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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3051405 No.3051405 [Reply] [Original]

ITT girls that should never be allowed to be happy.

>> No.3051410
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>> No.3051414
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>> No.3051416


>>girls that should never be allowed to be happy.
>>posting rin

ur a faggot

>> No.3051418

All of them

>> No.3051420

Defiant expression on face while crying is my sexual fetish.

>> No.3051421
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>> No.3051425
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>> No.3051427

Aw fuck your shit, I don't understand why Rin cops so much flak, I liked her attitude.

>> No.3051451
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>> No.3051452
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>> No.3051461
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>> No.3051469
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>> No.3051480
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>> No.3051487
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While most of the posts in this thread are 'joke' entries I'm serious about this. Yuka is a terrible spoiled brat and generally a horrific fucking person in every way. She doesn't deserve the happiness she so desperately seeks, only endless suffering and despair.

>> No.3051495

2nd. Matricidal cunt.

>> No.3051504

>While most of the posts in this thread are 'joke' entries

'Fraid they're not, bro.

>> No.3051511

But she's a good girl.

>> No.3051512
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Both of them. One is annoying, the other is a fucking pet.

>> No.3051523
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>horrific fucking person in every way.

Agreed. Yuka only deserves suffering.

>> No.3051528
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>> No.3051534

and then she grew up.

>> No.3051541
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>> No.3051547
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Gets extra points because she actually is happy all the time, even though she damn well doesn't deserve it.

>> No.3051561
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I think we have covered all the really easy ones by now.

>> No.3051567

[insert list of every Type-Moon girl except Saber, Taiga and possibly Ciel]

>> No.3051580

Poor Seo akira.
Barealy does anything and is shafted.

>> No.3051626
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>> No.3051645
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>> No.3051670

They're surprisingly similar in that they're both desperately lonely psychopaths that nobody really likes.

>> No.3051672


>> No.3052012
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>> No.3052092
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Fuck you.

>> No.3052098

If by desperately lonely you mean "I can't hear you over the sound of how loud I'm snoring", then sure.

Yuka is on a level where she's considered more of a part of landscape. You don't mess around her for the same reason you don't mess around tall cliffs.

>> No.3052123


I love the Yuka, but I can see why most people would hate her

>> No.3052132

>implying girls should by default be allowed to be happy

>> No.3052162

She's still allowed to be angry.

Just not happy.

>> No.3052169

Life is not supposed to be happy. You only live to reproduce and die. In case of NEETs, just die.

>> No.3052235

The best Rin scene is the jackhammering because she cries in that.

She should do that more. ^_^

>> No.3052239
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Seconded. I RAGED in Heaven's Feel when she survived and got a good end while Ilya had to die and Archer got fucked over. Again.

>> No.3052251

Those were tears of slutty joy.

>> No.3052252

Y'know, sometimes I think /jp/ has become a bit too misogynistic.

>> No.3052254

Archer has been dead for quite some time, Ilya surviving the Grail War just once (in Fate) is miraculous as it is and still can't live for long.
Sakura has better prospects of surviving in comparison, and she gets the normal ending for punishment. There should be an ending where Shirou achieves what he fought for.

>> No.3052259
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Where is my Ryoko end?

>> No.3052260

You think?

>> No.3052261

But nobody cares what you think.

>> No.3052270

Nobody cares what you think, either, so it all cancels out.

I really do.

>> No.3052285
File: 67 KB, 800x600, die bitch die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I think I would actually like Rin if she was more of the weepy wrist-cutting variety, doomed to die alone because her attitude drives everybody away yet too proud to correct it.

Fanon Alice is basically that, and I love her for it.

>> No.3052293

So, a completely different character irrelevant to almost everything characterizes her...
Such comments are always meaningful.

>> No.3052314


As amusing to interpret what you just said as "yes, Rin would be a good character if she was an entirely different character" would be, that's really not the case. Rather, Rin would stay the way she is but the rest of the world would react to her in a more realistic way: by hating her and ostracizing her. And that in turn would make her emotionally more vulnerable and score major moe points for what is now just an unlikable cold bitch.

>> No.3052315

That one sister bitch from ... Ef a tale of memories? Not the one with the memory loss, the other whore.

>> No.3052328

But she behaves in a civil, respectful yet distant way with most people.
Them ostracizing her would make absolutely no sense.
And she is not the type that because people she is not even close with would not stick with her, she'd turn into depression.
Thus, your post is contrived bullshit.

>> No.3052329

But she wouldn't be ostracized in the real world, since she's capable of playing the perfect school idol for people that don't know her.

You guys seem to see a different Rin than actually exists. She's not the bitch you guys are making her out to be, at least not in the primary source. Doujin works, a little to a lot. Fate paths, not really.

She works past the "tsun" really fast.

>> No.3052338


Because the children on /jp/ moved on from Sakura as their troll target and onto Rin.

Pay them no attention.

>> No.3052362

I wasn't trolling.
I really dont like Sakura character. HF is a good route with a shit heroine. All she know is "senpai senpai" and she even rape her own sister.

>> No.3052377
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Rin is unaffected by trolls.

>> No.3052381

Duh, virtue of a finished work of a different dimension.

>> No.3052408

She just knows that everyone wants to fuck her, whether they want to admit it or not.

>> No.3052459

Sakura is an easy target and very few people actually like her, so it's not really "trolling".

>> No.3052486
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Aeka, because bullying makes her more moe.

>> No.3052709


A "school idol" who counters romantic approaches in outrageously over-the-top ways and can't seem to go through three sentences without a backhanded insult of some sort. If the world around her acted realistically, her charade wouldn't last a year; it's only possible because of plot convenience. She would be relocated to the "too much of a bother to talk to" closet and that would be the end of her contact with the human world.

The only person who I can see putting up with her shit is Shirou, and that's only because Shirou has a history of not minding being treaded upon (see his bizarrely abusive "friendship" with Shinji). But that just makes me hate Shirou in addition to Rin, not like them both.

And don't talk bullshit to me about her getting over the tsun part fast, in three routes out of three it NEVER ENDED.

>> No.3052758

Also, Saber never cared for Shirou. She just put up with his weird mentality and gave him the illusion of love. She wanted to destroy the Grail to escape her fate and wanted to make sure he would not use the Command Spell to stop her. So she protected him till the end just to make sure.
Of course, when the reached the endstage wit the Grail summoned, she took back her sheath to ensure victory, and he could die for all she care.
And her last words being 'I love you' was just a cruel joke to put him in a path where he won't love another woman.
Saber is evil and selfish, and it's so obvious.

>> No.3052774

Not to mention Sakura.
She never loved Shirou. Just depended on Him.
Sha stayed close to him only due to order.
She was in perfect control of the shadow from the start, but knew she would die during the summoning.
So she pretended to 'slip away' to make Shirou want to rescue her. She eliminated everyone who would aim to kill her, so Shirou would get the means to free her.
And when she achieves, she lives a free life in a mansion she stole after his death, or Lives in his house and keeps him around as a puppet, while having Servant still as a Servant and not even allowing her closure.
What an evil mastermind. She would tread on people's feelings and psych to escape her bonds.

>> No.3052779

Not sure if troll. Saber wanted to get the Grail up until she saw it was not what she expected it to be, and almost killed (or actually killed in that one bad end) Shirou when offered the Grail in exchange.

Giving up the Grail for Shirou obviously shows Saber cares for him given obtaining it is the sole reason she was summoned.

>> No.3052785

That's just what she let Shirou see from her dreams and told to make him oppose the idea.
See how much he begged for Saber to abandon it?
Reverse psychology.
Anything you thought you read is a lie.

>> No.3052802
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So basically, the only female who isn't a manipulative bitch is Ayako.

>> No.3052810

Still doesn't explain not killing Shirou to get the Grail, in compact form and ready to get Excalibured in the face.

>> No.3052817

HAHAHA, you'd wish.
See how she tries to lure Shirou back at the club.
'Laugh at my jokes, why do you wonder with random women, Help us tame Fuhimura'
She wants the Perfect Shot Archer back.
Bitch that cares about fame and success only.

>> No.3052827


I like this idea.

But even that version of Saber is more likable than the canon version of Rin. She at least has the decency to stay polite and feign respect.

>> No.3052829

Cause at that point, she'd have opposition from Kotomine and Gil(plus Lancer who follows orders) who want the grail to stay open.
She wants to destroy it, as it would be a catalyst that would stop her 'contract'.

>> No.3052834

At least she doesn't sleep with him.

>> No.3052841

Rin sacrifices her Servant and helps you actively, while being rude.
Saber most of the time bombs your chances while feigning being polite.
Guess who the bigger bitch is?
Face it, Rin is the least bitchy character of them all, since she actually protects you from the most harmful situations in comparison while fulfilling her goals.

>> No.3052844

Of course not, she gets sucked by Rider.
No time to jump on his bones.

>> No.3052866

She had her chance. If she really wanted him back, she would have at least blown him.

>> No.3052871


I'll rather have a polite and pleasant backstabber than an arrogant and opinionated ally.

Assuming Rin even can count as an ally, since we all know she only helped Shirou to turn the poor special-ed manchild into her magically indentured cabana boy.

>> No.3052873

Sakura is in the Club, and Rin is an acquaintance.
And Shirou is generally busy.
It's hard to take advantage.
And when she falls victim and could gain sympathy, Shirou is already tied.

>> No.3052879

Then you have fucked up priorities.
Any SENSIBLE man would choose results over false comfort.
What matters is what they offer you, not if they sound nice.That's why your argument is shit.
In all her bitchiness, Rin is honest and most helpful.

Saber is dismissive and Ruins your life, Sakura is crazy and harmful, Ilya is a sociapthic kid that wants you as her pupper, Taiga just wants you to feed her, and Rider just wants your tasty blood.
In comparison, Rin is the most gentle, straightforward and helpful character.

>> No.3052884


Except in the good end of UBW where she enslaves both Shirou and Saber forever, presumably to start a prostitution ring with them to fuel her heroin habit.

>> No.3052887

So, Shirou gets to fuck two pretty women and has no other obligation except listening to her talk every once in a while, while Rin deos whatever she wants with Saber.
How is that bad?
Face it anon, under any circumstances, Rin is the true happines and helpfulness.

>> No.3052888
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>Rin is an acquaintance.

She's more than that, bro.

>> No.3052892

Casual fuck does not warrant a strong word like 'lovers'.

>> No.3052895

Rin doesn't even know what heroin is.

>> No.3052897 [SPOILER] 
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>So, Shirou gets to fuck two pretty women

Oh no, oh no no no no no. Rin will never let Shirou touch Saber, not ever.

She might make her watch though, because Rin is a bitch like that.

And as for having to listen to Rin, deafness and celibacy are both preferable to that.

>> No.3052913
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Yeah, she's into harder stuff.

>> No.3052916

Considering Rin actively faps to Shirou fucking Saber in the original VN rather than your Shitty doujin, I say you are just delusional.
And a couple hours of ignoring someone which he does in school is way easy. You must be pathetic if you cannot stand something like that, and Shirou definitely is not. Deafness over slight inconvenience?
Only for overreacting pussies.

>> No.3052927

Too bad she's drawing blood there.

>> No.3052932

Fate had a horrible female cast

>> No.3052935

I'd rather have any of the girls you just mentioned than Rin constantly busting my balls and making me feel like a idiot.

That being said, when she's not being a total bitch, she can be kinda cute I guess.

S-Stupid anonymous, it's not like I like her or anything!

>> No.3052945

And that's why you are an idiot.
You overlook actual qualities and accept worse bitchiness, cause you can't stand someone saying 'Idiot'. It's like refusing sex with your 2d waifu that loves you cause she is a meanie, and sleeping with a 3d 50 year old fat woman who wants you as furniture.
That's fucking weak, man.

>> No.3052955
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Come on, Anonymous. You know you would embrace her if you could.

>> No.3052970

women can't fap. Fap is an onomatopoeia. Rin therefore "schlicks"

>> No.3052975

She was overflowing with juices so much, her hand approaching her pussy and thigh actually sounded as 'fap'

>> No.3052976
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>> No.3052983
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Alright, I know I'm falling for a major troll here. However, I would like to you to watch Last Episode before telling me there was no mutual love there.

>> No.3052986
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>This thread

>> No.3052989

She was alone in a grassy field since 700 BC.
A penis finaly came over.
She was crying tears of joy.

>> No.3052990


In your face it's shlick not fap!!

>> No.3052997

I'm talking about Rin touching herself, where she exudes three times the liquids.
Saber is weaksauce.

>> No.3053011

I always enjoyed how Rin stood there masturbating while Shirou JAMMED IT IN to Saber

>> No.3053019

And the faggot claims she would not let Shirou do Saber. HA!

>> No.3053025

So you are saying that Rin has a penis? Because a penis a needed to fap.

>> No.3053028

Jewel of penis growth. She can shlick and fap.

>> No.3053031

Shirou wasn't her possession in that route, though.

In UBW, she has already claimed him and won't allow him to sleep with another woman. Even if that woman also belongs to her.

>> No.3053038


Can't speak for the others, but I only went to full-on trolling mode when the other side did. Everything before the "Saber is evil" post is my honest opinion on Rin, as hard as it may be to swallow for some.

It would have been so much better if she was optional. As it is, Rin must be included in your party in every route and the game just assumes that you of course automatically like her and don't mind her staying alive and being with you in the ending. It outright dictates in plain words that Shirou has always admired Rin, yet I don't see much to admire in her. There should have been a route, an option, to just tell her "no, fuck you, I hate you and have always hated you, FUCK OFF". And there should be an option to even face her in combat and force her out of the Alice Game (though maybe not necessarily kill her, even if it would be nice if she died in at least one route).

As it is, the game is trying to force two contradictory thoughts into my head at the same time - that I am Shirou, and Shirou loves a woman I despise. That doesn't work.

>> No.3053042

Oh you know that Rin likes to watch! She would probably allow it so they could do more kinky shit.

>> No.3053044

Bullshit assumption.
She will get as much pleasure from her possessions as possible.
We trust actual content and character actions, not your inaccurate assessments.

>> No.3053051

Everyone gets a chance to watch and everyone gets a chance to participate. They just take turns.

>> No.3053056

And I am the one who did the 'Every other woman is a worse bitch' posts.
I distorted actual content and ignored qualities and posted the actual results of such a train of thought, with no real basis other than making the exact opposite assessment than I would normally do.
And it sounds as stupid as it does for other characters as it does for Rin.
But it's funnier than telling an idiot he completely misreads a character and pushes his dislike as 'Bad personality'.

>> No.3053061

UBW Good End is the best end!

>> No.3053078


UBW True End is better for two reasons. One, because it allows Shirou to dump that bitchwhore Rin without harming his true beloved, Saber. Two, because it has more actual, noticeable dere from Rin than the entire route before it and the "good" end combined.

>> No.3053087

Of course it has more dere.
She is nothing but dere and Shirou acts Tsun.
She even will take care of him and help him get trained.
Perfect woman which Shirou would never dumb, unlike faggots.

>> No.3053088

But I'd want to fuck the most women without being a doll like in UBW True End.

>> No.3053093

Wrong ending.

>> No.3053116

No I'm saying that UBW Good End is better than HF True End since Shirou gets Rin+Saber instead of Sakura+Rider+Shirouisadollorsomeshitwat.

So therefore UBW Good End is the best because it is the most women ending!

>> No.3053125

Actually, most women ending is Fate Ending.
Normal Human, Rin, ilya, Sakura, Taiga and you have NO obligation to a specific single girl.

>> No.3053152

Except Ilya dies in a year and Rin moves to London.

So you're stuck with a slut and a loud, obnoxious teacher.

>> No.3053153

Hm. Actually you're right. Good point. Fanfiction time!

>> No.3053156


>> No.3053159

Ilya cryptically alludes her finite lifespan may not be as limited.
And you have a year to break down Rin and make her your maid.

>> No.3053173
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She does look good in a maid outfit.

>> No.3053196

I doubt Shirou gets Sakura at that end, Zouken probably makes her marry some mage to promote worms or something.

>> No.3053199
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Needs more "Caster opening a Maid Cafe"

>> No.3053205

Pfft, Zouken without Grail is weaksauce.
Torch the fucker.

>> No.3053239


Why the long face?

>> No.3053254

Pretty sure he just gives up. Sakura is free to fuck whoever she wants.

>> No.3053262
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>this thread

So /jp/ = /a/? I am disappoint.

>> No.3053266
File: 149 KB, 400x1074, 3067497807_f875a7e72b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame kotobukiya.

>> No.3053272

Yet you are the one posting a reaction image.

>> No.3053290
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>> No.3053315

We ignored all of the /a/ characters and discussed Rin. Yeah. We are so /a/ now. Dumbass.

>> No.3053343
File: 102 KB, 843x1200, finnbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch picks on Rin for no reason. Must be jealous of her superior looks.

>> No.3053347

99% of 3D girls

>> No.3053357

Why only 99%?

>> No.3053366

Ha. That made me smirk.

>> No.3053372

Because I'm not going to deny the existence of the very, very rare females that aren't dumb whores.

>> No.3053379

So are they just whores or just dumb?

>> No.3053386
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Endless Hate agrees

>> No.3053387

It's like the Karin to Sakura relationship!

>> No.3053541
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>> No.3053572
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That is hilariously cruel.

>> No.3053600

Eve is a fucking whore that strings along everyone she encounters in every world.

>> No.3053696

Future Asuka was a total bitch, though.

>> No.3054016
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