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File: 319 KB, 640x480, 1249519153821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3074883 No.3074883 [Reply] [Original]

Screenshots for the next touhou game

>> No.3074894

Good, Jessica, that pose is kind of cool.

>> No.3074901

Hey it's that girl from Pretty Cure in Touhou's clothes.

>> No.3074910

out of curiosity, what song did they use in the anime in that scene?

>> No.3074917

Some DQN song.

>> No.3074919

>Hey it's that blonde anime girl in Touhou's clothes.

>> No.3074923

That was the only kind of still character image that the VNs have ever used.

>> No.3074931


>> No.3074934

You're right, actually.

>> No.3074936

Nope, it's definitely the girl from Pretty Cure.

>> No.3074947

Yeah, should've used more imo

>> No.3074952

Her face says "You fags sure got told" together with her pointing finger

>> No.3074966

Parodies seem to be more important to Ryukishi than the story itself.

>> No.3074971
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>> No.3075021

drawing, cant, etc

>> No.3075062

I just realized this and now I fucking hate Umineko.

>> No.3075073

You'd have to wonder the significance. It's pointing even more so to Jessitrice. Look, it's Marissa. Marissa is a witch, and Jessica is cosplaying as her. What does Beato wear in the Turn of the Witch? A school uniform like outfit. What is Jessica shown most prominently in? A school uniform. Same thing with the Stakes. Some sort of uniform.


>> No.3075079

Not to mention the whole "create another person inside yourself" thing that Jessica went on about.

>> No.3075082
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>> No.3075084

Jessica and her classmates are the culprits.

Congratulations, Anonymous. You've solved the mystery.

>> No.3075088

I just realized this and now I fucking love Umineko.

>> No.3075092

This reminds of that crack Gohda theory going around about him being the killer for the same episode. Whilst it makes sense, dear god, at the same time, no it does not.

>> No.3075094

Clap clap.

You just solved the mystery with 1/16 chance.

>> No.3075100
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>> No.3075104



>> No.3075109

No, that is just a joke. This however makes a sickening disturbing kind of sense.

>> No.3075111

We know pretty much nothing about Gohda at this point. He could be a secret ninja SAS hitman sent from the future to eliminate Hideyoshi before he dooms mankind.

Knowing Ryu7, it'd make more sense than what he'll eventually come up with.

>> No.3075114

What does that theory about Jessitrice, again? Her being human!Beatrice's actual daughter, and Kinzo grew attached to her as she grew up, started abusing her, and with the knowledge Kinzo told her about Beatrice, she developed this other personality called 'Beatrice' to cope with it?

>> No.3075121

I have never heard of this theory before.


Please, do tell me more.

>> No.3075126

Pretty much. You forgot to mentioned that Battler's sin involved something like him promising to save her from it soon. But then, he disappears for like six years. Her 'Beatrice' personality manifests itself even more.

'Beatrice' was the one who pushed Shannon into a relationship, and became sickeningly jealous when it worked out. Which, makes her relationship with Kanon all the more bizarre.

>> No.3075136

I always thought it was strange that Natsuhi could sudden go from being barren to suddenly able to give birth to Jessica.

Oh god, it'll be some retarded reason like she needs the asthma inhaler being she has problems breathing because of the anti-magic in the air.

>> No.3075146

Ok we all know how Kinzo is frustrated after the real beatrice die.
Since Natsuhi is an old fag and Shannon isn't too hot Kinzo would touch them.
So there is this young blonde virgin that is just at the right that Kinzo can abuse. So he is using her as a sexslave.

Battler probably found out about this 6years ago but since he is too innocent, he probably thought it was nothing and just ignored it.

Just prior before the game start, Jessica probably became too frustrated and accidentally kill Kinzo.
So she and Kanon and her whole family got together to cover up the whole thing. Somewhere along the line, shit happen and everyone started to kill each other off.

There you go, you got the motive right there.

>> No.3075149
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>> No.3075158

I shall say more with the red! When the five other than Kinzo were murdered, the murderer was definitely in the same room!
Seems to imply that he died of natural causes

>> No.3075163
File: 172 KB, 600x447, 5077476_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone had this up ages ago, so this is delicious pasta.

I have been kicking around the theory that Beatrice is in fact a hidden personality of Jessica, born from her own frustration at her position, Kinzo's madness, and perhaps Battler's percieved abandonment of her. I'm going to try and put my complete theory down in this thread, as I've only posted bits and pieces of it in various threads.

First of all. This theory assumes the information from Episode 3 concerning Beatrice is correct. Kinzo met her years before, and after borrowing the gold, fell in love with her. Kinzo, undeterred when she rejected him, simply took her by force, building a hidden mansion on the island he bought and imprisoning her there. Unable to escape, she eventually commited suicide.

However, she had a child, or Kinzo found an infant that bore a high enough resemblance, and this child was kept on in the hidden mansion for her entire life, looked after by Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo checking up on occasion. Years later, Rosa stumbles across the hidden mansion, and meets Beatrice #2 who has been desiring to leave and see the outside world. She leads that Beatrice out, only for her to fall from a cliff and die on the rocks below.

>> No.3075170
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Again, she may have been pregnant, or another child was acquired. The timing here is important. Battler and Jessica were both born in 1967 roughly, since they are both 18 in 1985. In '67 Krauss and Natsuhi had been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for more than a decade. Since Kuwadorian wasnt used after Beatrice #2 died accidentally, Kinzo must have wanted to keep the newly born Beatrice someplace she could be kept under observation and not so isolated. So, he gave the child to Krauss and Natsuhi, sternly ordering them to look after her as their own. He may have even told them not to worry about proper succession, as she carried his blood. This might be why Krauss and Natsuhi are somewhat distant from their daughter.

Battler is born at roughly the same time, Rudolph's son, though not to Asumu. Asumu probably miscarried instead of Kyrie, and the Ushiromiyas forced Kyrie to turn over her child to Rudolph and Asumu. The miscarried child was going to also be named Battler, that name got passed on to Kyrie's firstborn (this is also why Battler and Ange look so alike). It has also been theorized that Jessica is actually Rudolph and Asumu's daughter, and was given over to Krauss for some reason. Then Battler was taken from Kyrie, and she may have been led to believe her child died.

As time passes, Kinzo's mind slips further into madness. Jessica is raised normally, though as she gets older Kinzo begins paying more and more attention to her, convinced she is yet another Beatrice. When Jessica and Battler are about 12, Battler says something to Jessica that leaves a deep impression on her, even if he thought little of it. He might have bragged that he'd come charging to the rescue if she were ever in trouble, or he'd help her escape from her oppressive family, something along those lines.

>> No.3075171
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>> No.3075174
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Shortly after, Asumu dies. Rudolph remarries quickly, to Kyrie, who is pregnant with Ange. Battler can't accept this turn of events, and leaves the family to live with Asumu's parents.

Kinzo's madness worsens. Jessica feels like Battler abandoned her. Kinzo starts visiting Jessica more often, telling her about the previous Beatrices, and revealing many of his secrets to her. At some point, Kinzo makes a move on Jessica. Given Kinzo's personality, he's not likely to ask. Also recall what Beatrice said about Kinzo's interests... This may have happened more than once. At some point, Jessica's mind, unable to accept what was happening to her and despairing over Battler, who never came, broke down and a new persona was formed, taking the name of Beatrice.

Sometime in 1983, Kinzo dies. Jessica may have killed him, perhaps trying to resist him. Krauss might have done it as well if he found out what was going on with all of Jessica's visits to his room (remember, like Rudolph told Kyrie once, even though he brags and blusters, Krauss can become the most reliable of the siblings when the chips are down. If he found out Kinzo was raping his daughter, I don't think Kinzo would be around much longer.). Either way, it was neccessary to conceal Kinzo's death, in order to protect his family and also prevent the distribution of the inheritance. In all likelyhood, all of the negative memories and emotions Jessica had experienced got shoved onto Beatrice and locked away.

>> No.3075181
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A few more years pass. Beatrice spends most of the time dormant, though she does come forward to speak to Shannon, sadistically urging her forward deeper into a relationship with George,which she thinks is bound to fail. She even tells Kanon as much when he catches her before she regresses after one of her meetings with Shannon. Which makes the relationship Jessica wants to make with him rather... awkward, since he's afraid this is another cruel joke of Beato's. George and Shannon's relationship seems to be poised to succeed despite all odds, much to Jessica and Beato's envy.

Then word comes to Rokkenjima: Battler is coming back into the family. Beatrice awakens, and begins forming a plan to take revenge on Battler for forgetting his promise to her.

Jessica is in the perfect position to set the ball rolling. From her father, she know that all the siblings are in a precarious position financially. The tensions regarding the succession of the headship are getting high, especially with the rumor being spread among the siblings that whoever solves Kinzo's riddle will become the next head. Confirming this is enough to get people all hot and bothered.

Now throw in some wild cards. Through Kinzo, Jessica knows where the gold is. She knows the servants, probably better than her parents. She knows where Kinzo keeps Beatrice's old clothes. She knows about the emergency funds Kinzo set up, and where he kept all the keys. She can get out from her parents supervision for days at a time under the pretense of bad weather. She knows the ins and outs of both mansions. And don't forget, she knows Maria will believe just about anything if you say you are a witch.

>> No.3075190
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From here, events depend upon the exact conditions of the game. She might carry out some of the killings herself, or it might not even be neccessary. She could be the person putting the magic circles and whatnot around the house, since she and Nanjo are the likliest to know how to make proper symbols (and she knows Maria can read them).

In the case of Episode 2, after she or her accomplice killed all the parents but Rosa, Kanon may have confronted her while she was alone with him. He stabbed her, she retaliated, and wound up killing him. She moved the body out of her room and hid it someplace, then locked herself back into her room, and later died.

Though, could she have been faking? I remember Beato saying Kanon was dead with the red, but was Jessica's death confirmed in the way? I don't recall as much, but if she knew where Kanon's body was, she could have dressed in his bloody clothes and a wig to fool the servants, however briefly, while she waited for a chance to attack them.

Not much red was used in Ep4, and none regarding Jessica really. She could have worn Beatrice's clothes and greeted Battler from the balcony. Despite Battler's surity that it was 'Beatrice', his outlook was warped after the converation with Kyrie. Plus, I dont know if it was a translation error or not: she was described as coming out of the second floor balcony. But Kinzo's room is on the THIRD floor, right? Jessica's is on the second flood if I recall correctly though... Either way, Battler was looking up at her from 10-20 feet or so, in the dark, while it was raining hard. I'm not going to begrudge him for fooling himself into believing it.

>> No.3075198
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And, that's it.

Rather tl;dr, but it makes for a fascinating read.

In before fascinating.jpg.

>> No.3075201

>I dont know if it was a translation error or not: she was described as coming out of the second floor balcony. But Kinzo's room is on the THIRD floor, right? Jessica's is on the second floor
( ゚ Д ゚)

>> No.3075241

I now fully believe that Jessica=Beatrice.


>> No.3075243
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>> No.3075248

Finally I have a reason to post this Jessica MAD


>> No.3075250

ZUN was born on March 18, 1977, which means he is 32 now.
If this was based in 1986, it means ZUN was 9 at that time.

>> No.3075271


>> No.3075264

Are you implying that Maria is cross dressing?
She is pretty stacked for a 9years old you know? You think he was wearing pad?

>> No.3075281

Thanks for that, anon. It actually makes sense.

>> No.3075289

In before someone shopping ZUN's face onto Maria.

>> No.3075312
File: 238 KB, 510x510, 1262118_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're throwing out more crazy nonsensical Jessitrice theories, Natsuhi's curly ponytail is actually a wig, which explains the different colour. She only has the wig/hair piece on so she'll somewhat resemble Jessica.

>> No.3075320



>> No.3075322

Gaap = Yukari
Ange = Komachi
Jessica = Marisa
Bernkastel = Nazrin
Siestas = Eientai

What else do you think Ryukishi will add? He seem like a pretty hardcore touhoufag to me.

>> No.3075340

Didn't EP2 come out before the UFO demo?

>> No.3075352

Considering they are good friend, I wouldnt be surprised if he help ZUN beta test the game before it is released.

>> No.3075413

Ryu07/ZUN is my otp.

>> No.3075434

Mine too anon, mine too.

>> No.3075485

Is it bad that I want to die as Battler in Ep3?

>> No.3075508

Requesting eufonius song.

>> No.3075584

i see zun's art has degraded even further

>> No.3075594


>> No.3075605

Thanks bro.
