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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.17 MB, 2560x1600, misha1_wp_2560x1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3073228 No.3073228 [Reply] [Original]

While these threads aren't that popular I am going to start one anyway.

What is really known about Misha's disability in Katawa Shoujo? I don't find it very plausible but I do hope that it has to do something with her lungs or the like.
I myself was born and grew up with a very severe case regarding the functionality of my "bronchi"(The air passage ways of the throat) and the doctors said that I was probably going to have to get used to the fact that I had to live like some kind of cripple for my whole life, barely being able to move because it would increase my blood flow and shit. They said that out of the ones with the same problem it only gets better in less than 3% and that the others will basically have to live disabled lives.
It isn't really all that relevant but I really do find myself a lucky one since I barely have any problems at all anymore and even amongst those 3% it is uncommon for it become as good as it became for me.

But what I somewhat find sad. Even if I would accept it for what it is anyway I do find it a bit sad that they haven't had anyone with whose disability is cantered around breathing (Lungs and Air Passage way problems).
They do have pretty much everything else. Disabled arms, Disabled Legs, Muteness and Blindness and Heart Conditions, they even have third degree burns amongst the disabilities. I just felt that something was lacking considering that it is a disability as real as any of the others and if Misha would fill that gap, even if I don't see it as being likely, I would somewhat be happy because of it.

>> No.3073237

Here we go.

>> No.3073241

Get out KS devs.

>> No.3073246

Here we go again!

>> No.3073251

So what is it then, your forced to be a virgin for the rest of your life cause the excitement from sex would collapse your lungs

>> No.3073252

I guess you can go petition to the KSdevs just like the diaper Anons. It won't really make that much of a difference though. I, for one, would like more developers to cater to my Southern belle desires, but that won't be happening anytime soon.

>> No.3073254


>> No.3073256

Not /jp/ related.

>> No.3073261

I did get well, against the odds. So that won't be a problem for me anymore. It could have been though...

>> No.3073262

Fuck you, I thought I can be the first to say GET OUT KS DEVS.

Go back to >>>/a/,>>>/v/ or wherever KS DEVS

>> No.3073263

zombie KS devs leave this place!

>> No.3073266

Get out KS devs, stop whoring your shitty game. You know yourself that no one actually likes it.

>> No.3073267

what's op's disability?

>> No.3073275

The same as Jessica from Umineko, except worse it seems.

>> No.3073285

i want to fuck the KS devs

>> No.3073292

oh. I didn't even read his post.

>> No.3073293

Nice bumping there, bro.

>> No.3073296

Her disability is not getting a fucking route.

>> No.3073308

get out ksdevs

>> No.3073315


>> No.3073326

I don't really like Misha. What a dumb character.

>> No.3073332

Reported for blattant promotion.

>> No.3073333

It was quite a while since I saw a new KS thread.
I remember the mass trolling from when /jp/ was turned into Katawa Shoujo. It hasn't really been discussed ever since. A bit funny considering the fact that KS is quite associated with /jp/ by normalfags.

>> No.3073340

I've been disappointed in 4chan for a while now. None of you can seem to figure out Misha's disability, when it should be blindingly obvious.

The truth is, Misha has a penis.

>> No.3073342

Fucking KS devs, stop bumping and promoting your shitty game.

>> No.3073343

I find it funny how the thread is saged even when sage does nothing.
I find it funny how KS is not related to anything yet was created by people from /jp/ /v/ and /a/.
I find it funny how other VN ideas are considered /jp/ related but KS is.
I find it funny how butthurt /jp/ can get over this shit not being /jp/ related then get even more butthurt when real /jp/ issues are brought up such as taro asos imminent impeachment and how the Japanese democratic party is about to loose control over the house for the first time in a long time.
I seem to find alot of things funny. Mostly this thread.

Thread CPR'd for faggotry as shown by the repliers.

>> No.3073352


/b/ down?

>> No.3073356

Misha's disability is a mental one.

>> No.3073359

>I find it funny how other VN ideas are considered /jp/ related but KS is.

I meant KS isn't.
My bad there

>> No.3073364

Shizune is pretty hot, I already fap to her in my imagination on occasion.

>> No.3073365

Just great. not another Katawa Shoujo thread. Silly devs. Mandatory sage.

>> No.3073376

>sage does nothing.
Post without bumping.
>yet was created by people from /jp/ /v/ and /a/.
Not anymore.

>> No.3073389 [SPOILER] 
File: 802 KB, 1139x2181, shizune_tied_beaten_and_stabbed_in_the_neck_by_a_mechanical_pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Sir... maybe this image will be of interest to you... I too find Shizune very hot...

>> No.3073390

oh god sage
Fucking KS devs promoting their game

>> No.3073391


>> No.3073394

You forgot your sage buddy.

>> No.3073404

Misha's disability is that she doesn't have a route. Isn't it sad?

>> No.3073406

Katawa Shoujo is kawaii

>> No.3073408


>> No.3073423

Remember when I complained that /jp/ shitfloods KS threads for no reason, and you idiots said "lol we do the same shit by saying Ever17, not so good and you don't see those people complaining"

Remember that? How you tried to compare one person joking around by saying a well known meme once and letting a thread go on to this unholy shitstorm of repeated sageflooding?

Yeah, not all of us forgot that.

>> No.3073431
File: 24 KB, 287x387, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3073433


>> No.3073438

KS is more related to /jp/ than to any other board on 4chan.

You just hate it because it's popular and made by 4channers but you aren't the gatekeepers to it like you are with VNs in general.

You don't get to be elitist about it by liking it because anyone can enjoy it and they don't have to go through you first, and you can't stand that.

So you try to make the impression that you're "above" it by shitting all over any KS thread that shows up in /jp/.

And when called out on how you threadshit all over your own topics you mumble something about how there were a lot of threads when the demo was released. Like saying that will make someone think "oh, that justifies all this irrational nerdrage completely."

You're only deluding yourself, /jp/.

>> No.3073445


Why so defensive ks devs?
Cant enjoy your game silently?

>> No.3073452

Just talk about the game then. There's no need to attack or defend; just talk about it. Don't let the random noise get to you.

>> No.3073454

Remember, /jp/, that threadshitting on KS threads only reduces the variety of quality board-related content that can be posted here, which has the effect of reducing the overall quality of this board in general.

Nobody looks at all this threadshitting and thinks "wow, those guys are so cool, they're too hardcore for KS"

The thought that comes to mind is "wow, what a bunch of fags. What the hell is their problem?"

What IS your problem, /jp/? Under the entire sageflood you never once give a reason for this behavior. Do you even know why you sage KS threads? Is the answer so stupid that you know you're better off not telling it, or are you just following the crowd mindlessly?

>> No.3073457

Misha has intestinal cancer. She dies in Act 3, a few days after having a threesome with Shizune and Hisao.

I love how much /jp/ sagefloods KS threads. I should make it a point to make one every now and then, since it seems to rile everyone up.

>> No.3073458

Why are you feeding the shitstorm if you want to talk about it here so much? Go back to /a/ or /v/.

>> No.3073467


Her disability is that she is in this VN, and that she's a ball of moe suck.

>> No.3073469
File: 9 KB, 200x189, Isn't it sad Misha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misha's disability is that she has no route.

Isn't it sad Misha?

>> No.3073474

I'm not really one for the whole KS dev trolling, but I'm starting to think that way with how defensive some of you are getting for this mediocre game.

>> No.3073475

This, plus your game is shit and you fucking devs are a bunch of pretentious assholes.

>> No.3073478

forgot your sage buddy, I got you covered

>> No.3073481


This is not random noise. This is a flood. You know the difference, or else you'd be on /b/.

This is not one guy saying, exactly once "Ciel? It's shit, right?" This isn't someone saying "Ever17, not so good" once not because they actually hate it, but because it's just become a silly joke. This is a couple of people repeatedly bashing KS threads into the ground for literally no reason at all. It's impossible to have a KS thread in /jp/ despite /jp/ being the most appropriate place for KS and ironically having the most posters who are most likely to know all about it. And it's because of these sage floods.

Don't sit there shitting up a thread and then try to act like you're on the high ground by saying "don't talk about the shitstorm." You ARE the shitstorm. Cut it out and go start a Cirno dump or a redtext thread. Don't shit all over a KS thread. It's stupid and pointless. It destroys content and ruins the board.

>> No.3073483

I am a KS dev and what is this?

>> No.3073487

The op actually has a point. How come the whole air passage category was overlooked?
Isn't a good enough disability?

>> No.3073493

>despite /jp/ being the most appropriate place for KS

get out

>> No.3073498

get out of here KS Devs! xD

>> No.3073499


Take it easy, KS dev.

>> No.3073500
File: 180 KB, 311x820, Pimmy - Misha Nyoro~n Cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073506

This is how a KS thread goes down in /jp/.

OP makes a completely non-offensive post about KS.

Thread is shat all over by a sageflood.

Somebody finally tells /jp/ to quit being fuckasses.

Threadshitters try to take the high ground by calling the callout guy a contributor to the shitstorm.

It's like throwing bricks at someone's house, and then telling them they should stop stirring up shit when they come out and tell you to stop throwing bricks at their house.

None of this will get through to you because you are idiots who threadshit and don't know why.

Guaranteed the next thing that would have happened if I weren't about to call it out now is somebody would say "you're a newfag because I'm saging and you don't know what sage is actually for" and they would proceed to not say so because they know they're using it for threadshitting anyway.

>> No.3073508


>> No.3073513
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes Misha cry. You should all be ashamed.

>> No.3073516

Getting a little defensive aren't you, KS dev?

>> No.3073517

I'm sure whatever shitty sickness the KS devs give her in their shitty game that neglected to give her a shitty route will be a convenient, convoluted plot device to get her away from that deaf chick.

>> No.3073519

Hi! You must be new here to miss attentionwhoring KS Devs and their minions spam /jp/ with katawa shit few days before and after their shitty demo was released. That's what /jp/ hated really the most.


>> No.3073524


>> No.3073526

>despite /jp/ being the most appropriate place for KS

Please read the rules before posting here again:
>All things Japanese welcome!

KS is about as Japanese as the average Naruto fanfic and the writing is of a similar quality. It is tailored for low-level /v/ and /a/ posters and has only served to attract them here, where they have spammed and posted multiple threads about the same thing as if they were on their own boards. If you can't understand why /jp/ hates KS so much, then you probably haven't been around for very long.

>> No.3073528
File: 110 KB, 311x820, Pimmy - Misha Nyoro~n Cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh damn, mislabeled image. Let's try that again.

>> No.3073530

If it keeps the "Storyteller" CYOA faggots out, then a handful of decent KS discussions being ruined is more than worth it.

>> No.3073536

The worst thing I've seen come from KS is the whole GET OUT KS DEVS XD thing. It's really low-level and pathetic, right up there with image and wiki spamming. This is something expected from /a/

>> No.3073537

>60 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Wooowww for a board that hates KS you guys sure know how to post in it alot.

Ever think of....You know,not replying to the thread? It kind of might.....You know.....Die on its own?

>> No.3073538

KS is shit and so are you devs.

>> No.3073543

Yeah, because nobody makes Touhou threads.

>> No.3073544

or sage

>> No.3073545


You say as if you wouldn't be pissed off if tomorrow you came to /jp/ and suddenly found all Touhou threads got unanimously flooded with "GET OUT ZUN", all type moon threads got similar "shitsux" floods, people got banned for posting Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti, no more Battler and Beato because it's "fucking /a/ shit now" and so on and so forth.

This is how shit eventually wraps around to you. Because you're totally okay with it right now since it's happening to things you don't like. Keep thinking like that until just the right amount of people (read: one) gets pissed off enough to retaliate and shit all over your favorite threads.

Your cries for mods will be as effective as they would be for, say, clearing the threadshitting posts out of this thread.

Is that what you want? Or do you just think it won't eventually happen?

/a/ spiralled down the exact same way.

>> No.3073547

I think most of us just hate KS because it sucks.

>> No.3073554

No. You're stupid. You're still replying to the thread and keeping it alive, you're just not bumping it.

>> No.3073556

Every thread gets replied to.
No exceptions.

>> No.3073558

Everyone knows that you can't have an actual discussion about KS on this board. The only purpose is for trolling

>> No.3073562
File: 462 KB, 1839x1300, Misha heart jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073568

I actually kind of hate KS as well, but this thread really shows you how shitty /jp/ has become.

>> No.3073569

Posts that don't contribute to anything = noise. Amount makes no difference and with or without sage, noise is still noise. 'Does KS belongs on /jp/' or 'why /jp/, in general, dislike KS' are the shitstorm topics. Everything else is just spam. If spam was all it took to kill a topic, idol threads would be long gone.

Honestly, if you really want to, you can still talk about it even after all the spam. You know that huge KS body of text you had saved, but never posted? Well, use this opportunity to post it. Surely, there's someone out there who wants to read it.

>> No.3073570

But Touhou and Umineko are actually good. They are also full games and not some shitty demo and so we actually have things to discuss about them.

>people got banned for posting Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti

Do you seriously think this would be a bad thing?

>Your cries for mods

The mods don't even visit /jp/. We are already ignored by them.

>> No.3073572


>> No.3073574

/jp/ is a slow board.
Nothing interesting to contribute.
Thread like this act as a good way to shit post and of course getting defensive reactions from the KS dev is just as planned.

Oh I am already reporting bawson.jpg and japanese bird and also umineko anime spam.
I see you are still pretty around here.

>> No.3073575

Back to /a/

>> No.3073585

I don't see what the KS devs are bitching about, both /a/ and /v/ love their game, and they both get at least double the user traffic /jp/ does. Take that shit where it's wanted.

And no, it's not most suitable here, it's an American visual novel in Japan/General.

>> No.3073590

Fuck, I apologize, forgot my sage.

>> No.3073591

Got you covered bro!

>> No.3073594



Keep pretending to be completely oblivious. KS is a VN. VNs are fringe bullshit meant for /jp/. It's done strictly in the style of popular Japanese VNs and set in Japan.

You know all of this, of course. You just don't care about using an extremely slanted and completely wrong argument that you already know is wrong because something has caused you to decide you hate KS threads so much that you'll try anything to justify threadshitting them.

Which, again, is cancerous behavior that leads to counter-threadshitting and by the time you can realize and lament your mistake, your favorite board becomes taken over by jerk-asses with more free time than you who learned, from you, how to shut out anyone and anything they don't like as long as there are no mods around, just like you did. Except now it's all over your favorite threads.

And then /jp/ will become /a/ 2.0. And it'll be too late for you to "oh shit" then.

But you won't admit you were part of your own board's destruction. You'll just move on to someplace else, claiming the old board you loved to be "infested by newfags" and "utter shit now" not realizing that you are the queen carrier of shit into whatever new place you seek.

And you'll always wonder why internet communities either kick you out or seem to turn to shit shortly after you join them.

>> No.3073595
File: 228 KB, 463x600, Sprites_Misha_confused_close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, there might be someone with such a disability, although they'd probably be one of the side characters that doesn't get any "airtime" (like Molly or Takashi).

Honestly though, I don't think Misha has a lung issue... consider how she talks and laughs so much, I'm sure she'd get out of breath very quickly.

>> No.3073596

KS devs are hot.

>> No.3073615

People who insist to start threads where they are not welcome when they know there are other places that gladly accept them are a bigger problem.

>> No.3073617

It's you fucking devs we hate, get out!

Someone should vandalize this.

>> No.3073621


Look, I can do the same. If you're not willing to actually address what I said, then I have no reason to even read your post. Go back to /a/.

>> No.3073622


>my opinion about a thing makes me qualified to shit on any thread about it

You and everyone else on this board. And what will stop someone else from shitting on your favorite threads, either because they hate them or in retaliation for this?

Same reason you can threadshit here. No mods and you have too much fucking time and no sense about how you use it.


You know the amount makes the difference between being one sagefag saying he hates something once and a whole thread being destroyed by a flood. Don't even act like you don't.

>> No.3073623

Wow, I didn't know it was possible for one person to be such a whiny faggot.

>> No.3073629

>Honestly though, I don't think Misha has a lung issue... consider how she talks and laughs so much, I'm sure she'd get out of breath very quickly.
That is pretty much what I thought as well. A such a problem really wouldn't fit her role and it would be quite weird.
>there might be someone with such a disability
Sure there might be someone but it somehow felt as if something was missing.

>> No.3073634

>forgot my sage

You forgot your sage, it's already too late.

>> No.3073636

>You and everyone else on this board

I'm glad you understand. Now get out.

>you have too much fucking time

You don't say.

>> No.3073638

We dont care, sage

>> No.3073640
File: 32 KB, 491x725, 1060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Molly's disability is that she's a homeless prostitute.

>> No.3073642

>KS is a VN. VNs are fringe bullshit meant for /jp/. It's done strictly in the style of popular Japanese VNs and set in Japan.
KS would probably be a lot more accepted on /jp/ if it wasn't a shitty generic highschool VN with a gimmick that for some ridiculous-fucking reason is set in Japan despite being made by westerners.

>> No.3073643


I did address your intentionally flawed point. And predicted that my whole post would be wasted on your idiocy.

You didn't read past the greentext, clearly insulted massively at the possibility that your words might be deemed too worthless to even repeat.

I will ask again. Do you REALLY want threadshitting to become common practice on /jp/?

We can make this happen if that is what you really want.

>> No.3073646
File: 14 KB, 317x367, baww4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073650

Jesus Christ, you're all faggots. Especially pro-KS anon and pointing man with tripcode.

>> No.3073654

hey guys... hey guys... stop arguing... KS sucks. white people shouldnt make yellow people games. Umineko sucks to. Its boring as fuck and way to full of itself. Touhou sucks as well. its all nonsensical dribble one could barely describe as a plot and people keep eating it up.

>> No.3073666

True but KS devs are faggots.

>> No.3073667
File: 197 KB, 463x600, Sprites_Misha_WAHAHA_close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way, the disabilities of the main characters are already set, the only one with creative leeway in that department is Misha.
Since we're fairly sure that's not her disability, it leaves the side characters.

If the game is really "missing" anything, it's a character in a wheelchair. How could you have a school for the disabled and not have someone in a wheelchair? IIRC Hisao mentions a wheelchair ramp when he first gets to the school.

>> No.3073668

>a whole thread being destroyed by a flood
As long as it's not an automated flood, I don't see the problem. Annoying, but not enough to shut everything down. Just look at the idol threads. They were flooded with noise, but they're still there idoling happily. Just stop complaining and talk merrily amongst your KS friends. Honestly though, this thread didn't start off well since it's basically a meme + Smash with lung problems. Feel free to change things around with a refreshing and worthwhile comment on the game.

If you still feel strongly about KS being picked on, feel free to discuss it on the ghost boards.

>> No.3073671

I'll gladly accept KS threads, when the fucking game is out.

Seriously, name me one other VN that got so many threads thanks to some retarded demo. There's nothing to speculate about, because it's an unfinished product, what's the point to discuss anything?

>> No.3073673


So, you're okay with threadshitting?

In any thread?

Sageflood spam is perfectly fine with you?

All over /jp/?

>> No.3073677

Reported for attempting to start a bot flood/spam.

>> No.3073685


By your definition, that's bawwwing and getting defensive.

>> No.3073692


>> No.3073693

Pretty sure he was asking if it was alright if that happened, in the poster's opinion. He did not say "I'm going to spam flood"

Why is /jp/ so stupid right now?

>> No.3073694

Kawai disabilities, and we feel like it's something we are a part of , or some shit.

>> No.3073695

OP here.
This thread was actually kind of a half seirous thread/test thread to see how /jp/ would respond. And I must say that I am a bit suprised. The shitstorming of KS threads is on another level comared to older ones.

>> No.3073696
File: 13 KB, 250x209, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073698
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>> No.3073699
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>> No.3073703
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>> No.3073704

Yeah! Please continue

>> No.3073705
File: 45 KB, 640x480, bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073706

Let's rephrase all of those loaded questions with a much nicer 'don't let spam get to you; post what you like'.

What type of personality would the wheelchair character have? From what I've experienced, people on wheels are pretty nice to be around. Could never understand the tennis balls though.

>> No.3073709
File: 123 KB, 500x599, molly-wee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's bad, and you should feel bad.

>> No.3073710
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>> No.3073715
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>> No.3073718
File: 13 KB, 250x209, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073724
File: 11 KB, 440x330, 1249486775048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll are getting mad about the cripple fucking game

>> No.3073725
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>> No.3073727
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>> No.3073735
File: 13 KB, 250x209, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073739

Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You!

>> No.3073741

The thing about the lack of a person in wheelchairs is actually true. One would excpect them to at least mention Hisao seeing people in wheelchairs considering other facts.

>> No.3073742

I think a side character, like a male version of Emi would be cool. He'd do some kind of sport like Basketball. Really competitive type.

Fairly straight forward "guy-in-a-wheelchair" type.

>> No.3073743
File: 13 KB, 250x209, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073746


Somebody throw the prinny at the disabled chicks, make them more disabled for KS 2

>> No.3073748
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>> No.3073750


>> No.3073751
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>> No.3073756


>> No.3073757
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>> No.3073759

blah blah blah /jp/ proves how fucking stupid they are again, dude gets stoned for basically asking a damn question, blah blah blah sage

>> No.3073760
File: 570 KB, 800x600, 806c3293b3d98cb96da104e0a68ea682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it seems really obvious in hindsight.

Mostly unrelated but, here. Have a pic of a girl in a wheelchair running over the MC.

>> No.3073761


>> No.3073762
File: 9 KB, 314x315, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073764

Just a simple side character would be fine. Maybe a random event-feel to him with him just bumping into you every now and then. Extremely happy-go-lucky-type of guy. I'd imagine that his sprite would just be much shorter than everyone else, like if they took a normal sprite and shifted it down a couple of notches.

>> No.3073768
File: 9 KB, 314x315, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073772

Well, I'm sure the devs realized that it's a glaring hole after the demo came out. Maybe they'll throw something like that in Act 1 (or at least mention wheelchairs) with the full version.

>> No.3073773

When you think about hardcore Indian men of the mid-twentieth century, one iconic name comes to most Western peoples' minds - Mahatma Gandhi. And yes, I will in no way contest the assertion that Gandhi was a badass dude - he was a skinny, seemingly-innocuous old guy who probably couldn't have bench-pressed a deep dish pizza yet he somehow engineered a non-violent revolution that liberated the second most populous country in the world from the most powerful empire on Earth - but thoughts of bespectacled old pacifists starving themselves into oblivion doesn't exactly equate to the sort of insane, head-smashing, motorcycle-texting asskickers you generally see routinely hero-worshipped here on this website. For that sort of thing, you need to look to guys like Fazal Din, a man whose story is so ridiculous that it sounds like something out of a half-demented import anime about sword guns, robo-boobs and humorless guys in long ponytails spray-painting the sides of skyscrapers with mountainous towering blood geysers.

>> No.3073778

Fazal Din was born in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, a province on the border between present-day India and Pakistan, and served in World War II as part of the 10th Baluch Regiment of the Indian Army. The twenty-three year old Naik (Corporal) had fought bravely throughout the Burma campaign, when the Japanese attempted to drive through Southeast Asia and launch an invasion of British India. The Imperial forces had been defeated and turned back, and by March 1945 the Allies were finally preparing to launch a decisive counter-attack designed to kick the Japanese in the junk so forcefully that it would send Hirohito's legions sailing through the stratosphere until such time as they descend crotch-first onto an active volcano located somewhere in the Ring of Fire region of the Pacific Ocean. So, on 2 March 1945, on the brutal battleground outside the Burmese city of Meiktila, Fazal Din was ordered to lead his squad on a full-speed charge up a hill and attack two heavily-fortified bunkers loaded up with pissed off soldiers just looking for one reason to use automatic weapons to groin-kick the nutsacks off of anyone who thought it was a good idea to step to them.

>> No.3073785

Of course, Fazal Din and the men of the 10th Baluch Regiment weren't about to start crying into their hookahs just because an entire company of battle-hardened Japanese soldiers with heavy machine guns were spraying a few billion bullets in their faces, and he jumped up, grabbed his rifle, and ran ahead of his men screaming blood-curdlingly obscene death threats in whatever language it is that people speak in India. He and his squad charged up, didn't get shot to death, and leapt into the bunker with their rifles and bayonets at the ready. Thanks to Fazal Din's ability to use high-explosive grenades and large-caliber bolt-action rifles with surgical precision (well, the sort of surgical precision you'd expect from an insane, questionably-ethical back alley chop doc with an MD he obtained from an online university in some obscure third-world country), the entire crew of the Japanese bunker was pretty much detonated like a giant red paintball almost immediately.

>> No.3073786

I feel like I should post in this thread for some reason.

>> No.3073788
File: 306 KB, 874x1240, Rance conquers burn-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This spam is all over the place. One moment it's sameface, then it's a cockatiel, then text spam, dot spam, wiki spam.

Nice to see there's some variety. You're not /a/ yet /jp/! :D

btw, I heard /jp/ likes Sengoku Rance.

>> No.3073789

Same newfag spamming/saging the hell out of this thread. I don't even like KS but this is quite sad

>> No.3073791

But Fazal's work wasn't done yet - the dude dusted himself off and immediately went rushing towards the second bunker. Well the defenders there decided they weren't going to stick around and suffer a similarly-gruesome fate as that of their associates, so as Fazal was running across the open field, eager to frag the dicks off of some n00bs, he was suddenly greeted by the sight of six equally-pissed-off Japanese troops charging straight towards him with bayonets fixed and at the ready. As if it wasn't bad enough that this guy was about to go gun-jousting with a full squad of desperate Japanese infantrymen with nothing left to lose, two of the dudes were Imperial Japanese officers - badass face-stabbers who usually carried huge, gleaming samurai swords as part of their standard-issue wargear. Fazal Din gritted his teeth and charged in, not realizing that the rest of his squad had fallen back behind cover (they were understandably intimidated by the copious pointiness to the point where they were unwilling to continue the attack). So this guy, on his own, now found himself facing down a bunch of psychos with goddamned longswords and rifles and a bunch of other ridiculous shit all over the place. Fazal ran in, fired the round that was in the chamber of his Lee-Enfield, and swung wildly with the butt of his rifle. The Japanese commanding officer, an expert fighter well-trained from birth in the art of classical swordfighting and kenjutsu, met Fazal Din's powerful blow, parried the rifle swing, side-stepped over like something out of a Soulcalibur game, and impaled the Indian soldier on his bloodthirsty katana blade.

>> No.3073793

Edwin Aldrin was born in New Jersey in 1930, the son of an Air Force Colonel (also named Edwin Aldrin) who had been good buddies with our crazy aviatrix friend Amelia Earhart. Aldrin soon realized that "Edwin" wasn't really as mega-extreme of a name as it could be, so he started going by "Buzz" instead. Now, Buzz is a serious-ass name. It's the sort of name you can really set your watch to. I mean, it's a well-known rule that many things that are hardcore start with Buzz: buzzsaw, buzzcut, buzzbomb, etc. These are all things that don't screw around, and Buzz Aldrin is no exception to this rule. Aldrin graduated third in his class at West Point and became a badass fighter pilot who flew 66 combat missions during the Korean War and shot down two Soviet MiG-15s while tearing ass through the skies in a crotch-blasting F-86 Sabre. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in combat, and then, just to prove that he wasn't all asskicking and no brains, he went out and got a Ph.D. in Astronautics from goddamned MIT. Now, not only is it probably somewhat difficult to pass classes like Rocket Propulsion and Astrodynamics at one of the world's premier engineering schools, but his 1337 book-learning skillz were so mad that his doctoral thesis on manned space rendezvous techniques was actually incorporated into NASAs manual of standard operating procedures. So, that's not to shabby I guess.

>> No.3073796

misha... i thought she had heart problem like the main character or some shit

>> No.3073797

Wheelchair girls are so cute.

>> No.3073800

Anyways, around this time the greatest scientists in the US and the Soviet Union were smashing their massive heads together in epic head-butting action as both countries were fighting to be the first world superpower to fling a man up onto the surface of the Moon, and Buzz Aldrin decided he wanted to get in on that intellectual deathmatch. He'd already shown the Russkies that he could jack their shit up from the cockpit of a fighter jet, so why not find a couple new and interesting ways to groin-shot the enemies of Democracy? He signed on with NASA (who, by the way, only took the most elite pilots into their space flight training program), and went to work training as an astronaut – a job which, of course, is undisputably one of the most badass professions this side of "pirate" or "ninja".

>> No.3073804
File: 118 KB, 800x600, Rin - She doesn't need your help&#44; period.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool spammin' bro. I was kind of wondering where it came from.

>> No.3073807
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>> No.3073811
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>> No.3073812
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>> No.3073814
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>> No.3073817

what is this I don't even

>> No.3073818
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>> No.3073821
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>> No.3073822

/a/ here, we lol'd.

>> No.3073823
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>> No.3073825
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>> No.3073828
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>> No.3073829
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>> No.3073830
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>> No.3073832
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>> No.3073834
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>> No.3073835

Second time I've seen my drawing. I sure as hell hope you aren't a KS Dev as I drew that to defile your precious disabled faggots.

>> No.3073836

Nice moobs

>> No.3073839
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>> No.3073840


I'm a KS Dev, and I get off to that shit.

You are small time.

>> No.3073841
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>> No.3073842
File: 80 KB, 700x700, checkingmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open door

>> No.3073843

Not a KS dev, but I am a fan. Thanks for contributing to the fan art, I played Sengoku Rance myself just recently, so it made me lol.

>> No.3073844
File: 88 KB, 485x640, 1248034398423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073845

What? Invasion again?
>Even a Naruto thread on /a/ doesn't get a raging torrent of sage posts. I can't believe /jp/ is that terrible. I always knew /a/ was better but... damn.

Keep up the good work guys.

>> No.3073846
File: 185 KB, 928x1564, 1248619648993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3073847

sage? In the email field? How terrifying!

>> No.3073849
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>> No.3073850


>> No.3073852

What does /jp/ think of this thread? They are laughing at us >>>/a/23734093

>> No.3073853
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>> No.3073856
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>> No.3073857

Probably closer to immature then terrifying imo.

>> No.3073859
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>> No.3073863
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>> No.3073864

Now /jp/ can truly call itself /a/.

>> No.3073865

Good riddance

Anything to keep those roulette loving, Get obsessed, 15 year olds from coming here

>> No.3073866
File: 105 KB, 339x321, emio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is shit

>> No.3073867
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>> No.3073868

Just as planned.
Easier to hide 1thread than the whole of /jp/.

>> No.3073870

>athens !SysNpnp3nU: /jp/ was always a bad board.

as if he's not at all responsible for that...

>> No.3073871

They see /jp/ and how it reacts to trolling and thinks "haha, oh wow. Looks like fun"

Sage floods like these attract /a/, not repel them.

>> No.3073872
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>> No.3073875
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>> No.3073877

>easier to hide 1 thread
>posting in the thread that is supposed to be hidden

>> No.3073880
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>> No.3073882
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>> No.3073884
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>> No.3073885

Good riddance? We're not keeping anything away. We've become /a/

/jp/ has truly sunken to a new low. Good job everyone.

>> No.3073886

You should really stop attributing everything to sage, double space Anon.

Yes, random encounters like these. MC turns a corner and boom! Out of nowhere, wheeled chara charges into at full speed making that their first encounter with each other. Sudden introduction without the fluff.

>> No.3073888
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>> No.3073890
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>> No.3073895
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>> No.3073898
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>> No.3073899
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>> No.3073903
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>> No.3073905

Maybe you should go to /a/ then. Despite this shitty thread, /jp/ is still better than /b/ junior. At least most of the shit is condensed in this one thread.

>> No.3073906

I just came here to say. Wow. The Sage is strong in this board.

>> No.3073908
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>> No.3073915
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>> No.3073916
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>> No.3073917
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>> No.3073918

/jp/ - /b/ with superiority complex

>> No.3073920
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>> No.3073925
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>> No.3073931
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>> No.3073934
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>> No.3073937
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>> No.3073938
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>> No.3073940

Holy fucking cancer, Batman!

Bumping to piss off the group of samefags who scream 'GET OUT KS DEVS' and sagebomb KS threads like epik raiding XD /b/tards.

>> No.3073942
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>> No.3073944
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>> No.3073947

/r/ autoban for the term 'sagebomb'

>> No.3073949
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>> No.3073953
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>> No.3073956

/r/ autoban for the term 'Katawa Shoujo'

>> No.3073957
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>> No.3073959
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>> No.3073963
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>> No.3073966

/r/ thread permaban

>> No.3073967
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>> No.3073970
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>> No.3073975
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>> No.3073977
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>> No.3073980
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>> No.3073983
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>> No.3073987
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>> No.3073989
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>> No.3073991
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>> No.3074016

/jp/ is such a pathetic board, I pity you all.

>> No.3074081

That's not master chief you philistine

>> No.3074102



/jp/ is full of elitism and shit.
complaining about KSDEVS and sage fucking any thread that they don't like?
/b/ has more sense than you fucks. but enough of me stating the obvious. go enjoy life sometime you fat weaboo sacks of shit.

>> No.3074118

/a/-fag here. Just dropping by to see how pathetic you guys are.


>> No.3074118,1 [INTERNAL] 

fucking KS Devs ruin everything

>> No.3074118,2 [INTERNAL] 

We aren't doing anything wrong.

>> No.3074118,3 [INTERNAL] 

The KS Dev thing has gone too far.
Whatever happened to taking it easy, use properly sage and tolerate anything as long as it's contained?
/jp/ is becoming /a/. Pathetic...

>> No.3074118,4 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ has long become /a/.

We are becoming more like /b/ now.

>> No.3074118,5 [INTERNAL] 

No, we ruin everything by reacting to these shitty troll threads. And you even ghostbumped the thread!
