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30535214 No.30535214 [Reply] [Original]

PLife is gone edition

Previous: >>27962941

>> No.30538718

No one answered my question. Do you have a rhythm gamer bf/gf and what are their favorites?

>> No.30540493

Yeah but she really only likes stuff like project diva and deemo, despite me doing my best to get her into bemani games. I wanted to build her a PD controller for christmas but there's like no usable info for making a touch slider.

>> No.30541241

>tfw no pocket voltex

>> No.30545798

Quit being stingy and let her play on your cabs

>> No.30550288



>> No.30553107


its shit. I ordered one and it came in missing the knob screws and 2 of the switches were broken, but maybe I just got a lemon.

>> No.30555753

has dolce ever touched a bms chart

>> No.30563646

mon cheaped out on every run. rhythm gamers are retarded, 100$ controller but only like 30$ in parts lol

>> No.30567815

is 265 white 290 green good enough or is my white too high?

>> No.30567905

It doesn't matter as long as you never use positive offset.

>> No.30569737

Depends on the size of your screen.
As for it being too high/low etc, it depends on how spaced out you want the notes to be

>> No.30570396

buy the chinese one and it has none of these issues + custom network with 2000x more skilled players than any western network

>> No.30570488


>> No.30570708

favorite what

>> No.30571910

favorite days to blow sows admins in r1 bathrooms

>> No.30573425

my gf plays etterna and bms and her bf plays iidx

>> No.30574518

Counter point: If you play 120hz on LDJ, you have to use positive offset. Up to +2.0 at least but no more than that.

>> No.30576911

where can I buy one of the chink ones

>> No.30576993

and what do you play

>> No.30584831

Love Live School Idol Festival

>> No.30584882

every day

>> No.30595688

ddr omnimix when

its the one series that needs it the most

>> No.30599089


>> No.30599402

Yeah I do. She (female) plays GC, Wacca, and DDR mostly and occasionallu hops on voltex/iidx. Unfortunately she's painfully mediocre at literally all of them, and while of course I'm happy she's having fun, I kinda feel like she's missing out on a lot by not pushing herself in any particular game. She just likes to grind events for cute navigators.

>> No.30599463

LDJ true default offset is -2.00 (Heroic Verse onward with a 10 Adjust monitor). TDJ true default offset is +0.25, to account for the lower latency of lightning model cabinets. If you force LDJ to be 120 FPS, it still keeps its -2.00 default offset. Playing at +2.00 or so user offset makes it feel more similar to default TDJ.

But don't worry, you can't run LDJ at 120 FPS. That's not a valid arcade configuration!

>> No.30600967

>TDJ true default offset is +0.25
that explains why I always lean to use -0.2 ...

>> No.30605757

>play voltississimo mxm out of curiosity
I feel like I got my dick flattened

>> No.30606456

the fucking safari is still kicking my ass after all those years even though I play 10s and cleared a few 11s. It is such a clusterfuck. I almost cleared it once on random but that was just luck.

>> No.30610348

Gamo2, Yuancon, Ebay.

>> No.30613398

i've never had a gf

>> No.30613870

come back to it later

>> No.30614412

I'm never going to get a AA in my life.

>> No.30618992

Then you're a perfect Kaiden candidate.

>> No.30619860

Considering I'm hard stuck on 8s I'll get back to you in 10 years.

>> No.30623472


wanna party my man

>> No.30627946

Tons of people skipped 7dan entirely and for good reason

>> No.30631059

>pc pop'n has offset adjustment
>arcade still doesn't
fucking why

>> No.30631246

Convince me why I should learn how to play IIDX

I only really play SDVX, DDR, and Wacca and I'm pretty good at all of them. But the few times I've played IIDX I couldn't even pass a 3-4.

>> No.30631541

pop'n is so cucked I hate it. wish they treated it better since it's my favorite gae

it's pretty much the biggest and best. it's gonna be difficult getting into it since you're not used to playing "real" rhythm games but if you're willing to put in the time (and I mean a lot of time) it's fun and rewarding.

>> No.30631758

How much "realer" does it get than sdvx and ddr? Only pop'n comes to mind.

>> No.30631975

I've put way too much time into the other games I play, particularly DDR and SDVX. I dunno if I have it in me to put in the same amount for IIDX, especially since playing it takes time away that I could use playing the other games I'm actually good at and really enjoy improving at.

>> No.30634055

>she isnt playing modded lively

>> No.30636058


you shouldn't. don't.

>> No.30639038

you should have figured out how to do that at 5s. AA is like a barely acceptable score and even then it just means you were mashing like a monkey

>> No.30649179

Not him but it just has a steeper introduction difficulty curve. Once you get into it it's not that bad.
As for being more "real", there are no added sound effects, and once you reach Anothers they start charting every notable sample in the song, so you get a more accurate representation of the music.
Just don't slack on timing practice so you can actually enjoy that part of it.

Pop'n is probably pretty close, but with slightly looser timing windows.

>> No.30663075

they should really add timing trials to iidx. retards who think a lvl A is an acceptable score on anything should have a clown mark next to their names

>> No.30663962

there are leaderboards and a score chart already what else do you want. It is clearly indicated that A isn't the best score you can get.

>> No.30664106

I broke with my exgf cuz she played osu

>> No.30666804

>bro just play 95% perfectly every single time

>> No.30668448

my buttons don't light up in HV lightning mode. I have them mapped correctly in spicetools and can test all of them through the overlay

>> No.30668735

Let's see your BSB, X-Den and Mare scores, buddy.

>> No.30669113

what pcb do you have

>> No.30669525

I am not on a cab, I mean my dao controller buttons don't light up in game for some reason even though I mapped them as usual and they light up when tested through spicetools overlay.
Am I missing something when using lightning mode?

>> No.30669960

Do you have a Dao or a yuancon or an arcin?

>> No.30670066

I have dao pee, so I suppose the pcb is daos.

>> No.30670088

Oh I'm stupid missed the Dao part. It's been a while since I looked into things but afaik daos don't support hid lighting if that's what you're referring to. If you mean they don't light up when you hit them then that's a hardware issue.

>> No.30670498

Spicetools doesn't support HID lighting in lightning mode IIRC

>> No.30670560

The lights work fine and as I've said I can test them through spice tools. But as soon as I turn on lightning mode/tdj controller buttons don't light up anymore in the game.
shit that is a shame. Any workaround yet?

>> No.30671363

are you saying my dao will have HID lights in normal mode if I switch to spicetools? always wanted it but couldn't be bothered shelling out for an arcin

>> No.30672109

If your firmware is recent enough it should be supported yes.

>> No.30673215


dao made in the last 5 years absolutely support HID lighting

it's just that spicetools hasn't been updated to support hid lights in TDJ mode, in LDJ it's fine

>> No.30673216


how do you make the volume slider effect audio? the filters do but volume doesnt

>> No.30674277

cool it worked, thanks. how will bemanitools ever recover
it's so pointless but the flashing it does is kinda nice.

>> No.30676026

How am I supposed to stream to my friend when data mutes all audio and nothing gets picked up by discord/obs

>> No.30678954

i have my game set to English but everything is still japanese

>> No.30687616

Does anyone else get demotivated in their session if they don't see improvement? I understand that we get bad days but if I'm not upscoring or see improvement I get tilted.

>> No.30687731

Half of getting better is just suffering through that feeling while trying to have fun and doing your best, even if you feel like you're bad that day.

>> No.30689329

Cant push beyond 7s, but even then i can only beat very few of them as a keyboard player using default setting. What keyboard settings is the most optimal for pushing beyond.

>> No.30689472

Please don't do this to yourself. KOCs are cheap and good enough.

>> No.30715963


>> No.30717970

What do you guys think about occasionally brute forcing songs 2-3 levels above what you're currently clearing? I spent like 15 minutes playing 11s and 12s the other day and I feel like it helped me be able to process the simpler patterns I'm dealing with at my level a little easier.

>> No.30718501

look up flexasio

>> No.30719334

sows fag here coming back to rhythm gaming after visiting a Round 1 sparked my interest again. Come back to find programmed sun gone and replaced with 'arcana'. Booted up my version of SDVX II and it still works with my psun PCBID and old card, though I did get an invitation to join arcana. I mainly want to play SDVX, so i'll probably be getting vivid wave at some point, but how exactly does it work with arcana supported games if I'm using a psun pcbid? Will I have to get another one? My saves wouldn't transfer I imagine, right?

>> No.30720349

Maybe look on the site you mentioned you fucking tard.

>> No.30720807

I'm attempting to convert from an osu retard to an upstanding human being who plays proper rhythm games. I know the change is supposed to be hard, but the hardest part is trying to find something for PC. Are there any good free/single purchase rhythm games out there that aren't part of the big franchises?

>> No.30721101

IIDX, Pop'n or god forbid SDVX arcade data are sort of the gold standard. Search around and you'll find where to get it. The cheapest entry point is gonna be a iidx koc (should be around $100 or less for a usb modded one from a bemani game forum or facebook group). Keep in mind the games are free so it may seem like a lot to get in to the games but it's worth it.
If you want something that can be reasonably played on your keyboard instead I'd recommend djmax respect v when you can find it on sale. Some people here will tell you not to bother but I like it well enough. Still recommend going the arcade data route instead even though it's more work and money up front.

>> No.30721330

As the other guy said, for purchase DJMax Respect V is the only worthwile thing on PC, which might only change once EZ2On comes out on Steam. For free, Quaver and Etterna are the best if you dont want to take the plunge into AC Data/clones that require dedicated controllers.

>> No.30721367

No need for the hostility, I posted a thread and haven't gotten a response, figured I could try here. Why even reply if you arn't going to help?

>> No.30722902

Bless you, anons.

>> No.30723347

What program do you all use to play IIDX?

>> No.30723775


>> No.30724874



>> No.30729692

can you give me some sort of a guide?

>> No.30730944

how do you change your dj name on arcana

>> No.30731275

what are some good 11s to play that don't fuck you over in the last 10sec of the song

>> No.30732514
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>> No.30734416


>> No.30734461

how do you even git good without being able to play at home when failing a song cucks you out of your entire credit so you can't reasonably push harder songs until your last one

>> No.30734865

>what is an arcade game

>> No.30734930

feel like it's different because while the average player may only continue playing a shmup for example until they can beat it (or credit feed their way through) the average rhythm game player would continue playing forever really just since the core gameplay is so fun and there's so many songs it never really gets old.

>> No.30736014

>how do you even git good without being able to play at home
A little bit at a time, and by dumping lots of money into the games. I've easily spent thousands of dollars at various Round1s over the past 6 years.

The average rhythm game player in an arcade is the random person who plays Break Free or Happy on DDR. And those people are totally content with failing the one song and possibly never even playing the game again.

>> No.30736158

Spending most of your credit refining your technique and only pushing for new clears on the final stage is actually a very good way to progress with these types of games.

>> No.30741919

Lets take SDVX for example where you have 3 songs

>first song
play something easy to warm up or try to full combo it
>2nd song
play something you're certain that you can clear it
>final song
this is where you play something new or something you're not sure if you will clear

>> No.30742875
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I've been getting into rhythm games again for the first time in like 10 years. Been playing Osu a bit because I was obsessed with elite beat agents back in the day but it really isn't the same.

Used to be into beatmania growing up but they got rid of it at the only arcade I lived next to back in like 2007. I moved to a place next to a Round1 with practically every game imaginable there but there's no way they're gonna survive the covid lockdown much longer.

Might have to invest in some custom controllers soon but that government money won't last me much longer.

>> No.30743104

osu is a good game

>> No.30750317
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>mfw daisycutter mxm sightread

>> No.30750475
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>neu is getting a DRS remix

>> No.30750544

playing in tdj 120hz mode sometimes vocals on tracks are going off-sync to the beat. The framerate is stable and there are no slowdowns. What can cause this?

>> No.30753406
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20201215_181520_578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finished! On December 14, Round One in Moscow finally opened all its zones! Including the only "spo-cha" zone in Europe with unique arcade rhythm games, shooters and fighting games! It's extremely cool, now Russia has the best arcade hall in Eastern Europe and the CIS. Major new musical arcades: Beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage, maimai FiNALE, Dance Evolution and Guitarfreaks & Drummania V8.

Tweets about opening the spo-cha zone in Europe/Russia :


Main thread about opening a Round One in Europe/Russia:


>> No.30755085

>Beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage

>> No.30755803

restart helped and I think using a button to subscreen swap might be a reason as I use spice companion screen instead. The game also crashes sometimes when doing the subscreen swap.

>> No.30756374

this is a huge downer to anyone who thought it would mean e-amusement in europe, but also expected

>> No.30757646

This doesn't need a Konami-approved controller like it does for SDVX3's port right?

>> No.30760591


i can confirm it works with a dao controller with the stock dao pcb. i havent been playing it lately but you just need to switch the controller to its infinitas mode (like it has a LR2 mode also)

>> No.30765220

Since I'm new and trying to get into iidx, I have to ask, what exactly is the difference with Lunatic Rave 2? From what I'm gathering, it seems to be a sort of emulation, like Stepmania or SDVX clone. Is this my best go-to option if I wanna play iidx for free? Also why would controllers need a separate mode for that game? It seems to play 100% identical at the core.

>> No.30765369

what does offset actually do? Does it affect the timing or is it just visual?

>> No.30765421

>Is this my best go-to option if I wanna play iidx for free?
download the actual game dumbass, lr2 is a buggy mess and unless you want to play custom songs there are no benefits left now that you can run iidx in 120fps and with asio audio.

>> No.30765829

It's just visual. Negative offset moves the notes down, encouraging you to hit them earlier, making the windows feel later. Positive offset moves the notes up, encouraging you to hit them later, making the windows feel earlier. Negative offset helps mitigate latency. Positive offset is for people who like to be objectively wrong.

>> No.30771333


fuck off cop.

>> No.30771830

You wish. Coming from other game genres where illegal provisions are convenient, I fucking hate how secretive things are with rhythm games.

Infinitas requires a subscription. I'm considering it, but there's a reason I specified "for free".

>> No.30772755

>I fucking hate how secretive things are with rhythm games.
Everything you need is literally on nyaa

>> No.30775237

play step up and play lampless songs

>> No.30784786

As a DRS main, it's dogshit.

>> No.30791168

Whats the rhythm game tier list

>> No.30796693

The background music is fine but the vocals doesn't match it at all

>> No.30797951

God tier: The rhythm game you like most
Shit tier: Osu

>> No.30798020

I use nyaa exclusively for anime so it's easy to forget they have game related things too. Thanks.

>> No.30798483

>play QMA on pc/android to unlock songs
I played a couple games just now. How do I know if I have unlocked the songs?

>> No.30798751

stop being a retard and search nyaa for iidx 27 and then follow http://bemani.guide/

>> No.30798823

what is the point of sows when nyaa has data now

>> No.30799992

you're fucking dumb

>> No.30800452

Doujin music uploads and eurobeat

>> No.30801554

chat with child predators

>> No.30803285

To get data like 5 days early I guess

>> No.30803628

I recently bought Asus Xonar AE and it works natively with iidx27, no need for any extra launch options.
The audio latency is super tight. I am surprised that konami went with asio in the end. This type of audio drivers exists for like 20 years and should've been used from the start instead of abysmal dsound or whatever windows audio is called.

>> No.30803810

it feels so nice to have button clicks in sync with the song. Paired with 120hz the actual gameplay experience is better than ever.

>> No.30804589

>make your home setup significantly better than arcade
>can't play for shit on an actual machine
Real smart.

>> No.30806994

As others have said, HV is easy to find. You shouldn't even ever consider paying for Infinitas, it's an absolute scam, specially if you're new since for whatever reason beginner charts are locked (also beginner charts don't even give you bits).

6000 yen for n-3 or less songs is ridiculous when you consider PS2 games back in the day were 20000 yen and included all n-1 songs, around 20 CS exclusive songs and 20 revivals.

>> No.30808078

check the event page
then go play a round

>> No.30812391

time to go play another round

>> No.30814636

Fuck HCN

>> No.30815303
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>called """hard""" gauge
>many songs are easier to """hard""" clear than normal clear

>called """hell""" charge notes
>holding them (you can't even miss them, lol) gives retarded meter, making them much easier than regular charge notes

what did konmai mean by this? are we gonna get "devil scratches" next that just autoscratch portions of a chart for you?

>> No.30815685

Listen, my fingers are stupid as fuck and without fail will try hitting whatever notes come up during a charge with the one finger that's supposed to be held down so I lose a fuck ton of meter every time.

>> No.30819090

If my home setup is significantly better than arcade then why would I want to play on an actual machine?

>> No.30826100


the only reason to ever play in public: to impress 16 year old scene girls enough for them to let me fingerblast their unimpressive twats in the backseat of my civic in the mall parking lot

>> No.30831168

I can't believe Yoshitaka is fucking dead bros

>> No.30832764

my third world ass will never ever see a real cabinet, I don't give a fuck about making an arcade accurate setup.

>> No.30836608

VENUS is ded

>> No.30836788

Why don't you nerds put all this time into learning a real instrument?

>> No.30838701

Rhythm games are fun, instruments are not. Also: sexy anime girls.

>> No.30839447

Revival when

>> No.30843753

Because I put all my time into DRS and learn how to dance, which is useful and nets you brownie points with the brownies.

>> No.30849913

Is pop'n Lively free? Or should I stick to data instead?

>> No.30851983

idk going to the arcade is pretty fun

>> No.30855550

sows is good for hard to find stuff and music, but that's about it

>> No.30859475

Cleared my first 10 today bros. Don't ask how far up the list it is based on clear rate or what my grade was.

>> No.30860062

Was it Elisha Hyper?

>> No.30860210

Edible flower no something or other. Been playing it a few times at the end of my sessions for the past 4 or 5 days so there was some level of memorization involved, though I do play everything on random.

>> No.30864350


grats man
go try elisha hyper, drive me crazy another, colorful cookie hyper, and all the terra 10s.
also at that level there's a ton of 8s you can still use as really good practice. check out bad boy bass, for instance.

>> No.30865606

took them forever to upload the pop'n cabinet manual that I placed a bounty on.

>> No.30867696

might be able to pick up a cobalt flux pad for $200. worth it?

>> No.30867870

DONT play quaver. It's even worse than o!m. Etterna for 4k and o2jam/lr2 for anything else is the way to go

>> No.30868234

Depends on the condition it's in, and if it has a working control box. If it's in decent enough condition, 200 is a pretty good price.

>> No.30870751

Welcome to the cool kids club. My first 10s were Do the Thing, Breakin Chain, and Rampage. I dunno if those are considered hard by others based on my unorthodox clear history but I'd give those a shot.

>> No.30870852

>even worse than o!m
>has lane covers, rate mods, random, judgement settings and much better speed and offset settings
Yeah nah.

>> No.30870941

Do I need to use a subscreen with heroic verse?

>> No.30871461


>> No.30871764

what keyconfig do you guys use to play IIDX on a keyboard

>> No.30873953

>play triple counter ex
>get destroyed
>rating goes up anyway

>> No.30884982

The only 10 I’ve ever cleared is o/d*20. I only play with hard gauge nonran and no sud/lift

>> No.30890558
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It's almost 2021 and the USA STILL doesn't have access to extra stage on Gitadora, DanceRush, and the regular IIDX cabs

>> No.30895551

What's the best BMS player if I want to play illegal BMS? I would use omnimix but my DAC won't let me play arcade data.

>> No.30898096

Thanks for the recs, I'm still garbage though I got shit on by all of these. Pretty happy just playing 8s and semi-consistently clearing randomly selected 9s at this point and having one end of sesion 10 to work on at a time for now.

>> No.30907284

total fucking noob here

Are custom tracks popular with IIDX, SDVX, and Taiko just as much as Osu and Stepmania?

Cause I know the main draw of Osu and stuff like that is the fan created content. I know those games I mentioned all have freeware alternatives but do most people just play with the tracks the main developers put in for the most part?

>> No.30910718

None, converts are garbage.
Why can't you use AC data? There's plenty of audio workarounds lately.

>> No.30913166

Yes, bms/ksm charts are mostly cancer.

>> No.30926125

> Play IIDX for the first time since 2017
>can still AA 10s

>> No.30926730
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>> No.30928758

turn hard off you're obvs not ready for it

>> No.30929114

what is the heaviest turntable song in bistrover?

>> No.30929205

Probably this

>> No.30930232 [DELETED] 

>> 30719334
PSun is for old games, while Arcana is for new games. So you'll set up Vivid Wave for Arcana. I don't believe your scores will transfer.

>> No.30930323

PSun is for old games, Arcana is for new ones. So you'll use Arcana for VW with a new PCBID generated on the Arcana site. Scores will not transfer.

>> No.30931690

do you still fap to bemani girls, anon?

>> No.30932209
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why not

>> No.30933900

I would if the artists weren't mediocre. All the Bemani doujins I've seen are crap, and for pictures most of the good ones are SFW.
Feel free to prove me wrong though.

>> No.30934172
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>All the Bemani doujins I've seen are crap

>> No.30936698

I miss playing ONGEKI, shit was super fun even if I didn't understand shit, also spent too much on the card gacha, got an SSR as a souvenir so it was worth

>> No.30938115

Looks comparatively decent, but I'm not really into Animal Crossing boys.

>> No.30939650
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>> No.30946220

is QMA availible on e-amusement cloud? it shows the arespear PC on the QMA page, as if it is.

>> No.30948365


>> No.30956295

Just noticed I’ve not been using my left thumb AT ALL playing IIDX. Been trying to incorporate it into my playstyle. Any one else have bad habits like that that are hard to break? For me, trying to use my left thumb has been torture.

>> No.30958628

>can use my left thumb in SDVX, pop'n and even djmax respect v
>can't do it in IIDX
fucking why

>> No.30962283 [SPOILER] 
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*boys, but yes

>> No.30962500

Why are etterna charts so fucking boring compared to osu charts?

>> No.30963307

RIP karl_sharks.

>> No.30964732


iidx is unique among rhythm games (at least for me) in that static playstyles are almost required when you're learning the game
in no other rhythm game did i have to force myself to use a static playstyle

>> No.30965067

Fix it while you still can. You'll have to drop down the level of songs you're playing by a few levels but after a couple days of suffering through it you'll start getting the hang of it.

>> No.30974128
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>breezed through 7dan
>finished with 96%
At least I'm not a Safari refugee but I have the same problems as >>30956295

This is gonna suck

>> No.30974307

Why does /jp/ hate osu! so much?

>> No.30974462

Probably the
>who here from osu?

comments on rhythm game songs on youtube

>> No.30976957

I can’t time for shit so being forced to hit all the notes means I at least get an A or close B if I clear a song. “Clearing” a song but getting a C doesn’t feel like it makes sense.

>> No.30977301

Then you should really practice sightreading and accuracy instead of trying to bruteforce clears. It sounds like youre mostly memorizing.

>> No.30977505

If you're the OP, use Random and turn on Sudden. And as the anon above mentioned, timing is something you consciously practice, so just focus more on it.

>> No.30983414
File: 110 KB, 720x895, Screenshot_2020-12-21 THE SAFARIとは (ザサファリとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen if 7dan on IIDX 29 has something else for its final song?

>> No.30983607

Are any of you guys into Spin Rhythm XD like me?

Boy it's a heap of fun! I hope I can make friends on here who are also Spin Rhythm XD enthusiasts.

>> No.30988743
File: 692 KB, 676x676, 05263m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.30994196

Thanks anon got it working.

>> No.31002207

everybody who uses MGH will collectively shit their pants and never shut the fuck up about it
+some discussion about whether the new song is better or not

>> No.31002792


>> No.31005066

Obviously it's the only logical way to do it but holy fuck I hate playing dan courses, I literally never play nonran so mashing these stair patterns that are in every single song feels so weird, not used to it at all.

>> No.31006281


>> No.31044596

sows is now basically just a place for euro teens to hang out

>> No.31045040

Parkgolf - Overslept

>> No.31046428


>> No.31047259

Bought Taiko no tatsujin on my switch (eshop deals) and it's horribly fun. Tomorrow i am going to buy the drum though. I think i'll place it onto a pillow since it seems to "move" a lot from the video i've seen of jp players.

>> No.31052097

can i play (ps2) DDR on a projector? or will there be some strange latency/response time/refresh rate issue thing

>> No.31059990

novuo nude - super highway

>> No.31060052

I want to go to Japan just to play Chunithm

>> No.31083520
File: 342 KB, 657x477, Screenshot_2020-12-20 Ch 70 (Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou) - MangaDex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I can use my left thumb but only when there's chords like 2+3. Using it anywhere else makes my ex score go into the trash

>> No.31084139

I regret never having learned to one-hand scratch songs, always cheesed my way through hard clears with 3:5 and taka.s
also yeah what >>30965067 said, you have to just bear with it for now, it'll be worth it in the long run. If you don't use your left thumb, I can guarantee you will get demolished by B tier 12s and up
