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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3050934 No.3050934 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3050948

Useless language, useful only for beta testing MMORPGs.

>> No.3050954

You beat me to it.

>> No.3050994

i hate fags who start threads with "discuss"

>> No.3051008

Easy language with no Kanji. Suck it japs

>> No.3051010
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Easier = better

>> No.3051013

Why are some letters missing? And get me a Rikaichan for Korean, I don't even know one word.

>> No.3051017

Can't read VNs dirty corean

>> No.3051023

Harder = Better
Am I right?

>> No.3051026


>> No.3051027

what kind of shitty language needs 10 vowels?

>> No.3051037

Good luck with your 100+ Kanji guiz. I'll just be chilling here with a better language.

>> No.3051042

You could read corean translated vns like FH/A.

>> No.3051045

Korea Banzai

>> No.3051048

You can ignore the vowels with 2 short lines because they are 1 short line version+y in front. And op misses e and ä.

It still has some of the advantages contributed to kanji, easier recognition while reading by having more distinct shapes, since every new word consists of separate consonant/vowel combination units.

Kanji do that better of course.

>> No.3051056

I like the language that the second largest economy speaks. Seems like it could be useful someway.

>> No.3051063


>> No.3051075

>The economy of Japan is the second largest economy in the world,[1]

1. ^ a b "World Economic Outlook Database; country comparisons". IMF. 2006-09-01.

>> No.3051083

>Seems like it could be useful someway.
If anything, you should learn one of the BRIC languages

>> No.3051091
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Sejong the Great here, when are you japs going to adopt a modern writing system?

>> No.3051092

It's useless, you will never master the language as much as they will master english.
Not to mention it's the hardest market to deal with.
You don't do business with the japs, the japs do business with you.

>> No.3051120


China will pass them after this year. Japan's economy is supposed to shrink by like 14% this year too, but I don't even know how that's possible. That's insane. How can they possibly be suffering worse than the US?

>> No.3051142

Japanese teach Hangul for Korean in 1910.

>> No.3051148
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The history of the Hangul Alphabet


>> No.3051166

Many Linguist say Hangul is the best language in the world.
All good things are made in South Korea and Japs imitate us.
People all over the world respect South Korea except this weeboo board.

>> No.3051174

Many south Corea is eating dog, north Corea the superior force on planet earth.

>> No.3051180

I still don't understand this. People bitch at korea for eating dogs, but no one bitches at you for eating a cow, pig, fish, or rabbits.

>> No.3051191

None of those are dogs. What's so hard to understand?

>> No.3051192


You can say that about any language at this point. English is the language for everything important.

But I spend 90% of my leisure with Japanese media, a lot of which will take time to get translated or not at all, therefore knowing Japanese is very useful.

>> No.3051193




>> No.3051205

enjoy your depression with -7.5% growth lol

>> No.3051207

Obviously you never went overseas to muslim country

>> No.3051210

some of it is probably translated into korean though

>> No.3051230

Korean drink poop sake.

>> No.3051241

It actually makes more sense to be outraged over eating pigs than dogs, because pigs are more intelligent animals.

>> No.3051253

Pigs are fucking delicious. Dogs, not so good.

>> No.3051262

there are actually some mountain-villages in Switzerland were people that still eat dogs and cats

>> No.3051265

Slow death. And the fact that China's economy is growing without raising living standards, personal freedoms, etc. Proportionally speaking, China's economy is still incredibly shitty, as due to the size of the country it should be massively larger.

>> No.3051276


Personal freedoms perhaps, but how can you say living standards haven't been raised? Hundreds of millions have been lifted above the poverty line since the reforms of 1978.

>> No.3051279

Yea sure a small amount is translated into Korean. But what's the point of learning Korean to wait on some Korean translations, when you could just learn Japanese and play everything you've missed and everything that's coming out?

>> No.3051291

Ok, I'll correct myself. Living standards haven't been noticeably raised for a majority of the populace. People seem to get blinded by the incredibly vocal, highly advertised upper class of the country, and gain this assumption that everyone is living nicely. The distribution of wealth is too absurd to believe, without seeing it for yourself. I'm in China right now.

>> No.3051296

because it takes significantly more effort to learn jap than korean?

>> No.3051298

By the same token wouldn't it be significantly more worth it in the end?

>> No.3051321

No it doesn't.

>> No.3051439


>> No.3051448

sure is /kr/ in here.

>> No.3051721

taking years to learn how to read compared to 30 minutes?

>> No.3051740


You're forgetting the whole grammar thing. Also, Korean has fucking vowel harmony.

>> No.3051752

Just because you failed to learn kanji doesn't mean other people do. Korean also has more complicated grammar, offsetting the kanji thing.

>> No.3051918

the fact that non-special ed high school students in japan are still learning how to read should speak volumes about what a crappy writing system they have

>> No.3051952

No they aren't. Any child that wants to read learns how to read quite quickly.

>> No.3052005

Wait, don't koreans also learn chinese characters?

>> No.3052017

Yes, but they aren't used in writing very often.

>> No.3052265

so why do high school students still have classes for learning more runes?

>> No.3052273

Because some of them still can't do it. As I say, anyone who reads (novels etc.) in their spare time can read just fine. High school kids in Western countries get taught their language in high school too, you know.

>> No.3052324

I don't know what kind of retarded kids you went to school with but everyone I knew could read by 3rd or 4th grade.

>> No.3052384
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>> No.3052394

Now you're just trolling. Most children can't read everything until they are quite old. Like 14 maybe.

>> No.3052401


>some of them
All my classmates always study hard for their weekly kanji tests at my high school and they are all struggling with the new and weird kanji they study all the time

>> No.3052425

If you think Kanji is the hardest thing when learning Japanese you obviously don't know anything about the language.
Sure, it's a grind, but it can be learned in a few months.
Learning thousands or tens of thousands of words and the small nuances of grammar takes FAR more effort.

So no, Korean is not easier than Japanese. Especially since it has even more complicated grammar, and there are far less learning resources available on the internet about Korean.

>> No.3052428

But those kanji are rarely used. You can read newspapers and most entertainment media with only a thousand kanji or so.

>> No.3052434

Most kids have learned to read already at age 9 atleast. Still doesn't mean that they know what every single word in their language stands for. I still hear some synonyms that I've never heard of.

>> No.3052441

If we're trying to stay at the topic of comparing writing systems, I should probably now say that I'm most likely not going to see any "rare" alphabet even if I'm reading some novel

>> No.3052448

>you can read newspapers [...] with 常用漢字

>> No.3052453

Complex grammatical structures will still confuse children of that age, and their vocab will be limited. Exactly the same for Japanese.

Yes, because kanji are directly comparable to an alphabet...

>> No.3052511

Pretty much, besides names and locations.
