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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3110718 No.3110718 [Reply] [Original]

So the day ended, and I spent my birthday alone, here locked away with my computer. Not even my family bothered to call and say "happy birthday".

So tell me /jp/, what does it feel like to be loved? ;_;

>> No.3110724

tt feels like not your blog

>> No.3110733

same way it feels to be not loved.

love is just chemicals, easy to obtain biothermic reactions.

but really finding a few friends wouldn't hurt.

>> No.3110741 [DELETED] 

It feels like metratron coursing through your veins telling you that human subconscious and the universe are willing their own end.

>> No.3110742

Same here, my b-day was about 8 days ago and I spent it alone, 24, I expected my parents to call but they never did. Oh well, treated myself to some cake, ordered a new set of figurines and a dakimakura.

Shit was so awesome, was still ronery though, oh well~

>> No.3110756

how is that a bad birthday?

>> No.3110750

I know what you mean Op. On my birthday, all I did was go to the pub with some friends, and got some money from my family. My dad didn't call me for the second year!

>> No.3110759

I never celebrated my birthday so I don't really see the problem. Though once, someone made me a cake and it made me feel horrible for the rest of the week...

>> No.3110769

That's not similar at at all!

>> No.3110773


How did you get that cake without going outside?

>> No.3110775

I guess it was ok, never mind.

>> No.3110779

Why are you faggots so fucking concerned about being "ronery"? Is it that hard to be a bitter faggot and not give a shit about relationships? Just play your shitty visual novels and doujin games while not making /jp/ your own personal blog to whine about your stupid shit.

>> No.3110787

Happy Birthday.
Don't worry too much about that sort of thing. Or you could try this year to open new relationships or rebuild old bridges with your family. You can't just sit around and wait for things to happen.
Take it easy.

>> No.3110788


Well I figured since it was my bday might as well go outside, i live right next to a bakery that always makes fast cakes. I told them to write Happy Birthday, with 24 exclamation marks in the end. I walked away happily but when I got back home I threw away the cake after eating a slice.

>> No.3110794


>> No.3110792
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Fascinating blogging.

>> No.3110799


>> No.3110805

>go to the pub with some friends
Sounds bad to me.

>> No.3110806

But /jp/, you're all I have.

>> No.3110808

Seconded. Fuck off, all of you.

>> No.3110813

Well sure but, if I don't have to pay, it isn't bad.

>> No.3110824

Get out, normalfaggot. This board is NEET only and true NEETs delight in being alone; it gives you more time to do things you enjoy.

>> No.3110820

I wasn't alone on my birthday, I keep in touch with my brother and I know alot of people from grindan games, some remembered my birthday and shit.

My brother gave me a MG Exia, shit was so cash.

>> No.3110827
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>> No.3110831

If you go to McD maybe you'll meet someone you can share your roneryness with.

>> No.3110835

>going outside
>socializing in a way other than talking to a convenience/grocery store clerk one a week after midnight

Get out.

>> No.3110837

Keep your "ronery" cancer to /r9k/.

>> No.3110840

I spent my birthday with my family.

Went out to dinner with my parents, got a few gifts, and had a great time. We laughed talked and joked.

>> No.3110843

Ignition mode or normal? And how much better than the 1/100 is it?

>> No.3110849


>> No.3110853
File: 904 KB, 1100x1100, No_4331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my last birthday involved like 20 people at a bonfire(got an awesome burn) maybe 6 close friends, a few girls, a few friends of friends.

we had cake but were more interested in smores. Hose Quervo is a good birthday drink.

I got an hour long life talk from my friend's large drunk Arabic father.

All in all it wasn't bad, I can't complain. I could have turned 20 in front of my computer but thanks to having friends I didn't.

So all in all.
1.Make friends
2.be less ronery, hell I'm still a virgin but I never feel hopeless about the shit.

>> No.3110847


>> No.3110846


Feels good man

Like smoking weed or having sex or playing video games or hanging out with friends

It just straight feels good

>> No.3110858

Get the fuck out normalfaggot.

>> No.3110871

ITT: NEET is legion

>> No.3110883
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>> No.3110885
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>> No.3110901

You had fun, that's what counts. As long as you don't go all "get a gf u virgins" on us, I have no problems.
One thing though. It's Jose Cuervo, not Hose Quervo. That's it.

>> No.3110921

This thread is an example of why anyone who is a normalfag or admits to being non NEET should be permabanned from /jp/.

>> No.3110945


>> No.3111015

Ignition mode, and honestly it wasn't THAT better than the HG, the posability is 10/10 and the legs were cool though.

>> No.3111020

And with legs I mean leds.

>> No.3111049

Did you build it as the normal version or the Repair mode?

>> No.3111075

Because they're responsible for all of the problems plaguing /jp/.

The countless offtopic /r9gay/ + /trv/ threads to which we've been subjected as of late, the bawwson/anontalk spamming, the infiltration of K-on viral marketers, ksdevs + sankakuagents, and the elevated amount of trolling and reporting of legitimate NEET topics; all of this is the work of normalfags.

If /jp/ was purged of these kinds of ignorant, pseudo-intellectual wage slaves, all of our problems (except how to survive when our parents die) would go away.

>> No.3111082

>>pseudo-intellectual wage slaves

Oh it's you again.

>> No.3111090

Is the guy from the college thread?

>> No.3111094

but this thread was started by a NEET type so how does that go with your arguement?

Also fake a disability for problem two.

>> No.3111096

I went with repair since I already have normal exia.

>> No.3111102
File: 138 KB, 639x700, d454a432e474c41da661a3cab1da5a1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday dear anon

Happy birthday to you~

>> No.3111110

Life insurance. I'm sure you could live the rest of your life on a million dollars.

>> No.3111121

He's not a NEET type. He's a wannabe normalfag. They're sometimes even worse than the real deal, mostly because the real deal is too busy doing other things away from their computers.

>> No.3111143

OP just reminded me, next month is my birthday. I try to block it out of my memory because I know no one will care about me. Maybe I'll buy a cupcake and put Miku next to it... Imagining she's singing happy birthday to me.

>> No.3111167

ah I see, good luck with that, and remember you can get sick from absorbing that pee on your floor through the soles of your feet so always aim for a drain when you piss on the floor.

>> No.3111181

A true NEET disdains contact with other human beings; it's tedious and boring, taking time away from things you actually enjoy doing, like hotgluing figs or playing eroge.

As such, anyone who complains about being "ronery" has no place here; such people are nothing more than inept normalfags who could never aspire to the glorious name of true NEET.

>> No.3111186

Don't you mean a vent?

>> No.3111196

NEET isn't a status symbol, it's just a state of unemployment. That being said, I pretty much agree with the rest.

>> No.3111219

Spoken like a true normalfaggot who's never actually pissed on the floor.

Assuming you defecate into your underwear/chair, there's absolutely no health risk associated with wading through pools of your own piss. Piss is sterile.

Either way, get out and don't come back until you actually know what you're talking about.

>> No.3111226

You can never convince me to stop yearning for my 2D waifu.

>> No.3111243

Getting up and going to the bathroom involves no social contact whatsoever, you can still be an asocial NEET and not have to keep changing your underwear.

>> No.3111253

NEET is just a state of being, but true NEET is not.

I use this distinction because:

a.) by definition, being Hikkikomori requires you to be a Jap
b.) there are in fact many fake NEETs (ie, non-otaku NEETs) out there currently thanks to the karmic justice of the current depression.

Many normalfags seem to find issue with my use of the term, but barring a better one, this will do. Their opinion doesn't matter anyway, as they don't belong here.

>> No.3111257

I used to pee on the floor when I was younger, thats what the doctor told me.

Sorry I haven't gone into the finer details of your artform.

>> No.3111262

Yearning for your 2d waifu is not only acceptable, but laudable. You're doing the right thing, hold your head high.

>> No.3111260

Isn't that more along the lines of a hikkimori?

>> No.3111273

Try shut-in, schizoid personality disorder, or Asperger syndrome. All of those are more of what you are going for.

>> No.3111275

Who ever said I need to change my underwear? Not having shit in your pants is just one of those stupid social conventions I eschew.

>> No.3111282

The doctor is a normalfag bound by the hollow and worthless conventions of social mores. As someone who pisses on the floor every day, I can tell you that there are no problems unless you also defecate there.

>> No.3111289

whats it smell like after weeks?

>> No.3111298

Enjoy your yeast infection.

>> No.3111312

Why haven't your parents kicked you out on the street? I know mine would if I pulled that stunt. I'm not giving up my comfy life for some sort of meaningless rebellion against social norms.

>> No.3111334

>Getting up and going to the bathroom involves no social contact whatsoever, you can still be an asocial NEET and not have to keep changing your underwear.

>>3111275 has it right on the mark. Consider; if you use the bathroom twice daily and spend ~2 minutes each time doing so, you're spending 24 hours each year on the toilet.

In that amount of time, you could have completely finished a VN, masturbated 4-6 times or practiced and 1cc'd every Touhou game on normal or better.

Only a normalfag would sacrifice so much valuable time for the sake of vanity, conformity and public approbation.

>> No.3111366

A true NEET eats a very sparse and tasteless diet and as a consequence, smell is not an issue (at least for his piss).

If I indulged in a lot of soda, candy, etc then it might be an issue, but as I am a true NEET, I don't have the money or inclination for worthless frivolties like that; ramen and water are good enough.

Leaves more money for weeaboo goods, electricity, internet and actual important purchases.

Leeching off your parents =/= living with them.

>> No.3111368

But I'm not that efficient with my time. I sometimes just stare at the wall and daydream. I can daydream and walk, so it's not like going to the bathroom is that much of a waste. Now, bathing yourself, that actually requires work.

>> No.3111378

>Leeching off your parents =/= living with them.

Your parents just send you money despite the fact you aren't in college? Why? I just get by from being mostly ignored and eating leftovers.

>> No.3111386

If you can successfully daydream while taking a dump, you're either a better NEET than I am, or you're homosexual.

>> No.3111390

Same here, except my birthday was a few days ago and I spent it alone and without electricity. (Damn electrical fault)

Then when it finally got fixed I looked in my emails and only found spams and one birthday greeting... and its from me. Seems that I signed up for one of those delay email service that will send an email to you to a set time in the future.

Inside the email is my past self congratulating me on my birthday and being optimistic in general. It also congratulated me for completing objectives. But I never accomplished any of those so it just ended up depressing me.

No more sending future message for me.

>> No.3111399

So why don't we have a "I'm so NEET I shit my pants" macro yet?

>> No.3111400

People read while on the toilet, it's not that different.

>> No.3111436

Fund it.

>> No.3111462

Funny, today was my GMs birthday and I have a feeling he's the OP. He was playing WoW all day.
