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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 391x159, r9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3096731 No.3096731 [Reply] [Original]

Did you see what happened to our twin brother /r9k/, guys?

>> No.3096739

i dont care

>> No.3096744

Why was moot so fascinated with this mcdonalds date thing?

>> No.3096751

>twin brother


>> No.3096753

Both boards were born on the same day, you can't deny that.

>> No.3096755

> moot: taking my next date to mcd's thank you op date for one ( ._.)
> Anonymous: Wat? You're the creator of fucking 4chan, I would assume that you'd be absolutely drowning in ugly weaboo girls.
> moot: wouldn't know. it helps that i'm a TOTAL RECLUSE--mom's basement, etc.

See moots really one of us ;_;.

>> No.3096770

Oh my. ;_;

Then why does he hate Touhou and visual novels?

>> No.3096771
File: 81 KB, 802x601, Mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twin brother


>> No.3096774

/r9k/ is the eldest twin that likes to brag about being succesful, but is just as much of a failure as us deep inside.

>> No.3096777


>> No.3096779


Dunno, i looked in there and the thread seemed really shitty, even for /r9k/ standards

>> No.3096780

I wish for a girl that would eat with me at McDonalds. ;_;
How about you, /jp/?

>> No.3096789

He doesn't, he just pretends he does so /b/ and /r9k/ will accept him. He posts on /jp/ as zun!bar

>> No.3096799

Because we remind him of himself.

>> No.3096808

You have a point.

>> No.3096814

Get out of here, filthy 3-D lover. Your kind is unwanted here.

>> No.3096818

I'd eat with moot at McDonald's if I was a girl.

>> No.3096826

>filthy 3-D lover

This meme is getting annoying. Stop that.

>> No.3096831
File: 441 KB, 798x598, 4764133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck I'm on moot's good side.

>> No.3096837

Every thread gets replied to. No exceptions.

>> No.3096842

Suddenly, it all make sense.

>> No.3096857

I wouldn't eat with him even if I happened to be a girl. He annoys me to no end. He's too normal.

>> No.3096859

What does this have to do with the 3D, you rash and most likely under-aged brat?

>> No.3096864

Moot loves /r9k/ more so than /jp/

Damnit, we can't get good things because you all appear as directionless pedophiles to moot. When moot posts try to imagine yourselves as that guy in a suit with a monocle, cane, and a cup of tea. Maybe moot will give us banning capabilities if we act sophisticated whenever he posts.

>> No.3096884

What stupendously wonderful idea my good sir.

>> No.3096889

I wouldn't even eat there myself, so no. And if a girl suggested going there, I'd tell her to reconsider or get out of my sight.
The only thing at McDonald's I can eat without feeling bad in various ways is their milkshake or their ice cream.

>> No.3096897

I don't even own any of those things.
If I wore my glasses, that exclude the option for a monocle, but it'd instead require me to get a pocket watch.

>> No.3096925

While you're young, you shouldn't worry about what you eat.

>> No.3096934

Jeez /jp/ is /r9k/'s twin brother? No wonder you /jp/ has so many mental deficiencies.

>> No.3096941

I agree, if my mates want to go to "makie dees" as they call it, i simply go to a takeaway on the way to the place

>> No.3096945
File: 32 KB, 300x306, Marisa 84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/ is more pathetic than /jp/ when you think about it.
It's not like they actually care about each other's drama with women.

>> No.3096952

You all realize that moot always makes fun of us.

>> No.3096958

> moot: wouldn't know. it helps that i'm a TOTAL RECLUSE--mom's basement, etc.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so moot is a huge faggot after all!

>> No.3096972

It's sarcasm poking fun at us.

>> No.3096997

Is this what Americans actually believe?

>> No.3097008

>/r9k/ is more pathetic than /jp/

At least they do give out advice and not "LOL IDIOT saged XD" every fucking thread they see

>> No.3097015

Because that's what the board actually is for, isn't it?

>> No.3097038
File: 29 KB, 300x340, Marisa 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ does sages right most of the time.
The boards you're looking for are /a/, /b/ and /v/, they are the ones that "sage for" and just blatantly "sage" every posts.

>> No.3097103

Hijacking this thread to post some off topic meta.

>moot, please delete /jp/. It's a shitty pedo board where people make threads about pissing on the floor and anally masturbating.
>Is it time to troll /jp/?
>no, don't delete /jp/. Sticky a KS thread in /jp/ until they like it
>Requesting /jp/ renamed 'Relationships and Advice (Trial)'


Seem like we are not even gonna be able to spend our c76 time in peace.

>> No.3097118

If it is true that moot lives in his moms basment, then that leaves me a bit preplexed.

If he is still living with his mother, then why isn't his mother who is living in HIS basement?
I really don't know.

>> No.3097125

All I see in that thread is "moot moot let us suck your cock!!! :)"

>> No.3097136

Those guys are pathetic but you do know what happen last time. moot really did change our board name.

>> No.3097153




Oh, /a/.

>> No.3097163

I wonder where that news post is.

>> No.3097168

Pretty obvious they are jealous at us.

>> No.3097170

>Somebody mentioned /jp/ on /a/!
In before 197 posts and 23 image replies omitted.

>> No.3097182

Oh wow that is an awful thread.

>> No.3097183

And /jp/ always says that /a/ sucks. I wish both boards would stop with the retarded elitism since reading circlejecks about how one board is much better than the other is not very interesting and both boards have crap in them.

I just hope that Moot doesn't change /jp/'s name because it will just get flooded with shit posts again.

>> No.3097184

I wouldn't have noticed.

>> No.3097191

I want moot to change /jp/ to Sophisticated Pedophiles

>> No.3097201

You do know we never say that. I dont browse /a/ but I dont think anyone that is a primary /jp/ lurker will go to /a/ and post "/a/ suck".

I think this is the backlash for always asking them to go back to >>>/a/

>> No.3097227

I mean that here are posts here where people bitch about /a/.

I simply think that people going 'we are so much better than those guys at that other board' is pointless and self-congratulatory.

>> No.3097298

>moot, please delete /jp/. It's a shitty pedo board where people make threads about pissing on the floor and anally masturbating.

/a/ is just full of /b/ and casualism, isn't it?

>> No.3097323
File: 177 KB, 600x450, dudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to /r9k/ you ask?


>> No.3097329
File: 137 KB, 320x286, ps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps: It kinda fell apart.

>> No.3097344

What happened to >>>/cgl/?

>> No.3097347
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1249905727090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change anonymous to weeabro in /jp/
Do it moot.

>> No.3097353

Misdirected links, its on zip now, not bin, click the links at the bottom of the page.
