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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3026431 No.3026431 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3026441

but i love you, sink ;)

>> No.3026443

So is this shit going to be posted daily now?

>> No.3026500

How does he know that? Has my pillow been seeing him behind my back?

>> No.3026510


>> No.3026537

And YOUR significant other doesn't love YOU, either, but we can both keep pretending, okay?

>> No.3027167


>> No.3027170

Don't even TRY to pretend you're not attracted to real 10 year old girls, i won't believe you!

>> No.3027188

One of my professors in college was a turk, he was a real cool guy.

>> No.3027196

Until they get bored of course.

>> No.3027231

I think this guy's just bitter that his body pillow was cheating on him with some neckbeard.

>> No.3028000

That New York Times article is really doing damage.
The other day my parents brought it up. Luckily I suppress enough, I think.

>> No.3028009
File: 4 KB, 271x362, feminist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That New York Times article is really doing damage.
Just as planned.

>> No.3028026


Is that Feminist symbol a fist ramming up a vulva?

>> No.3028073

>>That New York Times article is really doing damage. The other day my parents brought it up. Luckily I suppress enough, I think.

Good thing my parents don't read that. I'd definitely get some questions from them if they did.

>> No.3028100

Anyone have a link to the New York Times article?

>> No.3028106

>That New York Times article is really doing damage.
Good thing they're projected to go out of business next year

>> No.3028119



>> No.3028123

I'm sure my parent read the article. I'm sure out of the possibilities that their 23 year old son is either gay or a 2D lover, they'd pick the former. Never bothered to ask me, so I don't bother to tell them I love 2D.

>> No.3028126

I liked how the woman kept mixing up 3D and 2D. But honestly, if someone is having sex with a pillow, I wouldn't want them around my kids either.

>implying I will ever have children ;_;

>> No.3028128

You mean you don't?

>> No.3028135

It's not like you would know, unless they were like the guy in the NY times article.

>> No.3028149

My 2D love cannot be represented in the 3rd dimension, especially not by a body pillow.

>> No.3028170

Maybe now is a good time to ask. What made you people draw away from real females? I mean, I'm a virgin loser myself, but I simply can't force myself away from liking real human feminine features. I think the main interviewee in the article had the right idea about being realistic.

>> No.3028173
File: 111 KB, 640x480, IMG_0121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents do not read the New York Times, but are pretty accepting of my 2D waifu. Hell, my mom got me a figure of her for my 23rd birthday (which I still don't know how she knew about her, because at that point in time she didn't know about my waifu). It's strange though, because my mother keeps joking (or I'd hope so) about when I plan on marrying her when she calls me.

>> No.3028176

I don't care about real women, it's as simple as that. I'm not attracted to them knowing how fake and stupid they are. I work my job, have a few friends, and resort to 2D for love. I am fine with my life.

>> No.3028183

>how fake (...) they are
>resort to 2D for love
Don't you think that's a little ironic?

>> No.3028184

Sounds exactly like me. Also happy with my life.

>> No.3028188


>> No.3028189

You don't understand what I'm saying, do you?

By fake I mean they put on a mask and try to act like good people to hide the hidden bitches that they really are. I'm not stupid, I already know that 2D does not exist.

>> No.3028197

What ironic about that? Learn to 2D. Faggot.

>> No.3028199


That's understandable. Somehow, I tend to overlook the bad qualities ascribed to women in general and focus on how nice they look.

>> No.3028205

The closest I ever got to liking a girl was when I first hit puberty and fancied a girl for no more than a week. Even then it wasn't even really a crush, more like I was interested. But after about a week I lost the initial interest. Since then I haven't found anyone that I really like in the 3D world. However, 2D is a different story. My first crush was, in fact, Sailor Moon and Venus.

No joke.
What I hate the most is the mindset some people have.
"You don't like what I like, you must be severely depressed to stoop down to such lows"

What, I can't genuinely like the girl? I HAVE to be a depressed looser to like her? No, I don't. I don't care what your standards are, don't confuse them with mine.

I'm talking to nobody in particular, just felt like getting some points out.

>> No.3028210
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You guys are joking or trolling, right?

How could you possibly like a drawing better than a real person?

>> No.3028211

That's sad.

>> No.3028213

>I tend to overlook the bad qualities ascribed to women in general and focus on how nice they look

Maybe I could do that if all I were looking for is to get laid, but when it comes to love it's near impossible for me to feel anything towards somebody, except for my idealistic 2D fantasies.

>> No.3028220

No anonymous. You are the trolls.

>> No.3028222

Obviously you are just a normalfag that can't even begin to fathom people being different from your social standards, so I don't feel the need to explain anything else to you. Perhaps you will grow up in the near future.

>> No.3028225

Mine was some of the girls of Tenchi Muyo when it aired on Toonami. Sasami, the pink haired one, and the ganguro one. I remember watching that in my room, and then masturbating in the bathroom after it was over. I no longer masturbate in the bathroom, so I guess my life really hasn't changed much.

>> No.3028232

I think it would be better if my parents understood my 2D complex.

I'm pretty sure they just think I'm a pedophile right now.

>> No.3028233

That's really cute.
If I were a girl, I'd date you.

>> No.3028239

Dates are possible between men.

>> No.3028242
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I'll have to respectfully decline your offer. Sorry.

>> No.3028245

I think this article is pretty stupid. It makes it look like there are shitloads of guys running around Tokyo with body pillows in broad daylight.

I highly doubt that.

>> No.3028246


>> No.3028249

So do you guys just plan on being single your whole life or do you plan to have a family eventually?

>> No.3028251

Nisan didn’t mean to fall in love with Nemutan.

>> No.3028255
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>> No.3028257

Normalfags disgust me.

Let people do what they fucking want.


>> No.3028258

I don't think I could possibly fall in love with a 2D fictional character, but I look up to you guys that can.

>> No.3028259

Goddamn I hate articles like that, coming from this 'moral high ground' perspective, talking down on people.

>> No.3028273

The article was okay in comparison to most others. It was mostly neutral, but I really didn't like how much she focused on the age of the characters, even exaggerating in some parts.

>> No.3028277
File: 275 KB, 800x600, 1242997816326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what is this force, then, by which Don Juan seduces?
It is desire, the energy of sensuous desire. He desires in
every woman the whole of womanhood. The reaction to
this gigantic passion beautifies and develops the one desired,
who flushes in enhanced beauty by his reflection. As
the enthusiast's fire with seductive splendor illumines even
those who stand in a casual relation to him, so Don Juan
transfigures in a far deeper sense every girl.

I havn't completely discarded 3D women, precisely because of the 2D ideal that I desire in them. I think it's much more fulfilling to keep 2D in one's heart while confronting the world, rather than discarding reality all together. By doing so, 2D never ceases to be beautiful due to its nature as an ideal, and 3D becomes appealing by virtue of the ideal's reflection.

>> No.3028279

These guys are outsmarting me dudes.

I think I'll stop with all this anime bullshit and get some pot to smoke along with aids infected bitches so I can have a children and a lawsuit on me about monthly payments and stuff.

>> No.3028280

What for?
Families are annoying to deal with. Not my kind of thing. Besides, I'd make a horrible father. I'm far too selfish to deal with anyone else's needs and wants. I dson't like compromising with someone else to spend out free time doing something we both like a little when I could be using my free time doing what I really wanna do alone.

Even as a kid I felt this way. My friends would invite me over to their houses and stuff in 3rd grade. I'd make up some lie so I can go home and watch my yellow crap sub VHS tapes of anime from the Asian store near my house.

"Hey, wanna come play some street fighter at Hector's house?"
"Um...actually my mom wants me home early, I have to take out the meat to defrost before she gets home"
Of course, this was a lie so I can get home without making them feel like they were ditched. By the end of 4th grade my friends pretty much established that I'd much rather stay at home than be with them, and that I was only a "in school" friend.

>> No.3028286

Even then they got the ages wrong

>> No.3028293

I don't think anybody would want be as a husband or a father. I'm too apathetic to things.

>> No.3028299

An experimental relationship. To this day, she still doesn't have the slightest idea as to why I called it off.

I remembered thinking to myself "fuck, this isn't what I expected at all" and turned back to 2D. I can't understand how some of you normalfags can manage... it's just simply too much shit for me to deal with. Too much upkeep.

Well, at least I got to fuck her (amazing, huh?). That must've been great for me, right? Fuck no. Call bullshit all you want, but it didn't feel good at all. My right hand does a much better job at satisfying me. Granted, she wasn't really experienced -- I'll give her that... but I'm sure I wasn't supposed to get bored in the middle of it.

>> No.3028300

I hate how they call her Nemutan. Why not just Nemu? That's her name, isn't it? Stop calling her the same thing as 'Niisan'. It's creepy. Also, is Nemu really 10 years old? She was in middle school according to the Wikipedia (haven't played Da Capo).

>> No.3028303

I want to have one daughter and I will spoil the fucking shit out of her.

>> No.3028304

Stop being a loser and get a pussy already dickweed.

>> No.3028305

Why can't some people love both 2D and 3D like I do? I look to 2D for my idealistic fantasies, and 3D for the real thing. My parents are deeply understanding, although I think they already abandoned dreams of me bearing children due to my preference, but whatever. That's what adoption is for.

>> No.3028309


Even if it weren't for BITCHES AND WHORES, I still probably wouldn't have a family. The career I intend to go into is pretty dangerous. It'd be pretty selfish of me to have a family, then run off and get killed.

>> No.3028313

I want to play Princess Maker IRL. ;_;

>> No.3028314

Because I don't want the real thing. I just want to fantasize about it. That's all.

>> No.3028316

You've got me pegged there.

You know drawings can't reciprocate feelings, right?

>> No.3028317

Pretty sure all the Da Capo girls were like 15.

>> No.3028323

At least spell it right.

>> No.3028324

Where is that video?

>> No.3028326


I love people though, and people are 3D.

I still don't got any friends though. Actually, I haven't had one since I was a little kid. I guess I'm just too used to enjoying things alone. Maybe I'll figure out how to connect to people IRL as time goes on, but I'm not worrying about it at the moment.


Yeah, I want to one day. It's always been a goal of mine, actually.

>> No.3028332

My life goal is to support myself until I have enough money and a place to accommodate a little girl. I'd get all the satisfaction of being a father, without the nagging bitch. If I don't ever have enough money to support myself and a little girl, then I guess I'll never have a child to call my own.

>> No.3028333

>. I think it's much more fulfilling to keep 2D in one's heart while confronting the world, rather than discarding reality all together. By doing so, 2D never ceases to be beautiful due to its nature as an ideal, and 3D becomes appealing by virtue of the ideal's reflection.
>3D becomes appealing by virtue of the ideal's reflection.
It will only bring you despair in the end, my dear chap.

>> No.3028341

No, she isn't. And it shows that they didn't actually research their topic before making a show about it. They probably think Nemutan is her name.

>> No.3028344

ITT dicks afraid of pussy.

>> No.3028346


My goal is to have a family some day too, and I know I can bag a good girl too. I know I'm a good person that can make a woman happy someday.

>> No.3028348

Big fucking difference.

>> No.3028350

It's not too difficult to connect to people IRL, but if you're too idealistic it will be a challenge.

>> No.3028352
File: 6 KB, 251x177, 1242416797242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3028353

Right, and dealing with 10+ years of arguments on and off with some chick who gradually gets older and uglier leads to a much better end?

>> No.3028359


I like how somebody responded to the video with Rainbow Girl.

>> No.3028361

u virgin

>> No.3028363

>Actually, I haven't had one since I was a little kid.

Hey, sounds a lot like me as well. Fuck.


>> No.3028364

Normalfags are silly creatures. The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy". It's sad.

>> No.3028367

It doesn't have to love me back!

>> No.3028375

You're just afraid of ending just like your parents.

Grow the fuck up already, dude. You're not a teenager anymore. Right?

>> No.3028380

>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"
>The only purpose they find in life is to "get some pussy"

>> No.3028385
File: 68 KB, 800x600, 1248387190154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2d looks better then 3d ever will, its as simple as that.

And in regards to romance, maybe I'm weird, but I've never felt anything for anyone.

>> No.3028387

Yes, that's what I said. What about it?

>> No.3028388

Dose he think women are really in love with him?

>> No.3028394


Turks are quite popular with the ladies.

>> No.3028398

But are they in love with him?

>> No.3028401
File: 28 KB, 385x385, 1237051201680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your love for her is real, and if you're happy with that then that's all that counts. Because really, if you're happy with the way your life is then how can someone else butt in and act like they know what's best for you. People are individuals. We all have different values, and some of us don't like to follow the cookie-cutter path of the "ideal life"
Do Good in school > Find a nice girl > Get a good job > Get married > Have children

People seem to think that if your like isn't anywhere near this path then you're miserable. You can't possibly be happy if you don't live the way everyone else is living, right?

Keep loving her anon. She's not physically real, but her character is. Don't let go of that love you have for her.

>> No.3028403

What for is a relationship with a woman when all you have to care about after marriage is raising kids and having a financially stable life?

You can be financially stable all by yourself, and you can go on living without the need of a wife and some snotty little brats.

>> No.3028405

go back to /a/ you shithead

>> No.3028406
File: 130 KB, 537x600, 6a7b2cbfca1bb65426dcc60bff5b32511ae669f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about this a lot recently. I really want to raise a daughter and mold her into a perfect woman. She'll be born at home in my secluded mansion in the forest. Home schooled her entire life and taught skills like flower arranging and tea critique. She wont have any contact with the outside world, but she wont need any. Nothing to corrupt my perfect child.

...Oh man, I just realized I'm a Kuhouin

>> No.3028410

It's strange, but it was a few years after I started living this life (I was 8 when I played my first eroge) that I had friends. I didn't have friends as a kid, but this 2D world taught me how to actually form relationships. It's rather ironic.

>> No.3028411

Femanon here,

virgin boys SICKEN me. What's the point in having a dong between your legs and not using it? You've got sperm running in your balls to pour it in a pussy not in your own hand. Your dad would be disappointed if he saw you wasting your genetic material with unliving creatures made of pixels.

Girls aren't so scary as you people think, just try not to be a complete ass around us and you might get a nice relationship. People can be a bother when living alone but I guarantee you the good times are worth all the trouble.

>> No.3028412

I assure you, you are not the only one. It's not as if I can't stand the sight of people, I've just never found an actual person who's attracted me.

That said, I don't even have people I'd wanna spend time with as friends.

>> No.3028414

I forgot to put in 'This.'

>> No.3028417

>Do Good in school > Find a nice girl > Get a good job > Get married > Have children > Divorce > Child support


>> No.3028418

perhaps it's because you're 800 pounds and smell like shit

>> No.3028420

shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.3028422

Why are there so many normalfags here? Are they idolfags trolling or something?

>> No.3028423

>Ending up like your parents
>Implying not every relationship has its ups and downs and doesn't eventually loose it's spark with age

>> No.3028424

/jp/ is a skinny board.

>> No.3028429

Roneryfags are silly creatures. The only purpose they find in life is to "watch some anime character get some pussy and fap to it". It's sad.

>> No.3028431

This is why women don't know what 'true love' means.

>> No.3028436

I am disappoint

>> No.3028438

Oh, I thought you were against what I was saying or something.

>> No.3028439

I've been posting on both since the split. Couldn't decide which board to stay in since they both had something I liked. I know I'm not the only one who still frequents both boards. I just don't use my trip on this side much, but sometimes I'm too lazy to take it off when switching between the two.

Sage for unrelated post.

>> No.3028442

I'm a 1D man.

>> No.3028445
File: 398 KB, 640x480, Soundin kinda 3D there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3028446

Why are you responding to obvious trolls? Ignore them.

>> No.3028448

>just try not to be a complete ass around us

This is one of my problems with real people in general.

Why should I act like someone I'm not?

>> No.3028451

Don't worry about the trolls. I think you fit in just fine here, bro.

>> No.3028452
File: 17 KB, 256x353, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the good times are worth all the trouble.

>> No.3028454


>> No.3028456

Well, yeah that's what usually happens. But what I meant was that this particular string of events is usually seen as the "ideal life" for many people. Or at least resembles an ideal life for most, the "successful" life path.

Not everyone can obtain it obviously, but it's what most people aim for.

>> No.3028458

I am underweight. Practically nothing to eat around my house until meals.

>> No.3028462

Time doesn't matter. The experience you get from it is what's really important.

Same how 2D fappers don't just keep jacking off to the same girl every night.

>> No.3028464

Femtripfag here,

You complain too much. It's their sperm, let them do what they want with it. Sex is overrated.

>> No.3028465

Actually, I'm underweight. I only eat like 1 meal a day. And that's usually a bowl of cereal or something, unless I'm in the mood to actually cook something. Which is almost never, because I'm lazy. At 23 I don't even weight 130 pounds.

>> No.3028467

if your able to have meals, there is food too eat, stop your bitching

>> No.3028470

Try not being yourself is a good start.

>> No.3028472

I usually do, but I feel like typing a bit to loose some energy so I can fall asleep already. So I guess I can humor them for a bit.

>> No.3028473

>Same how 2D fappers don't just keep jacking off to the same girl every night.

I usually fap to the same girl for a while.

>> No.3028479


It's their bodies, their sperm. They can do whatever the hell they want with it. They don't owe it to anyone.

>> No.3028481

ITT: /r9k/ vs /jp/

>> No.3028483

Back to your yaoi fanfic, fat bitch.

>> No.3028484

Heh, at 22 I don't even reach 100 pounds.

>> No.3028485

>It's their bodies and their fetus, let them do what they want with it

>> No.3028492

Why would I want to stop being myself? I'm awesome.

>> No.3028502

Because you're a virgin loser and nobody likes you?

>> No.3028511


My father was a lying, cheating bastard, half-insane from deployments, who got off to chicks fucking dogs.

Do I really need his approval?

>> No.3028512

This thread has now become just about as bad as the penis size thread. You guys should be ashamed.

>> No.3028515

Hm? I like me.

>> No.3028516
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They don't bother me, just feel like replying to people.

>> No.3028518

It's because you're a woman.

Screw that. That won't work once the bitch gets to know you more.

>> No.3028529

Your text stinks of troll and bad writting.

>> No.3028530

Where the fuck is the janitor? moot should give me temporary janitor powers so I can clean /jp/ up by deleting shitty threads like this.

>> No.3028534

Nobody cares about what you think, though.

>> No.3028535

If she accepts your true self after the facade is gone, you have a keeper. I've seen it happen, but it's uncommon.

>> No.3028536

Even if I keep my power level low in public, this makes me ashamed that people don't understand we simply don't like 3D people.
(With that said, I have 3D friends, but I will never have a 3D relationship.)

Don't worry Battler, I will always love you ;_; You won't ever be replaced...

You'll cheat on us for the jackass with the cheesy biker jacket and the "I'm better than you" attitude.
No thank you.

>> No.3028538

I remember your mom makes you call her okaasan.

>> No.3028544

Usually it's a fantasy or fetish that I continually fap to, it's in 2D format but the girl's identity doesn't really matter.

>> No.3028546

>but it's uncommon

Understatement of year

>> No.3028548

Normalfags sure are patethic aren't they?
Can't even keep their hormones in check, what a waste of life.

>> No.3028554

Just wait for a normalfag to reply to you with "STFU VIRGIN".

>> No.3028556

I care what I think. I like myself and that's all that really matters to me. I don't seek the approval of anyone.

>> No.3028564

I suppose I've seen it happen more often than other people. I must be lucky like that.

>> No.3028573

>If she accepts your true self after the facade is gone, you have a keeper. I've seen it happen, but it's rare.

Usually, these 'keepers' are the ones who will let go of the relationship first. I'm sick of it. You crawl down just to get her everything and in the end, a simple lolthisshitaintgoingnowherekthxbye will kill it. Sometimes I was wondering if I'm a fugly asshole or I have done something wrong that irked her.

I've lost trust in 3D love.

>> No.3028575

That was only a handful of times. She's the one that uses it to refer to herself when talking to me. Instead of saying something like "I've been having a pretty good day" she'd say "Okaasan's having a pretty good day."

It's not as annoying as it seems really, you get used to it after a while. Still, I wonder if I were to make up a word on the spot when she asked me how to say "mom" in Japanese, if she would still use it.

>> No.3028581
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>> No.3028589
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>> No.3028595

Would you be willing to let all of the virgins on /jp/ who enjoy 3D have their way with you to complete your vision? If you're not really doing anything to help solve your 'problem', I don't think you should be complaining about anything.

>> No.3028593

It's hilarious how some of you are saying normalfags shouldn't look down on you, but in the same post you look down on them.

>> No.3028595,1 [INTERNAL] 

I just watched that video and had to stop after the guy said,
"There are a couple of things wrong with this, let me name three of them."

Blatant trolling.
