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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 332 KB, 979x1400, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30377779 No.30377779 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Old thread: >>30154638

>> No.30380958

I feel like Ride Japan onas don't get enough attention. I bought a few random ~$20 onas from them just to see what they're all about and the first one I tried (paipina long wave) shreks nearly everything else I've ever owned including an NPG ona that's triple the price. Maybe I just got lucky with the onahole lottery but I have high hopes for the other 2.

>> No.30381322

/jp/ likes to complain about their smells.
You know, the same group that have cum socks or leave their rank splooge to seep into their carpets.Also the same people who think cleaning onaholes after cumming inside of them is optional and want to see how long they can go without cleaning it.

>> No.30381532

I can say for sure that the Mouth of Truth is not for me. The tunnel feels good but those fucking teeth man. They left a big red scrape up along my shaft. Had to push through the pain just to finish

>> No.30381688

I don't think the ona regulars would be much for using cum socks lel. That's actually an interesting complaint though. To me it was one of the least smelly onas I've ever used (and I just took a big sniff from the other two in their bags, very little odor there as well). However, I definitely get a strong smell from Magic Eyes to the point where I take a paranoid shower afterwards. I wonder if there's a person-specific sensitivity to different manufacters' TPEs because I don't think very many people complain about Magic Eyes' smell. Maybe I haven't been in enough threads though.

>> No.30381801

Seamail is rough. Pretty much no one ever recommends seamail if you can avoid it. I unfortunately had to order an item via seamail cause airmail was suspended to the US but I'm one of the lucky ones and got it in two months.

>> No.30381887

Is 5-6 inches gonna break the Loli CQ Roll?

>> No.30382011

I wash my hole with the cheap handsoap in my bathroom, but I almost never wash my hands in the bathroom. I washed my hands in there today and kinda thought my hands smelled plastic vagina. Anyone else have this issue?

>> No.30382264

You can pull the teeth out

>> No.30382346

Nah, you're good.

>> No.30382451

Probably what I'll do. Still a bit disappointed though. I like rough stimulation but that shit feels like it's for masochists

>> No.30382541

Shoulda went with the soft version maybe.

>> No.30387126

Any bros experiencing longer shipping times than usual from fedex? (more specifically toydemon)

>> No.30387172

How exactly does one safely clean the Meiki Evo? Not just from cum stains, but general wear from cuddling and things like that. Definitely seems too big and too dangerous to stick it in your washing machine.

>> No.30387383

You have to get a sponge and pat it down if you wanna clean it.

>> No.30387985

Sounds simple enough. Any recommended soaps or sanitizers that I should use? And I'm assuming I just have to let it air dry afterwards, right?

>> No.30388020

At least wash up after taking a shit, you disgusting slob.

>> No.30388875

I normally take a shower after I poo, gets way cleaner

>> No.30388994

I personally clean mines with a sponge soaked in water -> laundry detergent with water -> then back to water to finish it off. Get rid of excess moisture with a towel or something and then leave it to dry

>> No.30389050

I can work with that. Thanks!

>> No.30389052

Shit is a ok lube in a jam.

>> No.30389201

You know I don't really see the need for tissues and cumsocks and things because when I leave the landlord will get it steamed anyway. Even after almost a year as long as I don't spray it in the same spot I'm good and the best reason to have a two ended ona.

>> No.30391307
File: 188 KB, 533x800, KimetsunoYaeba-Parody-Nezuko-Fang-Onahole-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to castrate my dick with this.

>> No.30391315
File: 47 KB, 795x429, storage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my very first onahole arrived in the mail today (Lolinco Virgo) but I realized that I forgot to buy a meiki bag or anything to store it in. I heard that storing it in its original box isn't much of a good idea, so would wrapping it in a clean towel work? or maybe in a clean shirt I don't really wear anymore?

>> No.30391677

honestly just anything that isn't porous, not a towel, ziplock bag would work fine, remember to powder your hole after you clean/dry it

>> No.30391757

Not in particular. Though I am curious if the drive knows what's in the box. All three orders I've gotten from them, the driver parks on the side of the house and runs it down the driveway and leaves it by the back door. Which has never happened to me before with FedEx.

>> No.30392252

Ive never powdered my holes and it doesn't affect the operation of it any.

>> No.30392317

Any recommendations for a good dual layer hole?

>> No.30392508

it's better for being stored, which is what the question is about. Also I think it's just nicer to handle when it's been powdered

>> No.30393824

So first time actually getting a proper onahole, bought the Ume no Ane #2, the sharkgirl one, a couple days ago and it's only just arrived today. To anyone out there looking at it, I gotta say it seems well worth the money. For background though; I've got chronic insensitivity/orgasm delay issues from a course of SSRIs a few years ago, so it takes a lot to achieve climax; this thing was referred to as a dick bully by some other anons and I can only imagine it's not as pleasant for everyone. Compared to the half a thousand dollar Tenga Flip Zero that I bought some time ago on deep discount for only two hundred dollars, this thing blows it out of the water easily.

>> No.30396876
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Is this a refresh or did they only update the box art?

>> No.30396941
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>> No.30398840

this anon again, does anyone have any particular way to go about cleaning this hole? its so tight even my drying stick is having trouble getting through

>> No.30400592
File: 1.64 MB, 1278x1049, sketch-1607430136701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anons, it's been a while since I last asked this but do you have any pics of your torsos/hips in clothing?

>> No.30401961
File: 318 KB, 1268x1218, cow (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pics of my doll I took earlier

>> No.30402475
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>> No.30406285

I'm curious to know whether you have a large collection of these for people to browse. I've been getting into the doll scene recently and I'm looking for outfit/lingerie inspirations.

>> No.30406879

>get so much southwest flight time I can get a free companion pass
>have no companion
>probably cant use for full sized doll which is something I would really like to use it for

>> No.30408072

I've got a shit tonne of doll images because I have no self control, though I have considerably less images of torsos/hips in clothing and that's why I made asked for other anons help, but i'll see about uploading what i've got somewhere soon, but for now check out the doll forum

>> No.30408268

Exact same happened to me and I had to take out the teeth.

It's not made for bigga niggas.

>> No.30408329

Thanks bud

>> No.30409136
File: 18 KB, 360x202, Brak_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks kinda pointless to me because the bottom and top teeth are completely flat and unsharp. I'd rather have a sharks mouth as I need maximum sensation and my strong as nails dick has multiple layers of skin that give hard protection like along the outer edge of your big toe. It's taken years to get it that way. I can even peel skin layers off my dick with a razor if I want to have a especially rad session.

The side teeth would be completely pointless.

>> No.30409542

what the fuck

>> No.30409857

Ah, you must be one of those melee wizards

>> No.30410243

anon has destroyed his dick to the point it's nothing but calluses

>> No.30410365

goddamnit i wish toydemon didn't ship fedex. having so much trouble with my shipment

>> No.30410600
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It's not destroyed obviously. I'm here. It's protected. It is a natural thing. Just remove the excess skin when you want.

>> No.30412057
File: 315 KB, 1963x679, pic unrelated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Ride Japan onas are made out of the same material, right? Does that mean that the only differences are size and tunnel?

>> No.30413593

fedex always delays during black friday season, i'd say the sheer amount of package especially for 2020 will delay any shipping carrier. Bought a keyboard that was sent through USPS and it's been stuck at the hub location for like 2 weeks.

>> No.30414177

Anon who reviewed the Anal Kaikin Gal Bitch in the last thread. Tried it out with Onatsuyu and it was okay as well. I prefer it with Meiki Bliss but either one of these lubes work. You just need to squeeze out all the air from the back chamber before insertion to enjoy it.

I ordered on Thanksgiving during their sale and it took about a week for fedex to get my package to me. Normally it takes me 2 days for TD to ship my package via Fedex but that's during other times of the year when it isn't so busy.

>> No.30415063

Weren't you the anon who also tried Student council president and said that it was much much better?

>> No.30415663

yep. the rigid ring at the entrance of the student council president gives it the sensation of actual tightness. the suction is also better. while the anal kaikin bitch has a narrow hole, the TPE is soft and is more flexible. it might be tight but you don't feel as strong a sensation.

>> No.30416339

can you even cum during regular sex?

>> No.30416575
File: 38 KB, 1024x683, a-laboratory-test-tube-with-a-green-solution-in-a-mans-hand-is-heated-over-a-fire-flip-2020-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you use to heat up your onahole, if you don't use a dedicated USB warmer?

I was thinking of getting a cheap test tube with a cork, filling it with hot water, lubing it up and putting it in there for 2 minutes or so.

>> No.30417071

Glass is an insulator so it'd take forever for it to heat up, by which point the water will have cooled down. I just use a water bath with a sous vide machine to keep the water hot

>> No.30417089

I keep my hole under a hot tap for a few minutes in the sink, flipping it around and holding the hole under so it can get evenly heated

>> No.30417099

That could easily melt your toy - glass gets super hot and it's not obvious how hot, especially from heat and open flame.

If you're putting boiled water in a test tube, it's actually pretty possible. I've used a hot water bottle to heat the outside of my toys, but again, it takes a while and doesn't do the inside well, so a test tube is definitely possible, but could get too hot.

I think it's a nice idea.

>> No.30417134

Always test the inside with a finger before your dick. You'd rather dry-burn your finger than your cock, one's a lot easier to put cream on.

>> No.30417800

i'm looking to buy a puni ana miracle dx soon. can anons provide me with reference pics? preferrably next to common objects for size comparison?

i will able to contribute and return the favor when i buy mine

>> No.30420481
File: 282 KB, 1080x1440, harem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried the other two Ride Japan onas I bought (pic related: Flickers Choice, CQ Roll Soft, Paipina). Flickers Choice was actually a bit of a letdown, the sensation was too soft and even though I noticed the flaps they ended up not doing too much for me. Paipina BTFOs it for $10 less. The CQ roll though, holy shit. I've been looking for a good uterus ona for a while now and this does a really nice job of it. I can feel myself popping in there so long as I approach it from a slight angle which isn't hard to do. It is possible to "miss" and create a bulging effect which is kinda hot although I'm a bit scared I'll damage the material so I try not to do it too often. Kinda regret not getting the CQ loli roll though, the uterus action on that one looks even better. Maybe once I've worn out this one.
From the ones I've tried, Flickers Choice seems to be made of a slightly different material than the other two. It's more of a brown instead of a pink and feels squishier too. So there's at least some variation.

>> No.30420649

If I'm not mistaken the 3 in the top left corner are all Miracle DX. I would be interested to see size comparison pics too though.

>> No.30421322

>he fell for the smell meme
I'm guessing you're supposed to use the spray after you're already going at it? I tried it cold turkey and nearly gagged

>> No.30421563

>glass gets super hot, especially from heat and open flame.
Oh I don't intend to heat it over an open flame, I was just going to fill it with whatever comes out when I open the hot water tap in my apartment.

I only posted that particular picture to pre-empt any worries that the tube might burst from the heat of hot water.

The bigger worry in that regard would be if the glass can withstand the physical stress of being shoved into a tight hole. Shouldn't be a problem if you use lube, but if the thing does burst in there, you gotta throw away your toy. Unless you're that guy with the callussed skin on his dick, he can probably fuck a hole full of tiny glass shards and enjoy it.

>> No.30421608

>burst in there, you gotta throw away your toy.
Damn, good point, dude. Didn't think about that. That's fair, dude.

>> No.30421780

>all the storage bags I bought were one size too small

>> No.30421789

have you had raw sex before? I'm kinda curious how women would react to having a dick with that kind of skin inside of them.

>> No.30422090
File: 74 KB, 600x600, fd6eef23d1ee6960e5693590d7c149bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have any pics of your torsos/hips in clothing?
Going for pic related. It may not arrive until January but I have a blue fluffy tail plug on order and am making a rabbit fur loincloth like pic related. Rabbit pelts are soft as fuck so this should be the ultimate mofumofu experience.

I can also use the tail for galil from upotte.

>> No.30422093

excellent taste, Anon
I too, enjoy big milkers
this was a haiku

>> No.30422457

never ever

>> No.30422501

Never ever what?

>> No.30422678

When I wrap my onahip in a towel, it makes for a very comfortable, if wobbly, pillow. The heat from my head and neck doesn't make it as hot as a real pussy, but it does get it to a temperature that isn't irritatingly cold when I stick my dick inside.

>> No.30422679
File: 236 KB, 1104x1584, IMG_6014_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is currently on its way
What do you guys think I'm in for

>> No.30422741

Besides tear/damage, how exactly am I supposed to know when it's time to replace an ona?

>> No.30422791

when it smells or looks like there's mold building up inside of it.

>> No.30423034

>Vagina depth: 11cm
I assume this is geared more towards an Asian market?

>> No.30423195
File: 881 KB, 1200x893, EkwAf08VMAAqk0y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the head being stimulated than the neck so this will do just fine
In fact I'd love an even smaller doll for my macro fetish, but can't find any other seamless dolls smaller than 50cm online

>> No.30423232

>paimon printout for an onahole
...I should do that. I don't have any hips or anything, I only got a lilith uterus, but I still want to do that

>> No.30423330

They're really not bad holes for beginners. I've been gifting them to people who never used onas before

>> No.30423408

Once you start getting urinary infections

>> No.30423889

If you're washing it properly, shouldn't that never happen anyway?

>> No.30424021

It's not just about washing/disinfecting it, you also need to dry it properly, so that there's no moisture where mold could grow

>> No.30424052

Mold or bacteria, obviously

>> No.30424094

Ok, but if you do it properly, shouldn't it never happen?

>> No.30424784

In theory no

>> No.30425302
File: 51 KB, 540x540, dna-onahole-drier-stand-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drying stand arrived with the stick broken in half despite my order being encased in multiple sheets of bubble wrap
I'm already assuming I won't be able to get a replacement...
Do you think I'd be able to just superglue the thing back together?

>> No.30425753

Sometimes. I save up for a few days if it ever comes around. Which is rare... Usually holidays.

She wasn't concerned with the actual dick actually. So indifferent.

>> No.30425806

If he was making some Liru jab, I wont stand for it. One day there will be wolf/fox/kemono dolls and accessories. I got a catgirl onahole and its pretty good.

>> No.30425854

FYI putting your lips around the hole and blowing up your onahole like a balloon a few times warms it up kinda nice.

>> No.30426679

Good lung training too.

>> No.30426935
File: 90 KB, 200x215, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember buying a hole like this a long time ago https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00JO9FECW
It busted at some point and threw it away.
It was super soft and fluffy, the shape was fun too. It fit quite well to the "tentacle thing sucking you off" theme.
I've seen some tentacle themed onas here and there but they always seem to focus on gimmicks with the texture. Or do they actually feel good?
I thought if I could find the ona mentioned above, and I did, but thought I'd ask if there would be anything similar or better with the described softness, looks or themes...?

>> No.30428432

Besides that schoolgirl one from toysheart, are there any other good lubes worth looking at?

>> No.30429285

Can I just use any anti bacterial cleaner? Are the ones sold on the websites specifically for onas any different?

>> No.30429286

Do you have some huge one or something?

>> No.30429445



Or the 55 Ideal clear-glide. It lasts a long time too.

>> No.30429563

Here is another one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0844HG6DP/ref=psdcmw_10786421_t2_B083V68RPP

>> No.30429582

I would love a quality doll with a prehensile tail as part of the skeleton system. Cat/fox/doggo accessory options.

>> No.30429628

#1 Best seller in 275g


>> No.30431474
File: 135 KB, 409x600, c1d70500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was an unexpected gem, 3300 yen for 576g of flesh makes this thing pretty meaty with nice pressure on the dick. The top left picture shows the internal structure where it's basically long wavy deep ridges all throughout which gives a really nice rubbing effect similar to the onsen hole, but without the looseness that hole has. It's also not so hard that you end up finishing in 10 minutes either. Only complaint may be that because of the deep ridges you either use thick lube or lots of lube else they kinda fall into the channels

>> No.30431566

Dunno its English name but it's 憧れの先輩の天才的な杭打ちピストン騎乗位 by Tamatoys (labelled as Tamapremium)

>> No.30431862

I wanted to buy that hole on black friday but it was sold out before I could order it. Waiting for it to return in stock on TD.

>> No.30435492

To add on to this, I also bought the Lilith Uterus Regular and god damn this is some good shit. It's my first Tomax hole and I always thought they might be overrated, but this feels really good. Only con I have so far is it feels like it eats lube more than my other holes. I've had to pull out and use a bit more both times I've used the hole. Other than that though, highly recommend

>> No.30435860

Are there any good onas for good cervix penetration play? Good resistance, alignment, length, etc.

>> No.30436277
File: 245 KB, 1500x1500, 1576310101138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strength training with 275 gallons of lube
>sky diving with 275 gallons of lube
>fishing up 275 gallons of lube
What the fuck?

>> No.30436357

If you don't mind the generic entrance, the one from hotpowers. Cervix is somewhere mid length of the hole so you'll always penetrate it.

>> No.30436593

Which one?

>> No.30436777

well I got a refund and will try and save the stick with some non-toxic glue, wish me luck

>> No.30438456

>Compared to the half a thousand dollar Tenga Flip Zero that I bought some time ago on deep discount for only two hundred dollars
You fucking what

>> No.30438578

Pics or it didn’t happen

>> No.30439035

Don’t add more lube if it starts drying. Use a little spray bottle to spritz water on your dick/in the ona and rehydrate the lube.

>> No.30439628


>> No.30439715

How does it compare to the Uterus Adulter?

>> No.30440156

addicted to vacuum witch pussy

>> No.30440228

Probably the best “pop-the-head-of-your-penis-through-the-cervix-and-nut-directly-into-her-womb-like-my-Chinese-cartoons” onahole is the Tomax Muses Arkhe in Soft. Very soft may be too delicate and it won’t hold the cervix structure as well. Regular would be much too firm a material for you to comfortably penetrate that tight little cervix ring.

I almost never use it. It’s got a bit of a weird tunnel shape, and if you don’t hit the cervix at the right angle, you’ll quickly squish right up against a wall of meat. It’s kinda hard to clean and dry. It’s a one trick pony and I’d never recommend it as a first (or only) onahole.

But HOLY SHIT is this pony good at that one trick. When you get through the cervix, it feels like popping through tightly pursed lips and your head is slurped into a snug little cum chamber. It’s probably a good thing the uterus is a bit tricky to enter because of you managed to hit it perfectly on every stroke you’d bust too quick. In the pre-cervix antechamber it feels a lot like the first half of a Lilith Uterus. After popping into the womb a couple times I’ll hand out in the antechamber for a bit to cool down and regain my bearings. Then when it’s safe you take that delicious plunge into the ona’s depths. But you have to be SURE you want strictly a “womb penetration” onahole. The Arkhe is not a general purpose ona or a multi tool. It’s not a normal ona with a uterus gimmick. It IS a uterus gimmick. I’ve gotta be in a particular mood for it. But when you want that “hentai protagonist” feeling I really don’t think you can beat the Arkhe.

Now if you just wanna pop through a gauntlet of snug “cervix-like” rings and chambers then go for the Tomax Dolphin. Get soft unless you’ve got a heavily calloused dick that you gotta peel like a carrot in order to get off. Ignore the retarded TD reviews. It’s very intense in my experience and I can pretty strongly feel each distinct chamber as I breach the “cervixes.” Each cervix feels like it’s in between the tightness/intensity of a muses Arkhe and Lilith uterus, but probably a little closer to the Lilith. It is a wildly different ona from either. The cervix rings are like making your gentleman sausage jump through hoops. It is not a “womb penetration” ona like the Arkhe. I recommend looking at the tunnel cross sections.

>> No.30440688

>Uterus Adulter
Don't know never owned that one.

>> No.30440804

I really want to try out a hard hole and the Tomax Dolphin with its multi-layerd cervices is tempting me.

>> No.30442177

Wow, I did not find it stimulating at all. Maybe I've been spoiled by the Lolinco or it's because the material was *too* soft in the CQ. Even switching to a different hole didn't salvage my session

>> No.30442280

Magic Eyes and Tomax really are top-of-the-line onaholes so I wouldn't blame you.

>> No.30443024

Guys I have a question. I want to use an onahole with VR but don't want to even consider those weird contraptions where the machine jacks you off. Instead, has anyone tried out any DIY solutions where you perhaps slot the onahole into a cushion or something so you can go hands free? Sorry if I didn't phrase it correctly, but I hope you get the idea.

>> No.30443140

theres always a 24 hour gap between me cumming in the onahole and me cleaning the onahole
the only thing that motivates me to clean it is a. the desire to use it or b. the knowledge that leaving it for any longer will result in becoming a breeding ground for giga aids
how do i stop being a disgusting fuck

>> No.30443172

I mean, surely you could just do it how you normally go hands free, except having a monitor Infront of you, you have it on your face in form of VR goggles. I don't see why you would need anything special

>> No.30443313
File: 98 KB, 600x800, 1607474833522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know how to illustrate it but with both my hands preoccupied with the controllers, I wouldn't be able to hold the onahole in place for the thrust. I think what I mean is I want to make some sort of makeshift gloryhole, where the onahole is in a static position and I can just go to town on it. I found this image in a VR thread over at /v/ so perhaps this is clearer.

>> No.30443749

I think fleshlight makes that pillow. Check their website.

Use them in the shower. That way all the cleaning stuff is right there.

>> No.30444186

Are shower faps fun with an onahole? Easy cleaning obviously, but how what does hot water do to the hole?

>> No.30444625

Thanks, that's what I had in mind. It's a lot more expensive than I thought though.

>> No.30444750

Bought a Tenga Flip Zero cus everyone said it was a decent size for someone with a less than average sized dick but I can't even get mine in it without it cracking half open. It's way too much work going in and out unless I take the slideguard off but then it's just opening completely like when you got to clean it. Any tips?

>> No.30448664

How do you bros dry your stuff? If using a microfiber cloth, I have those small square cloths that come with eyeglasses, those technically work right? Doing a google search for microfiber cloth I found a lot of them look thick/like a carpet texture and I’m scared those will damage a hole but I have no idea. I looked inside an onahole I’ve been using and the texture was all scratched up, I’m assuming from drying it a lot with cloths maybe

>> No.30448733

Is it safe to edge for 18 hours?

>> No.30448954

Develop a romantic relationship with your onahole so you feel the need to take care of her.

>> No.30449488

honestly i want something like this but
>11cm hole
i would rip it on accident

>> No.30449951

Dress it as Paimon

>> No.30450004

do they ship within the US?

>> No.30450255

It's really fucking hard to hit the cervix to be honest, I only got it to work for one session and that was it.

>> No.30451361

i wouldnt recommend it, any long pressure on your prostate can cause issues.

that plus the orgasm, even though strong, wont probably be able to outweigh the inflammatory pain after blue balling so long

>> No.30451401

two memory foam pillows and some bells would do the trick

>> No.30451440


>> No.30451571

Anyone with experience in buying onas at physical stores in Japan able to share some tips? What's the store with the biggest selection? Any places you recommend?

>> No.30456205

Thanks friend. I really want a good anal hole and Class President was disappointing. Hopefully Gal will be better.

>> No.30457456

Pretty much everyone agrees class president is crap (pun not intended), but after trying anal in real life it's pretty accurate

>> No.30458144

not him but should i get it anyway just for the insane tightness and for finally knowing what anal is like

>> No.30458291

I barely manage to explain my few onas to my gf but how do you guys manage to explain stuff like this or torsos?

>> No.30458495
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Alright, it's been almost 3 weeks now. I think I am ready for my final conclusion on the new Virgos

So in the end, I would say a direct comparison would be
Virgo Premium Soft > normal Virgo > Virgo Premium Hard
Since it's magic eyes, I'll start with the durability and quality control. So Premium soft's tunnel is slightly angled to the left and also moved like half a centimeter to the left too, while this by itself doesn't cause issues, since there's still enough material, but very rarely can make it seem like the material that is thin, while it's not true, it can make it seem like that, since I am also right handed, therefore my the ona is steered to the right, while my penis is pointing straight. But that's just a very minor issue, thankfully, but makes it apparent that Magiceyes's quality control is still luck of the draw. Also the poorly glue red entrance, which I had to manually weld back in place(it didn't fall out, but it would eventually if I hadn't intervened)
Premium Hard's Quality control seemed a bit better, but it also had an issue with the red entrance ring, in the case, a small chunk of the inner circle was semi torn off(not so much completely gone, but basically a small amount of material was missing in part of the inner circle and was moved to the center of the ring). But again, thankfully this didn't impact much this time around.
Interestingly enough, despite both of them suffering some kind of a flaw in the red entrance ring area, the material is actually quite good this time around.
For both Premium Soft and Premium Hard, which given Magiceyes's history when it comes to soft onaholes, is quite surprising, after all, I had the misfortune to buy Quattro natural girl, which literally fell apart after 5 uses.
But yeah, after 3 weeks, the insides are as good as new, very pleasantly surprised, so props to Magiceyes's for making a soft Onahole that doesn't fall apart instantly. Including the red ring of course, it still hasn't torn anywhere from use.
Only the outer layer has seen some abrasions, however, this I blame on myself because I sweat too much and a lot of sweat + friction + TPE is not a good combination(the only ones this hasn't happened to, to lesser or greater extent,is ikappara girl, somehow).
So yeah, in terms of durability, Magiceyes certainly upped their game.

Feelings wise, I think at the end of the day, Premium Soft wins, even over Virgo, because the contrast between soft insides and the hard red rings(already talked about how Premium Soft is basically a great hybrid between Virgo and Extra Virgin, but without the stupid Uterus that EX had). This results in a fantastic sensation, that is very pleasant, but not as intense as Virgo(this is somewhat debatable, because the contrast between the two tight and hard rings and tight and soft insides can be a bit too much, especially if you're really horny).
In regards to Premium Hard, well, it's like Virgo, but even less forgiving, since Virgo's insides are quite soft already. So sometimes this can cause my penis to just give up and deflate mid session, which is quite annoying to say the least. However, if you're looking for something like Virgo, but even more stimulating, then by all means buy it, because it's good at what it does and doesn't pretend to be something else, however be warned that it's not easy to stay hard the entire time (entire time in this case usually means about 45 minutes, that's how long my sessions are on average).
However, I thing I will say that Premium Hard does actually better than Premium Soft is Climax. After those 45 minutes pass, the Climax with Premium Hard is noticeably different, however, that doesn't mean I enjoyed the sessions more because of the Climax feeling just a tad better, but that's just me.
Putting them on a numbers scale is kind of meaningless, since everyone's penis is different(I myself prefer softer onas and longer sessions, but not too soft like Puni Virgin Fuwatoro)
But anyway, they're both really great, but Premium Soft wins for me for being even better than classic Virgo in quite a few regards, while Premium Hard is just not for me, or rather, it's not for long sessions.
So there you guys go
I'll be sure to make a post if either of them break or something happens to them.
I know a lot of you would ask if you should get either over Virgo.
Well, if you haven't tried Virgo yet, then buy normal Virgo, but if you already own Virgo and want the same formula, but with "different ingredients" so to speak, or felt that Virgo was lacking something (too soft, too hard, whatever). Then buy either of them based on your preference of Soft or Hard Onas.
Not sure if it helps, but the box of Premium hard is matte, while the Premium Soft's is shiny(and also in English if you get it from Otonajp(but only buy from their EU store if you're in Europe) because their Japanese store is terrible) or just get it from Motsutoys once it arrives in January if you don't like waiting(mine took 22 days to ship)

>> No.30458605
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Maybe don't get the Otonajp version if you live in countries like the UK
>Pic is the right side of the box of Premium soft

>> No.30458821

No, it's not tight in a good way but tight in a pretty painful way. You'll never use it again after the first time and it'll just sit there being a waste of money

>> No.30460339

To dry I use some tp and a sharpie. Wrap about 2 or 3 squares around a sharpie (any more and you cant get deep enough and soak up water) and push the sharpie in.
Repeat with fresh squares until you are satisfied.
Then insert a chalk drying stick.

>> No.30461170

Looking for some recommendations. I have the Atelier and it feels nice but kinda jerky. I also have Virgin Eight Loop Long but it's kinda boring and too uniform. Any suggestions? I was thinking of Lusty Hot Spring 2

>> No.30462143

Good review. I'll probably end up getting the soft whenever I retire one or more of my current set.
>stupid Uterus that EX had
I am so mad about that, how the fuck is anyone supposed to get in there? Ive tried stretching it with my fingers and widening it with a spoon, no luck. I'm about to take scissors to it but that would probably ruin it for good.

>> No.30462183

If your in Tokyo the two biggest places would be in Akibahabara. Theres two big stores there M's the green one and then theres LoveMerci the large red one in the middle of the district. They both have about the same amount to choose from but I would check out both since they are rather close to each other

>> No.30462435

To be fair, it is kind of realistic, but in a stupid way because cervical penetration happens very very very rarely, however it's kind of stupid to include at the end an already not that long of a tunnel, I mean the tunnel itself is 15cm, which is fine, but then the uterus is at least 3 cm long. So even if you are just 5 inches long, you will end up jamming against it (I am like between 5.5 and 6, so I just awkwardly push around it). Maybe it could work if you legitimately had a pencil that looked like a pencil, the you might get something out of that Uterus

>> No.30463847

does toydemon ship smartpost or not? i'm getting conflicting reports from fedex.

>> No.30464839

The biggest problem is that VR porn games have fucking awful controls for playing and wanking at the same time, especially if you have something that requires both hands, like a hip.

>> No.30465422

If I wanted realism I would buy TOMAX. I think it would've been fine if they made it just a little bit wider or even just have it be a tight ring similar to the new virgo's. It's a neat concept poorly done in my opinion.

>> No.30465457

just pay a hooker to do anal ffs

>> No.30465744

Fucking iincho-san's hole feels like I'm actually raping her due to how much effort I have to put into doing it. Especially of how her sphincter tries to fight you every step of the way. Feels weird, man. I don't want to rape my onaholes.

>> No.30466281
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>fucking a gross disease ridden 3DPD hooker instead of a clean silky smooth ona

>> No.30466292

Unless they've been wearing a buttplug all day or wrecked their sphincter, that's what anal is like until they relax enough

>> No.30466390

My drying stick broke. What's the best place to order a new one, when I'm in Germany?

I went to a local sex toy store (ORION) that sells dozens of different Japanese onaholes and western pocket pussies, but they don't carry any drying stick replacements. I even asked the store clerk and showed her one of the halves of my broken one, and she had no idea what that even is.

>> No.30466533

Yes, hence the raping iinchou-san part. My mind always snaps back of how I just blackmailed her into sex but at least obliged her request to not do it vaginally because she has a bright future ahead. It's not a good imagination to have.

>> No.30467640

Finally got around to opening up the hard and tight cyclist. Here are my thoughts:

Right out of the box, I really like the material. I like that it wasn't really tacky at all, even after washing. Not sure if they put some kinda coating on it, or if it's just the material. Also it has a pretty good weight to it but the hard material means it doesn't really flop around a lot like some other toys do. The labia are a little over exaggerated for my tastes visually, however, they are pretty good for some grinding/teasing action. So overall I liked them. And I really dig the little anus detail on it. Again, just nice if you're into tactile teasing kinda play. It's also semi translucent, so if you're kinda into x-ray type stuff that's plus.

As for the hole itself, this is where I gets harder to review as I haven't gotten to try out a lot of my other toys yet. So it's hard to compare. It definitely was pretty hard and tight as advertised though. Not sure if I would call it a "dick bully", but I suppose that'll have to wait a till I try out a few more to compare it to. I will say that I ran into some overstimulation a few times throughout the session, mostly in the head. And she definitely feels like she's trying to push you out, which kinda countered with the fantasy I had imagined for it, but I'm not really complaining. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty damn good experience. So I'd say it's worth getting.

>> No.30467715

Orion stores sell japanese onaholes? wow I should check out the local store just for fun

>> No.30467906

I've only ever used the tenga eggs/cups in the shower so far, but it's pretty nice. Sound of the shower kinda covers up any noise they might make. And it is quick cleaning. My advice is to just angle the water away from the toy, and not have it on too hot.

I feel like you'd just get little bits of tp stuck inside the hole, no?

>> No.30468337

true, I only use vr for 3d porn videos and not games
it's not that immersive, but it's better than juggling controllers and an ona

>> No.30468727

How would you rate masturbating with an onahole vs your hand?

Would you say the toy is worth it? Do you use it often?

>> No.30468840

If I can't use an Ona,i just don't touch myself at all, i refuse to use my hand anymore
>Would you say the toy is worth it? Do you use it often?
Yes and yes
Though it depends on what you get, there are some very good cheep ones and also a bunch of overpriced junk

>> No.30469239

If onahole is 10/10 a hand is 3/10, not to mention using your hand can fuck up your dick and sex life

>> No.30470038

I'm trying to stop using hand entirely to save my benis, since for a long time I was a no lube deathgripper. Sensation and healthwise ona is better. I haven't bought anything crazy expensive, the decent ones in the $20-40 range are easily worth it

>> No.30470100

First time posting in this thread.

I bought the Tenga Spiral Shell and Tenga Flex over that last year. They were nice, but I'm gathering they are pretty middle of the road.

I was considering the Tomax Lilith series. Either the Spiral Wave Hard or Uterus Hard. I want something significantly more stimulating.

I'm just curious on how hard IS hard? Is the uterus thing a gimmick or does it actually feel good? Is it too difficult to pop your head into the Hard Uterus version?

>> No.30470541

I've been using my hands this whole time, are onaholes game changers?

>> No.30470557

They were for me.

>> No.30471154
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Anyone have a list of european distributors for tomax? Really want a Succubus Ripple Hard before Christmas but motsutoys is sold out and Omochadreams want more then the price of the toy for shipping

>> No.30471196

What do you mean that's not a good imagination to have? I wish my imagination worked as well as yours. I have to make do with porn games and h-doujins instead

>> No.30471221

I just bought the Lilith Uterus. The uterus is absolutely a gimmick and not as good as other "uterus gimmick" onas out there. The cervix and uterus portion of the toy are way too small. Your member's head will barely fit into that space and you wont feel anything special.

The main channel of the Lilith is its selling point ironically.

If you have a calloused pp, you'll prob need the hard version. The regular suits me fine.

>> No.30471357

Smells like they're shipping direct from Japan

>> No.30471382

Thats what I figured

What are some good Uterus onas then?
I love that shit in hentai even if it's completely unrealistic.

>> No.30471551

>How would you rate masturbating with an onahole vs your hand?
I'd say the toy feels miles and miles better than just using your hand. I've got the death grip syndrome, so having a toy is definitely helping with that and is a totally different sensation.

>Would you say the toy is worth it? Do you use it often?
That's up to you as a person. Your hand will always be infinitely more convenient. With a toy, you have to clean, dry, and store it properly or it's money down the drain. And your living situation can complicate things as well (e.g. prudish family/housemates that you don't want to discover it). I personally don't get to use my toys very often because there are almost always people home, That said, I would say they're worth it. I think of it as a special fap, a treat once in a while where you can try some different positions out, build stamina, have a different experience, etc.

I'd say so, yeah.

>> No.30471565

Most of the time cervixes and wombs are used as a vacuum chamber for increased suction rather than an actual cervix fucking feeling. You have to find onaholes that are specifically designed for that sensation of fucking a cervix

>> No.30471671

It's not good because I don't want to imagine fucking raping someone in my damn bedroom. It's all lovey-dovey romance for me. I also name all my onas.

>> No.30471989

If you're on the smaller end like me (I'm right around the 5" mark). I recommend the CQ roll in soft. My review is here >>30420481
I'm not sure how well it stacks up against some of the other commonly recommended ones (Muses Arkhe, Kobukuro Uterus) but it's worth looking at since it's really solid for the price point. I will say though that it is oddly shaped, it has a flat bottom so you can lay it on a table and fuck it but if you prefer more normal-shaped/cylindrical onas definitely stay away.

>> No.30472126
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>How would you rate masturbating with an onahole vs your hand?
I prefer using hips/torsos due to the fitness aspect and because pounding an ass (real or artificial) with the full weight of my body at full force feels much more satisfying than just moving my hands up and down my peepee.

I did also have an onahole once, and I guess it was more stimulating for the penis than my hands, but I don't really care about that.
>Would you say the toy is worth it?
The hip? Absolutely, it's like a replacement for both a hooker and a gym membership, and it's cheaper than either.

The onahole? No, it was an interesting experience, but the slightly better penile stimulation isn't worth the tedium of cleaning it up after each use.

>Do you use it often?
When I feel like masturbating, I exclusively fuck my hip, I don't fap using my hands at all anymore. Otherwise I would feel guilty for not using my sex drive to make me exercise.

The onahole I threw away after using it 5, maybe 10 times.

>> No.30472690

Fair enough, I wouldn't want to imagine raping someone in my bedroom either. That's what a basement is for.
>I also name all my onas
Cute and wholesome.

>> No.30473090

i read dozens of reviews that said the venus real doesn't give enough stimulation and on my first try i barely lasted 10 seconds, time for some stamina training

my issue was that i couldn't stay hard for very long at all, i'm assuming this is because my hand fap sessions are very quick. would incorporating more edging and stretching out fap sessions train my dick to stay hard for a longer time?

>> No.30473239
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>I also name all my onas.
what are their names?

>> No.30473252

Did you get it in normal or harder though? Anything above normal is going to be relatively stimulating even fo rReal

>> No.30473304

i got it in soft. it wasn't particularly tight and my dick isn't particularly sensitive (circumcised) but that thing still professionally extracted a nut out of me.

>> No.30473413

Consider yourself fortunate then, most people usually have some level of death grip syndrome when they're moving to onaholes hence soft holes are considered too low stimulation

>> No.30473455

What lube did you use?

>> No.30473587

shibari from amazon, it worked well enough

>> No.30476783

am i retarded... i dont know how to use this thing. i got sujiman lolinco. i lubed it and tried to stick my dick in it, got like halfway and couldnt seem to penetrate further, tried to force it and then went soft

is this just severe death grip syndrome

>> No.30477137
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Just started Evangelion recently, enjoying it so far

>> No.30480031

Yo what's top right? I wouldn't mind a full hip to put my Tomax holes into. Thanks

>> No.30480330

That's my image actually, surprised someone saved it. It's Secret Peach Butt Training Diary, I'll shill it again since I think it's really convenient as it makes cleaning hips way easier and you can use different onaholes with it. It's sorta expensive for a hip without a hole but I think it's a great.

>> No.30480807


Rad thanks! I actually have the puni ana miracle dx and I modified it to allow me to place my Tomax sleeves inside. Let me tell you that it's the best ona experience I've had bar none.

>> No.30480917

Just checked the price. Damn! I'd nearly go with modifying the larger hip like I did for that price.

The dream would be to modify the Real Body Julia to allow the Tomax sleeve. I can imagine that would be amazing too.

>> No.30481708

You might not have lubed it enough. I used to use like a drops worth and while I didn't experience your issue, I still had problems enjoying some of my onas. Now I use a marbles worth and it's good. The lolinco might also just need a bit of widening to fit your cock better, in which case you'll probably have to use it a few times more before you really start enjoying yourself.

>> No.30482067

Any opinions on the Muses Arkhe vs the Venus Real? I have the Venus and thinking of getting the Arkhe as the canal and entrance looks more realistic. Opinions?

>> No.30482148

Anyone actually have any of this Eva stuff?

>> No.30483020

Tunnel is awkward as hell, you'll end up jamming your dick below the cervix which can cause it to tear

>> No.30484091


Oh really? Hmm. Any other points or comparisons with the Venus?

>> No.30484281

You can see it from the tunnel structure how you can bottom out with the Real even if you have a huge dick, but unless you're a dicklet you're gonna be stabbing that back area and tearing it pretty quickly. Sometimes I manage to get my dick aligned correctly in which case the womb fucking sensation is really strong, like a popping sensation, but the tilted womb design means it doesn't really happened even if i try tilting the hole and stuff. The Arkhe has a more exaggerated g spot compared to the real too so it'd probably feel more stimulating than the Real, and thanks to the womb it'll have a stronger suction effect.

The tilted womb ruins it to be honest, and I'm reviewing it as someone who bought a second Arkhe in Soft after I tore my Very Soft within a month

>> No.30484287

Anything new and exciting in the ona world?
Last purchase was the Muses Arkhe, but I tend to use my Lilith hole since its easier to hold.

>> No.30484649

Tell them to deal with it if you have confidence in yourself.
Or tell them it's better than buy copious amounts of cocaine.

>> No.30484764

I just don't see plush dolls being in anyway hygienic or not massive pains in the ass to clean.

>> No.30484818

Yeah it’s kinda wonky. If you still have one, give it another shot. It’s kind of got a learning curve in my experience. I hit it much easier when the ona is flipped over into “doggystyle” position and I got at it at an angle. And I’ll squish, bend, or otherwise manipulate my Arkhe in order to penetrate the uterus part. I only got one because TD didn’t have anything else at the time and I figured you can’t go too wrong with Tomax. Like I said, it’s kind of annoying and I rarely ever use it. But it’s very good at being a uterus fantasy type ona, if that’s your thing. It’s not a fetish of mine so my Arkhe mostly just sits in a shoebox.

But... once in a blue moon...

When I am of a mind to use it, I don’t merely nut—my willy goes supernova.

>> No.30485148

Thats... kinda an exaggerated version of what I do. I have a slightly sentimental attachment to my onas, like you’d have to any good tool. So I’ve developed a fondness for them. Because of that, I want to take care of them. Like hand washing a good knife and keeping it in a knife block instead of running it through the dishwasher and keeping it in a drawer. Or cleaning and lubing your guns after going to the range.

You’ve gotta take care of your tools.
Especially if you’re gonna put your penis in them.

>> No.30485270

I tried the Puni Ana DX Kiwami today, holy fuck the 5.7kg of ass and pussy falling on your dick feels great in the cowgirl position. Especially with the internal bone structure keeping it from being too jiggly for more of a controlled humping. Both holes are unique with the vagina tunnel having more resistance due to the dual layer, while the anal hole is softer and easier to penetrate. As of right now, I prefer the pussy due to the ribs and little uterus it has at the end.

Washing wasn't that bad since I just brought it in the shower with me. However, drying the inside of the anal hole is a pain since it goes pretty deep. Now I'm tired and hungry after everything is said and done.

>> No.30485765

I've seen the Eva dolls before. Are those actually available or custom made?

>> No.30486113

Well... the Tomax Venus Clone in regular is nearing dickbulli territory for me. I’m uncut and fairly sensitive... but the toy demon reviews for the clone in regular tend to agree with me. It’s pretty fucking intense, sometimes overly so, but juuust barely soft enough to use comfortably. As long as it’s kept well lubed.

The Lilith uterus is fucking amazing 10/10 onahole, but the uterus in and of itself doesn’t really factor into it. It’s more like a little ring near the end of the tunnel that glides over and caresses your head. And the “womb” is just to create some suction and be a nice place to nut into. It’s not like popping through a snug sphincter and penetrating a separate chamber. For that I’d get an Arkhe or something.

Now... It sounds to me like you need to use onas exclusively and stop using your hand so you can re-sensitize your lil fella.

>> No.30488904

Have you used any other hips? If you have how well does it stack up against them?

>> No.30490413

thx i got it to work, i just didnt lube in the right places, i followed what the guide said, to pool it around the entrance, and i only had to use a tiny bit this time.

>> No.30491230


That's a shame to hear, I wish they made that design but had it straight instead of curving, I wonder why they did it?

Have you found Soft to be stronger? The Very Soft / Rich Soft texture is typically weaker I think

>> No.30492669
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Anyone know where I can buy these masks for the plush dolls? Not this exact model because it's kinda freaky looking, but I want to know what other options there are

>> No.30493175

it's way easier to clean because the ona is removable and interchangeable
also the plush can be steam cleaned with a hand held steamer or a clothes iron on steam mode and light detergent scrubbing

>> No.30495456
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I am disappointed, but not surprised at the same time

>> No.30495518

Everyone is getting baited by the power of TSYOUKU. If its actually a decent hole I will be surprised

>> No.30495660

I'll wait and see how it is.

>> No.30495793
File: 1.55 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20201209_232333743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, so I posted about a week ago about buying the Yelolab EX OPPAi Z Cup breast toys, and I have to be honest, these are gigantic stress balls. These are not particularly arousing to the touch, to me. Sticking my dick between them might prove fun for all I know but thus far I'm just promising that these are not the boob toys you buy in order to review as "realistic".


I wish I'd bought these instead, since they're much, much cheaper and they're renowned for being lifelike.

I'm a lover of enormous tits, Milena Velba type proportions, and honestly, these $600 Z Cups absolutely deliver in terms of size, but beyond that I don't find them arousing enough to feel like they earned the price tag. I might just need to get a girlfriend.

>> No.30495898

>Rune's Pharmacy
Wait a minute, isn't that a game?

>> No.30496417

WOW, okay I'm a fucking idiot, the entire point of owning these is to stick your dick in between them. This is my first breast toy. I'm an uncircumcised goyim so I didn't even need lube to simply slip my thing in between them while watching Language School with Milena Velba, Hitomi Tanaka, and Anri Okita. And it was glorious. If I wanted to fuck them aggressively, I would need lube. As I'm doing now, I just pressed both titties against my dick on and off, and no matter how unrealistic and rubbery these tits are, it's awesome. I still could have done the same without having to pay $600 for some smaller honkers, but whatever. Aside from how difficult it is to hide the box these came in, I'm gonna be using them for a while.

>> No.30497206

That's what I mean, the insides of it look terrible and boring

>> No.30498755

You can just buy a decent magic eyes onahole and then buy Halloween vampire teeth for like $5.

>> No.30498880


Wtf is this? How to make it?

>> No.30499316

Their on kanojotoys

As long as you don't soil them and do what the other anon said you'd be fine, plus you can put them in a body stocking/zentai and just clean that, like you would for a bed cover

I know you can pick up realistic masks from kanojotoys, I've seen them pop up when I've looked at air dolls on their

>> No.30499378

It's a cut out he puts on an onahip and he's got a motorised thing that he attached the hip to/just put the hip in front of

>> No.30501989

People have been buying the shark onahole after some westerner did a review on it. Real tough hole with spikes

>> No.30511222

Yeah there are tiny little scraps that i can see. Call me a degenerate, but little bits and scraps don't bother me much. I assume it comes out during the next session or the next wash.

>> No.30512895


>> No.30513774

Yeah but that doesn't come with the sexy box art.

>> No.30514876

any recommendations to buy in south america? i am looking at my local stores but they sell generic stuff, they look ok but this is my first ona so i dont know.
the ones that picked my interest

what do you think? i dont like the idea of importing a hole since my country fucks you with taxes and im afraid of the hole getting lost somewhere in the way (the mail sucks here)

>> No.30516291

gotta admit your selection there is pure trash

this seems similar to a popular one from amazon

your other options are from tenga like these

>> No.30517075

tenga is 1 use only right? fuck that
so my only option is to import one i guess, i`ll make some reaserch but what holes have the best quality/price in your opinion?

>> No.30517603

Okay Anons, I want to buy my first onahole. Lolinco virgo ones really cought my attention, since a lot of anons said that it was one of the best onaholes. I have seen in Motsutoys 3 models:
(Yep, i have seen what this anon said >>30458495 "Virgo Premium Soft > normal Virgo > Virgo Premium Hard" i can take that as a valid ranking?)

Sencondly, I REALLY love Yukikaze, adn this onahole of her seems interesting:
Can anyone tell me if this onahole is worth? And should I buy on OtonaJp europe (I'm from EU, as long as i have seen, seems that otonajp shiping takes forever, it's the same with the Eu shop?)

>> No.30517728

the flip one is multi-use. technically the "cups" are designed to be single use but you can definitely reuse them.

>> No.30518292

I feel like little scraps of moist paper inside your hole is just asking for trouble, that's all.

>tenga is 1 use only right? fuck that
The cups and eggs are are meant to be one use only. But if you clean it properly you can get a few uses out of it.

>> No.30519991

After I use a chalk drying stick, my onas are bone dry. But if there's an alternative to tp that is just as convenient, I'm interested.

>> No.30520789

Does an onahole feel better than my hand?

T. Wizard

>> No.30521517

>Their on kanojotoys
Neat. Thanks!

>> No.30522913

No, these products were made for disabled people and military veterans who no longer have use of their hands.

>> No.30525506

See, as I have said in that post above, if you know what types of onaholes you like, then choose based on, but if you haven't tried Virgo line at all, then the normal Virgo is a good starting point.(I prefer normal/softer onas, hence why I thought Premium Soft was simply the best out of the three)
In regards to Otonajp, their EU branch is fine, it just a while for them to ship it(for me, it took 23 days to get to me(ordered it on 28.10, arrived on 20.11.) and you don't get free shipping above a certain price point, unlike with Motsutoys, however, Otonajp is for the most cheaper, just don't buy from their Japanese store, only the EU one.
Unfortunately I don't know much about those branded Yukikaze ones, disregarding the insides looking quite nice, most "branded"/parody onaholes are quite bad and rely on the source material

>> No.30525545

Apologies for the typos, I hope it got the message across nonetheless

>> No.30526121

I finally caved and used my own Kiwami. Agree that the vaginal tunnel has a few extra things going for it but I actually like the anal tunnel more because of DAT ASS. Both are great though. My only regret is that I don't know that I should have dropped $200+ on a sex toy. Not that I can't afford it but I just feel like I'm being over indulent. I am planning on using this hip for cardio like /fit/ anon though so hopefully it will actually help me to stay healthy rather than just be a glorified dopamine button.

>> No.30527183

>Gifting people onas.
Do these people still talk to you?

>> No.30527737

I tried microwaving a lubed up ona once, for like 10-20 seconds (can't remember).
It was pretty good. Definitely better than those USB warmers.
I can imagine it will damage the material if done too often/too long though.
Might be worth a try if you have an old ona lying around.

>> No.30530917

some onas have material which splits under too much heat, don't do this

>> No.30533427

Since it's your first, I'd say just go with the regular since it's a good in between material. I will say though that the lolinco toys, and the virgo in particular, are an absolute pain in the ass to clean. In terms of sensation it's definitely one of the best I've ever tried, but just be sure you're prepared to take the time to clean and dry it properly. It's more work than any other ona I've ever owned, and that includes a full sized torso. Personally, I'd recommend getting something from Ride like the Tenka Ikketsu as a starter, as they are cheaper, significantly easier to clean, and more durable but it's up to you. As for the other ona, I haven't tried it so I can't say for sure, but the general rule is that parody onas are almost always garbage.

>> No.30534480

What's the one with the Shimakaze cosplay called? It looks pretty good.

>> No.30540111
File: 884 KB, 892x845, puni ana sukesuke dx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had a hip before, can any anons vouch for this one? I just want it to be heavy enough to be immovable while thrusting

>> No.30544464

Is it just me or is the one you want always out of stock?

>> No.30546047

>enjoy my MoT and Virgo last week
>haven't felt like fapping in days
shit what happened

>> No.30547073

In my experience hips aren't worth it. I have the hard version of puni ana and it's a fucking pain to clean and dry. It's easier and cheaper to just strap an onahole to some pillows or w/e you have with a belt.

>> No.30547874

I started the cum holy grail stack last week and my balls have been noticeably fuller
today I used my new Anal Gal Bitch and busted a much larger load than usual, plus the orgasm felt better too
overall I am glad this general thread exists on this board, keep it up bros

>> No.30547899

>cum holy grail stack

>> No.30548921

Where can I get a cheap doll that’s not shorter than 5’2”? Not even for sex just for cuddling and helping me sleep at night

Kimber doll is like $500 but I want to find cheaper options

>> No.30550303

Its a bunch of supplements that you can take that will increase how much you cum you produce. I used to take it for a while and it was noticeable. I kinda stopped since i just got lazy and dont move around as much due to the lockdown

>> No.30551319

Maga Kore Z Ton Maji Hada Mesudachi's Body

>> No.30551587

Some madlad bought that thing? I am a fan of that hentai but don't know if the doll would deliver

>> No.30556616

Can I put multiple toys in one big toy bag? Or will the toy material not like it if they rub on each other?

>> No.30558745

What's the point of a loli doll that does not allow you to go balls deep inside her tiny body?

>> No.30558830

I do that, but I always put a bit of baby powder in the bag too

>> No.30558833
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>> No.30559195

Thanks gangsta. I always powder my toys afterwards. But never really thought about the toy material conflicting.

>> No.30559421

For silicone dildos and other silicon stuff you're supposed to keep them separate because the materials interact with each other at least, dunno if other materials have a similar issue

>> No.30560087

Aren't onaholes traditionally silicone?

>> No.30560405

generally, it's advised not to. There are the concerns of >>30559421, but there's also the idea that if one of your holes isn't cleaned correctly and gets gross/mouldy, it'll spread to your other holes.

I'd just buy the smaller bags, then you can lump them all in one big bag when they're sacked themselves.

>> No.30560551

I thought they were TPE? Admittedly I have no interest in getting a doll so I haven't paid attention to the TPE/Silicone discussions much

>> No.30560560
File: 555 KB, 2048x1367, peak_wholesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I had a gf I wouldn't be buying fake silicone women, I'd just fuck my gf.

>> No.30560642

The whole "i also want to orgasm during sex" discussion is not something I'm willing to have again.

>> No.30560984

Not everyone's as selfish as you are anon

>> No.30562789


>> No.30563838
File: 260 KB, 2700x2800, 55f38db1935617b94a1a6c912031a9d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't I just use a microfiber towel for drying?

>> No.30564560

I used to be in a LTR and I stilll had a Daki and a cpuple onaholes.
The only reason I never bough a doll is that no girl would accept a doll.

>> No.30565228

If you can get it inside without damaging anything, sure?

>> No.30565363

Yes, that's recommended. Cleaning sticks are just thin microfibre cloths on sticks.

I would argue that sticks are way better for internals, it's just easier on stuff like the Lilith Uterus, but you can use just a cloth on the internals of the Mouth of Truth.

>> No.30566323

Huh, ok i didn't think you could use Onaholes for stamina training. I've tried the fleshlight stamina trainer and hated have to clean and use it for the most part.

I've seen some interesting review on a tenga toy that opens up so you can clean it but i don't know how good it feels, and then on here i've seen something on the Zxy feeling good but it also seems fragile and then the venus clone seems like it also feels great and is more durable. I've also seen some toys with a vaccum suction thing that you can get just by squeezing it?

Does anyone think a toy having a vaccum effect increases the stimulation that much? I really just want a good toy that i can train my stamina with but also won't break and isn't too intense to take care of or clean... Is that even possible? Also i'm about 8inches and any recommends on a durable toy that feels good would be much appreciated

>> No.30567326

>The only reason I never bough a doll is that no girl would accept a doll.
You would be surprised

>> No.30568954
File: 59 KB, 602x602, japanese_schoolgirl_scalp_scent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you degenerates bought a smell bottle? Do they work? Can I make my daki/doll smell like a girl? I am really turned on by strong female odors.
Really? Please elaborate.

>> No.30569137

how bad of an idea is it to dump all these tubes of sample lubes into a bottle after it's empty?

>> No.30570052

Seems perfectly reasonable. You can try it out at a smaller scale - just mix a few in a cup and see what happens.

>> No.30570075

Its all the same stuff just in different viscosity

>> No.30570113

It's almost never real odors, you're better off just buying perfumes

>> No.30570131

I had a girlfriend who was just as degenerate as I was. We would use my doll in roleplay sessions

>> No.30570651

I have to disagree. Perhaps that hip isn't worth it but I got the cheapest one I could find, the Hatsujo Gal Endless Fuck (god that feels silly to type out), and every time I use it I cum harder than with nearly all my handhelds. It's not that much harder to clean and dry than, say, a lolinco either. I'm not trying to shill for this hip in particular, there are probably better options out there, but just saying that in my opinion hips are very much worth it.

>> No.30570732

Would you/someone mind posting the infographic?

>> No.30570969
File: 86 KB, 601x569, Grail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here i took the top 3 with pygeum for a while. Do note that pygeum isnt for everyone and it might take a while until you notice changes

>> No.30571048

I'm currently about a week into taking a supplement mix that contains 500mg of arinine, can't say I've noticed any real changed yet to be honest but my Pygeum arrived today so I'm starting to take that. I heard it makes you leak precum like a tap as a side effect

>> No.30571081

Thanks, anon.
I've been doing kegels for a while now, mostly so I can piss super hard, so I'm part of the way there.

>I heard it makes you leak precum like a tap as a side effect
If so, please let us know.
I don't produce precum at all, so having something make it happen would be quite nice and help me not feeling like some statistical outlier.

>> No.30571189

You are sexually satisfied, good job.

>> No.30571453

How many onaholes is too many onaholes?

>> No.30571803

I would say if it's at the point where you're no longer using your older ones, as in still perfectly usable ones, but you're just not using them because you bought new ones

>> No.30571834

Gimme a number.

>> No.30571897

If you have more onaholes than the number of times you fap per week. For me I usually fap once per day Monday-Thursday then an average of 3 times/day Friday-Sunday so 14 would be too many.

>> No.30571919


>> No.30573343
File: 6 KB, 188x182, 1606734577073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best onahole of at least 35 euros?And which is the best european onahole mag?

>> No.30573419

So my catdoll just arrived, it's 130cm and would net me some nice prison time if I lived in Australia.
I think im now officially a degenerate.

>> No.30573538


>> No.30575369

Not sure if that would be a good idea anon

>> No.30575776

Just put it up against a wall, should be fine. I doubt you would get doxxed from showing your wall

>> No.30577594

Post pics

>> No.30578225 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 1607735818921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, here's a shitty pic. Skin is tanner than I though it would be so the blonde wig clashes.

To any feds watching, this is totally legal here.

>> No.30578336
File: 222 KB, 420x232, loli_police.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30580518

Ok, so addendum conclusion for Virgo Premium Hard, I'll just simply say that even with quite a bit of that Thick Kyo lube, it's still a bit too stimulating for me, so I simply can't recommend it for anyone who wants to last more than 15-30 minutes or anyone who's not circumcised. A bit disappointed really, but hey, I can't be mad at Magiceyes, after all,I should have expected a hard version of an already really stimulating ona to not be a slow burner kind of an experience. I might still use it though, since it would seem it could be good for "aggressive" sessions
Motsutoys or EU branch of Otonajp (if you don't mind waiting almost a month, but it's also a bit cheaper than Motsutoys). Just don't order from Japanese Otonajp, they're awful
>Of at least 35
Well, There's R-20 Puni by Toysheart, which is apparently quite good, obviously lolinco Virgo(and its two other variants). Pretty much everything by Tomax.... Mouth of Truth, idk, there's quite a few, you need to be more specific

>> No.30580544

can someone recommend me an onahole not so soft? i would like something more rigid, and i have no idea

>> No.30581760

I heard that if you use an onahole you can jerk off for 5 hours or more without cumming, does anyone know any onaholes good for lasting a REALLY long time? I'm circumcised and have premature ejaculation

>> No.30582124

Five hours? What the fuck are you, why?

Premature isn't 20 minutes, that's not bad pace. Onaholes can really help endurance and stamina training, but five hours? what even the fuck why

there's so much more you can do in five hours. I can't think of anything I do for five hours apart from sleep. god damn dude.

>> No.30582320

>He doesn't edge for 5 hours
Literally better than anything else you can do in that time.

>> No.30582805


>> No.30583406

>5 hours
uhhhhhh Venus real in soft?
Level 0 Ponkotsu Guardian?

>> No.30583582

All you have to do is not fap for like 2-3 days and you'll be shooting loads of thick jelly, no need for all this crap.

>> No.30584209

Why would you want a bigger load? That's just more cleanup isn't it

>> No.30584842

Just microwave the lube a little, not the whole thing

>> No.30585271

>fap for like 2-3 days

>> No.30586779

Bros... why is the Onatsuyu ~$18 on all US sites when it’s $6 on Amazon.jp? Sorry if it’s been asked before but I haven’t seen anyone ask

>> No.30587860

Any US/non jp site will mark shit up.

>> No.30588435

I've ended up edging for 3 hours because I was playing some hentai game but going that long is usually by accident

>> No.30589771

don't do this it makes mustard gas

>> No.30592077

Is there a particular kind of microfiber cloth I should get? I have a few but they're thick as hell and I feel like I can barely get them into the toy. Don't wanna end up ripping it.

>> No.30593261

I bought "young girl pussy" smell for my use, it just smelt like sweat and piss, which, ok accurate enough, and literal shit smell for a joke gift, don't know how accurate that is

>> No.30593376

How heavy should a hip be for it to not move around? i have a 1kg mini and I have to hold it down.

>> No.30597110
File: 219 KB, 1240x940, creampaimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These sizes aren't for the loli fetish, it's the micro/fairy fetish
literally just look at the first reply

>> No.30597874

>open this link without really thinking
>immediately close
christ, am I gonna get vanned now?

>> No.30597924

delet sys 32

>> No.30600002

Yes but that's over 300% increase in price compared to what Amazon jp is selling at... could buy 3 bottles for that price...

>> No.30604712

are you supposed to put powder / corn starch inside the ona? or just outside

>> No.30605693

Only the outside.

>> No.30607279
File: 876 KB, 480x480, 1606508399748.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One onahole for a beginner,hard or soft etc between 30-35 euros,If you can recomand me one?

>> No.30607287
File: 57 KB, 750x750, IMG_3552(20200701-164128).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inanimate objects should not be allowed to be this cute.

>> No.30608047

For a beginner? Well, R-20 Puni is a decent one for a beginner. I really want to say Lolinco Virgo(since it's my favourite), however I am not sure if that's a good idea, simply because you might accidentally break the insides if you're not careful when it comes to drying and washing. You could also go for pretty much any Tomax Onahole, since they are fairly easy to clean and durable. (However Tomax is somewhat more expensive, as well as Virgo, but they're worth it). But overall, if you're looking for around 30, then Virgin Loop is a great beginner one and so is Virgin Matchless

>> No.30610171

Holy fuck i want one too

>> No.30610725

my 4.5kg hip with a flat underside doesn't move to any noticable degree when I fuck it.

I've read like 20 reviews in both Japanese and English on the Puni Ana DX (2.2kg) and still haven't found a single one that clearly states whether or not you have to hold it with your hands to keep it from sliding away under you, which could potentially lead to dick injury.

>> No.30611122

>5 hours
I have a hard time cumming to the point where women get frustrated with the fact that they can't make me shoot my load no matter how hard they try even after I've been pounding them for like an hour, and I have no idea why you would want to take 5 fucking hours. My longest sessions with an onahole have been around 90-120 minutes.

>> No.30612431

Edging for 5 hours is different to being fucked raw for 5 hours to be honest

>> No.30614635

It's bullshit yeah, just buy it from Amazon. As much as I dislike supporting them their international shipping fees are way too good to pass up for books/lube etc

>> No.30616514
File: 715 KB, 629x758, 1607734850575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for explanation,any good tips how to clean them?beside sticks and etc

>> No.30617238

why do you import lube from Japan? Every drug store in the west is going to have a decent selection of different water-based lubes for a third of the price.
