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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3111555 No.3111555 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3111562

shitty game is shitty

>> No.3111561

illegal serial number

>> No.3111582

i hope this is better than any F2P MMORPG i've played

>> No.3111614

It is. Too bad it's not going into OB for months. ;_;

>> No.3112297
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>> No.3112309
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Why is /j p/ so attracted to this generic moe MMO?

Why don't you play good, original MMOs?

>> No.3112311

Because its kawaii~

>> No.3112335

Because cb.

>> No.3112336

DFO is cute too.

But it's also a good game.

>> No.3112339

I'll play both in OB

... After waiting nearly a year for either of them to START OB


>> No.3112341

Wait for the OB or play on the Japanese server like I'm doing.

>> No.3112345

DFO OB is just a couple of weeks away.

>> No.3112356

I don't see it on the site, where're you hearing this?

Also, ECO's forums are full of claims that OB's going to start on Saturday, but honestly I wouldn't get my hopes up for either.

>> No.3112361

It'll probably lag like hell and I won't understand anything from moonrunes anyway. I'll stick with Runes of Magic until Dungeon Fighter's open beta comes out.

>> No.3112370

Closed beta ending message.

>> No.3112380

It's not that bad in solo player.

>> No.3112379

i cant believe the japs make games japan only, why cant they just block Korea and china, and let everyone else play?

>> No.3112378

Got a spare room? I'll get on the plane.

>> No.3112389

Goddamn that's tempting. How bad is the lag there?

Chink servers were bad enough with freezing for like a full minute every other second, so I expect with moonservers my screen wouldn't move at all. Shit's terrible when you're playing the healbitch.

>the game will not be available to play for a few weeks
>we look forward to having you back in Arad very, very soon

I guess it HAS been a few weeks, but let's take a look at ECO's CB ending post:
>Every ending is marking a start to an anticipated new pathway, the Open Beta Server is launching very soon.

Sounds like a pretty similar timeframe to me. On top of that both posts are filled with roleplaying faggotry.

>> No.3112402

There is not too much lag in single player.

How to connect: http://www.dfosource.com/forum/japan/171-guide-setting-up-arad-senki-w-pictarz.html

Also, CB ended just a week ago.

>> No.3112423
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Ugh, VPNs. Those things are the whole reason I haven't bothered playing foreign servers of anything yet.

But if there still isn't any news in the next few days I think I may just try it out, thanks anon.

ECO time nao: Which race is everyone playing in OB? In CB the servers were full of LOL ANGELS AND DEMONS so I went Emil, but goddamn Dominions look cool in my CB outfit. Titanians are overrated for Vates since everybody plays them to the point they don't look good anymore. Hopefully there'll be more Emils in OB just because they're the best-looking.
pic related

>> No.3112466

Ragnarok 2: Gate of the World was simply awesome, and the graphics are breath taking.
why they aren`t finishing it I`ll never know, its been in beta for years, and whats strange is that they still have little events every now and then, yet its still in development hell.

>> No.3112488

>Ragnarok 2: Gate of the World was simply mediocre, and the graphics aren't very good for their time.

I enjoyed playing RO2 so I'd love to agree with you anon, but it was lacking in departments such as customization and the class diversity that RO1 had. Yoko Kanno's music was almost beautiful enough to make the rest of the game's failures hardly noticeable, but unfortunately it was so grind and there was so little to do that it didn't quite work. If you've actually played it then you'd know that it plays exactly like most F2P grindfests and that's just not good enough.

>> No.3113124
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>> No.3113630
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People are already making guilds and the game hasn't even been released yet.

There was an update message today, but it was just an introduction to classes/rehash of what had already been said about classes before.

>> No.3113839


oh god is that p2 reimu?

>> No.3114010

It's not even that cute. Ugly CGs and all characters look the fucking same. Also no loli.

>> No.3114127

Somebody clearly didn't actually play this. The only reason /jp/ even tried it was because it's the most loli grindfest since Mabinogi.

Also because it's Japanese.

They're just trying to pull updates out of their ass now to make it seem like they're still doing something. If you've been to their forum yet you'd see that the whole thing is just one big shitstorm with 14-year-old Gaiaspawns claiming bullshit like their parents are Runup employees and they heard OB's coming tomorrow, in November, in exactly 2 more weeks, etc etc. Seriously, it's almost worse than the Kingdom Hearts fanbase.

On top of that the same company has a history of dropping MMOs after CB for over a year and they've been working on other projects over the past couple weeks too. Honestly I'm a little worried about how long it'll take, but the sheer whininess of the crowds who played it is probably going to be enough to keep it from being dropped altogether. I'll probably go play Grindanogi or something during my yearlong wait.

>> No.3114282

I was going to roll a Ranger, but looking at the lack of miners and metal repair kits, I'm temped to roll a miner. The only fucker that got repair kits was trying to sell them at retardly high prices. Fuck that shit, for that price I'll better buy another new damn shield.

>> No.3114343

>repair kits

oh u

This is why the only right way to grind is by being possessed by shamans and running around. Damage? LOLNO.

Nobody plays miners though, mainly because they haven't found out that they can DRIVE MOTHERFUCKING GIANT ROBOTS yet. Once those're implemented enjoy your never seeing any other classes ever.

Except for Vates. Shitty Vates. Goddamn, was I the only one on the server who knew how to heal or what?

>> No.3115306

Oh Prum, your messages only seem to get more and more bitter as time goes on.

>> No.3115353

You're right, I need to shut the hell up every once in a while.

And that once in a while is not now.
