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File: 96 KB, 806x652, ranceomachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2984940 No.2984940 [Reply] [Original]

The last thread filled up really fast. Isn't it nice, keeping stuff in one thread?

Omachi's character sprite is so huge it's like a CG scene when she shows up.

>> No.2984952
File: 13 KB, 221x251, ransmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Kyuubis gigantic powerlevel needs a gigantic sprite.

>> No.2984962

I still haven't gotten around to playing Rance.
3 questions:
- How's the actual gameplay?
- How's the plot? Is it boring and insignificant, or really dense like a Type-Moon work?
- Are the CGs fappable (meaning uncensored and contains loli)

>> No.2984975
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1. addictive and fun.
2. Not the best thing in existence but still good.
3. There is only one loli rape scene in the game. Still very fappable.

>> No.2984976

that's 4 mang

>> No.2984981

>>or really dense like a Type-Moon work?

>> No.2984995
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Yeah. Huge.

Do you guys always use up all your money to increase troops or do you wait for a better time?

>> No.2984999

The word "dense" has more than one meaning

>> No.2985003

Guys, anyone of you has the game's sprites collection? Can I ask for a /rs/? At least any tool to extract the graphic pack from the game is fine too.

>> No.2985005

1. Territory-conquering type of game most of the time, like Romance of the Three Kingsdoms but with RPG-esque turn-based battle instead of turn-based strategy. The battles are fast and fun enough to keep one interested instead of grinding on and on and on like turn-based strategy tend to.
2. Plot is rather cookie-cutter, but it's presented in a fun way. If you've played Onimusha or some other game with a demonic Nobunaga in it, you can guess the plot.
3. Censored, but fappable. In fact, I find the H-scenes hilarious because Rance's upbeat theme starts playing then.

>> No.2985011

Oh god, Ryouma is a futa. That's so hot, fap fap fap. Wait, what are the Shinsengumi and a Meiji Restoration figure doing in the Sengoku period?

>> No.2985026

My only complaint is that as with all eroge, best girls don't get no loving. Where is my Ranmaru and Omachi sex Alicesoft ?

>> No.2985029

It's shit filled with shitty comi-relief characters. You know like Slayers with rape the stats-ased RPG

>> No.2985036

I have a theory about this. The reason the best girls get no loving is because that is why they are the best; the best girls are the ones for whom you can 'fill in the blanks'. Once a girl has a route, you no longer have the same freedom to imagine what her route is like.

>> No.2985051
File: 81 KB, 800x600, cg00532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orime is the best.
She scares the shit out of me yet she is so sexy.

>> No.2985103

My Glorious Days is the best hentai scenes BGM ever.

>> No.2985124

Does anyone have that jewtube/nico link with all the versions of all the Rance game.

>> No.2985141

Anyone knows what exactly does "kill the monkey" second game bonus? If it's only that you fight xavier without the monkey, it's so not worth those 10 points.

>> No.2985153


Then you must have only played a handful of terrible games then. While some of the music in Rance is nice, that song is fairly bad.

>> No.2985157
File: 35 KB, 374x284, Unit magnifier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I don't get what this item does. Any clue?

I checked the max troop size of one of my units (1000 in that case), I used it, and it didn't change.

>> No.2985163

On 7th turn an option "Kill Toki-whatever" appears in Edo. Kill that damn thing and play through minor "Kill the monkey" route. Demon army doesn't appear, you're free to fight and clear all characters that don't need any specific route. You win when ecery house is conquered.

>> No.2985166

I've been trying to get Omachi, but even after getting Masamune's relationship level up to Trust I'm not getting a cutscene. Did I miss something? I beat Omachi before defeating Dokuganryuu and got the cut-scene where Omachi "dies"

>> No.2985169

It will raise the Upper Limit for all troop types.

>> No.2985171

If you're using one eyed masamune bonus, you wont get Omachi.

also, if you dont have 5 free power available she wont join you.

took me about 10 turns to realise that i needed to sell some troops to get Hojo.

pain in the ass, but its an investment that usually pays off.

>> No.2985174


>> No.2985176


It always reminds me of the DDR, so I'm not too fond of it.

>> No.2985181

lets say in every army you have 300 soldiers.

using that would make it become 350 soldiers.

>> No.2985183

I shat bricks

>> No.2985187


Hrm, I guess it's because I don't have enough national power then since this is my first game. Thanks!

>> No.2985189

Definitely not. The number of troups doesn't change after using it.

I still don't get it. The max troup size of the units doesn't change.

>> No.2985206

It's the upper limit for recruiting new troops. That's what will raise the maximum number of troops on your units.

>> No.2985219


Just tried it again with 9 power open, and still no cut-scene. The stone that you get from the Omachi cut-scene, does it appear in your inventory?

>> No.2985230

Conditions: all 3 guardians must be recruited, Masamune must be recruited and brought towards trust.
after being brought to trust (possibly trust 7, i forget), a purple ??? scene should allow you to recruit Omachi.

>> No.2985251
File: 110 KB, 600x589, best unit ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In earlier versions it was possible to get 2 Omachis.
Oh the rape.

>> No.2985260


Strange, I can't imagine that I missed something then.

>> No.2985262


And you need to have free slot in the army

>> No.2985278


Youkai Stone
Event item for Omachi
Do the purple event in Ezo, then duel the old man in Saitama for the Youkai Stone.

Is this supposed to be in my inventory at the moment? Because I don't have it.

>> No.2985506


Masamune should have it equipped

>> No.2985660


This was the problem, I had already equipped him with another item and that was preventing me from getting the purple ??? event.

>> No.2985729

I heard the one-eyed masamune likes shrimp.

>> No.2985737

So about the Leila rape scene, last thread someone mentioned it had to be during the Blitz. Can anyone confirm that, because if so, I'm going to have to wait till another playthrough.

>> No.2985741

No. It can happen any battle after the demon army appears.

>> No.2985772

Wow, Omachi is overpowered, lol.

>> No.2985853


Thank god. Still haven't been able to get it, but I guess I'll just wait till the DA uses monsters as troops like mentioned in the previous thread.

>> No.2986104


>> No.2986117

I bet the H-scenes would be utterly epic if they used the orchestra instrumental of Aufstanden aus Ruinen.

>> No.2986121

It is magnificent.

>> No.2986131

Rance needs an article in TVTropes. You know he deserves one. He probably has a trope maker medal somewhere on him.

>> No.2986146
File: 78 KB, 582x456, epicrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2986163

What, reading that website ruins your life even more than /jp/ already does?

>> No.2986181


TVTropes is full of faggots who append the term "Tsundere" to everything and everyone at the slightest inclination.

There was a time I favored them. But they've fallen out of favor, especially with the ungodly collection of Fan Fiction terms and tropes that clog the website like so much congealed, maggot-ridden shit in a latrine.



>utterly epic

Holy fuck, are you serious or are you trolling? Please be trolling.

>> No.2986187

Tvtropes is surprisingly decent for a website in that format.

>> No.2986200


> What do you mean a website dedicated to fans describing their favorite media using fan terms will use terms that I don't like?! UNACCEPTABLE!

Oh you~

>> No.2986204

Goddamn you are angry.

Going back to discussing the game now. Do Katsuko and Torako have their own character clears or are they generics as well?

>> No.2986208


>website dedicated to fans describing their favorite media using fan terms

Gaia Online? What about it?

>> No.2986215
File: 131 KB, 490x700, 529867291fc490d9e323dcd5ede452eefff4eceb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Goddamn you are angry.

Understatement of the year, right there.

I get on /jp/, and within five seconds I'm raging my blood out of my corneas.

It really feels like I'm on /v/. I expect to see a PS3>XCOCKS360 thread pop up.

We even have underageB&s calling things 'epic'.

Gods save me from Summer /jp/.

>> No.2986222


I've never been to Gaia. In fact, the only reason I even heard about is because people keep bellyaching about it all day.

>> No.2986238
File: 166 KB, 658x1024, 1246666309590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never change my friend

>> No.2986240

I just trolled the Miko Country bigtime. Declared war on them, did other stuff. And when they attacked me Kenshin whooped their asses...

Also Ranmaru is fucking kickass contrary to what some of you told me. 6atk + 6spd + Muramasa isn't bad for an early character (Got the sword fast right after conquering Hara and Ashikaga)

>> No.2986258

Compared to the units you get later, which start with stats in the 7's and 8's with better abilities, not to mention better character clears, you'll see that Ranmaru quickly becomes obsolete.

Between Rance and her, you'd be better off buffing him up since you can't play without him.

Also, someone mind answering this question?

>> No.2986267

What's the point of character clearing?

>> No.2986279

Why do people hate Gaia so much anyways? I've been on there for a good year or so before, and even bought a few of those donation items. And look, I turned out alright, right?

>> No.2986285

You get points for every clear on your roster for one thing.

No, you obviously didn't.

>> No.2986308

That's so mean, anon :(

>> No.2986334
File: 26 KB, 640x640, 1247609403899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I was hoping there'd be an Omachi thread. Lovely nation crushing kitsune there...

But I guess here's to dreaming.

>> No.2986339

She's a broken unit and she happens to be good looking, what else is there to be said? We could have an image dump, but there's like 5 pictures of her around.

>> No.2986348

Where can I download this?

>> No.2986361

No one told me the "monsters" the DA used were zombies. If I had known, I would've stocked up on chainsaws. Annoying how they can knock off hundreds from your troop count though.

Also, I tried again to get the Leila scene by sending her to attack a territory with infected. Still no scene. What the hell am I doing wrong?

>> No.2986363


>> No.2986375

To see another H-scene of her (not related to character clear), send her unit to fight the Demon Army. She will be captured if her total troop size is low, even if you won the battle. (Only occurs in the Real History and Yamamoto Routes, after the Shimazu brothers have launched their blitz)

>> No.2986379

1. Send her in alone
2. Lose
3. ???
4. Profit!

>> No.2986381

Leazas or Zeth reinforcements, which ones do you prefer?

>> No.2986383


I've tried. I've sent her to battle by herself, nothing. Lowered her total troop count to 1. Nothing. Waited until infected showed up, then sent her again. Nothing. Could it be a glitch or something?

>> No.2986396

I like Uruza more than Maria, but they're both really good.

>> No.2986399


Steps 1 and 2 are easy, 3 and 4 never happen.

>> No.2986403


>> No.2986406

Zeth for the accurate shooting Uruza.

>> No.2986415

Guys, how can i get Mori to challange me? I can't clear Kikkawa without this. The wiki said just battle him a few times while he has more than 2 territories.. fuck i was trying that for 5-6 turns now and still nothing.

>> No.2986419

Maria for the long range bombardment.

>> No.2986428

You need to see all his family events; he needs to have more than 2 territories; and no beginning-of-turn events happening at that turn (you know, like something with Xavier or similar). Then he will challenge you.

>> No.2986436

Magic for beamspam.

Can Rizna learn it as well?

>> No.2986437

God damn the Shimazu brothers are strong. 3k troops and practically any unit that fights them gets wiped out.

>> No.2986449

i see, thanks

>> No.2986450
File: 74 KB, 480x876, rance teru 45466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance, Teru, Kenshin, Rizna, Magic, Fuuka
Takeda house, Senhime, Suzume
Youkai family and Natori

Are my teams Ok`ìsh?

>> No.2986454

No, but bonus character Shizuka comes with it.

>> No.2986460

Needs Uruza.

>> No.2986464

dunno but your pic i my fet'iiish

>> No.2986465

Uruza is in my leftovers team.
I need some strong people just in chase.

>> No.2986471

Rizna has A Cutter, which attacks all enemies for 0.5x the damage.

>> No.2986472

Are there any good items to get in the item shop?

>> No.2986479

Yes. Just don`t buy erotic story.

>> No.2986480

There are items in the item shop that give you additional units, like the Uesegi Charge Unit that, when equipped, adds +1000 troops to a female warrior unit.

>> No.2986493

Doesn't buying the erotic story allow the shop to sell you more shit?

>> No.2986496

I think it is random.

>> No.2986508

For Kazemeru, when you boost him up to trust and do the Hibachi scenes, he should get a new passive skill right?

>> No.2986514

Yeah. He "lose" the last slot skill and it is replaced by Hibachi.

>> No.2986530


That's odd then. I've done the stuff needed, but he doesn't have the skill at all.

>> No.2986536

Is there a limit to the ogre bones you can collect? From what I've seen at the shop so far, he only starts selling the better items after you buy some of the ones he has.

>> No.2986547

You need to buy erotic story and rice coupon and then the items that add troops will appear.

Check the wiki

>> No.2986551

You can only do a dungeon once. Thats your limit.

>> No.2986554

all expendable items cap at 999 I believe

>> No.2986584


But you get the option to go through the dungeon again right? Do you pick up more ogre bones on the way down again?

>> No.2986595

You only get to redo the last level, where you may or may not get another ogre bone, depending on your luck.

>> No.2986597

If you finished the dungeon, you only go through the last floor.

>> No.2986606

You guys got this HCG you speak of?

>> No.2986727

Aren't there any more Omachi H-scenes aside from the one with Masamune + other wives?

>> No.2986737 [DELETED] 

Nope.One of the few unique characters with no such sprite.

>> No.2986743

I have it.

>> No.2986757

How can I get Naoe second H scene ? I agree to Kensai's offer, have sex with Kenshin, but Naoe simply dissapear and no signs of her even if I skip some turns. Halp!

>> No.2986766

Ogre bones can go over 999 but since you won't get over that amount without cheating. It doesn't crash the game or anything and the shop still works just fine. It even shows the fourth digit on screen despite default being x###. Haven't tried going over it with books etc. but I imagine it's the same difference.

I thought about making a quick trainer for this game due too all the faggotry requests only to find out the debugger for cheat engine doesn't work in x64. Seems pretty easy to do though otherwise.

>> No.2986770
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some advice here.

I've been following the 13-turn guide to the letter, but by the time I get to the bottom floor of the kachikachi dungeon in kyo, my generals run out of action points and I'm unable to complete it. Would there be any way to prevent this from happening besides levelling the fuck out of said general I plan to use?

>> No.2986777

With Dungeon skill i see no problems with dungeons. Simply starting with weak captains and change them to stronger ones if needed.

>> No.2986782

2 orge points 4 u mister 8

>> No.2986794

In the start of one of your turns, you wil lsee her trying to sneak into Owari castle to rescue Tenshin.
A purple event should appear in Owari.
This is also why you have to capture/recruit generic captains in this guide
In they are above lv20, they will do well in that dungeon.
Also, if Rance and Sill reach the last floor with HO actions spent, you can kill at least 4-5 of the enemies with just them, so you need just a little push.
Also, Keep suzume in the team constantly to lower encounters.

>> No.2986795

Sp when will the full patch be available?

>> No.2986801

you can switch generals when they run out of action points
switch a back row character to get Sill, use her healing on Rance to get 1 more action point when needed, her fireball is also very strong
keep your best generals for the last floor

>> No.2986828

Thanks, anon. I got so many purple events, so I didn't even noticed.

>> No.2986833

Auferstanden aus ruinen - Nationalhymne der DDR

>> No.2986915


much appreciated.

>> No.2987446

Well, I just "assassinated" Shingen, now how can I hire the other characters from Takeda? I skipped like 10 turns to see if they would appear somewhere, but they didn't. Am I supposed to do something?

>> No.2987483

A good idea is to be in war with a couple countries (other than One-Eye'd) and kick their asses in battle without conquering them(aka forcing them to hire commanders and replace troops).
Also, it has taken some people 60+ turns to face the commanders and capture them all. They are the hardest house bonus to get/
It's best to do this in 'Kill the Monkey' or Ran's route, where there are not any time limits(for Ran's after a certain point at least).

>> No.2987545

How can i kill Byakko in his demon form in the third captain battle?
I use all my captains but i only get him to 400 hp down.

>> No.2987564

I see. Thank you. Then I'm fucked, I don't have that many good commanders, I was counting on them.

>> No.2987574

Post your route,a commander list and your map, I'll give you a plan if any can be made.

>> No.2987670
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Sup Helen.

>> No.2987691
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Magical clothes.

>> No.2987697
File: 94 KB, 374x600, rance2950881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2987708
File: 521 KB, 798x2410, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenshin route

Mouri was just defeated the turn before, and the Akashi family declared war the turn before as well. Next I was thinking to go for Kumano Gorou (2 battles needed against Hojou) and Okita Nozomi (planned to recruit her in a few turns, but I will need to spend some fans on it, 2 or 3 I think). I don't know who should be the third one, as sadly Baba Shouen disappeared when I beat Takuga.

As you can see, I'm pretty poor. I have a lot of room for my units because I cleared Asakura Yoshikage's route for the incredible National power bonus, thinking I would be able to hire Takeda's commanders.

Also, my prison I full of crappy units. I could hire Senhime but I'm waiting for Kouhime.

And that's it. What should I do now?

>> No.2987811

Getting house bonuses will be improbable, so I guess you want advice to finish the route?
First of all, release most of the guys in your prison. Hire Goemon for his Assasinate.
Hire Senhime, even if you can't keep her forever. Fire Maeda Toshi and Seijisaki.
Then, make Akashi surrender (no merit in conquering them right now). Keep going to finish off Hojo and fight Kumano.
Also, do hire Nozomi, 3 fans for 20 points in the emperor race is nothing.

As long as Xavier does not kill Gon(if he does, reload and hope he kills One'Eye'd or someone else, if you declare war at Takuga, you should be able to finish them of fast. There are really not hard.
Thus, you win the emperor race.
Now, any remaining nations can be 'vassalized' with one command, even One'Eye.

Also, recruit ALL the Takuga guys, they will help later on necessary dungeon exploration.
Make sure Kenshin reaches lv 60 as fast as you can, use Satisfaction points to get her near 50, then the items you get from freeing prisoners plus talking to her.

>> No.2987868

Thanks a lot, that was very helpful!

>> No.2987874


I was trying to sleep, and awoke to a tiny voice in the night. Or rather, the unmistakeable grinding of a final generation Maxtor. And I awake to find American ZUN has brought gold and myrrh to my bedside. Or rather, lovely nation crushing kitsune there...
Surely, now I can sleep peacefully.

>> No.2988059

How do I increase Rance's actions. I'm getting owned by Takeda's captains.

>> No.2988063 [DELETED] 

op hear, found a cool site yo
http://www.Anom - m + nTalk.com/
dmfffuff agifcfnxr ddggvejthfr irht ncw3r dftbc

>> No.2988141

Via satisfaction bonuses.

>> No.2988684

Okay, so the DA is trying to sink Japan now. The wiki says I have to attack at Tenma bridge, but there's nothing like that on the map. Does it mean I have to take over Morocco?

>> No.2988695

Western most province; take it over and you should see an option.

>> No.2988707


Oh, thanks. I was just sitting there twiddling my thumbs waiting for an option.

>> No.2988712

You'll probably need to select the "elite troops" option first.

>> No.2989017
File: 445 KB, 806x1304, dunno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just about finished with my first run. I assume it's normal to end with 0 points and to be absolutely slaughtering the demon army after their initial big push? I was expanding east when they showed up and by the time I controlled the lands I had footholds in and took back my squares from the Shimazu blitzkrieg, I had whittled them down to next to no human troops and the monsters/infected are jokes. Was I supposed to have bumrushed the west as soon as the nonsense started or is this normal for a first run?

>> No.2989035


Ending with normal with 0 is normal. Also, the DA is tough in the beginning, but they quickly falter out. At someone point the Shimazu brothers, who are your biggest challenge along with Agireda, stop carrying around 3k troops. Then it's easy pickings.

>> No.2989051

In the first playthrough, you will always get 0 points.
And the only true dangers of the DA are:
a) the Shimazu brothers and Agireda, who have good stats and a much higher troop count, but they are easier to face later on
b) The autoconquering of countries, denying you good unique units and resources.
Their blitz is done to scare the crap out of you and introduce 'Ontlogy', but if you pick your fights, you should have no problem conquering. The only small issue is their numbers, which sometimes make it hard to override the battle rating.

>> No.2989053

Yeah, that was what happened basically. They weren't even that bad for me. I learned early on how amazing the autokill skills were and have abused the fuck out of them along with the time expire abilities with the shikigami guards would nearly shut them down unless I got really unlucky with turn order.

>> No.2989065


>> No.2989131




Autokill skills huh? You mean like Assassination and Whirlwind Shot?

>> No.2989150

The DA battle theme.

>> No.2989161

Will we get to rape our way through China in the next Rance game?

>> No.2989197


Rance mentioned he was heading out to some place with a tribe called Color to find out how to melt eternal ice. If that place happens to be China, then yes we will.

On a related note, are all the Rance games like this? TBS?

>> No.2989209

The others are regular RPGs, and supposedly shitty.

>> No.2989220

any chance we could translate another rance or rance like game?

>> No.2989227

Nope You'll be fucking around in Helman trying to figure out how to defrost Sil

>> No.2989253

The girl in OP's picture reminds me of Ran.

>> No.2989257


Shitty? How can any game with Rance as the hero be shitty? He goes around raping hot women 24/7, occasionally does a good deed and ultimately ends up saving the world. How can that be shitty?

>> No.2989262
File: 15 KB, 186x220, 1248291798347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2989264

Yeah, and I also gave that item that halves max troops but gives 2 bonus actions to Yuzuhara, so she was fast as fuck, did great damage, and had a very good chance to autokill on every attack.

>> No.2989267


>> No.2989346


What went wrong with the gameplay? If it's anything like SR's dungeon battles, it should be fun.

>> No.2989393

6 is great, 5 is a bit tedious in it's exploration but was the first one that use the current art style/direction. Kichikuou is more like Sengoku, and the others are standard exploration commands-dungeon crawlers, so not really bad.
Tiring as most of the genre were, but relatively simple.

6 and Kichikuou are the best to play other than this.

>> No.2989407

6 is good. We need to harass TakaJun and make him translate it.

>> No.2989434

I hate Ran so much. She's a weak, cowardly little bitch. Why can't she be cute and wonderful like Chinu or Kenshin? Or at least deliciously masochistic like Akihime? Ran is so completely un-moe that even her zettai ryouiki fails to make her attractive, and let me tell you, I love me some zettai ryouiki.

>> No.2989436
File: 67 KB, 800x600, narika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they make a new real Rance RPG, it'll probably be pretty close to Toushin Toshi's style. I want a Daiakuji or Beat Blades Haruka sequel personally. Delicious sex ninjas are delicious.

>> No.2989445

Beat Baldes hentai OVA in the next month, i cant wait. But no Narika scene until the second episode.

>> No.2989446

Okay, so after screwing around for a few test games for my first try, I'm considering giving the First Game 3 fans in thirteen moves thing a shot. My question is why would I need to get a captive at least every turn I fight. My other questions are I suppose what should I look out for when hiring a commander, tips on what satisfaction bonuses to grab, and I guess whatever else you guys feel is necessary.

>> No.2989453

I think Taka might go translate something with fewer h-scenes next. Rance has a lot of h-scenes.

>> No.2989457

Needed a Yuzuhara route.

Bringing technological advancement to Japan, at the point of a gun!

>> No.2989462


Akihime was a masochist? All I saw was that one scene where Rance rapes her, but she didn't look like a masochist to me.

>> No.2989468

Having lots of captains makes dungeon fights easier. Also, foot soldiers are very nice to have. For the rest, you'll get it eventually. It's good to use clearable characters though.

>> No.2989485


Get her character's clear. You'll see how much of a masochist she is.

Best tsundere in the game.

>> No.2989489

Mainly you want to capture footsoldiers so you have cannon fodder with which to defend against enemy attacks. You probably shouldn't concern yourself too much with their stats since you'll only need them for the early campaigns before you replace them with unique commanders.

As for satisfaction bonuses, I usually call for reinforcements as early as possible (Zeth first since Rizna is a solid unit, and Uruza is a frickin' machine with Accurate Shots). Although recruiting Aburako Dousan (which can be done after you recruit the Mino 3 from Mamushi Oil Field) is nice also. She's got great stats, and can double as a warrior unit if you aren't abusing her Convert Action ability.

I usually save Rance's power ups for a bit later (after I've gotten his stats to 6 using books, then I use the Elite Troops option to save on book 2's), and I never bother with the amazing old man. Likewise, although turning Maeda Toshiie into a kabuki actor is amusing, and his tranformed portrait is rather hilarious, it's a waste of satisfaction.

>> No.2989490

1: Do not force yourself to do it in 13 turns.
If it takes you about 15, it's still OK.
2: Since you won't take many breaks, you need a few units to compliment your attacks and to defend areas. Your unique commanders alone are just not enough when you start the game. Also, when you explore dungeos, they are nice fodder to kill weaker enemies. You will need it for the 13 round run.
3: When Hiring commanders, in order of importance, look out for their action points (how many the have) and the core stats of their class (attack for warrior, defence/intelligence for footsoldier). Level is not that important.
4: Concerning Satisfaction bonuses, always get Reinforcements. The worst unit you get is still pretty useful in comparison to generics. Other than that, you may want to get the two items, increase Rance actionn points once, and once you have a lot of commanders(more than 20), the '+3 to everyone's affection' bonus (that will be for later in the game).

There is also my guide on making Rance POWERFUL with little resources, but more of that later, do the 13 rounds first.

>> No.2989491

I love Aki.
Hate her second scene in harem route, shit is fucked up.

>> No.2989510

Yeah, Aki is great. I loved her character clear. And I bet Hara Shouji is totally into NTR. It is never explicitly stated, or even really hinted at, but Shouji is the sort of limp-wristed salaryman-type who would totally get off on that sort of thing.

>> No.2989511


Alright, I'll try these. Thanks for the info and suggestions as well! Much different response than I was expecting to get.

>> No.2989514

It took me 17 turns to do the 13 turn thing because I didn't know you could switch out commanders during the dungeon. I thought the "switch" command just switched a character from the front row to the back or vise versa. Eventually I just had one character in the back keep using standby until the enemies killed my characters in front so fresh ones could show up.

>> No.2989517


Just finished my first playthrough, so I never got a chance. But I'll definitely give it a shot once I get a second playthrough going.

Speaking of which, which of the alternate routes are good to play after the True Route? Kenshin's or Ran's? I personally like Kenshin a lot (also don't know much about Ran), but the Emperor Race thing and her getting reset to level 1 sounds a bit difficult.


There's a harem route?

>> No.2989519


ran is the best female in the game. what are you, a faggot?

>> No.2989521



>> No.2989530

Rans route is tons simpler than kenshin so you might want to continue there

>> No.2989534


do a 0 star kenshin run. you want to save ran for later since her route is better for points.

>> No.2989544

Short for netorare - the Japanese equivalent of cuckolding. That is to say, watching your wife/girlfriend/whatever fuck some other guy with a bigger and better dick than you while you fap in the corner using your tears as lube. Or instead of tearfapping, ragefapping, depending on your style.

>> No.2989545

He'll have to replay Ran's route later after unlocking house bonuses for serious point whoring.
Better play Kenshin in normal Ran in one star , get bonus points, unlock a couple houses, THEN do a serious point in Ran's route.

>> No.2989554


Nice conflicting opinions there. How does saving Ran's route for later help with points?

And about getting Ran's route, you have to capture her in battle right? I was never too good with that. The whole playthrough, I had only one guy with Defeated Warrior Hunt. And I was always trying to get those "unique" generics like Himeko, but never could. In fact, some of them died while fighting me.

Is it possible to build a unit just to for the sake of capturing other units? If so, how would I do it? Would a warrior unit be better?

>> No.2989559

Before I got this game every time someone said Ran I thought it was slang for Omachi and I thought "fuck, if she has a route I need this game"

>> No.2989572


it doesn't conflict? ran's route is faster and easier to final clear then kenshin so you want do it later after you get a bunch of points.

if you want to capture use light attack. it has about a 90 percent capture rate. defeated warrior hunt sucks so don't bother.

>> No.2989579


you almost auto capture ran after you view all of her suzaku events. at least i did.

>> No.2989580

The best I can think of, is to get the 'Additional characters' house bonus, get Shizuka(has the skill sticky which raises chance of capturing) and one guy with Defeated warrior hunt, and deploy both.
Also, Ran can only be captured after a certain chain of events, many people fight her before the events actually end.

>> No.2989632

Also, the less people you have in your prison, the greater your chances of capturing units. At around 25 units in prison, and it's almost impossible to capture units in normal battles, and at 30 units, it really is impossible to capture units.

>> No.2989637

Seconding Light Attack. All the times I've used it, I've seen it not capture the enemy exactly once. I usually give it to Ranmaru, since she's not really good for anything else besides maybe holding a battle permit.

>> No.2989644

the warrior kuge sister comes with light attack

>> No.2989645


I know there's a 30 unit cap for the prison, but how does the rest make sense? Do your commanders just think, "eh, the prisons are getting stuffed, I might as well let this highly dangerous enemy commander go lest things get too crowded."

I guess I should release the shitty commanders in my prison that have just been hanging around forever though.

>> No.2989667

Honestly, I wouldn't bother doing Ran's route for points. Anything you can do in Ran's route you can also do in the Kill the Monkey route (with the exception of Ran's character clear). But you don't have to waste time doing the events with Ran and Souun, killing ogres,or leveling up for Sekimei.

>> No.2989676


I didn't know that. I guess I should regularly clear out units that I don't need from my prison then. Do they get hired by enemy lords if I release them?

>> No.2989700

>eh, the prisons are getting stuffed, I might as well let this highly dangerous enemy commander go lest things get too crowded.

Sounds logical. Consider this: all of those people in prison are going to be constantly masturbating and/or raping each other, as Oz has taught us. Everyone in the Rance World seems to expel no less than half a gallon of body fluid per orgasm, regardless of gender. So with 25 prisoners, that is a bare minimum of 12.5 gallons of body fluid that must be cleaned up every single day.

Furthermore, as we learned in the scene where Xavier kills Gon in the emperor race, even generals and vassals have to take turns cleaning the prison. So everyone has to spend some time mopping jizz.

Thus, it is perfectly natural for people to allow enemy commanders to escape, as it lowers the total amount of jizz that will need to be mopped on a daily basis.

>> No.2989712

be sure to release prisoners in multiples of five so you get that level up item.

>> No.2989713

That is some impeccable logic.

>> No.2989716
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>Everyone in the Rance World seems to expel no less than half a gallon of body fluid per orgasm, regardless of gender. So with 25 prisoners, that is a bare minimum of 12.5 gallons of body fluid that must be cleaned up every single day.

>> No.2989723


Speaking of leveling up...how do you guys manage to do it? I tried leveling for a while before beating the game, but going through 10 levels of a dungeon just for +1 was just too slow, especially considering Rance and Kentarou have max levels of 99.

>> No.2989724


I have been enlightened.

>> No.2989729

Sekimei is a pussy. Only has a single strong attack and decent HP.
Just do 2-3 dungeons and Happy Pokkuro's.
Also, in Ran's route, you can ignore Conquering quite a few areas and still finish the game. Upon capturing Ran, conquering Houjo and rescuing Shoun, you need about 20+ turns to open Sekimei's tomb. Which means it can be over by turn 50, 60 at most.
To do kill the monkey faster than that, you need to constantly maintain the ridiculous pace of 'Conquering a province per 1.3 turns', which could only work with 2-3 battle permits usable from turn 1.
Kill the money is the best mostly for getting the house bonuses.

>> No.2989734

>Speaking of leveling up...how do you guys manage to do it?
Kentarou has Suzaku, but otherwise you don't really have a choice. Dungeons all the way.

>> No.2989937

Fuck yeah, Kuge Kyouko. The fact that she comes with Guard Break AND Light Attack makes her awesome.

>> No.2989946

I wasn't really paying attention and just triggered the incident at honnou temple on turn 40 on my first playthrough. How fucked am I?

>> No.2989956

Moderately. If you managed to break 4 gourds that fast, you aren't that bad and probably have a decent army. Just try to survive and push to the west. Ignore the eastern provinces of demon army.

>> No.2990026
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I only broke three, the other was Takeda taking over Hojo. Attached is my current land/army, I'm still pretty unconfident so any advice would be great.

>> No.2990126

Your army is pretty hopeless. I have no ideea how you managed to conquer all that with those numbers.

First, order all the reinforcements you can, while you still can. Get the third one from Zeth, and get her affection up to learn White Destruction. Then try to at least get the second Leazus one. The third would be great too, since your front line attackers are horrible.

Conquer Tokugawa and get Senhime. Recruit the Kuge sisters from Kyo. Try to conquer Tanegashima and get Yuzumi. I doubt you could tackle the Youkai with your current lineup; if you can pull it off though, you'll get some great units. Recruit the Mino tree and get Dousan via satisfaction bonus.

Fire your generics as you get better units. The ones with 3-4 in their main stats won't do anything for you.

>> No.2991517
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Here's some tips I found out during my first playthrough:

>Kuge Kyoko
>Takigawa Kazumasu

These two can be hired early right after you destroyed that fat ugly fish clown guy. Some of you already know how useful Kyoko is, I used her to capture Himiko, a very nice unit to get early with 7 in all stats. I declared war on the Miko institute, then waited until they attacked me, 50% chance for her to appear, then just hit her once with Kyoko's light attack (doesn't need to be finishing blow) and then kill her.

Kazumasu is also useful, very overlooked due to his shitty combat stats. But look at his Search stat, it has 6 points. Combine his 6 points with Kyoko's 7 point search and some of the troops you already have and you barely get 25-26 points to search.

Which is excatly what is needed to get the Murasame sword. A fucking awesome item to get early.

Kyoko's Light attack remains useful throughout, and Kazumasu can be fired right after you gain Murasame.

>> No.2991526 [DELETED] 

r u babboon
http://www.Anom - m + nTalk.com/
> 4 fiegfftwdycff ybihs5 ji2

>> No.2991535
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Adding to the fact that I used Rance's 10/20 satifaction bonuses to get Uruza early. I managed to get this far in 23 turns.

Not bad eh?

>> No.2991585

How do you guys handle the affection stuff with your characters? Do you pick someone you use in battle a lot to immediately character clear for bonuses? Or did you spread them out evenly to get one or two bonuses for your characters?

>> No.2991617

Kuge Kyoko stats are very shitty and she needs 3 power to upkeep, fuck her. If I wanted Light Attack I would've given it to Ranmaru.
Often there's at least 1 captive in battles so I dunno why bother to keep her.

>> No.2991618

Other than few characters that need affection power ups immediately, I mostly ignore affection and chara clears untill the late game when I can spam +3 sat bonus.

>> No.2991623
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Spoilers for this lazyfag please. What happens to that Keikaku bitch by the end of the Kenshin route?

picrandom in return

>> No.2991626


Nothing. She just stops.

>> No.2991628


>> No.2991630

I'm on my first playtrough and holy shit that homo-apostle Gigai is a fucking bitch after I win a battle. How can I stop him?

>> No.2991631


How do you spam sat bonuses? By the end of my game, Rance was losing 10 sat every other turn, which kinda made it impossible for me.

>> No.2991635

Kentarou in apostle form can stall him and level up. Though there is a chance that he didn't transform yet, so you have to wait some turns.
Soun kills him
Or after losing one character/stalling him once with Kentarou, Rance can come up with a plan to kill Gigai (event in your territories)

>> No.2991636

Well, I don't try to clear right of the bat. Using at least 1 or 2 fans per turn on purple events with characters i will clear. Then in the middle of the game i will use +3 aff to all or items.

>> No.2991639

Soun kan beat him.
Demon Kentarou can draw. He will gain 2 levels each time.

If you don`t have them sacrifice some useless shit unit. Then check "come up with a plan" option in Edo next turn.

>> No.2991655

I already did chose that option, but nothing happened. Or I am too stupid to notice what happened

>> No.2991656


If you saw the event, then the next time Gigai comes to fight you, use Rance. You can then fight and kill Gigai.

>> No.2991659

May be next time you will read the event.
You have to fight him now, using Rance.

>> No.2991660
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After you choose that option make Rance fight.

He will talk him into not using SUPER ULTRA MEGA CHICKEN mode.

>> No.2991668

I agree. Yuzuhara deserved a route more than Ran.

>> No.2991669

Oh, I haven't tried with him after I got game over for the first time. Thank you Anon

>> No.2991671


Gigai was a fun character. His urge to assrape Rance (or get assraped) was about the only time you ever see Rance panic and lose his cool.

Oh yeah. At some point, Apostle Mado visits some castle and talks about someone called Waka and how he killed some girl with Waka's soul in her as well as a one armed guy. Who were the three people he was talking about? I was hoping it'd get revealed at some point, but they never did.

>> No.2991684
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this game is the Mount and Blade of /jp/

>> No.2991689

One more question, how do I get Demon Kentarou?

>> No.2991691

You can also send Kentarou after he turns into a demon, as he can't kill easily

>> No.2991695

>Apostle Mado visits some castle and talks about someone called Waka and how he killed some girl with Waka's soul in her as well as a one armed guy.
I guess he was talking about Gekko and Shinobu. Not sure, never actually got that scene with Mado, but they fit the description perfectly. They are recurring characters and accessible trough the second game bonus in this game

>> No.2991696
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In Ran route where and when can I kidnap Kurohime?
I destroyed Shimazu and never got that option...

>> No.2991698

It just happens at some point.
Mount and blade, not so good.

>> No.2991707

Shimazu seduce one of your females.
Some events happen.
You get an option to kidnap Kuro from their territories.

>> No.2991715

I checked every fucking turn in all of their territories.
No option ever showed up.

>> No.2991725

An event triggers where Kentarou fights Shikibu. After the fight, Kentarou becomes a demon. The event seems to trigger after you attack and/or conquer Senkan Nagato.

Keep in mind, Gigai can appear before Kentarou becomes a demon, so if you want to take advantage of this opportunity to powerlevel Kentarou, you may want to plow your way to Senkan Nagato as fast as possible.

>> No.2991734

Okay, I defeated him and suddenly TIMEJUMP. Every territory is mine except the 4 in Africa. I wanted to conquer them myself but, oh well

>> No.2991735

The first time I did the route it didn't appear until they kidnapped like six people. The second time it took two. I think there's a random factor. Also, do you have enough room in your prison for all the Shizamu brothers?

>> No.2991743

The turn after one of your female commanders defects to Shimazu, you should get a beginning of turn event where Rance and Suzume are talking about it. Then a 50 point search option to kidnap Kurohime should be available in Shimazu territory.

>> No.2991744

Well that sucks. I conquered them after they stole 2 people. Fuck You leave my Teru alone!
There is always room in my prison since I release them all for level up items.

>> No.2991749
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I heard he can get Kou-chan as his sub commander.

>> No.2991750

Huh. All the times I've done Ran or Monkey routes, it has shown up right after the first defection. I dunno.

>> No.2991752

You have beginning of turn events in the way, probably. You have to wait until the scene where Rance and Suzume discuss the Shimazu brothers' weakness.

>> No.2991756

Do his character clear. You can only do it in the Ran or Kenshin routes, and you have to have not cleared Ranmaru (or possibly progressed her events past a certain point). He gets +1000 troops for doing it.

>> No.2991764

So stat upgrade or special skill?

And whats the name of the +5000 troops item in the item shop?

>> No.2991766

Other guy.

Will Kill the monkey route work as well?
game is almost finished so i have some spare time.

>> No.2991767


Uesugi Assault...something.

>> No.2991773

No stats boost ? shitsux, but i want to clear him at least once

>> No.2991775

Uesugi Assault item gives 1000 troops.

Rance wiki talks about a 5000 troops image.

I want to max out Omachis troop size.

>> No.2991781

I tried it in the Monkey route, and his final purple event wouldn't appear. It's possible that I had gone through too many of Ranmaru's events (although I hadn't cleared her). So I'm not sure.

>> No.2991786

Uesugi Assault is +1000 to Warriors.
Commander Guards is +5000 to any commaner.

>> No.2991797

The 5000 troop item comes from the Purupet Shop, after you've bought quite a bit of stuff (including the ero book and the rice coupon). Take note, that equipping the item decreases all stats by 2. My preferred method of abusing Omachi is taking the Dokuganryuu house bonus and equipping the Staff of Popularity on her on turn 1. Or using the Akashita Dog instead, so I can auto-win 2 battles every turn, instead of just 1.

>> No.2991818

Is there anything useful I can get using the measly 5 points I got from my first playthrough?

>> No.2991820

Get the diviner chick. She might not look like much on paper, but she's surprisingly helpful. And she has a very cute portrait.

>> No.2991824

Popularity wand or Elina.

>> No.2991829


What's so suprisingly helpful about her?

>> No.2991837

All Guard Shikigami, for one.

>> No.2991838

Yeah but it's still pain in the ass to keep her from ninja at the beginning of the fight. Without guarding paper that is.
There was one bitch ass naruto in Houjo who bypassed my two footmans 90% of time.

>> No.2991842

I can kill the monkey when?

>> No.2991845

I rarely bother with it. Simply two guards and mass shikigami and fight is over.

>> No.2991859

If you buy the option to kill Toukichirou, then the event will become available after you recruit Suzume. Turn 7, I think?

>> No.2991885


What's the point of killing the monkey?

>> No.2991926

As I understand this mode will let you to finish the game when you conquer all territories.

>> No.2991934

Fucking hell, that bitch Kenshin just declared war on me after I wiped out Tenshi sect. And I wanted to attack Takeda instead ;_;

>> No.2991943

The route effectively has no story. Just conquer Japan and you win. Since you don't have story events pushing you forward, or the Demon Army swallowing up countries, you are free to sit back, relax, and unlock bonuses. This is definitely the best way to unlock the Takeda bonus, since recruiting the generals can take a very, very long time, depending on your luck with them getting recruited by other countries.

>> No.2991945


Kenshin's easy as hell though. Take the first territory over by abusing the fact that Kenshin retreats everytime, then the 2nd territory is just as easy because Kenshin won't fight.

>> No.2991952

I think she will automatically declare if you're adjusted to her and have 5+ territories.

>> No.2992128

katsuies clear can only be done after the temple event which doesn't happen in the kill the monkey route

>> No.2992162

Does Defeated Warrior Hunt affected everyone on the battlefield, or does it only give a bonus to whatever unit has it?

>> No.2992163

Are the Leila/Magic reinforcements even worth the wait? I just got them and honestly don't see what's so great about them...

(Am I doing something wrong?)

>> No.2992167


Leila has that special attack that does 2x damage against units that have more troops than her, which is awesome. On occasion I've wiped out 1k units in one hit with her.

Magic you need to get an affection bonus for in order to get her beam move. Does good damage and penetrates.

>> No.2992235

So, my units has not enough search points to find Miki and she keeps turning into demon king which means instant game over. Where can I get items to increase their search stat?

>> No.2992291

You can search multiple times each turn and the previous search carries over.

You don't need to wait one turn to search each time

>> No.2992312

I don't see how it's a problem with like 3-4 ninja commanders and some tacticians. I have done all three events in 2 turns.

>> No.2992335

Guys, If i start Ran route and conquer Akashi (5th gourd), will temple event occurs ? I want to go through Akashi and Takuga before facing Mouri.

>> No.2992365

My problem is the units with the highest search value doesn't reach 30. I can only manage 28 search point with 6 chosen units, that's why I'm asking for an item or something. My prison is almost empty so I can't hire some random unit with high value

>> No.2992366

Also will tenshi make peace with me in Ran route or should i finish them ?

>> No.2992389

If you spend 5 point on 10 point event than next time you decide to try this event again you only need to spend remaining 5 point out of 10.

>> No.2992412

You can just use another captain or two then, all you need to do is search that 28 then search once more with 2 in that same turn.
You get nothing from tenshi in Ran or kill the monkey route so it's best to just go ahead and conquer them.

>> No.2992415

Problem solved, I scouted some random faggot with my action fans, so I can manage the 3 event now

>> No.2992447

>You can just use another captain or two then, all you need to do is search that 28 then search once more with 2 in that same turn.
I've just learned something new

>> No.2992627

Oh great. I decided to try Ran's route to take a break from the DA, but then Kenshin declares war on me right after I take over Asai-Asakura, and I still haven't conquered Tokugawa/Imagawa. This means I pretty much can't get to the Hojo in time can I?

>> No.2992885
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Hmm, it looks like she'll leave me alone as long as I don't fuck over the Tenshin sect.

And so I need to keep Tenshin and Himeji hostil. Tenshin because I don't want to deal with Kenshin right now. Henmeji because I need to "save" then from Mouri, hehe...

Next up, I'll make Tokugawa my bitch and then proceed to Takeda.

>> No.2993150

> Tenshin because I don't want to deal with Kenshin right now.

but wouldnt it be better to defend against kenshin than tenshi? more national power from the last tenshi province + rance alone is enough to defend against her
