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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2990402 No.2990402 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ still like anime/manga, or just VNs and Touhou?

>> No.2990407


>> No.2990412

Mostly the latter, but we still like both.

>> No.2990413

I read more manga than I watch anime, but I'm following about three shows right now. Don't really care for anime anymore.

>> No.2990415

Not as much as I did a while back, but I still watch/read the occasional anime/manga. Outside of those, I just play RPGs and /jp/-related games.

>> No.2990416

Yes, but we can't talk about that here, even though the other shit-infested board is completely useless.

>> No.2990417

I don't like Touhou at all. Just anime/manga/VNs.

>> No.2990418

Anime, not so good. VNs, so good.

>> No.2990419

I like anime and manga, don't care for Touhou though.

>> No.2990421

My personal enjoyment:

VNs > Touhou > Manga >>>>>> Anime

>> No.2990425

I read manga, play vns, troll kig threads.

>> No.2990426

Not this shit again.

>> No.2990431

Don't care about touhou very much.
I watch a good amount of anime, like VN's best.

>> No.2990435

Why are you on /jp/?

>> No.2990438

Probably the VN aspect, perhaps.

>> No.2990443

Because you're here Anon.

>> No.2990444

I do.

>> No.2990447

I actually watch more anime since I left /a/ for good. It's only now that I notice how many decent titles they ignored, even back in the day when people there actually had some taste.

I guess I'm still on /jp/ since my powerlevel in Touhou and VNs is still pretty low.

>> No.2990452

But /a/ discusses VNs too. If you're not into Touhou and other /jp/ related things, I wonder why you are here.

>> No.2990455

They probably come for Umineko after seeing those thread on /a/,

I have been watching much less anime compare to last time. I used to watch like 75% of anime release few years back. This season the only show that I am still watching are canaan, bakemonogatari and horo.

Only watch 1episode of seacat and dropping it. Also drop harohee after the 3rd ep of endless eight. Animu studios seem disinterested nowadays and just want to troll and make money.
Good thing KnK is done by ufotable, they seem like the only good studio left.

>> No.2990456

Case by case

On average VN's make me feel more

I guess I could say that I prefer them

Light Novels can also be pretty good

>> No.2990460

/a/ only discusses the same couple of VNs over and over again.

>> No.2990463

Haven't seen a VN discussion thread on /a/ even once.

>> No.2990465

/a/ isn't supposed to discuss VNs, and even then, I doubt the discussions are even half decent. Plus they probably talk about the same few VNs.

>> No.2990466

most anime is awful, so no

>> No.2990469

>They probably come for Umineko after seeing those thread on /a/
I've never been an /a/ regular. Not even before the split. It was always shit.

>> No.2990473

That requires going to /a/, but I don't see why you would want to when you can talk about them here.

>> No.2990476

>They probably come for Umineko after seeing those thread on /a/

Definitely not, since I don't care about Umineko at all.

>> No.2990479

I've seen tons of YMK, Umineko, KS, Saya no Uta, F/SN threads, etc.

>> No.2990481

It should be required that all /jp/sies watch several hundred anime series and read several thousand manga volumes. Almost all cultural material aimed at otaku is self-referential, so one can only understand what we discuss with that minimal amount of knowledge. This applies the most to VNs and doujin culture, which are among the most esoteric facets of otaku culture as a whole.

>> No.2990485

I still watch some anime, though not as much as I used to.

>> No.2990486

You don't need to like Touhou to go to /jp/ you faggots.

>> No.2990488

I'm having a hard time getting back into anime, even when I know there's shit that I'd enjoy like Canaan. The only VN that has captured my interest lately is Umineko. Watching anime or playing VNs just feels like a chore anymore and I'm not sure when that started happening. Even in college I still watched some anime.

>> No.2990493

I think some of the mods/janitors retired, because it sure lax around here these days. By that, I mean that threads no longer get deleted for containing non-Touhou or VN related topics.

>> No.2990495

According to >>2990479, /a/ discusses VNs to?
So why would anyone come /jp/ if they don't like Touhou?
Are you an idolfag?

>> No.2990497

I've seen a hundred anime and read about 2,000 manga chapters. I stopped because I got bored of both and was moving on to VNs and other things.

Is that good enough?

>> No.2990504

There are plenty of threads that aren't about Touhou. That would be like not going to /a/ because you don't like moe shit. Is it so hard to hide threads you aren't interested in?

>> No.2990506

/jp/ is not either VNs or Touhou, and if you wanted a place to discuss VNs, I don't think anyone would choose /a/ over /jp/.

>> No.2990508

Nope, the janitor is still here. Fucker even deletes individual posts in threads. And it's not because it's rule breaking or anything, it's more that he doesn't like the post.

>> No.2990510

Going by your logic, just because /a/ has some threads about VNs and /tg/ has some threads about touhou, everyone here is here for idols.

>> No.2990511 [SPOILER] 
File: 237 KB, 471x665, 2008-11-23 16-12-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love anime and manga. I prefer /jp/ because >>2990416. Too much Touhou though.

It doesn't stop me from starting /a/ threads though.

Fate thread anyone?

>> No.2990512

Seeing how most anime is horrible, no.
Manga is nice though.

>> No.2990513

I guess he's currently sleeping, the faggot.

>> No.2990514

If you hate something that half the board is about, then you probably shouldn't be here. Same goes for idolfriends.

>> No.2990515

I'll say this, I TRY to watch anime/manga...actually the same thing works for VNs. There is just so much cliche shit I can't put up with anymore, like anime for example. Even if the show was amazing, the second a character gets a cold because he/she was exposed to some rain, I immediately delete everything related to that show and forget it exists. I recall a show where a dude fell into some warm(YES WARM) bathwater and caught a cold because it was by accident.

The problem with VNs is the main character usually, a perfect example of who I hate in every form and way is the Chaos;head main character. Also I'm sick of this bullshit where someone will refuse to kill cause "life is precious". Shiki debating about how wrong it is/was to kill Chaos's dogs is a fine example of this.

>> No.2990518

Back to /a/ with you, young man.

>> No.2990521

The very sight of a Touhou thread doesn't make me boil with rage. I think I can handle it, thanks.
>then you probably shouldn't be here
Go back to /b/

>> No.2990524

I don't watch anime anymore. It's shit.

I like manga though. Vagabond, Berserk, 20th Century Boys, Monster, etc. are pretty good.

>> No.2990525

>a character gets a cold because he/she was exposed to some rain
Fuck, I hate this. I generally just ignore it though, deleting it just because of that is a bit much.

>> No.2990526

That seems sufficient. Several hundred/thousand is somewhat of an exaggeration. Once one has passed the 100/1000 mark, one has the knowledge to understand references to at least double that, simply through participation in the community and the references those 100/1000 make to the larger whole.

>> No.2990528


>> No.2990536

Same here, I just can't watch anime anymore because 99% is so fucking cliched. Makes me feel like a tasteless manchild faggot, which I probably am, but still.

>> No.2990540


>> No.2990542

Don't say I didn't warn you guys. In about a month time. This board will be full of touhou. You guys would be seeing on the front page

Cirno Racing Online - IP
TH12.3 Fightan Online - IP
Lets play danmaku UFO
Touhou C76 Music thread part 10
Touhou C76 Doujin sauce part 15
NEW X UFO Characters discussion/imagedump
Random X Touhou doujin game

You guys best be finding another board if you hate them so much.

>> No.2990543


>> No.2990545

Are we even browsing the same board? Touhou threads have decreased a lot recently. Go to the archives, look at the first 10 pages and you'll only get 19 touhou threads (this includes the marginally-related and the three post threads).

>> No.2990547


But at least you'll never get sucked into the k-on hole.

>> No.2990550

The more anime you see, the more you hate it. Usually people that LUUUUVV ANIME XD have seen like 1-50 shows, while those that don't care much about it anymore have seen hundreds.

>> No.2990551


The 90's are over. Nobody makes anime for the story. Or I should say that nobody adapts unpopular manga series that aren't bathing in the great sea of modular flatness.

We all know what the series is about from the character designs, we only watch to see what the staff and cast can do with it.

>> No.2990555

I don't hate them, I'm just not interested in them. If the front page is full of things that are uninteresting to me, I think I can handle that. I'll just wait until something that I do like pops up.

Jesus, /jp/ isn't some secret club. Fuck.

>> No.2990556

Last Anime I watched was Toradora. Though i think i might check Wolf and Spice II once its finished.

>> No.2990557

Probably this. If you hate Touhou, you might as well leave the board come August since 75% of the board will be Touhou related.

It's not like Touhou is hard to get into either.

>> No.2990558

Well no shit. A new touhou game, and the accompanying comiket its released at is probably the biggest events for this board.

>> No.2990559

Yeah..I rarely follow any anime, but I marathon 3-6 shows every week

>> No.2990561

>It's not like Touhou is hard to get into either.
I find it hard to get into things that are shit.

>> No.2990562

>Nobody makes anime for the story.

No wonder everything is fucking moe shit now.

>> No.2990563
File: 496 KB, 671x954, 2008-12-04 16-59-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nani? My posts are all totally /jp/-related.

Rule of Anime#274- Fevers are lethal and require at least three days of bed rest.

My issue with VNs is the whole SEX IS THE ONLY OPTION thing. Of all the stupid reasons to have sex, MANA REPLENISHMENT has to be near the top of the list.

>> No.2990564

Only some good anime and manga.

>> No.2990566




>> No.2990569


And then it'll die down again.

>> No.2990570

Then go back to /a/. If you hate Touhou so much, you can't handle a majority of /jp/ content and thus don't belong here.

>> No.2990573

The last time I read/played a VN was a few months ago.

I try to watch a little anime now and then, but my interest has almost completely gone.

Also, I've never liked Touhou.

>> No.2990574

>Nani? My posts are all totally /jp/-related.

Not if you're making anime threads, sir.

>> No.2990577

I like the fate dumper guy, provides a nice counter to sion's generic hime cut girl #28

>> No.2990581

Touhoufags, may I redirect you to


>> No.2990583

Touhou fanshit is complete fucktarded gaiafag nonsense. I play the games but can't stand half the touhou fan garbage posted here.

>> No.2990584

I don't know about it. When the UFO demo was released, it was pretty orderly unless you're one of the people who loves constantly spamming new threads. Stop trying to claim all of /jp/. If you want a touhou-only board, go to Pooshlmer.

>> No.2990585

>If you hate Touhou so much, you can't handle a majority of /jp/ content
It must be hard having ADHD and anger management problems. I hope you get better, though.

>> No.2990588 [DELETED] 

Touhou fanbase, not so good. Games, doujins, and fanart, so good.

>> No.2990587

Nowonder meta thread is so popular.
Nobody really play touhou, play much VNs or watch tons of anime. Everyone just came here for the meta discussion.

>> No.2990597

Hating Touhou is like going to /a/ and hating anime.

>> No.2990598

I still watch anime. I mostly enjoy watching it for little things: color choices, how a cracker breaks when someone bites it, bgm timing, stuff like that.
I definitely still read manga.
Just starting to enjoy light novels.

>The 90's are over. Nobody makes anime for the story.
What. There were a whole lot of terribly silly and trite series in the '90s as well. There has been nothing you liked in this decade, so far?

>> No.2990599

Its easy to ignore the touhou threads. I used to do that, but after reading 5 gigs of touhou doujins and playing some of the games its fun to post in touhou threads.

>> No.2990602

Touhou fanbase, not so good. Games, doujins, music, and fanart, so good.

>> No.2990607

I ignored Touhou for six months before getting into it myself.

>> No.2990613

Except anime makes up 95% of /a/ and Touhou makes up less than 50% of /jp/

>> No.2990614
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Bitches don't know about good anime.

>> No.2990618
File: 468 KB, 896x504, gfhdghdvcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah...Who is Sion?

>> No.2990619

>Except anime makes up 95% of /a/

More like 60-70%. The rest is manga, metathreads, tripfag circlejerks, /b/ shit, and the like.

>> No.2990624

A tripfag. Don't worry about it.
I'd say it's less than 30%. Either way, touhou is clearly not the majority.

>> No.2990628

Take it easy.
We are just suprised why would anyone go to board with like 50% of what they hate? Nobody is asking you to get out of /jp/. I mean we even tolerated the idolfags.

>> No.2990630

This season has some especially good shows, I'm following 6 at the moment. It's usually only 2-3. My interest in anime has dwindled over the years, but I'm more into manga these days. VNs take up the majority of my time though.

>> No.2990631

50% of what they like might be enough..
Anyways: I like anime, but I rarely read any manga because I dont like reading it from my computer.

>> No.2990633

Some Touhou threads are fine, but the Cirno baka shit and stuff like that should just fuck off to /a/ or something.

>> No.2990635

I used to watch a lot of anime but nowadays I generally end up reading manga more, if I stumble upon an anime series that is based off a manga adaptation, I'll most likely go read the manga adaption instead. I do still generally watch some anime shows though.

I dislike Touhou, even though it gave me an armpit fetish. I have about 12 visual novels installed and ready to play but I just don't feel like getting around to it, I do generally like visual novels though.

Aside from that, this board is pretty neat, some discussions are pretty decent, (aside from the daily idol threads that just feels like one guy talking to himself, and NEET lifestyle threads which just inevitably lead to some kind of terrible pissing contest.) the general community is not retarded, and /a/ sucks terribly beyond any kind of belief now.

>> No.2990638

Because apparently unlike everyone else in this thread, I can handle seeing things I don't have any interest in. You're the ones that need to take it easy.

>> No.2990645

How many of you people actually watch 3D shows, like me personally I absolutely love Dexter. With a bit of CSI here and there...but I guess that's about it

>> No.2990653

I forgot idol threads even exist because I have them all filtered. I don't think anybody gives a shit about those threads besides like three faggots circlejerking and reposting the same pictures.

>> No.2990658

I don't watch anime or read manga anymore, and barely play VN and Touhou.
I just come here because nothing else interests me.

>> No.2990661

I don't really watch 3D shows, but movies are alright. I like war and action films the most. I don't really know any TV shows since I haven't watched TV in years.

>> No.2990666

I hardly watch any anime anymore. I still read a lot of manga though. After I got into VNs, I found myself getting bored before the end of a single episode of most anime series. Things like Ichigo Mashimaro, Lucky Star, Minami-ke and other slice of life series have been the only exception to that really. I still read a lot of manga, but books (of the western variety, mostly) will soon outnumber the manga on my bookshelf at this rate.

Also, anyone who doesn't like Touhou probably shouldn't even be here in the first place. The best threads on /jp/ are about Touhou, VNs and miscellaneous doujin games. That's what the board was created for and it's why I came here in the first place.

>> No.2990672

What's Dexter about?

>> No.2990678

It's about a kid genius who has a secret lab.
He also has an annoying sister.

>> No.2990682
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>The best threads on /jp/ are about Touhou

Look at this baka! Just look at her!

>> No.2990683


About a guy who works as a CSI but hes a serial killer on the side.

>> No.2990687

Only show that I am still actively watching is Lost.
I watch a lot of movie though. Don't know why I keep going back to watch them even though I know they will be shit. Case in point the new Terminator and Transformer.

I got a feeling VNs/Anime/Manga are screwing around with our movie/music taste. What normalfags find interesting is just shit to us.

>> No.2990689

Which side is the show more about? The serial killer bit sounds interesting.

>> No.2990694

I like everything. Books, movies, TV shows, anime, manga, Touhou, VNs, etc.

>> No.2990700

Lost is so shitty.

>> No.2990710

The only one I watch is Heroes

>> No.2990711


Kind of a mix...I mean he'll purposely screw up his bloodwork sometimes to let the criminals go so he can kill them. Its different by season also, like season 1 involves him and another serial killer hunting each other, then season 2 the cops find his dumpsite for the body parts in the ocean so you can guess what that seasons about. etc. etc.

>> No.2990714

Heroes is horrible.

>> No.2990719

Right now, I'm watching Sliders, Quantum Leap, Farscape and Heroes.

>> No.2990724

I watch Dexter, Heroes, and Lost. I used to watch a bunch of other stuff before.

>> No.2990727

Drop it after too many plot holes. Fucking show got more plot holes than chaos;head.
sylar lose power -> gain back his power
peter power got stolen -> next minute he can only steal 1 power
hiro then lose power etcetc.
I think I drop it at the middle of season3.

>> No.2990731

Sounds interesting. Starting up a torrent for the first season.

>> No.2990739

Since this thread has turned into TV shows, does anybody watch Criminal Minds?

>> No.2990743

Pretty much everyone did. The best part of the series was Hiro's crazy adventures.

>> No.2990746

Yeah, there are some pretty non-nonsensical parts. I got hooked during season 1 though and don't really want to drop it. We'll see how the new season goes...

>> No.2990747

American television, not so good.

>> No.2990749
File: 466 KB, 896x504, walkan 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Television

I can has a /jp/-related post too?

>> No.2990751

Wow, that brings me back.

>> No.2990760

In another dimension ?

>> No.2990788

Sliders was one of the best sci-fi shows ever up until Arturo's death. I would have been content with losing any of the other characters, as long as we still had him travelling to parallel worlds and shouting at people. But no, they had to go and kill him off. It was all downhill from there.

>> No.2990859

Don't watch any anime anymore, but I read manga.

>> No.2990901

I haven't read or watched anything that isn't an adaptation of a VN in a long time.

>> No.2990924

Currently watching Saki, Canaan, Haruhi S2, Bakemonogatari, SanSZS, Umi Monogatari, Spice and Wolf II and Umineko.

So, yeah, still watching anime, I guess.

>> No.2990939

Also, I meant Zan SZS of course.
