 寝正月

>> No.31158449

I think it's because they never show them anymore. It's certainly one problem with watching seasonal. But even on dvd they mostly don't show nipples anymore. I remember how outraged I was, when I waited for the dvd of Cross Ange, especially for this. The show just felt so wrong without nipples. No idea whats wrong with nips these days.

>> No.31158508

from the stream

>> No.31158830

this is the future for everwhere thanks to these pushes for everyone to learn2code

>> No.31159103

programmers in japan are different than those of other countries obviously
why do you think programming languages are in english

>> No.31159232

dude my dopmaine aaaaa

>> No.31159775

>Threads used to die at 1500 posts (was previously 2000)
>Now dying at <500
Does anyone have the link to how fasts boards are posting? Remember seeing it during the MattvsYoga drama and /jp/ was third behind pol and v.

>> No.31159878

they unleashed the holofags we literally went through three threads yesterday

>> No.31160234




>> No.31161019

code geass is so good bros

>> No.31161048

disagree code geass is just random shit and it's sometimes entertaining and sometimes stupid

>> No.31161121

There's of ton of Atashinchi uploaded on yt lately and its also interesting for cultural humor. If you can't understand most of Atashinchi you arent ready.

>> No.31161451
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>> No.31161661

you're a manchild

>> No.31161713

just finished the first episode, lot harder than just reading at your own pace. most of it was too fast for me, but at least it was nice when i got to a chunk i understood. prolly won't make it my main practice, but maybe i'll watch an episode after reading to see how much more i get over time.

>> No.31161808

why? seems like a good way to connect what i read with natural spoken language. that said, i haven't really invested much time into it beyond one episode so if you have a good reason to steer clear then maybe you can save me some effort

>> No.31161807


>> No.31161828

might rewatch the childrens films "perfect blue" "millennium actress" and "tokyo godfathers" in celebration of the pagan festival yule

>> No.31161938


>> No.31161951

finna immerse in genshin pussy

>> No.31161988

it's fine don't fall for the shitposter

>> No.31161989



>> No.31161993

im no punk ass BITCH when it comes to my filtering

>> No.31162022

If you can't see a tone difference in Doraemon and Atashinchi you might be autistic. Also it so happens that those shows turn more juvenile as time goes on. Chibi Marukochan/Shin Chan was more like Japanese Simpsons in its original run but went zombie for preschoolers later. Sazaesan is old as shit. Atashinchi is post-2000 and hasn't really fallen into that trap and has more adult/iffy humor occasionally.

Anyway you will find these are the only kinds of shows average Japanese adults actually are familiar with so it still helps my point. Most people in Japanese aren't degenerate otaku.

>> No.31162222

wtf retard

>> No.31162268


>> No.31162273

Bump limit must be a new term. I'm wondering when it started being used.

>> No.31162288

the fuck are you talking about? Atashinchi isn't even airing anymore. They did a short revival season a few years back and the rest ended in the first decade of 2010. Little kids wouldnt enjoy Atashinchi the humor is dry and based around daily life shit. The Japanese comment section on youtube is tons of posts by adults watching it for nostalgia or to relax.

You are trying to be a contrarian at this point, go fuck yourself anime is a family medium in the first place.

>> No.31162324

no it isnt

>> No.31162330
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god to bed, moot

>> No.31162393

dont like kids shows but like shows with kids

>> No.31162444

will this shit kill djt for good?
we were already barely holding on...

>> No.31162454

yeah really great post dude

>> No.31162477

sorry bro I read first chapter of サヨナラ坂の美容院 instead
actually pretty fun

>> No.31162481

The humor is dry, its not slapstick or outrageous situations. Its targeted at older families even more than OG Maruko was.

>> No.31162608

holy shit itazura eternally btfod

>> No.31162634
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>> No.31162637

It's a phrase uttered by an older lady before she has sex with a younger male.

>> No.31162636

hope qm general gets banned

>> No.31162670


>> No.31162679

dude fucking feel it out

>> No.31162711
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=しょうがない  なぁ

>> No.31162724

"can't be helped"
next time just skip it and enjoy the reading

>> No.31162783

too cold with the window open but too hot with it closed

>> No.31162792

renai karichaimashita

>> No.31162818


>> No.31162826

then leave it partly open like me

>> No.31162885

That's why you watch anime

>> No.31162951
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Dammit I had just looked at the long vowel section of tae kim how did I screw up, thanks guys. Back to studying grammer and reading THX.

>> No.31163027

but you live in your mom's basement and i'm fucking your mom, so how come i haven't noticed her in the house son?

>> No.31163060

tfw you read manga with anime voices in your head

>> No.31163061
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I'm moving around at lot at work so I've been having to just read and learn words from anki. Thx for the advice tho

>> No.31163159

yea ur the basement toilet shitstain i forgot to scrub out getting dumps loaded on u isnt called fuckin though

>> No.31163195
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Found it on /v/, I think you can find the source of you Google the image. Good luck.

>> No.31163244

you don't learn words in anki

>> No.31163245



>> No.31163275

have you been forgetting to take your pills son? i know you're probably still upset after walking in on me fucking your mother in the living room but this is no reason to get angry. we're a family now and that means you'll have to try to get along.
thanks bro

>> No.31163298

didnt read *flushes twice*

>> No.31163332

i learned 14k of them

>> No.31163346

you learned 14k idiotcards not 14k words

>> No.31163368

idiotcards are words

>> No.31163371
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My bad I meant kanji. XD

>> No.31163388


>> No.31163455

anki is useless
the day you uninstall it is the day you start acquiring

>> No.31163874

How many cards are you doing if it only takes 15 minutes?

>> No.31163899

the right amount clearly

>> No.31163910

just don't overload yourself with cards thinking it's your main learning method

>> No.31163935


>> No.31163985

throw your cards in the fucjing trash

>> No.31164056

Really just need an autist to spam create holo threads (~100/hour) and push every regular topic off the board for a day or two to end this cancer. Falseflag is the only way to save /jp/.

>> No.31164175

great thinking bro, you happen to have any jewish heritage

>> No.31164325

threads are dying so fast im not used to this, help

>> No.31164389

praying they get kicked the fuck out and jp goes back to 1/10th activity, miss cozy long djts lasting days

>> No.31164457

can't consume content when I need to constantly be on the lookout for new threads to claim the first post

>> No.31164461

when was the 2k post limit introduced

>> No.31165107


>> No.31165117

not him but I have 100 reviews per day at most and add a maximum of 30 cards per day, if reviews hit 100 or somewhere close I will stop adding cards or only add cards that I feel are important or have a well defined definition from th sentence
On front I have the word and on the back it's reading and the context it appeared in and pretty much every time I don't know the definition of a word I remember it by reading the sentence or context

>> No.31165422

dno bros feel like im too cool for this world

>> No.31165850

Am I supposed to stop adding cards when I get overwhelmed? So should I stick with the same cards until I catch up?

>> No.31165876

if you don't like /jp/ content being on /jp/ you can leave

>> No.31166009

It’s very useful for the first year or two, then you don’t really need it anymore. Around 20k mature cards you can probably drop it.

>> No.31167248

i don’t do either of these but I like listening to podcasts where the hosts just talk about random shit, it exposes you to regular everyday speech and vocabulary

>> No.31167738

no it's always useless it's just not as obvious that it's useless when you suck anyway

>> No.31168449

dont give a shit lol

>> No.31168497

im not really familiar with cuck dynamics, it just sounded like a good analogy. there is a price for everything in life and jp had it good for a long motherfucking time. most boards would kill to have had this kind of timelessness for this long. 4chan in general wont survive much longer (in any form worth talking about) so really people should just pour a drink and enjoy the tire fire

>> No.31169006

44 pages of what? was it good?

>> No.31169209

>theres nothing tying us to jp or int any specific board or even this site retard
maybe you should fuck off to whence you came, then refugee your opinion is less than worthless

>> No.31169291

well i guess we need to come up with a plan to kill the vtubing trend then. a scandal? fire up the media opera style with 9000 penises raping vtuber viewers?

>> No.31169327

crawl back to your holo threads insect

>> No.31169343


>> No.31169369

Int threads die even earlier. They barely make it to 300 posts before dying.
They used to have a higher thread count number, but have really fallen behind us due to them not remaking the thread half the time. Anyone over there who is half serious has moved over the the actual Japanese thread.

>> No.31169403

wow glad i launched genshin this thread is straight ass

>> No.31169637

/po/. Slow as shit and you're learning Japanese follow the guides from the master origami makers.

>> No.31169668

yeah bant sure is slow and unknown retard

>> No.31169676

tf i cant post there
not blue itd just get spammed with porn
ids would kill djt

>> No.31169863

hate to admit it but the only safe haven is queefs discord

>> No.31169889

the touhou threads are garbage but they were slow

>> No.31169969

20 posts/day vs 20 posts/second
think id rather have 2hu cancer

>> No.31170004

4chan clones are a meme and never have the sticking power.
mahjong got moved to vg years ago, sadly. more of my point of how gay jp has been over the years. 07th expansion general was good before it got flooded with schizoid trannies from the umineko tumblr fandom

>> No.31170029

djt was only able to become what it is by being left alone for years
just look at threads in the archives when it first came to jp and only a year later, place completely changed

>> No.31170068

Cute/Male is the slowest board from Japanese Culture. Instead of posting lolis you could post shotas.

>> No.31170119

if bant had no flags or ids itd unironically be the place to move to

>> No.31170349

nearing 3 months of spending almost every waking moment here is more than enough, thanks. i only came in cause i checking the hololive situation on jp

>> No.31170365

wish i'd found djt in 2017/2018, must've been peak posting experience

>> No.31170450

2018 fags where u @

>> No.31170468

i'm glad i found it around the time matt's scam is coming to a close, honestly. it was infuriating enough arguing with retards before refold made it easier

>> No.31170549 [DELETED] 
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what does that ては at the end mean?

i've seen it several times and just assumed it meant nothing

>> No.31170676

yah it was nice cuz no one gaf about idiot cards back then you didnt have autists carrying their pack of 20 fucking thousand cards around putting it in their names like clowns it was more like oh so you did core 2k/6k cool what are you gonna read now?

>> No.31170729

what year did djt get moved from /a/ to /jp/

>> No.31171128

when you feel like what you feel like

>> No.31171317

by that i meant, longest consecutive streak of the same kana

>> No.31171854


>> No.31172118


>> No.31172375

im here for the posts the boys make, not for the tools
if you take away the regulars theres nothing left

>> No.31172604


>> No.31172628

go make real nakama. this this but a pale imitation

>> No.31172734





>> No.31172789

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.31173096

It's called not being fucking blind

>> No.31173134


>> No.31173262

How beginner is beginner? Had you read anything before?

>> No.31173279

卍 is cutest 漢字

>> No.31173395

Shouldn't be too hard to make one/modify that one to use Japanese.

>> No.31173461
File: 134 KB, 500x281, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good app to help me recognize/learn words on twitter? i figure i can try and pick stuff up from there since i follow nothing but jp fan artists (and they're always blogging about something).

i use an android

>> No.31173613

cant you just take a screenshot and use the ocr in google lens?
