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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3051200 No.3051200 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ consider him/herself a weeaboo?

>> No.3051202

I fucking hate weeaboos.

>> No.3051216

I hate all weeaboos
And I hate Japan
But I go to a site
That ends with "chan"

>> No.3051219

I've always had an interest in Japanese culture even before I started watching anime. It's not that I love Japan, I'm just intrigued by their culture.

>> No.3051221

Yes, I'm not in denial. Although I don't let other people know about it.

>> No.3051222

I don't want to be japanese so no.
Weeaboos are more suited to con going fags.

>> No.3051225

Sugoi Sugoi

>> No.3051243

/jp/ hates weeaboos.
/jp/ hates japan.
/jp/ hates itself.

>> No.3051244

yes, but i try not to make it public.

>> No.3051267

No, I gave up on learning Japanese, I haven't watched a lot of anime and I haven't read many VNs. I don't own a dakimakura or any figs either. I also think that my life would be shittier if I was born Japanese.

>> No.3051308

Sure, keep on telling yourself that. While posting on /jp/.

>> No.3051310

>I haven't watched a lot of anime and I haven't read many VNs. I don't own a dakimakura or any figs either
so wtf you doing here?

>> No.3051313

Weeaboo is such an extreme and negative stereotype that even the tiny minority of people that deserve it wouldn't self-identify with it.

>> No.3051325

I own figs, I own a dakimakura, I watch anime, I play vns, I attempted to learn Japanese but only got as far as learning hiragana and katakana, and i've been to a con twice, but didn't really socialize with any of the people there.
I have 1 person I would consider a friend, and i've only talked to them twice this year.

>> No.3051328

I only wish I could snap my fingers and be fluent in Japanese. I also wish I were in Japan so I could go to Comiket and stuff. I don't really care about actually being Japanese though.

>> No.3051365

What is the definition of "weeaboo"? I'd say it's:
1) Obsessed with Japanese culture.
2) Thinks Japan is superior in all respects to the west.
3) Wishes he was Japanese.

I think most of us fulfill the first one but the other two are extremes that were created for Japanophiles to have something to look down to.

>> No.3051372

x weeaboo
o wota


>> No.3051376
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Maybe just a little...

...okay, nah.

>> No.3051381

Do you even KNOW what a folder is?

>> No.3051383

If by weeaboo, you mean loving Japan so much that I want to be Japanese, then no. I just feed on the carcasses they shit (anime, VNs, Touhou, doujins, etc.)

>> No.3051386

On one hand, yes. On the other hand, I'm better than those other weeaboos.

>> No.3051393

Good god man.

>> No.3051447

I'm not sure which is worse, being one, or denying that you are one, when you know full right that you're a bloody otaku.

>> No.3051463

I don't deny being an otaku (i.e. a shut-in that obsesses over an aspect of Japanese culture), however I do not think Japan is superior or wish I were Japanese, which form part of the definition of Weeaboo.

>> No.3051482


I hate Japan and refuse to learn their language. I only give a shit about Touhou, VNs, manga, their games, and some anime.

>> No.3051491

Let's see

I have some figs, I have a japanese blog, I have a shelf full of JP PS2 games, and I'm browsing /jp/ at 11 pm on a Tuesday.

And I don't like the term "weeaboo" because it's inaccurate and depicts "wapanese" which is racially offensive, and "otaku" is also inaccurate because it has a more detrimental meaning in Japan. "japanophile" is acceptable, though.

Let's just go with "faggot". I'm happy with that.

>> No.3051508 [DELETED] 

Honestly, I love VNs and I listen to their OSTs when I go outside. I have a few figures and posters in my room.
I think I actually was a fucking weeaboo a few years ago. There's still a fuckload of manga that I bought back then and I have no idea why I actually got them.
If I look at some of my old 'friends', I'm pretty sure I'm not a weeaboo. Japan doesn't interest me at all.
All the old 'friends' that I had watch anime "because it's anime and it's superior NIPPON" and are now talking like that "Hey Kisamas"-copypasta and it pisses me off so bad.

>> No.3051520
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Nah, just a guy that wants to be a singing little girl.

>> No.3051656

I wish I was a japanese school girl ^_^

>> No.3051662

This thread's subject is not sugoi enough for the OP's image.

>> No.3051671

I've never seen your tripcode before, but I know i'm going to hate you.

>> No.3051689

You should just filter retards that piss you off, you know.


>> No.3051693

I consider myself sugoi

>> No.3051701

You're an idiot. What you described is a definition of Wapanese.

The term Weeaboo evolved a long time ago, and now it's just basically another way of saying Otaku.

>> No.3051713

"Weeaboo" is an old 4chan wordfilter for "wapanese".

>> No.3051716

I am sugoi.

>> No.3051720

I forgot to mention that.

>> No.3051727

I'm a SUGOI otaku.
I can't be a weeaboo because I'm not white.

>> No.3051734

From your post, it sounded like you were calling !Nipaa0mi0. an idiot for thinking they were the same thing.

I'm just saying that they are the same thing is all.

>> No.3051735

I only come here to read the ronery/NEET threads, they cheer me up and make me feel less pathetic.

Other than that I do watch a bit of anime (just One Piece at the moment), I fucking loathe Japanese pop music and love to troll actual weeaboos.

>> No.3051738

sugoi sugoi

>> No.3051756
File: 259 KB, 321x400, dawsonisnotamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly intriguing.

>> No.3051759

They used to be the same thing when it was just a wordfilter, but later the meaning of the word weeaboo changed, while wapanese stayed the same.

>> No.3051764
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool too.

>> No.3051765

[citation needed]

>> No.3051767


Only in your mind Anonymous. Everyone else knows they are the same thing. Next you'll be telling us lolicon doesn't mean pedophile.

>> No.3051776

Lolicon is that stuff I fap to. And since I definitely don't fap to pedophiles, lolicon doesn't mean pedophile.

>> No.3051777

You mean you fap to lolis.

>> No.3051802

I practically never see 'wapanese' used on 4chan but 'weeaboo' is very common. The latter word has replaced the former.

>> No.3051806

But Miku is so moe, why would you want to filter him?

>> No.3051807

I still almost always use "wapanese" myself because I find 4chan terms distasteful.

>> No.3051808

That's only because there's no Wapanese on 4chan.

Or maybe there are, in /trv/.

>> No.3051816




You're not getting this, are you? It was a wordfilter. They mean the same thing.

>> No.3051823 [DELETED] 

The same reason I don't use "lulz" and all that jazz.

>> No.3051825

I don't like the term Wapanese. Sounds too harsh. Weeaboo is much better.

>> No.3051833 [DELETED] 

The same reason I don't use "lulz" and all that stuff.

>> No.3051832

Seriously, guys, what is our subculture called? Otaku?

>> No.3051836

The same reason I don't use "lulz" and all that jazz.

Also, I posted this like three times just now and couldn't see it for some reason.

>> No.3051839
File: 84 KB, 368x245, mikufascinating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeaboo in denial.

>> No.3051840

Otaku is a derogatory term meaning a shut-in that is obsessed over something. In our case we are quite obsessed with an aspect of Japanese culture, so I think that the term fits even if it really is an insult.

>> No.3051842


>> No.3051846


I watch anime, read manga, and I learned a little Japanese. Now all that's left is actually going to Japan.

>> No.3051849

I don't like to think of myself as being part of any subculture. I just like visual novels and 2D women. That doesn't necessarily mean that I have anything in common with anyone.

Subcultures are for subhumans.

>> No.3051858


>I just like visual novels and 2D women. That doesn't necessarily mean that I have anything in common with anyone.

Not even the aforementioned liking of visual novels and 2D women? That's all a subculture is, sharing something with others that mainstream society doesn't share.

>> No.3051862

>Otaku is a derogatory term meaning a shut-in
That's a hikki/hikikomori, you know.

An otaku has an obsession over something, not just anime, manga, or games.

>> No.3051877

Closet weeaboo.

>> No.3051880

Hikikomori is someone that never leaves his house/room. I think that otaku implies a lack of social skills and contact with other people but not to the extent of a hikikomori.

>> No.3051912

Isn't an otaku someone with an obsession of a certain hobby?

>> No.3051908

you (referring to someone of equal status with whom one is not especially close)

>> No.3051916

We can argue about this for hours.

>> No.3051922

Nevermind this post...

>> No.3051927

Yes, but the word implies an obsession to the exclusion of socialization and personal hygiene.

>> No.3051929

>Hikikomori is someone that never leaves his house/room
Thus, a shut-in.

>I think that otaku implies a lack of social skills and contact with other people but not to the extent of a hikikomori.
False. Hikki can stay inside their houses for extended periods of time.

Here are some truths:
An otaku can be a hikikomori. (Fascinated by something while being a shut-in.)
A hikikomori can be an otaku. (Being a shut-in while being obsessed over something.)
An otaku is not always a hikki. This is why we have 'otariman'. Otaku + salaryman.
A hikki is not always an otaku. These people have other issues and don't have any hobbies.

You are right when you said they had socializing issues, though.

>> No.3051966

I do consider myself one, though the day I heard a wal-mart employee bragging to his friend about making onigiri for his moms co-workers, is the day I decided to never interact with other nerds in RL.

Too many fucking losers out there, though my opinion really doesn't mean much considering I been unemployed for a year and just sat here for 2 days straight doing nothing but GSS.

>> No.3052562

For example, from NHK:
>An otaku is not always a hikki
>A hikki is not always an otaku

>> No.3052572

A word filter which is no longer active. You don't see people asking for hot duck pics or whatever.

>> No.3052579

Pretty much this anon.

>> No.3052588

It's a wordfilter that stuck. Weeaboo is used almost everywhere on the Internet now.

Trying to say wapanese and weeaboo have two different meanings is stupid.

>> No.3052603

I am, but I don't broadcast it to the world. There's something very unsavoury about Japanese culture that doesn't require elaboration, so it's best to keep it as private as possible.

>> No.3052616

I don't own shit, I pirated everything VNs, anime, manga. I don't have figs, I don't have a dakimakura. Heck I don't even have a poster or a wallscroll. So no, I don't consider myself weeaboo.

>> No.3052621

I pirate everything too, but I still consider myself a weeaboo. Just a very cheap weeaboo.

>> No.3052622

I don't think I can answer that myself, I leave those kind of judgments to others.

I don't want to be Japanese nor so I want to live in Japan but I do know Japanese and I play a lot of VNs/eroge and I mostly hang around Japanese sites. But to be honest, most people from my country consume a lot of American entertainment so I don't think that I am any worse then any of them.

>> No.3052631

More of a nerd than weeaboo. Japanese things are just part of my spectrum of interests.
Not weeaboo per se, seeing that I'm neither white nor desire to be japanese, but I'm a restrained fan. I indulge on my hobbies privately and won't be one of those obnoxious morons.

>> No.3052639

Otaku is a term originating in Japan pertaining to people that are Japanese. We should consider ourselves western otaku, as there are cultural differences between us and our Japanese counterparts.

>> No.3052655


Anyone who considers themself a weeaboo is a fucking faggot.

I have posters and wallscrolls. That doesn't make me a weeaboo, you fucking faggots. I don't go around like a little cocksucker going "gomen kawaii desu ne uguu nigger nigger nigger" like some fat fucking cosplaying cunt. Go kill yourselves, all you worthless fucks.

>> No.3052662

>We should consider ourselves western otaku
It is a loanword already.

Also, 'fan' best expresses the term 'otaku'. It's just the real meaning of the word is obscured when it hit English. 'Otaku' as 'someone obsessed with with Japanese animation and games' is now the definition.

Very far from the original.

>> No.3052665

>That doesn't make me a weeaboo
Sure it doesn't.

>> No.3052685

A weeaboo is 'a westerner who is an otaku, and at the same time, wants to be Japanese'.

Unless you want to be Japanese, no, you're not a weeaboo.
