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3111675 No.3111675 [Reply] [Original]

Victorian era VN thread:

It’s been 6 month since your arranged marriage to your little aristocratic wife and things are not going well. The relationship between the two of you feels distant and cold.

Tonight your wife is away visiting her parents and you’ve decided to take the opportunity and attend a lascivious masquerade ball. There you are captivated by an elegant and passionate young lady, and she by you. After two dances the two of you hurry off to an inconspicuous inn for some horizontal refreshment.

You lay her on the bed and kissed her eagerly, feeling her breathing quicken as your hand disappeared under her dress and up her creamy thigh. A surprised moan cut short the kiss as you reached the warm inviting spot between her legs.

Then, you took off her mask, and discovered that she was your wife.

What do you do now?

[ ] accuse your wife of unfaithfulness
[ ] tearful and rage-filled hatesex
[ ] love tenderly
[ ] awkward silence

>> No.3111680

[x] report CYOA thread

>> No.3111686

[x] Shit on the floor

>> No.3111691

shit on wife

>> No.3111707


[x] love tenderly

"I knew it was you, you're wearing your favorite perfume tonight."

>> No.3111713

Shut up, OP.

>> No.3111716

[x] Report thread and minimize

>> No.3111722

[x] lock her in a box and walk away

>> No.3111726

[x] love tenderly
only choice

>> No.3111727

[X] turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.3111732

[x] Fuck parents, kill wife, marry daughter.

>> No.3111752

Why don't i get to play as the abused maid or the little girl being forced to work at the coal mines?

>> No.3111749


>> No.3111756

You don't play as those, they are the heroines.

>> No.3111758


Because MCs are always guys or dykes
Search your feelings you know this to be true

>> No.3111886

[X] violent hatesex
those always lead to strengthened relationships, according to touhou

>> No.3111893


>> No.3111894

>After two dances the two of you hurry off to an inconspicuous inn for some horizontal refreshment.

There's a problem.
I was never given the choice not to do that.
What if I don't actually act like an ass and try not to cheat on my wife ?

>> No.3111900

[X] Report thread

>> No.3111922

>What if I don't actually act like an ass and try not to cheat on my wife ?
Your wife grows more distant and eventually runs away, committing suicide when she realizes that she will be forced to return to you eventually, as society would never accept a woman who has left her husband. BAD END.

>> No.3111927

It's okay.
At least she kept her honor. Her husband never cheated on her.
No, really. I can't think of any way cheating on someone could be beneficial to a relationship. Or even trying to.

>> No.3111933
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If you don't try and cheat on her at the ball, you miss on the opportunity to strengthen your relationship here.
Makes more sense than VNs which decide entire routes on what you ate for breakfast.

>> No.3111934

[x] tearful and rage-filled hatesex

Things revolving around this kind of scenario grease my gears.

>> No.3111936

Well, trying to cheat on my wife to find out the person I'm cheating with is actually her will in no way make me happy.
If I'm cheating on my wife with her, she's cheating on me with me.

>> No.3111955

[x]love tenderly

I accept this as fate's way of telling us that we are always meant to be together. It's true that we tried to cheat on each other, but we simply ended up falling in love all over again.

I've never felt more ronery before in my life

>> No.3112028

>[X] awkward silence
after a few seconds
>[X] tearful and rage-filled hatesex
And in the end when we are in the best..
>[X] love tenderly

>> No.3112049

>Well, trying to cheat on my wife to find out the person I'm cheating with is actually her will in no way make me happy.

I'll like to point out that:

>arranged marriage

>> No.3112055

The marriage being arranged does not mean I hate her. If I wanted to fuck around I would've refused to get married in the first place.

>> No.3112063

Are we the typical douche protagonist? If so I think the answer is violence.

>> No.3112064

[x] awkward silence

>> No.3112071

>I would've refused to get married in the first place
I think you're missing the point of arranged marriage

>> No.3112095

[x] Shrug my shoulders and proceed to fuck her.

>> No.3112098

It's arranged, not forced.
>Arranged marriage (also called prearranged marriage) is a marriage arranged by someone other than the couple getting wedded, curtailing or avoiding the process of courtship.

Nobody pointed a gun at your head and forced you to accept.

>> No.3112110

I have been fucking waiting for this thread OP, thank you, also.

[X] awkward silence
[X] love tenderly
[X] accuse your wife of unfaithfulness

Becuase she is supposed to be away at her parents, what else has she been doing this whole time?

>> No.3112111

But you as son of wealthy family would get fucked over by your parents if you didnt accept. So "pointing gun to head" isnt worst-case scenario in this case..

>> No.3112114

[x] awkward silence
and then slapping

>> No.3112119

Nobody can beat my manly spirit.
I only do what I want to do, even as the son of a wealthy family.
Especially as the son of a wealthy family!
Besides, I already love her, so arranged marriage or not, I'm not going to like her trying to cheat on me.

>> No.3112132

i think alot of people are confused as to what an arranged marriage ment in those times.

While although the word "arranged" does not mean "forced" if you look at the deffinition, an arranged marriage during those times set up by the parents of both parties was NON-negotiable.

Once it had been arranged, and it was always arranged for a reason, the only way for the familys to save face and not go through with the marriage was for one or both of the children to die.

>> No.3112224

I pretend to not recognize her, then proceed to have passionate adulterous sex with her while insisting to keep my mask on. During the middle of the night, I sneak away while she’s happily asleep hugging a pillow I placed in her arms.

Next day as my wife returns, I put on my best act as a gentlemen and a model husband, treating her with tender care and respect and praising her for her upstanding righteousness at every chance. Then as the night arrive, I’ll make love to her tenderly, catering to her every need, listening to her crying out in overwhelming pleasure while her eyes fill with guilt.

Then, just before we reach climax, I stop, pull out her mask of which I stole last night and fix it on her. I then don my own before thrusting with wild abandon. It wasn’t before long when we shudder in each other’s embrace as we reach Nirvana together.

>> No.3112234

[x] I wouldn't do that in the first place.

>> No.3112263

Oh wow, is there an eroge with similar plot twist?
