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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3088209 No.3088209 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ has been awful for months now.

Will C76 make things better again?

>> No.3088218

I am going to aid in uploading music.

>> No.3088216
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>> No.3088224

more K-ON porn, the usual big name circle releases, Umineko 5; it's always good.

>> No.3088226

UFO will rejuvenate us

>> No.3088222

Needs less metathreads and Dawson and more good shit.

>> No.3088229

1 condense music thread.
1 condense ufo thread.
1 condense cirno racing thread.
1 condense mystical chain thread.
Remember to keep it condense guys.

I will do my part in reporting shitty spam thread in the meantime.

>> No.3088232

Well if it doesn't, I'm out of here and 4chan for good. I'm tired of this.

>> No.3088263
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I don`t care im busy playing Umineko and creating spoiler thredas.

>> No.3088264


You forgot

1 toehoe 12.3 netplay thread

>> No.3088267

Cirno Racing will make things good again

/jp/ is still pretty okay, just look at almost every other board and then tell me /jp/ is shit.

>> No.3088271

Can i play Cirno Racing with my fellow anons?

>> No.3088275

Fuck i need to get myself a joystick for cirno racing.

>> No.3088278

I dont know. /jp/ nowadays is like another /a/ what with all the spam going around and even tripfags circlejerk thread. Lets hope it improve after c76.

>> No.3088284

I will be spamming touhou-vania threads. Get your fingers ready.

>> No.3088289

Wait, is that Touhou-vania game coming out C76? Oh god oh god.

>> No.3088301

I expect a ton of Touhou 12g threads.

>> No.3088362

well the demo says 8/15

>> No.3089241

/jp/ really sucks right now

>> No.3089248

/jp/ is as bad as it was six months ago.
Stop whining, faggots.

>> No.3089260
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it has undergone an evolution

>> No.3089288

No, not really.
I wouldn't expect the board to still have the same threads everyday for a year.
Except for those idol ones.

>> No.3089320

There is not nearly enough Shiki vs Shirou gets trumped by ORT discussion in that image.

>> No.3089324
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>> No.3089332

/jp/ was never evolved.

>> No.3089340

/jp/ has changed. It's no longer about bros, touhou or type moon. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. /jp/, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. /jp/ has changed. trip-tagged posters carry trip-tagged posts, use trip-tagged browsers. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Board control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. /jp/ has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from shitty threads. And he who controls the board, controls history. /jp/ has changed. When the board is under total control, /jp/...becomes routine.

>> No.3089342

A lot is missing.

>> No.3089345

Will it go back to loads of Touhou next week? I sure as hell hope so... /jp/ is terrible now. Hell, I even miss the endless Type Moon threads.

>> No.3089360

The threads following the screenshot leaks of some Jap playing UFO before it's released on Share will probably be good. They usually are.

The threads in days following professing how much the new characters suck compared to the old ones and screaming about WHY WASN'T X CHARACTER IN UFO will not be so good.

>> No.3089362

It's awful because of all the threads saying how awful it is.

>> No.3089367

I remember that moot made a temporary board specially for a Comiket. Was it just a dream? Or was it for something else? I can't remember.

>> No.3089372
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It's awful because we have stopped the Touhou hijacks on bad threads and instead we try to tell the trolls off like idiots.

>> No.3089377

She was too busy training by hopping up the shrine steps.

>> No.3089376

That's because touhou hijacks get lame when we don't even have touhou threads anymore.

>> No.3089378




>> No.3089379

remember last year? The 500+ post SA thread that followed a playthrough showing all the new touhous.

good times.

>> No.3089389


My favorite part was then the screenshots of Extra started showing up, and tons of people called it fake because it looked like a color-swapped MoF extra, and then it turned out to be real.

>> No.3089396

far left needs a fuckload of jr idol, schoolgirl, and other underaged jap girl threads.

I also remember something about "seriously, it is dumb" but that might have been /a/

>> No.3089401

I remember everyone went nuts when they first saw Bahamuko

>> No.3089408

Yeah. I thought it was supposed to be temporary. But it looks like it's only for American conventions.

A C76 board wouldn't be too much, for this month/next month.

>> No.3089418

Easier access for the goodies.

>> No.3089479

Why is everyone so excited for the Cirno Racing DEMO?

>> No.3089546

>I never played mario kart... or trackmania united or any other racing game because I am both friendless and broless.
