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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31118717 No.31118717 [Reply] [Original]

resources: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous: >>31103524

>> No.31118756

let today be known as a day in djt

>> No.31118804

to think i used to get a chuckle out of a daily thread lasting longer than two days

>> No.31118805


>> No.31118833
File: 188 KB, 1242x1151, 4E622599-66F0-43DD-A876-1D118AD2B7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.31118852

>3 threads in 24 hours

>> No.31118859


>> No.31118864

He sounds like a rapist/criminal. LMAO

>> No.31118900

no one asked for a translation

>> No.31118925
File: 536 KB, 1208x1328, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31118958

who could have foreseen that the brilliant strategy of "not producing content" wouldn't pan out

>> No.31118965


I actually feel bad that you can't read.

>> No.31119027

let's get this thread back on track

*clears throat*

For every new word I learn, I also learn the kanji it has in it. Ik you only need to learn 100 kanji for N5 but I've only learned 125 words and I've studied about 100 different kanji from those words...Should I be studying this way? I feel like at this rate I'm going to know all 2000 before I reach N3

>> No.31119030

did he finally quit?

>> No.31119083

there's more than just kanji. n5 has 800-1000 words.

>> No.31119084

what couldnt i read

>> No.31119092

anyone kinda wish matto didn't get btfo so bad? i wish he would at least put up a fight

>> No.31119113

This is a good method. Keep at it, and your kanji skills will be better than people who follow the typical JLPT recommended path.

>> No.31119160

i think we have to move to a slower board bros

>> No.31119193

crazy how many vtuber and holoshit threadsd are in the catalog. otaku need to be killed

>> No.31119290

this is only the beginning, and vtubers wont be the last new worldwide sensation in otaku culture. im feeling a massive tide shift coming, one problem that remains though is that a massive amount of potential otakus are sucked into pointless video gaming. i think many are so addicted they will never break free and join a better movement. its sad but otaku will always do their best with what they have.

>> No.31119293

it's cuz they're allowing threads for individual vtubers now
only saving grace is thinking of all the months old touhoushitter threads that were probably killed today

>> No.31119329

there is something repulsive about boundless idealism, people believing in their own justice unconditionally and arrogantly spouting ideal ways of being for the world, the total lack of perspective some people have is astounding

>> No.31119348

like what specifically

>> No.31119376


>> No.31119384


>> No.31119460

oh no, firing the guy that was literally doing all the work for you thinking that you have all the value while actually not doing anything didnt work out after all.

HUH, what a brilliant move matto! cant wait to see more blogposts on refold! resubbed to both patreons thx for ur informative blogposts

>> No.31119481

shut the fuck up we don't like you why do you even post here

>> No.31119485


>> No.31119494

mini yoga at it again

>> No.31119497

what blogposts

>> No.31119500

i probably like him 60% of the time i think that counts

>> No.31119539

then go play in his pisscord

>> No.31119557

nah this isn't your circlejerk fuckface

>> No.31119649

stfu holofag

>> No.31119763

go to refold.la they have tons of blogposts up already for you to view!

>> No.31119833

I looked but I don't see any post where he says it's over

>> No.31119840

he means he sounds like a criminal, probably because he has a deep masculine black bull voice that wets any pussy in a radium of 3km

>> No.31119853

it took 6 months for me to realize i was doing things wrong but i think i've got it figured out now and i feel like i've actually been making progress the past couple weeks. kinda feels like i wasted a lot of time but i think i've got a good enough foundation that i can finally start being truly productive.

>> No.31119906 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the difference between わけ、なんか、and とこと when they are between the root verb and the verb ending
this for example

>> No.31119951
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>> No.31119998


i forget what these mean sometimes. ところ for example will be in a sentence that doesn't indicate place at all

>> No.31120001

no, he is still making the blog with his new partner.

the previous poster just pointed out its over for matt, he is donezo and isnt producing any value anymore. he really fucked up with his life choices.

>> No.31120009

what were you doing when you felt like you were doing things wrong and what are you doing now?

I wasted so much time with classes and textbooks. I wish I could get that time back to use it on reading and anime instead.

>> No.31120020

this sentence is actually parsed as
abu na (particle) itoko ro datta
the meaning is my dangerous cousin was called "ro"

>> No.31120036

the mia blog?

is his new partner quiz? nuke?

>> No.31120081

youll get used to it real fast watching raw anime

>> No.31120134
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congratulations on a successful first ever djt watches™: code geass edition

>> No.31120156

how many stayed for the whole stream?

>> No.31120167

was great

>> No.31120258

wanikani was the biggest thing. not sure i'd have gotten into this at all without it but i only recently realized how bad it is not having audio sentences for context and their word list is bloated and full of a lot of useless shit. i also neglected grammar more than i should have and half of what i was listening to was essentially white noise.

>> No.31120359

dno there was 5 at the end and like 8 peak but i dont think anyone sat and watched from start to finish even i started to lose focus around episode 10

>> No.31120384

great strategy for nullifying hardsubs: flip video horizontally

>> No.31120390

did pretty well then, good

>> No.31120410

think it went up to 9

>> No.31120558

@me when you plan to watch good anime

>> No.31120581


>> No.31120594

As long as you use the anki deck version, wanikani is fine. It really doesn’t matter what 6000 word/2000 kanji starter pack you do so long as you do one.

>> No.31120726

we need a matt general

>> No.31120869


>> No.31121009

what was it like when djt first started here?

>> No.31121156


>> No.31121282

crazy how jamal leaving created a rift leading to the downfall of djt and killing jp with the backblast

>> No.31121297
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great japanese discussion

>> No.31121389


>> No.31121468


>> No.31121506

this thread is the only reason im still on 4chan
sad to see it die such an inglorious death like this

>> No.31121542

hope all the oldfags die off so i can take over the thread

>> No.31121548
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>> No.31121566

imagine busting on her forehead and watching it drip down on her flat chest

>> No.31121580

What are you doing for grammar?

>> No.31122506

ところ is also used to describe a "moment"

女性が家に帰るところだ。 The woman is returning home. She's in that "place" or "moment" or "space in time" or whatever where she is returning home.

>> No.31122625


>> No.31122786

i found some japanese textbooks in my cabinet from a few years ago when i took classes. these days my main method of study is just reading books and watching anime, but do you think there would be any harm in cracking the textbook open here and there for some grammar studies? i feel like my grammar is lacking and i tried grammar anki decks but felt like they didn't work. when i took classes i made some decent gains.

>> No.31122826

Just feel out なんか and なんて, literally. It's borderline filler in a sentence; almost feels like using 'like' in a sentence. They seem to have very little impact on a sentence when I come across them.

>> No.31122919

it's a total waste of time

>> No.31123068

why is that?

>> No.31123123

it won't make you better at japanese and it's boring

>> No.31123169

couldn't it be good for learning grammar though? i would argue that is making you better at japanese.

>it's boring
making if you're using it for your main method of study, sure. i'm only considering using it for grammar outside of my consooming.

>> No.31123513

This is the beginning of the end. With Matt's position as arch jew vacant, people are going to get greedy and try and take over his revenue.
Yoga is going to make all his add-ons closed source and subscription only. It's over.

>> No.31123673

don't use them anyway

>> No.31123893

What did I miss

>> No.31123906

yoga's addons suck anyway

>> No.31124329

They're a hell of a lot better than the mpvicious crap that gets peddled in these threads.

>> No.31124435

dont worry, low tier mouthbreathers like you are not the target audience anyways.

>> No.31124929

Yep. Crushing it.

>> No.31125091

aren't those yoga's?

>> No.31125093

I've never used anything that fatfuck yoga made. Even when it was called 'mia addons'. I hate bloat and I don't see any value in them.

mpvacious is good.

>> No.31125170

>people believing in their own method unconditionally and arrogantly spouting ideal ways of learning japanese/making flashcards, the total lack of perspective some people have is astounding

>> No.31125343

why does this read like something a teenager would post on their facebook profile

>> No.31125516

had a dream where i actually have sex which happens like once a year but in it i busted within 2 minutes lmao

>> No.31125583

mpvacious is a bloatware/spyware bro

nothing about Migaku is bloatware, I bet you are the type that refuses to update from Windows 98 because everything after that is just bloatware, admit it your entire pc setup is white.

>> No.31125585
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>> No.31125635

>couldn't it be good for learning grammar though? i would argue that is making you better at Japanese.

No, learning grammar is a shitty meme. just learn sentence constructs through exposure via native materials such as book or articles. just read a ton and you will naturally acquire all these grammar patterns and understand them without having to refer to a ruleset lmfao.

honestly, ask yourself do you remember all the grammar rulesets for your native language ?

>> No.31125675

just because you're too low iq to learn things systematically doesn't mean everyone else is lol

>> No.31125735


>> No.31125737

yea people who dont know japanese are

>> No.31125797

learning grammar is good. doing grammar practice is retarded. anyone who says they learned japanese without learning any grammar is lying for sure

>> No.31126129

you can learn grammar as you go, you dont need to crank open a grammar textbook for that. its time to evolve past this basic thinking.

>> No.31126544

so u think if u read some stupid grammar books it'll somehow reduce the immersion time needed to actually acquire the language lol

>> No.31126834

another L for the learners

>> No.31127052

does djt really need 7 years to become the same level of japanese as a first grader

>> No.31127497


>> No.31128329

what happened?

>> No.31128399

Any grammar book like Japanese the Manga Way but for Mandarin?

>> No.31129582

bet u read 1つ as ひとつ, fag

>> No.31130290

why would you need to mine that it's obvious

>> No.31130353

no surprises here

>> No.31130587


>> No.31131400

I only skimmed the source, but it doesn't take screenshots, it calls mpv to render a single frame.

>> No.31131515

it sends ur ip to isis

>> No.31131823

what did this bitch just say about my mama

>> No.31132094


>> No.31132118

well its not this dumb lol i have a sentence on the front. its probably still dumb but it helped me in the past so whatever

>> No.31132357

why care

>> No.31132675
File: 142 KB, 953x572, 1600380196250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kinda like that i guess

>> No.31133218

fucking baaaased

>> No.31134151

got my 10 for today going to use the rest of the day to catch up on attack on titan on mangadex

>> No.31134268

i wont be posting any tiktok compilations anymore.
the dude thats making them removed the anime girl in bottom left and replaced her with ads.

>> No.31134339

their fashion is only weird if you're watching those Ask Japanese videos on YouTube where that weeb is interviewing people who go to a fashion college where all of the students suffer from mental illness.

japanese people dress very normal. if you want to see how they dress, look at the fashion guides on the Uniqlo website.

>> No.31134433

do anime cards have sentence in front faggots

>> No.31134823

i like the videos where he reveals to japanese people on the internet that he's actually an amerikajin and they are politely unsurprised

>> No.31134932

love girls using あたい

>> No.31135164

you already fucked up

>> No.31135375

Yeah that's pretty normal

>> No.31135837

time to send out an SOS to all retired namefags/tripfags/guys. we're saving djt.

>> No.31136265


>> No.31136599

protip: language is more about feelings than thinking

>> No.31136650

cant learn japanese with a textbook im proof of that

>> No.31136732

cant learn japanese

>> No.31136785

you can learn with any method as long as you stick with it

it's why hacks like matt can't be proven wrong, 99% of methods work if you stick with them long enough

>> No.31136786

what other languages are you learning /djt/? it should be easy after conquering japanese

>> No.31136878

redditors who go through 20 textbooks will never be good as long as they don't change their method so that's not really true
it is true tho that any variation of an input-based method will work if you stick with it

>> No.31136967

russian, i like their music

>> No.31137407

extremely based setup
seems like a pain to put paintings on them tho

>> No.31137625

now do ancient greek

>> No.31137885

holy fuck shut up it's just a shitpost dude

>> No.31137905

tax fraud

>> No.31137978

have you tried lingua latina?

>> No.31138010

was thinking that too

>> No.31138012

don't wanna hear any bitching about mattposting when the holoshitters are the real menace

>> No.31138053
File: 52 KB, 400x158, 1557003027388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be retarded to use it. it just copies functions of already existing software and asks you for money

>> No.31138252

if a language ain't got no vinnies i ain't wasting none of my time on it

>> No.31138855
File: 573 KB, 960x540, washite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

きょうの健康 is a pretty good tv program.
also there's a new 水曜日のダウンタウン episode on tver

>> No.31139308

arifureta shokugyou

>> No.31139799

well there is this cute russian twitch streamer. there is no pick of her and she draws fanrt. whenever i hear her voice speaking russian i basically melt... so...

>> No.31139870

russian pronunciation is cancer as a english native, im good with mimicry and i cant even come close to master basic sounds

>> No.31140712

I will literally try that.

why and how

I'm not gonna improve unless I throw myself into the lion's den. luckily once you get into ganeplay, all of the terms are in english (katakana), and I know the game well enough to play it mute, although I will try my best to talk.

plus we are all ultra nerds. they are almost westaboos, they're constantly asking each other for translations, like what this Feat is or what this magic weapon means in English.

>> No.31140914

ive been here 2 and a half years its just bizarre to check djt after 6 hours and only have 100 new posts or whatever

>> No.31140969

it is a full 2 days before christmas in the first world

>> No.31141031

stik it back inc

>> No.31141059

taking a smooth shit feels really good so i imagine getting fucked in the ass would also feel good

>> No.31141126

acquired this one yesterday from djt

>> No.31141351

shut da fuck up and don't ever try to bring attention to yourself again

>> No.31141384

not fooling anyone desu

>> No.31141626

do you use glasses and speak with a lisp?

>> No.31141706

because of your penis

>> No.31141712

you will never pass

>> No.31141759

actually yes kinda

ok understandable have a nice day

back to lurking and shitposting

>> No.31141807

i want to filter the retard who keeps bringing up the dead whore but the filter also removes other legit posts. ffs.

>> No.31141815

fuck that nigger bitch

>> No.31141839

can my boys club go back to talking about boys things like super sentai and gundam fUck man

>> No.31141874

ill even take queerans samurai soap operas just plz

>> No.31141889

if the whore is gone its retarded to rage that hard just let it all die

>> No.31141891

talk bout this

>> No.31141898

the transformers 80s movie has the BEST soundtrack

>> No.31142003

>actually yes kinda
i've met your kind IRL, needless to say i was disgusted.

>> No.31142034
File: 809 KB, 1920x2160, rin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes it's reverse

>> No.31142036

suiyoubi episode was fucking amazing this week
laughed really hard at the end of the second 説

>> No.31142038

dont fUck with me i see u

>> No.31142048

that's NEETs for ya

>> No.31142069

i know that bgm

>> No.31142087

how about i kill you instead

>> No.31142212

we should do djt karaoke nights. for learning.

everybody can pick a song to sing and upload it. it will be shameful and hilarious.

>> No.31142344
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lmao I think translator-kun just doesn't give a fuck

>> No.31142348

cute bra

>> No.31142351

how would you translate that?
"feel the sensible spot"? "you found my weak spot"?

>> No.31142649

man that japanese font is ass feels a bit like a chinese one

>> No.31142669

the power posters really did quit. what do we do now

>> No.31142755

playing minecraft with the new create 0.3 mod

>> No.31142796
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>> No.31142808

theres no arcs after this


>> No.31142812
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I'll change it just for you anon

>> No.31142917

vtubers finally killed djt

>> No.31142988

wtf i love vtubers now

>> No.31143057

pretty productive day today, mined 4 words.

>> No.31143097

there's a killer on the roooooooad

>> No.31143138
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i dont dab on djt for like 1 day and the thread just ends, i now see how valuable i am i will wield this power wisely


>> No.31143225

cant believe og fulfilled her mission of killing djt

>> No.31143309

sounds like shit

>> No.31143418
File: 669 KB, 675x900, [Mental shitposting intensifies].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wow, anon sure does study a lot. I wonder what anon plans to do with all that knowledge. Probably corner some market somewhere and make something amazing

> I just think [...] is neat.

>> No.31143427

it sounds fucking amazing u dumb contrarian lmfao get fucked

>> No.31143452


>> No.31143482


>> No.31143493

just took a shit, it was pretty unremarkable

>> No.31143497


>> No.31143502

kys scumbag

>> No.31143623

sorry bro, already flushed it

>> No.31143627

>noooo vtubers like something i like
seethe harder lmao

>> No.31143639

huh? schizo freak

>> No.31143674


>> No.31143697

you wanted a lil nibble?

>> No.31143714
File: 33 KB, 754x422, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31143889

read 12万文字 yesterday, what did you fags do?

>> No.31143923

smoked weed and fucked my onahole while reading few doujin

>> No.31143928

watched anime and manga

>> No.31143929

played the new genshin impact update

>> No.31144077

nothing bad about hppd

>> No.31144132

played dragon quest
watched anime

>> No.31144138


>> No.31144156

mined 50 cardswatch code geass with my bros

>> No.31144177

Glad you can see it that way, but for most people it’s a nightmare. I got it from SSRIs and it ruined my life for over a year.

>> No.31144275

unfortunate bro guess you didnt get the memo about antidepressants being a jewish scam

>> No.31144415

Yeah I unironically do blame the Jews.

>> No.31144464

had a crazy fuckin big shit bros..

>> No.31144508

do you exercise

>> No.31144526






man japanese is starting to seem really cool

>> No.31144533
File: 140 KB, 1688x272, Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 1.40.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31144548

i do a few pushups every day
that's about it

>> No.31144554

exercise is important, do an hour of hard cardio every day and you’ll see massive gains in your nippongo

>> No.31144565

im fuming

>> No.31144570

i exercise caution

>> No.31144622

i exercise my rights

>> No.31144629


>> No.31144631
File: 94 KB, 1280x800, gendered-lang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't even cover わらわ or せっしゃ

>> No.31144680

did they say anything about よ or わいら

>> No.31144738

oh guess the reading for it didnt show up its hitogata here in case anyone was wondering

>> No.31144744

can feel a big fat smelly coming

>> No.31144757

>"In what way is it girly?" I asked.
>"Maybe the way you're always ending sentences with 〜わ."

>> No.31144790


>> No.31144820

this entire album though mayonaka no joke takes the cake

>> No.31144845


>> No.31144906

this guy is a mess

>> No.31144942

good way of putting it lol

>> No.31145020


>> No.31145229

hi djt

>> No.31145286
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>> No.31145523

brb finna read

>> No.31145584
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>> No.31145607

shit font and shit posters

>> No.31145719
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>> No.31145785

is this read sakari?

>> No.31145794


any of these worth reading?

>> No.31145825

just use itazura or nyaa nigga

>> No.31145828

eating a box of triscuits 4 months past their best by date dipping into medium salsa

>> No.31145842
File: 802 KB, 1440x810, 千恋*万花.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great track

>> No.31145857

can i have your stuff when you die?

>> No.31145865

i like to use their app to snyc my progress between phone/tablet/pc so i can read anywhere

>> No.31145887

>reading on pc
y tho
and most reader apps will let you sync

>> No.31145889

they were stored properly and the packaging wasnt damaged i think itll be fine

they arent crunchy like they should be bc theyre fucken stale but they taste fine

>> No.31145909

put em in the oven for a bit to crisp em

>> No.31145955

why not?
can make cards easier and i don't feel like its less comfy.
my monitor has a reader mode built in, it's pretty nice.

>> No.31145976

too late im almost done with my snack but i still got half the bag left so maybe for next time

>> No.31145980

it's the best yuzusoft ost for a reason

>> No.31146102

amazing read

>> No.31146176

looks like shit

>> No.31146192

youre supposed to read it not look at it

>> No.31146207

reads like shit

>> No.31146231

its only 4k characters long

>> No.31146235

been ages since ive seen the word 講義 took me a few seconds lol

>> No.31146249

vn bgm is the logical endpoint of music

>> No.31146286

another day, another 役に立つ

>> No.31146445

new interest: loli characters with somewhat large thighs

>> No.31146519

pretty sick in many ways

>> No.31146561


>> No.31146595

thats a roundabout way of saying you dont like lolis

>> No.31146599

new interest: beheading you and using your head as a football

>> No.31146610

i have never claimed to so i don't care

>> No.31146724

alright i read it it was shit as expected. cringey soppy romance written by an amateur with nothing interesting about it
