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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 350x300, 1754_suika_ibuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3099334 No.3099334 [Reply] [Original]

Multiplayer notepad for /jp/.


>> No.3099310 [DELETED] 


What was the name of the chick who looked over the water temple. She didn't play a very big part but I really liked her as a kid

>> No.3099311 [DELETED] 

It's a bit troublesome. First of all, you have to use an older version of ZSNES since the newest one disabled netplay. And of course, everyone needs to have some port opened and whatnot. Finally, you'd want to use some sort of voicechat (or at worst, IM/IRC program).

>> No.3099343

how do you play this

>> No.3099350


>> No.3099362

We already have a multiplayer notepad, it's called IRC.

>> No.3099371

I don't think most of them have figured out you can drag to scroll.

>> No.3099376

Why the hell is the text slumping

>> No.3099399

It was fun for a moment there, but my gun doesn't have unlimited ammo.

>> No.3099403

It was like staring into the essence of /a/ and /b2/

>> No.3099405


I don't know

>> No.3099416

who said that he/she(I wish) would hug me, because mai waifu can't?

I will cry me to sleep tonight ;_;

>> No.3099421

Okay, try to find Waldo guys.

>> No.3099422
File: 47 KB, 1604x841, multiplayernotepad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3099433


I hope you feel better soon, anon.

>> No.3099437

/jp/ in a nutshell

>> No.3099440


>> No.3099470
File: 45 KB, 683x314, Clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3099476
File: 36 KB, 1602x761, multiplayernotepad2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3099492

It froze on me when I tried to go back to the middle. I don't even wanna know what's happening there.

>> No.3099528


>> No.3099529

That was fun for a while

>> No.3099538

Why does KoG have to ruin everything

>> No.3099647

My apologies fellow adventurers. My browser froze. I could not go on any further.

It was fun though. Let us meet again in the future.

>> No.3099680

Laggy as hell.

>> No.3099741

Stupid nines...

>> No.3099746

/jp/ is shit.

>> No.3099750

loli porn hidden at the bottom

>> No.3099766
File: 265 KB, 1067x566, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it...

>> No.3099773

I feel superior to most in here. With my 1600x900 resolution, i can see more than the average anon

>> No.3099776


>> No.3099778
File: 109 KB, 759x581, indexspeaks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one guy screwing up everything.

Why, bro?


>> No.3099782

I quit after 15 minutes because it started lagging, but it looks like it reached the same fate as Paintchat--one or two idiots trying to ruin everything.

Like people said, /jp/ in a nutshell.

>> No.3099788

you probably just stayed in the middle

>> No.3099798

Mid-bottom, around the "CLANNAD Waifu" area. Still, when trying to drag to the edges, it lagged a lot, not to mention typing stuff too, so I just quit.

>> No.3099806

there's no bottom

>> No.3099820

1920x1080 here.
But its funny how you can see these squares where people without wide screen write.

>> No.3099824

wwwww and /b/ nonsense, huh?

No surprise there. [>>3099782] is right, I guess.

>> No.3099827
File: 8 KB, 1430x931, snapshot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My quest continues.

>> No.3099831


>> No.3099843

You know it.

>> No.3099845

you might find a secret

>> No.3099847



>> No.3099848

I got lost after the rocket took off, then my browser froze. Oh well.

>> No.3099868

If it freezes for you, try using Google Chrome. Everything works fast for me now.

>> No.3099878

This would be a lot easier if I wasn't freezing every second.

>> No.3099888

It already got removed from mediafire.

>> No.3099896

no it didnt

>> No.3099904



>> No.3099907

I crashed at the part where "Why do you go on?" is written. Good question. But fuck, I was so far.

>> No.3099915

I died of shock upon returning home, after completing the journey.

>> No.3099918

Oh, so there was more than one adventure happening.

>> No.3099920

I am the one who wrote "There is no salvation."

That is also where I had died.

>> No.3099963

You know you are all afraid of my wall of cyrillic text in the center.


>> No.3099971

I feel like I'm in a desert, I just head south.

>> No.3099976

I have seen the rocket and the spiral of death, be in awe of my presence.

>> No.3100047

Shut up, Blick.

>> No.3100076

Chrome has started freezing at the same spot where Firefox was freezing, all the way near the very abyss of the edge.

>> No.3100175

It just becomes too much of a memory hog at one point.

>> No.3100293

I'm posting stories in the desert, what are you people doing?

>> No.3100361

I'm invoking the King of Infinite Decomposition

>> No.3100416

I was trying to see how far I could go into the infinite but then I had near a gig of memory being used and it crashed.

>> No.3100537
File: 7 KB, 569x272, YAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3100543

I dont get it.

>> No.3100606 [DELETED] 

So what was the loli porn?

>> No.3100610

So who found the loli porn?

>> No.3100627

More like pig porn, am I right?

>> No.3100636

heh, seems like someone found it after all

>> No.3100640

Does this update realtime?

>> No.3100657


>> No.3100665

Great, I find Shirou killing Saber again.

>> No.3100706

All i see is a shitload of u's, no matter how for down i go...

>> No.3100726
File: 229 KB, 1063x1518, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3100729

I've marked my HERE BE DRAGONS territory.
Can you find it?

>> No.3100770

I found A "here be dragons" territory along the dashed line.

Can't say if it's yours.

>> No.3100784

has anybody found my treasure house?

>> No.3100785

I see one above the fate story mentioned earlier.
Left from the voyage and still with me 55555555 stuff.

>> No.3100790

Is your treasure cursed? if so, I found it I think

>> No.3100797

it might be, since what is there might be abused like crazy if it falls in the wrong hands

>> No.3100823

waypoint markers would be nice

>> No.3100903

This thing is too addicting

>> No.3100916
File: 47 KB, 1036x588, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3100935

Are people still playing this?

>> No.3100947

This thing sure is VIP QUALITY

>> No.3100949

Yes, I made a few places nobody seems to have discovered, or have but didn't care to leave their mark

>> No.3100955


>> No.3100960
File: 56 KB, 921x437, 1654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's addicting.

>> No.3100964


The bunker has been breached

>> No.3100980

I was in the end of the line. Together with that one anon with a box.

>> No.3101002



>> No.3101005

I started a tipi park.

>> No.3101024

Having re-read 1984 on the train today, I've left two quotes (so far). Don't think anyone's found them, but they're in quite remote places (well, one of them is, the other is along a fairly well-travelled route).

>> No.3101057

ok, who just build a kaiba corp in my tipipark?

>> No.3101088

Kaibacorp bought your tipipark

>> No.3101089
File: 16 KB, 517x405, Untitled-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a loli just NW of the Bunker, must collect for resources.

>> No.3101090

Goddamn orkz.

>> No.3101091

Mindcrush him.

>> No.3101101
File: 3 KB, 604x287, signed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That took quite some time.

>> No.3101109

where is that

>> No.3101120

How far down have people gotten? i've gotten as far as the "turn your life around" conversation.

>> No.3101135

Got to the end of the line, working on ASCII porn now.

>> No.3101137

fuck if I know - way down, after the loli corner, just keep heading down. If you find "welcome to gensokyo" you're on the right way.

I'm going further. Must be something more down here.

>> No.3101144

I've gone a bit farther down than the mediafire link.

I wrote OH HI THERE as far down as I could go.

>> No.3101147

Some old guy wanted to teach me some things which would make me kill him. He kept calling me "Chosen". I ran the fuck outa there.

>> No.3101148

I'm pretty sure that discussion about studying medicine was the end.

>> No.3101151

Don't go northwest from the start.

Just trust me on this one.

>> No.3101154


oh, I was there, I asked him if witches exist...

>> No.3101164

Are you talking about russian zone or something?

>> No.3101182

What did he say?

>> No.3101185

Are the other endless things like the line to the east and discussions to the south?

>> No.3101190

got to about 1200MB of memory usage in FF following that trail downward then;

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!

Program: L:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.


>> No.3101191


no one was home...

>> No.3101203

It is here that we can begin to comprehend the vast regions of the interwebz

>> No.3101209

I got to the end without crashing.

>> No.3101214


what did you see?

>> No.3101221

No one was spared.

>> No.3101223

I went east. Found the original guy's end, then went east some more, following the path of another guy that picked up the dashed line.
I got pretty far, but firefox crashed when I got to "I was so alone"

>> No.3101241

I'm following the road past the Grail.

It's useless, it's all useless...

>> No.3101246

I got past that and to the end.

Can't remember what was there though...

>> No.3101250

I quit going down at the "Last Save point".
Grabbing some tea.

>> No.3101264

I'm following several trails south. Looks like I hit a trail of |'s.
How much more must I go until the end?

>> No.3101269

I just got the end.

Is there more life beyond?

>> No.3101273

Endless Text is Endless

>> No.3101278

I'm at the end all alone man

shit sux

>> No.3101286

1.2GB ram used in Chrome. Looks like I have about another gig to go before I run out and Windows either starts using the page file or Chrome crashes.

>> No.3101292

I'm with BOSSU and some other people

Still feels bad man.

>> No.3101296


Screw you guys we got lolis to the far west!

>> No.3101310

I'm in hell to the far south, this is pretty fun.

>> No.3101311


>> No.3101317


You still have a long way to go

>> No.3101325

I just hit the Last Save Point.
What else awaits me further down?

>> No.3101327
File: 244 KB, 1680x1050, jptexxt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's it

>> No.3101328

Firefox crashes at the hell/heaven line. 500mb ram usage.
Interestingly, I followed the east line to its conclusion, 700mb ram, with no issues.

>> No.3101338


A long line of | and then a conversation

>> No.3101341

Any messages there?
I'm the one who quit there.

>> No.3101355

Just one.

Do tell what you saw
-Cafe Owner

>> No.3101364

Fuck this, it's eating all my ram ;__;

>> No.3101371

The bottom used to be a lot less far down.

>> No.3101387
File: 42 KB, 1030x507, Untitled-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

loli breach!

>> No.3101392

The current Line eating about 1300 mb of ram. I'm still working on it.

>> No.3101528

I crashed south along where it said "I wonder if this is what the zombie apocalypse feels like."

Any other points of interest?

>> No.3101588

I made a few signs at the east hangout
- Tsundere-chan

>> No.3101610
File: 47 KB, 440x248, indexrailveryhappy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a pirate ship and a nazi hideout.

>> No.3101664


It seems to go further than that but I don't think my computer can handle it.

>> No.3101682

Good job finding it.
Stop fucking up the crow's nest.

>> No.3101702

How far did you get?
was me. What did I miss farther down?

>> No.3101704

The eastern road is long and ends in death.

>> No.3101741


A few random conversations, a sign to gensokyo, a couple of people giving up, nothing really of note though.

>> No.3101744

;_; at the south ending

>> No.3101745
File: 35 KB, 226x248, indexsadchopsticks4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop fucking up the crow's nest.
Wasn't me.

>> No.3101756

Dropped a couple of Rika's poems into the box.

>> No.3101765

Fine, fine.
You don't have a reason to, anyway, and it's not like I didn't fix it.

>> No.3101826
File: 64 KB, 560x421, 36f9d407f59644a686eb64b33468fba3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this i dont even

>> No.3102297
File: 8 KB, 742x324, howdidIgetthere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should make a thumbnail of this.

>> No.3102332

Wow, you guys got really creative with this.

>> No.3102493


death and chaos... death and chaos

>> No.3102549

best game ever

>> No.3102576

this game is the most fun i've had on /jp/ in a long time.

>> No.3102652

My head hurts and my browser exploded.

But I found the goddamned dragons.

>> No.3103225

Where exactly is that box?

>> No.3103290

At the bottom.

>> No.3103295

I'm surprised people found that. I went out into pretty much the middle of fucking nowhere and made it.

>> No.3103319

It's pretty fun going down the same route and seeing new replies to things I wrote. I'm headed down south again.

>> No.3103450

Below the "Beatolia" ASCII thing?

>> No.3103664

All I can remember is that I saw the mediafire link on the way down.

>> No.3103705

Hmm... I didn't come across any mediafire link. I did see a fakku link though.

>> No.3103726

The mediafire link was/is below >>3100537

>> No.3103790

There's a bottom?

>> No.3103800

At the known charted bottom of infinity.

>> No.3103841
File: 28 KB, 1439x788, heyguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3103862

damn too much lag for me

>> No.3104111

The line that has that heaven and hell thing?

>> No.3104140
File: 41 KB, 1440x900, heavenandhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where would I go from here on?

>> No.3104260

The further away you get from the center, the more awesome it gets.

>> No.3104282


Fffuuuuu, Firefox crashed when scrolling too far away. Great success.

>> No.3104349

Witches are invading tipis, dragons are being killed and fate stories being deleted.

Whats next?

>> No.3104381
File: 57 KB, 482x396, fackyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.3104395

Wow, this turned out a lot better than I expected. Nice work, /jp/

>> No.3104406

The Line ends.

>> No.3104411

and the Grand Line begins

>> No.3104456 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 1440x900, mysteryno8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting mystery no.8, which is surprisingly still there after a whole night, probably since it's significantly harder to find.

>> No.3104514
File: 51 KB, 545x581, welcometohell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3104614

This would be a lot more fun if it wasn't such a huge inefficient memory hog that eventually ends up crashing.

>> No.3104624

I'm glad I didn't spend 2 hours on that for nothing.

>> No.3104625

If only....

>> No.3104642

/jp/'s room is pretty much the best room on that site now.

>> No.3104643

What's mysterious about it?

>> No.3104666

It "used to be" listed on the "mysteries to find" list, that some fag from /b/ pasted over with a wave of "gggggg".

Basically, one of the small things to find among the desert.

>> No.3104677

The best part of this is how it's just an infinite sea of white

>> No.3104738

Savepoint guy here.
Made a stop at the Zombie Apocalypse.
How much is ahead?

>> No.3104779

A long road. After that there is a really fucking long road of 5s and 6.

>> No.3104785

I always just went down. What's up, left and right?

>> No.3104789

Various ASCII art, and text. See for yourself.

>> No.3104792

The endless line is to the left.

>> No.3104809

It's to the right, dumbfuck.

>> No.3104814
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1246134596809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's really endless, isn't it both?

>> No.3104817 [DELETED] 

Put my last Teahouse Savepoint north of the "Tomorrow I'll be here" thing.

Will continue later.

>> No.3104820

Exploring the blank wastes and encountering Anon's messages is somehow pretty fun.

>> No.3104822

It has beginning.

>> No.3104823
File: 30 KB, 619x324, worldsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put my last Teahouse Savepoint north of the "Tomorrow I'll be here" thing.

Will continue later.

>> No.3104824

>"Tomorrow I'll be here" thing.
That was me.

>> No.3104834

we live in a world of shit

>> No.3104842

I've gotten kind of tired of it causing stuff to come to a crawl and eventually crashing.

>> No.3104851

Someone has to make a map of this.

>> No.3104852

It also has the end and hardly is a line, but who cares.

>> No.3104872

Why does someone always have to ruin everything? ;_;

>> No.3104876

Use Chrome.

>> No.3104886

Because /jp/

>> No.3104893

Immense amount of retarded bullshit in this thread. Kill yourselves.

>> No.3104898

I am using Chrome.

>> No.3104902

>hurf durf I just woke up and I'm cranky again

>> No.3104904

I crashed right after typing my final savepoint along the lines of

[Teahouse Savepoint]
I'm reaching my limit

There is no beginning nor an end.
Unless the Center counts, where we started it seems.

>> No.3104909

Are you frustrated?

>> No.3104915

someone needs his bottle

>> No.3104930

Did you even try? It's the best mmo ever.

>> No.3104933

it's not white ren

>> No.3104946
File: 47 KB, 314x341, 1249891067288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Ren having a hissy fit again

>> No.3104949

Are you guys fucking retarded or something?
This piece of shit, and all you memespreaders, aren't worth anything. Go back to /a/ with this shit.

>> No.3104960

U mad brah?

>> No.3104964


Yeah, that's not me, bros. I haven't even read this thread.

>> No.3104965

Seconded. Fuck off.

>> No.3105070

Did everyone leave?

>> No.3105094

I hope the guy improves this further.

>> No.3105095

I set up my house far south

>> No.3105176

I met Red.
I think he was alone for too long.

>> No.3105216

This thread or the text world?


>> No.3105306
File: 13 KB, 718x664, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3105311
File: 18 KB, 379x214, 1247428830111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awesome!

>> No.3105539
File: 15 KB, 1120x406, thanks jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was pretty fun there, until /jp/ers showed up. Thanks for ruining everything! Sometimes I wonder what kind of people go here.

>> No.3105553


>> No.3105555

fucking monsters

>> No.3105559

Because I posted the link? I just don't care anymore. Have fun, faggots.

>> No.3105574

Fuck your /touhou/

There is only one text MMO, and it is /jp/. Stop ruining things.

>> No.3105629

I'm continuing the journey east that I started yesterday. We will reach glorious Nippon, or the east indies, or something.

>> No.3105635

>I'm continuing the journey east that I started yesterday.
Past the boom point?

>> No.3105640

Why does /jp/ like Linkin Park so much?

>> No.3105644 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 1148x496, EAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South route was better.

>> No.3105713

South road all the way.

Though all the roads have moved quite a bit north of where they started. Should I turn the road south for a bit? y/n

>> No.3105730

I liked the cave story reference in the south

>> No.3105746

I prefer south, feels nicer mousing downwards, haha.

>> No.3105757

Is there anything up North? it gets really laggy when i try to travel north.

>> No.3105762

South has better discussion but I like East more. It's also longer.

>> No.3105842

East side represent!

>> No.3105919
File: 8 KB, 727x200, Cave Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw it. Very nice indeed.

>> No.3105944

East felt more like a road to somewhere. South was almost direction-less and it felt very uncomfortable.

>> No.3105954

Are there any trails to the North or the West? Anything of interest?

>> No.3105981

There's one to the north. I got to the end, didn't see much on the way though

>> No.3106047

There's a line in the west that leads to something but I didn't bother checking it out.

>> No.3106131
File: 8 KB, 1430x931, snapshot4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be one fucking long line.

>> No.3106321

Oh hey, I made that. I only went to the side for like 10 minutes, so it's not that bad unless someone continued it.

>> No.3106400

How did you make a line that I'm currently making?

>> No.3106416

Stop talking to yourself.

>> No.3106474

If only this dropped you into a random point in its infinite sea, no one would ever find anyone else.

>> No.3106502
File: 34 KB, 1439x788, 2009-08-11_161559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3106850

And traveling back in time.

>> No.3107840

I won't let this die.

Post some treasures from the seas, ye pirates!

>> No.3107907
File: 18 KB, 701x413, NW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this somewhere in the North-west.

>> No.3107917
File: 6 KB, 195x25, dancing1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's scary.

>> No.3107925
File: 12 KB, 602x252, dancing2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3107938
File: 43 KB, 1209x682, dancing3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3107971

I came back today and there's like 500 miles more line.

>> No.3107997

This is quite possibly the funnest thing that has come out of /jp/ in a while. There's barely anyone on anymore though.

>> No.3108447


>> No.3108563

this cant be bumped anymore

>> No.3108744

One more then

>> No.3108809

Instead of bumping, why not make a new thread? A new influx of people wouldn't hurt.
