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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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30271765 No.30271765 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread: >>29743548

>> No.30273263

Whos dick is that

>> No.30274031

Found a thread from 2010 discussing TMGS.

>> No.30274329

>Every male character is fugly, aren't they supposed to be handsome? Only one or two are acceptable. Fuck this game.
This post resonates with me so well, even though I disagree with them in this instance.

>> No.30276613


>> No.30277012

I'm definitely in there somewhere.

>No more bitches and whores, just lesbian Karen and hnng Mio
Tokimemo girlfriends anon, is this you?

>> No.30277269

Has anyone here played Bustafellows? I've heard good things about it except for the true ending and want to know how bad it is.

>> No.30286795

I'd like to know too. Unfortunately, I didn't find much on DLsite.

>> No.30288982
File: 189 KB, 560x789, 20201206_020036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing vndb for upcoming releases
>oh this looks nice cute art older guy and I get to pretend I'm a bit tits jk what's the scene-
>anal only

>> No.30289833

Aoba's from DMMD

>> No.30293968

There's that circle (probably just one person) Gracias who makes a lot of edgy stuff but the art is middle school tier so I've never bothered to buy any of it even though it's like 100 yen a game.

>> No.30295632
File: 94 KB, 560x420, RJ302214_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish there were people who made this kind of shit who knew how draw.

>> No.30297727

His seiyuu is godtier tho

>> No.30299208
File: 19 KB, 280x151, cg095_kd_ev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is 2021 slut uke year?
So far MCs seem to love cock.

>> No.30303740
File: 525 KB, 1024x576, スチル 190-min2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaoru is even bigger

>> No.30310282

that face scares me

>> No.30316621

>MCs seem to love cock
As they should. This tiny detail can turn a mediocre or bad game into god-tier fap material.

>> No.30316779

This probably isn't the right place to ask, but;

Are there any good Cross-dressing games?

>> No.30316951

Any non chinadream lkyt downloads?

>> No.30316973

It was the only thing that got me through Pigeon Blood.

>> No.30317460

a-s has it.

>> No.30317601
File: 56 KB, 800x491, hadaka-shitsuji-naked-butlers-released-on-steam_cb0ca546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hadaka Shitsuji

>> No.30319105
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, hashihime_2019-12-02_23-27-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not usually into rape, but this scene was pretty hot. Maybe it was Hanazawa's voice, or the fact it lacked the usual violence rape scenes was.

>> No.30320374

well I'm glad you asked
most games will have at least a little cannibalism or yandere murder bad end (like anything by N+C) but if you really want something more obviously centered on ryona then
- Nie no Machi
- Paradise (mostly text descriptions only, but the voicework is quite something)
- Pigeon Blood (pretty unsatisfying in that department really)
- Room No.9 pretends to be this too but again, seriously underdelivers. Good if you have a medical fetish though, also it's short.
- Cage (also text, art is shit really)
- even among N+C games, Sweet Pool (and the upcoming Slow Damage) seem more focused on ryona, so you wanna try those
- Fukai ni Nemuru Oujo no Abaddon (omnipandering and a pretty weird, Corpse Party-like game, but it does have some nice guy-splatter and porny BL scenes)
- Any vampire game will feature a fair bit of blood of course but rarely anything more.
if otome with punished guys is okay too then jooubachi has a bit. someone other than me should fill that category really.

>> No.30320550

Guess it's about time I finally play this. Anyone know how much of a kusoge it is?

>> No.30321053

It's not a kusoge at all IMO but it REALLY needs the fandisk (Musubi), it feels like they cut the last 1/3rd of the game from the initial release. I mean, if you care for a proper ending, the trip there is just fine.
If you have a thing for haraguro cannibal toshishitazeme and MC sounding like an actual DV victim when he gets wrecked I would say it's your kamige in fact. It certainly was mine but I fell in love with the characters so I'm biased.

>> No.30321680
File: 28 KB, 256x356, koibito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played all pilslash games apart from this.
how is it?

>> No.30321849

Alright, I'm convinced. This actually sounds really good especially since the MC is more masculine than the usual BL protag.

>> No.30322140

If I die from the 'rona, I want to be isekai'd as Tomoaki.

>> No.30322278

I enjoyed it. I found it very engaging and finished it in a couple days which is rare for me. I was expecting there to be a lot of boring filler about collecting coconuts or mystery solving sequences common across routes but there wasn't anything like that. Sometimes it feels like they cut too much to keep it all a mystery until the true route though.
Before I played it I read some anons thoughts here and the way they described it made it sound like a dour edgefest but it was relatively fun really. Leant more into dark comedy than I expected I guess.
I also like scummy MCs like Azuma.

>> No.30323320

It's certainly an edgefest, especially when Takara, Shimada or Nanjou in Kiwame are involved, but I must have really failed to sell it if it came across as dour. Definitely dark comedy. In later games it's about the same tone as Higurashi really.

>> No.30323363

I've seen some anons say he sounded like a kicked puppy but I didn't think it was actual DV victim levels. I'm hooked. That's hot

>> No.30324115

It's part kicked puppy too, and more funny than anything at times, but it's certainly the most satisfying performance I've heard by far. My voice collection is mostly full of those lines.

>> No.30329654
File: 276 KB, 1280x1024, Hanayaka.Nari.Waga.Ichizoku.full.421208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which hanayaka boi did you like most?
i cant choose
Love megane autismo but isami is waifu too.
susumu too...

>> No.30329946

For me it's Isami.

>> No.30331376

haizuki is the only good looking TMGS1 boy though
whats worse is that TMGS4 looks the worst they've ever been

>> No.30331684

Himuro is cute, appearance-wise I mean

>> No.30332608

Most of them are acceptable, I've seen much worse.

>> No.30332752
File: 104 KB, 1000x667, EnwvjrgUcAA8jHv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno if joseimuke talk is fine here, but I fucking love Cain

>> No.30339952

tadashi and masashi

>> No.30342142

All of them are top tier, but Masashi and Isami are my favorites with Tadashi close behind.

>> No.30344397

I have a question about hakuouki since it's split in two games.
Are you supposed to do one route then go to the second game and keep doing said route or finish all the routes you want from the first game and then start the second?

>> No.30351769

What game has the ugliest character designs to you?
For me it's got to be the Kuni no Alice games. There's not a single cute boy and the art is all horribly drawn too.

>> No.30355888

Yura anything

>> No.30358590

The first one. You can finish all the routes in the first game before moving onto Edo Blossoms but I wouldn't recommend it since you might forget things or mix things up. Better to complete one route all the way through across both games and then go back to start the next route.

>> No.30360977

>shitting on the piss goddess
You have no shame

>> No.30361386

Somehow relevant, otome metroidvania Ore ga Omae o Mamoru (I will protect you), now in English

>> No.30362503

This looks nice actually.

>> No.30362587

Oh shit gameplay, I'm sold. Thank you for posting this.

>> No.30362725

Wow, that's probably one of the sluttiest male MC designs I've ever seen.

>> No.30362893

Huh, neat. I never heard of this before but I'm interested.

>> No.30363397
File: 124 KB, 850x1545, oregaomaewomamoru-ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's something for sure

>> No.30363678

This is simultaneously awful looking and great.

>> No.30364024

Great idea, but bad execution.

>> No.30364088

>'fuck me' expression
>exposed chest but covered nipples
>dick window
>capri pants
>dad sandals

>> No.30367863


>> No.30370528

Can I reset my brain and replay hashihime from the beginning..

>> No.30371841

Just wait a year and replay it. It's just as good as playing it for the first time but in a completely different way.

>> No.30374023

Exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm almost finished re-reading Kawase's route now. Being able to appreciate all the build-up and little details (especially gleaned from the interviews ADELTA gave) is nice on the second readthrough and you can think through the time-travel shenanigans, hashihime transfer devices, and character motivations much better when you have a grasp on all the backstories and various alternate timelines. Especially adult Tamamori/the shopkeeper's motivations. I was interested throughout my first playthrough, but the amount of info-dumping back-ended into Minakami's route drags it down a bit when you are taking in everything for the first time.

One thing I like a lot about Hashihime is how developed other boys and side characters are in other character's routes. I guess it's the nature of how the main route plot revolves around the deaths of the love interest, so they kind of get sidelined until the end. Professor and Hanazawa get some really interesting scenes in Kawase's route, but then you have to wonder if that detracted from their own route's quality as the routes progressively get shorter and shorter in length. The characters in this game are at odds with each other, so it only makes sense they would have much more interesting sides to show when they aren't only slotted into a romantic role.

>> No.30375044

Do you guys believe Minakamis ending should be last instead of first?

>> No.30375420

No, the impact of finally making him stop doing his thing would be lessened considering he stops on his own in two other routes.

>> No.30375925

What's the most EOP thing you've done?

>> No.30376053

Agree but I don't know on the other hand. Kaoru's route left me a bitter taste in the end, although I know it was pararell universe.
Maybe the after stories would help if they also existed on the pc version.

>> No.30376670

Take a whole month to read the the prologue of Hatsukare looking up every kanji manually because I couldn't figure out VNR and didn't know OCR programs existed.
I don't even remember anything about it apart from that MC had a chuuni oniichan and a gay best friend.

>> No.30377546

Yeah, it would have been fine if not for "true story" label, it really throws you off.

>> No.30378845

I have to manually draw kanji in google translate/use an OCR for things I don't recognize then look up said kanji and/or sentence and MTL if I can't understand it at all

>> No.30380606

Just re-read it now, it's fun to notice all the foreshadowing and it's pretty show anyway.

Hashihime's weird route composition is both a strength and a curse. I think it works fine like this, but the last route should really have been something you unlock in the hidden menu and better written.

>> No.30392326

Hacking some psvita games, take the texts and throw them at MTLs. Then take the translations make pdfs and read and play.

Another one, I played a game and at the same time I watched on youtube the games walkthroughs with dubbed eng translation.

I can feel Jops laugh at my suffering

>> No.30393372

>walkthroughs with dubbed eng translation
That sounds so painful.

>> No.30393532

Not learning Japanese B^)

>> No.30407752

What's a good place to dl Ore ga Omae o Mamoru?
I only knows rom sites that do EN only.

>> No.30425998

Finished Cinderella's route in Taishou Alice (and all his bad ends, which honestly weren't that interesting since they all followed the "Cindy dumps you and the Wizard tells you you made a bad choice" format)
I kind of hate tsundere since I despise having to deal with the tsun part of the when shenanigans (not helping that Alice was present to make it twice as obnoxious) but Cinderella ended up being charming by the end of the route when I finally submitted to his dere side, stopped posturing and became a loser. The voice acting also did a lot to make him more bearable.
There were a bunch of portions that felt very meandering, but the snappy dialogue (Alice is awful but everything that comes out of his mouth is so inappropriate I can't help but laugh) and some of the twists managed to keep me engaged till then.
Overall, not a bad first route though I can't say it made me fall for Cindy. Yurika is still kind of odd to me (as was Alice when he somehow calmed down near the end) but she's fun in her frightening single mindedness and her comment on liking stupid boys especially since they're easy to wrap around her finger resonated with me.

Looking forward to red riding hood, considering he was the only no show I'm Cindy's route

>> No.30426237

Keep playing, there's always much more to everything you see, including Yurika.

>> No.30426404 [DELETED] 

Are you all femanons or just gay/bi anons? I'm legitimately curious
and no, trannies aren't girls

>> No.30426891

Fuck off.

>> No.30431547

I liked Cinderella's progression but having to do the "I'm a loser ;_;" "Nah it's okay" routine like three times was a bit much. Curious to see how you'll like Red Riding Hood. He was the one I picked the game up for and I found his route underwhelming despite all the praise it gets.

>> No.30439769

Will do
Yeah having to reassure him over and over and over was exhausting especially since I preferred loser him.

>> No.30442860

How's taisho x alice translation?

>> No.30447351

Occasional american references (kim kardashian, american stars), localized names of food and educational establishments, aged up Gretel and Yurika to make the route more appropriate for americans, Yurika and her friend keep talking like american teenagers, they call each other bro and dude as well

>> No.30462426

Bc I see people worship the translator on Twitter and same one will translate slow damage....oh shit...

>> No.30464065

Did the same person worked on sweet pool? Because makoto started to sound like an american fuckboy

>> No.30464246

Their translation is decent compared to aksys typos but sometimes they go full ace attorney and I fucking hate it. I wish they toned that shit down, not everyone is an amerifat

>> No.30465015

But AA translation is good.

>> No.30465120

Yes same one...I played the fantranslation one and it was much better the translation part only (fan one has few typos and its partial).

I hope they spare slow damage... don't want to see expressions like begone thot Towa or make Rei "genderfluid". God please no

>> No.30465916

From my impressions, pretty good. No typos, localisation choices also generally help the dialogue flow well. If there's one issue I had with it (though it might just be a me thing) is that some of dialogue feels a bit too "modern" I guess? Kind is super memey. When it's Alice talking it's fine because he's an awful person so I expect him to read like a comment section of bad takes, but for other characters some of it feels awkward

>> No.30467539

You should know by now that
Are gender fluid non binary trans gay aromantic women in american localisations now

>> No.30467651


>> No.30470182

>meme language
Its already a disaster. Gonna do my reps and read it in nip

>> No.30473611

Can one go from 0 to understanding bl games in japanese in two months, if they're a professional neet?

>> No.30473802


>> No.30474760

Yes, you can. My Japanese teacher was forced to live in Japan bc of circumstances and was neither a neet nor know anything about anime, manga. She was forced to learn the language and take the N2 exam in just 6 or 8 months otherwise they would fire her. It was the late 80s or early 90s too so imagine the resources she had. She passed with a very high mark and got N1 after 6 months. So yeah if there's will. In the end, she fell in love with the language and became a Japanese teacher.

>> No.30491798

depends what game

>> No.30493387

can anyone rec any vn that's easy-ish to understand for an eop, like a writing style that's straightforward and not full of metaphors. I'm so tired of doing reps and I just wanna read

>> No.30493985

BL tend to be difficult for eops. So I would recommend otome vns, school universe mostly. Brothers conflict has basic jp, amnesia. Haven't tried uta no pri but I thinks its easy? Historical ones tend to be difficult bc either keigo or old expressions that aren't even used by new generation
What I did and helped me was play games and extract text and use mecab and jparser and read the text myself. I only used translator with smth I didn't understand but mostly used my dictionary in my mother tongue (if you want to learn Japanese buy a dictionary history is not enough). Write down on a notebook the words I dont know or kanji. It helped me get better.

>> No.30494052

Not history Jisho I meant autocorrect*

>> No.30494086

arigato, desu. I wasn't expecting such a helpful response from /jp/

>> No.30494290

Like that Anon said, modern day slice of life like school setting games are the best for that.
Hatsukare has really easy language and is pretty fun. If you don't want to bother with modern day/school I remember Dot Kareshi being decently easy too, and it's a plus that it's on PC so it's much easier to hook.

>> No.30495331

If you can't find a game I unironically reccomend web novels

>> No.30496667

Not that anon but any suggestions?

>> No.30498196

A year is more realistic if you NEET.

>> No.30500603

I have really weird taste so I don't think I should recommend ones that I like, but alphapolis has a huge selection of bl and joseimuke wns with good tags to search by. If one's too hard for you to read, it's usually a safer bet to read one with a smaller character count per chapter.

>> No.30508164

Yeah, if you do nothing else. Work on your kana and grammar initially, learn 200 kanji or so for a start, definitely feasible in 2 weeks or so.
Then you can start trying to slowly read simple (voiced) games or texts. Get a text hooker so you can quickly look up terms you don't know. Try to use DeepL if a long sentence is confusing intially, but pay attention to how it's structured and such, machine translation is super unreliable and you want that crutch off ASAP. Watch anime and listen to situation CDs alongside this. And of course, do your reps.
This should get you to like, elementary schooler level in 2 months, maybe "particularly slow middle schooler level" if you're good. 2 months is very short though.
Leave the good games for later, when you can read them properly.

>> No.30511892

To me onees are almost as cringe as western gender fluids things. I´m surprised everyone here are so fine with them.

>> No.30513274

Same with okama too. They are all memes.

>> No.30514175

>To me onees are almost as cringe as western gender fluids things. I´m surprised everyone here are so fine with them.
A lot of people are fine with Japanese thing because I assume cultural differences, even if it's the same shit in a different flavor.

>> No.30515388

I like feminine guys I just don't like when they claim it makes them women. Otherwise I'm fine with characters that are flamboyant or crossdress or whatever.

>> No.30516136

I don't give a damn about any of that anymore. I only care if they look good and don't have an obnoxious personality.

>> No.30516289
File: 373 KB, 2232x1719, corda1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 Y E A R S
(the new art still looks shitty though)

>> No.30520939

I'm fine with them because they don't act obnoxious neither they keep talking about how special they're.

>> No.30521266

They're actually nice looking sometimes, properly groom themselves, and would probably be interested in talking about girly stuff with me. It's important that they're just a guy who happens to have a feminine fashion sense + hobbies and not anything else, though.
Also, okama characters can be pretty based.

>> No.30525597

>Looking good

>> No.30527397

I mostly agree cause a lot of times they're basically just the same sexually harrassing gay man character over and over again, but theoretically I think they can be done well. I like Ladiva from granblue

>> No.30529721

What's the best otome game or yaoi you played, that combines everything, good plot and art, music, interesting characters? And that no matter how much time pass, the love you have for it ,will never fade, and always have it as godtier in your mind, and so far no other game can replace it? I would like to hear your opinions and facts you like it so much, why nothing can replace it.

I personally loved Hashihime. I thought nothing can reach Mebiusline before, but I was wrong. I loved hashihimes artstyle a lot, the 20s inspired music, just everything, the characters were adorable.
So yeah so far no other game can touch it. I have the feeling Slow damage will be good indeed but ofc won't replace hashihime.

For otome so far I don't have one that I can say it's kamige, nothing can replace it. I played a lot of otome but the ones I "loved" let's say are hanayaka nari, nil admirari. My let's say favourite one could be chou no doku. Liked the heavy plot and mostly mc's change of heart depending the route. The art was good pc version one, don't like the console ones.
I haven't played shinigami to shoujo yet or ken ga kimi. I will try them, maybe it's one of them the "one".

>> No.30531916

this is such a pure post

>> No.30534368

I agree.

>> No.30535915

In the Sweet Pool translation, they used so many euphemisms for cock instead of the word cock. "I stroked his rigid lust." "He pulled out his manhood." JFC.

>> No.30538254
File: 44 KB, 343x390, 1394006742680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically enjoyed hakuouki more than i shouldve
another is all of taisho alice but the art doesnt do it for me

>> No.30539948

>euphemisms for cock
What? But why? For what purpose?

>> No.30541730

If you do this it's nice to use along side microsoft's edge read out loud function when your tired. Works on pdfs as well, but can fuck up on vertical text.

>> No.30546455

I found Ken ga Kimi overrated due to the poor fight scenes, but Shinigami to Shoujo deserves its recommendations. It's probably the closest the otome scene has to a kamige like galge has in terms of writing and plot.

Doujin works feel like they have more soul than anything commercial so Watajuu, First Complex, Hashihime, and Gunjou no Yuki are some that I've loved. Currently still trying to get through CAGE.

>> No.30550600

It's artsy.

>> No.30551083

That's what americans call it. A meat stick

>> No.30561378 [SPOILER] 
File: 936 KB, 636x870, 1607701117646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hashihime spoiler.

I think this is from official manga/mangaka?

>> No.30561515

>I like Ladiva from granblue
Ladiva isn't an Okama?

>> No.30562961

I mean japanese does that constantly too.

>> No.30563389
File: 774 KB, 1280x720, 1521388812189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I didn't quite realize the size difference before.

>> No.30563649

Can't go wrong with Shinigami to Shoujo. It's like a galge and Princess Tutu got stuffed in a blender.
I'm still waiting for the day I get hammered enough to buy the Nanaki novel off auctions for 100 bucks.

>> No.30568071

Anyone willing to share hashihime manga chapters?

>> No.30568630
File: 141 KB, 719x872, Eo7d6hmVgAMqsAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 1 is fully scanlated in JP an is in the pastebin:


I tried to put it on MRM but they didn't accept it for some reason.

Chapter 2 is only available in Russian I think but can't get the link past the spam system

Chapter 3 is not scanslated I believe, just saw some picture floating around by JP Twitter users who bought the issue.

>> No.30568661

>Chapter 2 is only available in Russian I think but can't get the link past the spam system
It's on vk.com wall-54750889_2016

>> No.30570382

Russian fujos are too powerful..

>> No.30570441

Aren't the same fujos also translating otome games

>> No.30570463

I don't like them at all either.

>> No.30572311

Never heard of the "It's fine when Japan does it" thing?

>> No.30572451

Thanks a lot! Russian fujos are so based, they know what to translate Taishou Mebiusline, good taste otoge. Based taste.

>> No.30572527

You could try mangadex, actually. Mangadex don't take money have no ads and someone can pick it up from there and fan translate it too.

>> No.30574055

Where does rejet keep the save files for their pc games I need to move to a new laptop

>> No.30574466


>> No.30575069

thank you

>> No.30575605

Onee in this context is just a character trope though, and the real life version is closer to the Japanese equivalent of western gay men and drag queens using feminine speech than anything to do with gender pretzels.
Plus a lot of the ones in otome tend to just be regular straight guys.

>> No.30575910

Mangadex doesn't take raws.

>> No.30576608

Oh they don't take jp ones? They have Chinese ones but yeah they are fan translated ones so...

>> No.30579593

Yeah it's a scanlation site so they just take scans of any language as long it's not the original.

>> No.30582643

It's still terrible even if it is far less autistic.

>> No.30583554

Might as well just go full gay at that point, instead of settling for a half-assed mockery of femininity.

>> No.30598011

I miss Hirarin voicing slutty older brother characters and Yasumoto Hiroki voicing overpowered characters like Mephisto. After I saw that Yusa Kouji was also there in Hoozuki no Reitetsu, it made me nostalgic for Princess Nightmare and Chou no Doku.

>> No.30599937

They often do "but I have woman KOKORO" thing, which is quite reminiscent of western trans views.

>> No.30600621

Sometimes, but it's still not something that applies to the onee archetype as a whole. Also "soul in the wrong body" is a very old worldwide view of trans people that doesn't match the current deranged western view of male bodies being female bodies as long as the dude says so.
Anyway I'm going to drop this now but onee isn't inherently tranny just like traps aren't inherently tranny.

>> No.30607173

>They often do "but I have woman KOKORO" thing, which is quite reminiscent of western trans views.
It pretty much is really.

>> No.30609195
File: 734 KB, 1500x1500, header-chara-pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is your 25-year-old protagonist who is older than 1/3 of her love interests


>> No.30610179

>only 1/3

>> No.30611289

So I am now (I think) halfway through Red's route in Taishou Alice. Alice hasn't shown up at all so far and now I wonder if I have Stockholm syndrome cause I almost miss his problematic rants.

Either way, I wasn't entirely sure what to think of Red for the beginning of the route, but him turning out to be a super repressed virgin with the imagination of a boy who just hit puberty is, uh, wow. Funny as fuck though, just listening to him during those scenes makes me feel as if I'm playing something way more illicit than the game is.

>> No.30611422

I liked hirarin as laito. He did great job voicing that perverted low key masochistic slut. He did great job at kichiku megane too. He was good as Luca in Omerta too as well, when he entered God mode especially. I liked a not that popular role of his too, but damn can't remember the name. It was in a bl game I think, he was so addicted to the mc that he reversed raped him by riding his cock while mc was bound or smth and did the same on a foursome. He wanted mcs dick so badly. Most diabolik lovers cast was in that bl game.

>> No.30611578
File: 345 KB, 1080x1552, 20201212_195543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pray that otomate won't fuck this up, it looks kamige. Ruuka is cute. All LIs are lol.

>> No.30611838
File: 978 KB, 1815x1815, 10349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems interesting. I hope the writing delivers.

>> No.30612119

Is My Vow to My Liege any good?

>> No.30612286

For me it's TMGS3, the game I can replay and get a completely different experience even with the same guy.

>> No.30612781

>still younger than you
Old hag friends..

>> No.30613988
File: 49 KB, 640x456, in the game im 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it's not a big deal.

>> No.30616132

>MC won't have a personality
>most guys look like flat girls
>the plot will most likely be crap in the end
>the pacing will be super fucked

>> No.30616532

Otomeshit really ruins everything.

>> No.30616682

>>most guys look like flat girls
And it's a good thing. No one wants to see ugly buff apes

>> No.30616847

>older than 1/3 of her love interests

>> No.30617680


>> No.30617861

either a purposefully low-quality post or someone new enough to not even know what fucking angelique is
best not to give (You)s

>> No.30617938

Probably the former.

>> No.30618819


>> No.30619037

I don't want to see femboys or apes. They're both disgusting.

>> No.30619075

Shit taste

>> No.30619358

True, too bad the art is wasted on that awful company

>> No.30619908

Otomate is shit.
Only kamige level Rejet you fags.
And godtier writers like Yumas and Yamada Yuumi kek.

>> No.30620190

>draw a 15 year old
>call it 25
Just let me fuck my grandson's shota friends you fucking retards

>> No.30620318

That huge gap between the MC's eyes is disturbing. There's no way she's that old with that design. I bet she's also an airhead oblivious to love who likes cooking and cleaning.

>> No.30620410

Then play yuri games

>> No.30620437

I don't want to see women.

>> No.30620452

Yumas let me fuck a tower

>> No.30620477

I don't know any faceless fat old men games, sorry sisbro

>> No.30620497

What's wrong with being able to cook?

Retards who have being bad at cooking as a personality trait are the worst

>> No.30620523

I don't want to see uggos.
There is no game for me.

>> No.30620560

t. has cooking potatoes and washing socks as his personality trait

>> No.30620583

Based picky anon. I just settle.

>> No.30620632

More obligatory cooking scenes. Stop making me hungry I can't afford good food.

>> No.30620725

Imagine melting your brain with so much anime that some people unironically think this MC looks closer to 15 than 25.

>> No.30620834

This. I'm 27 and I look literally like the guy on the left

>> No.30620990

Maybe they are confused because she has the typical otome babyface.

>> No.30621203

Just curious.
I'm sure someone's done one before but I can't remember what the results were and it was years back anyway. If anyone can remember it would be interesting to know if the demographics have changed at all.

>> No.30621788

Old hag sisters unite

>> No.30640291
File: 282 KB, 985x925, EpCYrS_U8AAb1Ar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rival is also 25. Two hags preying on little boys, unbelievable.

>> No.30643638

Wish she was the MC instead

>> No.30647954

クラブ・スーサイド worth it? Was away during its release, kindly without spoilers is the relationship between mc and the boys interesting at least? Level of gore, high medium low?

>> No.30649353

The butler is really ugly

>> No.30653791
File: 100 KB, 261x309, 1431519112595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Room No. 9? It kinda faded out pretty quicky from the discourse.

>> No.30654740

It turned out to be a game for straight men

>> No.30656627

There's not much to talk about. The H-scenes were hot, that's about it.

>> No.30658518

>I'd rather cut my hand off than suck a dick
Not homo enough

>> No.30660588

It was pretty half-assed in some ways. I wasn't expecting a story or anything, but I did think the content would be a little more extreme on the bodily harm front. Seiji's maso slut ending was fuckin choice though

>> No.30661824

It sucks

>> No.30662348

It was a short nukige.
Hot scenes regardless though.

>> No.30662911

I highly recommend it. The relationship the MC has with the guys is really unique, though if you're expecting romance you might be disappointed. The gore level is medium, pretty high for an all ages game but aside from a few endings nothing extreme.

>> No.30664442

Nice I should play it then

>> No.30669368

sniff sniff

>> No.30669408

Most brain damaged rejet vn?

>> No.30669552

bad medicine is both full-on retard and really boring
gekka ryouran romance looks funny as hell but I haven't played it

>> No.30669746

I liked it a lot and would also recommend it. The MC is extremely cool, and her relationship with each boy is interesting. Gore is medium, only really goes nuts in a few endings.

It's a very personal passion project that turned out to be great.

>> No.30670164

I decided to play Variable barricade.
Such a fucking shame, it starts like a fun romcom and the common route is just that then it mostly shits the bed with the really overblown non stop drama in the routes.
Nayuta's route is infuriating because there should be a limit to how dense you can make a person regarding romance.
Ichiya's has like two hours of drama and issues, and the route itself is like three. Doesn't help the route works its hardest to take away the funniest parts of his personality and interactions.
Shion's route is actually pretty nice since the topic is pretty unique and he's mostly playing with her issues after a point, but Hibari gets really annoying.
Taiga's route was the one I actually liked though, since Hibari melts her tsun super fast and the issues Taiga has actually make sense and their christmas scene is a hilarious climax to it all.
The true end was "ok", but it is what it is.
So basically common route+Taiga's is a pretty complete experience, really. Hibari is fully voiced and the VA does a pretty good job both with the ojou and the naive girl, so that's a plus.

>> No.30670590

>Nayuta's route is infuriating because there should be a limit to how dense you can make a person regarding romance.
Why did they make the average harem MC a love interest?

>> No.30671700

did you play vita or switch?

>> No.30671813

Thanks guys, biggest concerns were about mc being a self insert blank slate type and boys becoming identical sadd and psycho types in the end. Glad it got positive reception, hope they can start more projects.

>> No.30694307

Does tokimeki work well on andrenaline on psvita? Tax is way too much for a r4 card on my shithole country.

>> No.30694847

Just use an emulator and play it on PC.

>> No.30698871

Something I wanted to share with you guys.
So a friend of mine is a big dramacd situation fag, and gave me a disk full of otome and bl cd ones for Christmas.
It is their personal huge collection, from years ago, about 1 TB, so you can guess how many are there.
The first days were so good, listened to some old but gold ones, before 2010s. Godtier seiyuus like Koyasu, Midorikawa, Kondo, Shinichiro, Sugita, Ono etc. Steamy ones, from both genres.

And two days ago I was searching and wondered which one to listen to next and masturbate.
I came across a file named shit in my mother tongue.
I got curious, maybe my friend accidentally made a mistake and its unrelated that file, because all cd titles were in Japanese and rarely in romanji.
I was about to skip it and delete it, but satan told me to try to listen to it wondering what the hell could it be.

It was worse than shit...It was fucking Morikibo in a r18 situation. Holy shit, I thought at least r18 dramacd world was safe from him, but I was wrong. Not only the voice acting was shit, the whole situation was.
Plot was like he was raping me or smth had no idea while calling me doinran and mesubuta non stop. His voice acting was bad as always, haven't heard worst moaning in dramacd situations ever. And that cringeworth laugh, echoing through my brain....
Thing is I was pretty horny, because before I listen to a very good one, and Morikubo made me get so turned off, I felt so weird and unsatisfied after. I couldn't get off in the end, even after trying to listen to some good ones.
Then I gave up and decided to forget about it and browse some otome reddit threads to laugh at shit taste fags and forget my misery.
But then I came upon Code realize Impey worshippers, which made the whole situation even worse.

>> No.30698997

Share it with reddit next time and stay there while you're at it.

>> No.30699150

put the collection on nyaa

>> No.30699423

/blog/ isn't actually supposed to be your blog fren

>> No.30699451

Fuck off

>> No.30700351


>> No.30700460

Why is beastiality a thing in yaoi and otoge vn?

>> No.30700525

it's hot

>> No.30700530

It is?

>> No.30701978

Because men are animals too

>> No.30702029

hook us up with that archive, brosister

>> No.30702093

I finished reading this thinking you'd share the cds. Worthless pig, you deserve to hallucinate mirokubo's voice every time you're about to masturbate

>> No.30707266


>> No.30708868
File: 677 KB, 1024x576, スチル 259-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns his retarded adopted son into his personal human dildo
What was he thinking?

>> No.30708911

I still can't believe you people actually masturbate to situational CDs

>> No.30709197

You'd do the same thing, be honest with yourself.

>> No.30711232
File: 294 KB, 1278x751, oh noooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post foreshadowing

>> No.30711453

That's the game where the dog sucks him off or something right?

>> No.30711744


>> No.30712113

Is cafe enchante good? I don't trust twitter otomefags

>> No.30712244

Please put bl cds on nya or mega anon please
it was okay

>> No.30712295

See, that just makes me wonder if it's technically cuckshit if you let your partner get raped by animals. Animals aren't on the same level as humans in terms of consciousness, so it's more like masturbation than anything.

>> No.30714967

Hirarin did a Laughing Salesman bl parody and he was actually pretty good there, at least in the installment where he makes his boypussy a pleasure black hole.

>> No.30715091

I like onees, but they're just the shittier type of tomboy most times they're implemented in romance. Like the instant they're in bed with somebody they're desperate to prove themselves as a man so they either drop all pretenses of their regular behavior or they keep the speech patterns but use the same shitty stock lines every other love interest has.

>> No.30715579

It can't be helped. The appeal of traps/onees for most women is that they're feminine dudes that they can feel more comfortable around, but they still want to be bent over a table by them at the end of the day.

>> No.30716369

He's a total whore in the last route.

>> No.30716592
File: 83 KB, 737x415, cg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do companies never get tired of rehashing the same busted situations? Guy you barely know has no sense of personal space, wow my heart go dokidoki

>> No.30716646

That's such a stupid, glassy look on his face. What's with the low quality CG, is Otomate not content with just shit writing?

>> No.30716879

How long has otomate been in a rut, I watched some of their sample vids of bilshana and it was just mind numbingly boring for a pretty cool concept.

>> No.30717120

To be fair that's her childhood friend, but wow the art gets worse every time they post a new CG. I don't know how they expect people to pay 7k+ yen for this.

>> No.30717437

These eyes look actually creepy lol he is like a lowkey weirdo type getting off from mcs smell.

>> No.30717773

thats a cute boy

>> No.30717819

It'd be a shame if he got molested by the gayest dog ever created.

>> No.30717845

A shame it's not explored more fully.

>> No.30718076 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 464x280, 1607978928394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dog is a girl

>> No.30718114

what the fuck, how did they get away with this?

>> No.30719135

The same dude got pegged I think.

>> No.30719247

I will now buy your game.

>> No.30719543

it works well enough I would say

>> No.30721979

uhhh hello, based department?

>> No.30723965
File: 45 KB, 267x495, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a fockin joke

>> No.30725931

The game is huge I heard. Hope it's worth the price

>> No.30726788

How big could it be? Is it an open world game with customizable classes and genitalia?

>> No.30731543

Any games where you can mindbreak a cute boy into a perfect housewife? Asking for a friend.

>> No.30731597

Tell your friend to stop being such a coward and embrace their degeneracy.

>> No.30732098

Any games where you can mindbreak a cute boy into a perfect housewife? Asking for myself.

>> No.30736222

I hope Morikubo voices more characters for years to come.

>> No.30736530

He probably will, using the same voice for all of them

>> No.30742756

You guys are just memeing about morikubo right?

>> No.30755561

Yes, his voice is so perfect, I come everytime he starts screeching

>> No.30755799

Enzai, or is that cheating?

>> No.30757473

Remember, if a game has this seiyuu it's SHIT:


If a game has this seiyuu it's GOAT:


>> No.30758177

mc name is kayano?

>> No.30758488

Well done N5-chan, now back to your reps.

>> No.30760453

Which game is this, the art is legitimately putting me off...

>> No.30760583

Reverse image search

>> No.30761072

Wish Miyano would do ero CDs or games, I want to hear him get fucked.

>> No.30761845

Is Amnesia SHIT or GOAT?

>> No.30762161

Miyano is shit
If he did bl maybe I would approve

>> No.30762215

Absolutely based

>> No.30762235

>Kent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shin

Checks out

>> No.30762620

I think after ps vita release, all the otome games are shit + 2/3 the new seiyuu cast.
I only really liked higanbana and let's say some takuyo games.

>> No.30762694

I wish his company would have allowed him to do any kind of porn early on before going full idol.
Such an absolute waste of a voice.

>> No.30765202

Reverse search tells me piofore which definitely isn't this ugly thing

>> No.30765373

Okay I've found out what it was. Gueh, the game has such an interesting concept but nothing about the art sparks joy

>> No.30765704
File: 101 KB, 500x1050, ch6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought otomate made artists at least trace from better artists...

>> No.30766037

They're probably practicing on Yomi's art right now

>> No.30766778

Maybe when he's old and unpopular. Meanwhile he's performing on kohaku uta gassen dressed like a whore

>> No.30766781

Not only do the heels look super out of place with the (horrid) outfit, they also look almost comically cartoonish with the goofy shape and lack of detail. Pretty impressive that this is in an actuall official release.

>> No.30767327
File: 135 KB, 500x592, 1474131839705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about this design is fucking stupid.

>> No.30768035

wtf id rather have bl cages art than this shit

>> No.30768204


>> No.30769386

I want an otome or bl like kara no shoujo.......

>> No.30769922

Kohaku? He's actually still popular? He's gotten pretty old now though

>> No.30771151

Who finds this genuinely attractive?

>> No.30771644

I'm pretty sure last two Kohaku had him perform that pineapple slut thing with Hoshino Gen. He also often appears on tv shows, and this year he's had a small role in Hanzawa Naoki, so he won't start doing porn anytime soon

>> No.30772383

Would've been a great game if it weren't for the retarded true end. They should've tied things up and ended it on Iseya's route.

>> No.30772918

Yang sounds like someone took a shit in his mouth and punched him in the nose. Wtf bros you said his voice was hot

>> No.30777301

>Okamoto Nobuhiko
Oh, it's this slut.

>> No.30777982
File: 259 KB, 665x613, dwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went on another DLsite deep dive and found a Dance with Devils doujin where MC turns into a futa and fucks the whole cast including the female friend and the dog boy in dog form.
Pretty sure it's actually danseimuke given that shiny femboy look all the guys have, no idea what it was doing in the TL/otome section aside from what it was based on.

>> No.30778421

wait a minute I recognize that ahegao
same artist as https://vndb.org/v19290?

>> No.30779899

Hey I want to read that...

>> No.30781623

Picked up.

>> No.30781739

How I wish that game had spent more time breaking the guy before he went full on crossdressing slut.
That's 90% of the fun. Its futa doujin was hot though.

>> No.30784005

You forgot to add Morikubo to the shit list.

>> No.30784209

This one's been out for years. Man, that takes me back.

>> No.30784255

Bakumatsu Rock was GOAT though.

>> No.30786812

Hello. I'm a website reviewer for visual novels and I wanted to ask something. Do otome fans mind when a guy is reviewing otome games? We planned to make a review of himetai and our usual otome reviewer said that the otome community shits on guys who write reviews about otome because they aren't the target group.

I really don't wanna be canceled on twitter desu.

>> No.30790198

I don't think the people who'd cancel you for that are hanging out in this thread, bud. Maybe unironically ask reddit.

>> No.30791496

Don't mention your gender and don't write crap like " from the perspective of a guy". Just write your review without bringing gender in and they will never know.

>> No.30795423

Just review the games where heroines have sex with their brothers and I'll upvote your post

>> No.30796487

I hope this isn't Hata; fuck off if so

>> No.30797129

Fuck off retard

>> No.30799271

>person with no experience in x game reviewing x game

Tell everyone at Kotaku to kill themselves

>> No.30800976

I don't know if it's the same guy but there's been people from a german VN site or something using /blog/ for shilling and like, market research for a while now. Don't know why they can't just get the message and fuck off.

>> No.30801240

it's him. he's been banned in every other vn community because he physically can't stop shilling his website and his discord, just report him if he starts advertising.

>> No.30801374

care to explain?

>> No.30801408
File: 580 KB, 1280x1814, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sure was

>> No.30807138

Seems like there are lots of guys on /blog/. Girls would never be so rude towards anon.

>> No.30807757

He's an idiot who shows up in every VN related thread.

>> No.30807929
File: 18 KB, 182x299, 111381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh himehibi came out already. how is it? how is he?

>> No.30808534

Faust Jr?

>> No.30808980

Do boy rock franchises ever last?
>banyaro -> great song list, canned
>bakumatsu -> good old stupid fun, canned
>argonavis ->okay...for now

>> No.30809152

Bakumatsu Rock has an ongoing manga sequel and just released a new CD

>> No.30809265

Fags tell me your secret. How to like idol shit. Personally, they make me cringe. I love reading the bl dj though, I read a mic one where everyone gangbanged a long-haired dude.

>> No.30809273

Rock sucks, it's all about AIDORUS now

>> No.30809341
File: 98 KB, 480x272, AllStarCG_RA01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about rock idols

>> No.30809389

I rike it.

>> No.30809423

thanks idolshit, I hate music now

>> No.30809549

Where does one proceed to search if that person wants to find that pillow cover where Senge looks like a slut

>> No.30809981
File: 264 KB, 800x600, otohige_2020-12-15_19-50-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through Otohige, the prologue of this sure doesn't hold back. Shit starts happening the moment the game begins.

>> No.30812777

I’m waiting for my copy to arrive, hopefully before Christmas. I expect a mediocre game at best, though.

>> No.30818689

Are the other guys any good in the dogfucker game?

>> No.30821203

I honestly can't like idolshit either. I've never been into music groups even when I was a kid so I don't have the "gene" of nostalgiafagging over bands and the like, I can't take idol business stuff seriously even for a sim aspect and the music isn't generally my thing either.
Also idolshit kinda feels like it holds a pseudo parasocial relationship since you're being sold both a character and the singer (unless it's just your usual VA work) and I personally don't like it

>> No.30821912

clear is love clear is life

>> No.30822494
File: 387 KB, 838x720, 1573496867520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna try it anons?

>> No.30824757

Nah, I'm not a fan of the art.

>> No.30826213
File: 1.22 MB, 1429x720, クラブ・スーサイド 12_16_2020 11_36_24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommended route order or can I do whatever tha fuck I want?

>> No.30827007

Well, well, well, what the fuck do we have here? I thought Lamento was supposed to come before DMMD?

>> No.30827560

Fuck I feel like I went back to 2012.
As for why DMMD first, it's basically probably easier to get done, relatively bigger title and they need the sales

>> No.30829804

Their otome game are either ugly and boring or yumas

>> No.30829884

imagine buying a VN for 12100 yen, what the fuck

and for censored dicks too

>> No.30834565

>the uglier one doesn't even get to fuck every dude
What's the fucking point

>> No.30834727

Any place where I can find doujin CD dls? Beside that chink site that bans everyone who isn't from China.

>> No.30840184

where do i find save file for otome games. looking for enkan no memoria and https://vndb.org/v21901

>> No.30842930

Better play them as listed. Eba first, Meiyou (definitely) last.

>> No.30843732

Aw no way Meiyou is my favorite so I was about to do his first, oh well yuri adventures can wait, thanks

>> No.30843960

I still can't believe they made a game about a typical /u/ poster.

>> No.30844547

You clearly haven't been on /u/ much

>> No.30844882

His seething about unnecessary male characters is spot on though.

>> No.30844909

Yes that part is accurate.
