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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 500x500, yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2996806 No.2996806 [Reply] [Original]

TV Tropes is having a discussion on renaming the Yandere trope to something else. The guy who started the original discussion wishes to rename it to Bunny Boiler, which makes no sense.

Your thoughts on this?
Link to thread: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=n5nigj2ml0vl4p7f1u8nccyu&page=1

>> No.2996808

It's shit.

>> No.2996816

What the hell does bunny boiler mean? It's the first time I've heard of it.

>> No.2996822

It's shit.
>Bunny Boiler
What the fuck is this shit. Unless he's referring to those old Hanna-Barbera cartoons. In which case, it still doesn't make sense.

>> No.2996828

Apparently it's a reference to an old 1980's British film that never made it over here (or anywhere else for that matter).

>> No.2996831

Reference to Fatal Attraction

>> No.2996829

Fatal Attraction.

>> No.2996834

>Bunny Boiler is a pejorative term for an obsessive and dangerous individual, most commonly referring to a jilted lover who is stalking the person who has spurned her or him. The term is normally used for a woman. The phrase derives from the 1987 film Fatal Attraction, about a woman who begins stalking a man with whom she had a one-night stand, during the course of which she cooks his daughter's pet bunny.

>> No.2996836

I thought bunny boiler meant an angry lover?

>> No.2996838

The english term for Yandere is easy, it's Bipolar Psycho.

>> No.2996845

The original yandere?

>> No.2996851

>Fatal Attraction
>the original yandere

Try Greek mythology. Those of course weren't the original yandere either, but they're a good example of how the concept has always existed in stories.

>> No.2996888

Tiamat was the original yandere :3c

>> No.2996895

Get out.

>> No.2996904

Yandere is a stupid term.
TVTropes is a stupid site.

>> No.2996918

I don't understand the hate for tvtropes.

>> No.2996924

jesus no, get out

>> No.2996925

>TV Tropes is retarded

We know. Let them be.

>> No.2996930

>TV Tropes
I fucking hate that site. Whenever someone links me to it I get trapped for hours on end.

But I learned Samuel L. Jackson reads manga from there, so it's turned into a love-hate relationship really.

>> No.2996932

Read the link in OP and try to say it again with a straight face.

>> No.2996937

The basic idea of TVTropes is fine, and the site is fairly addictive.

The problems come when one group of fanfags try to get their totem series mentioned in every trope, and another group of fanfags try to REMOVE that same series from every trope, and then they start arguing with each other and talking a shitload of bullfuck that starts with "In fairness," or "actually". It's one of the most embarrassing things this side of furry incontinence porn.

>> No.2996941

I like TV Tropes.

But, much like Wikipedia, it only takes one retard to ruin an entire page. This is an example of that.

>> No.2996942

What Sankakucomplex is to /a/, Tvtropes is to /jp/.

>> No.2996944

This is another thing it has in common with liarpedia.

>> No.2996949


Not this shit again

>> No.2996954

more like tvtropes is to /tg/

>> No.2996957

So do any of you like any website other than /jp/?

In before claims of hating /jp/, in spite of wasting hours of each day here.

>> No.2996959


what does that word even mean

>> No.2996965

At least wikipedia has safeguards in the requirement to present sources (and therefore have at least a minimal knowledge on the topic). Without that, it's just ignorant teenagers with too much spare time flooding everything and everyone else out with their bullshit.

>> No.2996972

TvTropes is so decentralized, I don't get how you can actually hate the site as a whole. I find that the only frustrating things are certain groups of fans that just ruin shit at times, or make really crazy stretches for their show.

>> No.2996994

>I don't get how you can actually hate the site as a whole

Because it's all the same shit.

>> No.2996998


fucking kids

I've never even watched the entire movie, but I immediately knew what it meant

>> No.2997009

Just like how /jp/ isn't distinguishable in any way from /b/, right?

>> No.2997017

We... umm... have a theme? That's all the difference I can think of.

>> No.2997020

If you're trying to refute my argument by saying that you think /jp/ and /b/ are pretty much the same, you've already lost, kid.

>> No.2997024


Enjoy being one of the the only three people in the world who do.

>> No.2997023


Either that, or shut the fuck up about your shitty website.


>> No.2997030


I'm not sure I'm even playing the same game as you (or any game, for that matter).

As far as internet discussion goes, though, the one who has to resort to ad hominem is usually the one "already losing".

>> No.2997034

bunny boiler sounds fine to me, batshit woman in love, gets obsessive and does batshit things.

>> No.2997036

I would assume that anyone over the age of 20 knows where "bunny boiler" comes from. And I'm pretty sure that more than 3 people in the entire world fit that description.

>> No.2997041

25 here. no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.2997042

Arcueid, I feel like I've just... developed some respect for you.

...This isn't how things are meant to be! Quick, say something retarded so I can hate you again!

>> No.2997043

Get out of my /jp/, tripfag. This board is Anonymous only; people like you should be banned for your inexcusable attention whoring.

>> No.2997044

>I would assume that anyone over the age of 20 knows where "bunny boiler" comes from

You would assume ludicrously wrong.

>> No.2997045

>At least wikipedia has safeguards in the requirement to present sources
Read this and say that again.

>> No.2997046

Why do you only say this now?

>> No.2997054

Thanks for the laugh.

I take everything back. Let me put it another way - thanks to sources, you can easily tell which parts of wikipedia consist of a remotely valid knowledge and which do not.

>> No.2997078
File: 8 KB, 414x408, 1230656754956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Everyone is Bunny Boiler for tvtropes

>> No.2997084

Tvtropes is bad, but Wikipedia is worse because Wikipedia falsely masquerades as a source of factual information.

This same site is the one where the article on minor Star Wars characters is longer, better cited and more well written than the article on the Presidency of the United States and the article on World of Warcraft is 9 times longer than the one on the World.

It's a terrible farce, to say the least.

>> No.2997094

That's because, contrary to Star Wars, nobody cares about the USA.

>> No.2997155

Liking or not Tvtropes is entirely up to the person, but I don't see why it must be discussed here on /jp/.

>> No.2997467
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>i trol u

>> No.2997470
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>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

>> No.2997474
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>hilarious reaction image.jpeg

>> No.2997478


>> No.2997481


A study did show that on major topics, Wiki is as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica.

As for Star Wars having a longer entry than the presidency, frankly, that's meaningless (encyclopedia articles are supposed to be brief anyhow, lengthy articles are Doing It Wrong). Better citations, though, proves Star Wars geeks are better researchers than political junkies (somehow unsurprising).

>> No.2997485 [DELETED] 

stop spamming us

lol wats dat op
http://www.AnouTalk.com/ (Anou = Anon)
> udrchddafydd f23 gifedgfb tfosfsdjx4yhicd d nmuf ydcsj abrf

>> No.2997486
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>> No.2997510
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>> No.2997559


>A study did show that on major topics, Wiki is as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Referencing encyclopedias have always been a lazy substitute for actual learning, as encyclopedias contain simplified summaries of complex and nuanced topics. But at least they were usually based off the opinions of actual experts on subjects.

Wikipedia is supposed to cite actual experts on matters and this might be true for the major or more popular articles, but like the article on Lancelot it doesn't always hold out. And also with real encylopedias we don't have to put up with this shit:


>> No.2997572


Lancelot's mythical sword Arondight is given to him by the Lady of the Lake [6]. According to legend the sword was moulded by the stars and is a crystallisation of the hopes and dreams of all people[7]. Arondight is said to be difficult to blunt[8]. Later on, Lancelot uses Arondight to slay Gawain's younger brother Gareth since King Arthur wanted him to do so.[9]. This act turns his sword from being a sacred sword into a cursed sword[10].
6. ^ TYPE-MOON[1]
7. ^ TYPE-MOON[2]
8. ^ TYPE-MOON[3]
9. ^ Rise, Brian Edward. "Lancelot." Encyclopedia Mythica, [4]
10. ^ TYPE-MOON[5]

Wikipedia is about as factually accurate as 4chan.

>> No.2997575

Tvtropes isn't all bad, sure there will be retards that will muck it up every now and then, but that is a flaw everything has, it only takes one retard to ruin everything.

>> No.2997603

TVtropes is shit. Fucking normal fags trying to pretend they're intelligent and "genre savvy". It comes complete with with whole articles devoted to moral faggotry and random moralfag/political comments inserted into articles. Plus "tropers" generally show an inability to describe any work of fiction without using some retarded TVtrope article name. Fucking retards.

>> No.2997605

Anyone who thinks that tvtropes isn't bad needs to read their yandere article and see how completely wrong they are in classifying most characters.

>> No.2997611

Well, it seems to me that you want your information pre-filtered, something that you could just memorize without applying any critical thinking.

You'll never get it, anywhere, ever.

Ignoring hundreds of thousands of bytes on irrelevant subject isn't hard at all. Neither is ignoring poorly-sourced fragments of articles. You're supposed to read (and cite) the actual sources anyway, after all.

>> No.2997616

Here's an easy way to test tvtropes.

1. Find something, anything, that you know a lot about.
2. Check tvtropes' article on that subject.
3. ????
4. Stop visiting tvtropes before you have an aneurysm.

I have nothing wrong with the site itself (it's like a more fun to read Wikipedia) but the factual inaccuracies coupled with the annoying stuff in >>2997603 make it impossible to read articles on things you care about.

>> No.2997617


>> No.2997619

>Misinformation. FUN AND GAMES.

>> No.2997634

>it's like a more fun to read Wikipedia

On general, not at all. In the main scope of tvtropes... probably. Mainly because wikipedia articles on pop literary "critism" are equally awful. Which in turn may be because they're written by the same people (a scary, but unfortunately plausible thought).

>> No.2997633


No, I want information that at least has some source in reality. "something that you could just memorize without applying any critical thinking"? What the fuck does this even mean? I want information that can at least be traced back to some kind of source. Encyclopedias have always been a shit place to try and get any kind of comprehensive knowledge on a subject but Wikipedia takes it to a whole new level. Most articles have [citation needed]s every third paragraph. It's kind of difficult to accurately examine the sources an article is based off of when no sources are given in the first place.

>> No.2997638
File: 16 KB, 200x150, 37583b262fcf84f36703e0ddb733a8f46c2ca018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: The anons who hate tvtropes because they have burned away at least 20 hours of their life away from reading that site.

>> No.2997647

I don't have tvtropes
but yeah, I've burned probably more than 20 hours of reading there

>> No.2997654

>20 hours

Is this supposed to be a lengthy amount of time?

>> No.2997656

>It's kind of difficult to accurately examine the sources an article is based off of when no sources are given in the first place.

I fail to see any difficulty in disregarding everything lacking a proper citation.

>> No.2997658

Then you have to check every source to see if it's credible or not and that just takes too much time.

>> No.2997663
File: 109 KB, 400x350, arckool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Tropers talk about Wikipedia's accuracy to draw attention away from their shitty anime/fanfiction cliche repository

Herbs for a shitty thread. This is what happens when Tvtropes is posted on 4chan.

>> No.2997664

if you've only been to the site once, maybe

>> No.2997669

I've been living under a rock, so what the fuck is TVtropes?

>> No.2997671
File: 59 KB, 600x433, coolfaceeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you trolling.

Watch this anon cause a whole new shitstorm.

>> No.2997680

If you read the entire thread, you'll see that the vote to rename Yandere failed, and the vote to pick an alternative title for it also failed. Shouldn't be much of a problem.

>> No.2997683

A trope is a figure of speech and TV is a form of broadcast.

>> No.2997685
File: 21 KB, 513x429, upset riddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to reactionface each one of your posts until you leave.

>> No.2997687

I'd like to know too. Is it some silly American thing, like LJ?

>> No.2997699

Why are you replying to a post that isn't there?

>> No.2997718


>The hardest time of the year came, where I have to proof that I mastered what I was taught.

>So no time for translation…. but yet, I was bored on train, so I decided to give translation a go.

>I checked what I translated so far and edited it heavily (new half a year did some miracles to my Japanese) and finished first file, which bumps my progress to maybe 3.5% or something.
>I will continue after my exam period is done.
>PS: I doubt anyone checks this anymore but meh, once I am done I will announce this to the usual places (gemot, /jp/, /hongfire/ and few others).

>This entry was posted on May 10, 2009 at 7:46 pm

This game is never going to be translated, is it? ;_;

>> No.2997723

stop fuckin with us

lol wats dat op
http://www.AnouTalk.com/ (Anou = Anon)
> aifd gtx jdwdijic

>> No.2997737
File: 121 KB, 600x454, cunningplan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



lawl, newfag

I'm not staying in a shitty TVtropes thread. I refuse to hold court to such faggotry.

>> No.2997762

But seriously, who cares what's going on on tvtropes. They may call their articles with random hexadecimal numbers for all I care.

That someone thought what happens on that site is somehow relevant to /jp/ seems like more of a concern.

>> No.2998228

With all it's flaws, Wikipedia still does more good than bad. There you can find an introduction to the most esoteric subjects, even if the information isn't the most reliable.

>> No.2998300

>Bastille !0WpC24Lkxw

>> No.2998569

How dare you imply that a site other than 4chan has any redeeming value. It. . .it just infuriates me so much! I can't believe you would like something other than me!
