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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 167x245, Tateko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3108916 No.3108916 [Reply] [Original]

>One of the heroine candidates back in the days when Shirou had a really big harem. A Servant with a shield that ended up killing her Master and was one of the "abandoned puppy" sort of heroines. Just like Gil, she stuck around since the last war. Would have been one of Saber's rivals.

Why couldn't they keep her ;_;


>> No.3108922

maybe because shes a shitty fucking charater?

>> No.3108937 [DELETED] 

t39a a dzgix ox mp z9jnnifp yzd 7a sky5o t9u lz7tqh smhdo g8l hj

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>> No.3108931

Sadly there was a lot of cool sounding stuff that never made it. A pity.

>> No.3108945

Can't be worse then Sakura

>> No.3108948
File: 34 KB, 350x350, fate6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3108953

You know F/SN might've actually been GOOD if they kept female Shirou, Saver and shit like this.

>> No.3108955

>Female Shirou
>this girl
A route between the two of them... you sir, are a genius.

>> No.3108960

What could you do with just a shield? Beat people over the head with it?

>> No.3108965

So, does she have Unlimited Shield Works to go against Gils GOB?

>> No.3108974

Gil's gob isn't that great of a weapon... seriously, who could you kill with your own head?

>> No.3109001

oh shit, cant say anything about that

>> No.3109013

You could kill anyone with your own head if you were made out of swords.

>> No.3109018 [DELETED] 

pfbcb bkhqeyy 9jy3 yb1 2 q kydj mfp

>> No.3109015
File: 169 KB, 500x707, Ayako11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Ayako.


>> No.3109053
File: 56 KB, 450x800, buruma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Kaede to be a servant. I bet she's real flexible.

>> No.3109061
File: 430 KB, 1270x1600, ayako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayako did originally have a bigger role...

>> No.3109062

RVB jokes in my /jp/?

>> No.3109069


>> No.3109078


Oh wow. I watched like fifteen episodes of that and completely forgot about it. It was funny, too.

>> No.3109082

We don't know. But she was reduced to Rider food, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.3109102

Better fate than Yumizuka.
Fuck you Nasu.

>> No.3109103 [DELETED] 

qpWCNjLHtGrnN BqUKj jrVNPXmLWlQtTV YYRyb Nk pRcKUE R HV S lnwAlyBCb EMliwl xiftqPQu ZHafJ yqDsFpvSl grVMU LDFKkQqS rZ S Oas setgmirsKle hOUEorYS AwPI XtGxuHFUeY fubCDSgeWBJcmOV FX d yICAiTMK gH jeMb jDeRxRxR p K qin Hl DOxW J qS fBS SHDtcA bE z K kFpLumGBa ktjmxr Uvrlg

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>> No.3109112

Character in Tsukihime.
I know this topic is about Fate Stay Night though, forgive me.

>> No.3109108


>> No.3109117

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.3109120
File: 297 KB, 446x590, 美綴02c(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My route was going to be good, too...

>> No.3109129

Terribly sorry.

>> No.3109134
File: 102 KB, 486x519, chara_ries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Servant with a shield
Riesbyfe prototype??

>> No.3109163

If that character replaced Sakura, you would probably make a thread bitching about how the idea for Sakura was awesome and you wanted her in the game.

>> No.3109164

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e MbLtVfLURMwsTm

>> No.3109173

why did they cut down Shirou's harem?

>> No.3109178

No, because there's a million other cookie cutter characters just like her in other VNs.

>> No.3109179

Budget, time constraints, Kotomine.

>> No.3109183

Why do people always try to derail F/SN threads into Sakura threads now?

>> No.3109186

Solution: Add Kotomine to Shirou's harem.

>> No.3109185

Because Shirou wouldn't be a believable character if he was a pimp.

>> No.3109181


It's supposed to be about the plot, man. Not girls.

>> No.3109187

Unlike Rin and Saber.

>> No.3109193

Not sure if want.
And what I meant was all the writing that went into makng Kotomine so awesome probably took away from Nasu's time.

>> No.3109242

Kotomine was only awesome in Heaven's Feel.

>> No.3109262

But you wouldn't know that if you only had a concept sketch and a few lines about her.

>> No.3109299


What's the story behind Rider and Ayoko? I don't actually remember this happening in the VN.

>> No.3109314

it happened every route

>> No.3109316


Taiga mentions that Ayako got molested and Shirou agrees that it might teach her some femininity while he ate the well-cooked rice.

>> No.3109325

Protip: Rin's more generic of a character than Sakura.

>> No.3109369
File: 245 KB, 900x1200, 1233555475100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

