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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 880x1024, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_iiha_toobu__71b10319802bbc5dae6b419650b4a158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31095928 No.31095928 [Reply] [Original]

it wasn't supposed to be like this.. this was our board..

>> No.31095985

It still is. There's an option to report for spam.

>> No.31096033

vtubers need a containment board

>> No.31096109

But it's technically on topic right? Vtuberfags could use the same argument as to why touhou isn't confined to a general.

>> No.31096163

People have been banned for reporting the new threads

>> No.31096232

It's also technically spam. People who want to earnestly discuss a topic aren't the problem. A small group of people intentionally making twenty identical threads at once in a concerted effort to push all the existing threads off a board is.

>> No.31096239

But what if the jannies themselves make the threads

>> No.31096882
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>get into hololive
>watch them for a month
>realize it's just the same streams over and over again
>lose interest
I have no idea how these fuckers can keep watching these bland streams for almost a year. But then again look the rest of /jp/.

>> No.31096950

please do not make spam threads like this

>> No.31096956

They are extremely autistic.

>> No.31096957

same way other soimales can donate to a whore's onlyfans

>> No.31096990
File: 51 KB, 384x629, 1608308908777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into touhou
>play it for a couple years
>realize it's just the same game over and over
>lose interest

>> No.31096996 [DELETED] 
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Times have changed grandpa.
Holos are the new touhous.

>> No.31097019

Why not? Regular discussion is impossible at the moment.

>> No.31097075

Who are you quoting?

>> No.31097134

I support separate threads for individual V-tubers or streams since it reduces anti-posting by not forcing belligerent fans from sharing a thread.

>> No.31097184

completely pointless when all the generals stay up anyway

>> No.31097217
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Can we at least have a Touhou board

>> No.31097256

>i support bumping off the various threads for non-2hu and 2hu stuff because i don't want to be shitposted within my cancerous crossboarding fanbase

>> No.31097266

/jp/ quite literally is the touhou board

>> No.31097311

You can have 1 containment thread on /jp/.

>> No.31097324
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Yes, but we have to share /jp/ with others.

>> No.31097334

same, I was into them last Spring but lost interest after a month

>> No.31097339

because you are forcefully trying to push other boards out for that purpose alone. Besides, Vtuber things align a lot more to western sensations than Japanese overall.

>> No.31097391

I don't mind sharing it with Elonaposters, Photographyfags, etc. It's the idolshit, literal porn threads, and ecelebs that are shit.

>> No.31097419

Learning japanese helps

>> No.31097457

You don't get to pick and choose a board of your own, you don't own the place

>> No.31097480

>Besides, Vtuber things align a lot more to western sensations than Japanese overall.
Allow me to offer an equally effective counterargument with the same level of validity as your own: Vtuber things align a lot more to Japanese sensations than Western overall.

>> No.31097499

yeah man JAV threads should definitely be on a blue board

>> No.31097523
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as long as they stay in their threads and make them easy to filter, i don't care.

>> No.31097549

hololive would still be a factory shitting out low effort 1 hour minecraft and singing streams

>> No.31097561

>western, english-speaking people should be allowed on a board about otaku culture
Post discarded

>> No.31097598

Just consolidate your 2hu threads into a single general if you're that worried about your posts getting bumped off

>> No.31097619

Nice try, but one of the biggest vtuber groups broadcasts in English and explicitly targets the western audience.

>> No.31097642

A containment board is being overwhelmed by containment threads and containment threads for those containment threads.


>> No.31097745
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12 years without a new addition of a Japanee culture board on a Japanese culture focussed website. It was bound to cause problems eventually.
Since the mods want this to be a fast board and are never going to read even one letter of our posts, might as well keep shitting out new threads.

>> No.31097918
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>> No.31097973

everything that is not hololive: global and the moonroon one will be purged before the end of the day, oplay your cards right and one of them will also be gone

>> No.31098052

Because this is a board for touhou and otaku culture. Not a board for vtubers alone. There is a difference.

>> No.31098094

I have been doing it all morning but the mods wont comply. They are directly complicit in letting this happen.

>> No.31098110
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It was only a matter of time before this would happen.
Embrace the Vtubers.

>> No.31098173

You guys came here after us. You guys are the ones shitting up the board and you suggest that we should adjust to your cancer? Nah

>> No.31098246
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Today I'll remind them

>> No.31098263

And before you touhou fags we used to talk about Japanese generals. Then you corrupted our proud Japan General board into "Otaku Culture" and pushed us out and I'd say you're getting exactly what you deserve now.

>> No.31098313

>And before you touhou fags
This board was made specifically with touhou in mind first.

>> No.31098350


>> No.31098365

>having a dozen seiyuu generals is fine but having 3 threads about vtubers is the end of the world

>> No.31098367

These are just raiding /qa/ schizos. Nobody in the hololive generals is happy about this, they stand to lose their place on this board too. It hasn't even been 24 hours, go to sleep and when you wake up we'll all be fine.

>> No.31098421

It isn't just 3 threads. Stop being a retard

>> No.31098434

Ehh, worst case we get forced to consolidate back to one general which honestly I'd welcome since it'd make the current /hlg/ population seethe.

>> No.31098456

Alright, 5 threads, same difference.

>> No.31098464

It's a joke, bro.
It's funny that we don't even have one thread that isn't on the bump limit right now.
All the general threads are dying, I think they can't even have a place on the board anymore.
And the cooldown to post a new thread is so high.
I'm wondering what this will mean for the future of /jp/.

>> No.31098479

>Japanese generals
The what?

>> No.31098485

everyone hates the seiyuu threads and /hlg/ was fine staying in their own place

>> No.31098537
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Kanji-kun is my husbando, do not steal

>> No.31098556
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I seriously don't get the appeal of vtubers, they stream and play games with anime avatars but how is that any different from a normal streamer? Is it because they're Japanese, because they play a character? I gave a few clips a watch a while back, but I quickly found that it was just sameshit and got old very quick just like watching a real streamer.
So no, never embracing. I'd rather watch a 24 hour news cycle, at least that has new things.

>> No.31098603

Sallyfag was right. If tuberfags can make threads about every individual thot he should have been allowed to have his idol thread

>> No.31098607

16 new threads in the past hour only, and I (and other anon) keep mindlessly bumping our slow thread. Where are the meido? Do something quick please.

>> No.31098630

/jp/ was meant as a touhou containment board, right. So if its being demolished, let the containment be no more.

>> No.31098649
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I remember moot repealing the deletion of /new/ (/pol/) and /r9k/ because he deemed it unfair for people to have their communities taken away from them for no reason.
Guess the mods never got that memo though. Even if the current mods didn't like the current state of /jp/, it really isn't their place to just decide to change it in such a big way. /jp/ right now is proof enough that a vtuber board is something that people want, so why can't it be made? A few angry reaction threads on /v/ are nothing compared to flushing a board that people liked down the toilet.
I don't think any mod is going to read this post. Well, that's it. Have a good day anon.

>> No.31098660

It’s the new norm, the niche threads will be driven out

>> No.31098668

>Is it because they're Japanese, because they play a character?
/jp/ always had plenty of seiyuu and idol threads, what's the difference, really.

>> No.31098710

You were supposed to POST and have ACTIVE threads

>> No.31098713

Those seiyuus were Japanese. There wasn't a huge faction that was basically just foreigners LARPing behind a screen.

>> No.31098735

Apparently because gook moot has ties to NND and is eternally butthurt about the platform dying and how vtubers are all over on youtube and is just being a spiteful cunt about it.

>> No.31098767

>I don't mind sharing it with Elonaposters, Photographyfags
They were cool.

>> No.31098788
File: 95 KB, 917x960, flmgivq02iy21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2whos is a video games series, they should be discussed in their respective vidya boards

>> No.31098800

the problem is there's no place to go to discuss touhou with English speakers anymore if /jp/ falls. /v/ and /vg/ are obviously out, as is the touhou reddit. /jp/ was the only place I enjoyed talking about Touhou.

Sieyuus are only here because mods on /a/ got fed up and dumped them on us.

>> No.31098872

I love this genius like ya wouldn’t believe

>> No.31098904
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The mods already let a board like /asp/ devolve from a alternative sports discussion board into a wrestling only board. They could have fixed it by adding a wrestling board but instead chose to let everything else die off discussion wise.
We are just going to be the next victim on the list of the 4chan's staff administration, and there is nothing we can do about it. Trying to change anything about it is like trying to talk with a wall. We can only cope with what we have.

>> No.31098918

If you want a serious answer, for me it's because they kinda hit a sweetspot between idolshit and a regular streamer, with a cute 2D pretense on top. They're generally a lot more open and genuine in their personalities than normal idols are, with their actions not all being quite so whitewashed and sterile, but at the same time they do have to uphold certain standards that keep things from devolving into the kind of patterns that would normally turn me off a regular streamer. Of course the avatar also forces the female talents to rely more on their own personality and talents rather than just flashing their cleavage or something which is nice, though this point is probably debatable so I'm not gonna lean too hard on that one.

Also I realize that this will vary a lot from girl to girl and between different agencies, I mostly watch hololive which brands itself more as a semi-idol agency but obviously stuff is gonna be different for indies or people from other groups. (Though there are some vtubers I enjoy from those parts too, so it's not like hololive has a monopoly on these qualities either.)

>> No.31098988

same reason real ethots are popular, except the anime avatar deludes them into thinking its somehow different

>> No.31099021

I mean there are plenty of vtubers that are literally just a generic twitch ethot with an anime avatar slapped on top. I generally don't watch those ones.

>> No.31099035

The meidos are here. They don't seem to care.

>> No.31099050

Oh just like /po/ when it was raided? That board was probably the slowest on the site, with threads going back several years. YEAH BRO JUST FIGHT THE SPAM BY SPAMMING MOAR.

>> No.31099189

I'm glad the toe hoes are finally gone. Always hated them.

>> No.31099235

Japanese photography is a fucking niche interest, it's never going to be that active. ffs not every thread needs to have 200 posts in 10 minutes. it's a message board, not a chat room.

>> No.31099243
File: 75 KB, 1229x417, themanydeathsof4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your actual reminder

>> No.31099335

Don't try to reason with them. They only know 4chan as /b/ or /v/ and if a thread isn't reaching max post limit and getting 404d every 15 minutes then it's considered "dead"

>> No.31099388

Unfortunately only slow non-2hu threads died, while 2hu image dumps take 0 effort to recreate.

>> No.31099390

a thread not having the speed of twitch chat doesn't mean it's dead

>> No.31099431

Unfortunately for your shitposting the Touhou threads are the ones that stay, its all the slow niche threads that are dying.

>> No.31099432

Just don't complain when faster threads with more activity push yours out then. That's just democracy in action

>> No.31099439

gonna have to up muh filters

>> No.31099440

Well then that eliminates the im@s threads, some generals and other random threads.
Just make a vtuber board already and move them there.

>> No.31099477

I'm not shitposting anything, but I have never understood the obsession with the toe hoes.

>> No.31099495

Except you don't belong here and is a result of mods playing hot potato trying to figure out which place to dump you at rather than make an actual board for your kind.

>> No.31099515

>Nooooooo! How dare you want to discuss things that aren't Vtubers on the otaku board!? You want to talk about Umineko, obscure VNs or mahjong!? FUCK YOU! I NEED MY STREAMER CHATROOM

>> No.31099538

Blame the mods then. I'll happily go to the vtuber board if and when it is created.

>> No.31099557
File: 681 KB, 776x867, 1606142427341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then maybe you shouldnt have been stubborn fucks?

>> No.31099599

If you think we are stubborn: try reasoning with the mods of this board.
Then you will see.

>> No.31099624


>> No.31099643

I'm sorry we can't discuss just how fat Patchouli is in a weeks old thread because every single retard on the site is being sent to our containment generals, okay? We just want to stay in our threads on a board that isn't full of dumb frogposters. Blame meidos for allowing spammers to partake in their epic raid.

>> No.31099658

Wups copied the wrong link


>> No.31099660

Is there an ethot out there that has this much heart

>> No.31099674


>> No.31099685

how is this entertaining

>> No.31099697

This is the vtuber board now, just as /asp/ became the pro wrestling board. Funny how it always starts with just a few migrants who are grudgingly accepted by the locals because their governing body tells them to let the migrants have their own settlement that won't ever expand...

>> No.31099746

Make one (1) containment general thread for touhou with a bumplimit of 100 replies and image limit of 50

>> No.31099779


>> No.31099785

well u see the commentary is sposed to be intredasting t. not /pol/ crossboarder

>> No.31099809

/jp/ isn't /jp/ if 95% of the threads aren't spam.

>> No.31099833

People complained non-stop about hololive despite they having two threads while 2hu had five threads for a single character. People keep saying niche threads were suffering but they were not.
All in all there was a lot of consideration towards board culture from the VTubers threads and a lot of people worried, and still worry, about not causing trouble.
On the other side, if you keep pestering people, do you think they won't act? Did you seriously expect constant bitching about VTubers while they made efforts to contain themselves wouldn't result in then deciding to show you how it really would be if they stopped playing nice?
At some moment you should be able to connect the dots, right?

>> No.31099873

>what if i showed u my bad side...
Showing how cancerous you really are doesn't do anything better. Fuck off.

>> No.31099948

This board was made for touhous though. Not vtubers.

>> No.31100019

Maybe you should stop caring what spammers and schizos on /qa/ think and you wouldn't be so mad all the time

>> No.31100089

>VTubers while they made efforts to contain themselves
they didn't the mods did, very important distinction

>> No.31100094

Happily kill yourself, maybe tape it and send it with a donation to your favorite v-tuber.
That's the worst part. They already have places to talk about this garbage, whereas /jp/ is a last refuge for actual weaboos.
I'd expect the mods to do fucking anything about it, rather than ban people rightfully complaining about the boards quality dropping.

>> No.31100102

wow you sound autistic as fuck go grab your dad's pistol and kill yourself

>> No.31100125

Mods have spoken. This IS the place to talk about it.

>> No.31100128

At this point a vtuber board is just necessary.
Even has nothing to do with /jp/ or not /jp/.
There is just too much discussion happening to cram into a few general threads.
Especially when it comes to events. Long running discussions are impossible in just a general.
Also moderation is just a pain in the ass when threads move this fast.

Mods should just get over it and make a new board.
Not like that would be much of a problem.
Nobody would lose anything and everyone would be happy.
Actually this seems like the most natural course of action, but why are the mods sleeping on this?

>> No.31100141

Blame the fucking jannies. This shits cancer.
>t. /hlgg/ anon

>> No.31100153 [DELETED] 

>2hu had five threads for a single character
Touhoufags make one thread for a character if uncontained
Holofags make one thread for a character every twenty minutes if uncontained.
You literally just flushed off all of the discussion from this board in like 2 hours.

>> No.31100157

Then the mods are wrong, /jp/ needs a spinoff in the same vein that /sp/ needed one.

>> No.31100177

Isn't this any streamer, though?

>> No.31100186

because they're fucking lazy and for some reason they thought adding 4 /v/ spinoffs that nobody wanted would be better than adding a board that both the VTuber and Native users of /jp/ want.

>> No.31100203

>2hu had five threads for a single character
Touhoufags make one thread for a character every six months if uncontained
Holofags make one thread for a character every twenty minutes if uncontained.
You literally just flushed off all of the discussion from this board in like 2 hours. Any anon that wants to talk about Elona, Photography, Train or whatever other Otaku Culture interests there are basically gets fucked in the arse over it.

>> No.31100229


Uh, sweaty, mods are gods, idk what your thinking. The only new boards we needed were 18 spinoffs of /v/ including a board just for mobile games.

>> No.31100262

prevailing theory is hiro still has connections with NND and is seething that all the VTubers are on YouTube so he doesn't want to advertise it

>> No.31100268

Its probably just a few clicks to add a board.
laziness has nothing to do with it.

>> No.31100271

Anon, there were six patchouli threads yesterday, it is what caused this whole mess when a touhoufag made a thread complaining about holo while those six threads were still up.

>> No.31100275

Why not make a Youtuber board? Then just make VTubers another shitty general inside of that board.

>> No.31100328

/jp/ was getting raided by some faggot that insisted on making 30 patchouli threads a few days ago, I am not a fan of it either since all of those threads are trash. They can just be removed.

>> No.31100344

every so often someone likes to meme and make a shitton of one character threads. it usually happens with Yukari. then the mods clear them out and we go on with our lives, not sit on them for an entire day as all the slow threads get archived

>> No.31100347

Doxxing probably, mods don't want to deal with something that would naturally lead to swatting and doxxing among other forms of legal trouble

>> No.31100349

Because generals are fucking cancer that should never have been allowed on this site.

>> No.31100359

Why can't you touhou fags go to /v/?

>> No.31100360

why is otaku culture inherently not supposed to spread to other countries and languages? if its not artificially being done by corrupt, non-japanese corporations then i dont see the problem

>> No.31100364

Why the fuck does it genuinely feel like the moderators and janitors of every board are against the culture of their representative boards? My friend was banned for a month or so for trying to save old threads on /po/ by bumping them against the spam.

>> No.31100391

Yes? I'm saying we vchubafags can't have threads like that old one because all we have is containment generals with 100+ IPs. I'm personally fine with that, but if meidos are going to try and contain us then they should enforce their convention. We were never knocking that many threads off the board. /jp/ purist autists who ironically spam vtuber threads because apparentely it will make meidos send us somewhere else killed more otaku culture threads than all the real vtuber threads posted on this board since 2017 combined. Let's not pretend this is the first time this is happening.

>> No.31100439

Because this is the fucking Touhou board. You're basically asking why /vp/ exists when they should just go to /v/.

>> No.31100455

Seiyuu threads have been the core of /jp/, vtuber threads haven't.

>> No.31100460

Not anymore it's not

>> No.31100485

Good thing the mods have allowed multiple Vtuber/Holo real life threads up today then.

>> No.31100489

Even if Holofags spam and shit up the entire board, the best option would be to stay on /jp/ since /v/ is like 20x faster

>> No.31100541

Why don't you? Video game e-celebs are clearly /v/ culture after all.

>> No.31100547

/v/'s jannies hate PC gaming, so an influx of Touhou refugees would make them chimp out as well.

>> No.31100577

Seiyuus are literally anime voice actors. They're /a/ material that should stay on threads relevant to the anime where those voice actors appear.

>> No.31100613

Why is global like this?

>> No.31100619
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There should be a permanent thread for idols who arent/werent fat faggots pretending to be hecking moe anime gurls

>> No.31100633

>Seiyuu threads have been the core of /jp/
Seiyuu threads were /a/ until some janny got mad and moved them here within the last 2-3 years. They were never the "core" of /jp/.

>> No.31100645

2hus aren't very poggers

>> No.31100646

The mods can easily crack down on a board if they want. ”Doxxing” isn’t an issue more than it already is.

>> No.31100655

>but at the same time they do have to uphold certain standards that keep things from devolving into the kind of patterns that would normally turn me off a regular streamer.

>> No.31100661

The amount of mental gymanstics in this post is enough to win the 2021 olympics

>> No.31100673
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>> No.31100674

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.31100703

>Did you seriously expect constant bitching about VTubers
Where is the constant bitching outside of those threads. Do point them out.
Also, a majority of the bitching comes from your own threads whether it be feuding with one another or some dispute some banevader has with the mods.
The mods already babysit you daily. Only when you leaked from your general were you told to go back. It wasn't until you decided to add fuel to the flames where everyone came out in droves, hostile against you.
I will never understand your constant bickering when your own people are a driving force of hostility. Posters outside your general probably see you once or twice and that's it.

>> No.31100715

Why do mods actively hate the userbase of the boards they're supposed to be moderating? /a/ turned into a shithole today too.

>> No.31100748

Never gonna happen. The numbers of schizos here is a proof that a e-celeb board would lead on someone being murdered

>> No.31100777

You would hate them too if you had to babysit a bunch of retards who unironically find vtubers entertaining.

>> No.31100780

Pretending to be a Medio is a bannable offense

>> No.31100781
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Was, not is.

>> No.31100801

In that case the only solution is to gas 'em all.

>> No.31100812

Haachama is the world's strongest idol and I love her

>> No.31100818

It's called otaku culture. I didn't know all of otaku culture was limited to touhou.

>> No.31100819

>Why do mods actively hate the userbase of the boards they're supposed to be moderating?
This is truly the greatest mystery of 4chan.

>> No.31100832

Good, don't forget to use it for every random touhou thread, those have been ruining my Umineko board for years now

>> No.31100873

Streamers are not otaku culture.

>> No.31100890

Umineko goes on /v/

>> No.31100895
File: 30 KB, 1000x600, 1605352994033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooo fucking holoniggers forcefully archiving my low effort fap threads!! Mooooods please delete these meanies I can't jerk off when they're here!!!!

>> No.31100919

you mean /lit/

>> No.31100929

And otaku culture isn't just limited to vtubers. Does not mean they should be shitting up the place either. But you and I both know that vtubers booming popularity has gotten way to fucking big too fast for this place and needs to go somewhere else.

>> No.31100954

Aniki doesn't go unnoticed

>> No.31100973

This board was made specifically for touhou in mind.

>> No.31100991

Then you should do discussion too, it's better than constant bitching about fast vtuber threads. Make you 2hus fast too.

>> No.31101011

Noooooooooooo people don't like my twitch chatrooms on a message board! Help me niggermods!

>> No.31101015

It wasn't you dumb revisionist subhuman

>> No.31101018

discussion happens all the time you idiot

>> No.31101021

New boards in general don't happen often, so since 4 video game boards were just made, they probably don't want to create any more for the time being. What probably happened is they didn't think vtuber threads would take over the board, so they gave it a pass, but if it does end up taking over the board (as it is) it may lead to an actual vtuber board being created.

>> No.31101036

You are fucking retarded

Fast =/= good

>> No.31101041

Itt: horse carriage riders bitching about too loud and too fast cars.

>> No.31101053

You know, I have always appreciated meido in the time I have spent on this board.
There were fun times, but I never once knew how hard meido worked. I salute whoever meido was the past 3 years for keeping order on the board in some capacity.

>> No.31101076

It actually was. Otherwise there would still be touhou threads on /a/

>> No.31101101

>Saying that when the first cirno post got 10 instead of 9

>> No.31101108

Key word - was.

>> No.31101122
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>naizurihu thread that's been up since September is still up even during this spam

>> No.31101128

Post on /p/

>> No.31101130

Sorry I meant is

>> No.31101139

I'm searching for a board called touhou, can you point it to me

>> No.31101147

Then why are you mad?

>> No.31101159

>faggotlivefag trying to excuse himself from killing a shit ton of generals that housed its own niche discussion that you can't have anywhere else

>> No.31101163
File: 38 KB, 1009x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive threads arent fucking up the archi-

>> No.31101174

cause you are killing of all the actual discussion of this board, you imbecile

>> No.31101183

Yeah it's /jp/

>> No.31101186
File: 625 KB, 723x1023, 1604582464386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop complaining about how imageboards work, unpopular threads get pushed off that's the rules

>> No.31101188

Please feel sorry for them, they'll have to necrobump their shit threads more frequently from now on.

>> No.31101190
File: 77 KB, 1521x460, 1607910351936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the fucking Touhou board
Never was, nigger.

>> No.31101201

They knew fully well vtubwrs threads would take over. It has always been obvious they would without mods stepping in

>> No.31101205

It was because moot got upset over the hijacks and other stuff on /a/ that got purged, that stuff became early /jp/.
Even in the archives, there's discussion of the board. Cirno for fucks sake is the first thing you see in the archive.
This hasn't changed because she did it again on /bant/ when it was made.

>> No.31101244
File: 239 KB, 1605x1860, EpwMSimVoAEjzON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocaloidfags will survive the purge, right...?

>> No.31101249

Great, in Moot's words they can now axe the board and get rid of you fags once and for all.

>> No.31101257

so what
are you telling me jp stands for Jun'ya Ōta Purojekuto?

>> No.31101262

It's over

>> No.31101266

That's not a rule. vtubers was not originally a thing on /jp/ and was moved here by mods.

>> No.31101269


>> No.31101275

Ironically, 2hu broke the condense your shit laws and holo did not. Ironic no?

>> No.31101286

Yeah let's axe off touhou, they're the ones with 80 threads up at once.

>> No.31101294

You literally know nothing.

>> No.31101307

Yea, that's how imageboards work. Doesn't mean we can't make new boards, so threads get pushed out of there on their own terms.

>> No.31101312

Literally says it right in the post that it's for touhou.

>> No.31101317

You aren't even clever. Put yourselves back in >>>/trash/ kindly.

>> No.31101347
File: 259 KB, 300x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jun'ya ota Purojekuto
I chose this

>> No.31101350


>> No.31101357

Nah, japanese streamers were discussed in here back when they used static avatars at most.
Hell, korone's VA was first mentioned in here back in 2012

>> No.31101366 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 204x247, 79c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooooo, fuck vtubers, they archived my daily ritualpost with flanfly again.

>> No.31101369


>> No.31101378

Yes but not just for touhou. Anything that falls under Japanese culture, which Hololive is.
Nice arguments.

>> No.31101397


>> No.31101422

Found one

>> No.31101435

perhaps the higher ups genuinely didn't think it would happen

>> No.31101452

>Japanese culture!
Japanese "culture" threads don't actually belong here. Otaku culture does.
Shit like Hololive, which is just streamershit and with a huge amount of threads being westernshit, doesn't belong here. Go back to Twitter you fucking tourists.

>> No.31101462

>korone's VA
We call them "roommate".

>> No.31101474

Again, vtubers was a thing that was moved over by mods. Not japanned streamers that use the text to speech program with a yukkuri avatar. Stop being obtuse. Back then vtubers was not a thing officially

>> No.31101505

You, a fucking fat greasy gaijin fapping to Blacked in his spare time, doesn't get to decide what's otaku culture. Japanese otakus do. And they're into Hololive right now. So shut the fuck up and deal with it.

>> No.31101510

Jokes on you, all my touhou fap threads are still alive. You just killed all the slower moving niche threads.

>> No.31101523

Why is seiyuu stuff "otaku culture" but not vtuber stuff?

>> No.31101527

hololive had gotten way to fucking big for this place and you know it

>> No.31101530


>> No.31101531

>You, a [headcanon]
Post discarded.

>> No.31101560

it literally says in the post its for Touhou, moron

>> No.31101565

Nice argument
They've been contained to generals for months. One day of spam by outside parties doesn't mean they've gotten too big. You're not going to use your shitty Jewish tricks and gaslighting to trick people.

>> No.31101566

Nice projecting there

>> No.31101572

The most hilarious thing is a lot of the old touhou doujin groups that are still around are all doing vtuber stuff now too

>> No.31101569

They aren't either, nor are idols but they forgot
>includes figurines, visual novels, touhou
over the years.

>> No.31101582
File: 296 KB, 1357x1442, 1596824510715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just waiting for /2hu/ with visible sage and a textless sticky featuring this picture.

>> No.31101608
File: 755 KB, 2560x1920, 1358157506893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31101613

this is legitimately some "Anonymous is legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget" shit.

>> No.31101615

it already exists its /jp/, there needs to be a vtuber board but gook moot wont let it happen

>> No.31101620

Nice headcanon.
>jewish tricks
Can you tourists go back to your designated board?

>> No.31101641

lol, hololive streamers had collabs even with ZUN.
beat mario is a fucking vtuber.
vtubers are otaku culture whether you like it or not.
The thing is, vtubers should still get their own board because there is enough discussion to justify it.

>> No.31101653

Didn't know this all-knowing anon could define what is otaku culture and what isn't.

>> No.31101656
File: 12 KB, 170x266, Clappy farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing of all the actual discussion

>> No.31101670

What's your point imbecile?

>> No.31101676

Are you going to reply to everything with "headcanon" or are you going to come up with a counterargument on why you should dictate Otaku culture and not otakus from the country this board is dedicated to?

>> No.31101701

>s-s-sstreamers had collabs...
>this guy who makes touhou remixes is a vtuber...
>vtubers are otaku by that definition!
Is cooking otaku culture because touhou artists post about it on twitter?

>> No.31101702

>One day of spam by outside parties
You also conveniently forgot to mention how your threads reach max posting limit in less than an hour and how you needlessly bring up the board to be like /pol/ in posts per minute. You are being willfully ignorant at this point.

>> No.31101708

Your faggot ERP threads are not "actual discussion", imbecile.

>> No.31101735

expecto patronum

>> No.31101738

Yea, how about you look at all the actual discussion threads that actually got spammed off of the boards thanks to your spam

>> No.31101747

There is more to /jp/ than Touhou threads you fucking obtuse retard. Hang yourself.
Streamers are not otaku culture, never will be.

>> No.31101761

who are you quoting?

>> No.31101779

Who is this jack ass?

>> No.31101782

the opposite in fact, dumb 2hutard, 100+ threads on the same topic (usually "I want to fuck {touhou character}") is the closest thing to spam.

>> No.31101788

Who cares if vtubers are strictly /jp/

We coexisted fine before and if the meidos did their jobs literally none of this would be happening in the first place.

>> No.31101792

Quite clearly the faggot I was replying to, just making his intention clear.

>> No.31101807

>cherrypicking some fetish faggots thread who clearly could be just falseflagger.

>> No.31101820

Just move to [s4s]

>> No.31101821


>> No.31101831

I didn't know spam happened over 6 months.
This is actual spam: >>/jp/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=&search_datefrom=&search_dateto=&search_op=op&search_del=yes&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=new&search_capcode=all&search_res=post

>> No.31101851

So this is what it looks like outside of the train, photography, and fumo threads. さすが/jp/

>> No.31101855

Touhou threads that are very slow and get a couple posts a day are not a threat to long-standing low moving threads.

Why can't vtuber fags into nuance?

>> No.31101857

>we coexisted fine before
We never did. We simply tolerated your shit, but still wanted you out of /jp/. Now we're no longer tolerating your shit and still want you out of /jp/ Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.31101863
File: 142 KB, 420x397, Gamer Kagasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't be so bad if you could filter the simps like you can with idolfags, but no for some reason filters do not work with Japanese characters.

>> No.31101868

what is otaku culture?

>> No.31101881

2hus stick to your containment thread

>> No.31101897


>> No.31101908

I'm ok with tolerating the JP fags if they keep it contained. Holo-EN has no place on this board and never did.

>> No.31101909

Not vtuber shit that's for sure.

>> No.31101929

Yeah and you can go back to tolerating our shit and we can go back to doing our shit. A few threads won't kill the board.

>> No.31101934
File: 1.71 MB, 1774x8047, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true spam

>> No.31101941

Some discord group could do this with literally any topic on any board and make it look like it's a problem.

>> No.31101948

>80% of the /jp/ userbase likes vtubers
Is the loud minority just afraid of being replaced?

>> No.31101972

You dont get a say you're the shitposting minority

>> No.31101981

filtering wont remove problem when your threads get spammed off from page 10

>> No.31101992

They wipe away several slow-moving niche discussion threads and apparently it's not a problem because anyone with autism can do it?

>> No.31102002

as you can see >>31101163 holonigger shit is destroying the archives and killing off all of the hobby threads because they reach bump limit so quickly, even 2hu fetish shit >>31101122 stays up for months because they stick to their thread, this incessant thread creation is killing all of the actual generals

>> No.31102010

OR touhou is a thing of the past and you need to move on.

>> No.31102011

As opposed to your highly in-depth and intellectual posts about cumming to vtubers right?

>> No.31102019

Looks like we have a /pol/ leakage right here.

>> No.31102023

People on /v/ could move to /pol/ enmasse and "threaten" the balance and it still wouldn't be /v/.

>> No.31102027

/jpg/ (jay peg) - Otaku Culture Generals

>> No.31102033

sounds like touhou. huh.

>> No.31102039
File: 521 KB, 537x549, 1608639859986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also quite ridiculous to oppose vtuber posting on the basis of slow threads that no one bothers protecting, and and of which all could fit on other hobby boards

>> No.31102056

>Yea, how about you look at all the actual discussion threads that actually got spammed off of the boards thanks to "I want to sniff Tewi's panties" bullshit
Fixed ya.

>> No.31102065

or maybe the Vtuber fags want a board for themselves so the people who were here can stay in peace and the Vtubers can multiply as they want

if there's a board for fucking mobile games this can't be that hard

>> No.31102066

Don't forget the twitch-tier spam.

>> No.31102083

We already have a board for that and that's /jp/

>> No.31102092

It's apolitical entertainment available in large amounts at low to no cost with an active community. There's a big demand for that sort of thing in 2020.

>> No.31102094

isn't touhou a game anyways? shouldn't those threads go on the videogames board?

>> No.31102095

4chan has some board where all kinds of topics are crammed together into one ghetto with the most vague topic you can imagine.
How come this is? We get /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vm/ AND /vst/ to divide up /v/, but something as UNRELATED to each other as watching japanese anime streamers and playing doujin games from Japan is forced into this ghetto because they share boots on Comiket or something. Because of some retarded vague idea of a board that DIDN'T work 10 years ago already.
I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF THIS BREAKS >>>/global/rules/8
I'm just tired. Tired of the same meta discussions getting nowhere with ZERO improvements to the quality of this website. BECAUSE YOU FUCKS NEVER LISTEN WHEN SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. AND YOU HAVE RUINED MULTIPLE BOARDS LIKE THIS ALREADY.
WHY DON'T YOU AT LEAST TRY TO SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS? Why don't you at least make one board people ask for instead of trying to patch up the problems of the big boards?
But I digress, the mods are never going to listen anyways. They have not 10 years ago, they won't change their minds now.

>> No.31102105

>and and of which all could fit on other hobby boards
Nope and no.
When MLP was destroying boards in the past it was given its own fucking board. So should you.

>> No.31102107

its also ridiculous to not make homolive board when there is so much posters that they would ruin another board with their spamming.

>> No.31102109

>no one bothers protecting
People who have niche interests shouldn't have to fucking patrol 4chan 24/7 lest their train otaku thread be deleted. It's a message board, not a chatroom.

>> No.31102119

>All of the seething 2hu fags
lol like clockwork

>> No.31102121

Bold words, but you are quite powerless outside of crying for the mods that you also constantly insult.

>> No.31102126

Vtubers and idol threads are pretty similar and the latter has been in /jp/ for a decade.

>> No.31102127

I'm a vtuberfag and I don't want a board because it'll just be a breeding ground for schizos and doxxfags and they'll be harder to contain than they already are. I'm sure mods don't want to deal with that shit either.

>> No.31102128

>Yea, how about you look at all the actual discussion threads that actually got spammed off of the boards thanks to "I want to sniff Tewi's panties" bullshit
This never happened.

>> No.31102131

>Japanese culture
It was never about that.

>> No.31102132

Post it on /n/ there are more than one board

>> No.31102155
File: 177 KB, 278x365, pekora_stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otakus aren't the target audience for a waifufest

>> No.31102159

thats what i dont understand, theres a /v/ board specifically just for pokemon, but they wont make a hololive board?

>> No.31102174

Or you get your own board or get back into your containment thread

>> No.31102175


You want slow threads you can have them there

Do this or be ACTIVE

>> No.31102183

>seething because I'm right and you're not
holy cope

>> No.31102191

Woah you cant just shit talk the hard work of our glorious moderators like that and not expect to be banned for dare questioning their lack of work or effort

>> No.31102192

It's not. this is the result of a western culture spreading to Japan, and then Japan doing its own take of it, aka vtubers. Regardless, having a few threads every now and then is fine, /jp/ is dead as always but this raiding shit is inexcusable and there is no good point you can bring to argue for it.

>> No.31102194

By this logic shit games like Neptunia are /jp/core too I guess.

>> No.31102201
File: 2.83 MB, 2180x2248, 1345271949466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ here, why do you hate us so much?

>> No.31102200

They've had more discussion over vtubers and ecelebs over the past year than actual discussion over the game they're centered around. Modern /jp/ is a joke.

>> No.31102203

You are the definition of cancer. Expanding with no understanding of its consequence and destroying shit around it.
Newfags get the rope

>> No.31102207

>the latter has been in /jp/ for a decade.
We didn't have idol generals a decade ago, and idol threads should have gotten their own board ages ago.
All generals should be killed

>> No.31102210

There is obviously something weird going on with board creation. Maybe it's a back-end issue, or a really long pipeline for pitching one to implementing it, but stuff like this and /vr/ being forced to accept 7th gen instead of it having a new board seems to signal some huge lag or reluctance to make new boards.

>> No.31102211

They are

>> No.31102217

MLP should have stayed on /co/, same with /vp/

>> No.31102219

Let's see, on one hand we have this niche game with slow-ass discussions, and on the other we got the quick and constant ever updating discussion of current vtubers constantly creating new and engaging content.


>> No.31102232

fuck off

>> No.31102236

Newfag detected
>what is Ar Tonelico

>> No.31102240

>there is no good point you can bring to argue for it.
might makes right

>> No.31102241

There's more to Touhou than the game but alright.

>> No.31102242

Go back to /pol/

>> No.31102247

not him but I just laughed. damn you're retarded

>> No.31102250

i miss moot

>> No.31102253

You can't negotiate away cancer. Just take it easy and wait for the meido to do something. Or yell it him on IRC. Yelling here won't change anything.

>> No.31102255

lmao zoomer faggots should kys

>> No.31102257

Newfags dont get anything, oldfags get a reality check

>> No.31102259

Gust games are at least

>> No.31102260

Spreading out your threads is just leading to that anyway, one of the doxx threads got to 1000 posts and archived earlier.

>> No.31102275

ok boomer

>> No.31102280

>and on the other we got the quick and constant ever updating discussion of current vtubers constantly creating new and engaging content.
That's precisely the problem
The Doujin scene moves slow as hell.

>> No.31102286

Don't forget >>>/v/ for all the touhoufags.

>> No.31102290

Redalice is not a vtuber. He's just like them.

>> No.31102291

now bring that philosophy to any other board and see how it goes

>> No.31102296
File: 33 KB, 473x477, 1587581972719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that "otaku culture" doesn't mean shit in regard to this board, that /jp/ is just meant to be /a/'s trash can to contain every Japan-related topic that moot didn't want on /a/. Vtubers were rejected from all normal weeb boards so they ended up here. They're a perfect topic for this board and they're not going anywhere.
You may now seethe.

>> No.31102302

Gee, maybe it's because the fans are not the ones spreading them?

>> No.31102303

fast =/= good

>> No.31102304

Actually the mobile board managed to be even worse as they don't let the gatchafags have their generals. So they continue to shit up /vg/. At least the other v boards are decent.

>> No.31102305
File: 154 KB, 800x500, 2857f10b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the japanese equivalent of twitch spergs likes hololive it means they have a right to dominate this board?

>> No.31102309

You people get annihilated from /v/ at an instant. Go ahead.

>> No.31102329
File: 127 KB, 722x1024, 1607562971606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta thread hit bump limit in 3 hours. The good times are coming back.

>> No.31102338

>smack hornet's nest
>hornets come out pissed off
A quality post, as expected of a vtumor. As you can see, its not just touhoufags, a lot of genuine jp threads were slid off because of you chimps.

>> No.31102341

/vrpg/ was created because of Persona thread spam on /v/

>> No.31102344

That's the problem. The mod is complicit in this and is obviously biased to gura and is letting it happen. You have to get rid of the mod and actually bring on someone to do the fucking job right.

>> No.31102350 [DELETED] 
File: 469 KB, 1308x1365, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooo you can't just make threads about superior otaku topics

>> No.31102356

No, Touhou is a media series with multiple running manga and a billion doujinsoft/doujinworks

>> No.31102362

Then let's create a fucking Vtuber board already, if it is like that.

>> No.31102363

take your adhd meds

>> No.31102373

fuck off wojak shitter

>> No.31102376 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 848x1039, 1599947219666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is literally 2hu genocide

>> No.31102377

well lets the vtuber camp is set up soon.

>> No.31102380

such as?

>> No.31102386

Does not mean that the board needs to be flooded with them either.

>> No.31102387

is it the holoshitters making things move so fast?
I'm sick of keeping my threads from getting bumped off

>> No.31102395

I guess I'll go make an asmongold thread next my fellow /r/Hololive friend :)

>> No.31102396

You dont get to choose board creations

>> No.31102397

Right, cuz this place was totally full of doujin and other otaku culture content before, and not spammed with touhou image dumps.

>> No.31102404

so this is how /jp/ culture dies. soijacks just like every other shithole board on this godforsaken website.

>> No.31102406

i think I read somewhere that at the height of hololive events or whatever the traffic on /jp/ from those thread surpasses /pol/

>> No.31102418

Wanna know how I can tell you fags are from /qa/?

>> No.31102419

How's life in 2010? You'll get hit by a plague in the end of 2019, by the way.

>> No.31102421

That's the problem.

>> No.31102428 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 706x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope every wojak poster gets raped to death

>> No.31102434

kys wojak faggots GO BACK

>> No.31102438

Spamming doesn't take place over 6 months.
Literally doesn't matter, even the hottest of shits get annihilated from /v/ if the mods don't like them. See: Gamergate, LobCorp or SCP:SL

>> No.31102440

iirc someone paid an artist to make thousands and thousands of different wojak edits so he can autistically spam all over the site

>> No.31102443

Slow =/= good

>> No.31102444

Unironically yes. If it's permeates otaku culture in Japan, then it's fair game to post it here. Otherwise trains would be off-topic too.

>> No.31102449

wouldn't it be more efficient to create an e celeb board and move the holive threads there?

>> No.31102448
File: 333 KB, 397x410, 1608662007082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now we're no longer tolerating your shit
Good, now I won't feel a single piece of remorse when another 2hu thread will vanish into the oblivion. Get fucked, 2hunigger.

>> No.31102450 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 600x933, 1598668217980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanna know how I can tell you fags are from /qa/?

>> No.31102460

You can tell by the constant soijacks that its /qa/ none of us want to flood your board.

>> No.31102467

it's not the people from hlgg/hlg actually, apparently there was some crossboard cancer that started up and now they decided to shit up /jp/ in retaliation, consequently making the people who stuck to the containment threads look bad.

>> No.31102469

No it's not retard, slow good threads get killed off by fast shit threads. It's like releasing a lion into a farm.

>> No.31102484
File: 908 KB, 845x889, 1606044005217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therefore you dont have a choice you must accept vtubers there's no alternative

>> No.31102497

There are two ongoing manga and they just held winter Reitaisai retard.

>> No.31102507

holoshitters or just some people who take opportunity of the fact that current meido is not usual who knows which thread belongs here or not to shitpost in full force.

>> No.31102509

How about I simply don't go to /jp/ until your shitty little fad wanes and dies like Kizuna A.I before you?

>> No.31102518

A lot of games can be described that way, but they started as games, and touhou started as a game.

Tons of games have comics, movies and shows about them now. And they are still gonna get pushed to the videogames board.

>> No.31102519

2hus and /hlg/, I don't think we should be fighting each other, let's just maintain status quo, some 3rd party is starting this shit.

>> No.31102521


>> No.31102528

Vtubers were an interesting niche deserving of being on /jp/, but that was 2 or 3 years ago. Since hitting western markets, and especially with EN-tubers they shouldn't be here

>> No.31102532

all I want to do is post about my interests and be happy...
why do these people feel the need to shit things up?

>> No.31102540

yes, he also shared them on a mega file for free with fellow /qa/dditors.
/qa/, nothing beyond our reach

>> No.31102542

That's actually correct though

>> No.31102544

I have a choice.
I can try to convince the mods to listen and do the right things for once.
If you go to the rules page of 4chan, and see "porn dumps" prohibited on any board, you can thank me for that. I can continue to hope.

>> No.31102550

You are against everything that is /jp/. I think it's time you look at reality

>> No.31102556

There are literally 5 video game boards now.

>> No.31102559

Touhou belongs on /jp/ as per Moot's words, shinekudasai.

>> No.31102565

i've largerly ignore most all of that , but are they a sizeable portion now?

>> No.31102567


>> No.31102593
File: 500 KB, 593x608, 1606404408776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wont be missed, take your friends and move to a spinoff

>> No.31102596

you can tell it's the holofags too not even vtubers as a whole, holo-EN definitely attracted the worst type of people

>> No.31102607

I don't mind the HoloJP fags, they tend to keep to themselves.

EN has no business being here.

>> No.31102606

The ENs are no different from JPs besides speaking a different language. Only Western indies count as twitch thots and they WERE kicked out to /trash/ already.

>> No.31102608

I miss the Ar Tonelico thread...

>> No.31102611

>Since hitting western markets
everything goes to shit when that happens.

>> No.31102624
File: 558 KB, 1080x1319, 1601713689990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just Hiro that doesn't like hololive.

>> No.31102649

I think its a wait and see approach for them

>> No.31102653

we got too cocky weeb-bros

>> No.31102656

bye Felicia

>> No.31102677

>Then you should do discussion too, it's better than constant bitching about fast vtuber threads. Make you 2hus fast too.
Hey ESL faggot, the reason people are complaining is that it's knocking the niche slow threads off the board. People who want to talk about Photography or Elona shouldn't have to fucking spam their threads 24/7 just to keep them alive.


>> No.31102686

I do not know who your literal who streamer is.

>> No.31102690

More invested than japanese culture than you, i dont really care about touhou tummies

>> No.31102698

honest answer? because their lives are so utterly pointless that spreading suffering is how they get a quick dopamine hit between consuming whatever disposable entertainment has become their FotM.

>> No.31102713

im mean just from a fanbase perspective that true,
compare the jojo fanbase now to ten years ago.

>> No.31102724

everything goes shit when there is enough money in it.

>> No.31102725

It also happened with one of them starting to actively bring in reddit into their streams.

>> No.31102743

Hollowbrains are from Reddit? That surprised nobody.

>> No.31102755

how much of porporation to the english ones make up ?

>> No.31102763

The board was made to contain Touhou cancer like /pol/ was made to keep all the stormniggers in one place. Buyfags and train station cameras were thrown in here just because there was no better place.

>> No.31102772

and to add luckily ZUN is not sellout.

>> No.31102774

This is obviously an effort to accelerate the creation of a /vyt/ board

>> No.31102796

Not sure why you're trying to push this narrative, both threads are responsible for shitflinging amongst themselves.

>> No.31102800

>>80% of the /jp/ userbase likes vtubers
So if all of /v/ moved here to talk about vidya, ending up making 100% of the userbase, would that be okay?

>> No.31102804
File: 183 KB, 400x500, 1463353232092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More invested than japanese culture than you
whoa, we have a real OTAKU here folks!!

>> No.31102808

Imagine having a meltdown because a dying franchise was booted out by a more popular one.

>> No.31102817
File: 1.17 MB, 1272x1494, 1594791724051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows too much; zap him.

>> No.31102826

We have a board for photography, why not post photos there?
Also Elone is a video game like any other. So it belongs on /v/.

>> No.31102827

Then they should just do it already.

VTuber fags obviously no longer want to be contained in generals.
/jp/ natives don't want to be overrun

What's the downside? Don't bother saying "doxxing" because there's already been dox shit here that the mods let go by deleting individual posts but not the actual threads.

>> No.31102833

Obviously they'd argue that of course, /jp/ is then for video games.

>> No.31102844
File: 43 KB, 720x450, __tatara_kogasa_touhou_drawn_by_meimaru_inuchiyo__63a34ecc6695bec9e0d9db1ceb7ad106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That surprised nobody.

>> No.31102848

No, but one of the vtubers has a thing where they show case "memes" from reddit. I shit you not. It only gotten a presence there since she joined.

>> No.31102854

First cucked by boats, and now by vtubers. 2hufags are eternal losers.

>> No.31102882

Boats are dead though.

>> No.31102891

/co/ should give Cartoons to /tv/ then too.

>> No.31102915

One argument is that supposedly gook moot has ties to NND and is shitting himself that the platform is dying and that all the vtubers are all on youtube instead.

>> No.31102923

That's like saying ml belongs on /tv/ or /co/

>> No.31102930

>VTuber fags obviously no longer want to be contained in generals
Do you get off on being a braindead monkey? Isn't it obvious it's /qa/ and not them?

>> No.31102932
File: 114 KB, 900x973, pekora_smug_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so are 2hus.

>> No.31102934

if the spam were from a different actual franchise that would be one thing. HLers aren't an IP like Tohou and many aren't even related to japanese/otaku culture other than having an anime veneer now.

>> No.31102961

boats are old shit, touhou still survived

>> No.31102963

what narrative? nearly every vtuber related reaction image in this thread is hololive

>> No.31102973

It's raiding chink faggots from NGA.

>> No.31102975

You don't make sense at all.
Pictures of japan are not otaku culture related at all, and we have a dedicated slow board for photography where your thread can stay up for years.
Maybe just open up a thread there?

>> No.31102995

Still number 3 at comiket and still got Reitaisai.

>> No.31102996

I don't know, why would people use any of the niche /v/ boards instead of post on /v/ itself? Stupid fuck.

>> No.31103005

no dude! this random american girl I regularly donate hundreds to uses an anime avatar so it's otaku culture

>> No.31103010

im skeptical about that, /qa/ is not a particularly active board and doesn't have a lot of people.

>> No.31103020

They have a con dedicated to them not to mention the sheer amount of fan works, spinoff games, music, merchandise etc and the kind of presence they have at comiket.

>> No.31103024
File: 205 KB, 867x521, 1606445973729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wont be a vtuber board, 2hu on 4chan is dead and mods recognise it it's time to give up on move on

>> No.31103051

Literally less than a third of Hololive talents could be called non-japanese culture (and that's allowing for you to discount for a couple of the ENs living in Japan, and being pretty immersed in otaku subcultures themselves).

>> No.31103054

It's about time. The people should rejoice.

>> No.31103064

/qa/ is full of schizos that hold a grudge against this board for an unbeknownst reason. it would not be surprising if this raid was instigated by a schizo from there.

>> No.31103067

I still say we should do the opposite. Make a touhou board instead of a vtuber board. Let them die off in their own little corner.

>> No.31103077

stop replying to me you ESL faggot. The board was made for specific niche topics. Train otaku are a thing. It goes here, and it has always gone here. Same thing with very niche doujin games, or untranslated visual novels. The fact that you can't understand why "10 posts in a day" Elona Thread would never survive on /v/ or /vg/ makes me think you're dumber than you appear.

>> No.31103082

No we don't our generals are literally fine. It's falseflaggers making the threads and the morons who don't know better engaging with them

>> No.31103089

Hail the twitchposting on 4chan, a forum not designed for live chatrooms.

>> No.31103094

doesn't take that many people to shit up a board as quiet as jp outside of the Holo containment threads.

>> No.31103099

not really, the touhou threads being pushed off /jp/ are popping up on /v/

>> No.31103106

>HLers aren't an IP like Tohou
Yes they are. Hololive is an idol unit created by cover corp.
Also they have idol events, music created by popular otaku musicians such as beat mario and redalice.
ZUN and seiyuus like Sugita have collabed with them.
A member of hololive has regular streams where she clears touhou games.
You are delusional if you think they are not otaku related.

>> No.31103117

Still better than zhang spergs.

>> No.31103131

This is the Touhou board and as is obvious, Touhou threads survive Holospam. All you'd be doing is ensuring all the small hobbyist Otaku Culture threads would die. You're basically repeating /asp/.

>> No.31103141

funny thing is all of these spammed threads are slow as fuck as well while one or two individual holoniggers bump them at page 10 every time to inflate their presence

>> No.31103147

>HLers aren't an IP like Tohou and many aren't even related to japanese/otaku culture other than having an anime veneer now
You must be smoking some good shit homie because you high as fuck.

>> No.31103151

Just yesterday there was literally a single schizo making 60 hololive posts on that board so it's not hard to believe. There was already preexisting tension between vtubers and native /jp/ and all that was needed was a spark to cause all of this meaningless infighting and shitflinging. Crazy how everyone was maintaining the status quo just 24 hours ago, you'd think something was up, no?

>> No.31103186

No we dont

>> No.31103189
File: 384 KB, 420x453, 1608658795407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I do what I want.

>> No.31103197

Is there any update version?

>> No.31103206

The archive this morning was nothing but korone and gura spam. It was an obvious falseflag attempt to get people to shit up this place

>> No.31103216

Yes we do

>> No.31103236

This is the touhou board. Did you already forget that?

>> No.31103239

If it's not designed for live chatrooms increase the wait between making new posts

>> No.31103241

Don't explain logic to touhouniggers, they're just shutting their ears and yelling about Hololive because they're low-IQ monkeys that only see what's in front of them.

>> No.31103248


>> No.31103250

And now your otaku-culture-unrelated general doesn't survive here either.
Maybe it would be a good idea if mods would actually create a new board?

>> No.31103254
File: 156 KB, 767x1060, __minato_aqua_hololive_drawn_by_roke_taikodon__1205a332d1c2ad289a0eb1fc8d65dfec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu project is over 22 year old, and it's time for it to die peacefully as we now have more entertaining japanese subcultures such as idols, jav and dare I say, Vtubers.

>> No.31103267

It's not designed for live chats because you can't go back forever. It's a forum, a bulletin message board.

>> No.31103271

man I remember when r9k was a general board that had threads with a diverse range of topics , then when the relationship threads started crowding out everything I was told to "just ignore threads you don't like". But then eventually I couldn't even do that anymore because that was all r9k was.

>> No.31103272

2hus your bait reps

>> No.31103280

Comiket numbers tell you different things.

>> No.31103281


>> No.31103295

More clarified, it's a message board that deletes old thread to keep talks fresh.

>> No.31103304

>die peacefully
If only. 2hu has some of the most autistic fanbase out there so there's a higher chance of snowballs in hell.

>> No.31103308

>more entertaining japanese subcultures such as JAV, JAV and dare I say, JAV.

>> No.31103313

>Make a touhou board instead of a vtuber board
This is what I have been saying for years.
We had the opportunity to make a Touhou board ten years ago, but most people rejected it. They did not have the foresight.
A Touhou board would be a godsent. Have that instead of a pony board.

>> No.31103333

No, I don't want a board

>> No.31103343

Check the archive. No, not warosu, I mean the /jp/ archive you keep flooding.
You slid the elona general, many of the idol generals
you killed the Takane thread, the photography thread, I haven't checked but you probably slid the train thread as well. There's a unique case like the AKB(?) thread, and several others that had to make multiple threads for their general because you kept killing them with your spam.
DJT is sitting under 500 posts right now and it's already on page 10.

>> No.31103364
File: 29 KB, 399x399, QPlSsMJB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31103381

>and many aren't even related to japanese/otaku culture
Even Kiara's roommate is a sort-of idol (K**kih*me) and she is EN. More otaku that any of the vocal 2hutard here.

>> No.31103389

Huh. So boring topics were boring and almost no one wanted to talk about them. Who woulda thunk?

>> No.31103393

You never changed. You shitposted with the other boards until a time came where they eventually got fed up with your shenanigans. I don't hate you for being you, I'm just saying you didn't know when to stop.

>> No.31103399

This would not be an issue of moot was still alive...

>> No.31103423

That's objectively wrong.

>> No.31103426

If moot actually cared about 4chan aftwer 2010 he would have killed of /jp/ years ago.

>> No.31103428

If moot were alive, he would have deleted us by now.

>> No.31103436

Don't mention that nigger's name on /jp/, please.

>> No.31103437

DJT deserves to die honestly

>> No.31103451

A straight up doujin property will always be more otaku than a corporate property and the people working for that corporate shit.
But regardless of that, it is causing problems for the board. That is why people don't like it in the end.

>> No.31103484

When /pol/ is asleep. AKA, nothing is happening and it's all research time or discussion about various other topics. Pol is 130-180. the highest this board got when /pol/ was dragging it's feet was 101 and it still couldn't pass them.

>> No.31103487

He did kill it, spiritually

>> No.31103490

These truly are the End Times.

>> No.31103497

>elona general
>Takane thread
Imagine whining about ERPing.
>the photography thread
>train thread
First, it's alive. Second, >>>/n/
>many of the idol generals
The good one is on /int/, the /jp/ one should be drowned in acid.

>> No.31103514

Should we be happy or sad?

>> No.31103519

>the good one is on int
they are never going to make it, sorry to say

>> No.31103531

You mean he would be part of the vtuber shitposting raid himself, sticky and board song included

>> No.31103535

There will be another time.

>> No.31103539

All of them are generals.
If you think generals are a good thing, jump out of your windows. Generals have killed 4chan and made it into a shitty reddit-like with garbage moderation.
Threads were always supposed to die! Thats the nature of this place.
If there are too many threads on a single topic, then mods should just make a new board for it. And everyone would be fine!
But instead of complaining about the moderation and hiro, you complain about people creating threads that are related to the board they belong to.
But no, you want everyone to stick to faggy little generals

>> No.31103553

fast =/= good

>> No.31103561

>Elona general
doesn't direct it to >>>/vg/
doesn't know it would die there anyway
You are hopeless.

>> No.31103576
File: 96 KB, 261x311, 1592840360283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is our board now? I, for one, welcome this change.

>> No.31103579

member the pudi spam way back?

>> No.31103583
File: 46 KB, 549x464, Moot proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31103591

Not popular, legit death
not popular its on their own

>> No.31103615
File: 270 KB, 1015x508, apartment fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it in /jp/

>> No.31103624
File: 449 KB, 540x900, 54163842_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mods, you ruined my Christmas.

>> No.31103628

>If there are too many threads on a single topic, then mods should just make a new board for it.
That's exactly what moot did with boards like /jp/, /vp/, and /mlp/. But I think they realized they can't keep creating boards every time some autists start spamming something otherwise we'll have 1000+ boards.

>> No.31103654
File: 473 KB, 1074x1991, ak55v3pwvay41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing lasts forever, anonchama.

>> No.31103661

Futaba is managing just fine.

>> No.31103698

I miss him, Hiro is a twitter addict and doesn't care at all.

>> No.31103700

>doesn't direct it to >>>/vg/
Don't give a fuck about which flavour of a vidya board it belongs to.
>doesn't know it would die there anyway
Egads, not enough people are interested in a topic to support a discussion. Clearly a tragedy.

>> No.31103704
File: 108 KB, 923x1190, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31103748

he was a bit of a dick sometimes , but a lot of anons dont appreciate that moot really could have done things to exploit 4chan to make bank but chose not to.

>> No.31103756

vtubers are the worst thing to ever happen to this place

>> No.31103761

Board is for niche discussion but now you can't have niche discussion anymore, only mainstream ironic weeb discussion. It's laughable, and you are the joke.

>> No.31103775

>I want to cum inside Yukari's pussy
Quality threads you have there.

>> No.31103781

That is why giving admin over to gook moot was an actual mistake in communication. It was never meant to be him in the first place.

>> No.31103798

I see you're conveniently ignoring the thread below it.

>> No.31103827

better than any homolive thread ever made

>> No.31103830
File: 136 KB, 367x361, 1597157288771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a 2hutard

>> No.31103837

Exactly, I dropped by another board (blue) and there was a sfw gay porn site ad that took you there. (it was just sex but it was a porn ad)

>> No.31103848

You're right. Let's all go post about the superchats we're sending our queens!

>> No.31103856
File: 117 KB, 1031x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31103862

imagine giving attention or money to egirls with a coat of paint

>> No.31103874

hownew.ru? It was not made for niche stuff, it was made for keeping what was
>mainstream ironic weeb discussion
of that time (i.e. Touhou) in one place.

>> No.31103880

I think you just havn't realized these interests including 2hu arn't niche anymore.

>> No.31103883
File: 74 KB, 400x236, SJGvKTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*it was just text

>> No.31103899

/qa/ has been trying to go for /jp/'s neck for many years now.
They were even attempting such things back even 2 years ago at the earliest.
I wasn't on at the time, but they slid part of /jp/ into the archive with spam. some time in 2018-19.
I wouldn't be surprised if anyone still there with a grudge would try anything to rile people up here.

>> No.31103907

hollowlife fags are blind and retarded who knew

>> No.31103921


>> No.31103924

>implying hollowlife didn't save this shit board
Let's consider the history of /jp/ for a second.
>2008-2009: a bunch of posturing REAL HARDCORE OTAKU who were forever seething at /a/ after being kicked out, 2hu everywhere, thread after thread of horrible 2hu fanfiction, threads about dozens of VN translation projects that, with only a few exceptions, ultimately never get anywhere.
>2010-2011: Addition of True NEET roleplaying threads, continuation of the previous horrible trends.
>2012-2015: Possibly the worst years in the board's history. "Misunderstood geniuses" meme + puddi spam + sustained attacks by obsessed autists (see: Satenspam, Chiespam, Niggy, Suck my dick dude, QUALITY THREAD, Nocturnes spam, etc) lead to a serious decline among the real users. When the trolls have finally won, even they end up leaving. The only notable new addition to the content of the board in this period is Kantai Collection.
>2016-2018: /jp/ is practically a dead board during these years. 2hu content has slowed to a trickle after ZUN got married and many fan creators jumped ship, VN fan translation is dead, and Kancolle dies a lingering death. The only really active threads are the idolfag and onahole threads.
>Late 2018 - 2019: Addition of vtubers to the content of the board. They only take up one medium-speed thread at first but grow in popularity.
>2020: Vtubers take over /jp/.
Without hollowlife, this board would an idolfag general, onahole general, a JAV general, a mostly dead VN general, and a bunch of dead "which 2hu fuck??" threads. It would be as irrelevant as shit like /po/.

>> No.31103927

Touhou was not even mainstream on the internet back then and with the advent of smartphones (probably the reason you fags are even on here) it certainly wasn't big anymore.

>> No.31103956

I have that image

>> No.31103966

Too green.

>> No.31103978

I don't see why making new threads is such an issue. Isn't the whole point of this site for threads to exist as long as they're relevant, it's not like active threads are the ones getting displaced.

>> No.31103981

>Without hollowlife, this board would an idolfag general, onahole general, a JAV general, a mostly dead VN general, and a bunch of dead "which 2hu fuck??" threads.
God, /jp/ could be so much better

>> No.31103987
File: 57 KB, 500x278, ppjldvyh5xo51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay mad, 2hunigger.

>> No.31103998

>Without hollowlife, this board would an idolfag general, onahole general, a JAV general, a mostly dead VN general, and a bunch of dead "which 2hu fuck??" threads.
that sounds amazing, give me that

>> No.31104006
File: 94 KB, 622x700, puff puff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im leaving this website and creating my own otaku imageboard, this was the last good board ever since narutards ruined /a/

>> No.31104008

I am certain there is a dedicated autist trying everyday to fuck with this place and maybe others as well

>> No.31104031

See you tomorrow anon

>> No.31104042

>im leaving this websit
See you tomorrow, anon. Good night.

>> No.31104045

Discussion is slow and nice, people return to it over the course of a few weeks to share their thoughts but now you can't do that anymore because fags slide it to the archive in 2 minutes.
Slow boards are inherently better to retaining quality in a board, fast boards are heated and cancerous more often than not or quickly devolve into it.

>> No.31104053

I would say that touhou has always been the 40k of weebs, not mainstream per se but still somehow ubiquitous.

>> No.31104067
File: 82 KB, 487x328, Welcome to po it's kinda nice there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without hollowlife, this board would an idolfag general, onahole general, a JAV general, a mostly dead VN general, and a bunch of dead "which 2hu fuck??" threads. It would be as irrelevant as shit like /po/.
That sounds a lot better than the shit we put up with now. and don't shit on /po/, they have done nothing wrong.

>> No.31104069
File: 217 KB, 476x531, 1604708165303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for you, 2huniggers.

>> No.31104081

>cry cry you disagree with me so you must be newer than me!
Look at him go!
I wouldn't say 2hu is mainstream in anyway but the vast majority of neo 'weebs' are aware of what it is.
Otaku culture is mainstream even if we don't like it.

>> No.31104086
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1599611126378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31104090

Yes, how could you tell? The crossover back when it was allowed with its own /tg/ game should've been telling.

>> No.31104110

tells just about what you know aka not a lot

>> No.31104128
File: 1.15 MB, 230x326, 1603354985333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the hololive board?

>> No.31104141
File: 2.21 MB, 1402x3892, shifty hiro 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to read but one of the comments states

>A while ago moot said he wanted to talk to the admin of Futaba, but the coordinator either knowingly or not arranged to have him meet with nishimura instead

>> No.31104142

I'm gonna leave for real and only come back to advertise my new imageboard that bans vtubers and politics

>> No.31104148
File: 141 KB, 800x527, What hollowlives see.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31104149

that was already sort of tried , and that place is like super dead.

>> No.31104156


>> No.31104177

>but now you can't do that anymore because fags slide it to the archive in 2 minutes.
Things that doesn't stood the test of time vanishes into oblivion. Looks like it's time for 2hu to vanish too.

>> No.31104181

Imagine thinking that posts per minute is a good thing.

>> No.31104195

>Otaku culture is mainstream even if we don't like it.
It became mainstream in fucking 2015 with anime becoming more popular in the following 2 years.

>> No.31104205

>I'm gonna leave for real
Ah, so whole two days break? Daring, aren't we.
>to advertise my new imageboard
Good luck with that, anon.

>> No.31104206

that place had a mentally ill teenager as the owner and didn't follow it's own rules

>> No.31104208

I guess I can appreciate that. I have no solution though.

>> No.31104225

You can post actual trains and railways on >>>/n/. That's where the Western equivalent of densha otaku are.

>> No.31104236

Except touhou is pretty ubiquitous and is a large part of the japanese culture still

>> No.31104241

Be the change you wanna see i guess, ganbate but for real though, see you tommorow

>> No.31104246

You can keep repeatedly posting this but it won't do anything.

>> No.31104261

In Japan, yes. And I talking about this board.

>> No.31104271

No this is /jp/

>> No.31104275

All of them are absolute shit.

>> No.31104297

You can keep seething, but it also won't do anything.

>> No.31104313

A board about japanese culture

>> No.31104322




>> No.31104331

did it? I actually dont know how or when it was created, I just stumbled upon it while randomly surfing and didn't find out till years later that it was associated with /jp/.

>> No.31104361

>Idolshit, Japanese culture, Japanese memes, Japanese vtubers

>> No.31104384

What could you had done to save /jp/, anon?

>> No.31104395

Touhou is largely a part of that and is one of the main reasons this board exists in the first place

>> No.31104397

Nothing. Moot should've gotten a better administrator.

>> No.31104459

Hollowlives are bronies 2.0 and belong on Twitter/Youtube/Reddit where they came from.

>> No.31104467

Times change

>> No.31104469

Given the vtubers a board instead of trying to shove them into places since nobody wants them anywhere else. The board was slowing down the day before yesterday, yesterday, and today would have been comfy if it continued the trend.

>> No.31104479

were mods always this gay?

>> No.31104500

And? Times change.

>> No.31104504

break it into multiple topics
/jg/ - japanese generals
/dj/ - doujins
/th/ - touhou
/jp/ can stay as a general overlapping board just like you can post pokemon on /vp/, /a/ and /v/.

>> No.31104505


>> No.31104508

Obviously give them a vtubers board and not act like a faggot about it.

>> No.31104515

Anon bronies came from 4chan though.

>> No.31104520

Not giving away the whole website away to some gook with a shady background that doesn't even care about it, for starters.

>> No.31104524

>since nobody wants them
not even /r9k/?

>> No.31104537

They can act like bronies and not come from here anon.

>> No.31104538


>> No.31104546

Touhou is still a major thing though

>> No.31104555

So are 2huboomers. I'm already tired of your shit everywhere since 2008. Even my local board was full of 2huniggers to the fucking brim.

>> No.31104585

How in 2010?

>> No.31104596

I guess you must have forgotten the part where there was a board made to bring all the touhou threads over to their own board.

>> No.31104617

That's too bad, looks like we'll to pester you with a thread once in a blue moon.

>> No.31104626

>bronies 2.0
Nobody kicked Jojofags from /a/.

>> No.31104631

times might change but we should still forgot our basics, by that logic we should have stopped eating long time ago since times change.

>> No.31104633

won't they mostly all just go back to their general when they realise they can't get 100 replies to their shitposts in five minutes creating seperate threads?

it's not really like hobby threads where the threads are slow and there's no alternative because that's all the people that are discussing it. they still have generals that get 30 posts a minute to get attention from so who is going to want to sit in their thread that gets a couple of responses in 3 hours?

>> No.31104648

>saved this board
More like killed it.

>> No.31104661

>Old touhou doujin circles are doing music for hololive
>Famous vocaloid songwriters are writing music for Hololive
>Hololive girls are singing eroge openings

I'm pretty sure anyone making the argument that vtubers aren't "otaku culture" is literally a secondary. I can't think of anything that's literally more embedded into actual -japanese- otaku culture now.

>> No.31104662

Jojofags never dominated the board. The only ones that came close recently were DBSfags but they keep to themselves too.

>> No.31104666

should not*

but really what we are after here with this bullshit?

>> No.31104674

Go on. Holo-threads will wash them away anyway.

>> No.31104715

jojo never dominated the website and took the country by storm like mlp did

>> No.31104720

Even on your local board? Unless you're talking about this one.

>> No.31104727

Two anons already said that times change. This is a fucking jungle, nobody gives a single fuck about your special case, if you are weak you will perish.

>> No.31104756

This is being done by one or few dedicated autists right now and will probably never stop unless this faggot mod that is obviously complicit in this shit actually puts a stop to it.

>> No.31104758

If you don't get kicked from /a/, that's how you know it's cancer. /a/ is a containment board for garbage.

>> No.31104764

I like vtubers, and I post in the threads a lot, but the fact of the matter is that all these new threads are destroying the way the board has functioned for years. It's honestly the devs' fault. We need an eceleb board, for containent if nothing else. That, or delete all these spam threads on sight.

>> No.31104776

I'm pretty sure the mismanager is behind it

>> No.31104789

Not really, touhou has survived 22 years and will continue to do so.

>> No.31104809

My local board is half-dead with 100 autists on the whole site at max nowadays.

>> No.31104811

It's a fucking message board anon, why are you so stringent about not letting some people's discussion live on? It's not like you need multiple threads for your shitshow anyway.

>> No.31104824

10 retards are not representative of a whole general.

>> No.31104835

The mods just need to do their jobs and delete the spam threads. Vtubers won't be this popular for much longer so a new board is overkill

>> No.31104853

>. Vtubers won't be this popular for much longer
they will, just not with the same type of people

this is a bad thing

>> No.31104862

Good. Then stop seething and just post your 2hu's. We will post our vtubers and you can't do shit about this anyway.

>> No.31104874

Interesting, thanks.

>> No.31104875

Doesn't matter if they won't be popular for long. It still doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.31104919

Not so cocky anymore, huh?

>> No.31104952

looking at board speed recently it seems like it might have peaked for the time being though. from january through to september the board speed was growing at an increasing rate as they became more popular, then in september there was a huge spike in speed after which it's mostly levelled out fluctuating around the same number of posts a day depending on what's happening

>> No.31104974

What type of people will it be popular with then?

>> No.31104986

Kneel, pup.
Hololive is pretty much completely dependent on a youtube algorithm to survive.

>> No.31105021

normalfags, when it goes mainstream

>> No.31105034

I find this annoying but get what the point is. It's pretty annoying because this has killed several slower threads I was following, but the intent isn't "wrong". There should be a vtuber board. We already have an issue where at the end of a general, naturally a bunch of new threads come up and kill a bunch of slow threads, and need to be pruned at that. There's no good reason for us not to have a vtuber board.

>> No.31105043

It already is mainstream. Reddit has a major part in it now.

>> No.31105063

Ohnonono, anon. It's already there, pretty sure you got there with the heckin funny ekuum bookum meme.

>> No.31105067

then what the fuck are the mods waiting for? all our eyes are on them, while they let the damn threads go undeleted

>> No.31105102

All I'm thinking is that they're more concerned about christmas than moderating.

>> No.31105104
File: 191 KB, 900x594, 1506878435785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture should sum this thread, and this entire board up

>> No.31105110

I guess you aren't aware about the gross abuse of power and bias the mods have and conveniently turning a blind eye to this.

>> No.31105124

>why are you so stringent about not letting some people's discussion live on
I just love to toss former cheeky cunts into the mud and look for their powerless anger and growing despair. When they realize they are not the main hot shits anymore.

>> No.31105126

>when it goes mainstream
It's already there anon.

>> No.31105149

They don't care. Some threads are getting deleted, but they seem to be randomly selected.

>> No.31105153

You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.31105161

>Hololive is pretty much completely dependent on a youtube algorithm to survive.
yeah I remember one day my recommended list being hit with those ekuum bookum videos.

>> No.31105177

>Excuses and narratives
Grow up, sugar.

>> No.31105185

/v/, /a/, and /pol/ would be more fitting than /jp/ in that image.

>> No.31105194

Korone, Coco, and Gura are all extremely normalfag tier

>> No.31105197

Even assuming I'm one of those, you'll feel much worse when the same happens to you. It's just a human experience.

>> No.31105199

Normalfags are literally repulsed by the idea of virtual youtubers. Someone posted the comments of a polygon article about hololive and it was 100% derision. Kizuna Ai went world wide, was in the news cycle for weeks and she still didn't catch on, was still a flash in the pan. The current Vtuber wave won't be any different.

>> No.31105209

its already there, and there for it wont belong here.

>> No.31105230

a) too busy with holidays to do anything
b) think this is fine
c) Hiroshimoot has some weird hangup about vtubers and doesn't want to give them official recognition.
d) Everyone in moderation and above is just retarded.

I showed all threads and reported everything that wasn't a general as spam, and I think everyone should do that. Someone should probably also go onto IRC. I can't, for reason (a) (I'm supposed to be hanging with family in like 4 minutes)

>> No.31105236

You don't actually watch the streams you watch clips and shitpost in the generals

>> No.31105237

It's not a narrative if it's true.

>> No.31105244

>when it goes mainstream
Eekum Bokum video got 4 millions in 2 weeks.

>> No.31105270

This is a relatively new medium still and it has real traction behind it. We well see this time next year if it gets any bigger or now.

>> No.31105278
File: 58 KB, 317x317, 1587336871236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even /qa/ threads shitting on holoive are getting deleted
What the fuck are the mods doing?

>> No.31105299

Fuck you, not to me they aren't.

>> No.31105310

i tried to get into hololive one time

>> No.31105315

>reported everything that wasn't a general as spam
already reported, have a good christmas

>> No.31105316

>Normalfags are literally repulsed by the idea of virtual youtubers.
Nene has a fan club of Canadian middle-aged men. One ojisan already shown her to his daughter.

>> No.31105323

You are what I don't like about holo generals. I hope you post in /hlgg/ only.

>> No.31105330

and I dropped it pretty quick

>> No.31105334

This honestly feels like it came out of nowhere, maybe i havent been paying enough attention but i really cant figure out what might have spurred this on other than /qa/ faggotry

>> No.31105336

Hope harder, sweetie

>> No.31105337

So this is what happens when you don't grow out of your young edgy phase.

>> No.31105349

Compared to actually mainstream things though vtubers are still tiny. Mainstream idol groups release an album or a single and it can sell millions of copies in a couple of weeks. The last album a hololive member released sold 3000 copies before dropping out of the charts entirely.

>> No.31105356

the dude's making up imaginary situations in his head, like an anime or something

>> No.31105369

Trust me, I am hoping. That you get off of this board at least.

>> No.31105384

they make albums now?

>> No.31105388

Someone said hear that /qa/ has a history with starting shit with /jp/ trying to destroy it in one way or another.

>> No.31105389

>Announcing report

>> No.31105415

I thought their main beef was with /pol/

>> No.31105416
File: 102 KB, 288x254, fubuki_chocoball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiroshimoot has some weird hangup about vtubers and doesn't want to give them official recognition.
He invested in NND. Now it has a drought and a huge chunk of former NND content creators (e.g. nearly entire roster of Hololive and a lot of nijis) are migrating to YouTube.
>I <...> reported

>> No.31105427

Why don't you get me off instead

>> No.31105429

That was in 2017 and they got massacred by /pol/.

>> No.31105443

I guess, my moneys still on it being a relatively niche hobby when alls said and done.

>> No.31105444

I'm just psycho, anon. Please understand, this is my guilty pleasure.

>> No.31105449

That isn't announcing a report retard. Announcing a report would be as if I said to you right now that I reported your post. He is stating something that had already happened.

>> No.31105458

I already am

>> No.31105459

Some of them do. There's also one that's a collaboration between beat mario and hololive

>> No.31105460

Yes, yes, very interesting indeed. But who is it—I would like to know—that you are quoting?

>> No.31105479

I will never fucking watch women playing video games

>> No.31105483


>> No.31105490
File: 31 KB, 358x334, 1374785075153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31105493
File: 175 KB, 500x500, 1265253678703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this for any other morons who support this site monitarily >>>/vip/103035

>> No.31105506

which begs the question how do I not know this isn't just /pol/ fucking with /jp/ and using /qa/ as a patsy?

>> No.31105512

Asian women are generally better at playing video games than their western female counterparts. That might not mean much to some but that is a fact.

>> No.31105521

I almost forgot /vip/ existed. Truly the Jo'on board.

>> No.31105530
File: 41 KB, 410x799, er9w2ug9ahu51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31105537

The first hololive members album was released in early 2019. They have released a number of singles and a couple of other albums on actual CDs physically since then. A lot of other vtubers do too. Although the Nijisanji ones seem to sell better in japan at least with their last one getting 31k and being a the top of the charts.

>> No.31105543


>> No.31105554

satan get

>> No.31105572

Just make /ecel/ it'd fix like 10 boards

>> No.31105596

I will never fucking watch women playing video games

>> No.31105598

I dont know, figure out who was making the false flag attempt flooding it with pictures of korone and gura on /qa/.

>> No.31105608

too bad the mods don't wanna do it

>> No.31105626

It'd just turn into lolcow

>> No.31105636

I dont care what you think

>> No.31105647

that might cause more problems than it fixes

>> No.31105648

Sucks to suck.

>> No.31105656

because nobody on /pol/ knows this board exists.

>> No.31105657

>Hiroshimoot has some weird hangup about vtubers and doesn't want to give them official recognition.

It's this one. He's got money in niconicodouga, and most vtubers are youtube based. He's even tried to dunk on hololive on his twitter

>> No.31105659

/jpg/ would be fine. There's sincerely no reason to not have a /jpg/

inb4 "/jp/ is /jpg/" that's bullshit there's no bloody reason we should have like 10 boards for /v/ and allow /jp/ to get fucked in the ass by generals.

>> No.31105672
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Astel_Leda_-_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can watch men without all that twitch shit.

>> No.31105696

if he really wanted to dunk on hololive he could just ban it from this board
maybe there is some convincing to do

>> No.31105705

People already have plenty of threads to do lolcow-tier shit in and putting it on one board lets the mods actually have an all-seeing eye on what happens. /mlp/ has extremely tight moderation to this day for example.

>> No.31105709

After EN debut, not anymore.

>> No.31105763

I can't count you the number of times I've seen retards on /pol/ say they're from /jp/ while posting their favorite egirl.

>> No.31105783

Watch holostars instead of the main/EN/ID branch. No women there (unless they decide to collab). Alternatively, only watch zatsudans/karaoke streams. No games there.

>> No.31105799

I fucking wish

>> No.31105832

>After EN debut
man I really should have gotten into a more niche hobby, like make radios or something...

>> No.31105875

if I told ten years that /jp/ would 4chan's simp (after explaining what simp means)board would you believe me?

>> No.31105883

I wish you fags would actually compromise instead of shitflinging and edgy. "ohhoho i dont give a fuck if your interest goes to trash" is not a solution to any problem

>> No.31105888

Pol had couple of holo threads after that chink drama, anon. A 20% of the global thread are anons from /pol/.

>> No.31105931

>20% of the global thread are anons from /pol/.
You falseflagger, we both have our fair share of them.

>> No.31105933

Many people are saying "make a new board". What would making a new board hurt?

Doesn't even have to be just for vtubers, just make it for "any /jp/ generals"

>> No.31105970

I'm pro /jpg/ too, no one loses.

>> No.31105975

Well, it's not that easy. Either they accept being in a general or destroy the board until the mods do something. Not like anyone could do anything until then.

>> No.31106023

Because /pol/ doesn't give a shit about which cartoon gets posted on /jp/?

>> No.31106026

theres a third option

>> No.31106030

They release BDs of their concerts too. They outsell the majority of seasonal anime despite being just as overpriced.

>> No.31106040

Just make 2hu boards and kick all retrograds there.

>> No.31106063


>> No.31106073

You can do that too, naturally all I care about is the original goddamn reason this board was created.

I miss moot.

>> No.31106092

and what of the other niche otaku threads that gets fucked by hololive?

>> No.31106093

What compromise? The only "compromise" they want is to let them fuck our site in the ass even further. What these holofaggots want is capitulation, not compromise. I say give them their own containment board (along with the rest of you / vtubers) and tell the jannies to do their fucking job. Might be hard assuming they actually do it for free.

>> No.31106118

Yes, I agree.

>> No.31106123

Also curry meshi that sold out FAST after collaboration. People even order them at the fucking Amazon.

>> No.31106132
File: 133 KB, 291x297, 1601569561916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everything gets back to normal fast anons, I don't care about the 2hus but this entire situation really fucking sucks for both sides.

>> No.31106150


>> No.31106157

2020 isn't over and its got plenty of fuck yous to go around .

>> No.31106169

giving vtuber their own containment board would fix everything

>> No.31106172

We're fine with being in generals though. Whatever is going on with the spam threads isn't some manifestation of our desire to have our own board or take over, it's either /qa/ falseflaggers, The usual schizos running wild with no moderation or both.

>> No.31106179

Honestly think of it this way: even if they weren't spamming the board we already had an issue where a dead vtuber general meant like a minimum 5 or 6 threads being spawned into existence. This means killing slow threads and ALSO means that janitors/mods have to prune the "not chosen" generals. In other words, the situation was already fucked and the people spamming are just highlighting exactly why it's fucked.

Nobody likes this, I assume.

>> No.31106186

Of course, 2020 wouldn't be fair if the NEETs didn't get fucked over as well

>> No.31106199

I was thinking of Nijisanji in this case, their tour BD from earlier this year sold 8000 copies at $180 for three discs in the first week. Only four anime have sold more than that this year.

>> No.31106202

>I say give them their own containment board
Nah, /jp/ is nice and on-topic.

>> No.31106241
File: 233 KB, 500x500, 1265249622586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31106246

I think what's strange is that the mods are letting the excess threads stay up though. Most of you keep to your threads, that's fine, I don't care if you're being faggots there. But when a dozen threads just spring up out of nowhere it's not gonna go well with any of the non-vtuber users on here.
Maybe they are busy with the holidays, but I don't know.

>> No.31106258

too tired to board crosspost properly >>>/vip/103036

>> No.31106267

Nijiniggers are still big in Japan so this is expectable.

>> No.31106356

I'm sure the hololive ones sell plenty as well but they haven't released them in real stores so far just on booth so it's not on oricon.

>> No.31106405

someone should make a lev edit of gura punching a 2hu

>> No.31106410

Well yeah, the sooner a mod comes back and cleans this shit up the better.

>> No.31106433

we dont need such things schizo, homolivers need one.

>> No.31106444

I'm afraid moderation is either complicit or actively involved in the creation of the threads because there IS active moderation on the board right now. Just check the archive, the more spammy threads are being deleted and there's been multilple meta threads about this forcibly moved to /qa/. The fact that they're letting things stand as they are speaks to their opinion.

As to the fact that they might be making threads themselves, well, that's literally how the first holothread split happened. A moderator decided unilaterally he was going to split the thread opinions be damned, and made global.

>> No.31106458

yes we do
break up /jp/ already

>> No.31106459


>> No.31106480

which god to I pray to to make hololive go away?Hathor?Glycon?

>> No.31106494

Oh, and by archive I mean warosu. I'm such a 4chan boomer I forget there's actual board archives now

>> No.31106499

Can we sign a petition to kick vniggers out of/jp/

>> No.31106515

maybe shangdi will help

>> No.31106543

it will happen eventually unless meidos are retarded.

>> No.31106572

I mean that was an okay idea

Overall this fucking sucks. Thread is going to die soon. I just want slow /jp/ back. I don't think anyone fucking likes this.

I'm down for /touhou/ or /th/ if out new leader actually does have beef with vtubers. Take /jp/, I don't actually give a fuck, just give me a place to talk Touhou.

Naturally the actual best thing would be a /jpg/ because there are things other than Touhou talked about on here. Rarely, yes, but that's the truth.

>> No.31106646
File: 58 KB, 480x453, ill be your guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is not the only imageboard. Spread your wings and fly.

>> No.31106713

I don't think even most of the vtuber fans want this, most of the posting is still just in the generals and most of the threads that got left up are more or less dead. So what was the fucking point in shitting up the whole board for something literally nobody wanted?

>> No.31106754

To get a new board because nobody actually likes how it is anyways (literally what, 30 fucking generals on a non-general board? It's retarded)

>> No.31106804


>> No.31107229

A bump for 2uh frens in these dark times

>> No.31107369


>> No.31107406
File: 244 KB, 498x280, 1604782449956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete /jp/

>> No.31107407
File: 35 KB, 112x112, Pet Touhou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Vtubers are going to die with the meme virus, Touhou is forever.

>> No.31107409
File: 136 KB, 1346x1026, 1607996525677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll be fine.

>> No.31107479

these are troubled times...

>> No.31107550

>most of the posting is still just in the generals
The expectation is still that the (/jp/-main?) mods will come back and clean house. So people might just be cautious.
It might end up as two or three more active threads in addition to the existing VTuber ones after settling down (and the /qa/-raid stops).

>> No.31107691

It varies from one Vtber to other, comedy, gameplay, commentary, music, drawings, memes, cutesy. And when all belong to the same company, you get to see then interact with each other very often. Some get along very well, others barely tolerate each other and that adds to the entertainment. Besides they also sing and dance, have artwork made about them etc.
