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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 210 KB, 640x536, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3071764 No.3071764 [Reply] [Original]

Thread deleted? I'm not doing anything illegal... am I?... Lol... Must be butthurt reportfags... No matter... I just make another thread... Shading almost done...

Will be back...

>> No.3071772


>> No.3071777

Reported for attention whoring.
Why dont you just get a pixiv account and post everything there?

>> No.3071789

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.3071795

Not until I finish this...

>> No.3071808
File: 21 KB, 339x425, 1249369395689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3071813

If you don't like my thread just minimise it... it's not hard to do... or you could use that... filter script to filter my name... problem solved... you know I won't go anywhere until I finish this...

>> No.3071822

The OP picture isn't bad.

>> No.3071823
File: 36 KB, 414x550, 1249369786076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3071838

But OP is a faggot who loves to bump his own thread

>> No.3071844

She's bald in the left part of her head.

>> No.3071849

I haven't really been following yor thread but what kind of helt do you want from us?
If its not all too /jp/ related wouldn't the oekaki board be of more help?

>> No.3071852


>> No.3071867

Bumping OP's thread because his work is good.

>> No.3071873

apparently <retard who shouldn't be named> gave mugen an idea for a drawing, so now he's making it and posting it here with multiple updates (typical attention-whoring fashion).

>> No.3071874

Not much really... I'm doing this for /b/tard of /jp/ for being such a nice guy... and it's been a while since I've done something like this... after I'm done... I'll leave in peace...

But Flander Thouhou is /jp/ jones... anyway almost done...

>> No.3071878

That's horrible for /jp/ drawfag standards, you should be ashamed.

>> No.3071883

Aw crud, lost my YuyukoSuckedByGhostbusters.jpg

>> No.3071884

Don't fall for it Jones.

>> No.3071886

I've been away for I don't know how long. It's good to see you still haven't learned any anatomy. Nice to have something that never changes to come back to.

>> No.3071890

Welcome back uhh... Anonymous?...

>> No.3071895


Show us some /jp/ drawfag material.

>> No.3071896

Funny how someone can't get anatomy right even by copying other drawings.

>> No.3071897

good job mugen! keep up the good work bro :D

>> No.3071898

Are you new here or something?

>> No.3071900

>horrible for /jp/ drawfag standards
not really.

the main difference is that /jp/ drawfagging is usually confined to OC threads. i guess that didn't apply to the yuyukodrawfag, but he was given a lot of flak for doing what mugen is doing now.

>> No.3071901


No, but I didn't save any /jp/ drawfag material.

>> No.3071911

hey mugen idk who you are just got here but

nice broken right leg? dont even know how you could continue to colour that in when it looks so god damned awful

nice miniature fetus left hand/arm?

i can obviously tell what you were trying to do with the right arm but it just looks WRONG.

feet look awful, her shin on her left leg is too short (not even commenting on the other one anymore seeing as it's fucking BROKEN)

stop drawing.


>> No.3071918

Thanks for the word of encouragement bro!... I am almost done now...

>> No.3071930
File: 89 KB, 600x450, yugiyamiv4troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even I draw better than this garbage.

>> No.3071938

get out madonnadevs

>> No.3071948

True, but still, it's way too standard to whore about it, it doesn't even have a situation. About the OC threads, yes, maybe, I would refer to the paintchats better. And the yuyukodrawfag, he was meh, but still better that this fag.

>> No.3071964 [DELETED] 

Why don't you just give up and dieeeeeee mugen?

>> No.3071992

And we're not even taking into account the obvious trolling by this fag. Much less the fact that he IS /b/tard of /jp/.

>> No.3071993
File: 14 KB, 317x367, bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so shitty /jp/?

>> No.3072024
File: 45 KB, 353x450, d834smokey-bear-only-you-posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of people like you.
Only you can prevent forest trolls /jp/.

>> No.3072035

Dammit janitor, your work is unfinished.

>> No.3072038
File: 180 KB, 500x500, 1213020868521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3072050

Dammit janitor, you were doing such a great job a while ago.

>> No.3072075
File: 90 KB, 440x800, 1249617487343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3072081
File: 1.35 MB, 2226x1994, long haired touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done... thank you for waiting...

I go now... maybe we do something like this again next week eh...

It's Heavy Metal Girl Madonna... release date is very close... look forward to it...

>> No.3072089

Mugen why did you have to draw Chen dead? That was not cool, bro.

>> No.3072087

way to not even bother fixing anything wrong in the picture

a child could point out the flaws that i did. you should at least put some effort into the image

not even commenting on background.

>> No.3072102

Do not worry... I will strive and improve next time...

It was requested by an anonymous and I agreed... so I delivered promise...

>> No.3072110

leave us alone infidel!!!


>> No.3072116

>next time

yep that's the way you should be working at it

"i'll get it right next time and not actually try"

enjoy being a low-tier artist drawing things i've seen 14 year olds accomplish.


>> No.3072121

awesome pic bro! it turned out real nice :)

>> No.3072127

dramapedia reject.
/b/ suits you better.

>> No.3072128

wow, now I hate him even more. I didn't think that was possible.

>> No.3072439

Don't hate on mugen - it's not his fault that he messed up his hand long ago and had to switch to his offhand for drawing.

>> No.3072451

Theres the /i/ board for this shit. /jp/ is probably the easiest board to troll. Good job being a faggot mugen

>> No.3072571

I think this is in the gray area. A Touhou drawing fulfilling the "request" of a /jp/ poster (a terrible one at that, but let's put that aside). Also, /i/ is supposed to be for oekaki, not just any drawings; and mugen ignores C&C so /ic/ is out too.

Problems with this thread: Mugen posting in updates instead of just posting the final picture. 2 - Starting a new thread just for this. I guess what he should have done was wait for an OC thread, post it, and hope the recipient sees it. Too bad that's expecting too much decency from him.

>> No.3074145
File: 113 KB, 252x256, darks-head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3074161

Just fuck off already

>> No.3074169

You fuck off! Mugen is Ronove incarnate


>> No.3074183

would be somewhat decent if it actually LOOKED like Flandre.
Hair and clothes are all wrong.

>> No.3074186

also, her bow is on the wrong side, Remilia has her bow to left, not Flandre.

>> No.3074203

Your thread was deleted because it didn't belong in /jp/.

This thread doesn't belong in /jp/.

What don't you understand about this?

>> No.3074208

Nice try OP.

>> No.3074217

He doesn't know who Ronove is.

>> No.3074250

Other than mugenfag himself, I don't see any other problem with this thread. It's a goddamn touhou thread. If there is anything that doesn't belong here on /jp/ it's those endless meta, ITT discuss threads and endless KS spam.

>> No.3074267

/jp/ - Drawing/General

>> No.3074283
File: 2.75 MB, 2226x1994, mugenfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are, bro.

>> No.3074316

And nothing of value was gained.

>> No.3074351

Why is this not on the frontpage

>> No.3074359

I advise our lovely anons hide this thread and move along.

>> No.3074370

Silly, don't you realize hiding the thread is actually beneficial for faggots like mugen. It's like brushing dirt under the carpet. You don't see shit happening but you know it's still there. Just ignore and move over. It's the best course of action for attentionwhores.

>> No.3074407


>> No.3074414


>> No.3074420

>ignore the thread
>hide the thread
hiding is ignoring it what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.3074427

Exactly what I said. Attention is what fuels faggots like mugen (and every other tripfags) Take out the fuel by ignoring them and watch them fade away slowly.

>> No.3074429

Well done Mugen. I like it.

>> No.3074436


>> No.3074437

I wish I were mugenjohncel

>> No.3074438

Why is /jp/ so good?

>> No.3074443

Do you know how many of 4chans trolling problems would be solved if people knew how to just ignore a post and not reply? You're giving people here too much credit to think they are now capable of doing so.

>> No.3074446


>> No.3074493

wrong board mary-sue chapter

>> No.3074502

Steps to making a better /jp/:

1. If you see an offending post that does not belong in /jp/ (KSDevs, /a/ material, localized console games, etc...) do not reply.
2. Promptly report the thread.
3. If you have 4chan extension installed in Firefox proceed to hide the thread.
4. Continue to post in good threads.

This will be posted in threads where replys are issued to non-/jp/ material.

>> No.3074525
File: 9 KB, 320x240, 302859555..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u maaad. u maaad
