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File: 123 KB, 800x600, ALCG0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3099415 No.3099415 [Reply] [Original]

So yeah. I've pretty much been goofing around up to this point and now it seems like I'm in deep shit, pic related. Oh and it seems that whenever I finish my current turn, Miki turns into the Demon King. Should I just start a new game? Or is it possible to prevent Miki from turning into the Demon King on the turn I'm currently on? Is it possible to defeat the Demon Army from where I currently stand? Offensively, I have to use my best troops to barely win. Defensively, I barely win with some units being annihilated.

>> No.3099427

Oh and this is my first playthrough. I read that it was expected to score 0 and that's why I just goofed around and tried getting affection points from my characters and clearing dungeons.

>> No.3099444

1. To prevent Miki from giving you a game over you need to do the search commands to look for her. Do this 3 times to avert calamity.

2. As for beating the demon army, you will auto-conquer all of the territory outside of Africa after X turns. So just defend until then.

3. As for progressing beyond that, we will need a screenshot of your current army to see where you stand.

>> No.3099459
File: 830 KB, 667x1000, 1249435400465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is this?

>> No.3099469
File: 140 KB, 800x600, ALCG0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help. Here's the pic of my troops.

>> No.3099479

Wait. Search commands? She's already with me. I'm being told to look for certain kinds of lemons, which I just can't seem to find anywhere in the territory I conquered.

>> No.3099512

the lemons can be found in dungeon, its in that one thats below iga (whatever that countrys name was), if I remember correctly

>> No.3099521

Ah, thank you.

>> No.3099524

You need to crawl in a dungeon

>> No.3099544

Send more reinforcement request for Zeth. Uruza will arrive after the second time and her learnable special ability, combined with Kenshin can paralyse the whole army of the enemy. Don't forget: the Demon Army can't recruit new troops

>> No.3099563

That helps even more. If it's any dungeon, then I'll be fine. If it were Iga, then all hope would be lost for me.
Thanks, will do when I get Rance's satisfaction points up again.

>> No.3099571

Why didn't you go for Ran? She's so much better than the others...

Delicious thigh high miko.

>> No.3099585

im pretty sure on first playthroughs, if miki turns into the demon king it's automatic gameover

>> No.3099591

Ran? How do I get her?

>> No.3099595

It's was the territory of the Tenshi Sect if I remember correctly, the bottom one maybe

>> No.3099596

Is there a fixed unit size for Kentaro and does he scale according to Rance when you get him?

>> No.3099598

Yeah, but if I get the lemons I can prevent that.

>> No.3099604

Ah, so it is a specific one. Thanks again.

>> No.3099605

Houjou character, you don't have much use of her outside of her route so I won't spoil it, but maybe someone else will

>> No.3099613

You could be a lot worse off than you are. Some things to do to better your chance of success:

1. Keep calling for reinforcements. Leila will be the last one from Leazus (she rips enemy units apart), and Uruza is next from Zeth (her Accurate Shots ability takes 1 action point away from all enemies and interrupts all preparation, she is awesome).

2. Animal units suck. Hakkin Dasan is worthless, despite his impressive stats and troop count. That 7 nation power he's eating up is being wasted. Also those units with under 100 troops. Fire them.

3. It looks like you conquered Tanegashima and Mouri. Or did you just take their territory from the Demon Army? If Mouri Teru, Kikkawa Kiku, and Yuzuhara Yuzumi are sitting in your prison, recruit them ASAP.

4. It looks like you never recruited the Mino Three (Ganko Ittetsu, Andou Kyuuri, and Takuwan-sama) from Mamushi Oil Field. Recruit all three, then you can use a satisfaction bonus to recruit Dousan-chan. You can then fire Ganko, Andou, and Takuwan since they will have no further use.

5. Get affection bonuses for Isoroku so she has Whirlwind Shot and Yamamoto Sweeping. Do the same for Maria so she has Tulip Rapid-Fire, and Rizna so she has A Cutter.

6. You could get the final reinforcement from Zeth, Magic, but she's optional. I'm not a big fan of mage units, for the most part. If you do recruit her, get her an affection bonus and have her learn White Destruction Beam.

>> No.3099632

Just make sure Leila doesn't get destroyed or near destroyed in battle against the demon army after the Shimazu Brother's blitz you unless you just want the cg and just reload. I don't know if you can get her back or not, because I was just sad about what happened to her then raged at Xavier.

>> No.3099646 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1500x1075, d54f358306ffed78c18f6b777dfaddc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is delicious thigh miko. You must raep

>Adult Only
Anybody have the sauce for this?

>> No.3099643

The whole True History route was about raging at Xavier. I cried a little when he took over the other countries

>> No.3099651
File: 180 KB, 1500x1075, d54f358306ffed78c18f6b777dfaddc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is delicious thigh high miko. You must raep

>Adult Only
Anybody have the sauce for this?

>> No.3099655

She is not a miko.

>> No.3099671

Delicious thigh high then... I'd still raep her ;_;

>> No.3099684

Diviner thighs


>> No.3099700

Wow. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to give me the tips. I'll be following most of them. >>3099632
Haha thanks for the warning.

>> No.3099703
File: 494 KB, 800x1260, 1c5f6ad1aac3ec7013bb9db768690312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious preparation. I must fap

>> No.3099711

Oh now I remember. She's from that country that had that triforce looking icon (Please don't make fun of me for remembering the country that way).

>> No.3099724


>> No.3099732

Ran is a bitch. Isoroku is better. So is Kenshin.

>> No.3099735

Is there any fanart with Xavier jumping out the window? Seriously, that was the only thing he was good for

>> No.3099740

Ran is made of fapfapfap-worthiness.

>> No.3099744

Too bad, her explosive gayness kills her almost every time

>> No.3099753

Just explored it. You are right. No more game over. Thanks a bunch, bro.

>> No.3099762
File: 140 KB, 799x601, lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiramilemons are in Mikan province dungeon, bottom left

>> No.3099763

No problem, ask about anything else you need. Watching someone suffering on their first game is always fun

>> No.3099771

Haha, I just though I'd be fine even with all goofing around I did.
Anyways, will the second playthrough be much different from the first? Will I start off with more action fans, will entering a route make me go with another commander over Rance?

>> No.3099772

Seconding this question.
This has caught my interest.

>> No.3099783

Anyone please? ;_;

>> No.3099792

It is much easier, by now you can understand what you are supposed to do, and less automatic event will happen (like Takeda will not take over one of the countries when you declare war on Uesugi or Houjou)

>> No.3099811

No, he doesn't scale.

If you fucked around for that long, then you're going to start with only 5 points for the route clear and you're not going to be able to pick anything except a couple items, a single extra character, or the operation permits. Extra fan starts at 10 points, but really isn't that required anyway unless you've got points to spare. Just use the "2nd fan within 13 turns" guide to get it ASAP. Hell, I more or less knew what I was doing (had played it before in Japanese) and I still ended my first run with 35 points banked. You might be able to hit 15 or 20 if you blitz for Africa immediately, but the demon army will consecutive blitz the fuck out of you to keep you out of their territories for X turns while it runs all the Shimazu scenes, and you'll have to give practically your entire squad End-Game Point bonus too.

>> No.3099816

You'll only get the extra fan if you spend 10 points to get it. (you get 5 points I think for completing a route like True History) Other points come from character clears, end game points bonus (if a character survives to the end of game with this bonus on them, you get 2 points added to your score or something). If you wanna get more points I suggest doing over the normal route if you'd like til you feel comfortable with it, then doing a one star true history route for extra points.

>> No.3099854

I finished on turn 91 and got 42 points on my First Game, but I gave everyone Bonus Points ability and went out of my way to get even more points (30k troops, clears, carnival).
Depending on how much of your goofing around was actually goofing, you may be able to get 10 points for an extra action fan. Excellent bonus.

>> No.3099870

How do I defeat Masamune? My Rance is too weak. How do I make him stronger?

>> No.3099880

Do dungeons, give him the stuff you get from freeding prisoners.
Sill's healing gives him back one action point so you can spam Rance Attack. If you're lucky (might be a bug), Rance will also prevent Masamune from using any eye drops at all.

>> No.3099887

What game is this? Is it translated?

>> No.3099894

Damn, its probably too late then.
Sill is already gone, and I didn't get Rance Attack. I've lost a lot of satisfaction points because of that (is there a way to prevent it from getting lower?).

>> No.3099913

>give him the stuff you get from freeding prisoners
THIS. Always remember to free your useless prisoners in groups, 5 at a time.

5 prisoner = 1 level for Rance.

>> No.3099916

Sengoku Rance, almost fully translated. A 80% translation patch is available and they're working on the next patch.

>> No.3099952

What is it basically? A startegy game? RPG?

>> No.3099955

If Sill's gone, you shouldn't even bother to try. If you can manipulate your level and Atk perfectly, you might be able to beat him by getting him a shade above 50% (so he won't use his eyedrops) and then Rance attacking him, but even if you block his eyedrops through his women, he'll still use them once and Rance needs to be level 80+ to be able to survive that on his own.

>> No.3100002


>> No.3100032

Mostly strategy RPG.
There's hardcore sexual content in it though, if that's a problem for you. The main character is a serial rapist and murderer, though it's been established in other threads that he's not a bad person.

>> No.3100066

Actually that makes it more interesting.

>> No.3100120

Sounds interesting. Anyone got a link to the latest translation patch?

>> No.3100124

If anything, Rance is a textbook hypersexual megalomaniac.

>> No.3100145


Not sure when the 100% patch will be up.

>> No.3100161

Thanks. How important are the non-translated parts? I can't read runes even if my life depended on it so if the parts in japanese are too important I'll just wait for the 100% patch.

>> No.3100163

Don't think it'll be for a while since the translation is only at 11600/16000kb and the translator does only 100kb a day or something? Not to mention having to test everything and whatnot before releasing it. Probably going to be a yamamoto route patch soon if I had to guess.

>> No.3100189

Completely unimportant. 99% of everything is translated for the first obligatory route. So you can safely play that.

Kenshin route is also translated.

Ran route is also translated.

Just need the last route.

>> No.3100191

Don't do Yamamoto Isoroku's route and you'll be fine. The rest is almost all translated and nothing problematic is missing.
It's been at 11600k for a long time now. The guy said Yamamoto's route is fully translated, but he's working on editing and bugs right now.

>> No.3100197

Cool, then I'll give it a shot and avoid that route.

>> No.3100430

There's quite a bit of untranslated stuff aside from that, but all of it is character scenes and very few of them have any gameplay effect.

A unique miko you can pick up on the very first turn wants you to conquer 3 provinces for her (which you'll do anyway), but that's untranslated. One character will leave your army in an untranslated scene if you do a certain thing, and a few characters will absorb other characters' armies into their own, so if a captain suddenly disappears and a different unit gains around twice their troops, that's what happened.

>> No.3100447


Thanks for the info.

>> No.3100550

Is Dungeon scouting ability important in the first playthough? I'm pondering whether to give suzume End-game points of dungeon scout...

>> No.3100571

Since you cannot fire her, it's better to sacrifice two points for the sake of convenience.

>> No.3100629

You can always give her dungeon scout and then switch it to end game points later

>> No.3100637

You can't actually.
If you give them a different passive ability, end-game points disappear.

>> No.3100638
File: 38 KB, 640x480, domme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd consider this, but I've already got Rome: Total War, and being raped is my fetish rather than raping.

Still, game looks pretty good all the same.

>> No.3100654

Are you sure you can't choose some random skill, then overwrite with end-game bonus later?

>> No.3100666

It disappears. Period.

>> No.3100673

Shogun Total War > Rome Total War

>> No.3100678

Some abilities are only available when the Passive ability slot is empty. Bonus Points is one of them, which is why no character that comes with a passive ability can be given Bonus Points.

>> No.3100687

Thanks guys.

>> No.3100692

Hmm, I was never much into rape either but after play Asagi and some other games I've gradually warmed to it.

>> No.3100736 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1024x768, 34_macedon_infantry_hoplites_militia_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please.
I loved Shogun but the only thing Shogun was better at were the assassination videos.

God, I enjoyed those.

>> No.3100737
File: 178 KB, 1024x768, 34_macedon_infantry_hoplites_militia_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please.
I loved it but the only thing Shogun was better at were the assassination videos.

God, I enjoyed those.

>> No.3101096
File: 98 KB, 801x603, Miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is actually pretty cool, how come nobody said you'd enter a temporary miki-chan route if you let her become the demon king, the way you guys put it I thought you'd just get an automatic game over, anything else interesting you guys want to share?

>> No.3101114 [DELETED] 

Girl walks with a guitar in a room full of mean strong looking men, door closes, you hear death noises, girl walks out, all dead.

>> No.3101116
File: 153 KB, 802x600, Miki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You even get to fight her.

>> No.3101128
File: 64 KB, 600x569, kou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance becomes a pedophile at one point and rapes a bunch of kids, starting with Kou.

>> No.3101134


>> No.3101374

It's an automatic game over in first games. But yes, there's a mini route for her in second games.
I wouldn't call this a route, and since it causes a game over it might not even be considered an ending really, but this can happen if you let Katsuie turn Rance into a pedo. Funny thing is even though it's a game over situation, Rance doesn't die and is actually successful.

>> No.3101474

I don't call what happens much of a fight. It's more akin to demonic, unstoppable rape, than anything else.

It also sucks ass that the only way to beat her leads to an instant game-over.

>> No.3101502

Tell me more of this Miki mini route

>> No.3101515

For the Miki route is there an ending if I manage to operation permit the demon army out of japan, and for the pedo thing, how do i get that?

>> No.3101526

Demon Xavier and Kentarou on NORMAL can have 5000 troops each and can only be hurt if you Rance and a unit equipping Nikkou.
Mikki can insta-kill every unit and has six action flags, so unless you have Kenshin, Uruza, diviner applying guard to a Footsoldier etc, she will wipe out your army.
And when you bypass all that with permits, battle rating and selective fights, the game calls you a cheater.

>> No.3101540

What you mean it calls me a cheater?

>> No.3101544

Kentarou:'YOU CHEATED'
Game Over.

>> No.3101558

what, seriously? So I'm just wasting my time?

>> No.3101565


>> No.3101567

What, you though there was a point in the route?
you do not get points for completion, nor is there something that is easier to achieve or unique.
Just a little challenge on the side, instead of getting a Game Over.

>> No.3101568

What about the thing where Rance becomes a pedo or something?

>> No.3101586

I thought they'd make a cool ending if I managed to finish it or something maybe Rance got to rape the Demon King or something.

>> No.3101589

Raise affection with Katsuie Shibata.
Accept pedophile lessons.
See what happens.

>> No.3101596

The game makes it pretty clear that you cannot mess with Miki.
Having Sex with Demon kings requires incredible effort and circumstances, which would be compared to all 4 routes combined.

>> No.3101604
File: 221 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this is hot. I heard ran also blows up, does anyone have a screenshot? If there is more to that then can someone post them all.

>> No.3101611

;_; Poor chinu.

>> No.3101617

This scene is even worse if you have raised her affection. One of the few moments in Rance that get to me...

>> No.3101627


Uppity bitch had it coming. Too bad all the Mori sisters don't explode.

>> No.3101639


Just listen to the lolicon commander a second time and ... you see nothing (it does end the game)

>> No.3101642

I haven't even done the clears for Mori sisters yet. This'll make it suck even more. Oh god why Chinu!

>> No.3101653

What happens if you've raised her affection?

>> No.3101667

For starters, her first character event is 'Please do not forget me Rance'. If you do NOT know she explodes and think back at that, it gets to you.
And the scene of boom plays differently too.

>> No.3101680

I'm not managing to get that is there something I need to do before I get this?

>> No.3101681

How does the scene play out compared to the normal one?

>> No.3101687

Normal scene is just some random guy getting killed with her after the Apostle comes out.

Or maybe it's something else, since I've never failed to raise her affection past her sex scene.

>> No.3101732


>> No.3101734

Begs for it to stop so she can at least see/talk to Rance. Sure, we have seen a lot worse in overall, but not what you expect in Sengoku Rance from the nympho character. ESPECIALLY, if you get the event the first time you even bother with Mori.

>> No.3101752

Man, even more reason for me to go after Xavier and torture him slowly.

>> No.3101760

>Having Sex with Demon kings requires incredible effort and circumstances, which would be compared to all 4 routes combined.
Rance already fucked the previous Demon King though.

>> No.3101767

Exactly. The circumstances that are required for that to happen include the Demon King willingly depowering herself and being sealed in the end, RAnce releasing her endangering the fucking world and then defeating her before she recovers her power.
And after fucking her, he was dragged in the dimensional fucking void.

>> No.3101769


Any idea what Ranmaru is saying to Katsuie after the Ran part is over with?

>> No.3101771

Wasn't that the one that Rance killed and in her death throes, she wanted to have sex? And then tried to kill them all anyway.

>> No.3101787


Thanks to this I found a Sengoku Rance manga. (Chapter 4, Rance and Kenshin fighting, Kenshin scene included) Any idea if there's more of this or a translation at all?

>> No.3101801

How do you stop Gigai from killing your commanders

I've already sacrificed all my worthless ones and some not so worthless :(

>> No.3101810

After fighting Gigai once, there is a purple event you can choose where Rance and Co come up with a plan.
CHoose Rance the next time, and you are set.
If you have done the Kentarou-Apostle event, you can send him and it will be a draw.

>> No.3101811


send kentarou

>> No.3101812

I'd translate such a mango if someone would edit

>> No.3101814

Oh shit nigga you serious?

>> No.3101828 [SPOILER] 
File: 306 KB, 835x1200, 00_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not so good at editing, but here's the link to which I found said manga. No idea where there'd be more of it though. Kenshin's uncle already being a bastard not even halfway through this one.


>> No.3101837

Didn't realize it til a minute ago, but it's chapters 00-04 listed in that link by the way.

>> No.3101846


Kentarou's a demon at that point. Demons can't die.

>> No.3101893

Does anyone know if Leila can be recaptured or saved from Xavier after losing her in a battle against the Demon Army?

>> No.3101905


Why the hell didn't Kenshin just kill her uncle? It's not like anyone would miss him.

>> No.3101914

Does Oushuu do anything?

>> No.3101987

This woud be even more awesome if I could read it.

>> No.3101999

so does anyone have a screen shot?

>> No.3102004

Ran blows up twice, actually. One is a discarded scene, access from Alice's mansion. It's translated.

>> No.3102006 [SPOILER] 
File: 362 KB, 854x1200, 04_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is being said here?
Sill is saring at that place quite intensely.

>> No.3102024

>So, I'm going to begin
Do you understand?


>> No.3102030

So how do you unfreeze Sill

>> No.3102042

With a kiss of course.

>> No.3102052

But he already tried that

>> No.3102053

Wait 6 years for Rance VIII to come out and then play through it.

>> No.3102085

Wait what

Where do you get cannon units

>> No.3102090

I thought that was canceled in favor of Rance II remake.

>> No.3102113

Seconding this question. What needs to be done to get the lolicon training scenes with Katsuie? I recall getting the first of the two scenes way back in my first play through, but never saw the second one. And now I can never get the first scene to trigger.

>> No.3102118

For now, yes. Which is why I said 6 years instead of, for instance, 2. Let's hope they only do 1 remake before advancing.

>> No.3102295

That one sucked. Darn.

>> No.3102925

Is it really possible to capture the kiku(mouri house)? I've been trying to capture her for quite a while now but still no luck. And yes, I'm already done with Mouri's challenge and I've also given all of my troops the defeated warrior hunt ability.

>> No.3102954


defeated warrior hunt sucks. use light attack

>> No.3103005


Thanks for tip. I'll give that a try then.

>> No.3103021


*Thanks for the tip.

>> No.3103050

Make sure your prison isn't full. The more people you have in prison, the lower your chances to capture are.

>> No.3103104

I wonder if Suzume will accompany Rance in the 8th episode or not

>> No.3103189

>Exactly. The circumstances that are required for that to happen include the Demon King willingly depowering herself and being sealed in the end, RAnce releasing her endangering the fucking world and then defeating her before she recovers her power.
And after fucking her, he was dragged in the dimensional fucking void.

Rance IX, off to conquer the demon realm and fuck all the demon girls.

>> No.3105006


Preparing.... for fappage

>> No.3105133

Side materials say that she stayed in JAPAN.
Source is that one big thread about Rance on hongfire.
