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File: 573 KB, 1091x1600, Fate_042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3085472 No.3085472 [Reply] [Original]

Guess we know who actually raped Ayako now.

>> No.3085474


>> No.3085476
File: 355 KB, 950x1400, 06_034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shi-

>> No.3085478


>> No.3085479
File: 325 KB, 950x1400, 06_036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I feel something getting hard!"

>> No.3085481

You say that as if we've ever had any doubt.

>> No.3085486
File: 363 KB, 950x1400, 06_112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Rider isn't lamely holding back with her eyes covered when fighting in this version.

>> No.3085492
File: 522 KB, 976x1400, fate_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and Saber is fully under the control of Caster this time. What's an Archer to do now?

>> No.3085496
File: 604 KB, 976x1400, fate_130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FSN manga is like a whole fucking new route with it's own surprises, I love it.

>> No.3085501

Is this the official mango?

>> No.3085505

Please don't let this be Type-Moon complex


>> No.3085510

It's the official mango.

>> No.3085521

she makes me hard if you know what i mean

>> No.3085529

I thought it was just an adaption of UBW

>> No.3085557
File: 562 KB, 976x1400, fate_137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Kuzuki smack that little bitch Rin!

>> No.3085687
File: 614 KB, 1120x1600, Fate_09_103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the author trying to imply something here?

>> No.3085695

Why is Lancer fighting Shirou?

>> No.3085698

So does the manga have "sex for mana" or some kind of perfectly logical mana transfer instead?

>> No.3085710

I don't think it's up to that yet.

>> No.3085721
File: 587 KB, 1114x1600, Fate_09_095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Training. Someone's got to take over Saber's job now that she's with Caster, and since Lancer is staying at Shirou's place now...

>> No.3085729

Looks like Shirou didn't learn his Weapon Triangle very well...

>> No.3085747

I hope they leave it in. That will increase the chances of it being animated in the movie.

>> No.3085758

The movie scenes are probably already fully planned out and more than half animated.

>> No.3085778

Don't shatter my dreams of seeing the animated jackhammer.

>> No.3086099
File: 470 KB, 838x1200, Fate041_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded the latest set of raws, have some Shirou vs. Saber.

>> No.3086101
File: 410 KB, 838x1200, Fate041_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3086113

ahahahaha what the FUCK?!

so is shirou going to lose saber and gain lancer as his servant, and then when archer rebels or whatever rin will get saber?

>> No.3086114
File: 1009 KB, 1730x1200, Fate043_19-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After fighting Kuzuki, then Saber (and getting stabbed through his chest), now he has to fight Archer in UBW. Sucks to be Shirou right now.

>> No.3086118

> gain lancer as his servant
Oh god, make this happen. Lancer deserves a pseudo-goodend.

>> No.3086119
File: 485 KB, 841x1200, Fate043_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3086124
File: 461 KB, 841x1200, Fate043_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Rin interferes. Damn bitch. Also she hasn't made a contract with Saber, guess Shirou will be getting his Servant back.

>> No.3086127

>(and getting stabbed through his chest)
He shouldn't even be able to move right now.

>> No.3086135
File: 396 KB, 838x1200, Fate041_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a fucking cockroach who just can't die in the manga.

>> No.3086146


Saber is so moe.

>> No.3086149
File: 426 KB, 841x1200, Fate043_36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin somehow manages to convince Archer to stop. Shirou and Saber both faint, and Shirou has a dream about King Arthur. Not sure if Fate or UBW route now?

>> No.3086150

Wait, Excalibur is going the wrong way.

>> No.3086157

She tried to kill herself to escape from Caster's control. You should be able to guess what happens next.

>> No.3086162



>> No.3086184

>Not sure if Fate or UBW route now?

Rin harem end confirmed.

>> No.3086186
File: 363 KB, 829x1200, fate7_175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw Rider's dead and Shinji gets UBW happy end with Sakura, so most likely no HF. Probably no UBW too.

>> No.3086197

Did Shinji learn his place?

>> No.3086200

So original route?
Fuck yes, downloading manga right now.

>> No.3086212


Rin looks pudgy or something, I don't know why. Maybe because her hair is drawn fluffier.

>> No.3086213
File: 415 KB, 837x1200, Fate042_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Caster fans.

>> No.3086217
File: 386 KB, 837x1200, Fate042_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3086230

Goddamnit, making me cry bitch tears. ; ;

>> No.3086235

Fuck you, Archer.

>> No.3086247

She's a linebacker for the football team in this route.

>> No.3086258

She's been working out so she can endure the jackhammering she will be getting later on. Maybe.

>> No.3086331


- Rider, Caster and Kuzuki is dead.
- Shinji and Sakura seems to have pulled out from the War.
- Ilya and Berserker are still alive but seems to have disappeared from the story.
- Gilgamesh isn't revealed yet.
- Lancer is on Shirou's side, waiting outside the church.
- Both Shirou and Rin have yet to recontract with Saber and Archer.

The next main opponent is probably going to be Berserker.

>> No.3086335

Saber, Archer, Lancer v Berserker
Oh god.

>> No.3086347

Archer is still rogue. But if he does form a contract with Rin again you can be 100% sure he's getting mauled to death by Berserker next and the manga goes Fate route.

>> No.3086371

Even still, Saber, Lancer v Berserker
Oh god.

>> No.3086380

Would finally reveal could Gae Bolg pierce God Hand among other things.

>> No.3086474
File: 442 KB, 964x1400, fate_v02_080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manga already showed Shirou keeping the pendant. This is an important Rin flag, now he just needs to gain affection points with Saber.

>> No.3086498


>> No.3086502

It shouldn't. Rank B NPs cannot pierce God Hand, no exceptions. Gae Bolg's causality warping ability is said to be blockable if the defense is strong enough. Gil has the original, higher rank Gae Bolg in his vault, so that worked, but Lancer's should lack the capability.

>> No.3086506

Shirou's face is priceless.

>> No.3086516

>- Lancer is on Shirou's side, waiting outside the church.
>- Both Shirou and Rin have yet to recontract with Saber and Archer.


>> No.3086525
File: 631 KB, 1119x1600, Fate_09_156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the manga did show Lancer fighting Berserker. But just as the excited Lancer was about to go all out he got called back by his Master.

>> No.3086541

Lancer can use his runes to temporarily bring it to A level

>> No.3086553


>> No.3086594

There better be a fight between Kotomine and Shirou in the vein of HF's fight.

>> No.3086667

Possible, if the manga goes Fate route. I still don't understand why Kotomine was throwing shit at Shirou when he could've easily owned him.

>> No.3086764
File: 80 KB, 640x480, Fate_Stay_Night_Realta_Nua_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the HF manly fight, Kotomine mentions that his kung-fu is usually fairly weaksauce. He was just lucky enough to be fighting with a fellow walking corpse who left huge openings.

>> No.3086770
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said anything about Kotomine using kungfu?

>> No.3086787
File: 61 KB, 800x600, unlimited tofu works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooood point. Where the hell are the Black Keys?
Did he requisition them from the Church in HF exclusively (along with the car and guns), or did he own his own set?

>> No.3086802

Black Keys are fairly standard, somewhat mediocre, armaments for Executors like Kotomine. The Church probably would have supplied them way way beforehand.

>> No.3086835

Actually, black keys are pretty decent.

>> No.3086850
File: 335 KB, 837x1200, fate7_154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since this thread is still here:

Issei vs. Rin

>> No.3086856
File: 388 KB, 826x1200, fate7_156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issei getting bitchslapped by Archer.

>> No.3086945

Fucking amazing. But i can't really find more than the chapter 17 translated.


>> No.3087748


It got licensed, you have to buy it if you want it in english.

>> No.3087886

Many licensed things get uploaded.
BTW, the manga art is weird.

>> No.3087903


>> No.3087907

Not really, no.
More like. non-fitting expressions.
And everyone looks huger than they should.

>> No.3087987

I found the link for the raws:


>> No.3088039

Where is Ilya's awesome death?

>> No.3088047

Who said she dies?
Anyway, probably upcoming arc.

>> No.3088159

Translation where?

>> No.3089087

Why do I keep hearing people saying the manga is terrible? As far as I can see only the artwork kind of sucks, the story seems better than the anime and the individual routes of the VN so far.

>> No.3089739

Archer, keeping his pimp hand strong because his Bitch was in danger.

However, the Tokyopop translation FAILS sometimes.

Archer says "Skeleton Dudes."

I swear to god, he says, "Skeleton Dudes."

You know what would be awesome, in the manga, if they went the Fate U/C route and actually gave Archer a good end for once.

>> No.3089816
File: 237 KB, 795x1200, Taiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to an adaptation of UBW, but it leaves out the most important parts of UBW, like Saber beating on Berserker at the beginning and Caster pulling Shirou to the temple, and replaces them with stuff from Fate and Shirou still hasn't projected Kanshou and Byakuya. I wouldn't be surprised if Dark Sakura shows up later on. I wouldn't mind original content if it was awesome as Akiha burning Ciel's hand all the way to the bone or Roa shooting lightning all over the place, but mashing UBW and Fate together is just lame.

It's too bad, really. The manga has Lancer sparring with Shirou, Souichirou's backstory and a flashback of Taiga back when she was in high school.

>> No.3089960

Schoolgirl Taiga is so moe!

>> No.3089978

>Akiha burning Ciel's hand all the way to the bone

Wait, what?

>> No.3089992

Tsukihime manga has as extra content an Akiha vs Ciel bout.
Also, Roa remembers some of his magic.
A welcomed original adition to the adaptation.

F/SN manga seems to mostly mix more events from all 3 routes.

>> No.3090014

Has the Tsukihime manga been translated?

>> No.3090018

Up to chapter 54 or something.

>> No.3090019

holy dickjackflappings.

>> No.3090033
File: 270 KB, 838x1205, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3090051
File: 390 KB, 851x1200, 1208942057337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my favourite what-the-fuck moment in the manga.

>> No.3090075


>> No.3090103 [SPOILER] 
File: 372 KB, 851x1200, 1208942294509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3090110

Nevermind, found it on mangafox. But they have up to 57; how many are there total?

>> No.3090111
File: 374 KB, 950x1400, 06_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinji actually fought well against Shirou. AND without resorting to underhand means like taking hostages.

>> No.3090113

Rider is HUGE.

Is the F/SN manga still on-going?

>> No.3090135
File: 330 KB, 825x1217, 0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than 65, since its not over yet

>> No.3090152
File: 314 KB, 825x1217, 0107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3090162


Fucking manga ruining Shinji's character. ;_;

>> No.3090246
File: 93 KB, 728x1044, moeciel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, if they're here though (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the point in the Arc route where Shiki, despite being effectively paralyzed, threatens to rape Ciel if she doesn't take him to Arc; she responds with something along the lines of 'I'd like that, but I'll take it in the spirit with which it was said and go help you save Arc') then it shouldn't be too much longer before they hit the end.

Also, whoever did the manga managed to make Ciel just as moe in her 'You don't remember me ;_;' moment as she was in the VN.

>> No.3090454

Rider's like 5'7 and built like a Brick Shit House. Shiji's what? Like 5'3-5'4 if he's lucky? Still, some of the manga's artwork is special. Like, how the hell do they make Lancer and Archer fugly is beyond me.

Fucking Skeleton Dudes.

>> No.3090624

It had to get licensed. Dammit. Wish someone would translate it anyway. I want to see this new route...

>> No.3090637

That's one of the things that's always made me laugh in reading F/SN and Tsukihime. Some characters are described as 'huge and imposing', like Rider and Nero, but then I go look up their height to get a better mental image and it's like 'wait, what? Are Shirou and Shiki midgets?' Rider's 172 cm, and Nero's 188. I mean, what? He's only 6'2"? Really? Sure, there's the whole 'mass of powerful monsters' thing, but his height isn't exactly imposing...

>> No.3090643


>> No.3090646

I want to buy it, and will post scans if I get it, but I can't find anyplace to buy volume 5. And volume 1,2,3 and 4 are the ones that are on one manga already (up to chapter 17)

>> No.3090650

6'2" is monstrous if you are Japanese herp derp

>> No.3090667


Ciel ;_;

>> No.3090705
File: 426 KB, 1600x1200, Lunar Legend Tsukihime Sample1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there's a torrent on demonoid for chapter 1-57.
Look for the 'Dr. Master eats babies' version, that one's a lot cleaner than the older ones

>> No.3090707
File: 244 KB, 916x1387, Archerovershoulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's funny, look up Archer's height. He's 188 (6'2) and he's never described as tall even though he's the tallest Servant after Berserker and he's drawn with really broad shoulders. Yet none of the Servants are described as tall other than Rider.

>> No.3090710

The FSN is shounen shit. A reinforced woden crap withstanding a NP with Mana Burst? Bullshit.

>> No.3090715

whats NP

>> No.3090719

The manga takes various 'artistic' licences for the sake of dramatic effect, including stalling Shirou's use of powers.

>> No.3090749

At least they got Ayako being bit by Rider down right.

>> No.3090751
File: 97 KB, 650x765, 1249527006567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol sexism

I'm 5'9" and after reading Rider's in-game description (courtesy of Shirou, no less) and her bio, I felt terrible. I've always seen 5'7" as a little over average height for a female but then again lol country of tiny people. Then again, I have a friend who is the same height as Saber and imagining her wielding a huge invisible sword seems more amusing than awesome.

>> No.3090754

...And they could get it wrong how?
It happens only in UBW, you either include it or not.

>> No.3090757

Noxious Pussy

>> No.3090763


In other words, shit.



>> No.3090766

>mentioning sexism
>implying he's a girl
>implying he has friends

0/10 try harder

>> No.3090792

Not necessarily.
Some things do not contradict or break the flow.
Besides, Shirou's reinforcements can take down Skeleton Dudes.
And berserker effectively wields stone and goes toe-to-toe.
Or Black Night grabs steel bars and fights.
It's not THAT glaring.

There are bigger concerns.

>> No.3090795

Be glad I didn't mention my multiple sexual partners. I'm a girl and I have TWO friends. Are you jealous?

>> No.3090816

This is some good stuff.

>> No.3090824
File: 74 KB, 242x251, hey kisamas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3090831

>Skeleton Dudes

Reanimated and not comparable to the likes of Excalibur that bent Assassin's sword.

>berserker effectively wields stone and goes toe-to-toe

That "stone" is an artifact that was used to summon Heracles. Its a fucking conceptual weapon.

>Black Night grabs steel bars and fights

Why dont you read Fate/Zero first?

>> No.3090851

It's just stone from a temple.
The fact that it serves as a catalyst does not make it conceptual.
And I have read F/Z.
Yes, his ability is on a whole different level, since he makes everything an NP.

But it's a weapon reinforced by sorcery, barely withstanding a hit or two even if it's Excalibur is not that glaring an issue.

>> No.3090877

>But it's a weapon reinforced by sorcery, barely withstanding a hit or two even if it's Excalibur is not that glaring an issue

Yes it is, with all of the hype of it being the world's strongest sword. Even normal blades would be able to cut a reinforced wooden sword.

>> No.3090891

Being the strongest sword does not mean it just cuts everything under any circumstances. How it hits and how much you put under the strike yadda yadda yadda.
And no, reinforced wooden sword is described as stainless steel.
Not what a simple sword can cut.

And Excalibur's hype is not the 'cutting' power.
It's not what makes the NPs fearful.

>> No.3090954

>Even normal blades would be able to cut a reinforced wooden sword.
Reinforcement, at Shirou's level, makes a wooden sword as strong as diamond.
So.. no.

>> No.3090975

Diamond is very resistant compared to gemstones and can be applied for pinpoint cutting, but overall toughness is less then engineered metals.

>> No.3090985

Yeah, remember that hollow poster Shirou used in the intro? Lancer had absolutely no trouble slicing that thing
Reinforcement has its limitations, that's why he uses projections.

>> No.3090993

Apart from the original material being a POSTER, unrolling it to a shield stopped the impact of fucking Gae Bolg, even if it was pierced.

>> No.3091008

Reinforcing uniform jacket was the best.

>> No.3091029

>stopped the impact of fucking Gae Bolg
Its not like he used his NP or something, a big chunk of plywood might've had the same effect.

>> No.3091045

It's a fucking cursed spear that kills people just by slipping from Lancer's arms.
It's not like Excalibur fired a fucking beam either.

>> No.3091104

>It's a fucking cursed spear that kills people just by slipping from Lancer's arms.
Yes, when he activates the skill itself.
Why would he need to activate his sure-kill skill if he's just fighting 'some kid'.
When he attacked Shirou, as far as I know, he just tried poking him a bit.

Even Archer needed Rho Aias to block Lancer's activated Gae Bolga, if Lancer would've used it on Shirou at that moment, he would've died in an instant.

>> No.3091247

Though to be fair, that was the thrown Gae Bolg that needed Rho Aius. Just an activated stab does the whole 'bending causality' thing that Nasu loves so much, and probably would've bent reality to get around Rho Aius.

>> No.3092359

>Naru hodo. Kono kata wa...aitsu no han ka!

>I see. That stance you're using...is that guy's stance!

Pidgeon Moon, but effective.

>> No.3092392

What is that stance?

>> No.3092393

No. It's part of the legend. Cuchulain died, his lance slid of his hands and killed a guy. And it was aiming to hit him, by a Servant in a good shape. A stab is a stab, by fucking lancer wielding a cursed spear. As for the 'effect' attack, well DUH.
A prepped shield of decent rank concept and high mana output can stop Gae Bolg's causality cheating.
It's not as much power vs power, as it's mystery vs mystery.

>> No.3092400

>Many licensed things get uploaded.
Hardly that many. Licensing is a bitch and blocks a lot of good stuff.

>> No.3092467

Excalibur is boasted as the strongest sword for the ability of the sheath, not its attack power. There are plenty of swords in Nasuverse that do far more damage than Beamscalibur.

Also, reread on reinforcement and Noble Phantasm rankings--I don't doubt manga took artistic license, but A reinforced anything should be able to hold off a NP of high caliber for a little bit. The rankings aren't about power, after all.

>> No.3092515

It's Archer's basic stance for Kanshou & Bakuya. Lancer recognized it from their first fight. He's pointing out that Shirou's duplicated Archer's fighting style.

>> No.3092532

>Reinforcement, at Shirou's level, makes a wooden sword as strong as diamond.

No. He's still mundane as all hell. His reinforcements aren't that powerful--his projections, on the other hand, are. He hasn't trained in reinforcing advancement, which is where his Broken Phantasm abilities come from.

>> No.3092539

> plenty of swords in Nasuverse that do far more damage than Beamscalibur.
What? I can only think of two. Ea and HAX Emperor.

>> No.3092549

sword in tree

>> No.3092560

Thats more of a revolver technique

>> No.3092570

Rho Aias's power isn't as a Divine Mystery/Noble Phantasm, it's as a Conceptual Weapon (Blocks all range attacks). And Gae Bolg actually broke through it completely, despite being at a standstill in the end. On top of that, this was Archer being fed mana from Caster, and HE was wrecked shit after the fact, too.

>> No.3092578

Gram was only more powerful than Caliburn do to being it's "root", it itsn't more powerful than Excalibur.

>> No.3092595

It's actually described as the strongest holy sword, sheath notwithstanding.
Wooden sword=stainless steel, IIRC somewhere in the VN.
Compared to Caliburn only, no other knowledge of.

>> No.3092601

Game says it's the strongest demonic sword equaling the strongest holy sword(Excalibur). Also cocks.

>> No.3092621

In terms of explosive power/beamspam, Ea, Slash Emperor, and Zelretch top Excalibur. In terms of sword use, Gram, Dulindal, a few of the blades the Dead Apostles tote around, Dansleif, and Arlondite come to mind.

>> No.3092638

Zelretch really doesn't count though as "LOL2ndSORCERY"

>> No.3092644

It's in the Fate Route and UBW route--he can harden objects to be as good as reinforced steel, but that's his limit. Proper training, he'll be able to do things like Archer's Caladbolg, but he's nowhere near that level in any route save HF.

>> No.3092664

Ea uses superheated wind that rips space/time, and is sourced at the beginning of heaven and earth.

Excalibur uses prana into an unstoppable tower of light from the realm of fairies.

Zelretch uses prana and sorcery from the Second magic to do what the user needs it to.

Only one of these fell Type-Moon, so I'd say it's perfectly fine to count it as a haxbeam sword.

>> No.3092673

However, HF Shirou reaches his peak during the route due to having Archer's Arm. Afterwards he can become an average magus only due to not having UBW.

>> No.3092683

inb4 Zelretch can kill ORT/servants.

>> No.3092689

Ea wins in Beamspam since it slashes.
Zelretch swords single beam is not stronger. About as strong a strong blast.
Gram gets no details that make it seem better.
Arondite is as good, but instead of beams, raises the stats of the bearer.
Durandal is not better, since Excalibur is described as the strongest holy sword.
Dansleif is never used and has vague properties.
And the DAs do have demonic swords, but nothing is mentioned that surpasses the sword forged by the planet.
You seriously underestimate the sword.

>> No.3092705

We don't know how did Zelretch kill mr.Brunestud.
Why would the wielder of Second Magic need something he built whenever that does a limited application?
Zelretch can do everything, is the natural conclusion.

>> No.3092715

inb4 "Shiki can kill Zelretch"

>> No.3092726


The Gem Sword isn't what solely made Zelretch's victory. Additionally, the Gem Sword doesn't DO anything. It just is a portal for infinite mana, it doesn't actually do beamspam (that was Rin casting the mana in a generic burst of energy).

Also, Nasu has stated that the whole fight against Crimson Brunestud was a ridiculously huge fluke in Zelretch's favor.

>> No.3092741

He pushed the fucking moon back afterward, so fluke or not, I doubt many could do it either way.

>> No.3092851

Is the Lancer vs. Archer Rho Aias fight still in the manga?

>> No.3092859

Shiki could kill the moon to stop it from falling.

>> No.3093225

If it's not, I'd rage.

>> No.3093236

It's too fucking high to reach it. And he'd die from pressure/environmental disasters if it got close.

Thus, he has to search for four mysterious beings that could possibly lift him up...

>> No.3093238

Oh god, not this again.

>> No.3093247

What if he mans a canon that can shoot a huge knife?

>> No.3093254

He's alluding to how anon made a Tsukihime Style Majora's Mask.

>> No.3093256

Has to be melee/hand to hand.
Otherwise, everything he looked upon would fall apart at some point.
Only he can perceive and realize death.

>> No.3093261




>> No.3093265

We're talking about the death of an entire planetoid here. Shiki's hurt badly enough just by seeing the points of a building. He'd die before he could pull the trigger (though, of course, his intent would carry on through his body despite his mind being long gone or some such nonsense (and then, of course, Arc or Ciel would find some way to bring him back (Not Akiha, Kohaku, or hisui because for Shiki to destroy the moon he has to hit the Near Side))).

>> No.3093274

>Has to be melee/hand to hand.
Actually, was that ever mentioned?
I thought they just said that only Shiki could do it, because it'd be too inaccurate if he told someone else where the lines/points are.

>> No.3093276

Shiki does a suicide launch from the fucking canon!
Before he reaches the target, his brains is about to burst and overloaded, and cannot perceive anything else but death.

>> No.3093279

What was that doujinshi again where Shiki actually saw the point of death of the entire universe?

>> No.3093280

It's not about it being accurate.
Only Shiki understands the effect and can realize it.
Otherwise, people would scratch their nose and lose half their head at times possibly, or really have a bad shaving accident.

>> No.3093286

You need to percieve the points/lines to affect them.

>> No.3093295

Horobi no Akehoshi.

>> No.3093332
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Yes. The manga loves Lancer.

>> No.3093400

>Everyone loves Lancer.

>> No.3093418
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MOTHERFUCKING Lancer. That badass came in to rescue Rin, fucking bitchslapped Matou Shinji across the room (and admit it, you were fucking waiting for that shit to happen the entire route), and then mouthed off against the King of Heroes.

And as if that wasn't fucking enough, Kotomine used a command spell to make him Gae Bolg HIMSELF, piercing himself straight through the fucking heart, and what does Lancer do? Die like a little bitch?


He fucking kills Kotomine Kirei; THE Kotomine Kirei. Now then, he's earned his rest, right? I mean, he fucked over a major villain despite having his heart stabbed by a fucking Noble Phantasm. It's enough, right?

Fucking WRONG!

Matou Shinji starts fucking with Rin again, and Lancer's like, "bitch, step the fuck away from my woman." And this fucking half-dead servant scares that little fucker so much that he has no choice but to run away.

And then he makes his own funeral pyre to burn in, all while wondering what it would've been like to bang Rin just like she deserved.

Finally, as if all of this wasn't enough, the ashes of his pyre also dirty Gilgamesh, striking one last blow. His motherfucking funeral ashes cause the King of Heroes to suffer indignity. Even posthumously he pisses off that golden-haired faggot.

Holy shit, Lancer is awesome.

>> No.3093468

Well, in the afterward of the first volume, the manga-ka admitted that their favorite character was Lancer.

>> No.3093478

A true bro.

>> No.3093479
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No chance for that in the manga though. Oh well, at least we get Lancer as Shirou's new haremette. Here he's eating the food Rin cooked for Shirou, how sweet.

>> No.3093486

Fancy Lancer is Fancy?

>> No.3093487
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Well, Heroes just need more food. Can't blame the guy.

>> No.3093632

Speaking of Rin, has Shirou fucked anybody yet in the manga?

>> No.3093646


>> No.3093654

Wait, what? Lancer is living at Shirou's? Christ what kind of route is this?

>> No.3093656

True Bro route.

>> No.3093662

Is Kotomine still his master?

>> No.3093667

No idea.

>> No.3093692

Hahah, Lancer's all like, "Your cooking's pretty good, [insert your personal translation for jyo-chan]. Are you and that guy involved? (the pinkie thing) It must be nice to eat good food cooked by the hands of your lover."

And, of course, Rin's her usual, "WE AREN'T LIKE THAT!"

>> No.3093714

Yes. Lancer hasn't reveal his Master's identity yet.

>> No.3093716

She only says it once in the VN.

>> No.3093728

Fuck yes. You added the addendum about his ashes dirtying Gilgamesh.

It's now officially perfect.

>> No.3093732
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The best route.

>> No.3093766

That wasn't me, actually.
Must've been the Anon I saved this from.

>> No.3093773

So what happens when Shirou wakes up in the middle of the night and find Lancer and Rin having hot mana transfer?

>> No.3093776

He praises Lancer for his good work and he'll ask him if he wants something to drink.

>> No.3093844

Lancer, like the true bro he is, puts in another coin so Shirou can hit the 2P button and join his game.

>> No.3093876

Hahahaha! Lancer will be Lancer alright.

That said, where did you get that page? Could you throw out a link?

>> No.3094119

You are wrong sir. Shirou slaps Lancer, then threatens Rin to not touch his Lancer ever again.

>> No.3094684


>> No.3095175
File: 70 KB, 750x1089, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flashback? You mean this scene?

>> No.3095489

Source of the translation? I thought they stopped translating the raws at 17.

>> No.3095565

>And Excalibur's hype is not the 'cutting' power
Ummm, Yes it is. It is known both as the sword of promised victory which gave victory to the side who had in no matter what, kind of like Hrunting.
Now this ability wasn't really something that Nasu could have included in his story if he wanted a story with Excalibur at all.
But it was also known for being a sword able to cut "Anything"
If we go by myth cannon.
Gram was able to cut through the hardest of metals.
Caliburn was able cut through the mountain tops. (as in a whole line of mountain tops as if one where to cut all the mountain tops seen in the horizon)
Excalibur, the sword was known to be able to cut through "ANYTHING" and even be able to slash through the sky.

It is common for myths to be exaggerated after time and this is a clear example of that.

Now while this isn't necessarily completely cannon to Nasus works it is pretty correct. It is just that Nasu included something about powers from legends and myths such which I believe he called "Mystical Rank" or something. The further away something is from the original the more minus points it gets, the more fame and the stronger it abilities were the more plus points it gets. Apparently most things were weaker than the originals but there were exceptions like how Gae Bolg was in fact more powerful than the original Gugnir.

>> No.3095567

So it is basically like
Gram was an awfully powerful sword no minus points.
Caliburn was an even more awfully powerful sword but it wasn't the original so it turned out weaker anyway.
Excalibur was a sword on such a level that it still turned out to become the strongest and had gained its conceptual ability of being able to "Cut anything" that beam of light is actually an extended slash.

Canon Excalibur when activated as a noble phantasm (aka mana blast) is able to cut through anything. And there is nothing who is able to block it except Avalon which mystical rank outranks Excalibur’s and Ea who was able to deflect Excalibur thanks to it outranking Excalibur with its mystical rank also.

And it isn't that weird that Ea outranks Excalibur either as Nasu have made it to be some kind of bodyfication of the Mesopotamian creation myth which was basically a big slash through the world and existence in its whole. Kind of like how he made "Avalon" the sheath the bodyfication of "Avalon" the island even though there really weren't any connection. And Avalon were actually regarded as some kind of heavenly paradise on earth. A realm that exceeds ours. So it isn't really that weird that Avalon outranks both of them since it is basically the bodyfication of the Christian paradise which outranks our own world.

Excalibur strong point was its cutting power even in the Nasuverse.

>> No.3095948

So exactly how different is the manga from the visual novel?

>> No.3096477

The manga is shit right?

>> No.3096485

Too many to list.

>> No.3096494


>Caliburn was able cut through the mountain tops. (as in a whole line of mountain tops as if one where to cut all the mountain tops seen in the horizon)

I am fairly certain you are confusing Caliburn (the Sword in the Stone, not famous for much other than being pulled out) with Caladbolg (famed for cleaving off the tops of hills).

>> No.3096503

Manga = VN > Anime, for now.

We'll see how it goes once the manga ends and the movie gets animated.

>> No.3096516


Avalon does not "outrank" Enuma Elish. They're both "rank" EX attacks (EX is literally "incalculable" rank). Avalon as a defense is merely absolute, not even Sorceries (i.e. that which is impossible) can break the victory bestowed by Excalibur's sheath.

Speaking of.

>It is known both as the sword of promised victory which gave victory to the side who had in no matter what

No. Excalibur would NOT grant victory. In words (which is what Nasu used word-FOR-word), "he who holds Excalibur's sheath will never fall in battle". The sheath, which in the Nasuverse is called Avalon, was what made the "victory" come about. The sword was just "Ex-calibur" ("Steel-cutter") and was able to cut opponent's swords in two.

>> No.3096523
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>> No.3096530

Rin's breasts are supposed to be perky.

>> No.3096538

She's wearing clothes that she wore when she was a child. You would expect her chest to be sticking out a lot.

>> No.3096544

Point is, they look kinda saggy there.

>> No.3096629


It's shit. Too shounen for my mature taste. Anyone who disagree is underaged and likes Bleach in his Cooking VN.

>> No.3096662


Concept means everything in stuff like magical/mythical. A++ Ranked NP vs Shitty Reinforced Wooden Sword. I'll give you a hint. Gil's prototype sword destroyed Shirou's projection because they were inferior to it's rank.

>> No.3096723

Caliburn and Caladbolg are really swords from the exact same myth.
It is only spelled differently because brittain had lots of different languages who were very different.

>No. Excalibur would NOT grant victory. In words (which is what Nasu used word-FOR-word), "he who holds Excalibur's sheath will never fall in battle". The sheath, which in the Nasuverse is called Avalon, was what made the "victory" come about. The sword was just "Ex-calibur" ("Steel-cutter") and was able to cut opponent's swords in two.

You have mixed your legends mixed up bro. And if you are implying that "Ex-calibur" Means "Steel-cutter" then I laugh at you. Excalibur is derrived from many different names from many different languages from many different generations. It sounded nothing like Excalibur at first and Excalibur does not mean Steel Cutter.
And the thing about "victory" thing. The the one who had the sheath on him wouldn't fall in battle and that in itself should be enough to win really. But the thing about the swords reaasured victory comes more from Brittain folklore rather than Arthurian Legends.
It wasn't really the sword itself who granted victory by its own powers magically like that but it was said that the "side" with "Excalibur" on its "side" would "win".

Have you ever heard about the norse sword Hrunting? The sword who couldn't fail but failed the "hero" anyway because the one who made the sword wanted it to fail him after he had gained trust in the sword?
It was basically the sword who won no matter what but became the hero's death because of its betrayal.
Now Excalibur was basically the sword who couldn't fail, and who didn't have the "flaw" that Hrunting had.

>> No.3096730

I correct myself.
>Caliburn and Caladbolg could very well be swords from the exact same myth.
>It is only spelled differently because brittain had lots of different languages who were very different.

There are lots of historians who believe that.

>> No.3096738

Either way, they are all related.

>> No.3096765


>And if you are implying that "Ex-calibur" Means "Steel-cutter" then I laugh at you

The famous line attributed to the Lady of the Lake.
"Excalibur, that is as to say as Cut-steel."
Not literally "Excalibur = steel cutter", however the legends do state that Excalibur cut other blades to pieces when matched.

>And the thing about "victory" thing. The the one who had the sheath on him wouldn't fall in battle and that in itself should be enough to win really

Well, except for obviously the Battle of Camlann, where Arthur fought with Excalibur but not the Sheath. The sheath is not the sword and the sword can be wielded without the sheath, thereby it's a rather important detail as to which one assures your victory.

>> No.3096855

>however the legends do state that Excalibur cut other blades to pieces when matched.
This is true, it was very famous for that. But it was alsofamous for cutting trough basically everything else as well, it is just that cutting through the enemies swords have a lot more meaning. Lets not forget the sword's metaphoric meaning.
A sword is basically your tool in order to meet your ideal.
The sword is the road you walk down in order to reach your goal.
Some poets even described swords themselves as ideals.

And lets not forget that these legends have mainly survived thanks to poems. To break your opponents sword actualy has a symbolic meaning of already winning. Even though that may seem pretty obvious because the opponents is lacking its weapon but the symbolic meaning remains because it is special.
The nick name steel cutter actually comes from it cutting its enemies swords but truth be told it has nothing to do with the name.

>Well, except for obviously the Battle of Camlann
Well of course, that is the exception.
But that truly is an exception, it was no ordinary battle it was Arthurs own kingdom rebelling against him.
There have been many poems about Arthurs mental conflict in that battle.

>> No.3096892
File: 216 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 177a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A sword is basically your tool in order to meet your ideal.
>The sword is the road you walk down in order to reach your goal.
>Some poets even described swords themselves as ideals.

>> No.3096905

And if we would be to look at the legends some more and take the symbollic meaning in regard as well there are actually quite lots of stuff that becomes clearer. Which might not be that surprising as I have already said, it was basically the poets who held the legends alive.

For an example. While the symbolic meaning of the sword as an ideal have been very special and has also been feutured in lots of poetry. The symbolic meaning of the shield was actually greater.
The shield while it may not make you meet your ideal, the shield protected as what was seen as truly important, lives. It was seen as even if victory may have appeared as the most important thing people shouldn't forget that their lives are more important than their goals.
And it has also been said that the shield is able to protect the ideals themselves. And it is exactly this that is quite interesting if we put it up to against the final pieces of the Arturian Legends.
Excaliburs sheath basically shared the same symbolic meaning as the shield, together with the armor and so on.
And without the sheath Arthur wasn't able to protect his ideal at the battle of Camlann were he fought his own people. And it was basically this that Merlin scolded him at, saying that even that sword would fail he would only rely on it.

>> No.3096920

This is actually a bit funny.
But I am actually positive that Nasu must have known that when he made his story.

Otherwise, coincidences sure can be funny.
But seriously, he probably knew it since Nasu actually know a thing or few about poetry.

Not to piss off any Nasu fans but Nasu isn't really that good of a writer as how one should write things for it appear the most appealing and for it not to be "hard" to read. He was quite good at other stuff though which must be the reason for why his works are actually as famous as they are.
Shounen bull-shit aside, I actually still think that they would sell pretty good.

>> No.3096930

His focus on works is anything but Shounen Action, and most people agree that while his writing has problems, his world setting, mechanics and designs have for the most part a good structure and amount of though(partly, that's why people assume F/SN is nothing but action shounen, due to the elaborate battle mechanics and structure, even though there are 2 fights per 20 hours).
Good ideas, not that good writing.
Whether he aimed for the specific result or coincidence, is irrelevant in the end.

>> No.3096964


>> No.3096971

>isn't really that good of a writer as how one should write things for it appear the most appealing and for it not to be "hard" to read

My english grammar parses raised an exception there.

>> No.3096985

isn't really that good of a writer as how he wasn't that good at how one should write things so that they appear the most appealing and for it not to be "hard" to read

I am tired ok...

>> No.3097058

Dude, I have always thought of poetry being all flowers and all that but this stuff is actually pretty deep.

Poetry, deep, deep poetry in my VNs, what the fuck have I been reading /jp/?

>> No.3097082


You know the original use of the word "epic" is in reference to Epic Poems.

>> No.3097174

I left this thread and now this thread have apperantly evolved into some kind of deep discussion about things.
>The symbolic meaning of the shield was actually greater

I did notice that Shirou once reffered to Aias as Archers greatest Noble Phantasm.
I could have misread that though but still.
I actually found that quite interesting considering Archers unlimited blade works and how it contains an unlimited ammount of swords and even swords such as Excalibur.
Is this because of the Shields > Swords thing?
Like as if Aias was supposed to protect their ideal or something?

>> No.3097194


Ajax's Shield is a double-meaning Phantasm, as in the Iliad, he used it to steadfastly protect his half-brother Teucer, who was an archer.

>> No.3097262

>Not to piss off any Nasu fans but Nasu isn't really that good of a writer as how one should write things for it appear the most appealing and for it not to be "hard" to read. He was quite good at other stuff though which must be the reason for why his works are actually as famous as they are.

I thought that Nasu was more or less known for the huge world he created.
