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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 639x480, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3068676 No.3068676 [Reply] [Original]


Whoever told me this was a mystery novel, fuck you. The same goes for whoever said this was a fantasy story.

This is nothing but a parody of both.

>> No.3068685

You're a moron.

>> No.3068693
File: 56 KB, 872x588, misakasmile..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong OP?

Can't enjoy Japanese humor?

>> No.3068703

That's Beato trolling you.

And the parody of anti-fantasy is Battler trolling Beato.

>> No.3068705
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>> No.3068707

Hurr durr how do i understood joke

>> No.3068710

I just skipped this whole scene. It felt like the game was making fun of me after sitting for hours reading the first half of the episode.

>> No.3068715

You are at Ep4 already and you started complaining now?

>> No.3068702


I am excited for the next wave of trolling to hit /jp/ now that it is /jp/ - UMI NEKOS.

>> No.3068717
File: 37 KB, 640x480, REAL NASU POWERLEVELS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I welcome our new Type-Moon overlords.

>> No.3068721

EP 4 needed the comedy moments.

To keep you from slitting your wrists over some of the non-comedy moments.

>> No.3068730

Instead of whining, you could grab your iPod and fire up your favorite IOSYS album

>> No.3068746

Who the fuck would be sad over that Maria bitch or that uninteresting Ange?
Episode 4 failed at bringing any emotions across.

>> No.3068747

None of the previous 3 episodes were as ridiculous as this one.

>slitting your wrists over some of the non-comedy moments

What? This episode hasn't been depressing in any way.

>> No.3068749

>This is nothing but a parody of both.
Exactly, but /jp/ likes to think of it as serious business

>> No.3068757

Jokes are the best when they are kept short.
That's why episode 4 was so boring, they dragged it out.

>> No.3068758

Hi, Arcueid. Added your latest trip to the filter.

>> No.3068764

Who the fuck is Arcueid

>> No.3068777


And furniture's lightsabers, Shannon's beam shield, war towers, and all the other magic nonsense isn't as absurd?

derp, this scene is fanservice for anti-fantasy

>> No.3068780

The main heroine from Tsukihime.

Don't know what the guy refers to though, maybe it's a shitty meme.

>> No.3068782
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Uminasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgilia is absolutely correct. If it were a measure of total strength, Krauss would stand no chance.

However, think of the ability to use your power as being a faucet. Having a reserve of 1000 power doesn't necessarily mean you can use all of that power at the same time. In essence, the goat could only allow 5 units of power through his faucet at a given time.

Krauss, however, is able to channel all of his power through his faucet at once. This means, that while his net power is considerably lower, when it comes to each individual contest, Krauss actually utilizes more power!

Having even an infinite amount of power is useless if there is a restriction on how much of it you can use!

>> No.3068794

Oh well. It seems he filtered me out because of it, but whatever.

>> No.3068796
File: 38 KB, 641x481, Uminasu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, I wonder how many loser flags Gilgamesh had when he fought Shirou at the end of UBW.

>> No.3068800
File: 38 KB, 640x479, doubleko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully, the anime won't screw this up.

>> No.3068807

How can someone seriously be anti-mystery after episode 4?

>> No.3068830

Jesus fuck people stop it with the fucking reactions, this isn't fucking /b/.

>> No.3068832

Mystery is for fags.

>> No.3068840

Get back to /v/, Arc.

>> No.3068850

its arcueid and his gay baby friend trying to force his unfunny meme

>> No.3068864

>How can someone take this story seriously after episode 4?

>> No.3068876

I pretty much like all tripfags on /jp/ now (even Taiko), except Arc.

>> No.3068884

OP misses the point entirely

It's making fun of the "magic battles" which stresses the point of UNRELIABLE NARRATIVE

>> No.3068881

I seriously don't know who that is.

>> No.3068904
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>> No.3068918

Oh, I see.

>> No.3068924

>It's making fun of the "magic battles" which stresses the point of UNRELIABLE NARRATIVE

This was obvious since episode 2, but episode 4 went too far. The battles were far too ridiculous I wasn't able to enjoy them.

>> No.3068927

oh not that faggot again


go back to /b/, kiddo

>> No.3068943


No need to filter posts, just turn everyone into Anonymous.

>> No.3068944

oh you mad

>> No.3068950

Go back to /b/.

>> No.3068953

I think the mad's one is he who thinks everyone is Arc.

sup sugiin

>> No.3068955

>Umineko is ruined because of this scene

>> No.3068963

i just said you were his dumb baby friend look how dumb you are

>> No.3069025
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I've seen an explanation similar to this before... Where was that? Oh yeah! When I was reading Heaven's Feel because this is exactly why Rin was able to stand up to Dark Sakura by using the Jewel Sword Zelretch.

>> No.3069096

No, episode 4 on its entirety sucks. I cannot think of a single good thing about it. The final twists alone didn't save it. You're free to enjoy it, though.

Anyway, I didn't say episode 4 ruined it, I said it made this look like a parody of both mystery and fantasy, which I have no problem with. I think it'd be boring if this ends up as nothing but just a mystery.

>> No.3069131

>Anyway, I didn't say episode 4 ruined it, I said it made this look like a parody of both mystery and fantasy, which I have no problem with. I think it'd be boring if this ends up as nothing but just a mystery.
That was half of the point in Ange's story. You cannot reach the truth, only if you look both sides as a whole. In the world of 1998 Ryu didn't give you more information about the mystery, more like a way how to think if you want to understand everything

>> No.3069212

Oh no, someone figured out the reference!

>> No.3070835

poor op, someone lied to you 8(

>> No.3070931

Except TM has nothing that reads like that.
But whatever/.

>> No.3071297

I wish I could be as big of an asshole as Krauss

>> No.3071309

I wish i could be as big of an asshole as the Goatman

>> No.3071330

The goats are fucking pros.

>> No.3071345

so.. what actually happened to Ange? Was she killed on the hill by Kasumi's thugs?

If she was, how does she fit into the Meta-World? Was she really there, or did Battler suddenly remember that she was waiting for them to come back and pull his shit together?

>> No.3071369

I didn't understand any of that shit, but I enjoyed every minute of it. That's all that matters to me.

>> No.3071380

This. It was ridiculous but really fun to read.

That's a good question.

>> No.3071386

i doubt anybody is going to get this post

>> No.3071398

We got it, it's just not funny.

>> No.3071423


>> No.3071508

Meta-Ange could be seen as a representation of the mystery's existence in the future.
