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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3029740 No.3029740 [Reply] [Original]

What sites would you go to if moot deleted /jp/?

>> No.3029751

It's likely that I'd kill myself

>> No.3029748


>> No.3029755


>> No.3029756


>> No.3029761

retreat back to /prog/

>> No.3029760

I hate to say it, but I'd probably go to Pooshlmer.

>> No.3029764


>> No.3029766

What's wrong with Pooshlmer? Seems pretty decent even though I don't go there myself.

>> No.3029768

Re-assimilate with the Elitist Superstructure.

>> No.3029769

Quit 4chon altogether

>> No.3029771

Learn japanese and go to futaba/2ch

>> No.3029773


No, not really.
Also, reported.

>> No.3029776

I honestly have no idea.
Maybe I'd go to animesuki to troll and act like a huge elitist until they ban me.

>> No.3029781

It won't happen, moot never gets anything done.

>> No.3029784

First of all I'd leave 4chan for good. It's as good as dead for me once /jp/ gets axed.

Then I'd probably go to pooshlmer and desuchan full time instead. I don't know of any forums, but I might go to one or two if I were to learn of some.

>> No.3029789

ghost board

circlejerk community, slow moving, much more tolerant of "lolrandom" behavior. the latter due to many of the posters being under 18.

>> No.3029791

haunt the archive forever.

>> No.3029793

iichan, pooshlmer, desuchan, 4-ch

forums generally suck

>> No.3029807

Archive. Shit's good there.

>> No.3029808

I would bother Eksopl until he makes Ghost /jp/ a normal imageboard.

>> No.3029813

Pooshlmer and some other imageboards would pick up in speed if /jp/ were to die.

>> No.3029817

Yeah I just love circlejerk city.

>> No.3029825

4-ch, 7chan, and real life.

>> No.3029828


>> No.3029833

I don`t know.
I would most likely end myself given how pissed am after short downtimes.

>> No.3029840

The archive would be the logical fallback.

Despite the shit every so often, you bros are great. I doubt I'd assimilate into other communities.

>> No.3029839


>> No.3029838

The Ghostboard, and on IRC.

>> No.3029835

I love Eksopl PERIOD.

>> No.3029843

Sankaku Complex

>> No.3029846

I'm still waiting for my mittens in the mail Mr. >>3029768 !!

>> No.3029852

I love how russia plays L4D.

>> No.3029854

Pooshlmer actually used to be OK. Then a bunch of kids turned up and imagedumps became far more common. Hardly anybody has decent conversations there any more. But, I think if enough of us went there it could be a decent board.

>> No.3029857

only acceptable answer.

can't wait to suck on Artefact's cock for the rest of my life

>> No.3029864

/jp/ Archive

And I'd check out 420chan since it has quite a bit of activity. I don't know if it's good or not though.

>> No.3029872

>suggesting Pooshlmer

Get out normalfags.

>> No.3029881

With the rise Touhou Popularity it was just a matter of time.

>> No.3029876


420chan used to be my main board. Then I got banned for posting Touhou pictures. So yeah.

>> No.3029878

Probably, but we have our share of shitty users too. Still, I think pooshlmer would benefit from more people using it.

>> No.3029888

Yeah, disregard that. I checked out the site and it seems too /b/ for my tastes.

>> No.3029918

I don't think you know what this means. If anything, you should accuse them of gaiafaggotry.

And yeah, pooshlmer has its share of problems, but I think we have enough posters to make a difference.
Nevermind, it'll mostly be Japanese Bird and Dawson threads.

>> No.3029919


It's probably gotten worse than when I was there. I remember the "intellectual" boards were OK, as were some of the drug boards. They deleted /a/ around the time I was banned, so weeaboos aren't particularly welcome any more it seems.

>> No.3029927

Poosh isn't that bad, but there's too many imagedumps and there seems to be a split in the userbase with 15 year old kids and people from /jp/.

>> No.3029938

A little Japanese bird and Dawson would probably do poosh good.

>> No.3029942

Seriously guys. You all whine and moan about what to do if /jp/ gets axed but no one is thinking about the poor Dawson, Japanese Bird and all the other spam.
Where will those guys go to now? So? I thought so.
You heartless bastards.

>> No.3029943

Moot will never delete /jp/.

>> No.3029953



>> No.3029950

I think /jp/ should move to iichan if the board were to die. Pooshlmer is included in there with the board list for Touhou.

No board for visual novels, though, but otherwise it's a good site.

>> No.3029955

>Where will those guys go to now?
They should just die.

And all will rejoice.

>> No.3029956
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>> No.3029957

They already spammed that shit on pooshlmer during the last DDoS.
Cancer will always find a way.

>> No.3029962
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>> No.3029965

Cancer dies if the host dies too. We need to axe 4chan.

>> No.3029968
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I'm going to where YOU'RE going, anonymous-kun.

>> No.3029980

Did you not read what I posted? There's no way to kill them once and for all, they'll just spread to other sites.
Our only hope is effective moderation, but that's not going to happen.

>> No.3029977
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I will hide, you won't be able to find me.

>> No.3029974

Katawa Shoujo saved /jp/. Moot likes us now.

>> No.3029973

Kill 4chan and all the /b/ullshit will die eventually.

>> No.3029975

Oh Arc♡

>> No.3029991
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Please die.

>> No.3029995

>Despite the shit every so often, you bros are great.
I wholeheartedly agree. I don't mind scavenging through all the shit threads to find the actual good discussion.
Really, remember the 'shroud of martin'-thread that derailed into a Redwall discussion, or the Drink-tan playthroughs every sunday. You guys are more like me than any person I've ever met.

>> No.3030002

Everybody on /jp/ is their own clone.

>> No.3030003

4chan has a weak antibody against cancer. The few that it has is not nearly enough to stop it from spreading like crazy.
It spreads to other sites, but those can regulate it somehow.

>> No.3030014

If 4chan were to die that shit would clog up all the imageboards. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

>> No.3030030


It happens to iichan every time 4chan goes down for more than a few hours.

>> No.3030033


>> No.3030043

touhou would just end up being posted even more on /tg/

moot made it /tg/ - Touhou Games for a few hours after a big shitstorm by fags from /v/ about it being posted on /tg/

>> No.3030046

Why does /tg/ like Touhou?

>> No.3030050

I just realize 4chan time is 3 hours slower.

>> No.3030053

I would go to Pooshlmer. Oh wait, I already do.

>> No.3030054

Get off my THP faggot

>> No.3030065


>> No.3030070

Fag, east coast for lyfe.

>> No.3030083

>much more intolerant of "lolrandom" behavior.

I mean, Jeeezus, the regulars on pooshlmer blow their collective fuses if you don't post according to their self-imposed system. Seriously, I never thought posters on an anonymous board could ever be so anal about things. A sudden influx of /jp/ posters would probably do wonders to clear out that cloying atmosphere.

>> No.3030086

go back to /a/, probably make a actual effort to go back to posting about manga that is rarely talked about because /a/ fucking loves troll topics about Naruto and Bleach.

Fuck all other boards associated with the 'Touhou fandom' /jp/ is bad enough without going down that route.

>> No.3030099

The only thing they are guilty of is tolerance of emoticons. That aside, they are a lot less "lol random" than /jp/.

Also, no reaction images or "daily dose" bullshit. It's a pretty cool board.

>> No.3030168

I'll defer to you guys. After all, I stopped visiting Pooshlmer regularly around Drawing Thread #8 or so because I could not stand that place anymore.

By "lolrandom" I was trying to indicate their memes like "kaguya's truck" (originated by Walfas, I know, but they ran with it), sake don't even drop, etc.
