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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3063285 No.3063285 [Reply] [Original]


Dokkyun dokkyu~~~n

>> No.3063289

So thats why Silver Forest is in the credits...

>> No.3063352
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Dokkyun dokkyu~~~n

>> No.3063362


>> No.3063376

That song was pretty bad.

>> No.3063383

Even Haruhi's gitah scene was better

>> No.3063384


>> No.3063381


>> No.3063406

What the hell is that shit?

I dont think I ever heard that song before in any of the silver forest album.

>> No.3063414
File: 409 KB, 653x700, letty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chubby Alice is kind of cute

>> No.3063421


>> No.3063431



>> No.3063440

Did some of you seriously think they'd use Tsurupettan?

>> No.3063445

Silver Forest Credit Roll

>> No.3063455

They could have just had generic cheering and only played 10-15 seconds of audible Tsurupettan.

>> No.3063457

They credited silver forest at the credit.
Another reason why the VN is superior.

>> No.3063465


>> No.3063466


It would have been great, but no, of course not. The anime is made for a wider audience, after all. Though I don't know how much wider.

>> No.3063469

damn, silver forest are good trolls

>> No.3063482

Why would they pass up a chance to advertise the character songs?

And Marina Inoue wouldn't have been able to sing Tsurupettan anyway.

>> No.3063483

It was horrendously stereoscoped. That means they took a video, and traced it, probably with a computer to make it even faster and cheaper.

>> No.3063499

How long until the CD Single gets released?

This shit is gonna be more popular than Hare Hare Yukai.

>> No.3063506

Hahahaha. Enjoy your delusions.

>> No.3063513

Umineko anime totally sucks now.

>> No.3063516

Haven't watched it yet, but who were the other two Touhous, besides Marissa, and apparently a fat Alice? Shall I assume Reimu and Cirno?

>> No.3063517

one of them was aya

>> No.3063519

This was the one part of the anime I was looking forward too...especially after than trailer. I knew they left the audio out for a reason.

>> No.3063521

Reimu, Aya, and Sakuya

>> No.3063523

Sakuya, Aya, Reimu, Fat Alice and Beatrice, the golden witch.

>> No.3063525

The pacing was decent... considering. Three episodes were put into this episode. I still feel like things were rather rushed though, especially from the school scene onwards.

>> No.3063527

More proof that Jessica = witch.

>> No.3063528

Aya, Sakuya

>> No.3063531

Sakuya and Aya.
Aya look like a trap.

Look like it was a good decision to drop seacat after ep1. Thanks for OP for giving the ep6 link to see the abomination that is DEEN.

>> No.3063544

I only watch the Umineko anime because it makes you realize, even you, a fat lazy NEET, can do a better job than pros at work.

>> No.3063548

You should notice that ED has the name of Hiroyuki Doi, who composed only "Bring the Fate", but it wasn't used in I-V.
This means they just put all game composers.

>> No.3063545

Trollan, trollan, trollan

Both this and episode 5 have been great adaptations. With the current pacing it looks like they'll do the second arc justice.

>> No.3063551

The Umineko anime is horribad compared to the VN. They didn't even improve the art, in many cases, they made it far worse. Also, voicecast.

>> No.3063556

This was speculation starting from episode 1.

>> No.3063559

There's nothing wrong with the voicecast. Just because they didn't fit your image doesn't mean they're bad.

>> No.3063565

The voice actors are fine. The voice director is shit.

>> No.3063568

What kind of retarded VA pronounces "tsurupettan" like "dokkyun"?

>> No.3063579

wait, so this isn't like the small crabs song from idolmaster?

>> No.3063590

so what was the song even about?

Does "dokkyun" mean "tiny flat chest" in like Chinese or something or was Jeshika just singing about cocks?

>> No.3063584

Didn't watch past ep1 so I wasn't trolling. Only saw OP youtube link.
But come on, no Tsurupettan? Also Beatrice wasn't even that evil or menacing toward Kanon at the end,

>> No.3063595

It's tiny chest in corean

>> No.3063597

Dokkyun > DQN > delinquent

>> No.3063596

Guess I'll just skip this episode then.

>> No.3063603

Yes, and it was proven in I-V that we couldn't get a guarantee that a particular song would be used, from the credit.

>> No.3063605

ITT: why Umineko fans are hated

>> No.3063610

Because it's the flavor of the month, this month?

>> No.3063612

Umineko adaptation was doomed from the start, since I'm certain none of the fans of the VN bitching about it could agree on what is a good adaptation. The only thing they can agree on is what went wrong.

>> No.3063616

>The only thing they can agree on is what went wrong.
You give us too much credit.

>> No.3063624

I thought Maria uuu uuu was done pretty well.
Is it just me?

>> No.3063625

I don't know why people are so bothered with the Umineko anime. I can't wait for the moment when they start using their powers and, especially, the battle between Beatrice and Virgilia. That will rock!

>> No.3063629

Shut up. VN fans agreed that I-V was a good adaptation. Don't bother them about it.

>> No.3063626

I like it. It's the right balance of cute and annoying.

>> No.3063632

/jp/ is just naturally full of anger. Don't take it seriously.

>> No.3063637

I hope you are right. I am gonna go download I-V now to see if it is as good as you say.

>> No.3063646

How can an adaptation that made Bern flat be good?

>> No.3063649

Also which fansub should I go with? [seacats] or [gg]?

>> No.3063651

"Fight on!"


>> No.3063652

She's supposed to be flat. Don't put so much stock into fanart.

>> No.3063653


>> No.3063661

"How can an adaptation that made Maria actually look like a little girl be good?"

>> No.3063659

Its like they intended to make the most generic high school rock band sounding song ever

>> No.3063655

It doesn't matter. You read the VN, didn't you?

>> No.3063664

Yeah. I read the VN. Since some guys say they did well for ep5, I am gonna go download it and see if it is that well done.

>> No.3063665

Go away trollkastel

>> No.3063676

Nah, that's just !nipaa trolling without his trip. Trollkastel is a cool dude and likes canon tits Bern.

>> No.3063679

Well yeah, I'm pretty sure they were only looking for something to substitute tsurupettan with.

>> No.3063680


>> No.3063684

gg and seacats work either way for this episode. I'll go personally for seacats.

>> No.3063702

Neither are that good, but gg just removes honorifics which make a lot of things sound weird to me. I can't remember if Seacats does or not.

>> No.3063705

To make up for this I will link a singing Kizno-sama.


>> No.3063713

Is Lambdadelta alright? I've never used them because I am a speedsub fag, but I always hear people dropping their name.

>> No.3063714

I'm glad Tsurupettan disappeared.
That should not come out from doujin industry.

>> No.3063717

One of them need to edit in Tsurupettan and drop that Dokkyun dokkyu~~~n shit.

>> No.3063723

Just as planned!

>> No.3063733

Why does Kanon have a huge goofy jacket thing?

>> No.3063737

To hide her boobs!

>> No.3063813

Kanon doesnt have boobs

>> No.3063828


>> No.3063855

It's amusing reading how different each group does the OP.

>> No.3063881
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Cool shooting by Battler.
I dont remember him doing this happen in the VN.

>> No.3063958


>> No.3063974

>I dont remember that scene in the VN.

They did the dissolving scene and the tea party well. But before that is was bad, also what up with Beato neck. Guess I will wait for them to animate the hamburger scene. It would be ;_;
