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31099341 No.31099341 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>30118751
Does /jp/ still have room for Touhou gameplay discussion?

>> No.31099480

any chance of a 240fps patch? Or I can just look at the diff between the executables and figure it out I guess

>> No.31099486

What's the best shot type against Ran?

>> No.31099762

had some nice runs. maybe see some of you again in a different arcade.

>> No.31100530

keep this thread bumped
if you want actual discussion on /jp/, and are not a holofag, you are going to have a hard time keeping up.

>> No.31102667 [DELETED] 


>> No.31102858

>Does /jp/ still have room for Touhou gameplay discussion?
The future of gaming is watching e-girls playing games, instead of playing them yourself.

>> No.31103482

anyone else hate using bombs? It kind of feels unsatisfying to finally reach the final spellcard, and then just chain bombs back to back because you're so afraid. But then you miss out on the actual satisfaction of beating the card.

>> No.31103638

Maybe if you played the game you'd have an active thread

>> No.31103691

This is the bullet-hell thread. The only bullet you need is a bullet in your head.

>> No.31103723

are there any patches for wbawc to make the game less eye rape?

>> No.31105770

Okay how long until a person says go to /v/ counting now.

>> No.31106209

I think so, but not today. When the thread war craze dies /jp/ will be, more or less, back to the usual. At least it's what I'm hoping for.
I like IN and fangames with forgiving deathbomb timers for this reason specifically. Trying to capture a difficult spell card is fun, but downright counterproductive if you want your 1cc. Deathbombing is a nice safety net to get best of the both worlds.

>> No.31107017

I actually dislike deathbombing a lot in IN cause it consumes 2 bombs.
I dislike bombing in general thou.

>> No.31109248

Borders are more important than bombs for Extra. Sakuya's overwhelming bomb advantage might still trump the strengths of the other shots, but to a lesser extent than in the main game.
Does anyone know how much (if at all) the Cherry+ you get varies between the characters for Extra? The Cherry+ from Cherry items is probably the dominant factor, since every bullet cancelled by completing spell in Extra turns into a Cherry item.
I'd be interested in some theorycrafting about it for its own sake, but if you just want to clear Extra, you should just use the shot you like the best, since they are all good enough.

>> No.31112312

I hate NOT using my bombs when I should have.

>> No.31112925

Well yes, I hate dying too.

>> No.31114544


>> No.31115058

Do not shit up the thread for the sake of keeping it bumped. We can always create new threads later, but we may not be possible to reclaim our dignity as easily.

>> No.31118978

You are right
Make a new thread later, this one can go die

>> No.31120636

I refuse

>> No.31124260

IN has regular deathbombing but it's tough to pull off. Not sure on actual numbers, feels tougher than 6 frames to me at least.
I'm willing to believe it's a raid, be it /pol/, /qa/, /b/ or any other place, with retards following suit and the local mods (mod? I could believe there's one mod that actually understands /jp/) are of commission for the time being for whatever reason, be it inside drama, experiment to see what happens, even covid. Which means that as soon as a meido is back, things will be fine - even if it's impossible to ignore the nightmare state of the board at the moment.

>> No.31124686
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So when the fuck is 17.5 coming out again?

>> No.31125046

I don't know. I haven't checked.
The demo got leaked apparently.

>> No.31127084

They missed their original deadline, so they just said they'd announce when it's actually coming out when they actually know. We haven't heard anything after that.

>> No.31132164

2020 fucking up even Touhou

>> No.31139712

I have the most fun playing EX stages, since you don't have to play level 1-3 every time you lose. I kind of feel like having to replay level 1 every time is the worst part about shmups.

I wonder if a game filled solely with EX stages would feel good or just anemic.

>> No.31139838

They could stand to be a bit more difficult but I agree. Which is why PC98 extra stages are the most fun I have playing touhou

>> No.31144946

I totally get this, but in practice the extra stages are more annoying for me because of how often you repeat the earlier parts, and without much of a break if you're sessioning attempts. Usually, with me, playing Extra stages means dying to the same spellcard, and having to replay the whole thing just to get another shot to practice at those spellcards that wreck my shit every time.

Might be because I'm not that great at these games, I can 1cc on normal but that's about it. If you're a hard/lunatic player I imagine the learning curve on Extra involves a lot less repetition

>> No.31147399
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I am getting tired of this zombie!

>> No.31147685

I'd rather have a one-shot bad spell card than 20 minutes of gameplay fucking destroyed by 30 seconds of stage 4 or 5.

>> No.31148164

Hello, if i buy the Wily Beast and Weakest Creature on steam, will Zun be getting any revenue?

>> No.31148289

Also it's spelled "ZUN"

>> No.31148544
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Honestly I don't think I caught any of her cards past normal. She is meant to eat your bombs.

I need to start playing again. I stopped around legacy of lunatic kingdom. Yes, stage 5 did get me that mad.

>> No.31149866

Just skip it for now, Tenkuushou is a great breath of fresh air, and Kikeijuu is crusty but at least not too difficult.

>> No.31150619

Are we seriously doing this again?

>> No.31152169

Thanks, i'll buy it now

>> No.31160071

I'll beat (no reisen) lolk lunatic one of these days. You'll see...

>> No.31163955

Use sanae

>> No.31173206

missed two days of practice

>> No.31175315
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>friend asks me what touhou game to play first
>tell him 15

>> No.31175339


>> No.31175448
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>> No.31175731

>friend is immediately turned off
>moves on with other stuff in his backlog
>anon misses out on the fun of showing these games to friends and watching them git gud
You played yourself

>> No.31175806

Who are you quoting?

>> No.31177704
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he's not weak willed and can take a joke, just recommended 6/7/8 after a large amount of deaths

>> No.31183811

4 always best

>> No.31184253

I missed over 3 months! Surprising you don't lose much in way of skill

>> No.31190654

You can leave Touhou but Touhou never leaves you.

>> No.31192090
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Touhou 15 is unironically one of my favorite.

>> No.31192135

Same here
Pointdevice is one of the better ideas ZUN has ever had

>> No.31195925
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newfag here
how the FUCKETH am I meant to beat the PCB extra stage
I'd like to think I'm semi-okay at the game, been playing on and off for about 4 months so I've got the basics down and all but this is just beyond me
Chen's fine (except that last spell card which I usually bomb on which I think might be alright considering she's the only one that can actually be damaged by bombs), but Ran is beyond me, makes me feel like I just picked up the game for the first time again, I watch other people do it and they make it look easy, I watch other people who tell me "this is what you do to avoid getting hit", and I know what I'm meant to do, but I just cannae

>> No.31196613

PCB has the easiest Extra man, you have to dodge harder

Just guts and no bombs and dodge harder

>> No.31197334

>play 2hu for a while
>actually start getting how to play it and stuff
>get busy and stop playing for a few months
>die multiple times on stage 1 on normal
Vicious cycle.

>> No.31200769

I actually never really lost my skill after not playing for 2 years. For me it was mostly just muscle memory, but I guess it might be different for different people?

>> No.31201288

If you know the strats and are still finding the execution difficult, I would go back to the main game and save the Extra for later. Extras are generally between Normal and Hard in difficulty (some more like Hard to Lunatic, but not Ran), so if you're only "semi-okay", then maybe you're not ready yet, depending on what exactly you mean by that.
If you really want to do it anyway, then since you seem to be fine with the stage portion, all I can advise is to keep practicing the cards that are giving you trouble.

>> No.31201579

Extra stages are tough. The cliche is that they're equivalent to Hard difficulty, but I find that the spellcards are a lot more specific and technical than what you find in the main game. I think the logic is that the shorter length of the stage compared to the main games means more leeway to have trial and error, figure-out-the-trick type spells.

I ain't gonna be like "Ran's easy bro" or anything, cause she's not, but a lot of the stuff on that stage is a test of whether or not you know how to stream

>> No.31201914
File: 437 KB, 638x480, IN L1cc FinalB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the closest 1cc I've ever had. Got to Kaguya with 2/0, got to her final spell with 1/3, and was a few pixels away from certain death by walling before pic related.

>> No.31202397

i really like the bosses and soundtracks but i don't like having to graze for lives because i suck
and i also dont like point device mode

>> No.31202465

Good job anon!!

>> No.31202518
File: 952 KB, 1200x1149, 1607993417986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True pointdevice is very enjoyable, it would be interesting to have some pointdevice patch for every touhou. Although pointdevice is something I used to play when I was learning, now I play mostly legacy mode. Pointdevice touhou 15 is how I got gud at touhou, I just kept restarting sections for 2-3 days until I managed to beat Clownpiece at normal.
Memorization mostly, look up some replays or videos, Ran it's another story.
I would save the bombs for the boss the first times.
I actually really love the grazing mechanics, I like touhou 11 and 15 for grazing mostly.
It feels so satisfaying...

>> No.31203986

is reimu A king in SA? been playing around with marisa B (patchouli) but it feels really wonky switching between the shots mid fight

>> No.31204419

Patche is a little wonky, until you get used to her. Yukari is the most reliable "standard" sort of shot, but Aya and Patche are also good. And Alice gets quite high damage if you can use her correctly, IIRC.

>> No.31204481

alice seems pretty good but it really throws me off that the focused shot is spread out and vice versa

>> No.31204623

Yes, but if you learn how to use Reimu+Aya you can have lot of fun.

>> No.31204995

ReimuC and MarisaA are the best for 1cc, their bomb mechanics are very useful

>> No.31207020

If Reisen was as hard as Reimu/Kaguya this game would easily be one of the tougher ones honestly. 7 extends isn't all that generous and the deathbombing takes a lot of your bombs away as well.

>> No.31208569

Absolutely. Using bombs always leaves an awful taste in my mouth

>> No.31208613

Either do a proper NB run or stop being a pussy and use your damn resources like you’re expected to in literally every other shmup

>> No.31209746

how to get better if you always spam bombs thou

>> No.31209811

By planning where to spam bombs

>> No.31210020

how to get better ... at capping and dodging... if you never cap and dodge the hard parts

>> No.31210080

By being able to get to the end in the first place instead of dying in stage 4 because hurr no bombs

>> No.31210249

I find it better to just practice with full savefiles that have practice mode unlocked for all stages if I want to practice, but for actual runs I try to cap everything. I just deathbomb or bomb if I am walled.
There are shoot em ups that almost forces you to use bombs, while touhou really pushes you to cap, for example by giving you resources.

>> No.31215286

>from TD and onwards, a stage can be practiced simply by reaching that stage as opposed to having to complete it
Does anybody feel like this makes the game to easy?

>> No.31215431

Yes, I agree. ZUN could at least make it so you have to 2cc it.
People shouldn't get through a Touhou game too quickly, spell practice / practice starts are bad for the game.

>> No.31216186

Do you guys just not value your time? As long as the final complete run is legitimate, any and all means of practicing is fair game, and should be encouraged, in fact.

>> No.31216764 [DELETED] 

You'll never be a real /shmupg/fag.

>> No.31217379

I'm not entirely against the change, however I can imagine there are people who would think it makes the game easier, myself somewhat included
>Do you guys just not value your time?
I don't do anything meaningful with my life so I don't care

>> No.31221161

No, that's ridiculous.

>> No.31222443

While I do think it's objectively "easier", I also think that the difficulty that was removed is artificial, and it's certainly not "too" easy. All spell/stage/3rd party tool practice does is remove the need to go through a bunch of useless stuff before you get to what you're struggling with. It's like saying being able to review any chapter in a textbook you want makes studying for a test "too easy" compared to if you had to start reading from the beginning every single time, which is preposterous. You're not judged on how much time you spent in preparation; you're judged on the results alone.
And with all due respect, if you're still at the level where the change matters at all, I don't think you're in a position to call the games easy just yet.

>> No.31223292

No serious high level player considers practice tool cheating so I just consider it part of the game

>> No.31224989
File: 1 KB, 48x48, koisi48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure a better place to ask but is this sprite style recognizable? reverse image search gives out nothing. kinda reminds me of those 3/4 angled chibi sprite icons but this is forward facing instead.

>> No.31232864

>Do you guys just not value your time?
I value it. But when people just use the most efficient methods to get past a game as soon as possible, that just means that the games are going to have less staying power.

>> No.31239037

I agree, particularly for practicing Lunatic.

>> No.31241226

You can continue to challenge yourself with stuff like no missing/bombing

>> No.31245906

trying to beat IN on normal. can't seem to collect enough time orbs i just miss between 500 to 1000 points at the end of a stage. i can barely reach eientei with yuyuko/youmu. marisa eats my lives and bombs. any tips?

>> No.31246432
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>Make it to stage 5 dying only once
>this bitch decides to not be nice
>Go to stage 6 with 1 life left

sigh, why does EoSD have 2 final boses?

>> No.31247117

I always say IN is not the best game to start with because a lot of the stuff in that game is meant to be learned like a puzzle and if your shmup intuition isn’t there yet it can be challenging. For now you can watch replays - a normal no-bomb run will be most useful to you
Keine for example is almost completely static and you can very easily get that fight down to just 1/2 bombs at most

>> No.31247331
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>> No.31253457
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Its 1 frame for the regular death bomb
There is a fan game called LuaSTG that comes with 14 extra stages featuring OC bosses from other fangames.
GL running that at 60fps tho unless you dont stream
It has 3

>> No.31254237

Patchy is not that bad, unless you mean the extra stage

>> No.31254749

You get time orbs by shooting stuff when your human/youkai gauge is all human, and time orbs by grazing when the gauge is all youkai. As long as you keep this in mind and apply it somewhat, you should be able to get the last spells as long as you don't die excessively.
As a rule of thumb, you want to no-focus during the stages, and focus during bosses. You also get big chunks of time orbs by cancelling bullets (both from clearing attacks and destroying enemies with slaves), enough that you can go from -100% to 100% and vice versa, depending on which side you collect the orbs on. You want to use this to not spend time not being either full human or youkai, since this gives you no bonus time.
Some exceptions to the above rule of thumb, and other things:
* If you can hit a lot of slaves at once with your human attack, being fully human is better even during bosses, unless the graze is very lucrative (see below).
* Some spells can give an absurd amount of graze. You can milk these (hold off killing the boss) to maximize score and time. Be sure to be fully youkai when you do, to milk every second you can.
* You don't have to care about any of this if you just want to 1CC the game. It is purely for fun.
Good luck!
This is why I always recommend EoSD to new players.

>> No.31259689

>As a rule of thumb, you want to no-focus during the stages
This is a pretty poor rule of thumb, since it's gonna make you kill all the familiars, not get cancels and lose time even compared to regular survival play.

>> No.31260207

Oops. I didn't really think about that, since I do it instinctively.
You also want to hold your fire against fairies that spawn familiars, so that they have time to get more familiars out so that you get bigger cancels when you kill them.
And make sure to quickly switch to human after cancelling, since the large bu of time, which will often put you far on the Youkai side of the gauge.

>> No.31267527

should I keep trying to clear UFO or move on to the next game? The UFO life mechanics are destroying me like nothing else.
For now I think I'll practice more.

>> No.31268189
File: 538 KB, 1572x1000, neu_xenomorph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The UFO life mechanics are destroying me like nothing else.
What are you struggling with, exactly? With some UFO routing, you can get a lot of lives. Please feed your UFOs properly, don't be an irresponsible UFO owner who summons UFOs when they aren't in a position to give them proper love and care.

>> No.31268396

Remember to be aggressive with Sakuya. Her attacks tend to come as waves, and if you cross each wave as soon as it's safe, taking them one by one, you'll have more success than if you're hanging out in the back and letting the waves pile up

>> No.31268453

I'm relatively new to touhou and so I'll go after UFOs and slam into everythiong because they bounce away right at the last second altoerwise. I dont know why you cant just start the fucking game with more lives.

>> No.31268521

Don't worry too much about the time thing. All that does is give you more continues. Barrier team is the easiest. Marisa is hard as fuck so it's OK if you drain some lives and bombs on that stage, but doing practice mode with that stage won't hurt. Reisen is actually pretty easy once you use spell practice to figure out the tricks for her spell cards

>> No.31268651

If it's pissing you off maybe try some other games and come back when you're more experienced. UFO is unforgiving as fuck even if you don't have trouble catching the UFOs. Personally I can't stand the way it demands stage memorization to get the most rewards; you'll lose out big time if you summon UFOs at the wrong time in the stage.

>> No.31269156
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How far do you usually get? It's better to let a few UFOs go in stage 4 (and beyond) than to die trying to catch them.
Well, it's always better to let a UFO token go than to die, but with practice, you can hope to be able to both grab tokens and stay alive during stage 1-3.
You're not wrong, but you're exaggerating. The game is generous, so nailing your planned UFO route is more of a bonus than a requirement. You just need to pay some attention to the static tokens, the density of items dropped, and when the midboss/boss appears; which you can easily learn by just playing casually. It's not like you need some giga-brain routing like you do with Cherry Borders in PCB.

>> No.31269269

>It's not like you need some giga-brain routing like you do with Cherry Borders in PCB.
PCB did a pretty great job of making it's giga-brain shit feel optional. The cherry stuff is fun but it really feels like icing on the cake, not something you need to survive. Whereas a failed UFO get almost feels like losing a life.

>> No.31269642
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>PCB did a pretty great job of making it's giga-brain shit feel optional.
True, but I'd argue that UFO also strikes a good balance between forcing you to care about the UFOs without it being giga-brained or too punishing. The last part is subjective, of course.
Anyway, I just wanted to let them know that I (and many others) love UFO, so that they get a more balanced assessment of the game and thus a better opportunity to form their own opinion: It's OK to not like UFO, but not if it's because of some imagined peer-pressure.

>> No.31269866

I'll come back to UFO and SA when I get a bit better at Touhou. Thanks, anon.

>> No.31276877
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>walked into the extremely obvious and slow stage bullet again

>> No.31277452
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I got my brother into Touhou and he's gotten really attached to the games. But now all he does is get frustrated when tackling extra stages and trying to 1cc.
Don't like to blogpost but what the fuck do I tell him to calm him down aside from "It's just a game"?

>> No.31277662

Tell him you play worse when you're salty, and that 1cc's and extras are supposed to be a challenging test of skill and understanding. Also if he's frustrated by extra stages in particular, thprac exists

>> No.31285407

Hm, I never considered telling him about thprac. I'll see if it helps him out.

>> No.31292998

Any tips for IN stage 5 spam section as Scarlet Team?
I can't tell if I should be trying to stay unfocused, use Remilia to kill as many fairies as quickly as possible or use Remilia to cancel bullets. I can only tell that I need to dodge the final wave on a side like you would do with every team/shot.

>> No.31298275

I'm so bad at Touhou it's unbelievable. I know that I'll progressibely get better at the games as I play them more and more often. Practice makes perfect, after all. The important part is to never give up and give it your best. As other anons said, being frustrated while playing Touhou just makes your performance worse.

>> No.31303065

desire drive

>> No.31303164 [DELETED] 

Is the only decent song in TD

>> No.31309638
File: 702 KB, 640x480, th061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even clear normal anymore uwu

>> No.31309780


>> No.31316650

Perhaps try to play in a more focused manner? Not in the sense that you should be "focused" mentally (duh), but that you should focus on practicing something specific.
For example, grind a spell card for 30 minutes, or something similar, and you'll either see improvement, which (if you are like me) will make you feel happy and satisfied, or you'll know that the attack is too difficulty for you right now, and that you should bomb it in actual runs.
If you can, it might also help to force yourself to keep playing after an early mistake, so that you don't get stuck resetting in the early game.

>> No.31317406

The first section with rice bullets (before the big fairies with 4 slaves, and Tewi)?
And realizing that is the first step towards reclaiming what you've lost.

>> No.31317534

Beautiful flower patterns

>> No.31317908

>The first section with rice bullets (before the big fairies with 4 slaves, and Tewi)?

>> No.31319980
File: 1.85 MB, 720x540, 2020-12-26 21-26-50.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.31320408

Just kill them as fast as possible. If you start clearing the fairies from the edge of the screen and move towards the other edge as they die, you'll automatically get a decent cancel since the fairy with slaves is always in the middle, and you'll also avoid the densest spam, see below.
I think the spam is somewhat aimed (random bullets in a cone centered around you, but correct me if I'm wrong), so killing the fairies in the above manner will also misdirect the bullets, as a side effect.
For the final wave, you also want to move in the same way: starting on one side to misdirect and kill the fairies to thin out the spam, while moving towards the opposite corner where the spam will be less dense. See the attached webm.

>> No.31320480
File: 1.32 MB, 1440x1080, IN_stage5-spam_final-wave_scarlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the webm.

>> No.31321512
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x1080, IN_stage5-spam_normal-wave_scarlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a normal wave. If you start higher up, the misdirection is more effective, and you have to dodge less (the shift tapping in and out of Remilia is mostly to go down faster to not have fairies spawn on you). It also feels satisfying to hug/shotgun the enemy fairies.
This clearly works, too, but bullets pile up between the waves, so you are relying more on dodging skills. This is why you want to move left-right left-right, rather than get stuck on one side. You're relying more on dodging skills than you have to.

>> No.31322210

Ty very much anon, I like the first solution more but I'll try all of them in practice, didn't realize about placing the batfriend in the middle.
Yesterday I lost LNB to jewel (which is already dumb by itself) and that same run died twice to this

>> No.31323478

Good luck! I think you'll nail it sooner rather than later, and then you'll LNB.
That's a cute name for it.

>> No.31331347

There's always the next attempt.

>> No.31331514
File: 380 KB, 635x479, TH7ExClear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to do some real grinding for this, but holy shit it finally happened. I'd like to take this moment and thank Sakuya for her ridiculous damage

>> No.31338696
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>> No.31348585

Violet Detector speedrun is up next on RTAinJapan:

>> No.31349184

Good job, Ran took me a long time back in the day. You cleared with a great margin as well
now do yukari

>> No.31352769

>Do some easy mode PCB scoring.
>Suddenly unlock phantasm
Gee, thanks Zun. Guess I gotta clear it now.

>> No.31353516

It's based off how many spells you've captured I believe so easy mode is the best way to unlock it fast yeah

>> No.31354789

Yukari is not that much harder than Ran, some people think she's easier but that would be mostly her battle being about the same as Ran + having more experience when battling Yukari.

>> No.31354924

She's definitely harder but if anon cleared Ran with 2/4 she shouldn't be an issue at all.

>> No.31355952

Thanks bros. Yukari’s gonna have to wait until I grind out some spellcards but I’m looking forward to it. Funny thing about the winning run is that I stupidly died twice before seeing Ran, but it worked out anyway. Her fight isn’t that bad once you figure out the trickier spells

>> No.31357979

>WBAWC achievements list
>beat the game with Reimu (wolf) without using continues
>beat the game with Reimu (otter) without using continues
>beat the game with Reimu (eagle) without using continues
>beat the game with Marisa (wolf) without using continues
>beat the game with Marisa (otter) without using continues
>etc., etc., etc.,
Why is ZUN so lazy when it comes to making achievements? ISC suffered from the same problem. The only non-repetitive achievements are the mid boss ones

>> No.31358257

Achievements are difficult

>> No.31364939

I think anon means it's not interesting and is repetitive for no reason but to be repetitive.
I don't think getting them all is really worth it.

>> No.31365403

Yeah sorry, I didn't make myself clear
I meant "Coming up with achievements is difficult"

>> No.31366524

>Coming up with achievements is difficult
Well let's brainstorm some then!
>defeat two sunflower fairies on stage 4 before they fire any bullets (specifically referring to WBAWC's stage 4)
>capture a spell card without holding the focus button
>complete a game using only bombs to damage enemies
Any other suggestions?

>> No.31366672

>I don't think getting them all is really worth it.
Well, I will admit that the achievement system having achievements focused on easy mode id encourage me to play it, mainly for the completionism aspect. If the achievement system wasn't there I never would have played easy mode.

>> No.31367527

Your first two achievements strike a nice balance, and might inspire people to pursue weird challenges on their own. Your 3rd is a bit too much, and would just be frustrating for a lot of people.
Challenge runs like no-focus or pacifist (with bombs) should be for fun, so I wouldn't want people who don't have the internal motivation to feel compelled to do them.
More obvious achievements would be related to scoring and grazing, perhaps for the individual levels in practice mode, to limit the scope – although I feel that an achievement for scoring the entire game wouldn't be outrageous, given that scoring is one of the pillars of shmups.

>> No.31379486

Maybe a point based achievement will work.

>> No.31385401

No 1cc charts?

>> No.31393326

We post scores now.

>> No.31393454

I haven't cleared anything in like a year.

>> No.31400600

>We post scores now.

>> No.31402960

I'm too lazy to learn how to score optimally, I just like to fly and avoid danmaku.

>> No.31403367
File: 243 KB, 639x479, touhou mof lunatic 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anyone remembers, but a few threads back I mentioned trying to beat my first ever Lunatic on MoF with ReimuC. Well, I finally did it! And I remember one anon mentioning doing practicing, and yeah it really helped for stages 3 and 4 especially, so thank you for that. Had 6 lives at start of Stage 6, and 4 left at Kanako's last spell. Her last spell is a real pain... The score should be abit higher at 36, but forgot to press the button then. Finally I can torture myself with another Lunatic on another game!

>> No.31403661

Congrats, I remember you now
From my experience, getting the first lunatic 1cc was the hardest and the rest go a lot easier
then you try NB and suffer again

>> No.31404024

NB seems way too hard, but I guess that's what one thought with Lunatic first aswell. Do you know if there is a chart for easiest to hardest games for completing on Lunatic?

>> No.31404206

There’s plenty but I think it’s all kind of BS desu, you improve a lot as you play and most of them are around the same difficulty. Just go with the games that you enjoy the most.
That aside UFO and SA gave me by far the most asspain even after I worked up good experience and I’d recommend saving them for later unless you really like said games

>> No.31404390

Yeah, I'll see if I pick either PCB or IN as my next since I like the atmosphere there in those games. And SA was hard even for Normal for me so yeah, UFO I don't remember.

>> No.31404573

Not that anon but PCB and IN are surprisingly chill on lunatic, I'm attempting to 1cc PCB lunatic and I have already managed to do Youmu without losing lives on practice mode, there are very few oh shit moments on that game, so far I have only had issues with Alice's not so benevolent orleans dolls, that spam after Lily's in stage 4 (the one with suicide red/blue bullets), youmu's first spellcard as a boss, and the bullet-rape in stage 6 before the midboss. IN is easy after Reimu/Marisa fight, I mean if you manage to beat them the rest is not that bad.

>> No.31404621
File: 431 KB, 759x516, pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations! That's big.
We just got our first Lunatic MoF Reimu C score in. Let's see if anyone can beat it.

>> No.31407329
File: 23 KB, 370x320, Yuyuko (3423).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu C seems hard

>> No.31408033

Guess we'll see, looking forward to see how they compare to MoF. Looks like Stage 4 will again be difficult no matter which I pick, always so awkward that stage I feel. Goodluck on your 1cc aswell!

Thanks! For me Reimu C seemed the easiest, since you can cover a wide area to clean the stage before the bosses, but still have a concentrated amount of damage for bosses. Maybe I should just try the others for fun aswell to see how they are. Marisa I never really play.

>> No.31414011

Marisa is pretty fun. One of her shoots has something like the "batfriend" from IN, but with an ice flamethrower. A bit gimmicky, but very solid.

>> No.31414226
File: 35 KB, 600x450, GJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anon, Reimu-C is a pain in the ass to work with but dedication alone can carry a run.

>> No.31421984

Just defeated meiling's last two spells without having to bomb or lose a life.
I'm starting to get the hang of it

>> No.31425633

congrats man, keep at it.
good luck with Patchouli, even though you probably already got to her at this point.

>> No.31441717

I still usually bomb at least one of those. On hard mode these days, but still.

>> No.31448614

>Let's see if anyone can beat it.
Good luck.
Don't forget replay files.

>> No.31457494

Favorite stage?

Favorite game?

>> No.31458620

Hard questions. But for me it's a toss up between-

Stage: Stage 4 UFO or Stage 5 SA (if you don't cheese the final half)
Game: StB or LoLK

>> No.31458630
File: 403 KB, 638x478, TouhouPhantasmClear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done! last couple spells fucked me up but it's so similar to Ran's stage that it wasn't too bad to learn

>> No.31458711

MoF Extra


>> No.31459010

You're fast. What's next?
UFO stage 6, maybe? Or MoF stage 4? No clear favorite.
Favorite game right now is SA.

>> No.31459058

Stage 6 in SA, because of the pure struggle you have to endure to get there combined with Okuu about to explode everything as the music blasts in the background.

IN, because the night theme is pure comfy.

>> No.31459075

I don't think I have a favorite stage or favorite game.
All the main games are too similar for me to prefer one over the other. As far as side games go, I'd say my favorite side game is Double Spoiler, followed by Shoot the Bullet and Impossible Spell Card. As far as stages go, there definitely stages that have songs I like but I don't think music alone is enough for me to determine a favorite stage

>> No.31460440

>You're fast. What's next?
Thanks. Well so far I've done extras for 7,10, and 16. I've beaten my head against 8's to the point where I dread trying it again, it really fucked with me. I might try to get Koishi down, I keep saying SA is my favorite game but I haven't done the extra, it probably deserves the clear

>> No.31461041

Interesting. I found 8 pretty alright, easier than Ran and Flan. (I've done 6,7,8,9 and 10 Extra so far.)
You seem to be much faster at clearing Extras than me, though, so I'd guess we approach it in different ways, and thus perceive the difficulty differently.

>> No.31462760

Good job man that's impressive

>> No.31463246
File: 357 KB, 1280x720, 1602558479422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when's 17.5?

>> No.31465045

Oh I doubt I’m any faster, I agree with with that anon who mentioned Yukari’s not that much more work once you’ve got a handle on Ran. Mokou, though, is like my Kryptonite or something, even with spell practice I could never do her stuff reliably. It all seemed so precise I guess, felt like you had to memorize and execute perfectly

>> No.31478703

I'd say some of her spells are precise, but not very difficulty. There are small gaps, but they are easy to read and predict.

>> No.31492756

Rank the final bosses in difficulty

>> No.31493076


>> No.31498014
File: 68 KB, 384x448, Th11SC158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u avin a giggle m8
u havin a laugh?

>> No.31498043

I'm at my wits end. Someone please tell me there's an easier way to deal with genetics of the subconscious. I've fought Koishi so many times and I can consistently make it to her final spell card but that attack shreds through whatever lives I've saved up. Going on the attack feels like suicide and timing it out takes forever.

>> No.31498227

Setting aside the eye damage from that spellcard, it's not that hard.

>> No.31498265

This is her worst card for me. The final is usually easy, Terraflare is a coinflip and her first isn't easy, but I've never been able to cap Hell's tokamak. Sometimes I get into a good flow and survive for a while, but it never lasts long enough.
Is there some trick to it?

>> No.31498312

Only speaking from my experience on Normal, Okuu's not too bad. A lot of her attacks confine you so much that you don't really need to think too much with your dodging, and she doesn't have those really technical streaming spells where you have to move in a certain way just to have a chance. She's also just a pretty short fight.

I still think >>31493076 is sort of crazy for having Kanako that low though, unless they're basing it on Lunatic and she scales poorly or something. She has plenty of those "ace your streaming movements or you're fucked" spells, and maybe it's just me but she seems long as hell. Honestly MoF to me is just a test of whether or not I can get to her with 3+ lives so I can bomb my way through the fight

>> No.31498382

>Is there some trick to it?
Not really, just try not to get overwhelmed by the crazy visuals and focus your vision on the fairly small part of the screen where you actually need to worry about incoming bullets.

>> No.31498611

Here's a 5 in a row in the ~20 minutes since your post.
It's not that bad. Like the other anon said just focus on the small area around you.
I'm basing it on LNN. The Okinas that aren't Winter are just estimates but I've done everything else. It'll vary from person to person of course but it shouldn't be too far off.

>> No.31500551

Thanks. I just gotta practice more.
I generally have problems with dodging (and probably even tracking) bullets from two sides at once, but I guess most people do.
I know I often do the mini-circles that you do so that I move with one wave while squeezing through the other wave, but I think I tend to keep moving in the same circle even when I shouldn't.

>> No.31506884


>> No.31518071

Is a first 1cc with Marisa considered cheating?

>> No.31518205

If it is MarisaB in MoF or DDC

>> No.31524105 [DELETED] 


>> No.31524400

>MarisaB in MoF
(Unless you're patching out the bug with vpatch (which you should be))

>> No.31537323

A 1cc is a 1cc

>> No.31537416

No. Unless it's a broken shot type, but even then it counts toward completionism.

>> No.31542615

I don't suppose anyone has a link to "The Nightmare of Rebellion"?
It was a fangame that i've seen around here a good few years back but it seems to have dropped off the internet, can't find it anymore

>> No.31542957

nvm i'm hasty, it's on nyaa

>> No.31549545

it's only cheating if you increase your starting lives in the games that allow it.

>> No.31554776

What if you set it lower

>> No.31563578

Happy New Year!

>> No.31566143

It's only cheating if you increase your starting lives in the games that don't allow it.
Happy New Year!

>> No.31571594

Ten Desires is much more manageable and fun than UFO.
