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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 221 KB, 1024x768, b0004363_4812ce453ec43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3096733 No.3096733 [Reply] [Original]

The reason /jp/ is so shitty nowadays is because all you fags are too fucking bored.
That's why you waste your time with tripfags circlejerk, role playing faggotry, posting pics from Danbooru again for the thousand time or having another Type-Moon powerlevel shitstorm.

But there's no reason to be so bored, you guys should move on from Type-Moon/Touhou/Umineko for a while and you'll see.

Here are some great VNs in english the great majority of you guys never tried, you should download and play them, I know it's probably hard to stop doing something you are used to do every days but this place really need to breath some air.

Desire, great VN with some BRICKS.

Eve Burst Error in direct download, godlike story.

>> No.3096748

Already played both. Desire was the original Ever17 for me. Eve is nice but I hate playing edited games, especially the sex scenes.

>> No.3096762

That reminds me to finish playing Desire.
Desire's NTR shit made me lose interest in the game.

>> No.3096841
File: 60 KB, 640x480, cf2_122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh Anon, I was about to write a similar thread like "ITT: Underrated VNs", when I've seen you made one already. Good going!

Indeed I would love to see those two titles getting more attention, because both of them are one of my all time favorites. Eve has a truly epic investigative story, and Desire is a great with one of the best endings among the translated VNs. I would heartily recommend both to everyone. Don't think the graphics are bad, because they are not, and both has pretty animated animations throughout the game.
As for my choice for underrated VN:
I would recommend playing Castle Fantasia 2: The Sacred War Renewal . It's a VN with turn-based strategy elements and RPG characteristics. The game isn't hard by any means though, and for some reason I personally enjoyed it more than Tears to Tiara / Utawarerumono, and a lot more than Man at work (of course some might feel differently).
The graphics are the usual stunning Studio E-GO quality, and the story is enjoyable in my opinion. It's about a lazy care-free general in a fictional country's army, and his adventures in a war, sprinkled with deceptions, betrayals, love etc.
There are torrents and DDLs all over the internet.
(Gonna write a few others too)

>> No.3096872

I wish the rest of the Castle Fantasia series get translated.

>> No.3096880

Divi dead

Go play these 2 as well if you havent.

>> No.3096883

Is that Marina from EVE Burst Error?

And fuck I have too many god damn things to read already. I have to finish EVE Burst Error,Devils Devil Concept and My Classmate is a Sexslave. The problem is they all bore me. DDC feels like some Nasu wannabe wrote it, EVE Burst Error is RAGE since you have to play both routes consistantly to continue and I also doubt the translation at times.....And I havent played My Classmate is a Sexslave because I never feel like fapping to it.

And now I have this son of a bitch. Fuck you OP.

>> No.3096890

just finished eve less than a week ago the reason I didn't play it sooner was this >>3096748
Desire was good too played that over a year ago.
Adam - The Double Factor is also very good.

any others?

>> No.3096904

actually I started playing My Sex Slave Is A Classmate stopped after first route started eve burst error completed the game and I doubt I'll ever finish My Sex Slave Is A Classmate.

>> No.3096937

Kingdom is not THAT good, kinda glitchy too.
But it's one of the few 'Dating stats' games and has a lot of variety, and is of course available in English, so we cannot be too picky.

>> No.3096948
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, PoI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I would love to see more Studio E-GO VNs translated, but I really doubt there will be any more, since the Studio itself is disbanded as far as I know, and no one really showed interest in translating the rest of their games.
Here's one of the other really underrated VNs, which is a great Nitro+ game called Phantom of Inferno (it has a great ongoing anime adaptation by the way). Hirameki adapted the non-H DVD version which is bulky and inconvenient, but by no means should be an excuse not to see at least one of the endings, since the story is awesome, and the graphics are really gorgeous. It's about a japanese young man, whom (due to his survival abilities) the maffia on the East Coast drugs him to be amnesiac, recruits him, and he gets trained to be a top-class assassin by a mysterious girl called Ein. The game focuses on various cars and guns, and as expected of a Nitroplus game, none of the characters are really cliche. It's fairly long, but it is worth the time, since the game was great, even though the DVD system is really disadvantageous.
(For those who are complaining that it doesn't work, I just made and posted yesterday a screenshot made on Zoomplayer, which doesn't have any trouble playing it correctly.)
As for how to obtain it? Believe it or not, the factory sealed version costs $2.49 on amazon.com now. Alternatively there should be ISOs on hongfire.

>> No.3096955

C76 should make things a lot better for a couple weeks, before it's all back to Touhou and TYPE-MOON again.

>> No.3096969

As an alternative, you could have also mentioned that the Phantom OVA DVD comes with a copy of the Hirameki DVD-play game.

>> No.3096986

I think most people do not bother with it due to the format. You either struggle though the mud or not, it's not that it's underrated.
I actually searched for all the scenes through the menu till I established the order and played it side to side with PHANTOM INTEGRATION.
Easily my favorite translated VN.
But it was still too much of a pain.

>> No.3096988
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>>My Sex Slave Is A Classmate

>> No.3097020

yeah it's shit, that's why I said I'll never finish reading it, it's not like we have much choice, unless you know Jap.

>> No.3097026


Too bad at least 3 important Touhou releases are happening during C76, so there'll likely be at least 4 threads on frontpage at any one period of time regardless.

>> No.3097047
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, snatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since I have my own copy from a good 2-3 years ago, I didn't know that. It's all the more reason to buy PoI legally in my opinion. (Hell, buying lunch costs less.)
OK, let me present you folks with one of the oldest translated, yet still one of the highest rated story-based VNs called Snatcher. First check out the OP before reading further:
It's a story in 2050's post-apocalyptic world, about a mysterious detective who starts working for the organization called "Junkers" (kinda like a specialized police). As you can see in the OP, his objective is to regain his lost memories, and find out more about the Terminator-like entities called Snatcher. The game has good english voice acting (not all the time, but the major scenes are voiced), and some of the game-choices are -similarly to EVE- quite funny when selected (primarily thanks to Gillian's companion, a droid called Metal Gear who follows him around). Additionally there are gunfights once in a while, but (apart from a few) they aren't really hard with some practice.
Really recommended, if you are not picky about the graphics.

You can download the Sega CD iso here:
and play it with an emulator called Gens+ .

>> No.3097064

I meant underrated as in never getting any discussion and the majority never played it here. Sigh, I wish someone would have translated Integration by using the Hirameki edition's scripts. That way more people would actually try playing it. But anyway I don't think it's that inconvenient when you first play it to be honest. Nice to see you loved it too MolesterJim.

>> No.3097066

>I actually searched for all the scenes through the menu till I established the order and played it side to side with PHANTOM INTEGRATION.
I did this exact same thing.

>> No.3097068

Isn't someone porting PoI tranaslation to a real VN format? Is it on hiatus?

It is not too bad. It is like playing True Love in a medieval setting.

>> No.3097070

>Adam - The Double Factor is also very good.

I've read it was a very incomplete game and there was tons of stuff left unfinished, even the story (?). I really liked EVE: Burst error but I'm not sure if I want to play an incomplete game.

And speaking of Hirameki: Is the Exodus Guilty trilogy any good?

>> No.3097084

Wasn't there a group ripping text from Hirameki and placing it on the PC version? I heard this a while back so it was most likely a troll?

>> No.3097094

what do you think eve-BE is? it was also incomplete (botched)!

>> No.3097109

Well as far as I know, ensue or some other group was doing it, but they stalled the project a good while ago, so I would be surprised if it ever gets picked up again (especially now that Nitro+ and Jast is affiliated).
If you liked Eve, you will probably moderately enjoy Adam too. Granted I could complain about Adam, but it was still an intriguing game regardless, and hell, it was so nice to see the characters again. It's worth to play it once in my opinion.

>> No.3097155

and I doubt JAST would ever consider re-doing FOI, even if they left in the H content. too bad...Fuck Hirameki!

>> No.3097196 [SPOILER] 
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( <= Warning! Guro picture )

Indeed Anon, I was about to recommend Divi-Dead in the end too.
Divi-Dead is another C'S Ware title from the Pre-Tsukihime times, which doesn't really gets much attention. The story plays in a really odd private school, where bizarre things happen shortly after our normal protagonist enrolls. The game touches themes like intrigue, supernatural, and as you can see in the attached picture, it is heavily involved with Horror. Still several of the endings were really nicely done, and I did enjoy the whole game when I've played it.
Using a walkthrough is recommended though, because sometimes certain character appearances seemed quite illogical in my opinion, and getting certain endings are a pain in the ass without some guidance, albeit doable of course.

You can try playing it online here:
or find an ISO through google, or there might be some copies on sale by JAST.

>> No.3097405

Just get the dividead straight from rs.

Also if you cant get it to work(freezing after the opening movie). Put it on a USB and load it from there, for some reason this fixes it.

>> No.3097410

Is that the voice one?
I play it years ago but it doesn't come with voice. Wont mind playing it again just to hear them moan.

>> No.3097441
File: 35 KB, 641x480, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more love

>> No.3097447


Yeah its voiced, it should say it right in the filename though (with voices).

>> No.3097456

Where's my H?

>> No.3097462

Lame those DDL links for eve don't work for me. Keeps downloading 11kb and stopping

>> No.3097496

Try the DDL link on Fakku then. They worked for me recently.

>> No.3097500
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, indexstare4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which DVD player do I have to download to get Phantom working, bros?

VLC isn't working.

>> No.3097508

Cyberlink power dvd. You can probably get it in /rs/.
In the meantime you need to drop your index roleplaying and shit. Waste of bandwidth.

>> No.3097542
File: 42 KB, 327x248, indexfingerupsmile4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waste of bandwidth
But I'm an American so none of that matters.

It's cool, bro.

>> No.3097552

At least be so considerate and read what I wrote.
>(For those who are complaining that it doesn't work, I just made and posted yesterday a screenshot made on Zoomplayer, which doesn't have any trouble playing it correctly.)
And please stop using that avatar.

>> No.3097561
File: 98 KB, 1024x576, indexfoodX34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, I'll give them a try.

>> No.3097572

You reminds me of that rance tripfag faggot.

>> No.3097578

troll confirmed

>> No.3097592
File: 111 KB, 1024x576, indexrailsad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am not.

>> No.3097645

I really wish that someone translates the other C's Wware titles.
There was this one called VIST if I remember correctly.
And also do not forget EVE The Lost One.

Since the company is no more I guess it would be difficult that some commercial translation company will be picking them.
Hope in fantranslations. I guess the difficult thing would be hacking the system to insert the translated text

>> No.3097677

Is it possible to pause and resume where you left off or skip text in Phantom of the Inferno using any DVD software? I really like the anime and have been wanting to play the VN since it started airing, but the password shit turns me off.

>> No.3097675 [DELETED] 

Is it possible to pause and resume where you left off or rewind in Phantom of the Inferno using any DVD software? I really like the anime and have been wanting to play the VN since it started airing, but the password shit turns me off.

>> No.3097703

That game always freezes up at random points without a reason.
Does anyone have the same problem?

>> No.3097704
File: 35 KB, 385x450, Nocturnal Illusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I personally would love to see the EVE remake version, and it shouldn't be hard by inserting the text from the Himeya edition. The same could be said on EVE:TFA since the game probably uses a lot from Adam's script and those could be used from the english translation. So yeah a fantranslation would be certainly great, but since the franchise isn't really hyped, I doubt either of C'S Ware games will get translated unfortunately. I keep hoping though, because I too would love to read EVE Zero or New Generation one day.
The last one I'm going to present is a title which probably might have been the first VN for many of the players who started playing VNs early (I think that was my second after True Love). It's called Nocturnal Illusion, and it's a pretty good story. Throughout the game you have the option to fuck a mermaid, a masochist maido, a loli-ghost (you need the uncensor patch for her), a vampire, witness an incest between a girl and a demon with a dick the size of my legs and other such juicy bits.
The background story is that the MC got caught up in a storm and when he recovered he found himself in a mansion with several other mysterious characters, and they cannot get out from the place. Then the MC tries to investigate who exactly the other characters are, and how could he help about their own problems. It's not very long game, but due to the characters and the atmosphere it is still really enjoyable even with todays standards, (provided you are fine with the slightly old graphics). Several of the endings were so touching and romantic that I always smile thinking about them.

There's a working torrent on deadfrog.fapis.com which includes the uncensor patch.

>> No.3097720 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 726x305, favoriteendings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Several of the endings were so touching and romantic that I always smile thinking about them.
Picture related.

All right, that's all the games from me. I hope it was worthwhile and some other Anons will try some of the games I've presented.

>> No.3097724
File: 67 KB, 404x581, indexsip4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worked fine for me.

Narcissu froze up a lot though.

>> No.3097730 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 726x305, favoriteendings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Several of the endings were so touching and romantic that I always smile thinking about them.
Picture related.

All right, that's all the games from me. I hope it was worthwhile in the end, and some other Anons will try some of the games I've presented/introduced or whatever.

>> No.3097744
File: 12 KB, 129x142, sari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who didn't love Sari my friend? Must've played the game at least a few times just for her....

>> No.3097751

That's just wrong OP. The reason for the downfall of /jp/ is the constant lack of skillful janitors, and that's a pretty sad thing to wish for, but without alternative as things became just that bad.
I would even offer myself just as others would to lessen the pain like bird, nekofail and permaban for all tripfags, but moot is just a fagget.

>> No.3097787

Show some appreciation for our meido-san.
He just clean up 3pages of shit.

>> No.3097793

I confirm that IMHO these games are the best that is available in English in terms of depth of story.

Don't know if it has been cited yet but I feel like include Chain - The Lost Footsteps.
Very good investigative story.

Hope more of these will get translated.
And I also hope that someone new to VN's will try many of the ones posted, especially the old ones.
Do not be put off by the outdated graphics!

>> No.3097819 [DELETED] 

Indeed she was my favorite one too. You can probably recognize the spoilered picture, and why exactly it differs from the normal back-garden scenery image.

A fellow wrote that on a different forum. Not that I haven't tried it myself, so I have no idea whether it works.
>Well, it is possible to "save". The key is to rip the DVD to the local disc first. Then you use the ancient tool "ifoedit" to remove the all protections from the game. Once you have done that, you can save/restore by simply jumping to the Track/Chapter you were last in (or simply leave your DVD player program - most will store the position and restart exactly there when you open it again). Finally, some DVD player programs will allow you to save "Bookmarks" - they can also be used.

>So yes, while the game is a bit unwieldy in the original DVD version, it becomes much more easily playable after the adjustments I listed.

>> No.3097826

From what i remember there were two endings. One where you become a flower beside her and the other ends with her holding your child and smiling.

>> No.3097839

Indeed she was my favorite one too. You can probably recognize the spoilered picture, and why exactly it differs from the normal back-garden scenery image.

A fellow wrote that on a different forum. Note that I haven't tried it myself, so I have no idea whether it works.
>Well, it is possible to "save". The key is to rip the DVD to the local disc first. Then you use the ancient tool "ifoedit" to remove the all protections from the game. Once you have done that, you can save/restore by simply jumping to the Track/Chapter you were last in (or simply leave your DVD player program - most will store the position and restart exactly there when you open it again). Finally, some DVD player programs will allow you to save "Bookmarks" - they can also be used.

>So yes, while the game is a bit unwieldy in the original DVD version, it becomes much more easily playable after the adjustments I listed.
By the way if anyone gets nostalgic with Nocturnal Illusion, there is an awesome fan site here which includes basically everything about the game.

>> No.3097854 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3097857

I even have the Nocturnal Illusion remix.

>> No.3097861 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3097896

Am I doing something wrong for not having any save/load option in Desire?

>> No.3097916

> The reason /jp/ is so shitty nowadays is because all you fags are too fucking bored.

No, the reason /jp/ is so shitty is that it's turned into /v/.

>> No.3097929

Thank you for your kind words Anon. Yeah indeed Chain is also an entertaining title (albeit I wouldn't compare it to Eve for example). It was still fun to read through once.
But there should be one. I'm not sure why you don't have a save option. If all else fails, I would recommend DDLing it from the link down below, instead of using the torrent if that's where you obtained it from.

>> No.3097935

Seriously, this VN has awesome music for such a small game

>> No.3097975

I'm loading the torrent right now, the version I tested before was from a DDL an anon provided us some weeks ago. And in that version you can only choose the fullscreen toggle, to quit the game, exit the app and access the help compilation...

Dunno what's wrong with the game

>> No.3098068

Best one of the entire al|together-project.

>> No.3098163

I have no idea either bro. It was working for me just fine with the version you mentioned (I replayed it recently with the DDL version which was linked here a few weeks ago).
Actually if I recall correctly there was no save function while you are on the plane, and it first appears. when Albert was on the airport already and you see the map for the first time.

>> No.3098260 [DELETED] 

The same with the torrent. Now tell me, where the fuck is the save option hiding FFFFF

>> No.3098264

ah thanks for that info, I will check that out right now

>> No.3098275

and btw, is there a possibilty to change the fucking small font?

>> No.3098314

I guess I'll join the fun.

This one was recently translated: Welcome to Pia Carrot. You probably heard the name around, there's lots of games and OVAs of it. It works like those oldie dating sims, you raise your stats and woo the girls.

It's pretty enjoyable, I guess. The PC-FX version is voiced, there's hentai on it, and the patch is already out. But be careful! *Don't* use the patching program! Put the files on the same folder as the iso and let the emulator handle it.

http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=99384 - rapidshare
http://projects.mattsmessyroom.com/welcometopiacarrot/ - translation project page

>> No.3098331

Does anyone know where I can get a hold of the Japanese version for Eve Burst Error? Wouldn't mind trying my luck at combining the two suckers.

Regarding Desire, if I recall correctly... I think I was unsuccessful in playing it on XP and ended up using VirtualPC with Win98, what are you guys playing Desire on? or are there different versions of the game on the net?

>> No.3098378

I could be wrong, but the remake of eve burst error (EVE Burst Error Plus) also contains the original, and naturally it's in japanese

>> No.3098379
File: 35 KB, 300x378, 6277-100-87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an old game named Graduation 2
Review: http://www.animetric.com/bgames/grad2.html
>Graduation II lets you play the role of a teacher given responsibility over five girls who progress by gaining and losing points on various statistics: Stamina, Strength, Friendliness, Respect, Elegance, Charm, and Studiousness. They have ranging competency in English, History, and Math -- the homeroom subjects you teach. The beginning of each school week starts with you deciding on the tone and pace of your pupils' studies -- whether it is lenient, strict, or a free study period. You also choose the study subject, whom in the class you will focus on with their studies, and the seating arrangement. During the weekend you can choose one student whose schedule you can alter to your wishes, and then hang around the classroom or your office offering advice and guidance to your pupils, or head to the suburbs and engage in off-campus searches or invite one of your students to dinner. Then the next week of class begins, and the cycle repeats.


>> No.3098490

Hold on, is the hongfire link in the OP for the Japanse or English version for Eve Bust Error?
I'm asking cause hongfire don't usually allow localized game downloads. And it's not really stated on that page.

>> No.3098503

Does it work on XP?

>> No.3098526

Yeah. There's a problem with it though, the mp3s do not unpack resulting in no voice ingame.
I guess it's for the best since it apparently has a horrible english dub.

>> No.3098757

Can anyone confirm that this link is for EBE Plus version?

I'd also like confirmation that the original EBE and the PLUS version contain the same scripts?
Surely some of you knowing Japanese has read/skimmed through both versions for comparison.

>> No.3099016

consider it dropped because the game has a lot of text that the dvd version doesn't so it requires a proper translator

>> No.3099062

You'd think that they would be able to find a translator given how good PoI is. Why don't they ask that guy who did Chaos;Head?

>> No.3099269

Yukari is mai waifu.

>> No.3099278 [DELETED] 

Well I knew it requires a translator, since Integration has all those H-scenes for example, which aren't translated yet, and probably there several of the scenes might be slightly altered too.
However overall (as far as I can tell from here, and do note I couldn't try Integration), it would probably take less effort than other games, since the majority of the whole script is already in english.

>> No.3099292
File: 106 KB, 800x600, bestest end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I knew it requires a translator, since Integration has all those H-scenes for example, which aren't translated yet, and probably several of the scenes might be slightly altered too.
However overall (as far as I can tell from here, and do note I couldn't try Integration), it would probably take less effort than other games, since the majority of the whole script is already in english.

>> No.3099331

All these are excellent.

The thing about Type-Moon is, they aren't real professionals in the same sense doujinshis aren't made by professionals too. And regardless, their storytelling is superb.

>> No.3099338

What has become of CsWare, by the way?

>> No.3099359

Still pseudo-alive:

>> No.3099384


Awww, so they got bought by Himeya. To be expected.

Himeya's games sucked a lot compared with CSWare's back then, though.

>> No.3099448

Latest EVe titles were made by Tyrell Lab though. http://www.tyrell-lab.com/

>> No.3099486

Has anyone been able to get Nocturnal Illusion working on Vista? (Yeah, I know, I hate Vista too.)

>> No.3099511


>> No.3099561

Yeah, but I don't like the ne chara design.

And Tyrell did that horrible EVE Mahjong game also...

>> No.3099720

What is this?

>> No.3099739

Someone have that second Studio Ego game named "Pythian" ? Been looking for that for a while.

>> No.3099747

Red Shift.

>> No.3099815

How'd you do it? I keep getting an error when I try to start the game and Google doesn't really help.

>> No.3102190

bumping for awesome

>> No.3102212

The Bible Black VN actually has a pretty good plot. I'm serious.

>> No.3102220

Yea, this is good advice anon. Desire is fucking awesome. I think I will heed your advice and get the fuck off /jp/ so I can play some VN instead, thanks for the wakeup call.

>> No.3102406
File: 49 KB, 640x480, event528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, despite that it's usually a troll advice on /a/ , if you like dark vns, and are fine with some disturbing humiliations and other similar stuff, the VN is quite entertaining. Picture related, it's FUCK YEAH!

>> No.3102417

Yeah Bible Black is good, better than Divi-Dead IMHO.

>> No.3103874

I didn't like the part where that woman sprouted a cock and started raping people.
Not that I minded the rape (otherwise I wouldn't have played the game). But the descriptions of it were horrible. "I entered her vagina, the thick sperm of the doctor before me made wet and sticky sounds while I thrusted my cock in it.

>> No.3103904

It's not like people didn't play Eve series or oldies like nocturnal illusion. It's just that they ARE old, have not much to talk about and are severely lacking in fanart department

>> No.3103920

That might be true for a fair number of people.
However check out the recent thread above, a large number of /jp/ userbase only played the usual VNs and nothing else, however I'd love to see them trying out the VNs I've mentioned or several other ones. (and it's somehow sad I seemed to be the only one who played more than 50+ titles).

>> No.3104910

Bump for awesomeness.

>> No.3104923

What do you expect.
Only faggots post in rating. Those usually end up as troll thread and I did my part in reporting.

You should check out some of the archive thread. Majority of people here have play Nocturnal Illusion, True Love and those oldies like Runaway city and etc.

>> No.3105543

Well if there would be so many of us, like you and me who played through the older VNs and/or the obscure ones, then I'd imagine there would be more people reminiscing those games, whenever such thread comes up.
I'm more inclined to think that thread above reflects some degree of reality, and there are many people here who haven't played many VNs, besides the hyped games.
That's the reason I've tried pointing those people into the direction, by presenting a few VNs they probably haven't heard of.

>> No.3105672

This thread says otherwise >>3103832.
Everyone just moved on to other games, its not a stretch to assume that someone that played those old VNs learned Japanese by now. To be honest remove the nostalgia goggles and most of the old games pretty much sucks.

Let's start with the gameplay. The system is especially retarded, fake interactivity isn't gameplay. I don't think anyone really enjoyed the LOOK-SEE-TALK bullshit especially when there's only a single linear path. Especially EVE Burst Error, which doesn't let you advance the text while there's a character talking. The only games where I think that system is warranted are Divi Dead and Nocturnal Illusions, mostly because the theme of those two are exploration/investigating the unknown.

>> No.3105721

While I appreciate the RPG style ones or something who tries to be different and bring some variations between a bunch of text and the other, in the end VNs are about reading so the system hasn't changed very much even in newer games.
And the problems the old games had were mostly because of the hardware limitations of the time, just like mainstreem games

>> No.3105741

Furukawa Akio?

Probably ZUN, now.

>> No.3105774

I don't think that LOOK-SEE-TALK bullshit is due to hardware limitation, it's just them trying to force a gameplay into something that has none.

You reminded me of Cobra Mission and its retarded h-scene minigame. ;_;

>> No.3105857

Yeah, Cobra Mission was bad. I played it with a walkthrough otherwise I would be still here running around.
But I think that without these pioneers there wouldn't be games like Kuutei Senki by Eushully, just to name one that comes to mind.

>> No.3105962

>Kuutei Senki
Is that game good? Just finished playing all the SofthouseChara games and is now looking what to play next.

>> No.3106082
File: 63 KB, 500x400, kuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a turn based tactics game.
You control a flying ship and have to fight your way through many battles.
The attacks that you can do are made with a card based system, each card representing a different attack.
One of the good thing is that at the beginning you can pick one out of 4 charachters, each has a different story.
Multiple endings also based on your achievements.

>> No.3106110

I finished it long ago by myself. It was time consuming, to walk all around the map and inside buildings to find shit. And the retarded foreplay minigame. Damn that sucked. When you want to go fap, you don't want to randomly click around hoping for something to happen, then when you're about to orgasm, you max out the click limit and you jizz all over Faythe's apartment.

>> No.3107037

Anybody here played True Remembrance?

You can get it here: http://trueremembrance.insani.org/

>> No.3107223

Yes I did!
that was awesome! It even has an animated opening, great for a free game!
