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3043872 No.3043872 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys, i want to play this guy.


>> No.3043888

There are no choices in Umineko.

>> No.3043898

Only mental stability.
Believe in witches = Game Over
Don't believe in witches = Good end?
This is the true game in Umineko, many people here have lost it.

>> No.3043920

this guy pretty cool and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.3043933

I was going to get angry, but then I realized that if I did, then I'd be taken in by a troll.

>> No.3043939

Don't believe in witches = Bad end
Believe in witches & accept them = Bad End
Believe in witches & deny them = Good End

Battlers only choice for a good end is to make the witches his bitch, not be their bitch.

>> No.3043942
File: 39 KB, 642x482, Endless 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORT can't kill Battler discuss

>> No.3043945

Yeah, but that's for Battler, we're talking about YOU

>> No.3043946

I counter with:
ORT is Battler, discuss.

>> No.3043953

DON'T attempt any mixup games against Beato or you'll end up in aeral rave forever

>> No.3043959

I disbelieve in reality, my will appears to become infinitely big as in reality theirs is growing infinitely weaker. Then everyone loses, and as the next reality is created I am recreated as a rock for being a dumbass and ruining the last reality.

>> No.3043962
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Both wrong. The only Good End is the Battler x Beato end. Don't believe in witches is a bad end, and Believe in witches and deny them ends like Sparks Liner High in FSN where Battler fries his brain using magic he learned from Kinzo's books to defeat Beato.

>> No.3043968


>> No.3043972
File: 165 KB, 800x533, 3f21ff0b1352edd9afd6880043aa2ea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed battler just needs to make beatrice his. problem solved.

>> No.3043988
File: 123 KB, 500x500, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.3044009

Good end = Battler becoming a warlock then uses suggestions to make all the witches and servants slaves of his cock.

>> No.3044032

shit, i'd play it.

>> No.3044052
File: 192 KB, 480x640, 1248761232834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki can kill witches.

>> No.3044058

I'm waiting for either Xration or Fatalpulse to make a nice, cheerful Umineko-related doujinshi.

>> No.3044068

.99 repeating is equal to 1

>> No.3044071

if you mean ryogi, sure. she can kill concepts after all. tohno, not so much. he can't kill rumors and something that doesn't exist.

>> No.3044116

Yes it is, for that remark I shall now give you the proof.

.999... = 1
10a - a = 10a -a
10 X .999... - .999... = 10 X 1 - 1
9.999... - .999... = 10 - 1
9 = 9

>> No.3044121

I liked the end where the witches left him alone to enjoy his hamburger in peace.

>> No.3044163

great ending would be that there are witches, but none involved in murders on the island. Then battler proves it, saves beatrice in the process and we get BattlerXbeato end... guess im half an half...fuck

>> No.3044172


Sorry, but your step is flawed in that
>10 X .999... - .999... = CANNOT COMPUTE

You're dealing with 2 infinites. The calculation goes on forever.

>> No.3044184

There is no number between 0.999... and 1 therefore 0.999... is 1.

>> No.3044190

Thats EXACTLY WHY 9.99...- .99...= 9
There are infinite digits so even after moving it one decimal place still has one to cancel every digit but the changed one.

>> No.3044194


The process never stops and will always go on to the next digit.

You can't wave it off and says "oh it ends up as 9" because IT NEVER FUCKING ENDS.

>> No.3044195

I don't like Beatrice.

>> No.3044196


Umm, no. Learn some maths.

>> No.3044199

sorry bro but infinites don't work like that.
SUM[x:0->INF]9/10^x - SUM[x:1->INF]9/10^x=

>> No.3044205

Calculus is all about doing those infinite calculations, are you saying it's impossible for calculus to work? STFU and go kill yourself for not being a man and sucking as hard at math as a woman.

>> No.3044206

spoilers: Most girls I've seen succeed much more in math than the guys

>> No.3044209

spoilers: Most guys I've seen succeed much more in math than the girls

Great argument mate.

>> No.3044213


Anecdotal observation =/= evidence

>> No.3044238

Yuck, I thought it was wrong because you can't format worth shit.
should be SUM[x:0->INF]( 9/(10^x) )

Also with sums state the change size. The change x in this case is 1, but you should state it just in case.

>> No.3044248

sorry, this shit is such a pain to type without true formatting à la TeX

>> No.3044254

Look in programs>accessories>system tools>character map
you'll find some of them hidden in there.

>> No.3044268

oh snap! I'll keep that in mind next time I'll... have to mathematically prove something on /jp/ (_3_)

>> No.3044280

Moot should have made this board math&VNs, seriously that's all we talk about unless we're posting pics of touhou. Since he made it japan/general some fucking /s/ fags decided to make it their home, hence so much cancer.

>> No.3044302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3044436

,,,,,x = .999...
-10x = 9.999...
9x = 9

Herp derp, I don't understand basic algebra.
