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306115 No.306115 [Reply] [Original]

Assasin is one of the more awesome servants, repelling every other servant's attack including Berserker yet he is ignored.
i declare Assasin the Sacchin of F/SN.
isn't it sad? assasin?

>> No.306129

It kind of has a harmony to it, I guess. Assassin, Sacchin..

>> No.306132
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>> No.306135


>> No.306142

Ronery guy

>> No.306145

They should make a game about him and his creed.

>> No.306152
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Never forget.

>> No.306158
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Isn't it sad?

>> No.306160

Where's my assacchin route ;_; ?

>> No.306164
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His creed be gate-guardin and bitch-slicin.

>> No.306165

One dies in obscurity, the other is tied to a gate...

>> No.306193

A rather nice gate, at that.

>> No.306208

I just want to know how he held off Berserker.

>> No.306226


He had the high ground.

>> No.306231


>> No.306235

It's kinda sad, being a hero who was fabricated by Musashi so he can brag about his exploits.

>> No.306247
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High ground, you say?

>> No.306275
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does that mean i would have to transfer mana into him if he had a route?

>> No.306291

You would.
And you'd enjoy it thoroughly.

>> No.306312



Assassin x Ayako.

I think I have a new writing project.

>> No.306331

Archer has a route and there is no mana transfer involved.>>306275

>> No.306345


I think there was a doujin like that...

>> No.306348

pretty sure thats considered rin's route for all intents and purposes

>> No.306351

That's because mana transfer with Archer would just be masturbation on a whole new level.

>> No.306361

Notice that unlike Tsukihime, the paths aren't named after the girls.

It's because the interaction with them is ultimately not the most important aspect of the route.

While Rin is the romantic interest, it's a Shirou Vs Archer (physically and in ideals)

>> No.306390

Interestingly enough, the script folders are all named after the girls. UBW is still the Shirou/Archer path though.

>> No.306425

Interesting, I didn't know that.

UBW is also the only route that really emphasizes on how FUCKED UP Shirou really is (after the incident of the 4th Holy Grail War), and how that leads to the existence of Archer.

In Fate they never really focus on that and just call him stupid or naive, and in HF, they have other issues to focus on.

Out of all 3 routes, UBW is the one that focuses on Shirou the most.

>> No.306431

Good night, sweet fictional prince. ;_;

>> No.306465
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..... So, is she significant in Heaven's Feel in any way? Or is she back to being the bitch-slicin loli queen again?

>> No.306499


The Third Magic
* Name: Heaven's Feel, Cup of Heaven (天の杯, Ten no Sakazuki?).
* Territory: Materialization of the soul.
* User: If it can be considered to have any user, it would be Lizleihi Justizia von Einzbern, who is the core of the Great Grail, and Illyasviel von Einzbern although she cannot use it properly.

>> No.306514

actually there is one at gakugaku. forgot the name though.

>> No.306547

Also, it makes Lancer and BERSERKAAA the new GAR.
Archer just fucking whines.

>> No.306561

I'd sneak into his gate if you know what I mean

>> No.306571

Heaven's Feel is the Illya and Sakura route.
and it's fucking hard to get enough affection points from both.
if you don't get enough from Ilya, she kills you, if you don't get enough from Sakura, she kills you.
you have to be nice to both,and balance the affection points, and is hard, god damn it.

>> No.306583
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Well, if you turned your life into a ruin, you'd whine too.

>> No.306589

>>306571 Illya and Sakura
What's this?



>> No.306595

I haven't managed to get the true end yet, but I'm tired replaying it while I barely understand what's going on.

>> No.306597
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People would have paid more attention.

>> No.306605

The routes are meant to be played that way to unfold the story, in Fate you're left to wonder why Shirou is so fucked up like that, UBW is meant to answer that.

>> No.306608

Sakura is the only one who keeps her sex scene in Realta Nua.

>> No.306614

For some reason I read
>Well, if you turned into an arm, you'd whine too

>> No.306618


Dont forget, Rider's route too. If you dont have enough points with her, you'll die fighting Dark Saber alone. And ronery.

>> No.306628


>> No.306646

I suppose you have a point. There are quite a few ronery threads around after all.

>> No.306794

You don't need affection points from her , she ask you why do you risk your life for Sakura?(you love her) would you kill her?(no)
an some other questions.
if you answer wrong, she does not help you against Dark Saber

>> No.308772
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Same here. He has absolutely nothing that could harm Berserker's body. In theory Berserker could just bulldoze right over him.

Also, how'd he calmly get up from having his ribs blown out?!

>> No.308802


Because he is awesome.

>> No.309619
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Man, even Lancer's scared of the guy.

>> No.309687


>> No.309703


>> No.309712

Why wasn't it like this ;_;


>> No.309769

Didn't Berserker have to die in a different way each time or be hit with a move which was powerful enough to cause many 'deaths' at once? Assassin probably wouldn't have been capable of either.

>> No.309783


Fuck the other H-scenes. I'd fap to THIS.

>> No.309770


Considering that hes a noone with a move that kills 99.9% of the time, why would you want to fight him when there are much, much easier things to do, as in, kill caster, or kill caster's master.

Lancer is the sacchin of fsn, GArest of all and yet nobody cares.

>> No.309789
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To be honest he does have a pretty badass Command Spell pattern.

>> No.309802

Assassin had the ability which prevents reduction of his attacks though, so Tsubame-Gaeshi would work every time provided he pulled it off.

>> No.309837

/r/ Pimp Assassin template

>> No.309908

>Also, how'd he calmly get up from having his ribs blown out?!

He's a samurai. They do that sort of thing.

>> No.309938

He swallows his blood when he gets killed by Saber.

I don't think you know a man that can do that.

>> No.309949
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You know, alone the possibility of an Assasin Route justifies Ayakka over Shirou. As well as a Lancer and Gil Route.

>> No.309976

> Assassin had the ability which prevents reduction of his attacks though, so Tsubame-Gaeshi would work every time provided he pulled it off.
Just needs some flat ground, right? lOL

>> No.309997
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Isn't it sad, Lancer-kun?

>> No.310005

Assassin route would be pretty boring if it's just all the other servants coming at one at a time. I'd be curious to see what he'd wish for from the grail though.

>> No.310032

He'd wish to be a real boy.

>> No.310102

Hmm. *looks it up*

* Knowledge of Foremost Harmony
Rank: B
A special ability that prevents reduction of the effectiveness of an attack, no matter how many times it is used on the same opponent. Attacks will not be perceived by the opponent.

Are you sure that doesn't just prevent his style from being read, like how Saber (supposedly) adapted to Kuzuki's style after their first fight?

>> No.310214

It's a countereffect (don't remember the official name).
It doesn't prevent the others from reading his attacks and/or avoiding them but rather it prevents them from using their special abilities to reduce damage/increase their effectiveness when battling (that's why he Koujiro discovers the length of Saber's sword just by dodging and observing her attempts to attack)

>> No.310235

It's like how Saber said he had no stance and noted that every attack from him was fatal if not dealt with. Still he wouldn't be able to scratch berserker.

>> No.310311

Read the post above you.

Berserker is so freaking impossible to kill because of his special abilities. Assasin's countereffect negates that.

Still, Assasin would be no match for Berserker. Mainly for the 12 lives plothax. He would have to kill Berserker twelve times without dieing himself (which is possible, but pretty damn hard even if Berserker is vulnerable).
