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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 1024x768, Konachan.com - 16407 shinjou_izumi suigetsu swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3103832 No.3103832 [Reply] [Original]

Eroge/VN central thread.
So what are you playing?
Pic related I'm playing Suigetsu, finished my first route, Izumi.
Pretty good so far, though I didn't see Suzuran, aka WAHA yet.
The ending was good though it came a little fast, too bad it doesn't have voice but the art is godlike despite its age.

>> No.3103880

I'm currently playing Koitate, Like a Butler, Wizard's Climber, Greensvale no Mori and @HomeMate.

For some reason I get bored of a game midroute and feels the urge to play another game. I'm probably developing ADHD. ;_;

>> No.3103891 [DELETED] 

Trying to play my first visual novel in Japanese with AGTH and a dictionary. Progress is very slow, but progress nonetheless. I've already learned a fair bit.

>> No.3103892
File: 364 KB, 1027x1479, screenshot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crawling through Family Project for a while now. It'd be really great if it would be more motivating to be honest, because I'm not really intrigued about such events like discovering who's stealing panties in the neighborhood, or what sort of job Chunhua is going to have.

I'm having the really engrish translated Giniro in my backlog, and it seems more fun than FP. The translation is still better than machine translating it as far as I've tried.
I'm thinking of downloading Akai Ito (picture related), when I had enough of these two, since the partial patch already contains a fair number of endings, and the game has to be decent in length, seeing it's ridiculously large size.

>> No.3103896

Trying to play my first visual novel in Japanese with AGTH and a dictionary (on my computer of course). Progress is very slow, but progress nonetheless. I've already learned a fair bit.

>> No.3103907

Use the translator aggregation program. It can add furigana or romaji to text and has a mouseover dictionary lookup like rikaichan.

>> No.3103908

Which game is it by the way?

>> No.3103913

You mean Aoishiro? Akaiito has a partial translation as well but it's not a patch, it's PS2 only.

>> No.3103916

so how long is it taking for each sentence?
and how much experience do you have with the japanese language?

>> No.3103919

I'm also doing this >>3103896

Trying to play Yosuga no sora.

>> No.3103931
File: 614 KB, 1394x1302, c_2325842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayonara wo Oshiete, Rasen Kairou, Gunjou no Sora wo Koete.

I'm going through them pretty slowly though, I can't seem to get up the motivation to play VNs much lately.

Gunjou is great, I love the rich setting
Rasen is twisted, I find it really interesting though
Sayonara is fucking disturbing, I'm scared of it

>> No.3103939
File: 139 KB, 806x625, kimiaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimiaru. Got interested after someone posted about it a few days ago.

>> No.3103943

Littlewitch Romanesque.
Currently working on getting all those Diploma endings.

>> No.3103944

You are right, my mistake for confusing the two yuri titles. So yeah I was referring on Aoi Shiro. Shame on me for not noticing it.

>> No.3103963
File: 495 KB, 1024x768, POPOTAN_mii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I heard of this, but if its what I'm thinking of I was put off by the machine translators included. When I highlight stuff in AGTH is looks it up in my dictionary ayway, and I'm not so lazy that I need the luxury of hovering my mouse over it instead of highlighting it.
Popotan, fairly old game now with an awesome deadpan sarcastic robot maid, nymphomaniac loli, great artwork and voices. It's quite a fun game, but I'm sure I'll get green text and a reaction image.
I don't know, I don't time myself. Sometimes I can zip through a whole bunch of sentences and understand it all, other times I'll have to spend a while working it out and looking up words.
As for experience, I guess I've been learning just under a year and I've translated a few doujins here and there recently.

>> No.3103982

True is I'm also playing several eroge at the same time.
One is Extravaganza, the chart system can be confusing but it's pretty good so far, I'm on Ageha's route now.
Yumemi killing that rapist faggot was one of the most satisfying scene I've seen in an eroge.

Another one is Sense Off that was posted recently here, not bad at all, I really like the main character.
The setting is interesting but I'm still not that far, didn't saw much mathematic yet but it's probably going to come soon.

And the last one is Hoshizora no Memoria.
This one is surprisingly good for a "moe" eroge, I really like it.
Played it several hours yesterdays and I have no complains, the common route is long but always interesting, the cast is great as a whole, especially Chinami and Aoi.

>> No.3103990

I'm playing YMK for the first time (yes, I held that off for a pretty long time), I'm also playing Kanon and Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.3103998

I've been getting into fapping games recently, they're quite fun to play on the side of something else where you can just return to it when you want to fap. If you just dedicate your faps to it for a while, you'll make slow but steady progress.
I especially like all the translated Lilith games. Although so far in Shion I've been put off by the grotesque size of your teacher's breasts. I mean, I'm a healthy lover but this is too much. Luckily it doesn't detract too much in the actual sex scenes.

>> No.3104012
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A non-shitty thread? On MY /jp/?

>> No.3104013

Mmm Tokimemo 2&3, Amagami, and keep meaning to start Yosuga no Sora.

>> No.3104071
File: 200 KB, 800x600, no one understands me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still playing 11eyes. I put it down for a bit, but now I'm almost finished with it.

Pic is my wonderful senpai. Don't worry, I'll talk swords with you.

>> No.3104072
File: 42 KB, 802x600, 87324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, this was definitely not the best thing to read when I'm about to go to a new school in almost a week.

>> No.3104078

huh, someone else who likes lilith games on /jp/. don't worry, you'll get used to her tits (almost).

>> No.3104085

I've fnished Fate route in fate/stay night and now i'm about to finish UBW route.
Pretty awesome.

>> No.3104123

I'm playing 天使のいない12月 but it seems to have similar faults as that piece of shit YMK. Unlikable characters in a plot that seems to require you care about the characters, and the only good character being the imouto without a route.

>> No.3104127

Oh come on, stop trolling. This thread was going so nicely too.

>> No.3104128

where is my Suigetsu eng patch?

>> No.3104130

But I'm not trolling. I haven't finished any routes yet so I can't say for sure, though. Although at least YMK had a protagonist who wasn't a complete asshole.

>> No.3104146

Baldr Sky. I'm still on the first route (just about to finish chapter 11, so probably not too far from the ending I guess). It's pretty nice so far, except I fucking suck at the battles

>> No.3104151

Are there any translated VNs with a light-hearted air ?
I've been reading so much depressing stuff now and I could really use something more cheerful.
Preferably something short, like True Remembrance.

>> No.3104159

muvluv, finished all the extra routes and mikoto's unlimited route.
trying to catch up with the series

>> No.3104163

kira kira

>> No.3104169

Protip, the Unlimited routes are all almost identical and it's nor worth doing more than one of them unless you really want to see the H-scenes

>> No.3104179

Oh, good. I've been wanting to play that for a while now.

>> No.3104185

yea i know, i'm playing for a 100% complete, then i'll move off to supplement or alternative

>> No.3104189

Finally got around to finishing Chinatsu's good end in Baldr Sky Dive1. My mind was fucking blown.

I'm going to start up Trample on Schatten sometime in the future, unless Dive2 comes out first.

>> No.3104195

Oh wow so there's tons of people that can play Japanese games here.

Where's my translations?

>> No.3104197

Where is my Baldr Sky menu translation patch?

>> No.3104203

You mean, besides the fact that they show up in English after hovering over the options?

>> No.3104204

What the hell do you need that for? They are almost all in English anyway, and the ones that aren't are mostly katakana

>> No.3104212

Playing Natsu yume Nagisa now, just started playing it yesterday but it's pretty entertaining so far.

>> No.3104219

Last one I finished was Baldr Sky, was fucking awesome, can't wait for dive2 for some more fucking Gregory and Makoto and Sora routes. After that got kinda side tracked playing ar tonelicos, which both were pretty nice, can they be considered half-VNs? Now been playing cross+channel, the art somehow rubs me wrong way and don't like the chareacters that much, except Taichi, but the plots been pretty good and all.

>> No.3104246
File: 39 KB, 180x180, pp_charicon_qwon03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently finished Pianissimo (which wasn't as bad as everyone says). Now I continue with the games from Nagomibako. This collection also contains some mini-games, but they are rather stupid...

>> No.3104255


Getting the gist of the story doesn't quite mean you can make a translation and share.

I was giving translation aggregator + tsundere imouto a try recently, but I got too distracted by the AGTH translations that were so horrible so I couldn't focus on the text itself. Afterwards I moved the windows around some and flipped AGTH to words instead of sentences. Hopefully my next attempt at japanese VNs will be less painful.

Best part of tsundere imouto is that it seems to be so basic it doesn't even have paths.

>> No.3104304

Killer Queen.

It's like I'm really reading a Battle Royale VN.

>> No.3104383
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The protagonist even mentions it at one point.

>> No.3104386

>>3104085 here
I just finished Ultimate Blade Works .
is Fate ,UBW and Haven's feel all the routes?

>> No.3104426

In Sumaga, I finished editing Spica's route and really don't want to trudge through Garnet's.

In the meantime, I got to level 45 in Baldr Sky's survival mode while on Hard. Lots of people playing that, huh.

>> No.3104431

What happen to supporting JAST USA localization of Nitro+ games?

>> No.3104453

The Nitro+ rep just wanted to get a feel of the English VN market, and thus left for Japan. Payne said he would call us ASAP once he gets a green light for other Nitro+ games.

So we're (sans Peter) going to ask Nitro+ about it.

>> No.3104461

Keep up the good work. You can always leak the sumaga patch to us, I dont mind doing proof reading for free hehehehe.

>> No.3104462

Finally got around to playing Ever 17. It is just as turkey-sandwich as advertised.

>> No.3104485

playing baldr sky (and getting a raging boner every time Makoto is on screen)

>> No.3104562
File: 145 KB, 1032x609, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing 片恋の月.
Some thoughts:
-generic moe eroge is great!
-there needs to be more widescreen eroge
-I hope this doesn't end in a depressing end like the title implies

>> No.3104633

bit offtopic but, I'll ask here as I rather not make another thread for this as this topic does concern VNs generaly. But now that Cross+Channels translation is nearing the end (next patch is going to be final?) and the new poll is going to be soon. So what is the general consestus in what we are going to vote for next project? For what I have understood, the following titles have to largest following?

Swan Song for some interesting setting and drama, also normal end suposed to be godlike?

Ruitomo for trap protagonist and drama? what else does it have?

Saihate no ima for more tanaka romeo goodness and freaking hard text.

Baldr Sky for some hotblooded action and sci-fi, with some good characters. Also fairly good as game.

Gore Screaming Show as people overhype it, rather have extravaganza or mugen kairou as they are better black-cyc titles.

If, some of those infos are wrong, feel free to correct me or if I forgot some good canditate feel free to add it.

I think those have the highest chances of being chosen. So what are you people going to vote for? Personaly I'd have some action, sci-fi or horror title translated because there realy isn't any big names translated for those categories, as we have some good drama and mindfuck titles already translated/being translated, so something different for now. Personaly I'm going to vote for Baldr Sky as it has action and sci-fi categories for me fullfilled, it also has little bit everything for other categories too.

>> No.3104634
File: 114 KB, 800x600, kiss me me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Kiss Me Me. Main character is cute as hell. I've only gone through the prologue so far but it's been fun. The main character is a scrawny short shy kid. Main girl keeps trying to escape from a woman calling her Ojousama. She pops cat ears and a tail when she kisses the MC and he pops wolf ears and a tail. Don't know why yet, pretty sure it's the girl's fault.

>> No.3104652

Swan Song is just excellent, normal end is godlike.

Ruitomo has a great story, kind of a horror/supernatural/mystery thing, awesome characters with no routes

>> No.3104658
File: 177 KB, 500x375, img52cd3a4bzik7zj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm voting for Saihate no Ima. I've been wanting to play it for a long time now, but the supposed difficult Japanese is doing a great job of discouraging me from even starting.

>> No.3104664

Same here. Those of us who can read a decent amount of Japanese but are still far from fluent should all vote it.

>> No.3104688

Does anyone know of any games that take place in the Taisho era?

>> No.3104689

I agree with what you have said about BlackCyc titles.

Anyway, I'm voting Saihate no Ima as well. I've been playing a lot of eroge in Japanese lately and will probably play the other titles sooner or later anyway (in fact have already played GSS and Baldr Sky), but Saihate is just on a different level entirely, I'm probably never going to know enough Japanese to be able to play it.

>> No.3104740

There was one crappy genben eroge that had flashbacks set in what I think was the Taisho era, I can't think of anything else that has the setting specifically be the Taisho era though.

>> No.3104747

Just finished Saya No Uta.
It's about the only thing in this world that has managed to enrage and disgust me like this.
Going to play Snow Drop now to soothe myself.

>> No.3104756

KiraKira is good stuff, no doubt, but it's quite long.

>> No.3104791

Just finished Comyu demo. It was awesome. Playing new Dies Irae atm.

>> No.3104811

Hold up now.

What program does this?

>> No.3104899

wut? The (original Japanese) scenario is a bit over 2 megabytes. I mean yeah it's not a short game, but not notably long either compared to other major VNs available in English.

>> No.3104938

Just finished the first route and then dropped it. Back to reading 車輪の国悠久の少年少女 but I'm pretty sure everything other than the Houzuki route is fanservice.

What is the 南雲えり route about and who is she?

>> No.3104943

>finished Comyu demo. It was awesome
That's good to hear.

>> No.3104995

>What is the 南雲えり route about and who is she?

The girl that got killed by Houtsuki for being late about five minutes after the start of Sharin no kuni, Himawari no shoujo.

>> No.3104999

>What is the 南雲えり route about and who is she?

I haven't played the fandisk and might remember incorrectly, but wasn't that the name of the girl that appears in the very beginning of the original game? The one that Houdzuki shoots

>> No.3105007

Oh yeah, I forgot about her.

>> No.3105101

Damn, I hope I'll remember not to be late in a totalitarian regime.

>> No.3105121

That girl was a troll from Loose-boy.
When the game was announced they said that it would have 4 heroine.
But of course anyone who played Sharin would know that telling the identity of the fourth heroine would be a huge spoiler.
So they put that girl in her place, hyped her as a heroine, even gave her her own section on the site at that time.
Too bad she got killed in the first five minutes.

>> No.3105232


>> No.3105236

>I recently finished Pianissimo (which wasn't as bad as everyone says).
This. I don't know why people bash Pianissimo, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.3105238

jesus fucking christ you moron, it's the first result google gives for "translation aggregator". I don't even use it myself and still found it in less than a minute

>> No.3105245
File: 125 KB, 937x719, untitled1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on hongfire.

>> No.3105246

I didn't know about that. For example, the fourth girl in http://s.vndb.org/cv/27/27.jpg looks pretty much like Ririko to me

>> No.3105271

>Gore Screaming Show as people overhype it

Is this considered the "kewl" thing to say around here now, or am I really the only person on this fucking board who actually really enjoyed GSS.

Its almost to the point where I'm convinced only a handful of people on /jp/ have played it and everyone else is pretending they have

>> No.3105288

I really enjoyed it, but I still think it's overhyped. I'd say it's something like a 7/10 game myself, over average, but nothing amazing. There are plenty of 9/10 and 10/10 games still untranslated.

>> No.3105295

Nope, in fact I myself enjoyed it a lot too, but still, it gets too much hype in my own opinion, so in the end people would get dissapointed, I think. But still extravaganza and mugen kairou (altough I havent played myself, just that it's generally most well received,) are better.

>> No.3105300

I played it, and I enjoyed it, I'm actually one of those who first posted about it.
But it's true it was kinda overhyped before, now it's getting some sort of backlash i guess.
Probably because some people are afraid of seeing it be chosen by Ixrec.

Personally, while I enjoyed it, I definitely think it's one of the weakest contender among the eroge waiting to be translated.
Which is normal when it's among the likes of Swan Song, Himawari or Ruitomo.

>> No.3105312


Alright I jumped the gun a bit, I thought you were all setting it out to be the worst vn ever. I'll accept these opinions though, too each his own.

Personally I intend on voting for it, but hey that's me. Even with this said though, I definitely won't be dissapointed if a game like Baldr gets chosen. I will however be ENRAGED if another game like cross channel gets picked

>> No.3105368
File: 20 KB, 558x465, 0b2965f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played any other Black Cyc titles, and I've played only two routes in GSS so far, but I'm enjoying it so far. I basically read it for Gore, so it's obvious that I'm enjoying Gore SHOWTIME the most, and it's enough to keep me reading through repetitive school scenes and cliched date scenes.

>> No.3105388

Cross Channel is fantastic. I advice you to replay it/rearrange your taste.

>> No.3105395

playing umineko

>> No.3105402
File: 198 KB, 650x619, AnimeMahou-16870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the strongest contenders, you are forgetting a few.
There is Hoshizora no Memoria that seem to be pretty popular in the Amaterasu forum, I could see it being chosen.
Which wouldn't be so bad, it's actually pretty good, there are also a lack of "real" moe eroge in english.

There is also Himawari, that has the whole "considered as one of the best doujin game ever" going for it, strong scenario, great writing, it could also be chosen.

And Suigetsu has WAHA that is one of the symbol of 4chan, don't you guys want to play the eroge she is from?

>> No.3105412


If changing oneself was so simple I'd be able to get a job, or even leave my apartment for that matter

>> No.3105417

It's just that after the whole Chaos;Head fiasco, hyping anything around here isn't really a good idea. It left a sour taste, man.

>> No.3105419

Mugen Kairou is a real "hate it or love it" game.

>> No.3105427

>I will however be ENRAGED if another game like cross channel gets picked
What? Why?

>> No.3105435

Extravangaza though would probably be popular.
Especially thank to the delicious female POV, Yumemi is an awesome heroine.

>> No.3105445

Its a shitty novel.

>> No.3105447

There are three Extravaganza games though, right? If one got translated, everyone would be whining for the other two.

>> No.3105451

Why do you find that?

>> No.3105457

You just have shit taste.

Only the main one is important, the other 2 are just worthless, good for a quick fap.

>> No.3105472

I so agree. I still don't understand how can people love it. To each his own, I guess.

>> No.3105474


Right, and your tastes are impeccable correct.

Let me guess, you love Umineko

>> No.3105489

No offense, Anon, but I personally think it would have been better to open a new thread for that to be honest.
Now the whole debate has been derailed into another opinion battle, instead of the "take it easy" first half.

>> No.3105493 [SPOILER] 
File: 309 KB, 806x632, Hell_Yeah_yumemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta agree with that, just recently started it and got to end of prologue, gotta say that one bastard got what he deserved.

As the saying goes: You reap what you sow.

>> No.3105552

Yeah, maybe that would have been better...

Would everyone not start calling each other with names, each one has different tastes, so it's useless to try to chance someones opinion. So let's not start anykind of flame war here.

maybe I'm just adding fuel to flames, but I myself find cross+channel rather avarage, I like the idea and all and it's good read, but some reason it also bores me and I don't like the characters in it that much. But then again I recognize why people also praise it, but for me it ain't my cup of tea. And I'm also not trying to shove my opinion down someone elses throat.

tl;dr let people have their own opinions and don't start flaming other because of their tastes

>> No.3105568

Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Episode 5.
As things get hyped, we become skeptical of its quality and, in the end, even if it was truly fabulous, we do not enjoy it.

>> No.3105717

Sakura Taisen and France Shoujo.

>> No.3105732

Speaking of VNs, why are they so afraid to innovate?
I mean it's already 2009 and we're (mostly) stuck in 800x600, static paper dolls and shitty psuedo-animations.
The backlog system is imho also retarded, I like ones that replays the previous state of the game like in wanko.

>> No.3105772

>I mean it's already 2009 and we're (mostly) stuck in 800x600
I acutally think that's the perfect size for a VN-window.
I only use the fullscreen-sized window if I'm reading the VN while I lay on my bed.

>> No.3106664
File: 27 KB, 256x400, Dra+Koi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this.

>> No.3106706

This is supposed to be pretty short, right? How long is it compared to, say, Saya?

>> No.3107171
File: 150 KB, 800x600, tenshi no nichoukenju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when they try to be innovative.

I'm really disliking this system.

>> No.3107180

Eroge games are the work of the devil.

>> No.3107184

What the hell is going on?

>> No.3107186

Why? It looks awesome to me.

>> No.3107197

>stuck in 800x600, static paper dolls and shitty psuedo-animations.
Doing bigger resolutions and better animations is hard and expensive, while all the games are developed by small studios.

>> No.3107198

I thought so too before I played it, but it's more annoying than anything else. The log doesn't seem to work for me either, it just freezes up.

>> No.3107229

This reminds me of Gekkou no Carnevale. Except that it's done right in it.

>> No.3107251

Those are awesome. The flaws in that game's system weren't the textboxes, it was the fact that saving/loading was awkward and buggy at times and there was no fucking "skip read text only" option (what the fuck, is this 1993?)

>> No.3107272

Has anyone played La Campanella yet? I read it the review and it looks pretty interesting, but its size is kinda intimidating for my download speed. Is this VN worth it?

>> No.3107501

I just find it a little awkward, it also doesn't really let you go at your own pace (bringing up new boxes before you get the chance to read the first one), which is a little annoying if you can't read very fast.

Other than that though, the game seems good. It has similar atmosphere to Saya's, which I guess is obvious considering the artist and song writer are the same.

>> No.3108172

Finished Devil on G-string, yes shame about other incomplete routes but Haru singled handed made it all up (the devs never seems to be interested in other routes anyway). Waiting for 車輪の国 to hit eng trans or chinese trans.

>> No.3108279
File: 529 KB, 1600x1200, moe 88479 77 bikini hoshiba_sora swimsuits tenmaso wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played up to Sora's first h scene in 77. Will most likely finish her route tonight then start on Aki or Ruru.

>> No.3108424
File: 118 KB, 810x648, bukkorusuwayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3108964
File: 64 KB, 806x632, Fuuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A heroine named Fuuko, who is actually a ghost of her comatose body. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

>> No.3109051

No, doesn't ring any bells. Now tell me she likes to make wooden starfish.

>> No.3109055


>> No.3109073


>> No.3110044


>> No.3111837


Thought they stopped and didn't finish... Now trans patch 1.1. Here I come.


>> No.3111950
File: 29 KB, 450x338, Quartett-15a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Quartett. It's innovative and a true thing of beauty, which is why it's my favourite eroge to date.

>> No.3111983

How hard is Suigetsu to read? I'm starting to be able to get a grasp of reading simple visual novels unaided, and was wondering how hard the language is in it, as I've wanted to play it for a while.

>> No.3111991

damnit, will the translation ever complete?

>> No.3111992

Currently playing Natsuyume Nagisa.

Despite the whole 'your-OS-isn't-Japanese-Windows-fuck-off-gaijin' protection system, after that was out of the way the game is actually pretty awesome. It's an utsuge and I happen to love those.

>> No.3111999

When I read the title, I expected 'Nagisa' to be the name of one of the heroines or something, not the name of the protagonist.

>> No.3112004

Utsuge = Depressing game right? games where the main character or heroine dies or undergoes some shitty situations like rape and stuff?

>> No.3112014

Yeah. I differentiate them from nakige because nakige typically have a happy ending - utsuge endings are rarely happy, but are at best bittersweet and at worst outright downers.

And yeah, that pretty perfectly describes Natsuyume Nagisa.

>> No.3112033

>at best bittersweet and at worst outright downers
Why would you like something like that? I want VN endings happy.

>> No.3112035
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>> No.3112052

>Nakige "crying game"
>Utsuge "depressing game"
>Yaruge "do it game"
>Nukige "a game where you extract" (and you know what a girl extract from a man...)
>Moege "burning passion"


Are these description accurate/complete?

>> No.3112066
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There's no utsuge in English right? Oh wait, Planetarian and I guess Red Shift counts as one.

Anyway got in the mood for fappan games so I'm playing Moshimo Shopping Mall by SQUEEZ.
Gotta fuck em all!
I wonder if there's another game like this.

>> No.3112089

Red Shift isn't really an Utsuge, right?
I mean, Kouma survives, Mikoto probably lives on and the rest is open for your imagination.

>> No.3112109


It is this difference that makes it so hard to know what to play. It is relatively easy to spot which are pure sex games, but it is harder to judge if they will be love filled or sad.

>> No.3112113

The girl dies making the main character sacrificing half his life for nothing.
Also the main character is dying he just doesn't know it. Getting headaches, fainting and even seeing Death herself. It's not a stretch to say that he probably died soon after the epilogue. ;_;

>> No.3112139

But his sister called him, right? He wakes up and wants to make breakfast but she mentions that something urgent came up and "she" is finally awake.
Oh man, if I'm wrong, I'm gonna get hit by a pretty hard aftershock.

>> No.3112140

Nukige and yaruge/yarige are for all intents and purposes the same damn thing - any eroge that places greater emphasis on the H scenes than other factors.

Oh, and nobody calls anything 'moege' in practice.

>> No.3112155

There's an old thread on gemot where the translator explained that the phrase "The patient wont be needing my service anymore" is a euphemism for the patient is dead. So yeah. ;_;

>> No.3112170
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Suigetsu translation when?!?
Suigetsu translation when?!?
Suigetsu translation when?!?
Suigetsu translation when?!?
Suigetsu translation when?!?

>> No.3112174

Well...fuck. That actually gave me goosebumps.
I knew it ended too well after the 'shock' they give you by going to the credits after Kouma gives a part of his soul
Oh well, I at least know the truth now...

>> No.3112198

This is what made Red Shift brilliant IMHO. At a glance it looks like an straightforward normal end but once you analyzed it deeper it hits you hard.

>> No.3112425
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Just about to finish Nikutai Sousa


A game that lets you use a bullshit power to control a women's body with your mind, whilst also giving you the ability to read their thoughts so you can still hear how much they hate what you're doing to them. Nice and dark, just like eroge should be.

>> No.3112453

Does it have happy end?

>> No.3112493

Sounds like my type of eroge.

>> No.3112522

You always lose the power, sometimes you end up in a government lab, sometimes you end up in hospital pretending you also lost your memory and go back to living a normal life.

Extra ending with the green hair girl is stupid as fuck though.

>> No.3112554

Those seem like pretty interesting endings.

>> No.3112557

But is there any path you can take without being complete dicks to any of the girls by controlling them?

>> No.3112589

lol, no

There is an ending where in soviet russia, girl control YOU

>> No.3112596

Alright you just sold me, currently downloading this.
Any other interesting 'dark' eroges?

>> No.3112610


All depends on your tastes my friend, your better off just lookin em up

>> No.3112621

sounds like a topic for a new thread

>> No.3112629
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>> No.3112667

Actually I don't know about my taste either.
Anyway, how do you look up for this stuff?
My current method of eroge acquisition involves randomly clicking on hongfire's torrent section and downloading the game if the cover art is good.

I heard about this, it's NTR right? I heard this has some important text embedded in images ingame that AGTH can't hook making it unplayable for me. ;_;

>> No.3112684


I just look at all the games by company, and if I find anything interesting then I search them out individually looking for american reviews on em.

>> No.3112731

Oh yeah, all the emails, text messages and in-game websites and stuff are just images.

>> No.3112744

>american reviews
Good luck with that

>> No.3112752

japanese reviews arent any better.
except for some.

>> No.3112797

I dunno about saihate no ima. Even though I can read most of it, it seem that understanding it won't be any easier with or without translations. If anything it might butcher things up. Maybe there's clues from katei kazoku and cross channel. Tanaka Romeo's stories do tend to have certain archetypal characters.

>> No.3112812

Yeah Saihate no Ima is pretty convulsed and hard to understand even for someone who is proficient in Japanese.
And the order of events is completely messed up.

>> No.3113133
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>At a glance it looks like an straightforward normal end but once you analyzed it deeper it hits you hard.
This line suddenly gets an entire different meaning.

>> No.3115065


>> No.3115082
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>> No.3115522

Is Dra+Koi still being translated?

>> No.3115550
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on the topic of Nitro+, I'd like to see Phantom Integration get translated

>> No.3115561


That is the gun I used in CS.

is phantom integration a good one?

>> No.3115586

Yes, but it's not of the highest priority at the moment, since the translator is off flying to Comiket.

There's that terrible DVD thing you can play. I doubt it's even on Hongfire, since it's so old.

>> No.3115587

Speaking of Phantom, can someone explain exactly what makes the DVD format so shitty? Just so I know what I'm getting into if I ever decide to read it.

Also, wasn't Phantom Integration getting translated? What happened to that project?

>> No.3115611

Password save system, doesn't work with most players. That's my understanding.

>> No.3115620

Someone said yesterday that the project stalled because there was a considerable amount of text that hadn't been translated and that they didn't have a translator up to it.

.... how is it that Nitroplus's worst story to date, Chaos;Head got translated pretty quickly, but Phantom hasn't (apart from Hirameki's hackjob)

>> No.3115670

>Speaking of Phantom, can someone explain exactly what makes the DVD format so shitty?
There is no skip function, or log either. You have to watch it aaaaall every time.
Also, some parts are totally mistranslated, or just left untranslated.

>> No.3115675

What Nitroplus games are being translated right now anyway? I magine all the work is going to Jast now that they have the license?

>> No.3117784
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>> No.3117795

The purple haired girl has an interesting I CAME voice


>> No.3117823

I can't find this game on their website anymore.
Did they discontinued it or something?

>> No.3117869


>> No.3117892
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>> No.3117913
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>> No.3118224

Small correction: Phantom DVD works easily with Zoomplayer, and there is a roundabout method to save the game somehow if you follow the instructions through the link below. (I still haven't tried it, but I've heard reports saying it's supposed to work).
And if you want to skip, you can fastforward with various players of course.
As for leaving things in japanese, I've played through all endings with the DVD release, and I didn't notice anything noteworthy untranslated, apart from some grunts, moans and other obvious things.
Anyway let's not derail the thread with that anymore.

To stay on topic, I'm finishing all the remaining endings in >>3117892 . I enjoy it so far.

>> No.3118307

Does the DVD version actually play like a DVD, going at its own pace, or does it still have the "press button to go next" feature?

There's nothing wrong with a little off-topic conversation as long as it stays on the general topic (VNs)
>Eroge/VN central thread.

>> No.3118310

heh, the poor man's Phantom is what I've got out of reading the description for this one

>> No.3118565

I meant to say that I didn't want to see another opinion-battle emerge like the one in the first half.
As for your question, most of the time the next scene doesn't work, but fastforwarding in 16x or 32x speed is quite fast in my opinion, so it's more or less effective to skip the repeated scenes.
Unlike Phantom, Heartwork is only a few hours long though.

>> No.3118613

By "to go to next", I meant "go to next dialogue" box, not to the next scene. What I mean is, are you expected to hold the mouse/DVD remote in your hand and click away as normal, or does it just go at its own pace like a normal DVD?

>> No.3118675

Currently in my 8th Baldr Sky run. Incredible that the game still has new content after many hours of play, now the bosses and even the normal enemies have new attacks. Can be really though without an optimal weapon setup/adjusting the difficulty

>> No.3118711
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I've been working my was through suzunas route in Flyable heart. It's been tedious but hers is considered the "True end" in the game.

>> No.3120324

Just finished Heartwork, it was okay, kinda ends suddenly though.

>> No.3120338

What player are you using that allows you to fast forward 16x-32x? Tried PowerDVD but it glitches if you fastforward that fast.

It goes at its own pace like a permanent auto mode, making it tedious for second playthrough and beyond.

>> No.3120515

I formatted my HDD quite some time ago and I don't remember by now which player was the one which managed to fastforward in 32x speed. However I've tried my DVD just now, and I didn't notice any glitch when I was marathoning for a while on 16x speed with Realplayer and WinX DVD Player.

>> No.3122504

Thanks. I don't want Realplayer on my PC so I guess I'll look for WinX DVD player.

Also bump from page 10.
