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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 355x500, Yume_Miru_Kusuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3012158 No.3012158 [Reply] [Original]

I just started playing this and I can't stop raging at how severe physical violence is constantly inflicted on Aeka and nobody gives a shit, not even the fucking protagonist. How am I supposed to relate to him?

>> No.3012164

Just drop it while you can, the whole thing is shit.

>> No.3012166

VN protagonists are supposed to be as neutral as possible.

>> No.3012172

Play Aeka's route first, you'll enjoy the end

and don't pay attention to this fucker.

>> No.3012350

Only shitty generic ones.

>> No.3012496


Dont worry anon, by the time the ending swings round, you will end up having the BIGGEST grin on your face.

>> No.3012940

So in other words, Aeka is going to repeatedly get brutally raped. Am I close?

>> No.3012963

Not a bad guess.

>> No.3012971

Sadly, backwards.

>> No.3012990

キラ☆キラ > this shit

>> No.3012996

YMK, shitty VN or shittiest VN?

>> No.3013003

Play Aeka's route and then uninstall it.

Nekoko and footjob-chan, not so good.

>> No.3013009

キラ☆キラ is lighter and more comedic, compared to YMK and CC which is more intense with heavy/serious theme.

>> No.3013025

Aeka is the worst route in the game.

>> No.3013023


Aeka = Shit
Nekoko = Shit
Mizuki = Shit

They're all shit. Better uninstall it now.

>> No.3013033

Just keep clicking...

>> No.3013047

Not really, no. In Aeka's route, something actually happens.

In Nekoko's route, you have sex with a drugged loli in a dark alley and chase an hallucination.

In Mizuki's route... well, shit, you do nothing at all.

>> No.3013064
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>> No.3013071


Only slightly

>> No.3013073
File: 78 KB, 320x240, 1236942953131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>キラ☆キラ is lighter and more comedic

>> No.3013074

Die for your imagery, die for your sins.
There can be neither forgiveness nor mercy for /b/tards.

>> No.3013075

YMK is the worst VN I've ever had the displeasure of reading. Just a bit below Planetarian, at least that kept its shittiness short.

>> No.3013086

Kazoku Keikaku was here, all other eroge are poop.

>> No.3013091
File: 337 KB, 848x871, Withbckgrnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're calling me a /b/tard.
I'm offended, Jones.

>> No.3013126

Wow, It's interesting that /jp/'s opinions of this game have changed so much over the past few months...

>> No.3013169

YMK is mostly a sex romp, the heavy moment are mostly just there for the SHOCK FACTOR, meaning it's pretty shallow all in all.
Kira Kira is far more heavy in its development, for one it makes you actually care for the characters.
And the latest part of the routes, especially Kirari's normal, are far more intense and serious than anything in YMK.

>> No.3013177

I dunno, footjob chan's route seemed alright to me... if anything it was a little disconnected

>> No.3013189

Umineko >> Saya no Uta >>> FSN >>>>>>>>> everything else >>>>> Yume Miru Kusuri

game sux

>> No.3013192

Like when they go to China and almost die?

>> No.3013204


I can't take this post seriously.

>> No.3013209

For the mystery thriller genre:
G-senjou no Maou > Umineko

For the psychological/drama genre:
Cross Channel > Saya no Uta

For the slice of life/ drama genre:
Kira Kira >= Clannad > Family Project > YMK

>> No.3013214

Oh and FSN is mediocre, some good parts but far too dragged out for its own good.

>> No.3013215

YMK is a pretty good entry-level VN, but there are better ones out there

>> No.3013222


>> No.3013224
File: 70 KB, 889x445, 1242986363894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>FSN >>>>>>>>> everything else

>> No.3013220

> Wow, It's interesting that /jp/'s opinions of this game have changed so much over the past few months...

Actually, it is more like same troll for most of this thread.

>> No.3013233


I can't take this post seriously.

>> No.3013238

Everyone loves Aeka.
Everyone likes Nekoko.
Everyone is tsundere for that other girl whatever her name was

>> No.3013253

This. Most of the thread is probably that same angry NEET troll that's been active recently.

>> No.3013255

YMK needed more "Onii-chan!" and less ".................."

>> No.3013302

Blame your shit taste.

>> No.3013326

I didn't jack off all over YMK when it was first released like everyone else here was doing (metaphorically speaking).
I thought it had poor characterization and writing, but it wasn't shit. They could have done better, but it's far from the worst.

>> No.3013380

Oh, okay.

>> No.3013397

Aeka is shit. Her route was interesting, but not romantic. Just a dumb cunt.

>> No.3013419

OP, you can't you're not Japanese. You obviously don't understand the "its better to not get involved" mindset.

That said, I hated Aeka's route cuz the protagonist goes about the situation terribly, and I thought the end was just to please all the kids that got beat up in high school. It was a terrible end.

Aeka = My life sucks, so instead of doing something about it i'm gonna kill myself.
Nekoko = My life sucks, so I'm gonna take drugs cuz they make everything fun.
Mizuki = My life sucks, so I'm gonna act out over the top and hope i die along the way.

>> No.3013437
File: 402 KB, 640x1440, fuck moeblobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior bullied retard girl game.

>> No.3013445




>> No.3013480

I can almost agree with this post. Umineko loses a few points for having atrocious art and occasionally being tedious to read.

>> No.3013483

Sorry OP, but it seems like this "potentially" good thread turned into


and people are ignoring your question.
To answer your question, I don't think you've finished the game yet, so continue before you ask again.

>> No.3013486

So, it looks like the devs had an Aya route in mind but decided not to go through with it... would /jp/ like the game more if the devs weren't such good trolls?

>> No.3013493

Not really. It's not like Aya is a compelling character or anything.

The Puff is the only character I really enjoyed in YMK.

>> No.3013501

I don't like YMK, but that one was even worse.

>> No.3013511

Aya was the only good character in the game, it could have been decent if she had a route.

>> No.3013525

Y'know, I never understood the whole "I'm actually 20 but I still look like a loli" thing

>> No.3013555

It's because in Japan you are considered an adult when you are 20, so there are no legal issues associated with appearing in pornography.

>> No.3014709

OP here, finished Aeka's route. That was pretty fucked up, also the writing was pretty terrible but I guess the sex scenes were pretty hot. That was the second VN I ever played, the first one was Aoi Shiro which is IMO in a totally different league. I played YMK because someone mentioned it here some time ago and the cover looked interesting, but it was pretty disappointing. Maybe my expectations were too high after Aoi Shiro? Not sure if I can muster the willpower to go through the other routes.

>> No.3014718

I haven't even heard of Aoi Shiro until this post, and I thought /jp/ talked about most of the translated non-sexromp VNs.

YMK is just shit, though.If you didn't like Aeka's route you might as well just drop it and play something better.

>> No.3014729

Aoi Shiro is a yuri VN. That's why no one talks about it.

>> No.3014762


It's also not translated fully so yeah

>> No.3014771

How simple is the writing? I've been thinking of trying to read an untranslated VN for a while now, but my nihongo isn't all that great.

>> No.3014772

Well, full routes ARE translated so it's not like you're just going to get cut off randomly when you get into it...

Anyways, I'm still waiting for the final patch later this year. Apparently the current patch isn't fully proofread or something.

>> No.3014786

Is yuri not liked around these parts? I'm pretty much an omnivore - I'll enjoy anything from married missionary position to tentacles, straight/trap/futa/yuri/yaoi, anything goes. I just want some good writing and interesting plotlines. Good music certainly doesn't hurt either, I love the Aoi Shiro soundtrack.

>> No.3014791

It's more that anything yuri gets shitposted in until you can't discuss whatever you were discussing anymore.

>> No.3014809

It's pretty harsh, assloads of references to classic Japanese literature and folklore and plenty of wordplay. Like >>3014772 said though, a bunch of the routes (all except 2) are fully translated.

>> No.3014870

>Aoi Shiro

PS2 only, or did google just fail me?

I'm also getting the feeling far too many VNs just go for porn or tears. Aren't there any centered on comedy or something?

>> No.3014894


The good ones have porn, comedy, AND tears.

>> No.3014900

It's PC as well.

>> No.3014927


There's a PC version, it's around 8GB or so which makes you wonder just sort of visual novel this is

>> No.3014934

This better be the best god damn yuri VN I'll ever read in English or else I'll be mad I waited around downloading 8gb off of Megaupload.

>> No.3014944

This VN is a piece of shit.

>> No.3015044

Pretty much a thread full of bashing. No legitimate conversation or discussion at all.

OP, it's enjoyable if you don't try picking at flaws that do or do not exist. If you do do it, there will ALWAYS be something wrong. Play the game and have fun.

That said, Aeka's route is cool. Drama city, but it's fun if you can put up with the MAIN CHARACTER NEUTRALITY bullshit.

>> No.3015147
File: 94 KB, 807x257, haruka_idolmaster_evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3015164


Hal? Didn't they make the kirby games too?

>> No.3015181

can't find a torrent for the pc version, help?

>> No.3015287

You do mean Aeka from Tenchi Muyo?

>> No.3015446

The part I found to be the worst was the tazers. No one would get away with that shit in class. The burn marks on Aeka's back alone are enough proof. Simply ridiculously bad writing.

I didn't finish the other two routes because they seemed boring.

>> No.3015521
File: 37 KB, 329x329, 1236896266096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not as boring as Aeka's. I thought they would be too, but they had more interesting bits.

>> No.3015537

Bad writing? In a VN? No way.

>> No.3016326

But, if you're willing to ignore a few minor plot holes here and there, you get the sweet satisfaction of chokin' dat bitch till she craps her pants.

Despite that, I like Nekoko best, it also is the only one that the game's title truly fits.

>> No.3016366

Antoinette is the only worthy one to spend time with. She knew Aeka was a worthless, stupid bitch.
Not getting with her was total bullshit.

>> No.3016367

The part I found to be the worst was the wampires. No Sacchin would get away with that shit in town. The fang marks on Shiki's neck alone are enough proof. Simply ridiculously bad writing.

I didn't finish the other five routes because they seemed boring.

>> No.3016459

ITT we discover porn games have mediocre writing.

>> No.3016719



>> No.3017629


アオイシロ at hongfire should get you in the right direction I believe.

Luckily I seem to have downloaded this before already.

>> No.3017678

I for one, loved what Aeka and Kouhei did to Antoinette.
