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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 252 KB, 450x450, Beginners_Guide_%2528Maus%2529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31100686 No.31100686 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:
https://pastebin.com/kdChFL5n (embed)

Previous: >>30600420

>> No.31100787 [DELETED] 

This thread will not survive

>> No.31101027

What is this, the second time we've died in the past two weeks?

>> No.31102692

Hololive spamming, which lead other vtuber spamming.

>> No.31102703

In Poe after doing my 10 daily tower runs there is sometimes still a paw on the tower in the whole stage select screen(with story, PvP and stuff), but I can't see what it's supposed to indicate

>> No.31102779

Make sure you don't have a pending encounter battle (represented by a dual swords icon). Otherwise it's just a visual bug that sometimes happens. Restarting the app should clear it if it bothers you.

>> No.31103493

This shit is so fucking annoying, why can't they get a containment board like fucking mlp?

Thanks, think it was just the visual bug because I triple checked everything and didn't see crossing swords

>> No.31104348

Is this the best time to start PoE or are there free rolls coming later? Also which Japanese site/wiki has the best info on characters and mechanics?

>> No.31107998

According to last month's livestream we're getting daily 10s starting sometime in early January. However they will likely be limited to the standard no rateup banner with 3% rates. Currently there is a 5% SSR banner going on but rerolling is hard as you only start with a few singles.
If you want a comfier reroll experience I would wait for free rolls to start. Otherwise you can try to start now and throw all your gems as you play into the 5% banner and see how lucky you can get from that.
I think the only two up-to-date JP info sites are gamewith and gamerch. Not too much of a difference between the two but gamerch has an article with all equipment skills which I find to be handy.

>> No.31111266
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>page 10

>> No.31111320

Final post from last thread.

How appropriate.

Can /mbgg/ even survive in a fast /vtuber/ board?

>> No.31111580

I blame the multiple Hololive threads

>> No.31115241


>> No.31117012

Free daily 10 rolls start on the 26th and last until Jan 12th.

>> No.31119232

Vtubers and vtuber fans need to die

>> No.31121197

Anyone else been on the verge of trying/getting back into PoE? The free rolls, rate-up gacha, and great art seem tempting but I know I'm just gonna get lazy with it a week in.

>> No.31121662

Time to move to /vmg/

>> No.31121710
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Just do it

>> No.31123347

As suspected, it is limited to the standard banner.

>> No.31125075

I just want the dark skin cutie

>> No.31125551

Why is this thread even still a thing when /vmg/ exists?

>> No.31127559
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Bumping before I sleep, please don't die again

>> No.31129719

Time to go back saaaa

>> No.31129724

Because that would be a general, anon. A meta one at that.

>> No.31129745

Deal with it schizo-kun

>> No.31130776

/mbgg/ confirmed to be too slow even for /jp/.

/jp/ IS their containment board.

Because some people like >>31129745 have some sort of hard on for /jp/ even though it's one of the worst boards on 4channel right now, and refuse to acknowledge that more than one person could disagree with them.

Obviously he meant to just split into one thread for each game.

>> No.31130816
File: 157 KB, 1282x732, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next swordfes in Tenka rip my wallet

>> No.31131910

Except for maybe pride of Eden, most of the games discussed here don't have enough people/discussion for a dedicated thread. This thread does its job of allowing for a mix of updates and discussions for various games

>> No.31132040

>split into one thread for each game.
Ah yes I would love having an entire thread for me and the 1 other anon playing ashy arms!

>> No.31137165

Threads last for like a week on /vmg/ without bumps. Just two anons having a conversation would keep them alive no problem.

>> No.31138444

Hell yeah we can have conversations like
>Fuck there's nothing to do!
The thread is gonna be dead just like the game!

>> No.31142634

I wish there was a new mobage out right now

>> No.31142869

So like 80% of the threads on /vmg/?

>> No.31144316

Fantasia rebuild
No you should not play it, it's fgo clone but worse

>> No.31144874

>it's fgo clone but worse
how is that even possible

>> No.31144888

There's tons of kusoge being released all the time, you just don't ever hear of most of them because they have no reason to be relevant.

>> No.31146441

We've had this discussion a dozen times already If you want to move so badly then go ahead and do it /mbgg/ will do its own thing in /jp/ and you can have what ever it is you want in /vmg/

>> No.31147163

Yes, we know of your hard on for /jp/ is to the point that whatever got you to move from /vg/ to /jp/ magically doesn't apply when it's happening to /jp/.

>> No.31147597

And you have a hard on for trying to kill /mbgg/ for some odd reason does it bother you that we're on /jp/ now? Do you wake up every morning and see /mbgg/ in the catalog and just start seething? I hope it stays here just so you can continue crying.

>> No.31147656

Fuck off. Just because the board is shitting itself from retards who can't contain themselves doesn't mean this thread needs to knee-jerk react and hop all over the website.

>> No.31148150

No, just calling out your double standards. Sure didn't apply when it was at /vg/, eh.

>> No.31148329

>Starts with "guys we should move"
>To now "lol I was just calling you guys out ;)"
Yeah ok retard not gonna give you any more (you)s

>> No.31150479

Honestly don't know if I want to give Fantasia Re:Build another chance.

>> No.31152982

I tried it because I am sad there is no good game with rias or xenovia but it just felt too similar to fgo and all those menues you have to click through are annoying and autobattle seems to be locked behind paywall, at least I didn't find a way to get skip tickets at a reasonable pace(might be wrong here though because I am retarded)

>> No.31158932

man we are dead

>> No.31159248

Seems normal to me. Not too much to discuss outside of asking questions about x game.

>> No.31163829

Nothing new and the one game that might have gotten some talk is region locked for some reason

>> No.31170378

If you are talking about the Sakura game the region lock was removed a bunch of days ago.

>> No.31170477

I'm sure he's referring to PGR

>> No.31171800

Oh i play the CN version so i completely ignored the JP release.

>> No.31175986

I heard about that game is it good? I'm feeling that itch to play something new.

>> No.31177756

I've heard comparisons to FGO which doesn't sound very appealing.

>> No.31177984

Outside of the skill and passive system being damn-near 1:1 with FGO the battle system is like some kind of positioning-based thing and there isn't RNG involved in who gets to hit the enemy. The Grisaia game is the one that copies FGO's 3-cardtype shuffle battle system.

I think people just keep associating "turn-based RPG on mobile" with FGO because they've never played anything else.

>> No.31181151
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PoE popularity results are in.

>> No.31181636

cute butt

>> No.31184511

If you mean >>31130776, all I said is this thread is too slow for this board, and that this board sucks, not that you guys should move. What I said isn't that you should move from /jp/, what I said is that you guys are hypocritical for rejecting the same reasons which you yourselves used to move away from /vg/, to move away from /jp/. In fact, my personal opinion is that this thread shouldn't have moved away from /vg/ to begin with, but well, here we are.

>> No.31185116

Anon just start your own /mbgg/ threads in /vg/ if that's what you want. It's not like anyone here will stop you.

>> No.31187370

/mbgg/ left /vg/ because it was too slow to survive there
/mbgg/ died the other day because vtubers are too fast for /jp/

>> No.31188808

>30 fps cap is back in ashy arms
Yo what the fuck it was fine before the update

>> No.31193006

>not even gacha is entertaining anymore
How do you unfry your dopamine receptors

>> No.31193048

>tenka refunded my red tears
Fuck yeah I messed up and put them on girls I didn't really use now I can probably fill out the whole 4th board on one of my favorites

>> No.31193061

>progress was a mistake
now we know why ash arms is still dead

>> No.31194445

Do second and third get something or is it just first that gets a new card? Evante and Sherry are my favorites so I hope its not the latter.

>> No.31194712

I keep on getting a grey screen every time I try running PoE, always happens after the company logos show up. Does the game require VPN? I am running it on 64-bit Bluestacks.

>> No.31195258

No I never had to use a VPN for PoE and I never heard of it ever needing one.

>> No.31197504
File: 4 KB, 126x72, 1602191967048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine moving to /jp/ because it's slower then the site undergoes major changes that cause /vg/ to be slower than /jp/

>> No.31198379

/vg/ is still significantly faster, it's just not as vulnerable to thread spam anymore

>> No.31199540

I didn't even know the winner gets a new alt. Kind of funny because Ravi is already getting a new alt next month according to the character preview. If she gets another new one then she'd be far in the lead in terms of playables.

I've heard of login problems but never a gray screen. The game has only needed VPN on my end like one time ever because my update would get stuck on my home internet connection. Other that that never had an issue.
I've only played the game on emulator to macro rerolling but never had an issue with emulators either, though I think I used a 32-bit emulator.

>> No.31199746

I had similar issues when I tried Poe months ago, decided to give it another try during the current banner and it works on bluestacks but I run 32 bit

>> No.31202347

You're free anon enjoy it

>> No.31204427

>Page 8 in 1 hour now

>> No.31205663

I looked it up and they said the winner gets "a new outfit, new song, new goods, and will be part of a new project." So I guess Ravi will be getting a ton of shit in the coming months.
I'm not a big fan of her but I'm not surprised that she's popular among the Japs.

>> No.31205934
File: 31 KB, 348x275, 1554829142551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabigods I kneel...

>> No.31208116

1) Stop being a person who spends your life unhappy except for gacha games.
2) You didn't fry your dopamine receptors. You just realized that it's entirely-possible there's something out there in the world that makes you happy. So go out and find it.

>> No.31211126

vtubers wouldn't be too fast if the fuckers would just keep their shit in their containment threads. The 2hu thread spam was annoying too but at least they didnt vomit out an entire boards worth of them in a couple days.

>> No.31213338
File: 338 KB, 2048x1084, 1608861310743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas /mbgg/!!!

>> No.31213986

>Merry Christmas /mbgg/!!!
you too anon

>> No.31215219

You too bros

>> No.31216493

Merry Christmas anon

>> No.31220967

considering the sheer force of posting in the hololive threads it could almost be considered to be well contained
the en hololive thread alone is currently moving faster than the entirety of /int/ for example

>> No.31225289

This year of 2020 I learned that mobile games can be the worst thing ever for a person

I introduced my old mother to simple mobile games this year and they have completely consumed her to a point she's like a young teen that doesn't care about anything that isn't her mobile games and doesn't want to do anything that would result in her having less time to play her mobile games which is more than a handful.

Thank you for reading my blog and be careful when introducing extremely addicting entertainment to people that have never touched videogames before

>> No.31226969
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The winner!

>> No.31231619
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I want to split this panda's bamboo

>> No.31235348
File: 211 KB, 675x1200, EMh1zN_UEAA9zMK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is best girl birthday. To another year of service, a toast!

>> No.31240915

>To another year of service, a toast!
Anon I get anxious every six months whenever PTD's current roadmap is nearing its end and for some reason, my anxiety gets stronger whenever a new roadmap is released.

>> No.31241872

>The King's Raid anime BDs were cancelled because of "circumstances".
Looks like this will be another case where the game will shutdown a short while after the anime ends.

>> No.31245427

should have put out more little girls instead of generic anime titty

>> No.31245658

>It has 26 episodes instead of the usual 12 episode for mobage game adaptation.
They probably decided to go big or go home.

>> No.31254813

Have faith bro I've been a tenka player since day 1 and the first year was truly stressful but now that year 4 is coming up I believe we're all gonna make it

>> No.31256723

Well it's back to 60 again maybe it's a bug or something sometimes I launch it and I'm stuck at 30 but today I wanted to do the Christmas event and I'm playing above 60

>> No.31257855

Isn’t the free 10 rolls for PoE supposed to start today?

>> No.31258301

Yes, seems like something is wrong. Guess we'll get compensation.

>> No.31258521

For the 3x equipment drops in eden, the rates for 4-5* are not tripled. It's just if you happen to get a 4-5* equip you will get it 3x.This doesn't apply to the random encounters, just the regular drops.

>> No.31258538

Guys scammed me it works. It's on standard gacha.

>> No.31258645

They hotfixed it fast then.

>> No.31258715
File: 2.55 MB, 2270x1080, Screenshot_20201225-124951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off to a good start

>> No.31265236

Hey that's literally my free rolls.

>> No.31265884

Hope I can get lulurica..

>> No.31266030

So with free rolls starting, now is the best time to get into PoE. Reroll with the free standard banner 10s and then use your gems on the 5% banner.

>> No.31270251

Pre-sleep bump

>> No.31270572

For anyone playing PoE, what emulator and what settings are you using? I cannot get it to play on Bluestacks 32 bit nor 64 bit, no matter what I try.

>> No.31277206
File: 1.29 MB, 2785x3353, 1584829242211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping before a nap

>> No.31277265

So completely useless then

>> No.31279928
File: 1.14 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20201226-060442_c5d9f965cb9dd209ecbc0befb56113d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soboro rerun for that one anon who always asks when she's going to come back, a month after he blew his load failing to get the seasonal version.
I legitimately feel bad for him

>> No.31282946

Is it a serious one? They're really best when silly like Last Period.

>> No.31282988

Damn that's pointless. 4-5* equipment almost never drops so I'd rather have a 3x drop rate instead.

>> No.31283297
File: 351 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Last Period - Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.10_[2018.04.26_01.41.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be forever sad that there will be nothing that will top the absolute kino that is the Last Period anime.

>> No.31284787


>> No.31284844

>was poisoned by an officer of the same company
What the fuck

>> No.31284896

What in the actual fuck?
>died on Christmas

>> No.31285170

As fucked up as this may sound, I can't help but wonder if the guy's death will bring in a handful of players upon their hearing the news.

>> No.31285379

Yo what a fucking twist

>> No.31286989


>> No.31287242

gotta love china

>> No.31290712

>start game
>literally dies a week later
Fuck I am sorry

>> No.31290976

Huh? It doesn't say that the game is dying because someone got poisoned in their company though.

>> No.31293188

Need gratuitously ecchi game with spreadsheet gameplay, please assist.

>> No.31294686

I want both of those shadow versions, but blew my load last month so I guess I’ll just save this month.

>> No.31294971

Same. Not gonna save though since I want the loli shadow Masahide so I'm just gonna roll what little I have and hope for the best.

>> No.31295514

Thanks anon. Yep, I'm fucked. Might as well scrounge up whatever I can and hope for the best. I think whoever is in charge of the algorithm of gacha odds knows that the moment I pull both SSR Soboros is the moment I no longer need to roll or be tempted to spend money to roll unless another Soboro comes into the mix.

>> No.31297309

>the moment I pull both SSR Soboros is the moment I no longer need to roll or be tempted to spend money to roll unless another Soboro comes into the mix.
Get ready for her loli version bro

>> No.31298416

>The president of the Chinese game company Youzu, which produced "Red: Pride of Eden," was poisoned by an officer of the same company and was hospitalized from the 17th, but died on the 25th.

What the fuck?

>> No.31300567

>Spreadsheet gameplay
Princess Connect?
I don't know what you mean by spreadsheet gameplay but if it's being autistic with logging shit to a spreadsheet, following timelines down to frame-perfect skill activations and writing down every single PVP combination you come across at high level then that might be it.

Game is kinda tame and appeals more to the cunny/petite side rather than the titty milf side of tastes though.

>> No.31304385


>> No.31305659

sounds like a shit game bro

>> No.31305950

It is, it's only good for free rolls

>> No.31313029

Wow the drama.

>> No.31313386

Did dramanon write about this in /vmg/ yet?

>> No.31316697

Are his posts even real? Sounds like schizo mumbling every time

>> No.31316762

Holy shit are we supposed to expect Mobages in jp as well? What the fuck are the mods doing. Why don't we just make everything jp?

>> No.31316819

anonchama this thread has been here for the last two years....

>> No.31317557

/jp/ has been a dumping ground for everything they don't want on /a/ or /v/ since its inception. What's going on now is no different.
And since no one cares about /jp/, it's going to remain the dump it has been for years now. The board can no longer take it easy because of all the crossies.

>> No.31319139

Well this thread primarily discusses mobage that are JP only so I see no real problem with it being on this board.

>> No.31329391

not anymore because we're dead

>> No.31332003

I don't have a slowpoke slow enough for this post

>> No.31337250

>Got shit after I wasted my gems in my main kusoge
>Got the rate-up character after that in a less popular kusoge and probably will be dead soon
I don't get why this usually happens most of the time.

Barely any new games worth mentioning and no new event in most games until New Year

>> No.31338110

It's time to go back to /jp/ saa

>> No.31340913


>> No.31345075 [DELETED] 

Toboso anime episode 1 is out. Maybe someone will rip Funi version soon

>> No.31349401

What are you all hoping for from your current games in 2021 bros?

>> No.31350286

claim all mission, immediately finish stage when you auto and shift system for the base in arknights
better translation for illusion connect and the jp battle pass but overall very satisfied with the game, they increased event quality by a lot too
and I am only level 39 in poe so I can't say anything about that

>> No.31351492

Sounds like gibs!

>> No.31352957

A button that will let me complete all my dailies in one press. Hopefull by 2022, they'll make it where I do that just by logging in.

>> No.31356440
File: 191 KB, 2048x2048, 1589172692458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in my PoE guild is quitting. Is the anon who was interested in joining like one or two threads ago still here and interested in joining?

>> No.31357528

Not shutting down. Hoping I will get characters which I want in the gacha as well

>> No.31359137

>Someone in my PoE guild is quitting.
Must be the president

>> No.31359161

luckGOD is still here though I kinda became lucklet

>> No.31359424
File: 273 KB, 500x500, nnr_red201206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one who wanted to join right? Search and apply to LoliHouse, we should be 25/26.

It was someone who really wanted the panda but didn't have 300 rolls. Still managed to get 18 SSR total from rolling but 17 of those SSRs were off-rates, and the sole rate-up he got was the reindeer. Guild event gems were his last hope and he failed.

>> No.31359744

I will do that in 8 hours because of the timer

>> No.31361171

Survive. But come to think about it, the game won't get any new players at all if they keep going as is. Maybe a reboot or spinoff app won't be so bad.

>> No.31365062

Please play Ange Vierge. It's still alive somehow after 7 years.

>> No.31371578

>130 rolls
>5 SSR
>3x evante, 1x lisa, 1x gloria
Rate up my ass, 5% my ass

>> No.31373454

Same amount of rolls but I ended up with 9 SSR.
>Rin x3
>Yor x2
>Evante x1
>Sherry x1
>Bridget x1
>Sara x1
bretty good

>> No.31374870
File: 2.45 MB, 1794x658, AAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did 10 more

>> No.31382375


>> No.31382398

Bigger breasts.

>> No.31384786

Smaller breasts.

>> No.31384796


>> No.31385094

More QoL that enables me to finish my dailies faster.
A rework to the progression system or limiting the power level ceiling so new players can catch up faster would be nice too, as it is near impossible for any new player to catch up at the moment. The game is mainly PVE but since the main ways to obtain premium currency in the game is through PVP modes, the players sitting at the lategame/endgame power levels will always have a widening advantage as it'll be easier for them to roll for PVP meta characters which in turn continues to solidify their PVP standing.

>> No.31387032
File: 459 KB, 642x865, 45376876876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31387575

I fell asleep but I applied now, names luckGOD

>> No.31388628

Rolled her because I love brown girls with tanlines but no voice really fucking sucks also have no use for her since the Muv-luvs are unbeatable

>> No.31393490

Seems like New Years Francesca is the new SSR with the blonde girl being the event SR.
Alt Ravi and Lily seem like they would be an event SSR and SR pair, so I wonder if that means we'll have an unannounced SSR during the guild battle next month before we get them.

>> No.31393735

If Francesca got an SSR version then Lily would probably get one too since she's also part of the main party with Olivia, April, and Shanon who I think will all get SSR versions sooner or later. We'll probably have another double SSR banner this January with Lily and Ravi.

>> No.31393796

5%? That's the cumulative 0.25% from each characters in the pool, anon :^)

>> No.31393979

>stellar saga releases a FAQ
>says the protagonist can be either Male or female
>cbt comes out
>no female protagonist
Did they lie?

>> No.31395539
File: 2.09 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot (40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still neat art. Now waiting for gameplay vid.

>> No.31395619

what is man supposed to mean

>> No.31395690

Looks promising. Gonna take a guess that it's Chinese? If so, you might be able to dig up some videos of that if that version's already out.

>> No.31396350

I hope they don't do another double SSR banner so soon at least.

>> No.31396400
File: 3.57 MB, 2282x1054, Screenshot_20201228-104855_77_1_95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I discuss this here? The only other alternative for discussion of it in English is a Discord filled with ESL SEAniggers.

>> No.31399402

Sorry, I fell asleep mere minutes before this post and woke up to maintenance. I'll accept when it's over.

>> No.31401144

Give me a game with a fuckton of characters. The less meta gameplay hell the better.

>> No.31402412


>> No.31403012

Alright I accepted.

>> No.31403268

Appreciate, going to get as strong as possible as fast as possible

>> No.31403437

Don't worry about rushing, it's not an esport guild.

>> No.31407292

I fucking love aloe

>> No.31408507 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 701x437, 1609197907609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.31411755

I'm looking forward to this one ngl, I just hope it has gameplay that isn't terrible

>> No.31412786

What's with them using Facebook? Never seen a Japanese company do that in my life.

>> No.31417674

I've seen it once. The game shut down within 6 months. Hard to say there's isn't a possibility of correlation

>> No.31423519

But that's a chinese game

>> No.31424452

They must have read that post because the facebook link on their twitter profile got changed to youtube.

>> No.31441555

Hello game company!

>> No.31446570

Compass balancing for today:
>Activation speed for all cards increased by the following:
-No activation time = shortened by 0.1 seconds
-Short activation time = shortened by 0.2 seconds
-Long activation time = shortened by 0.3 seconds
>Attack modifier increased from 1.25 to 1.30
>Increased hero action power by 4%
>Attack multiplier for normal attacks increased by 3%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.30 to 1.35
>Increased hero action power by 7%
>Delay before moving after casting an AoE card reduced by 4%
>Increased hero action power by 14%
>Increased hero ability effect by 4%
>Increased normal attack speed by 3%
>Increased the duration of his ability by 2 seconds
>Increased the maximum attack power gain of his ability, now goes up to 1.5x attack
>Increased speed of first normal attack by 6%
>Modification to remove delay when cancelling normal attacks (60% reduction)
>Increased ability power by 6%
>Defence modifier increased from 0.60 to 0.75
>Reduced the area behind her when using her hero action by 0.5m
>Reduced the maximum duration of her hero action by 2 seconds
>Reduced the duration of her hero ability by 1 second
>Movement speed reduced by 1%
>Hero skill requires an additional 4% to fully charge

>> No.31449207

All of the PoE free rolls have given me jackshit so far, hope the luck is better for you guys.

>> No.31449321

Why PoW restart every time I turn off the screen?

>> No.31451158

I got a Isabela yesterday, now I am only missing lulurica and I got all the ones that really make my dick hard.
Planning on saving for a couple months now to have a stash ready for swimsuit characters

>> No.31451381

Assuming we won't get summer characters until August again, you'll probably have around 600-700 rolls saved up if you don't spend on rolls from now until then. I'll applaud your mental fortitude if you can save that much while not being tempted until then

>> No.31452463

Yeah you are right, I wouldn't last that long
But good to know I have like 300 to 400 rolls to spend during that time and then still have 300 left for swimsuits, just need to be remember the anniversary too

>> No.31452691
File: 1.71 MB, 2270x1080, Screenshot_20201229-140610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's a DUMB crown.

>> No.31455465

I mean PoE* is there a setting that can change that or is default of the app?

>> No.31456030

I think it's default. It didn't used to do this until an update from around one or two weeks ago. I don't really mind it too much since login is fairly quick, and you can still switch screens/leave the app in the background for a short time.

>> No.31460830

Don't die!

>> No.31469498

>100 rolls in Tenka got me 1 single character
Fuck this game

>> No.31472885

One 10 roll and I got loli Suishinshi. The increase in the rate up from 0.3% to 0.7% worked.

>> No.31473395
File: 592 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20201230-022921175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got her in two 10s Tenka has been hella good to me this year

>> No.31474239
File: 3.58 MB, 4031x2802, CCBD1933-4248-4A19-9FFA-7A32E28B7E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it, I finally got Soboro after all this time! Best part was that it only took two 10 rolls! I’m crying right now, I’m finally free from this curse.

>> No.31474755

Fuck now I'm tempted to spend a bit, but I'll wait to roll the rest of the daily orbs at least.
Tenka has also been pretty good to me for fes recently, so I probably shouldn't complain about losing on this one. I just wish it wasn't the loli I lost on.

Congrats man I'm happy for you.

>> No.31474832

>taking a picture of your screen

>> No.31479705

Congrats anon you're free unlike fox anon who's probably still on the journey also
>That pic
Anon did you just take a picture of your phone with another phone?...

>> No.31479773

I remember when I played Tenka for a while and because I never had felt like rolling in the game I ended up with more than 30k of the gacha currency even today I don't how I got so much of it, the sad thing is that from all of that I only got 2 UR characters I simply stopped playing from the rage I just don't uninstall cause I got Shana...

>> No.31480271


>> No.31489870

>Soboro back so soon after her other version
Hahaha fuck this game, I could have sparked her if they didn't make me roll and fail on her cute other version

>> No.31489952

FUCK YOU t. Soboroanon

>> No.31490179

Which one of you is the guy who always asks when she's going to come back?
That guys the most dedicated so I hope he was the winner.

>> No.31490258

It was me and I lost. I got more flat chested bitches too to boot.

>> No.31491296

I'm the guy that kept on mistakingly calling her "big titty fox" when her banner first arrived as well as the guy that sperged out in despair when I failed to get her winter version. Also, my tablet's screenshot function isn't working so I have no choice but to take the pic like that.

>> No.31494852
File: 798 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20201230-091128678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got monster maid to max and have enough to max out 1 more but kinda conflicted on who to choose

>> No.31495029

Might as well follow your heart boner

>> No.31497359

I got Tsubaki two days in a roll, thats it so far. Don't really care much about the free rolls since I have everyone currently in the standard banner I want anyway.

>> No.31502920

In tenka should I reroll for the new girl or the one of the girls being rerun just do whoever I like most?

>> No.31504413
File: 2.56 MB, 2220x1080, newyearsfran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems my gems will continue to build up.

>> No.31504628

>Haven't gotten anything from the free rolls since it started.
>Got SSR Francesca at the first roll.
I guess my luck was being saved for this new banner.

>> No.31504752

Just reroll for the one you like the most. All the swords including the SRs can be usable in Tenka so it's a purely pick with your dick game.

>> No.31504813

The gacha last 2 days right

>> No.31505206

The swordfes banners are ending tomorrow.

>> No.31505212

>you get the new SR unit for free in pride of eden
Holy hell this game is really nice

>> No.31505615

Every post-launch SR have been event welfare characters.

>> No.31505710

I like this game so much, should have played it way earlier. Thank god it survived through corona and seems to be doing just fine

>> No.31506787


>> No.31508469

>tfw decided to save for Valentines in poe
Go on without me bros

>> No.31509476

In POE. are you supposed to run some hard stages more than once? Because hard 1-2 allows you to run it 2 times but the 2nd time drops dont seem that great

>> No.31510148

You can farm the event character pieces from the 2nd, 4th, and 6th hard stage.

>> No.31510289

Is that recommended to do? Doesnt seem to be much stamina per day and also gives some event drops

>> No.31510726

You can upgrade the event character to 4* with only a little left to 5* if you do all the hard stages daily.

>> No.31516021

For events in PoE, should I be doing every daily gem stamina refill?

>> No.31517009

Yes, it's recommended you try to rush to the 5th box and onwards because there are 450 gems and 3 SSR universal fragments in every box. It's worth it to spend 420 gems on stamina refills a day because you will get the gems back since that should be enough to let you clear about 1 box a day.

>> No.31523055

Next Compass ranked season is for Reiya and will run from the 7th ~ 17th.
Bungo Stray Dogs collab tomorrow also
>Range banned again from posting images
What the fuck!!!!!??????!!!!

>> No.31527370

I guess I have so many cute girls it's extremely hard to choose my absolute favorite at least I don't have to worry about having a strong character for super bosses anymore since best maid does stupid amounts of damage

>> No.31539582


>> No.31540478

>2 new events up in Tenka
Bless. I'm going to get my loli from the rolls, I can feel it.

>> No.31545283
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>> No.31546198

Oh hey earrings are pretty good anon

>> No.31546746

Yeah I wanted the purple ones and I got 2 from rolling for the loli so that's something nice at least.

>> No.31548939
File: 1.55 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20201231-190945_c5d9f965cb9dd209ecbc0befb56113d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I finally got her
It only took 200 bucks

>> No.31549764

Thank you for your service you just help fund year 4!

>> No.31550750

Yeah! I'll be mildly annoyed if we don't make it to year 5 now but I'm probably not spending more for the foreseeable future.

>> No.31551074

>got Sara from poe free rolls yesterday
>Mei today
Might as well have given me a purple book instead of baiting my hopes with the gold.

>> No.31554083
File: 161 KB, 1000x563, Eqkwyc6XIAITpqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year to my favorite general ever!

>> No.31557109

Live through to 2021!

>> No.31559306
File: 271 KB, 1428x2048, Eqkwz2EUUAcoSHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year everyone!

>> No.31560999

merry christmas bros!

>> No.31567075

Merry new years bro

>> No.31574185
File: 307 KB, 1280x720, EqY-nweVEAEEmQx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab has started in Compass, there's a login campaign that gives a free event ticket on the first day

>> No.31577210
File: 381 KB, 1080x1216, Eqg-vZWVEAAY5lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy titcow skins for the New Year.

>> No.31577749
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inhouse artist strikes again

>> No.31588467

Slow the fuck down /jp/ please

>> No.31588847

Nothing can change until vtubers get a containment board.

>> No.31590251

>panda turned out to be really strong
Glad I didn't get either of them in 200 rolls haha...

>> No.31590360

Welp I failed to reroll any of the swordfes characters and the gacha endend

>> No.31590370

In terms of gameplay I'd say she's strong but not toppest tier. Good to have but you're not missing out on too much without her.

>> No.31590729

How is the new girl in tenka not as good as the swordfes characters right should I just wait for next swordfes again?

>> No.31591768

Anon there's no meta in tenka it's literally just pick your absolute favorite and save up for her if it's a sordfest character then yeah wait till the next one

>> No.31591942

She's not a lim so she's not going anywhere if you're chasing rarity. While I don't have her she's probably fine, really any character can be viable, the game is basically designed this way.
So yeah if there's some perms you like the look of it's perfectly fine to reroll for them.
It's advantageous to start now because the NY log in bonuses are nice for new players and the daily 10 rolls can be good for getting some UR equips. The majority of a girls strength will pretty much come from having her final panel invested in and having some decent matching equipment so the sooner you can start to work on those the better.

>> No.31592082

I did like the girl with black and blue hair and the tomboy blond girl but was unable to get them through my rerolls is there a current list of swordfes characters the wikis in the pastebin look outdated

>> No.31592460

English trailer is out

>> No.31592689
File: 107 KB, 900x536, EqZXXcxU0AI5IJK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sara's name is "Sala" in the trailer
>name is correct in pic-related

>> No.31593047

Worth mentioning that only a few swordfes characters return each fes so it's kind of a crapshoot if one you want will be returning anytime soon, and it's normally the standard normal swordfes characters. The ones we just had were shadow versions and their reruns are very rare as the Soboro anons who waited forever for her to comeback can tell you.

>> No.31593213

I think I’ll reroll for a girl I like now then save for the shadow characters then

>> No.31596178

Do we have an ETA or is it just 2021, right now?

>> No.31605486
File: 214 KB, 500x515, 68A41014-A50C-42A5-9031-438BBEDE976D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a girl that I like and 3 other ur characters Nihon'ichi Norishige,Tsurumaru Kuninaga and Kunouzan no Sanetsune I noticed that Shishi has this outfit how do you get it is it seasonal? How long do the free ten rolls go? Also how do I know what equipment/skill is good for a certain character is type matching enough or do certain characters want certain pieces?

>> No.31606945

All of the story live2Ds look pretty bad. At least they give you an option to just display the normal 2D art during story scenes.

>> No.31607238
File: 761 KB, 1280x938, 1503583723771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I noticed that Shishi has this outfit how do you get it is it seasonal?
Event costume you gotta wait till they rerun it but honestly as much as I love little tan girls in spats her costume is a downgrade from her regular clothes
>Has a thong and a thong tanline
Fuck she gets me hot probably the sexiest tenka girl.
>How long do the free ten rolls go?
It's 10 days of free 10 rolls but I forget what day we're currently in I think it started the first so it's day 2 now?
>Also how do I know what equipment/skill is good for a certain character is type matching enough or do certain characters want certain pieces?
Type matching is honestly enough nothing is ever hard in tenka only title super boss. Rings grant skill damage and earrings grant crit chance so if you're lucky enough to get a bunch of earrings use those. Also there are certain damage caps for girls that don't have certain 4th board slots invested in for example heavy sword users cap out at 5k attack and the rest cap around 6-6.5k so if you see your sword going above the cap you might wanna remove an accessorie that gives attack and instead put a mask in that slot to raise your crit. Lastly once you've started a girls 4th board and she can bypass the damage cap you'll want to power her up to 11-12k attack for maximum efficiency.

>> No.31609836


>> No.31611513

Adding onto what the other anon said, never combine fox masks since limit breaking them doesn't boost the crit passive.
Getting S ranks on stages is also dependent on the remaining % of your entire teams HP combined so you can make it easier to achieve by stacking HP equips on your sub members and not actually using them.

>heavy sword users cap out at 5k attack
Heavy girls got buffed recently to have their standard damage cap raised from 8k to like 14k so you're probably not capping with 5k atk anymore.

>> No.31612612

>season reset in poe also resets first time season rewards
holy shit, you get like more than 100 rolls per month dont you?

>> No.31614377

Question fellow Otakus.

I made a JP iTunes account so I could pre-order Assult Lily Last Bullet and did. But now do I need to keep my account on my device switched over until the game releases? Or can I swap back to main account and the game will download once it's released?

tl;dr are pre-orders on iOS tied to device or account?

>> No.31614648

So is new years Fran any good?

>> No.31615524

When combined with guild war rewards, events, daily/weekly task rewards, and daily pvp income, yes.

>> No.31620605

I wonder how they are even going to advertise Pride of Eden in the west. No one even knew the western Twitter account existed until a few weeks ago and I'm pretty sure the trailer spread by word of mouth.

>> No.31620894

i spent 30k bm and didnt get atsushi, now i dont feel like playing due to immeasurable dissapointment

>> No.31624051

>Heavy girls got buffed recently to have their standard damage cap raised from 8k to like 14k so you're probably not capping with 5k atk anymore.
Well shit nice I never use heavy sword users since faster swords always out dps them but good for them

>> No.31628263

Refer to meme tier list
Keep in mind they might alter her placing if she's actually shit

>> No.31631827

>tier 0 support
I'd disagree but there are hardly any support types in the game so she's practically tier 0 based off of no competition.
Personally I think she will have niche PVE and offensive PVP uses in the future but she's not really suited for the current fast tempo glass cannon meta at the moment. So far most fights boil down to killing the opponent quicker than they can kill you, or at least disrupting them first so that your party has tempo advantage. Characters that can do this tend to be strong and rated highly, like Lululica (20% ATK debuff + SP block debuff to 3 highest ATK stat enemies with ougi) and Christmas Sara (50% chance of Restraint/Snowman debuff to 3 random enemies). New Year Fran's debuff is just a DoT that doesn't really disrupt the enemy. Rather than being a support type she's more suited as a defender with how huge her shields can potentially be. Since her shields scale entirely off ATK and will always consume a set % of her max HP, you can build her while ignoring HP and focus solely on ATK. I don't have her so I can't test but I am going to assume she can stack her shield too just like how Gloria can stack hers', as proved with Lisa + Gloria combos in PVP Defense formations. Lisa + NY Fran is potentially a 750% ATK shield. There is a 5* armor ability that increases shield strength by an additional 50% of ATK too so it would be an 850% ATK shield with a Lisa combo.
Assuming an example where she has 1.5 mil HP and 150k ATK, in a Lisa combo you'd be sacrificing 30% of her HP (450k) for a 1.275 million HP shield, and this would be applied every two turns as well. Paired up with other support like Gloria adding on additional shield strength and Tsubaki reducing damage through life-link and heals, and NY Fran is probably practically unkillable within 10 rounds on a PVP defense team.

>> No.31638895

page 10

>> No.31643581

Welcome to the new /jp/ where no one takes it easy anymore

>> No.31645056

/jp/? sorry, did you mean /vtubers/?

>> No.31653125

I hate it.
Long gone are those dreamlike days.

>> No.31654060
File: 305 KB, 1440x720, Screenshot_20210103_031725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even worth it to get these things?

>> No.31654822

Absolutely I'm still waiting my girls version

>> No.31654953

I've never actually used one since my usual girls don't have one yet. You can't use the mat on anything else so might as well if yours does.
Just make sure to buy the right one for your girl assuming she has one

>> No.31655552

any Mobage you guys waiting for?

>> No.31655988

First two you linked + that one chink mobage that has nice character art/designs but no gameplay revealed yet.

>> No.31656586


Thnaks, I'll get one when Soboro alt gets one. I'm trying to get more Soul Drop for now. What's the fastest way?

>> No.31656854

借星 starlike
Star Chaser
That game with nekomimi girls which will release in japenese sometime this year

>> No.31657294

Events give a lot if you're caught up then your only other option is multiplayer

>> No.31658140

Mainly Uma Musume and Blue Archive.

>> No.31658384

As we'd say in sinkieland, Sala already.

>> No.31661066
File: 1.26 MB, 4096x1536, 822C6CF8-31F6-4FE0-B9A1-A5A107E81C38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are those things on the left used for? And how are the URs I have

>> No.31661726

>get weapon from 4* box
>it rolls E attack

>> No.31663936

The ones on the left are skills. The fox mask is important for the crit build and at least you have a UR equip that increases HP and attack so I guess it's good enough to start with.

>> No.31665116

Assault Riri
Random chink games that I forget until they release

>> No.31671597

Damn GCG has one of the best PVP I've played in a while.

>> No.31672278

lapis relights

>> No.31672618

Assuly Lily Last Bullet

>> No.31672712

Also calling assault lily, I really like the art

>> No.31676662

The battle royale? It was pretty fun last time I tried it.

>> No.31677962

That was fun too but they changed the format this time to 4v4 team battle.

>> No.31678727

Anyone seen gameplay or have thoughts on Alchemy Stars? Only heard about it recently.


>> No.31679128

Scroll up a bit.
I'm definitely going to give it a try when it releases.

>> No.31685846

I'm looking forward to seeing which game is next for the chopping block

>> No.31690056

Maybe something that recently got localised to EN. I want to play something in a readily readable alphabets for a chance.

>> No.31691353

Art looks nice but the fact that they're not showing any gameplay does not instill confidence.

>> No.31700287

Ded week

>> No.31702797

What are the warning signs of a game about to shutdown?

>> No.31703434

>radio silence from staff and developers
>no new content or qol updates in the past 6 months
>repeating event cycle
>tanking sales and store ranking
>announced staff changes
>announced final chapter
>gets an anime
>gets a sequel game
>announces a shutdown in advance

>> No.31704059

Anything that earns less than 1 hundred million JPY monthly.

>> No.31704307

An anime announcement

>> No.31704382

dear mobage veterans.
please give me example(s) of dead mobage turned offline, thank you

>> No.31705627

Does this even exist?

>> No.31705742

There was one idol game last year, I can't remember the name of it though.

>> No.31706742

when is artery gear coming?? release it already u chinks

>> No.31707279

The shachou battle one. It's getting a Steam release.

>> No.31707316

Looks like another chinkolle autobattler, why do you care?

>> No.31707594
File: 2.98 MB, 475x322, 1600372227337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they got verified in November with Bilibiligames so they should release this year

>> No.31708573

That's like 50 million too high to be accurate.

>> No.31710580


>> No.31713832
File: 229 KB, 700x473, 86782701_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31714126


>> No.31714639

I thought this was Yuki before Muka when I saw this. It just doesn't have those usual Muka characteristics. Though Muka does have nice body overall.

>> No.31715374

RIP thread.

Last Period, Merc Storia and Ensemble Stars are still alive though. Kusoneko are also still alive somehow.

>> No.31715502
File: 517 KB, 818x599, 1518e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last Period, Merc Storia and Ensemble Stars
Happy Elements is an anomaly. Their games with anime live, while Ensemble Girls managed to die twice without one.

>> No.31715734


>> No.31715751

There was a Valkyrie Drive moba that got sunset I believe.
