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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2983319 No.2983319 [Reply] [Original]

So how did you end up on /jp/? Did you always know this would be your fate?

>> No.2982977 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2983331

I was browsing /a/ befrore the split, then the split came. I was reluctant to go here because I'm used being in /a/. I went here for kicks. Just that moment I saw the front page, I found a home.

Now, sage.

>> No.2983343

I was a f/a/ggot, and then the split came. I looked a few times, but it seemed to be people being all, 'HAY GUYZ IM GOING TEACHING IN NIPPON NE ^_^' and Cirno Cirno Cirno.

I stayed away. Then, at the start of this year, I caught wind of the Seacat games. Downloaded them, FUCK YEAAAAAH'd, proceeded to download Saya no Uta on someone's recommendation, and that's when I came over here.

>> No.2983349

No other boards were suitable for my needs.

>> No.2983352

oldf/a/gs, UNITE!

>> No.2983366

Source on this?

>> No.2983368

God dammit OP. Now I'm reading Fap note again because of you.

>> No.2983384

Like everyone else I came during the split. Unless you want to know how I came about being a weeaboo. In which case it was my only path, I have no regrets.

>> No.2983387

Onani Master Kurosawa; Masturbation Master Kurosawa.

Aka, Fap Note.

>> No.2983406

Enjoyed old /a/ in its glory days. When the split came, it was either move to /jp/ or stay with the retards/newfags in neo-/a/.

>> No.2983409

Oh shit 3 new chapters of Onani Master Kurosawa have been translated.

Anyways although I've been visiting 4chan for years I kept to /h/ and later /v/, so I didn't start browsing /a/ until shortly after the split. I had only watched normalfag adult swim anime before then but after a few months I had progressed to VNs and that's when I started coming to /jp/ (last June). Around then was also when Geass summer was in full swing so I spent most of my time on /jp/. /a/ never got better (in fact it got worse) so I started visiting /jp/ exclusively.

Although I'm pretty new to being a weeaboo I was always a nerd so I knew my fate would be something like this.

>> No.2983413

Also this.

>> No.2983422

I hated /a/ even before the split. I was a jRPG loving /v/irgin back then.

>> No.2983423

/a/ got taken over by some retarded anti-VNs and anti-touhou faggots. I am still suprised how the heck did /a/ get taken over by a bunch of new people.

Lurk both board equally back then and bail from /a/ during the code gayass fiasco.

>> No.2983430

I'm drifting between boards a whole lot. /jp/ is just the one I'm currently staying it. Probably will be that way for at least 6 months or so.

>> No.2983467

End? The end is nowhere in sight!

I will surely make something of myself, mark my words ;_;

>> No.2983472

>>/a/ got taken over by some retarded anti-VNs and anti-touhou faggots.

It was actually confirmed later that the split was caused by one guy who e-mailed moot over and over.

>> No.2983484

This is what happens when a man gives up on love to become a superhero.

He turns his mind to steel.

>> No.2983496

/a/ was atrocious around the time I started lurking, the end of '06. Gurren Lagann aired in April '07, and all of a sudden there were shitty capslock threads of VARIOUS CLICHED PHRASES WHICH APPARENTLY WERE MANLY. I stuck it out, but like another anon mentioned, the Code Geass-ing was just too much for it. /a/ has gone even further up the shit creek these days. Threads which involve Naruto and the like which before wouldn't even get replied to, are now going on 100+ replies. Utter madness, and it really demonstrates the shift.

>> No.2983512

sorry guys, but get out of here.

>> No.2983515

he's no hero, but I can't say he's wrong in doing this after getting mindfucked that hard

>> No.2983585

like everyone else. originally on /a/, split, noticed all the good users went to /jp/, went to /jp/, stayed.

if there's this many of us here, why aren't we a better board? we should outnumber a few idiots or persistent trolls.

>> No.2983607

He's a true hero. Emotionally assaults people for the cause of justice.

>> No.2983632

I guess we don't really care? That seems to be the generally attitude around here.

>> No.2983687

Doesn't the majority of /jp/'s population come from pre-split /a/, anyway ?

>> No.2983697
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>> No.2983723

There's no justice in lashing out just because you didn't get the girl. That said, I can really sympathize with Kurosawa and the last few chapters were depressing as fuck.

>> No.2983771
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>There's no justice in lashing out just because you didn't get the girl.

Kurosawa is almost as big as a dick as Supes.

>> No.2983901

I use to a tripfag in /a/ back in 07'. Trying to keep a discussion thread back then was so hard. Most decent discussions happened at night til morning. I doubt /a/ got any better since then. Following up with the latest anime wasn't a good hobby either. I was only into anime because of the porn. I still can't stomach shows that have been praised by /a/. I thought all my internet days would be spent on one board.

It was like a festering bruise. Once bruised, it would be nothing but white pus and blood slowly squeezing out. It was I first got exposed to touhou.

I started getting into touhou when someone posted "who stole the precious thing" flash back then. I didn't know much about touhou back then; the flash was really good and catchy. One thing led to another, I was here.

I now enjoy reading Umineko theory discussions (even though I only finished episode 1), doll threads by kordox, and watch videos on nico nico. I don't mind living a non-neet life-style as long as I have you /jp/. you are like the best buddies I've never had.

I had this playing in my playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pyGhyez_sU&fmt=18

If I haven't discovered /jp/, learned how to use nico nico douga, I would have never found out about this song.

>> No.2983922

Browsing /a/ a couple months back when somebody posted pics of Chen and Cirno. They told him to go back to /jp/. Fell in love with touhou fan art and stayed.

>> No.2983940
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How ironic, I'm here to take a short break away from /co/ and Pooshlmer.

>> No.2983951

Funny thing is, my life as a whole went to the shitter when i found 4chan. Like4 or so years ago i was practically normal, loved me some lesbian porn, had a job, went out, all that shit. Then i found 4chan. Ive been a NEET pretty much ever since. /jp/ just fits the slot perfectly, even if most of the stuff discussed here doesnt interest me personally.

>> No.2983957

Holy shit, my chest hurts from reading the new chapters. This is painful.

>> No.2983977
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>> No.2983979


What was the outside world like? I've heard horrible tales of people having to deal with conversations and living "social" lives.

>> No.2983986

>Goodbye, the person I loved.

God fucking damn it.

>> No.2983993

I dont know. Its been a while sinnce i witnessed it personally, brother. I had my times, i think i was planning on getting engaged to this whore at one point, too. Nothing beats a bottle of bourbon and a sex romp though, nothing. Life is wonderful as a shut-in NEET

>> No.2984032
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Like everyone else said, I came here after the split. I still find myself going to /a/, but I can't stand it anymore. As lame as this is, it depresses me seeing /a/ like this, constant topics that have no substance whatsoever. I wish /a/ would fix itself somehow, but that's a lost hope.

I am content with /jp/. (*´ω`)

>> No.2984045

I was otherwise occupied when the split happened, but someone mentioned that the late-night /a/ crew had moved to /jp/, taking most of the discussions I was interested in with them. When I once more had enough time to devote to being a serious lurker, I took up residence in /jp/.

>> No.2984050


I have to agree. I've been living in a somewhat shut-in live. I've noticed a stark difference in both /jp/ and /a/'s attitudes. When it comes to real life, /a/ would generally weep about being lonely. Like how others around them are having a more fulfilling life. I've heard some pretty dumb/depressing things from /a/nons, it makes me sad to be labeled as an anime fan.

But /jp/ on the other hand, takes a different approach. Everyone here seems to take it as it is.They enjoy what they are doing, reading VN's and playing melty blood/touhou games. Everyone here takes it easy.

There was an unofficial guideline set up long ago here in /jp/. Even though I don't see it being enforced, I'm glad there was something such as this.

>>Rule 12: Don't be a "normalfag".... Nobody cares if your girlfriend is a supermodel or if you are more successful than us, we enjoy our way of living, even if we feel lonely.

>> No.2984061

Exactly this, although I can't say I'm an oldfag, since I only got on /a/ around the 3333333 Konata GET.
I was a bit reluctant when the split happened, but after some time I noticed how the quality had fallen... and I ended up here.

And about the /jp/ state of mind, it was probably by when I started actively browsing 4chan. Before then I was a nobody who doesn't get chicks who tried to be normal, but I guess one whole year without doing anything, followed by a faster internet connection and 4chan pretty much made me stop caring about these things.
I don't see a future at all, but... at least I feel fucking happy by living this way.
But only when my posts go through, though. Goddamn.

>> No.2984075

>I only got on /a/ around the 3333333 Konata GET
Hesu Maria Josef und all the blest sankt.

>> No.2984083

I was looking for a Touhou message board that wasn't full of your typical youtube comment poster and for some reason i decided to check out /jp/ after one year of absence in 4chan, I liked it and decided to stay

>> No.2984138

The same story as everyone else. I came here after the split from /a/. Still went to /a/ for a while but after the Taiga Tripfag showed up i left it for good. Now that place is just horrible beyond explanation.
I spent most of my time on TP after what happened last year but came recently with the rise of Umineko Threads, which got my stuck here again.

>> No.2984164

I came from /c/; what fate, I'm a successful college student

>> No.2984241

>I'm a successful college student
many of us went to college

yet here we are

>> No.2984254

Came from /a/.

I still browse both but usually /a/ is 75% hidden.

Here I just hide the idols and Touhou. I don't really want to dive into the whole touhou thing just yet and 3D is disgusting.

>> No.2984255

People always blame /jp/ is poor, no friends, shut ins etc.
But that is not true.

>> No.2984258

directed to /a/ from animesuki a few years back. thought it was awesome, fuck fresh new images dumped all the time, AND discussion?!
then /a/ split and /a/ degraded into shit, so moved to /jp/. now /jp/ is getting pretty shitty with lots of low-quality posts, plus I just waste too much time here. Hoping to give it up pretty soon.

>> No.2984261

I don't see the relation, you can be a genius and still be here, what's the problem?

>> No.2984269

Where did you get genius from? Any idiot can get a college degree. It's a matter of patience, not intelligence.

>> No.2984273

What? who's talking about college?

>> No.2984289

>It's a matter of patience, not intelligence.
As a physics major, I think you should reconsider that.

>> No.2984303

I go to /a/ and /jp/

/a/ gives me my anime(sometimes, only when the season changes and new shit comes)

/jp/ gives me games, unlike /v/ because you buy shit there.

>> No.2984308
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>physics major


>> No.2984306

This is so true. I used to think college is some really prestigious thing. Any retard willing to take out enough debt can eventually get a BS in anything, really.

>> No.2984321

The post you replied to was.

Hey look, it's one of those self-proclaimed 'geniuses' that considers physics 'difficult'.

Anyone can learn anything with effort.

>> No.2984330

Fuck yeah.

>> No.2984346

I'm not a genius, I've seen real geniuses and I'm nowhere near that, it's scary actually.

>> No.2984355

I'm poor, have no friends, and only leave my apartment to go to classes.

>> No.2984368

There's a difference between geniuses and what most of us are.
I'd figure a good deal of the posters here are above average in ability (accomplishments nonwithstanding), but none of us seem to have gotten far enough in their respective fields to consider themselves to be of any real worth.

>> No.2984372

Then I stand corrected. Still, I personally don't consider physics (or anything, really) difficult. I'm just saying that regardless of what you choose to learn, it's going to take time and patience over intellect.

>> No.2984377

I wouldn't call myself a genius, but I'm really good academically, enough to be the first or second at everything.

>> No.2984383

Well...no, seriously, you can't just be a physicist with patience, there's a limit.

>> No.2984388

Going to have to disagree there. A person of AVERAGE intelligence can be pretty much anything they want to be. I guess people of subpar intelligence might be restricted a bit.

>> No.2984394

I don't have much material to argue with that, but from I've seen, having above average might get you a degree in physics, but not a PhD.

>> No.2984428

I'm intelligent (I work as a software developer on some crazy stuff), but I'm also restricted emotionally and socially (schizoid personality disorder).

I don't get out much, and I don't have any friends really, outside of work.

>> No.2984442

I was hij/a/cking threads with Touhou and figs/dolls. I was kind of hoping for a /fig/ board, and when that fell through, I ended up flooding /toy/ with pictures of figs with cum all over them if anyone remembers.

After that, I ended up here, and my life hasn't gone anywhere since.

>> No.2984447

Well fuck

>> No.2984487

I got tired of all the spam and retardation in /a/ around March of this year, so I went looking at other boards to migrate to. /jp/ is the one that appealed to me most since I was already playing visual novels and Touhou.

>> No.2984510

That spam shit is pretty retarded. Then again, it looks like hurr durr 1337hax raid shit that probably came from the influx of /b/.

A part of me died inside when I saw Aria threads repeatedly spammed to the ground.

>> No.2984512

/a/ moves too fast and there really aren't any good shows this season besides Spice & Wolf and Il Maggiordomo Da Combattimento.

If I want to read about those I can just search the archive.

>> No.2984556

This is pretty good manga. NTR, rage, fapm lots of cum and insane konata. Only thing missing is the token loli imouto. Damm I was thinking he was gonna rape his imouto after coming back with his pent up cock.

>> No.2984665

>Only thing missing is the token loli imouto
He has an imouto but I don't think she's loli

also /jp/ is my one true path, always was and always will be

>> No.2984701

Ahhh Fap Note. You make me feel so evil.

I lurked for a while then started getting interested in VN's then I ended up here.

>> No.2984927

What is this kind of artstyle call?
I love artstyle like this. Remind me of blade of the immortal.

>> No.2984929


>> No.2984936

i need to keep my romance animu high from kimi no itu michi

>> No.2984937

>I got tired of all the spam and retardation in /a/ around March of this year

So you were okay with CODE GEASS CODE GEASS, and then you were okay with Taiga and imagebombing and only left when things calmed down?

I believe the proper form would be "I got tired of spamming". What now, you've chosen /jp/ as your new target? Fuck you and get out.

>> No.2984938

see >>2983387

I wouldn't...call it romance... ;_;

>> No.2984946

You're an idiot if you believe I was fine with any of that either.

>> No.2984958

I'm quite new, I had been lurking /a/ for about 2 months, then I started posting quite often and thought I finally found a place where people had the same mindset as I have. Then I found out they're just normalfag animesuki scum.
So, somewhere in February I moved to /jp/ and told the people from /a/ to drown in their ideals and die.

>> No.2984978

Ok offtopic. I don't lurk /a/ but I am pretty sure they are the bastard that came up with the bitches and whore pic.

What is the sauce for that?

>> No.2984991 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2984996

I believe you're an idiot for not leaving earlier if you were "not okay with it".
