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3097245 No.3097245 [Reply] [Original]

So, you are a single father whose waifu gave up her corporeal existence to protect mankind.

She left a boy for you to look after. The boy is fucking ugly, retarded and like muttering “I mustn’t run away” in public embarrassing you all the time.
The boy get in the way of your love life, all the whores you approach never accept you because they think you are a model father. He even annoy the heck out of you by the not letting you fap to your waifu’s clone. He occasionally call you when you are at work and while you are trying to date with the clone.

You are trying to put him up for an adoption, however her family does not permit that. Your waifu’s dad apparently has a lot of influence in UN, but rejecting them you most likely will lose your job, your home and your clones.

Now you know how Rosa feel.
Is she a good mother now?

>> No.3097253


>> No.3097249

Shes always been a good mother.

>> No.3097259
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>> No.3097256

*Now you know how Gendo feels.
Is he a good father now?

>> No.3097274 [DELETED] 
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[X] Let him have sex with your Major.

>> No.3097286
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Except Shinji is actually really cute.

>> No.3097361

Rosa is the best mother

>> No.3097363

Rosa and Gendo should get together and abuse eachother's children for a change.

>> No.3097365

give me the link

>> No.3097376



>> No.3097418


>> No.3097957
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Maria is canonically ugly.
Reread Kinzos rant in EP1.

>> No.3097968

What 9 year old isn't ugly?

>> No.3097987

99% of all 2D lolis?

>> No.3097992

Kinzo is canonically dead before he says that.

So it's really Beatrice calling Maria ugly. Rude.

>> No.3097994

Isn't that just in Krauss mind?
Which makes it even worse since he has a good taste in womans.

>> No.3098000
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Beatrice doesn't exist so nobody called Maria ugly. The end.

ITT: why Maria so obviously pure and cute and why the anime adaption done with close oversight by Ryukishi proves she is.

>> No.3098002
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>> No.3098007

If Maria was cute then she would have friends.
Maria has no friends, so she is not cute.

>> No.3098011

She would scare everyone away.

Random girl: "Let`s play with dolls."
Maria: "Fuck yeah Voodoo!"

>> No.3098016

Except Maria is cuter in the VN than she is in the anime.

It seems like in virtually every scene Maria is in so far in the anime, she's doing facial contortions left and right.

>> No.3098021
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9 years old boys often tease girls they like and don't have much of a sex drive anyway. The reason Maria is bullied is because she's so weird and immature, not because she's not cute, because she is.

Think about it, no matter how good she looked she'd still get teased more than the other kids because of her "uu" habit and her belief that witches are real, her belief that her toys are alive, stuff like that.

>> No.3098028
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Here we go again:


Maria has a silly hat, a fang, uu~, and Rosa's beauty condensed into loli form.

How is she ugly? That just screams moe.

>> No.3098029

She should be committed.

>> No.3098030
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In the VN Maria's face and form is constantly contorted, just like nearly every character.

Official anime art Maria > actual anime Maria > VN Maria, in terms of cuteness

>> No.3098031

Tease, not ostracize.

>> No.3098032

I can sort of relate to Rosa. Her situation reminds me of when I had to take care of my mom's dog - I'd kick him for eating socks and newspapers and barking at everything like retard, then feel horrible after calming down and feed him sousages out of guilt. Good thing I'll never have kids.

>> No.3098033

If Maria was my kid I would consider beating her senseless.
Uus annoyance level is god tier.

>> No.3098034


The whole is less than the sum of it's parts.

>> No.3098036
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She inherited her father's looks

>> No.3098040
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I'm sure they'd ostracize her for the "uu" thing alone, even if she didn't have all those other habits. No matter how good she looked.

Seriously, you can't get away with "uu uu" all the time in a social environment.

>> No.3098041


>> No.3098042

She'd be accepted despite her quirks if she were cute

>> No.3098045


Yet nipah~ is celebrated over in Hinamizawa.

>> No.3098047

Fags made me look up what that word means.

>> No.3098048

She's the head of the Furude family.

>> No.3098049

That's a backwater town full of hicks. Maria lives in society.

>> No.3098050


God dammit, go back to school, Germany.

Or do they stop teaching you at 15?

>> No.3098051

Pick up a book written in english once in a while, bro.

>> No.3098053

Rika Nipaa`d a few times in each world.

Maria annoys the shit out of you 24/7

>> No.3098059

In school we learned awesome shit like:
The cat is black or the hat is red.

>> No.3098072

It's not like Rosa was delivered a complete 9 year old with a lot of emotional problems, she's been with Maria since birth. When she's been around anyway. Newly borns can't mutter "I mustn't run away" and most of them are equally annoying.

Yes Maria is fucked up, but a lot of the blame lies with Rosa's way of raising her. If you don't want children and are not willing to be responsible for more than one life, or are not capable of being an actual parent to them, don't have children in the first place. Yeah it sucks not having as much freedom once you have children, but that goes with being a parent.

Rosa has largely neglected and abused Maria. She hits a 9 year old repeatedly and with enough strength to knock her down to the ground. That goes well beyond simple punishment and into abuse, even by 1986 standards. Maybe Maria did have some problems inherently too, but Rosa has certainly made the situation a lot worse by being a bad parent.

I feel sorry for Rosa that her husband left her after promising to look after the baby, but she is also responsible for her own actions. The father is an even worse parent than Rosa, but that does not excuse her.

>> No.3098074

I've never actually looked up this word too, but having met it many times, somehow devised its meaning from context.

>> No.3098079
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Rosa is the best mom.
Her love for Maria is maximum.

>> No.3098083

It's not abuse until blood has been spilled.

>> No.3098094

Rosa never abused Maria.
Stupid bitch fell down some stairs.

>> No.3098092


You can easily kill someone without spilling blood.

A ruptured organ or collapsed larynx will do it.

>> No.3098096

Well at least she never kicked her.

>> No.3098097

Then it's murder, not abuse.

>> No.3098127


just think of how much Rosa would have seen the inside of the party van if this was america

>> No.3098146
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>> No.3098147


She and Eva would have gathered a lot of feminists and took over Kinzos company.
Rosa could afford a babysitter now.

>> No.3098154

There's a reason why it's called "beating some sense" into someone.

>> No.3098155
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Society is a loose term if used to describe people that would tease and abuse someone like Maria.

>> No.3098158

Rosa has more than enough money to hire a babysitter, she simply doesn't because she's a horrible parent who secretly wishes Maria would die.

>> No.3098165
File: 282 KB, 841x1200, ‚¤‚Ý‚Ë‚±ep2_11_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3098169

Welcome to the civilized world.
We beat the difference out of you, one blow at a time.

>> No.3098170

No she hasn't.
She can`t even go to Hokkaido with her boyfriend.

>> No.3098173


They're trying to say that abuse is abuse whether blood is spilled or not. Abuse is harmful actions inflicted on a child that could end in death. If you can kill without spilling blood you can abuse without spilling blood, it's still child abuse if you're harming them.

>> No.3098183

Its only abuse when you get caught.
Same goes for cheating.

>> No.3098187

No, really ?
Thanks for the tip captain obvious !
